Saturday, June 22, 2013
Corazón Indomable Friday June 21 Red or Black?
The good news... we have a generator backing up our electricity and within 10 seconds we had power.
The bad news ... we have DirecTV... so the TV screen shows this:
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And Nary A Cloud In The Sky |
and it did.
The good news... with DirecTV and the Spanish Package, I get a second chance at 9:00 PM CST with the West Coast showing ... keep your fingers crossed...
ticktock ticktock ticktock ticktock ticktock ticktock ticktock ticktock ... you get the point...
The rest of the recap is done so let's get back to the first 10 min or so and see how this all started...
Maricruz enters the air terminal and the security guy checks her bag... bag? Just one bag? Just how much civilization and being a woman training has she had? If her trip is overnight shouldn't she have at least 3 suitcases, a hang up bag, a carryon, and purse?
I would have thought as smokin' as she looks in that red dress, that the security guy would at least need to do a pat down. Clearly this is not Bush Intercontinental. She checks in. Guess who will be the cockpit crew... sipis, Octavio and Eduardo, who are sipping orange juice. Octavio can't believe his eyes. He smiles, and nudges Eddy,
"Look, look, look, the other Maricruz."
They discuss the striking similarity. Octavio stands up and approaches her, "¿Maria Alejandra?"
She walks away.
Eddy joins him,
"¿Maria Alejandra?" he asks Octavio.
Octavio explains that she told him her name when he bumped into her the other day.
Eddy notes that is starting to see Maricruz everywhere he turns... Can you say C R A Z Y?
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Why Won't Anyone Sit Near Me? Has My Deodorant Worn Off? |
Sitting alone Maricruz thought bubbles how strange that she keeps running into Octavio. Maybe he's going to Isla Dorada. Maybe he will be her pilot. Maybe she'll get a shot at revenge sooner than she expected. Can you say C R A Z Y? At least wait until the plane lands, Sweetheart.
In her room, Raiza admires and ponders her viage in her mirror. Is she related to Lucia?
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Mirror Mirror... |
She pouts over the ugly things that Teobaldo said about her... ummm... ugliness. The lady reflected back is young, attractive, and very pretty. She vows to take revenge. She'll snatch that girl away from him... he'll be sorry... can you say C R A Z Y?
Octavio and Eddy catch a cab to the hotel. Eddy has needs and is anxious to find Raiza so he can get with Araceli. Octavio doesn't care much for this Raiza (even though she's young, attractive and considers herself very pretty? There's just no pleasin' some people.)
Maricruz arrives at the dock, looks at the big boat and sighs, then walks over to a tugboat where she meets Teobaldo, busy mopping... sorry... swabbing the deck. Looks like Buster Brown has not aged gracefully. They exchange greetings and she tells him that she is looking for Carola Canseco.
Raiza answers the phone. it's Eduardo Quiroga. She's thrilled,
"¡Piloto!" she gushes with enthusiasm, it's like he dropped right out of heaven (well duh, he's a pilot). Her smile switches to high beam when he tells her that Octavio has come along. He asks about Araceli and she promises that they'll talk when they meet at 3:00 PM. She has a marvelous surprise.
Teo tells Maricruz that Carola is asleep right now but offers to take her to his place to make hotel arrangements. At first she seems mildly alarmed but he reassures her that even though he looks like a serial killer all decked out for Halloween, in reality he's very nice and lives with a pretty young woman. Well, since you put it like that, OK then, let's go to your pace. He pulls her bag, she admires his roses.
Mientras tanto, Raiza can't believe her good fortune. The pilots have arrived at a very good time. She'll use Araceli to demonstrate to Teo what a monster he is.
Said monster is making hotel reservations by phone,
"What is your name?" he asks Maricruz.
She looks stunned as though that was the last thing she expected to be asked. Let's give her a moment to ponder this.
To fill the time, Alejandro and Tbias discuss the merits of Maricruz's journey to Isla Dorada, Tobias doesn't trust Carola very much... money corrupts... Next!
OK, Maricruz has recovered her bearings (a bit...),
"My first name?"
Hey get it together Maricruz, how difficult can this be? You can walk in high heels and do higher math. He's just making you a hotel reservation for goodness sakes.
Teo, who is brighter than your average grotesque monster thinks that the last name might be better...Oh.
See? now how difficult was that?
Reservation's all made. Now if Señora Carola will agree to see her...
Maricruz has her groove back,
"She'll see me... I'm sure."
Raiza has laid out goodies and drinks, the pilots have arrived... whisky on the rocks all around. A toast and then Raiza tells Eduardo the bad news, Araceli was fired from the casino. The monster's fault.
Maricruz is pumping Teo for information and he tells her that there was a problem but now the casino is doing better than ever.
Raiza tells the guys of her feud with Teo. Teo wants Araceli all to himself, forever and ever, why he even threatened Raiza. Eddy wants to rescue Araceli and insists that Raiza call her for him... and now we can pick up where my earlier reception was restored...
Meanwhile, some 13 min later we rejoin Corazón Indomable in progress...
Somehow, Maricruz has found her way to Teo's place and is with Teo and Areceli. She tells Teo that she has brought a recommendation from don Alejandro.
"You don't say. Are you family?"
"You could say that."
Just then the phone rings and Areceli goes for it but Teo beats her to it, "Bueno... bueno... bueno... bueno... ¡BUENO!"
Looks as though Raiza is trying to call Areceli forhim but she really doesn't want to speak with Teo. Octavio is with them and the three discuss Teo's obsession with Areceli and how it might be unhealthy for both Eddy and Raiza if Teo learns that she is helping him call her on the phone. Eddy talks tough and then asks her to call again.
Apparently Maricruz has been looking for Carola and ended up with Teo and Areceli. Teo suggests that for now Carola must be busy elsewhere and perhaps it'd be best for Maricruz to go on to her hotel, he'll go look for a taxi. Maricruz and Areceli chat. Maricruz is looking for work at the casino.. Areceli just left her good job as a cigarette girl at the casino... Teo made her. Maricruz, after her 3 week crash course in civilized living and the way of the world, approves.
Raiza dials again but the line is busy. Octavio urges Eddy to give up his pursuit of Arecli but Eduardo has needs. Raiza thinks that a little gambling tonight will do both boys some good. Well, of course she does since enticing suckers to gamble is her bread and butter. "Luck'll be a lady tonight," she assures Octavio. He knows better but what the heck,
"We'll be there."
Miss Mendoza's taxi's here. Teo fetches her. She tells Areceli that depending on whether Señora Conseco accepts or rejects her, she will either stay or leave. Sounds like a plan.
It's nighttime and Maria Mendoza is wandering about the boat by the pool. She is lovely in a long strapless silver gown carrying a small black clutch. She bumps into Tony who offers to escort her to Carola's office. They climb some narrow winding steps (those stair climbing lessons are already paying off, maybe soon she'll get to wow us with a little Algebra II later on.) They are waylaid by Raiza who takes over Maria, but is not sure that Carola has time to see her... she's very busy.
"Is it important?"
"Very important."
Teobaldo, meanwhile has analyzed that young woman's character and shares his thoughts with Araceli. She seems decent but is exactly the same as Raiza, she wants to make lots of easy money working as bait (carnada). (Is anyone else starting to get a creepy feeling about this guy?)
Raiza tells Carola that there is a pretty distinguished looking woman waiting to talk about something important.
"OK, send her in."
Raiza brings Maria Alejandra in. She tells Carola to check her Email for a note from don Alejandro.
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I Feel Pretty... |
Teo moons over the pretty lady he just met. Though no one like that would submit to him, he has his ways and... "YES!" He shouts. He will succeed. I'm not exactly sure what exactly he is thinking but I don't think it bodes well for Maricruz. Araceli is slightly alarmed at his outburst, but he assures her that he will always be good to her. (gringo, as Maricruz's protector, you'd best keep an eye on this strange creature.)
The Email instructs Carola to welcome this woman and see that she that she is treated appropriately.
Carola assumes that she wants to work in the casino, "and to represent don Alejandro," Maricruz adds with a self-assured smile. Carola's smile crumbles a bit.
On deck, Eddy is annoyed that Teo is so possessive of Araceli and keeping her off the ship and away from him. He may actually be falling in love with her. In trying to convince Eddy that he's getting a bit crazy about Areceli, Eddy asks if he means crazy like he was in marrying the wild girl. Octavio replies that he regrets what happened with Maricruz as Eddy will regret his pursuit of Araceli. Neither seems to be having a very good time on this trip.
Maricruz tells Carola that she is there to learn the casino business and perhaps determine why the casino is not quite as profitable as it had been previously. Maricruz even wonders aloud if someone might be tampering with the profits. Carola reminds her of the thief, El Zorrillo, of whom Maricruz is already aware. Maricruz wants to learn the business and Carola agrees to show her.
Looks like El Zorrillo is plying his trade even as they speak. Dressed, masked, and gloved in black a mysterios figure with a yellow flashlight enters a darkened guest room and is looking around. Hey! He's got a key!
Maricruz and Carola descend stairs into the casino. Well-done Maricruz, though you did steady yourself with the handrail. Octavio is now in the casino and spots her immediately.
"Looks busy. That means it's making money, no?" Observes Maricruz.
"Well, it's not always like this," Carola responds.
El Zorrillo collects some jewelry and leaves a note... how thoughtful.
In the casino, Tony expresses concern to Raiza about the new girl that Carola is paying such close attention to. He drifts away as Carola presents Maricruz to Raiza. She tells Raiza about the Email from don Alejandro, "he has a lot of confidence in her."
Now this is strange... Raiza says, "Then it is for this señorita that Alejandro doen't want to marry me?"
Maricruz gives her a look that seems to ask, "You didn't just say that, did you?"
Octavio tells Eddy to stand up... he's losing at cards... and informs him that the woman from the airport, the one that looks like Maricruz, the one that flew in with them, is here.
Awkward conversation between the three ladies. For the moment Maricruz wants to leave it up in the air as to whether there is any significance that she and don Alejandro share the same last name. They are all clearly going to get along famously making the casino a success. Raiza and Carola find Maricruz enchanting... Well... at least they both said so... and then the two flyboys walk up, then just as we suddenly find ourselves in don Alejandro's driveway.
It's Detective Rucian and as Tobias lets him in through the front door he announces that he has very good news about don Alejandro's daughter.
Now we're back in the casino and Maricruz is annoyed that God keeps bringing her face to face with Octavio. Just as Raiza attempts to introduce the guys to Maricruz she feels a burning need to continue her tour of the casino. As Maricruz drags Carola away with her, Octavio asks, "Raiza, who is that woman?"
She's annoyed that he's interested.
He's seen her before. Maybe someplace else, not the casino she assures him. Eduardo is also annoyed and tells Raiza that she reminds Octavio of a rural lady that he believes he sees in every woman he bumps into.
She asks, "Is that true?"
He replies, "More or less."
"What happened with her?"
"Raiza, perhaps some day I'll tell you, but not now."
At the mansion Detective Rucian describes in detail for Tobias the Saga of Maricruz... Ramiro, the fire, the deaf mute girl...
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Don Alejandro appears at the top of the stairs (maybe finally we'll get to see a guy fall down the stairs for a change), "It's you detective? have you brought news of my daughter?"
Tobias gives the detective a pleading look.
We're going to have to wait on that fall because we're back in the casino and looks as though the tour is over. Now the casino is not so busy. Maricruz vows that they will work on that. Carola asks if she knows much about the casino business. No but she'll learn (hey, how hard could it be?).
Carola invites her back to her office but Maricruz declines.
She'll just roam the casino until she bumps into Octavio again. She hates him ya know.
Well heck, Alejandro manages to safely negotiate the stars (maybe next time) though he too uses the handrail.
By insinuating that any truthful knowledge of his daughter would be fatal for Alejandro, Tobias manages to concoct a cock'n'bull story about the grandfather coming to DF and the detective is on the trail... big city... the detective is confused but a fatality is averted.
On deck, Raiza stalks Octavio, she is his friend, she is there for him... he is rescued by Tony who tells Raiza that Carola wants to talk. Octavio barely notices that she's gone. He hurries inside, chats a moment with Eddy (he did notice, after all, that Raiza was a bit clingy), finds Maricruz standing aimlessly by a dinky little roulette wheel (Ya call that a wheel?). Good thing the casino is non-smoking or someone would be trying to use it as an ashtray. He asks her if she can't decide which color to bet on. She glowers us into commercial.
Gee those Sonic malts look tasty.
Tobias escorts the detective to his car as he explains what the heck just happened. He tells him that Maricruz and the deaf girl are living in the mansion but their identities are being kept from Alejandro so he doesn't drop dead with another heart attack. He assures the detective that he will get paid.
This that follows may well be the least exciting, least interesting, least romantic, and least entertaining gambling sequence ever filmed.
He asks her to choose a color.
The wheel spins... we'll be back...
Carola and Raiza discuss the new girl. Carola thinks that she was sent to spie on them by Alejandro... right onthe first guess... actually she pretty much told you that during the interview. Raiza isn't so sure. Carola wants Raiza to BFFer her and pump her for details.
Back to the roulette wheel.
"Negro, señores," annouces the croupier.
We must have had a spin and a loss during the commercial because now that we're back, Maricruz smiles and says,
"For the second time I told you that you could lose, young man."
"It doesn't matter, I wanted to risk it," he replies trying to look like an 007, but unfortunately LOSER keeps flashing across his forehead.
After a bit more banter, he tells her to choose another color...
The wheel spins, no suspenseful delay this time...
"Negro, señores."
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Wait! I Meant To Say Black! |
I don't think the guy even looked.
In my lifetime I've wasted a fair amount of time sitting at a roulette wheel observing people. Every now and then a desperate looking person will walk up clutching a wrinkled bill in his (almost always it's a man) fist. It could be a $20 or a $50 or an $100. He'll watch for awhile and suddenly the time will be right and he'll place that wrinkled bill on either red or black. Play will stop while the croupier tells him to take a seat, picks up the bill and stuffs it through a slot in the table sending it somewhere into the bowels of the casino to be smoothed and laundered and never seen again. He'll place a single chip on the chosen color and then will spin the wheel. All eyes will be on that poor desperate man. I don't need to tell you what happens next. He will sit quietly for a second, sigh, shrug, and then walk away as the croupier shouts, "Place your bets!" Life goes on.
We just saw a variation of that scenero.
At the manse, Alejandro sips warm milk and misses Maricruz.
He and Tobias chat.
"She is closer than you imagine... I can feel it, Señor, I can feel it."
Maricruz asks Octavio if he will keep playing. Nopis, he's outta money. She tells him that some gamblers will bet even their shirts and he looks like one of those,
"...that would explain what you just did."
"Actually, I did it for you."
"You don't say," she says icily with a chillier glare.
He explains that he wants to get close to her, get to know her, all the while observing her...
"...Even convince myself."
"Convince yourself of what?"
"That you are Maricruz."
Labels: Indomable
Love the picture tho' Carlos!
Can't wait for your take on this epi. I liked the fact that Carola and Raiza are sweating now ; )
I still have a hard time with the premise that a person does not recognize his own wife with different clothes and hairdo.
New girl
Thanks so much for this fantastic recap. I love your style and now I have an earworm "Crazy" by Patsy Cline, lol.
I wonder if Teo is really protecting the girls in the casino cause he knows what Raiza is like trying to pimp out the girls. I think he doesn't want young girls to be taken advantage of, that's just my take.
The main players were all in the casino when El Zorilla was in the room taking the jewelry, so who could the thief be?
I am liking Tav trying to use his two brain cells to be figuring out if she is or isn't Maricruz, lol. One minute he thinks she is, next not so much.
I'm frustrated a bit about no one telling Don Ale about his daughter, but can see the point.
I wonder if Carola will give MC full access to the books, or perhaps the cooked books. Hmmmm....
I too wonder if Ed is starting to fall in love with Aricely? He sure is acting like Tav in some respects.
I had to laugh at your reference to Bush International, lol. I've been in that airport many times : )
Not sure if Oblivio would recognize MC even if he could get her in bed.
come on back. It was already finished but I didn't make that clear. I added a few photos.
New girl,
welcome and thanks. Well Octavio may be dense but he's persistent. He's closing in on the truth.
while I was looking for pictures I noticed that the thief has a key... narrows it down.
"Not sure if Oblivio would recognize MC even if he could get her in bed."
Not that it matters... I can't see that happening anytime soon.
I share your concern that Teo may be turning out to be more sinister than we first believed. I had thought him a likeable enough underdog to root for, but after today's thought bubbles...
About the difficulty the Caray community seems to have in accepting the failure of Tav to definitively recognize Maricruz:
Does anyone else recall The Lady Eve? Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck, early 1940s. The first part of the movie takes place on an oceanliner where Stanwyck, as part of a family of card sharks (sharps?) goes from trying to fleece naive brewery heir/ihcthyologist Fonda to falling into at least infatuation. Later, Stanwyck appears as the Lady Eve, posing as an English noblewoman.
The audience knows it's her and Fonda's valet, William Demarest, has no trouble seeing that she's "the same dame," but Fonda is unable to make the connection, after all if it was the same woman surely she would have done a better job of disguising herself!
Hillarity ensues. (Really.)
The "incredible" failure to recognize the beloved didn't stop the film from appearing on top 10 lists at the time, being named for preservation by the Library of Congress as a cultural treasure or appearing on multiple AFI top 100 of all time lists.
If it was good enough for Stanwyck and Fonda, it's good enough for Maricruz and Octavio. (And Alejandro, for that matter.)
Chris in Fl
OK, so...I understand Tobias not wanting to reveal MC's real identity to the Don; however, wouldn't it be better to tell him and let him drop dead a happy man right after he hears the news? What if he dies while MC is doing her forensic accounting investigations? Then he would have died without knowing that he actually located his knocked up, homeless, uneducated (Correction! She does have two weeks of math under her belt) and formally feral daughter.
with your always soooo funny recaps
Do you and Cynderella share notes?
Wow! If I had a tv malfunction right at the start of Corazon Indomable, I think that I would have the Big One like Don Ale had.
I would have thought as smokin' as
she looks in that red dress, that the security guy would at least need to do a pat down. Hey! are they hiring?
can you say CRAZY? At least wait until the plane lands, sweethart.
they climb some narrow winding steps [those stair climbing lessons are already paying off, maybe she'll get to wow us with a little Algebra II later on.]
He wanted to risk it, he replies trying to look like an 007, but unfortunatly LOSER keeps flashing across his forheas.
Carlos, you're great!
New girl---I guess that we are opposites. I can't wait for Maricruz to get back to the farm/ranch and buy it.
The thief---Did anyone see Teo in the casino last night? Maybe, do you think. I didn't think so at first but now I'm starting to wonder. Where does he get all that money he has? I don't think that he has a very high paying job at the casino. Anybody?
the gringo
best line: "This that follows may well be the least exciting, least interesting, least romantic, and least entertaining gambling sequence ever filmed."
Oct is desperatley trying to connect the dots but his brain capacity just cannot handle it.
Now she is my wife now she's not..
Interesting option about the bed it'll may be a very far away scene but how about a kiss? That can happen now any time as much as I know TN's, will he's still be so dumb as not recognizing her?
At the scene when Carola, Mc and Raiza were chatting in the casino and MC stood next to Raiza the difference were shocking between the two actresses, AB looked fresh and AP just overly made up, old and shaggy
Grigo - I'm opting for Theo as well, he just said in this epi he has goals and plans isn't he? Those may need the money..
Thanks I'm glad it helped some. I've really got no quarrel with the premise, though that smile is pretty much unmistakable.
thanks. The whole episode was a big yawn, but now I'm envious:
"...formally feral daughter."
Genius. Why didn't I think of that?
I know, I just answered my own question.
The most intelligent thing Octavio has done so far is show zero interest in Raiza, by the way.
Now I loved every little bit of your recap (still haven't seen the episode)but my favorite part-- and it was so real and so poignant-- was your description of some poor soul coming in clutching a wrinkled bank note and losing it on a roulette bet. When you write like that, I want you to retire and write down every story and observation percolating in your head.
Either that or you could hook-up with Cynderella and just take your show on the road. Let me know when you hit Columbus.
Now on to watch the episode ('cause it's way too hot to work in the yard)
How many men even own their own tuxedos these days, much less would pack them into a carry-on to wear to a casino?
As for him not recognizing his formerly feral wife (Cyn..perfect crack me up), I find it very funny. A couple years ago, I went to a high school reunion. My first beau walked in , and I knew him immediately despite the fact that 1)I hadn't seen him in years and 2) he was taller and thinner than I remembered and 3) he had a long white ponytail and a long white beard. I recognized him right, Oblivious, you still are uncertain this is the wild thing you were shagging at every available moment. Que the hell ???
I loved your bits about half the cast being CRAZY!
Watching Raiza in scenes with Octavio kind of makes me cringe. The actress is very beautiful, but she is significantly older than the actor; I remember her being a villain in Esmeralda (1997) or another tn with Arturo Peniche (Maria Jose I belive was the name) sometime in 1995, I guess.
Also, Carlos, I totally agree with you that MC might change her appearance, but that smile is totally unique! How can he not realize it's her?? At least he has doubts...he's still confuzzled :)
Carlos--Thanks for being true to the red dress and that evening gown that was so cleverly folded into that little suitcase. How many more outfit changes are we in for. Even Vero (on PEAM) had several suitcases and she doesn't even know if she'll get to stay at Chucho's place. Maybe MC is counting on laundry and dry cleaning services, but what about her shoes? Those heels definitely take up a lot of room.
Gotta hand it to you:
--"Maricruz has her groove back"
--"Raiza admires and ponders her viage in her mirror. Is she related to Lucia?"
--"C R A Z Y" [A lot of this plot gives me that feeling.]
--"El Zorrillo collects some jewelry and leaves a note... how thoughtful." [I thought he used a burglar's tool to open the drawer. I'm wondering if it is someone we know he's burglaring.]
--"Alejandro manages to safely negotiate the stairs (maybe next time) though he too uses the handrail." [Carlos, you really want that escaleracide, don't you. Cute that your typo put in 'stars' instead of stairs--hmmm.]
About the Casino Super Cruiser, don't get me wrong, but isn't it tied up at a dock? Do all the visitors have to take the tug out to the casino? If they can only take 20 or so at a time, it will take all night to fill up the casino.
That is one huge ship. You can't tell me that the staterooms are all sitting there empty. Don't people stay in them? Is that where Teo made the reservation for MC? Why would she need a taxi, then. Am I overthinking this????
Cyn--Loved your 'feral daughter' label.
gringo--I saw the money piling up on a table. What "does" Teo do at night while the casino is open. Now that Areceli isn't there he doesn't need to keep an eye on her. I think that there is something between Carola and Teo for her to keep him on, give him a raise in pay, etc. etc. Maybe she's the one who caused his disfigurement?
May be back later.
Now Eduardo has turned into an aguafiestas.
I agree that Aracely (the actress) doesn't look her age, in fact she looks about the same as Ana Brenda, which is about 25.
thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
"I can't wait for Maricruz to get back to the farm/ranch and buy it."
I'll go along with you on that. I was looking forward to the casino but it was a bit more claustrophobic than I was expecting.
thanks. There was simply no electricity in that gambling scene. I'm really not sure what Octavio was expecting or hoping for with that.
I don't know why they have to make his character so ridiculous looking,beanie adjustment, !Mejia!.
Don't you think Mejia should become an adjective for all lousy TN's or anything else for that matter?
This is a Mejia TN
This is a Mejia dinner, yuk.
So we know that the thief works at the casino because he has keys. And a man? I need to watch. It can't be Teo because that's too obvious, and it can't be Toni because he was there at the same time as the thief. Nor Raisa. We don't have another character yet.
Even with the schooling that MC has had, how will she know how to read the casino books? People get degrees to do that. Variopinta, we can call that a Mejia moment.
"The luggage I found astounding was Eduardo's and Octavio's tiny rolling bags."
And here I am thinking that they are careful skillful packers.
thanks, I'm glad that you liked it.
" was so real and so poignant-- was your description of some poor soul coming in clutching a wrinkled bank note..."
and a real Debbie Downer you might add. I didn't mean to make it sound so grim, and it's really not. These guys have allotted themselves a fixed amount to gamble that they can afford to lose. They start out with high hopes, but the inevitable happens but they're left with that one bill as a reminder and when reality strikes they can't wait to rid themselves of that last pitiful evidence of their folly. They are actually relieved I think.
One might think that you could take advantage of this certainty whenever you see it happen. Don't be fooled, that's what the 0 and 00 slots on the wheel are for.
Maybe the reason he ended up at the ranch, with no money.
thanks for joining in. I really haven't thought much or even care much at this point who El Zorrillo might be. If I had to guess, I'd pick Tony... or how about Araceli?
thanks. that JUMP! caption was specifically aimed at you and Cynderella. I knew that you two would understand and come to my defense in case it went over badly.
Adriana Noel,
"You make it sound like a comedy!"
Wait... do you mean it's not? I was misled.
thanks for encouraging us to stick with this when it wasn't quite so entertaining.
"Octavio has two problems."
Permit me to add a third:
He's just not all that bright.
thanks. You sure say a lot...
"Carlos, you really want that escaleracide, don't you."
Well.. yes I do. Not as dreary a way to go as a nasty old heart attack... but may it be a long time in coming and only after all the truth is laid bare... or tomorrow night.
thanks and welcome to our study group. I'm so glad you found us.
The margarita was very refreshing but it wasn't quite the relaxing evening I had envisioned.
thanks. I hope I didn't contribute too much to your confusion. Please check back after watching if you get any sudden revelations.
I must say everyone here is amazing, asking just the right kind of questions. You should all be detectives. I have to bite my tongue (or fingers in this case) to not answer your questions, as I don't want to get in trouble for spoiling anything. But I will say that there will be answers to practically all of the questions asked here.
Regarding MC's wardrobe, I won't comment on future episodes, of course. But I will ask one thing - since the transformation, has anyone since her repeat a single piece of clothing? Something to ponder.
I wondered about MariAle checking only one bag. She did say this trip was for a few days only, so maybe she's prepared to move swiftly.
"Looks like Buster Brown has not aged gracefully" snort! lol I still think Teo's hump has a tendency to wander or slide around.
Thanks for tracking the stair-walking performances for us. We may have to wait for Raiza to have an unfortunate moment. MA already took her tumble.
"This that follows may well be the least exciting, least interesting, least romantic, and least entertaining gambling sequence ever filmed." Which is unfortunate for a show centered on a casino.
"trying to look like an 007, but unfortunatly LOSER keeps flashing across his forhead." Obliv is like our late cat Bud--beefy, sweet, handsome, but a little dim.
It's a good thing MariAle had a prep course in Bitchy Behavior with Lucia, Ester, Awwfelia. It may help her with Carola and Raiza.
Cynderella—loved "formerly feral daughter." The blonde sisters don't have a clue about the forces now hidden behind MA's silky exterior.
Anita—there does seem to be a hint of something between Carola & Teo—she does seem tolerant of his quirks
LatinaInMD—has anyone seen MA repeat a single piece of clothing? No-although it was intriguing she wore 3 red dresses for those first 3 Tav encounters. I've also noticed that she's worn deep and bright jewel tones since her change to the new position. No more white or pale dresses from her early years in "paradise."
thanks, if I had you laughing out loud, I succeeded in what I set out to do. I'm so glad that folks are enjoying this TN. The avances look as though it's only going to get better. I caught a glimpse of Carlos from CME... that will certainly please a lot the ladies I know here.
thanks, James Bond of recappers? Yes... in my dreams.
"Thanks for tracking the stair-walking performances for us."
So many opportunities, so many candidates, and so many episodes remain... I don't think we stair-gazers will be disappointed.
I thought MC looked pretty smoking' in that red dress too. I also was impressed with Ana Brenda's acting in the airport scene. I thought she portrayed the outward appearance of confidence and assurance wonderfully but we still picked up her inner uncertainty and anxiety of navigating through the airport for the first time.
Though I quite dislike Raiza, I did think she gave us some good laughs this episode:
"¡Piloto!" she gushes with enthusiasm, it's like he dropped right out of heaven…….Her smile switches to high beam when he tells her that Octavio has come along.
That enthusiasm for the two flyboys was (almost) infectious and certainly entertaining.
Raiza says, "Then it is for this señorita that Alejandro doen't want to marry me?"
Maricruz gives her a look that seems to ask, "You didn't just say that, did you?"
Ay, yes this was strange and just wow. It sounds like something the feral MC would have blurted out just a short time ago. And now our girl knows how inappropriate it was!
Madelaine, " I am liking Tav trying to use his two brain cells to be figuring out if she is or isn't Maricruz, lol. One minute he thinks she is, next not so much. "
I'm enjoying this too. Maybe, Maricruz will have her revenge when Octavio's head explodes from the complexity of it all.
"Maricruz is annoyed that God keeps bringing her face to face with Octavio."
MC, maybe God is trying to tell you something? What could it be?
Thanks Vivi, Adriana Noel, cathyx, and La Palome for your recaps this week. I'm watching this show on Hulu and unfortunately I am always at least a day behind. But I am still loving this show and all the recaps and comments are the double icing on the CI cake!
BTW: A friend and his brother once told me, independently, that I looked like their mother (when she was younger). And we both had stoneware in the Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne pattern. Synchronicity!
thanks. I'm actually rather fond of Raiza. I love her spontaneous genuine reactions, and her social clunkiness. She certainly isn't reluctant to say what's on her mind.
thanks for joining us and sharing your thoughts. It never occurred to me that Octavio would be familiar with TN plot devices.
Now everyone is talking about his two brain cells again. I'm confused,
has he recovered somewhat and is now back to two or is he still operating on only one half a cell.
Now let's see. He meets a beautiful
country goddess and promply marries
her. Then almost as quickly abandons her and leaves for the fame and fortune of the big city. After he is in the big city only a short time, he starts seeing his country goddess but as a much, mucho refined goddess. Everywhere he goes it's Mari here, Mari there, Mari everywhere. His brain cell or cells must be near meltdown.
Dr. Carlos can you help? Do you have any experience with brain cells?
I chuckle everytime that he sees Maricruz and gets that confuzzled
[thanks Adriana Noel]look on his face.
The Carlos/Cynderella show---I'll
buy a ticket.
Right Variopinta---No Lucifer, for a while, that's a relief.
Stick with this when it wasn't quite so entertaining ---The way people were dropping out and threating to drop out, I thought that I was going to be the only one left. I loved it from day one.
Good that Maricruz had a prep course in Bitchy Behavior with Lucia, Ester and awful-felia. It might help her with Carola and Raiza---Good one La Paloma.
the gringo
The comments have been fun to read tonight.
Regarding the luggage, I have looked for over 5 years, at least, for some Televisa luggage and to date have not found any. Can you image, we could drive the airlines crazy.
Regarding MC's wardrobe, we have discovered the girl likes to shop.
Regarding Oct not recognizing his own wife, I am sure if he is like most men, her face is not asset he is looking at most of the time.
And last but not least, I think Carola is the thief.
Thanks again for the great read.
Rosemary Primera
LatinaMD, I'm not watching the episodes ahead, but sometimes I do go to the Televisa site and read some of the brief recaps, so I know some of the big directions the story will be taking...but I'm keeping mum, too.
Pasion Prohibida on Telemundo just finished and we realized that many of us already knew the ending (from the original version), but we all danced around it and never spilled a thing. So it can be done, but I wish I had the strength not to read spoilers.
I'm staying away from Mentir para vivir, though, which I think is amazing after seeing only two episodes (and then I stopped, I want to enjoy it here, with all of you).
One more story behind the screen and I see pink dress.
Poor Octavio. I'm going to give him brain cell credits for seeing right through Raiza and brushing off her advances; telling Ed not to play with Arecely like he did with MC; and saying that MA has the same voice and mannerisms as MC, despite the refinement. He does seem to be pretty darn sure it's the same woman, but what's a guy to do if she keeps denying it?
Loved your description of the roulette wheel scene Carlos. Maybe Octavio should have cozied up to MA more and nuzzled her ear or something to see how she reacted, and to add some sizzle to that scene.
They sure are making it look like Teo is the thief. It just seems so obvious, so I hope the writers surprise us and it's someone totally different. All the other current suspects were in the casino though. Although we didn't see where Tony was while the robbery was taking place. Don't think I saw a hump on the thief in the shadows, but considering that the audience can always clearly see that the hump is just stuffing in the collar of his sailor suit, maybe Teo is a big con artist fooling everyone, and one day he'll take the stuffing out and stand up straight and walk off into the sunset with his loot, like Kevin Spacey in Usual Suspects!
By the way, the detective was telling Tobi that he DOESN”T want to keep getting paid, since Maria Alejandra has been found. Tobi asked him to keep accepting payment from Don Ale for now, and later once they are able to tell him the truth, they’ll straighten everything out (get the money back from him). It’s quite shocking to see an honest detective in a tn. We need some of those over on AV.
I hate it when TNs have someone fall in love with another when they just met and don't even know the person. Eduardo now is in love with Arecely. He hasn't said more than a few words with her and that was a few days ago, and now he's in love with her. And he's going to fight for her. Please!
Raisa, there is nothing in Octavio's words, behavior or demeanor that says he's at all interested in you. Give up already.
I'm also very tired of the plot of not telling someone important info because of frail health. Don Ale has a bad heart, but with his money and the inroads modern medicine has made with heart issues, he wouldn't be living at home if his heart was so weak that big news would cause another attack. People survive multiple massive heart attacks. Please! More Mejia moments.
"Looks like Buster Brown has not aged gracefully."
"I would have thought as smokin' as she looks in that red dress, that the security guy would at least need to do a pat down"
"Good thing the casino is non-smoking or someone would be trying to use it as an ashtray."
"Teo, who is brighter than your average grotesque monster thinks that the last name might be better…Oh."
Ya gotta give the girl a break. Remember she's worn this name all of what, two or three days now and has been mentally crammin' and jammin' higher math and Miss Manners for the past two months.
Then there's Alejandro "trying to look like an 007, but unfortunately LOSER keeps flashing across his forehead" --Ouch! LOL!! Gawd, was that painful to watch! Joe Cool getting iced by Prom Queen.
As for Papi-jandro, my beanie needs a tune-up cuz it just gets me so riled that he's got that picture of MariAle's mama lying around and burned into his memory, he sees his would-be daughter around every corner and in the face of every dark-haired young maiden he crosses paths with, but he still doesn't think to do the comparison--mentally or otherwise--with that old photo. I'm calling the beanie repair shop first thing Monday.
Latina in MD.- The creatures slithering out of the primordial
soup into a Homo Sapien of the finest kind in a red dress, no less
He can't recognize MC because her face is not the asset he is looking at most of the time.--Rosemary Primera, I'm still laughing.
One more thing that I'm still laughing about is that it's tuxedos
for the casino and it's blue jeans
for a night at the ballet. Is it just a tn or am I behind the times?
the confuzzled gringo
thanks, so good to hear from you. I saw over on AV that you has a fantabulous Sat... ¡que padre! as Valentina (PEAM) frequently squeals.
I think that the writers were hoping for a lot of dramatic tension with that roulette wheel sequence but the director and actors managed to botch it.
If indeed Octavio has a gambling problem, that would have been the opportunity to demonstrate it to us but for me it was something of an anemic yawn.
Thanks for amplifying the discussion between the detective and Tobias.
I said, "He assures the detective that he will get paid."
Here's a snippet of that conversation with translation:
Detective Rucian:
(Bueno, creo que el señor no debería de pagar más por mis servicios.)
Well, I believe that the gentleman should not have to keep paying for my services.
(No se preocupe por eso, luego nos arreglamos. Vale más la vida de don Alejandro que unos cuantos pesos menos.)
Don't worry about it. We'll work that out later. Don Alejando's life is worth more than a few pesos less.
Also, I am a little con fuzzed. Did ALe really send Mari to audit the casino books after a couple Algebra lessons ? If so, why didn't he throw in some accounting lessons ? As my math major daughter told my accountant hubby...accounting is not math. Anyhoo,....
thanks for joining in today, I hope we hear from you more often.
"All Maricruz has done is wash up and wear nice clothes."
I haven't said a lot about Octavio's, Alejandro's, and Eduardo's inability to recognize Nuevacruz, but I have a few thoughts on the subject.
Very often I've run into patients outside the office and though I usually look familiar to them but they can't quite place me. Now these are people I will have recently spent a great deal of time with face to face, I have touched them recently, they have shared intimate details of their lives and yet without that white lab jacket that I wear in the office they won't have a clue.
Alejandro really should be able to at least be very curious and suspicious because of that picture and the details he knows of Maricruz's life that she has shared with him. Plus there's that call of the blood thing.
I'm giving Octavio a bit of a pass because of the misinformation he is being fed from the folks back on the ranch as well as Maricruz's denial straight from her own mouth.
Eduardo's mind is on other things.
thanks, how great to hear from you today.
"Ya gotta give the girl a break. Remember she's worn this name all of what, two or three days now and has been mentally crammin' and jammin' higher math and Miss Manners for the past two months."
Yes, not to mention learning to navigate in impossibly high-heeled shoes.
"What is your name?" he asks Maricruz.
She looks stunned as though that was the last thing she expected to be asked. Let's give her a moment to ponder this. hahah too funny
carlos, there's something about raiza that I like too...just find her kind of funny. Got a kick of how her smile froze when she found out that don ale recommended MC for the casino.
susanlynn, I don't think that he sent her to audit the books so much as to look & ask around to see what's causing the casino to lose money. And it was more of her pushing him to let her go to help him, then him really wanting her to go.
Yeah, MC must of gone on some shopping spree since we have yet to see a repeat, but I love looking to see what new pretty dress she's going to wear next.
A deep thinker behind those good looks ... who knew?
Since I've "liked" him, I see a lot of these musings (and shirtless photos, too). There are also lots of candid photos of the whole CI gang, but unfortunately, a few small spoilers.
Now, just got back from seeing a live performance in Zurich (on film) of Rigoletto. And ay yi yi, Rigoletto is a hunchback just like Teo and valiantly trying to protect an innocent young thing (in this case his daughter) from vile, predatory lustful men.(are there any other kind?) Oh, just kidding...
I'm thinking Araceli and Eduardo and a whole lotta tragedy coming up. I mean these are soap OPERAS.
Seriously, does anybody think this character is based on the one from Rigoletto? UA, are you out there?
When Teo first appeared the first thing that came to mind was Rigoletto. Just a few weeks ago I saw production of Rigoletto that was set in Las Vegas, that had been performed at the Met not long ago. I mentioned on UA's weekly discussion topic and she had seen it when it was originally performed. It's one of my favorite operas partly because it was the first opera I ever saw performed... at Baylor by the music department some 50 odd years ago.
I don't know if he can sing but I think Teo would make a dandy and believable Rigoletto.
It is true, however that very often patients don't recognize me out in public. Funny thing is, I usually recognize them right away.
thanks. I admit to laughing out loud when Maricruz looked stumped when she was asked her name but then when she asked, "My first name?"I was doubly delighted. Thank you writers for making recapping so much fun.
LOL!! I thought maybe Octavio's other 1 1/2 cells were just in stasis. But maybe it's as Vivi suggests and Octavio earns "brain cell credits" .
Variopinta, "betcha Quasi is not the thief…. probably someone in cahoots with Carola or Raisa or both. I think he will be set up though. "
I'm with you. And, I think it's Tony.
Susanlynn, "Did ALe really send Mari to audit the casino books after a couple Algebra lessons ? If so, why didn't he throw in some accounting lessons? "
I think we saw MC studying a spreadsheet on the computer earlier this week. After all, MC is SuperMaria!
I saw the roulette scene differently. Of course there was the fun of seeing Oblivio's confuzzlement. But then also as Tav placed the 3rd bet, MC's face expressed some consternation and worry. This was to remind us she still cared about him even though she tells herself that " She hates him ya know."
"Maybe we could get you job with the Chronicle."
Well... OK, but my dream job is to get hired by Televisa as their medical adviser... Lord knows they need one. I could give lessons on all things medical, especially the mysteries of blood types which they just never seem to grasp, plus maybe I could offer some fresh ideas for medical twists they haven't considered for TNs. I speak passable Spanish, I'm familiar with Spanish literature and art, and I certainly have logged lots of hours that I'll never get back viewing TNs... good and bad.
I once met the medical adviser for the series MASH. He told me that the producers and directors almost always trusted anddeferred to his judgment. It'd be great if my patients always did the same.
"Carlos, remember, it's shaken, not stirred :)"
I'm a huge 007 fan. I've read all the books by Ian Fleming but haven't seen all the more recent James Bond movies. but I really like Daniel Craig.
I saw Dr. No when I was a student at Baylor. It was my first date with the captain of the Lady Bears basketball team, and I admit that I kept hoping that it would hurry up and end... the girl's dorm she was living in had a curfew of midnight and the movie just kept going on and on and on...
I saw it again a few years later and really enjoyed it.
It was James Bond who finally convinced me to try a martini and of course I always insisted that it be "shaken not stirred", but bartenders will tell you that this is a mistake... it should be vigorously stirred (30 times)... they say shaking bruises the gin... James Bond wrong? I think not.
As Vivi noted Oblivious does now seem to realize (kind of) that MA is MC but she is determined to mess with him and this is fine by me. I wonder if he'll try to force a kiss on her to make her confess b/c at the rate he's going now, she'll NEVER reveal herself to him.
Loved the comments from Cynderella's former feral daughter to La Paloma's description of Carlos as 007.
Variopinta - ITA Teo will be set up though he's not the thief but he did say some creepy stuff last night.
Carlos, I think that you would make a most excellent advisor for novelas. Maybe after you get your job ,you could secure one for me as an English tutor for the actors and actresses.
...and Cynderella to do the publicity (nah, she'd have the reporters laughing hard enough to pee in their shorts) Ok, maybe MC at the next Premios.
thanks for commenting, I wouldn't hold my breath until Tobias reveals the truth if I were you... besides, we wouldn't won't Alejandro to suffer the big one would we?
When his time comes, I've got my heart set on him tumbling down those stairs.
"Can you reccommend a Neurosurgeon for Oblivio? He needs help."
Even though he's a pilot, I'm more inclined to refer him to an ophthalmologist.
" Carlos and Novela Maven are clever people and they can actually write and put sentences together.
Thanks, that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me.
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