Thursday, June 13, 2013

PEAM #68-6/12/13: It's Official! In Avon, Nobody Does What Love Commands!

''We might not look perfect for each other
You are flying so high and I am starting to fly
But we are both human beings
and of course we can dream
I was dreaming of you
as my ideal partner
And against what the world could think about us
Today you and me are one 
and we will be like this forever!
Because when love is true, age, class, race or economic level
whatever everybody says it doesn't matter, 
What really matters is that we love each other with sincerity
Remember that in the heart, as in our bedroom
"Only love commands"!

Me? Secretary? Never!

Well... that's the second opening theme for the TN and for the looks of it, seems like Osorio told the musicians to make a good song to reflect the spirit of the story and then told the writers to write the absolute completely opposite. Who would have thunk it?

This is what they wrote:

Rogelio and Alma speak on the phone, blah, blah, blah...
Alma and her father talk, blah, blah, blah...
Elías and Verónica yell at each other, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...
Jesús talks to Valentina, mi princesa this blah, blah, blah, mi princesa that blah, blah, blah...

Januray 2nd. 2013 (morning)

:: Cereal (with sliced banana) and orange juice

Valentina is tired this morning because last night, her dad, Jesús García, insisted on having the lights on while he was doing nothing on the lap top except staring at the now famous screensaver that cost Ricardo his job. He kept asking her, are you asleep? are you asleep? and of course she never was... she slept with one eye open. Was she already asleep or awake when she pictured in her mind the animation of the queen and her aide? Yeah, that tale that is becoming an obsession for her. Creepy!

This morning, before going to school, he prepared breakfast, combed her hair, and took her in her mother's car. Be polite, don't forget to say good bye to Chatita and Laura and persignarse before Virgen de Guadalupe. Once at school, the teacher asks him if he knows about the appointment to talk about Valentina not doing well in class.
Valentina, being as smart as her grandmother, asks her Daddy if she can move with him, since she is tired of all the fighting in her house. After all, a house is not a home.

:: Toast with marmalade, pancakes and mexican sweet bread

Marisela starts spreading the news about Marta and Elías. To Chatita anyway, and we know how that is, like putting stuff in a bag with a hole.

:: Fruit salad and orange juice

Elías is figuring out what a  huge mistake he has made waking up in Marta's bed. She, all sexy and light, brought breakfast in bed. Evil as she is, prior to that she had sent pictures of Elías ''naked'' and kissing her, so Marisela realized that the man was of whoever licked him first. Don't you dare bratch! I already licked him!

:: Eggs benedictine, I mean, eviction and a dog peeing on his leg

Ricardo wakes up to find that instead of ham and eggs, he will savour the bitter flavour of the eviction. Well... three months are three months, what did he expect? Water crackers? 

:: Eggs and bacon

Xóchitl, who last night denied her mother access to her bedroom, now is forced into getting up and ready to prepare breakfast before going to work. NoooOoo! The one in the picture is not Ricardo! It is Xóchitl's father! Of course that under so much pressure, nothing comes out right, and Mom complaints that her sunny side up eggs are shady side down, broken, like she was not going to chew them, she wanted them whole and perfect! ... Too bad... Xóchitl, still awkward about some things in life, wrongfully thinks this is the best moment to ask her mother about Pops, and Bárbara says that there's nothing much to say, because he, like Quicos father, was eaten by a whale. I mean, died in a aviation accident. The only facts worth mentioning are that he was made by hand, taller than 6 feet, blond and extremely handsome. She is still wondering how Mrs Martínez met her dad at a piano concert. After being brought down by her mother with another round of criticism Xóchitl wants to visit her father's grave. 


At Avon, Jesús shows Alma one more of his qualities, finance wizard! Back in Chicago, he was the best of the best bringing new ideas and solving problems nobody else could. Now, ALL THAT is at Alma´s fingertips.

:: Fruit salad with orange juice and milk

While having breakfast with Patricia in cloudy Acapulco, Rogelio flashbacks to Fernando and his love problems now that Discua has left for India. Patricia inquiries what is going on, since she doesn't want to miss another minute eating while she could be doing the horizontal mambo, as they promised they would 24/7... Nothing this good can last forever, and when Patricia and Rogelio plot against Discua so Fernando can regain his self esteem, Cárdenas calls (I guess it is that urgent) asking if he could give Ricardo his job back. Rogelio, who right now, the only thing he wants is under the table and he tries to swallow the cantaloupe chunks without chewing to rush to the bed, say YES! YES, JUAREVER IT IS!! Just let me get back to the room for God's sake!

9:15 am

Fernando, is back to his usual self (the one from the beginning) tells Xóchitl how ugly she is. Well, you didn't think so when I crammed your face in the photocopier machine, remember? I was possessed! The devil made me do it! But I swear I will never do it again! Good! Because now I am seeing someone!
Then Ricardo and Cárdenas dance together, the victory dance now that he has a roof over his head (with Mrs Cárdenas) and his job back, but, unluckily together they fall, and when they're still trying to get up, Gilberto and Julio see them, thinking the worst, and not, the worst is not that they are rolling on the floor because they are wrestling, but because they're madly in love with each other and until now their passion was perfectly camouflaged under their manly looks. Who knew they could be this kinky?
Marta, completely satisfied with the lovemaking with Elías, shows up smiling in a little black dress with a huge hole in her chest so you can make sure they're natural. When she sees the three stooges, she decides it's time to interview one of them, but since they never do ''anything'' on their own, want to go to the interview together, all four of them! Well, not Cárdenas, just the three of them with the therapist. Marta's gears in her mind start making more noise than a gerbil in the wheel trying to reach a chestnut. Who did you say was kinky?
In another office, Jesús talks Alma into tele-transporting to Acapulco to surprise Rogelio, she hesitates but finally does it, like everything else in her life, she goes where the winds take her...

:: Fruit Salad (again?) this time with skim milk and bird-seed juice

 Last night Verónica couldn't sleep either. She spent most of the time day dreaming of Jesús and his kisses and then dreaming about the same.
This morning Elías, who throws the first stone and hit two targets, is having breakfast again and fighting again about some nonsense they want to convince each other is the best for little Valentina.

Chisme caliente, quema a la gente (gossipy show and tell)

Gossip is full throttle when Jesús tells everybody in the office about Verónica's and Elías' fights (like they care), Marisela shows everybody in the office the pictures Marta took of Elías, Xóchitl talks about that time when Jesús and Verónica kissed, Jéssica shares her opinion regarding love and sex and their differences (you know -heart, flesh), Susana chips in with some je-ne-se-quois, because Pánfilo was to close and the gossip probably was about him, but don't worry Pánfilo, one day, soon, you will be able to share your juicy gossip here, like everybody else! Then you will tell them about those times when you peeked inside other people's trash cans and saw what was in there... who cares you ask? You'll be surprised!
When Alejandra pays a surprise visit to Fernando, her beauty divides Avon personnel in 2 groups, the secretaries, who wish they had that age, face and body and the men, who wish the same, only in their beds... Pánfilo, seeing that his daughter is deeply distressed, secretly gives her a little note so they can have a little chat in the broom room. You know, father and daughter counseling, like there's no cameras to watch out for and keep the secret a secret! Anyway, that secret has its days numbered.
Alejandra wanted to see Fernando because she was paid to flirt with him, but she would do Jesús for free!! She drinks non dairy Capuccino light and Fernando? I remember! Expresso with organic sweeteners, 40 degrees and medium acidity, right? 
The three stooges amuse Mad Marta with their silly jokes and she pretends she is listening, at least while the timer is running, anyway, because in her mind, she is playing and replaying last night. The kisses, the sweaty bodies, the steam!!

Beam me up Scottie!

Alma gets to Acapulco in one of Discua's winks, like it is around the corner or she has private jet.   Jesús , who always has a watchful eye on her and the work at the office, calls her, but the unique ringtone betrays her. 
Rogelio, lucky buster (could give lessons on how to cheat to Elías and/or Mr Gilberto), spots her just in time to hide Patricia and make her go away while she is pretending to sell coconuts and pineapples (I liked the street vendor thing). Rogelio pretends he is talking to some wedding planners so Alma can hear and feel proud of him. Talk about spoiling surprises!!  All this will make the three of the parties in this love triangle run from side to side trying that at least two of them don't see the other! This is when Patricia feels like she belongs in a Jerry Springer show, remember? Help! My lover is cheating on me with his wife to be!!

Verónica should work at Avon too!! (and then the world would really END!!)

She makes yet another unannounced visit bringing Jesús a single long stem rose. She is Dr Jeckyll (with Elías she is Ms Hyde) and all too sweet trying to charm Jesús with nonsense while he could be actually busy now that Alma is gone and he can get some work done. From here they will go to the appointment they had at the school and once there, but Elías shows up to spoil everything as usual, saying one thing while doing the opposite!

Don Juan was not Casanova

Coffee loosens tongues and while enjoying the delicious drinks Jesús learnt to make in Chicago, the magic potion opens Fernando's heart and tells Alejandra that even when he loved to woo women he never actually took them to bed. Surprised? He tried though, because we all remember the truck and all the other times he and Jéssica got together.

Ury won't sing

Delia interviews Ury and offers him immunity if he tells who is the boss or at least who is related to all the dirty money that was introduced illegally into México. He could have muscles but he visited the wizard, so he also has a brain, and he won't sing until everything is written and with a notary public seal, to be on the safe side.

It needed a break anyway

Rogelio and Patricia (with Alma almost behind the door) try to have a quickie with all the adrenaline and the excitement of knowing they could be caught red handed but the unthinkable happens! Little Rog gets hurt with the zipper while Big Rog screams in pain with blood on his hands! I have killed him, God, now what? Patricia, whose sole relationship with Rogelio is based on ''that'' (and some money for odds and ends) is crying on the inside, thinking about the marathons she will miss in the future! Or at least until Little Rog gets well soon!! Oh, and before I forget, a short while ago, when Patricia first learnt that Alma is also there, all nervous, starts taking stuff from the chambermaid's cart, you know the usual we all take, soap, shampoo, conditioner... but when I saw her I thought: Wait a minute, this is not kleptomania, this is looting!! 

:: Tomorrow

Valentina prays so Jesús is always by her side and spills the beans telling Alma what her father has not been able to in all this time!!
Rogelio's family jewels need maintenance so they can work again. Isn't his wedding coming soon and he needs to be ready for the honeymoon?
Recap By Pablo



What a wonderful recap, and so funny. The food was looking awful yummy this evening. I so enjoy all the food porn this TN shows all the time. Chatita is quite a cook, besides being the giver of such great advice.

Marta is crazy! My goodness. They really need to get a new therapist for Valentina, and the clothes Marta wears for these counseling sessions, Absurd!

Vero is over the top too. Even though Chucho told Elias, right in front of Elias he was only there at the school meeting for Valentina and nothing else, did Vero get the hint, or Elias for that matter? Of course not. It's like talking to the hand with these two.

The three stooges were quite funny tonight, with Marta, I laughed.

Xochi's Mama is just a helpless case. The poor girl gets no break from her. That picture of her "Papa" looked weird, like it was cut or copied from a magazine. I wonder if Barbara will show her her Papa's grave, Hmmmm.....

The best part of the epi though was Rogue injuring his "family jewels", I laughed so hard and the look on Patymelt's face, priceless! I wonder how Rogue will explain that ; )

Thanks. I am missing a line. I will mail it later.

Pablo, what an appropriate way to start off your snarky and very entertaining recap with that title and song! I enjoyed phrases like: "like putting stuff in a bag with a hole"; "what did he expect? water crackers?" and " Marta's gears in her mind making more noise than a gerbil's wheel."

Madelaine, I agree that Rogelio's zipper mishap was the best part of the episode. The doctor visit with Alma shown in the preview for tonight should be interesting.

Xochi's mom is such a nut case. I wonder if Xochi will ever find out who her dad is. Xochi should move in with Chatita. She'd be a much better mother figure to her. Heck, maybe Chatita should start a
"rent a mom" business since she has assumed that role for so many of the characters who need that maternal advice/support.

Well, on to a new part of the PEAM day!


Boy between the storms last night and being crazy and watching the hockey game to the bitter end, I needed something to wake me up this morning. Your recap was the perfect thing Pablo. I laughed and giggled ( quietly--in the office)! I swear you make the episode funnier than what I viewed.

Though the whole "family jewels" scene was a nice touch of actual humor. And Patimelt--love the little butt wiggle as she slipped away when Alma showed. Too much lately is more frustration on stupid antics or characters not making sense.

This whole Marta thing-- so now those pictures are all over. And if the divorce goes thru, guess who looks like the unfit parent. ARGH!! I would love to have an effienciency study done with that group to see how much time and effort is actually spent on WORK in an 8 hour day. And that goes for Mr. Wonderful too...

Yes please, let little Val live with her dad, but maybe he should have invested in a sleep sofa so the poor thing can get some sleep.

And really could do without the paid Ferny plant to now also be enamored of Chucho. Really? Like we need another female in heat around him.

Theory: Xochi's dad isn't dead. He most likely took a powder or mumsy is covering up a wild past. Either way, that woman needs to brough down a few pegs. And cook her own damn eggs.


Thanks, Pablo! I loved the breakfast theme. Breakfast is my favorite meal, but I hardly ever have it because I seldom have time in the morning to make the kinds of breakfast I like. (I've made chilaquiles a bunch of times on weekends ever since Pablo posted that recipe.)

Wow, this "accident" was not how I thought the wedding would get delayed! Actually, I guess the wedding doesn't have to be delayed, but the consummation does. Good enough!

I thought Paty was a riot last night until she started snatching the soap and shampoos off of the cart. She doesn't need that much stuff, and she can steal much nicer products from a store, so that was really sad. It's like a passive-aggressive cry for help. She's not quite willing to throw herself under the bus, but she is quite willing to loiter around in the bus's path.

Xochi's mother reminds me a little bit of Fernando, the sexist husband in PESE. If Xochi stops feeding her, will she starve? I doubt it. It's bad enough Xochi is supporting her, but she shouldn't have to be her cook as well. Maybe the woman has some kind of health problem, but she appears to be able-bodied enough to fry an egg or maybe throw a few things into a crock-pot for dinner.

I wonder if the guy in that picture even is Xochi's dad. I suppose it might explain her singing talent, but it could also be the other way around, that she got interested in music to feel closer to her dad. We know Mom is hung up on finding the "perfect" man, so it would be just like her to find a picture of some hot guy and try to pass him off as the guy she hooked up with.

Haven't seen this yet, Pablo, but the recap is a delight. Loved the breakfast headings....well, all the headings actually and your gently jaundiced view of life at Avon...and Acapulco.

I have to admit, when this started, I never expected Marta to turn out to be so twisted. Tho' they say psychiatrists go into the field because they've got more emotional problems than the general run of the population. Hope we don't end up with any boiled bunnies tho'.

Enjoyed your "saco roto" quip and Chisme caliente queme a la gente. I'm writing down every one of your dichos and promise not to throw them into a saco roto, tho' at times my memory seems to be just that.

Muchas carcajadas Pablo, gracias.

I want breakfast at Chatitas', lunch and dinner also.

They say, anyone who goes to a psychiatrist needs their head examined.

Sth fishy about Xochi's moms story. Who wouldn't dump that bitch?


Too bad Chóforo passed, it would have been great if after Bárbara description of Xoxi father, it turned out her real father was someone like him, or Tony Balardi, or Jo-Jo-Jorge Falcón!! Just for laughs!!

*bing him, he makes some hilarious faces!

I can never remember who is recapping on what day, but it didn't take me long to say to myself "this has to be one of Pablo's" :)

I'm liking this TN, but the plot is pretty much non-existent and I'm thinking "181 eps?!" I guess it does kind of make sense since they spend WEEKS of air time on one TN day.


Thanks, Pablo! Delightful as always.

I am almost entirely sure that Barb is greatly exaggerating reports of Xochi's dad's death. How long until he appears? Also, can this woman hear herself screech? Sniping at Xochi for being "completely useless" while she, a perfectly able-bodied woman, sits there waiting for her daughter to serve up the eggs and bacon she worked hard to bring home to the apartment she pays for? Xochirella needs some cartoon birds and mice to bite Mama and chuck her out the window with her broom.

I know Chucho is trying really hard to be a good dad and all, but I hate it when parents call their little girls "princess" all the time. The whole princessy thing is out of control. It drives me nuts. I would like him better if he didn't keep saying that.

As usual, Pati and Rogue were the best part. I wonder how he got his face to turn so believably red after the zipper incident. Also, too funny when Pati took the tray and shoved the waiter in the pool, and also, that poor woman on the lounge chair next to them, as they seemed on the verge of getting it on right there by the pool, and then all their wacky Alma-evading hijinx. So hilarious.

Mad Marta la psycho is the worst. She should lose her therapy license, if she even has one. Does it not even cross her mind that it is not okay to take nekkid pictures of someone while he's sleeping, never mind sending them out? Also, she cut his grapes in half AND put a vase of flowers on his breakfast tray? Trying too hard, aren't you? Snap out of it, Eli!

Pablo the food themes were brilliant.
Your recapa are always so enjoyable.
You say what we are all thinking.


By far the three best things about this episode were: 1) Pablo's recap; 2) The food; and 3) Paticakes and Big Rogue and Little Rogue's accident. I could not stop laughing during the zipper scene.

Fantastic Pablo!! Really enjoyed this!


Chatita's cooking reminds me a lot of my grandmother. Mountain of pancakes, toast with jam, and three kinds of rolls, all at one meal. That's exactly the kind of excessively starchy meal my grandma would serve. She'd probably try to serve potatoes with it and then she'd ask if you wanted cake or banana bread.

Flaco thinks that Marta is going to blackmail Elias into being with her. Of course, it doesn't help matters that Mari keeps waving the pics arounds for everyone to see. Eli is in trouble re: Vale's custody issue.

Julia- You know the funniest part of Chatita trying to force Mari to eat that high starch/sugar/carb breakfast? She told Mari skipping said breakfast was likely going to lead to Mari getting diabetes like her dad. LOL! I'm all for the health benefits of breakfast. Never skip it. But, THAT was definitely not a healthy breakfast. Hearty, yes. Healthy, no.

Well, we've seen what Chatita's scrambled eggs look like. Maybe it's best if she sticks with batter and dough-based breakfasts. (A little bacon would be nice, though.)

1. Marta is getting very creepy with the naked photos, etc.
2. I didn't mind seeing Eli without a shirt!
3. Pati and Rogelio are the best part of this show!
4. For the first time, Alma looks amazing! When she arrives in Acapulco, I mean. Stunning.
5. Fernando is a virgin!?!?

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