Thursday, June 13, 2013
PEAM #68-6/12/13: It's Official! In Avon, Nobody Does What Love Commands!
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Labels: Manda
What a wonderful recap, and so funny. The food was looking awful yummy this evening. I so enjoy all the food porn this TN shows all the time. Chatita is quite a cook, besides being the giver of such great advice.
Marta is crazy! My goodness. They really need to get a new therapist for Valentina, and the clothes Marta wears for these counseling sessions, Absurd!
Vero is over the top too. Even though Chucho told Elias, right in front of Elias he was only there at the school meeting for Valentina and nothing else, did Vero get the hint, or Elias for that matter? Of course not. It's like talking to the hand with these two.
The three stooges were quite funny tonight, with Marta, I laughed.
Xochi's Mama is just a helpless case. The poor girl gets no break from her. That picture of her "Papa" looked weird, like it was cut or copied from a magazine. I wonder if Barbara will show her her Papa's grave, Hmmmm.....
The best part of the epi though was Rogue injuring his "family jewels", I laughed so hard and the look on Patymelt's face, priceless! I wonder how Rogue will explain that ; )
Madelaine, I agree that Rogelio's zipper mishap was the best part of the episode. The doctor visit with Alma shown in the preview for tonight should be interesting.
Xochi's mom is such a nut case. I wonder if Xochi will ever find out who her dad is. Xochi should move in with Chatita. She'd be a much better mother figure to her. Heck, maybe Chatita should start a
"rent a mom" business since she has assumed that role for so many of the characters who need that maternal advice/support.
Well, on to a new part of the PEAM day!
Though the whole "family jewels" scene was a nice touch of actual humor. And Patimelt--love the little butt wiggle as she slipped away when Alma showed. Too much lately is more frustration on stupid antics or characters not making sense.
This whole Marta thing-- so now those pictures are all over. And if the divorce goes thru, guess who looks like the unfit parent. ARGH!! I would love to have an effienciency study done with that group to see how much time and effort is actually spent on WORK in an 8 hour day. And that goes for Mr. Wonderful too...
Yes please, let little Val live with her dad, but maybe he should have invested in a sleep sofa so the poor thing can get some sleep.
And really could do without the paid Ferny plant to now also be enamored of Chucho. Really? Like we need another female in heat around him.
Theory: Xochi's dad isn't dead. He most likely took a powder or mumsy is covering up a wild past. Either way, that woman needs to brough down a few pegs. And cook her own damn eggs.
Wow, this "accident" was not how I thought the wedding would get delayed! Actually, I guess the wedding doesn't have to be delayed, but the consummation does. Good enough!
I thought Paty was a riot last night until she started snatching the soap and shampoos off of the cart. She doesn't need that much stuff, and she can steal much nicer products from a store, so that was really sad. It's like a passive-aggressive cry for help. She's not quite willing to throw herself under the bus, but she is quite willing to loiter around in the bus's path.
Xochi's mother reminds me a little bit of Fernando, the sexist husband in PESE. If Xochi stops feeding her, will she starve? I doubt it. It's bad enough Xochi is supporting her, but she shouldn't have to be her cook as well. Maybe the woman has some kind of health problem, but she appears to be able-bodied enough to fry an egg or maybe throw a few things into a crock-pot for dinner.
I wonder if the guy in that picture even is Xochi's dad. I suppose it might explain her singing talent, but it could also be the other way around, that she got interested in music to feel closer to her dad. We know Mom is hung up on finding the "perfect" man, so it would be just like her to find a picture of some hot guy and try to pass him off as the guy she hooked up with.
I have to admit, when this started, I never expected Marta to turn out to be so twisted. Tho' they say psychiatrists go into the field because they've got more emotional problems than the general run of the population. Hope we don't end up with any boiled bunnies tho'.
Enjoyed your "saco roto" quip and Chisme caliente queme a la gente. I'm writing down every one of your dichos and promise not to throw them into a saco roto, tho' at times my memory seems to be just that.
I want breakfast at Chatitas', lunch and dinner also.
They say, anyone who goes to a psychiatrist needs their head examined.
Sth fishy about Xochi's moms story. Who wouldn't dump that bitch?
Too bad Chóforo passed, it would have been great if after Bárbara description of Xoxi father, it turned out her real father was someone like him, or Tony Balardi, or Jo-Jo-Jorge Falcón!! Just for laughs!!
*bing him, he makes some hilarious faces!
I'm liking this TN, but the plot is pretty much non-existent and I'm thinking "181 eps?!" I guess it does kind of make sense since they spend WEEKS of air time on one TN day.
I am almost entirely sure that Barb is greatly exaggerating reports of Xochi's dad's death. How long until he appears? Also, can this woman hear herself screech? Sniping at Xochi for being "completely useless" while she, a perfectly able-bodied woman, sits there waiting for her daughter to serve up the eggs and bacon she worked hard to bring home to the apartment she pays for? Xochirella needs some cartoon birds and mice to bite Mama and chuck her out the window with her broom.
I know Chucho is trying really hard to be a good dad and all, but I hate it when parents call their little girls "princess" all the time. The whole princessy thing is out of control. It drives me nuts. I would like him better if he didn't keep saying that.
As usual, Pati and Rogue were the best part. I wonder how he got his face to turn so believably red after the zipper incident. Also, too funny when Pati took the tray and shoved the waiter in the pool, and also, that poor woman on the lounge chair next to them, as they seemed on the verge of getting it on right there by the pool, and then all their wacky Alma-evading hijinx. So hilarious.
Mad Marta la psycho is the worst. She should lose her therapy license, if she even has one. Does it not even cross her mind that it is not okay to take nekkid pictures of someone while he's sleeping, never mind sending them out? Also, she cut his grapes in half AND put a vase of flowers on his breakfast tray? Trying too hard, aren't you? Snap out of it, Eli!
Your recapa are always so enjoyable.
You say what we are all thinking.
2. I didn't mind seeing Eli without a shirt!
3. Pati and Rogelio are the best part of this show!
4. For the first time, Alma looks amazing! When she arrives in Acapulco, I mean. Stunning.
5. Fernando is a virgin!?!?
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