Thursday, June 13, 2013

PEAM# 69- 6/13/13- Number C-47902/X You are Not the Father!!! Number D-47902/X - You Are The Father and Ouch, Zip Up Slowly!!!!

From yesterday

We are at Valentina’s school with Vero salivating over Jesus and here comes Elias, bad mouthing Jesus.  Vero tells Elias to grow up and Jesus reminds everyone of the purpose of their visit, Valentina.

In Acapulco- Rogue gets his family jewels caught up in the zipper for a minute of good-bye pleasure, while Alma is waiting for him at the bar.  Thank you, Ms. Karma.  (Does this mean that Rogue was not wearing his boxers??) Rogue turns, as a red as a beet and stupid Paty doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want her help.  How about calling for a doctor????
Rogue calls Alma and he tells her that he needs her he had an accident.
 New business

At the school- the teacher understands that Val is undergoing a difficult time and she shows the family, her drawing of two adults fighting.  Elias.  Elias flips out (he needs a lobotomy) and Jesus tells him that Val wants to live with him because there is just too much fighting.  The teacher agrees that maybe Val should stay with Jesus for a spell.  Elias is uncontrollable and very unreasonable.  Their problems are affecting Val’s emotional development.

Back at the hotel, Alma is trying to help a screaming Rogue.  He wants Alma to return back to Monterrey.  He wants his own doctor.  Huh??? When you're in pain any doctor will do.  My head is hurting from the whining and screaming. It hurts if he moves, so stay still. Alma calls for an ambulance- finally!!!!!  There is blood everywhere!!!

Panfilo tries to gives Marisela some fatherly advice about Elias.  Panfilo is worried about the age difference, he is under 40.  Elias is married and married couples fight.  He doesn’t want Marisela to get hurt.

St. Ferny is thinking about Discua.  Alex, the escort gives up. Ferny wondering if she is hot or cold in India.  What an idiot.  He checks the temperature on the intent.

Rogue’s little jewels are wrapped up against infection.  It looks like he is wearing a diaper.  Hmmmm- Karma!!!!
Elias speaks to Val- the only mature person and tells Elias that she loves him and hopes that he is not angry with her.  Vero in her neon green skirt that matches her cell phone handle. Jesus reminds her that Elias is a good man who doesn’t deserve this.
Yuri tells the agent his story about being a thin boy bullied in high school.  He worked on his body he wanted to be fighter but met up with the wrong crowd. He is still without money and power.

Val asks if Xochy is her dad’s girlfriend.  Jesus clears that up.  Val meets Marisela and asks why does she speak so funny???  Elias is calling Marisela and Marisela is contemplating answering it.  She asks him what does he want, asks where was he last night and let him know that she got the pictures from last night.  She sends him the pictures.

Here comes Chatita- does security stop anyone?? Oh right, its Mutt and Jeff the crack security team.  Chatita comes to speak to Jesus about building clientele.  Val is doing her homework with her dad.
Chatita tries to convince Jesus that even though she is forgetful she will make a good businesswoman.

Gilberto stays behind to speak to Dr. Marta while the other Stupids tease him and walk away.  Gil invites Dr. Crazy out to dinner.  Elias calls Marta yelling about the photos.  Dr. Strange cuts him off.  She is crazy.

On the trip home- Xochy- thought bubbles about the conversation that she had with her mother about not going to her father’s grave.  She shares the thought with Julio.
Mommy Dearest opens the door for Chatita who doesn’t remember why she is there. 
Rogue is still yelling.  Why didn’t he get painkillers? A wheelchair?? He is having a tantrum about having his doctor waiting for him at the hospital.  Jesus calls Alma and Rogue doesn’t want Jesus to have inkling as to what is going on.  She cryptically  Its as if she is playing Charades and says that Rogue got his hand slammed in the door.  Val wants to say hi to Alma.  Val asks if Alma loves her daddy.  She tells her about the screensaver. 

The doctor calls Rogue.

Chatita is charming Mommy Dearest with the Avon products.  Chatita tells Mommy that she needs to change her cream, because it’s not helping the crow’s feet.  The cream that she is selling will make her look younger.

Susana’s car breaks down and thankfully Prince Sebastian and his limo show up.
Sebastian invites Susana to Alma’s wedding.

Oh for goodness sake- give this man a general anesthia and put him to sleep.  The doctor is examining him  and stitching him up and he is still screaming.  Alex calls Rogue and tells him that she is fed up and he hangs up on her.  The doctor is going to give him painkillers and no sex for 3 to 4 months.  He has to keep the jewels (and the 5 stitches) very clean and apply the cream 3 times a day.

Sebastian is trying to convince Susana to go to Alma’s wedding.  It would mean the world to him.  Chatita makes her first sale.  Mommy Dearest offers Chatita some refreshments.  Mommy pours the adult refreshments and mentions that she works with her neighbor Jesus.  Oh yeah the cute one.  Jesus looks for Chatita and Laurita tells him that she hasn’t returned home yet.  Val; asks if Alma is okay because there was an accident.  Jesus says that it was her boyfriend who had the accident and she is caring for him. Alma loves her boyfriend and they will marry.  Val notes that Jesus is melancholic. She tells Jesus that she loves him and Jesus tells Val that her love is the reason for his existence.

Rogue is still whining the anesthesia is wearing off. Rogue asks Alma to stay with him for the night.

Mommy shares that the picture of Xochy’s dad is a picture that she took out of a magazine and that Xochy is a product of artificial insemination.  Of course, Xochy walks in at that precise moment.

Ricardo, living in his car gets his pjs and thought bubbles about how his friends couldn’t give him a place to sleep and that he should ask Cardenas.

Xochy asks about the artificial insemination and mommy tries to put it on a story that Chatita told, put Chatita didn’t remember anything, Mommy gives Xochy daddy’s number. D- 47902/X. Xochy is livid and who can blame her. 
Ricardo sets up a bed in the warehouse, how sad.

Elias is sleeping in the master bedroom.  Vero wants to know why he isn’t sleeping in the guest room.  It’s his house!!!  We review how they she tolerated him,, she didn’t love him,  it was a terrible marriage, yada, yada, yada.

Jesus and Val are finishing homework.

The doorbell rings. It’s Dr. Crazy.  Vero informs the good doctor that Val is not here.  The good doctor is here  to see Elias.  The claws are coming out. Is Vero jealous??

Jesus and Val calmly say their prayers.  She prays for her parents to make up.
Alma is thought bubbling as usual about Jesus and how he saved the day with the budget.

Here cones Paty the Pain in the Butt.  She walks into Rogue’s house through the open door and hears Rogue screaming for Alma.  Paty runs out.  Alma notices the open door ad investigates. (Where is your bat, honey? No alarm??)

Coming attractions- Will Paty the Pain be discovered?? Of course not.
Rogue assembles the employs to discuss the upcoming nuptials and is all lost for Jesus???


Thank you to Blue Lass and Cheryl for subbing for me last week. Sorry for any mix ups.
I'm glad to be back.

I hated the first 10 minutes with Rog screaming, Alma screaming, Alma going like the ambulance, and so on...

But then I got sweet revenge and I laughed like crazy when I saw the doctor with the magnifier!! Those 5 stitches surely were microsurgery! I am sure they will dissolve by themselves...

Then Bárbara! Really? Xóxi has been working at Avon for I-don't-know-how-long and she never knew of all those products?

The thing about the insemination I can understand, because no man in his right mind would have dared to get near her even to knock her up!

Anyhow, I didn't like this episode one bit. Too much screaming in stereo!


Thanks so much for this wonderful recap and glad you are back.

Ay yi yi, the screaming of the Rogue, he screamed like a girl, lol. Too funny, but well deserved I must say ; )

Ferny still has it bad for Discua. I wonder when he will start looking elsewhere.

I just knew that pic looked like it came from a magazine, Xochi's Papa's pic that is. I hated for Xochi to find out this way, about the artificial insemination, but at least now she knows. I wonder if she will try to find out who this guy is.

Poor Ricardo. He needs a serious change of fortune, the poor guy. I can't understand why Julio just didn't let him bunk on his sofa or the floor for goodness sake! That was too sad with him cuddling his teddy bear!

Patymelt is going to get caught one of these days sneaking in and out of Rogue's home. She is really pushing it.

So no sex for four months, huh? Some wedding and honeymoon this will be. There have been so many obstacles with this wedding. I wonder if they will ever really get married.

I can't blame Maricela for sending that pic to Elias. He is starting to get on my last nerve. How dumb is he? He just refuses to listen to good reason. I thought he loved Val, and I think he does, but right now all he is thinking of is himself. He needs to straighten up and he and Vero need to stop the War of the Roses, basta ya, already!

Marta is just crazy. I can't believe she just shows up at Elias and Vero's. I hope Vero isn't going to let her go upstairs. That would be the limit. She needs to throw Marta out, already!

Tablet Jefa, thanks for a great recap with the karma motif woven in.

I didn't mind all of the screaming--I especially enjoyed Rogelio's. What an appropriate injury for him! Poor boy is going to be out of action for a while. What is poor Paty going to do??? Steal a lot more stuff probably.

I loved Chatita making her first sale as an Avon lady and asking Xochi's mom for something stronger than coffee to celebrate it with. She has the right personality for that job--now just if her memory lapses don't trip her up.

Of course the sad part was Xochi finding out about her "father". Just as sad is Rogelio informing the office about the impending nuptials in the promo. Too bad Alma is too much of a coward to follow her own instincts.

Well on we go a few hours closer to the wedding!


Thanks TJ. Welcome back. We always enjoy your wit.

The screaming was funny -- but it didn't take long for it to get on my last nerve. But the doctor was amusing as he delivered his instructions. Rogue was so outraged at the implication that his nether parts aren't always limpia.

The klepto theme is another one that came out of nowhere & went from zero to sixty in no time. But it was funny to see Paty's latest theft -- filling her bag with free hotel soaps & shampoos because Alma was with HER Rogelio.

Val is always such a perfect little child. It was fun to see her acting out a bit over the phone call -- when she (literally) hung on Jésus and demanded to talk to Alma.

I hope the news about Xochi's sperm donor father doesn't throw her for a loop. I like her-- and she's so cute with Julio.



Great job TJ. I must have a 5th grader's sense of humor because I chuckled mightily during the Rogue scenes. Eric is really throwing himself into this, and even managed to bring stiff Blanca along on his crazy train a bit.

I am so over this Vero-Elias stalemate. Time for a change, movement, maturation, something.

TJ--fab recap. And kudos for sitting through screaming and all for the troops.

I didn't mind the screaming at first. Actually thought Alma's reaction each time was funny---then like Guera, it was "enough already!" For some reason, I kept thinking of what the out-takes on those scenes must be like. Keeping a straight face by Erick and Blanca must have been hard.

I have always loved watching FC interacting with the younger actors in TN's, but his chemistry with Val is just amazing. Of course that little lady is quite the actress--fun to watch her cutting up last night.

But the adults in her life need to straighten up. Elias'pity party, as deserved as it is, needs to stop and he has to deal that his life is forever changed. Frankly, Vero isn't worth fighting over and he should just concentrate on working out something with Chucho so he can be step-dad with Val. She loves him, needs him too.

As for Marta the nut job--what is with this woman? Split personality? Vero's righteous indignation kind of cracks me up though since she doesn't want Elias. But somehow, I think knowing Marta exists is going to bring out the worst ( as if we haven't seen it already) in both these women.

Why in the blazes couldn't Xochi's mother just have told her how she was conceived? There's nothing being ashamed of there...unless all she wanted was not to be a mother but someone who eventually could be HER maid and paycheck. Poor Xochi. Methinks she should take her paycheck and move elsewhere.

Ricardo--so sad. Maricela, glimmer of a light bulb there? We always think so, then she gets stupid again. For once, I want her to just start being "real". I'm so done with her charade and how she treats her father.

So after how many episodes we get product placement! And Chatita is the saleslady--I guess that's to prove Avon's assertion than anyone can truly be an Avon lady!

So do we think there will EVER be a wedding?

(Crack up - my verification word is Secretary)

Secretari O

Alma's stupid scream each time Rogelio screamed was dumb and not funny. And her ambulance noise was even worse. Whether this was written in or an ad lib by Blanca Soto in a feeble attempt at being comedic, it didn't work, IMO. Scenes like this one is what made me sign off on this TN weeks ago and my return to this one episode just confirmed I was right. I'm signed off for good now.

Thanks, Tablet Jefa!

Daisy, in the word verification box, did you type in "Yo, secretaria?! Jamás!"?

I thought this was a VERY funny episode, aside from Eli and Vero, whose plotline is stale. Rogue and the doctors were superentertaining. Alma was so awkward at trying to be funny that it just made me laugh even more. The doc with the magnifying glass was especially funny. I liked when Rogue said "Four months?! You can't do this to me!" and the doc was all, "I'M not the one who did this..." I couldn't believe neither doctor shot Rogue with a tranquilizer dart, though, and I am a little sad we didn't get to see him on the airplane with other passengers spectating and speculating. AND, finally a medical emergency we haven't already seen a thousand times in a telenovela!

Chatita's amazing. She can even tame the Momster.

Ricardo was just sad. Really, Julio, he can't sleep on your floor or sofa? Guess he needs to bunk at Chatita's or Chucho's. Everyone else does.

Julia- I knew if anyone else would find this episode funny like I did, it would be you. :) ITA with your thoughts on those scenes, down to finding Blanca's attempts at being funny, funny (because she just isn't).

-Vivi (sitting in the desk right next to you in our 5th grade class)

Thank you, TJ. That was certainly an interesting bunch of little developments for one night!

Vivi and Julia, I will have to join you at the back of the fifth-grade classroom. Let's hope the teacher doesn't split us up!

I didn't LOVE all the screaming, but I loved the reason for it!

The doctor scene was the highlight of the night, though Valentina was very cute in the phone scene too.

What an amazing coincidence that Sebastian just happened to be there when Susana's car broke down. Has he been stalking her? If I were Susana, the stalking would upset me even more than the breakdown.

Yep, proud member of the Back Row Girls club here.

Marta creeps me out more every day.

Thanks Tablet Jefa. Read your recap and then knew I just HAD to see the episode. Painfully funny. Really don't want to imagine what an actual injury to that very sensitive organ must feel like. Did any of our men viewers find those scenes funny? I think not!

My favorite scene was Valentina hanging on Chucho's arm to make him give over the phone. So typical. Nothing brings out bossy, interfering behavior in a kid like an adult in a phone conversation. Like magic. Black magic. But very cute in that scene.

Elias Vero scenes painful yes. But understandable that Elias would be crazy angry. One doesn't get over this kind of betrayal in a few days or a few "episodes". And Veronica's sense of entitlement and "just get out of your house and out of my life so I can get it back on with Jesus" is unforgivable. She's lucky his reaction hasn't been any more violent that it has been. In real life, this would be a highly volatile situation that could get physical really quickly.

Adding in the crazy schizo Marta just makes this all that much more murky. And yucky. I far prefer the malicious humor of Rogelio and Pati together.

And dear sweet Fernando. Still mooning over Discua. I'm rooting for those two. Call me a senile romantic but I want that pairing to work. And I miss Ninel Conde in the mix.

I'm also one of those who thought Alma was funny.

Vale was adorable during the phone scene.

I agree the Elias/Vero thing needs to wind down, though not as annoying as the Xochi/Jesus thing, it's still going on too long. Poor Elias, though, re: Marta--he's screwed.

Why on earth would Xochi's mom get AI? Usually people who go that route really, really want a baby. Did she want her once and then soured on the idea? Maybe Xochi didn't come out the way she had hoped.

JudyB: see you point re: Elias/Vero. Vero really has been a little s**t about the whole thing. Maybe that's the part I wish would end.

I was just telling Flaco this morning that I miss Discua.

Bárbara told Chatita she choose the semen so she could give birth to a tall, blond, and handsome baby, and look what I got! A gerbil!!

If she wanted a arian baby like those from Hitler's times, she should have bought the egg too, because with Xoxi we can see her genes were most predominant. If I look like La india María and want a nordic baby, I better adopt!

Thanks, Pablo.

Well, at least Xochi didn't get her mother's Bitch Gene!

I think that if I were a mother, I'd be a bit miffed by the way mothers are portrayed in PEAM. All the moms on this show are either crazy bitches, or ran away/dead. (There are other characters whose mothers have yet to be discussed, but I'm not getting my hopes up.)

The only exceptions are Chatita, whose own son is (we're told) dead, and Cardenas's mom who doesn't seem to have her own storyline (at least not yet, but we've got over 100 episodes to go).

I thought the picture was the one in the frame when you buy it.

What on earth made Barbara think she wanted to be a mother?

I dunno, but it's interesting that she was interested enough in DNA to pick the father of her child out of a catalog. She should warn Rogelio (since he's similarly obsessed with Alma's DNA) that he could end up with a bunch of baby Xochis (or gerbils) regardless of Alma's DNA.


That was great!

1. Alma was amazing in this episode! I thought she was really funny! And she looked beautiful - I like when she wears her hair like this.
2. Pánfilo is such a caring father.
3. I think it's wonderful that Mark Jindrak - the actor who plays Ury - learned to speak Spanish well enough to be in telenovelas and also write a book in Spanish! Very impressive.

During the intro credits, I think I saw wrestler Marco Corleone as Ury.

Marco Corleone is his "ring name".

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