Thursday, June 20, 2013

PEAM # 74-6/20/13- Days After The Wedding That Was Shortened By An Arrest

Happy,  Eve of the Summer solstice.

We start off by getting bits: of Jesus telling Vero that he loves Alma and couldn’t tell her because she looked so happy in her wedding regalia  and Alma crying to Chatita about how she didn’t tell Jesus that she loved him.  She didn’t’ want to break up his united family, of  Vero, Jesus and Val.  Everything in its place!!!  (If I didn’t have to recap, I may have skipped this episode)   Chatita tells Alma that she knows the story but Alma doesn’t look happy for a woman in love. She tells Chatita that Rogue was arrested at the wedding.

Rogue is talking to Cantu his corrupt lawyer, who brings him medication for his zipper problem. And he has an idea as to how to use Fern to help his case.  He is still working on the idea. Ferny is still thinking about Rogue’s words, how it is all his fault.  The doorbell rings and Jessica and Alex (2 hoe hoe hoes) are at the door.

In the warehouse Ricardo sets up a dinner with an ipod for the high fluting Marisela because he is homeless.( Side note- my priority may have been to get a room to sleep in, as opposed to serving dinner- just saying)   Hmmm- the table is on a forklift.     Ricardo is slowly winning over the rich wannabe.  He recites a line from Ortega, Gasset  and Tagor and of course Marisela has never heard of them.  (She needs to read more if she wants to hang with the rich and famous, she is as dumb as a doorknob).  He is looking at her qualities, her beauty and her lips and then plants a smooth one on her.
 Elias is thinking about Val’s letter to Jesus and how Vero and Jesus were kissing..  He calls Marisela.

Elias interrupts Marsela’s kiss.  He asks – if she is with Chatita.  Of course not.  He needs to see her and she flat leaves Ricardo to run to Elias.  Ricardo doesn’t have a freezer to freeze the food for another day.  Poor fool.

Ferny is not interested in seeing either of the 2 loose ladies.  His brother is in jail and he is not in the mood.  Alex lied that she is going out with Ferny, and he couldn’t remember her name.  So Alex spills the beans – that Rogue paid her to relieve him from his Discua depression, while a stunned Jessica stands there.  Ferny was happy that his brother thought of him.  Alex’s message- tell your bro to pay me or I will sue him!!!

Rogue relives his last moments of freedom, literally, oh sorry digressing, when he and Alma were announced as man and wife,  Paty, the backstabber is speaking to Domi, Rogue’s maid, while the dog is growling at her. (He has  more sense than the humans)  Paty wants him to rot in jail for getting married to Alma, and then  proceeds to break his picture.  She yells that she loves him, (I am ready to fast forward, oops I can’t)

Alma is still talking about how Rogue needs her more than ever she has to help her husband and complete her promise. Chatita asks her if she is going to divorce him??  Thank you, Chatita- who knew that she would be the forgetful voice of reason.  She tells Alma- bad beginnings will have bad endings.  Alma starts talking and shares about her loveless childhood.  (Where is the good doctor when you need her?? Oh right, she is crazy and plotting to marry Elias)  Chatita gives her the motherly hug and attention that she has so lacked for years.

Vero doesn’t hear Jesus and wants him to give her another chance for love.  She will fight to earn his love even though he has confessed that he loves someone else. (Calling Dr. Phil and Steve Harvey

Jesus puts in another bid for Vero to give Elias another chance.  Vero is not hearing it.  She begs for another chance for Jesus and Jesus is listening, oh no!!  He doesn’t want to play with her feelings, give her false illusions or hurt her.  She finally gets it or does she???

Jessica enters Ferny’s apartment for any gossip or sex that she can acquire.  Fern has had it with Rogue. 
 Elias shows up at Chatita’s and Chatita lets him know that Marisela can’t be up too late and no funny business because she is listening.

Jessica presses Ferny for gossip and I hope that she will slip and tell him the truth.  He tries to minimize what is going on to throw her off of the trail.

Elias  wants to talk  and tells Marisela that Marta is not the problem. Marisela slips in that Marta is the problem for her, but Elias doesn’t pay her any mind.  His problem is that Vero wants to marry Jesus.

Jessica knows that Paty is having an affair with Rogue , she remembers the video but keeps digging to find out why Rogue is in jail. He sticks to the – I made up a story that implicated my brother and sends her on her way.
Marisela lets Elias know how she feels for him but Elias is stuck on Vero and his marriage.  Marisela tries to convince Elias that he will kill himself trying to fight for his marriage.

Tonight’s bedtime story won’t be about the Queen and the Helper because the Queen got married. .Valentina asks Jesus to come close (what an old soul)-  she wants to know what does he feel in his heart?  He can trust her?? She lets him know that she overheard his conversation with her mother  and he reminds her to stay in a child’s place.  Val reminds him that the adult stuff she can feel in her heart and it affects her. He loves her more than anything and he will protect her like a Superhero.  She tells him that she prays nightly that she is thankful that he returned to her life and she is glad to know him.  She loves him.  She is another reason why I don’t fast forward.
 Alma is playing the role of the good wife and is waiting helplessly while her husband is in jail.  Jesus brings her coffee and tries to get her to rest and she cries on his shoulder.  That it was all a disaster.

Chatita gives Val – arroz con leche-rice pudding- yummy- and tells her to eat it so that she will grow up to be a beautiful girl.

Alma is getting on my nerves, because she should be crying that she married Rogue, sorry I digress.  Jesus is pained to see her like this and she is happy to have her best friend Jesus at her side.   Val calls Jesus on his cell to find out when is he coming home.  Val tells Alma that she and Chatita love her.  Alma takes Jesus’ advice and goes home to rest.

The next day- Jesus tells Val that she has to study so that she can be a Licenciada like Alma.

Mommy Dearest calls Xochy for breakfast.  Xochy still wants answers about her dad. Xochy tells her momma to make breakfast with her own hands.  Mommy holds the crumpled up magazine photo of the handsome galan and says- if you only knew the truth.  Is that model, her dad, is her dad handsome?  Que the heck???

Ricardo reads the headlines about Rogue being arrested. (Hmm- where is his friend that’s in the press??)
The agent has a theory about the money in the warehouse, are Uri and Rogue connected?  She is going to interview Rogue.

Cantu visits Ferny and notes how much whisky he has consumed.  Is he trying to drown his sorrows?

Everyone at Avon is a buzz about the arrest.  Susana speaks up for Rogue, saying that the arrest was a misunderstanding and it will all be cleared up.  All of the idiots are standing around speculating and NOT working as usual. Jessica who is always scheming wants to know who is in charge- Cardenas says it would be Ferny and in unison everyone says- desencanto!!! Thank goodness, Alma shows up to work.  Now maybe something can get accomplished.

Alma tells them that in the first place what happened to Rogue doesn’t not affect Avon.  Everyone needs to be disciplined and not to gossip about her husband.  Alma says that her husband has been arrested and everything will work out to his favor.  She thanks them for their concern, but then tells everyone to get back to work.  She then thought bubbles back to the wedding and when Rogue is arrested. 
Jesus drops Val off to school.  He wishes her well on her math test and gives him a kiss to give to Alma.  Alma is calling Jesus-to ask him if he is coming to work.  (Shouldn’t it be the other way around??)  She anticipates his arrival and clutches his Xmas origami angel.

Cantu blames and scolds Ferny for Rogue’s arrest and what is he going to do to rectify the situation.  (Hopefully, nothing)

Alma tries to get herself together because Rogue needs her-pleeeeezzz!!
Jesus asks if there is anything new?  What is the lawyer doing?? But it is status quo.  She wants to manage Rogue’s image with the press.

Cantu has an idea- the only proof that that agent has against Rogue are the phone calls to Malvino.  Since its Rogue’s phone, Fern should say that it is in Rogue’s name but it’s his phone and he made the calls.

Jesus reminds Alma to be strong and he will handle the press.  She can always count on him.

Cantu reminds Ferny that Rogue discovered the "dishonest " Discua, got him a job and he has to help his little brother.  He still thought bubbles to Rogue’s rant- get me out of here, it’s your fault, blah, blah, blah.

Ricardo thought bubbles to his kiss- a secret that confuses the lips with the ears.  Gil and Julio tease him, like the adolescents that they are.  Someone calls Julio- not sure who it is, but he tells whoever it is that he won’t regret it.

Paty the backstabber comes into the office with her crap and wants to talk to Jesus about how he feels now that Alma is married.

Cantu tells Alma that he has a strategy that will make everything work out well.  Paty is spread out all over Jesus’ desk and implies that with Rogue in jail the road is free for him to pursue Alma. She knows that the wedding killed his hopes.  (Is she also speaking for herself??)

Vero and Elias have their daily argument about getting divorced, using Val,  who is going to live where, and Vero tells Elias that she and Val will move in with Jesus.  Does Jesus know this??? 

Coming attractions- Is Val in the warehouse?? Why????  Are Elias and Vero going to have make up sex, sorry digressing.


Good evening all,

I know that every episode can't be compelling and exciting but tonight was a dude. Maybe this is the calm before the storm.

Thanks, Tablet Jefa, for an excellent recap!

I loved the interchange between Chatita and Alma. Looks like her mom and dad both messed her up. At least we know for sure where her insecurities come from. It is good to know that she has support from Chatita and not just from Jesus.

Alma needs to start hanging with Xochi who did tell her mother that she had hands and could make her own breakfast. Alma and Xochi are more similar than different with their options for their future being controlled by parents who only think of themselves.

It was an okay episode.



Well... the gossip of Rogelio being in prison got to Avon like virginia ham to the hungry piranhas!! I am telling you! While Pato was talking to Heysus all three of them were there just standing for the whole while!! God I wish I'd work at Avon, these people get paid for doing nothing!!



Thanks so much for this fab recap, this epi may have been a dud, but this recap is excellent!

I agree with Jarifa about Alma and Xochi, they are the same really, but at least now Xochi is standing up for herself. Alma needs to do the same. Thank goodness for Chatita. They ought to get rid of Marta and replace her with Chatita, I swear Chatita gives way better advice.

I hope Ferny doesn't fall for Cantu's trying to guilt him into taking the blame for Rogue. But then again, Delia is a bit ahead of them and knows who the real culprit is. Cantu's plan shouldn't be working anyways.


You are spot on about Val's old soul, she is the cutest thing and understands the adults around her way more than they understand themselves. I hope she grows up a strong, sensible young lady, despite what is going on in her life.

I'd like to see Vero move in with Chucho, too funny. Never happen, Val yes, Vero, I don't think so.

I'm right there with you on wanting to selectively FF last night TJ. Thanks for the recap of a filler, frustrating episode...though there were a few cute moments.

Can Val get any sweeter? The scene with Papa Jesus was wonderful, and she's right, all this "adult" stuff affects her. She just melted my heart, and made me want to smack Vero all the more. And it seems her delusional gene is running rampant still.

Cantu needs to be hit by a bus. Period. Flattened and scraped off the pavement. Then again, maybe road kill is too good for him. My poor Ferny....please don't take the fall!!

So do we have a layered lie from Xochi's mom? The guy in the photo isn't her dad, but neither was she born from a donated sperm it seems? Ay yi yi--so now do we open the door to the daddy-o being someone we know? Maybe Sebastian ( could he be any bigger of a scum bag -- he could join Cantu on the road kill line) Then again, with over 100 episodes to go (yish) maybe we will have some new characters appear?


Tablet Jefa, this might have been a dud of an episode, but you are such a keen observer it seems you manage to extract some very key plot points and insightful observations throughout.

My favorites...The funny one: "Jessica enters Ferny’s apartment for any gossip or sex that she can acquire." Yes TJ, you really nailed that one.

The bittersweet one: "The next day- Jesus tells Val that she has to study so that she can be a Licenciada like Alma." Kinda sad that he doesn't say so Val can be like her own mom, who is a waste of space as far as I can tell.

I agree that is one of those pivotal episodes that serves as set-up for future events.

Thanks TJ, I'm so glad you did NOT FF through this episode because it is superb.

I meant your recap is superb, not the episode. Duh.

Thanks Tablet everyone else (well, the women anyway) I melted when Valentina gently beckoned with her finger to Dad..."Come closer papa"..and quietly shared with him how her parents' heartaches were her heartaches also.

Well played by our adorable little thespian.

On the Xochi story, I hope she isn't going to be the product of rape or something monstrous like that. She has enough sorrow to deal with as it is.

Even though it's just a story, I wanted to smack Marisela hard when she peremptorily dumped Ricardo and his creative fine-dining-in-bodegalandia to run after Elias once again.

All the adults in this one are annoying me right now! I only like Valentina and Sanson. Is that wrong?

And of course I liked your recap, TJ, thank you for not giving up on the "dud".

How did such a helpless person as Xochi's mom pay for a sperm donor? It would be more believable that some guy paid her to keep it quiet. Then she told herself he was a sperm donor.

I've got a lot more tolerance for Xochi after getting to know her mom. Finding her dad could be a good subplot.

Thanks, TJ! Might not have been the most exciting epi, but you have spun straw into gold como siempre.

Lots of setup, though...the mystery of Xochi's origens, Alma opening up to Chatita, Vero's increasing delusion spiral, Ricardo finally making a little progress with Mari.

I wanted to smack Marisela, too, when she left that dinner to go chat with Elias about nonsense for five minutes. She couldn't have seen him the next day, or talked to him by phone whenever she got home? Why is she at his beck and call when she's mad at him?

Thanks, TJ! Yes, I hope the pace picks up.

I don't understand what the problem is. Shouldn't we find this a lot more exciting? Rogue is in jail, Ricardo is homeless, a photographer has oodles of pictures waiting to break Alma's heart, the intrepid Xochi has a mystery to solve, and there's a crazy therapist counseling troubled people.

Yet somehow I'm still not really feeling it. And I know it isn't just me. Maybe some of us are just burning out on this kind of stuff?

I want Julio (aka Hipus Movilus) to dance more. That's what this show needs.

Is this an abnormally long time for the show to go on before the two leads even admit to each other their romantic interest?

Yup, I agree. More Julio dancing. I'd like to see Xochi come out of her shell with him. She irritated the heck out of me at first, but now she's a much more interesting character.

Daisy, I loved the road kill thought for Cantu.
Pablo- I would love to work at Avon too and get paid to waste time.
Julie- I can't imagine how it's going to pick up but I hope that it does since it lasted in Mexico for so long.
Thank you all because the comments were funnier than the episode.

Less gossip, less of the ''major characters'' who turned out to be really annoying, and more of the ones in the back, whose stories are (and surely will be) way more entertaining! In few words, let's turn the TN upside down!

Can you imagine if little by little we would get to see less and less of Chatita, Jesús, Alma and such pointless characters until they disappear completely and more of Ivonne, Melchor and Gaspar, Remigio, Domitila, Minerva, to the point where the TN ends with a wedding but a very unexpected one!!
That would be great!

Now that you mention it - yeah, it's a little weird that they've made out a bunch of times and even went to premarital counseling together, but haven't discussed their feelings.

I think that's supposed to be part of the "comedy," that only Chucho and Alma are oblivious to each other's love. Everyone else can see it. But that "joke" is wearing thing.

I do like Xochi's story, actually. The relationship with Julio and the mystery of her father. But that's not where most of the screen time is going.

Oh well. At least Chucho and Eli are still good to look at!

Maybe I belong to Marta's Club (Am I weird?), but for me, comedy is something that makes me laugh (Old Christine, Familia P-Luche, and similars) and this TN doesn't make me feel anything! I am concerned, last night I thought I felt a little, very little sadness when Marisela dumped Ricardo to follow Elías. And regarding Patricia, I like her character and the way she speaks but I hate the way she behaves and everything she does...

Thanks for your great work here TJ in spite of the episode. I enjoy how you want to FF through things but am happy you didn't. Thanks for your patience and hopefully things will get better.

I agree Julie. It's not like I fight tuning in, but honestly, the plot when from really inane stupid hijinks to borderline drama.

So far, I love my little Val so much, it's amazing that a little girl can make a whole TN so enjoyable. Any scene with any grown up she's in gets my attention. But some of the others--too many characters interacting but it's not going anywhere.
We need either a good fast forward, or some people just need to get their act together because we keep getting the same conversation and arguments over and over with rare exceptions.

In particular, Vero and Elias need to get out of their stagnation, and Elias needs to grok that Jesus is not, in fact, interested in breaking up his family or hooking up with Vero again.

This show still makes me laugh. For example, when Xochi's mean mama demanded her breakfast and Xochi threw the crumpled up picture at her instead.

I also find it amusing how completely happy and at home Ricardo seems, living in the warehouse.

1. Fernando is so cute and sweet.
2. I loved the "A kiss is a secret that confuses the mouth with the ears" line that Ricardo used!

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