Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #52 (Mex 77.2-78) Tuesday 6/25/13

To live and die in El Lay  
by Ellie

I missed the first 11 minutes of tonights episode becuase I was watching Catfish on MTV and forgot to set my DVR to record QBA, if I missed anything let me know

Oh boy this a dark episode and no one was having a good day.

 Maria and the other vecindad folks learn that their slumlord Braulio wants them all out, and to that they say "hell no we won't go!" Maria stands up to Braulio and tells him that he will not be able to kick them out of their home, at least not without a legal battle. I missed whatever happened here but next thing I know Braulio, in full on sleazy mode comes to visit Amalia and tries to get all up in her business (I'd like to see women in these shows get rape whistles and pepper spray), she tries to get away from him but he is like white on rice and tries to kiss her, while telling her that she is poor by choice, if she gave him the time of day she would be set! While trying to escape his clutches she falls and bumps her head, Braulio runs away from the scene and offers no help.

Maria comes home to find her mother on their living room floor, she goes to help her and realizes that she is injured when she sees blood coming from the back of her head, instead of calling 911 she starts to scream for help and Aventurero and Susanito come to the rescue. I'm seriously confused here, why don't they call an ambulance?! The doctor finally gets there and tells Maria that her mother suffered an injury to her head but that he does not believe it had anything to do with her illness but rather with some sort of psychological trauma, Maria thinks it's from the stress of knowing that they might get kicked out of their home. The good doctor tells her that if Amalia worsens they will have to declare her brain dead. Ummm shouldn't she be in a hospital? Maria cries at her mother’s bedside and tells her that she needs her, that she is grateful for everything she has done for her and that she admires her, she is sorry she did not ell her sooner just how much she loves her.

The death train
No one dies. Yay.

La Escuela:
Rodrigo and Paloma have a fight, why you might ask? Because Paloma is being a ditz and believes her mortal enemy when she claims that Rodri kissed her twice, even though poor lil Rod denies it. Paloma throws a fit and breaks up with him. Oh young love, always so complicated. 

The Adventures of Elvira

Elvira, is being a baby and laments the fact that she's poor (oh Viwerville, someone needs to start a charity for her, we could call it the Elvira is a ho and needs new shoes foundation or maybe Angelina and Brad can adopt this poor disadvantaged youth). Anyhoo she goes to visit her daddy to see if she can get him to give her some pesos but when she gets there she finds that papi is not going to cave, she has disappointed him by sleeping with the help, whom he compares to pigs (you jerk, those "pigs" are the ones that keep putting money in your pockets you greedy little man!) and he can't forgive her, so now she has to work for her pesos!

Meanwhile Conchos wife and number one employee go at each other, and while they argue about the way the bar needs to be run Elvira sneaks her way to the cash register and steals the cash. Well look at how precious and multi-talented she is, not only is she a whore but she is also a thief. So talented that one. Sadly two of the saucy wenches get blamed for the theft, booo, hiss.

To live and die in El Lay

Altagracia is in bad shape (I'd gladly give up Mancia if we could keep Gracia!) and is in a huge deal of pain but she refuses to go to the hospital because she is scared that if she does and Santos returns he wont be able to visit her and will be arrested the second he walks into the hospital. Justo and the doctor both try to convince her that she will be better cared for in the hospital but Gracia wont budge. Justo, bless his heart tells her that he wants to die with her and can't imagine life without her but she tells him he has a lot to live for, he needs to clear their name and help Santos become a free man, oh and help Wendy with the baby. I hope the virgen grants a miracle and that she recovers.

La Carcel
Wendy goes to visit our favorite Tellytubby in the pokey and gives him the bad news, her mama is going to die, he does his best to comfort her and ends up telling her that he has always been in love with her. No, Mike Johnson, no! You can do better, I'm sure you could find someone through

Curtis and Derecho
These two finally catch a break and learn that the gun that was used to murder Bruno was purchased by the deceased as a gift for the Orange one, they also learn that Gracia is angry and Derecho says that they will soon have Santos, when he comes to visit his ill mother they will make their move!
The Orange one, Mr. Smith, and Wendy ‘Wah Wha Baby” De La Garza
Smith is concerned that they are going to get caught, the deal with Shark boy fell through and now they don’t have any money and the God father has threatened them with death, the Orange one is cool as a cucumber and says he is not scared, in fact he laughs in the face of danger! Later the Orange one meets with Wendy and tells her that the moment Santos returns she is to contact him and that no one must know, why has no one told Wendy that this guy is a snake? She agrees to keep him posted. Elsewhere in El Lay Derecho and Curtis approach Smith, he confirms that the gun used to kill Bruno belonged to Guliano, they ask if he will agree to testify against Guliano and he says yes, well, it was nice knowing you Mr. Smith (well, not really).
Justo is a hard worker bee
Justo does some hard work and finds that the money was sent by Guliano and the other bad apples to an account in the Cayman Islands, how did Santos never realize that the numbers were not adding up? Did he get an LAUSD education, cause that would so totally explain it.
In other news:
Coloso is still loves Maria, Mil Amores thinks Ana is going out with the other mariachi and Shark boy is up to no good.
Join us tomorrow when we meet creatures worse than the Chupacabra, it’s the migra y’all!


The idea of those two predators (Ruben and Braulio) teaming up is making me lose my lunch.

You and me both! Poor Amalia!


Thanks for this wonderful, funny recap. Really like your style and the asides, lol. Especially about Mike Johnson, lol. He can do better.

As Bruno lay dying didn't he tell Wendy about OJ? Maybe not. I wish he had.

Poor Altagracia. I don't want her to die either. I wish she would have some type of miraculous recovery.

I really liked how Ana stuck it to Mil Amores, lol. I think he might be a wee bit jealous.

Did the two bar guys give Lourdes that paper saying that Pedro owned half that bar? The look on Mirna's face was priceless.


I'm with you about Braulio and Rueben. I really didn't think Braulio would attack Amalia like that. I hope he gets caught and jailed.

This is the epi I called Everybody is Miserable or Everybody Suffers. Can't believe we've had four straight episodes were the emotional tone was the same for all the characters.

Rat Bastard and Would Be Rapist hooking up is bad news. My thinking is the RB wants the Mendoza's out on the street either for revenge against Maria or to get her to come begging to him for help either way it is repulsive. And he still doesn't know that Maria is engaged to JAntos and that the man has left for LA.

Let me see Amelia is in a coma, at home oh puleeze even for a TN that is ridiculous. On the other hand she really annoyed me in the scene with Coloso when she pretty much told him to keep hoping that JA won't return and Maria will be his for the taking. Hypocrite.

Unfortunately Amelia's strange parenting has made Paloma the same kind of doubter that Maria is. Oh gee Roddy kissed skank in training Vanessa. It was while they were on a break. Do these girls seriously believe their Principe Azuls will never have kissed another girl? And like big sis Paloma won't listen. Poor Isa is getting a college education on how NOT to treat one's boyfriends.

Lourdes certainly hit the trifecta with her little princess. A liar, a slut and a thief all wrapped up in one silicone enhanced package. Can't wait to see what happens when she finds out who took the money and caused two of the wenches to lose their jobs.

Not crazy about Ana using Sonador to stick it to Fernando. Neither of themdeserve it although only one knows he is being used to hurt a friend.

So our resident genus Weeping Wendy now makes OJ yet another promise to let him know when Santos arrives. Why oh why didn't Justo and Gracia tell her what they know about him.

Derecho and Curtis have to be the two dumbest cops on earth. They know someone tried to kill Santos, they now know that OJ has the gun used to kill the Bronze One and yet they still continue to think that Santos is some criminal mastermind. When Arnold dies tonight which it looks like, how will they still think that Santos orchestrated it since they also suspect he is on the way to see Gracia and they should be thinking in terms of the Death Train. Oh right thinking, not their strong point.

Ellie - Thanks a bunch.

Not putting Amalia in the hospital when she's at risk of going brain dead is just crazy.

What got me as I was watching this last night was how the hell can Braulio have the building torn down that easily, especially when it's an attached building (with the farmacia on the ground floor)? Is it really that easy to evict tenants and tear down a building?

And how can Derecho and Curtis still believe that Santos is guilty of anything other than leaving the country without documentation?


My point about Derecho and Curtis exactly. The problem is that they have it fixed in their minds that Santos is guilty and just ignore anything that leads otherwise. I think if they were watching OJ try to kill him while bragging about having fooled him with the money laundering they would still think Santos guilty. The pair of them belong working in archives because between them they don't have a functioning brain

Eli--Fantastic recap. You have a brilliant ability for nailing, skewering and forking all of them and the writers, too. I'd copy and paste too much if I had to pick out everything I liked.

Who cares about the first 11 minutes. It was probably about Santos and the fellow who fell over the side of the train.

Elvira is a sneaky thief. She probably won't feel one gotita of guilt over the two meseras getting fired for theft. Concho is too dim and Lourdes too proud to figure out there *was* someone else there. Let's see what Elvira brings home with dinero she's not supposed to have.

Maybe Mike could do better than Wendy, but Wendy would hit the jackpot with Mike.

Paloma--puleeze. You are a dimmer wit than I thought. You KNOW Vanessa lied to the teacher and the dirctor about everything you and Paloma got into and laid the blame on you. Dont'cha think for one little hot NY minute that she might have been lying----again?

Somehow, I think Ruben is going to buy the building from Braulio so he can become Maria's landlord.


UA--and wouldn't they have to give tenants at least 30 days notice? Have even 30 days passed since we started this thing! (Don't answer that, I was being facetious.)


Mads--That was an awfully small piece of paper to be the official document that Pedro owned half the bar. In any case, Mirna's going to destroy it, no?


Decie--Yeah, Amalia's in a coma with her hair perfectly coiffed, made up and lying on her best side to catch the camera.......

Eli--"The missing 11 minutes." I'm too lazy to go back and look, but I also think they had a scene where Oscar and Roddy finished up breakfast and then hustled them over to Maria's to pick up Paloma and Isa to take them to school.

I feel bad for Isabel. She's seeing everything she shouldn't about handling relationships with men. She seems smart enough to figure out that this is wrong, but she's also in no position to be helpful to her sisters.

Amalia trying to raise Oscar's hopes is also every kind of wrong. Maria has made it clear she is not going to love him the way he wants her to. It's time he either got back together with Gloria or met another woman. It's not like he would lack for opportunity.

I don't know what's standard throughout the US but in NYC landlords are required to give 90 days' notice for rent increases. I would therefore surmise that this would also be required for eviction for this reason. Anything less is cruel and unusual punishment.

With regard to Vanessa and her dirty tricks, she is an Elvirus in training. I shudder at what her parents must be like.

Assuming that JAntos is a Mexican citizen with US permanent residency (since he owns a business in the US), he hasn't broken any American laws that I can see. US citizens and permanent residents don't need to show a passport or anything to leave, just to enter another country. (Airlines check passports just to make sure you can enter the new country and they won’t get stuck having to fly you home if you can’t enter.) So if he broke a law, it would be a Mexican law. However, as a Mexican citizen, he might not need to document his entry into his own country, so it’s possible he hasn’t even broken a Mexican law. In AB, Daniel did it and it wasn’t a prob once he became a Mexican citizen. In any case, none of that is any of the LA cop clowns’ business.

I guess that because he owned the business, there is that photo-shopped photo of him with the Godfather, and he ran away, they think he is guilty and there is no need to look for more evidence or at any other suspects. “Think”. Yes, that’s the problem, alrighty.

UA, I would not assume that landlord-tenant relations in Mexico bear any resemblance to those in the US. The lease for the house I rented there was in absolutely incomprehensible legalese, but it was very clear to me that my landlord had way, way more power over me and I had far, far fewer rights than anything I ever heard of in the US, though when Braulio was trying to charge them for repairs, Maria pointed out that wasn’t allowed by the lease. So my best guess is that whatever the lease says is what goes. I agree with Anita, Ruben probably wants to come in to save the day and buy the building, and then use his position as landlord to sniff around Maria. BTW, does she know that JA paid off the debt to Ruben? I don’t remember him telling her anything about it.


He didn't tell her about that in front of us, which I expected would happen (if only to help create this situation). However, Fernando was there to see it and he can step in to help Maria. He witnessed the payment so Ruben can't just pocket the money and deny it.

Someone needs to prove that the picture was photoshopped.

I don't know. Since there's no receipt or anything like that, it's just Ruben's word against Fernando's. And Santos' word, too, for that matter. I wouldn't put it past that shark to deny any payment was ever made, but then there's no paperwork for the loan, either. So, legally, Maria could just tell him to take a hike. Which I hope she does, but I know she won't. *sigh* I have a bad feeling about this situation.

So true about it being Fernando's word against Ruben's and also was Fab Not also a witness. He is annoyed about the entire thing with Maria and might and I say might not back up Ruben.

Thanks, Ellie, for another marvelous recap. Sorry I'm late, but I was hoping to have time for more comments and then things got hectic for me today.

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