Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #175 Tue 7/16/13 We have Prince Charming and we have some jumping of the shark
Something more will be put here later. Discuss amongst yourselves. Quick overview with more planned to be added later.
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Yep, he kisses her hand and says he'll be her stand-in baby daddy. *Viewerville melts.* |
It's been one of those days. I hate this. I want to do this episode more justice. I'll do that later. It might be much later today. Check back for updates. Lo siento!
For now, here's the super-short version based on a sketchy memory. Events may not be listed in order.
* Vicki tells Big Angel that if Lili survives, that she'll give up Big Angel forever, for Lili's sake. Much crying and teeth gnashing over this decision.
* Vicente is a dream come true for Adri. If that deadbeat dad Joan-Carlos doesn't want to be a daddy to Adri's baby, Vicente will! Hand kissing. Sigh.
* Roy the Boy visits Lili in the hospital, but his Prince Charming kiss doesn't awaken our Disney Princess. She dreams only of the Little Ape. (More on that later.)
* Big Angel tries to get Lili to wake up. She opens her eyes briefly. Big Angel is beside himself with grief and worry over her condition.
* Big Angel finds out that Roy the Boy is there at the hospital. Big Angel pops a cork. Roy the Boy convinces Big Angel of his sincerity. The two exchange a manly hug, united in solidarity over their love for Lili.
* Joan-Carlos is ticked off that Adriana seemed to move on so quickly. Jocelyn says, "What did you expect? You didn't want to be tied down! You snooze you lose!" Joan-Carlos says that he got to feel "love" for Adri, she's the first one that got to him feel at that level since Vicki, but I believe he still reiterated his disinterest in babies. Well you know dude, keep that thought because there's a Prince in White Scrubs that will be more than happy to step in for you, and frankly at the moment I think he's way hotter than you. (This opinion is subject to change, depending on how the plotline develops.)
* The Ho is talking to her henchman (I'll remember his name but don't ask me to give it now) about bumping off Gramps, because he's ticking her off with calling her on her B.S. and all. Henchman suggests that she can get to Gramps (Anibal) by trying to seduce him instead. She's willing to give it a shot. Gramps is a douchebag, but no dummy. He's not falling for it. (I drifted off during part of this so I could be getting some of it wrong.)
* Lili our Disney Princess dreams (literally, she sleeps and dreams) of a Disney Princess wedding to the Little Ape. Oh barf.
* Earlier Big Angel heard Lili whisper "Francisco!" when she briefly woke up, so the Little Ape goes in to visit her. She says she is slipping away, has no reason to live. Her dad Big Angel is got a baby on the way and a new woman. Lili doesn't need to stick around. She has only one dream in her life, and there's no time for it to be realized—she'd love to marry Guzmancito. Well, Guzmancito obviously can't grant her wish. Or can he?
* Guzmancito tells the awaiting crowd in the hospital waiting room that Lili has one last wish and that's to get hitched to him. Roy the Boy doesn't like the sound of it. But Nikki says that since Lili's going to check out soon, that Guzman should do this for her. The Little Ape has tears streaming down his face. (JUMPING THE SHARK, WE ARE JUMPING THE SHARK HARD.)
* Cande overhears Adri crying over Lili and (for a reason I missed, will fill in later!) realizes that she can't keep the secret of Lili's parentage a secret any longer. She pulls Adri aside and just dumps the truth on her. Doesn't give her the specifics, just that Lili is Lucia. Adri is spitting mad, incredulous, yadda yadda. Candi pleads with Adri to not let Big Angel know, because it would crush him. Adri's fondness for Big Angel and his inherent decentness doesn't take much time to kick in and she agrees that no one should know of Lili's true parentage. Poor Big Angel doesn't deserve that. She makes Candi promise that she won't say anything of this (that Adri knows the truth) to Gramps. END OF EPISODE.
AVANCES: Adri tells Vicente that Lili is "their" daughter. Adri gives birth. Joan-Carlos comes to see her. Guzmancito visits Lili and says he's willing to fulfill her dream.
Labels: Amores
I've been paying a little more attention to this one as it nears the end and I have to say that Liliana's Tyranny of the Weak is getting on my last nerve. I was cheering her when she was fighting her attacker but she is a spoiled little brat with regard to her father's relationship with Victoria and about Francisco. She needed a shrink long ago.
I also don't see how the issue of her parentage can remain a secret from Jose Angel or even herself. And what happened to the other baby girl?
You hit all the notes perfectly. Gracias.
I was heartsick about Lili last night (readily admitting being far more emotionally invested in AV than I should). What tantalizing, heartwrenching devilry do the writers have in store for us now??
Lili fell out of love with Roy the day he married Nikki, reverting to her futile obsession with Francisco. New lives will begin (Adriana and Vicky's children) while a cherished child's life hangs in the balance.
Will Adri find out the truth only to have her child ripped from her arms? Will JA have to endure another devastating loss?
Hoping that we are just being toyed with and that Lili is in for a miraculous recovery. If not, this is not the story I have loved and enjoyed lo these many months.
Thanks again Elvira.
Oh yes! Jumping the shark is perfect title. . (cue the JAWS music) Except, they did not quite clear said shark. Looks like they got caught on its fin and are bleeding out.
This was a terrible episode and I became very frustrated with the developments last night. It was very tempting to throw lanza nerfazos at my TV screen.
I was LOL - okay, GUFFAWING, to be more honest - over Lili's dream and request to Guzman that he marry her. And Guzman's Niagara Falls of tears. Gaaaaaah!!!!! We. do. not. want. a Downton Abbey redux! That Lili is seriously obsessed to the max. Addicted to her Guzman obsession. That girl needs help. Really. IF she survives this telenovela.
JA's initial attack for thinking Roy was joking about Lili was … um …. way over-the-top. How stupid can they get??? Oh, never mind...
Elvira - you got it right re: Kendra & Anibal seduction scene.
COULD the writers have drawn out the Cande reveal to Adri any more? What should have taken two minutes took, what, twenty??? I'm ready to sic the shark on the writers.
"Liliana's Tyranny of the Weak" -- spot on, UA! I'm ready for her to die.
Wonderful, wonderful recap! You got everything.
I too was shocked, I tell you shocked by Lili's request! These writers sure have some stuff up their sleeves to confound and amuse us! Wow, I was not expecting that from Lili and Nikki's reaction, who knew? I sure didn't. That one caught me off guard completely. I think Lili told Guzmancito that she had a "premonition" she was going to die. Roy was so sad, poor boy. I wonder what happens next, in this crazy storyline with Lili?
Yes, Espanto told Kendho to maybe try seducing old Anyballs, lol. When she went in there to do that, I was chortling and guffawing, belay that, I was laughing so hard, as was Mr. Mads. Too funny. I liked the look Anyballs gave the Ho when she slithered over by his desk and was "oozing" her charms, lol. And that pouty face when she left, priceless.
I just knew Cande would spill about Lucia, but not that way. Amazing! And Adri agreeing not to tell Anyballs. Cande isn't alive for me yet. She has got to do a bit of penance before she is alive for me again. I want Cande to tell Adri the whole circumstances and how she figured out that Lili is really Lucia!
Cris and the Angel's bebe died at birth. Noone really knows what happened to the body of the bebe. We have been speculating that Cande must have buried the bebe in the cemetery in Santa Rita, where the Arriaga family lived at the time. I hope the writers give us closure for that bebe story.
JA is over the top, but EY always plays over emotional galans (Rodrigo Montalvo comes to mind).
The writers are really toying with us with Adri/Vicente/Yawn Joan. I think she will choose Vicente (not a spoiler).
Kendho seduction of Anyballs was laughable. I can't wait for her and UslessAnyballs to get their punishment.
Surprises for me: Nikki and Roy continued maturity. JA should take lessons from Roy...
Back to sorting, cleaning, boxing up stuff.
It felt like the writers just needed to squeeze out an extra episode or three, and just threw this silly pity marriage plot in to lengthen things. Plus, it shows us much Nikki has grown up and become an unselfish, caring person, shalala shalala.
In general it bugs me in all telenovelas the gullibility of seemingly smart people. Oh well that's what beanies are for.............
Yeah. THis. I haven't watched yet, but ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? *big huge teenagery eye-roll* Like, juarever.
Thanks for the recap. So sorry you got this episode.
My favorite scene was Kendra's version of that scene from Basic Instinct for Aníbal's benefit. Does he get credit for resisting temptation?
I actually got the feeling that we might lose Liliana. This is not going the way I expected. I thought that she would open her eyes and see Roy and suddenly get the strength to carry on, but it looks as though the writers have decided to drag us in a different direction. Maybe Opalina and the Escargots will show up in time to set things right.
A few details to add:
As Vivi mentioned, Arriaga persuaded Vikki to take back her silly oath to leave him if Lili survives. Whew.
Cande felt impelled to tell Adriana that Lili was her daughter because the priest pointed out that Adri deserved a chance to say goodbye.
Kendra tells Espanto to get some more of those drops that kill instantly without leaving a trace. (The stuff they used on Nabila)
And for the word nerds in the crowd:
Aníbal gives us one more way to say 'woman of ill-repute': he mutters that Kendra is a "meretriz", which is, like Aníbal himself, somewhat dated, and means "harlot", "strumpet", or simply "prostitute".
It is related to the English word, "meretricious" (cheap, tawdry, apparently attractive but without real value. Earlier meaning: characteristic of a prostitute. From the Latin "meretrix" (prostitute), which is from the verb "mereri" (to be hired).
"I was LOL - okay, GUFFAWING, to be more honest - over Lili's dream and request to Guzman that he marry her. And Guzman's Niagara Falls of tears. Gaaaaaah!!!!! We. do. not. want. a Downton Abbey redux!"
HAHAHAHAHA. I had the same reaction!
It will be interesting to see what our monkey writers have in store for Liliana. Personally, I am ready to withhold their bananas this week.
UA - good call on Lili's erratic behavior.
Diana - Though Carlos is a nice guy and its fun seeing the actor play a normal guy (not psycho villain), he can't compete w/Vicente.
Doris - you continue to make me laugh "Except, they did not quite clear said shark. Looks like they got caught on its fin and are bleeding out."
Mads I'm w/you on Cande. Stop pitying yourself and tell the story, then go to jail.
SFChica Bonita - Kendra does think too highly of herself. And Carlos, I'll give the old coot points for humiliating her and turning her down.
Vivi - thanks for pointing out Frankie's logic lapse. These writers and their bad contrived ways to keep the main couple apart. For shame.
Sara - a lot of the episode was crazy but watch Vicente kiss Adriana's hand. Sigh
NM - thanks for the vocabulary!!
So Cande told Adriana about Lilli/Lucia, and they agreed to keep the secret - not tell anyone, esp. Anibal. But then 2 minutes later Adri tells Vicente. No way this stays a secret.
And Cande should have explained a bit more about the circumstances of the switch now that she's made the almost-big reveal.
The whole Disney wedding side track is pitiful. Nuf said.
Anibal really is a cool customer. He had the Ho's number in a millisecond and called her on it. I'm thinking KendHo is back to Plan A now (get rid of Anibal).
Maybe Espanto and/or KendHo will get some of the poison on themselves. Maybe too quick and easy a death for these two vipers.
Yay, JA squashed Vickie's bird-brain idea of separating if Lili lives. As JA said, with all this pain he needs her more now than ever. Those two praying together side by side for Lili's recovery was a much better move.
Vivi - so glad you pointed out that Lili did not request that Guzman marry her. Lili is heavily sedated and in a dreamlike state talking out of her head. If those stupids go through with a marriage, it's on them. So I guess there will be a new bird-brain idea every day. Hopefully this one gets squashed tonight.
Loved Anibal shutting down KendaHo's Basic Instinct leg crossing. What a hoot!
JA's nerves are frayed. I can understand him going off on Roy cause he misinterpreted his joking. Seemed realistic to me. Maybe cause I’ve seen just the same dynamic with an aunt and nephew under similar circumstances. JA is living a parent's worst nightmare so I give him a break.
I'm sure Lili will pull through. I predict a Rocky-like sequence where Roy helps her whip body back into shape.
Anibals and Kendra: a battle of wits where one of the participants is unarmed. She is way more sneaky then smart. Anibals is smart but his ego will get in the way one of these days.
Joan could care less. I am of two minds about the baby: he might find it "amusing" at least for a while. My money is on Vicente!!! The tender way he treats Adriana (Sigh).
Lili. Really? Really?
Guzmancito. You don't have to fix everything... I too am hoping this is just an example of showing how much Nikki and Roy have grown emotionally.
Basic Instinct. Perfecto. Basic Instank more like.
1.) Will Adri end up with Vicente or Carlos?
2.) Will Liliana live or die?
3.) Will Cande ever tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
4.) Will Roy win a major tennis tournament?
I thought the marriage thing was stupid. IThe idea behind it is nice and all but it practically nominates Francisco to a Darwin award.
After I had a surgery when my appendix broke I had some conversations I could barely remember days later because I was heavily sedated. Her conversation with Francisco was probably as much a dream to her as the events in her subconcious. Lily's obsession with Francisco has always been nursed by others and it has to stop.
1.) Will Adri end up with Vicente or Carlos?-- Vicente, por supuesto! But Carlos will get to be in his child's life.
2.) Will Liliana live or die?-- Live. JA and Adri would have nervous breakdowns, otherwise.
3.) Will Cande ever tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?-- Nope. Someone else will jump the gun. I'm thinking Nelson, since he still plans to get even with Anibal. Or Kendra, if she manages to find that letter and bump Nelso off as planned.
4.) Will Roy win a major tennis tournament?-- Yes. Just before retiring to become a gardner with his jefe preciosa.
So, Nikki may be acting all secure and mature in telling Guzmi to go ahead and marry Lili, but she is also basically betting on Lili dying. That is not nice!
Aside from which, who takes the demands of a drugged-up supposedly dying drama queen seriously? Guzmi should have just told Lili if she wants to get married, she needs to focus on getting better. Then after she's recovered, he can let her down again. And her whole "I have nothing to live for!" whine was pathetic. There's nothing to live for if your dad has a life that isn't all about you? There's nothing to live for if the guy you're fixated on doesn't marry you? Get a grip, Lili.
I have to assume that Vicky's brain was attacked by rogue pregnancy hormones when she said she'd give up JA for Lili's recovery. What kind of god could she possibly believe in who would be all, "So you'll abandon the good man who loves you, who is the father of your unborn child? Sounds great! Deal!" Why didn't she just offer to donate money to charity or something? Honestly, these characters and their idiotic ideas of noble behavior.
I'm on Team Vicente. Adri has been jerked around more than enough already. She doesn't need any more of Zho-Ahn's narcissism. She should offer him visitation rights, and otherwise live happily ever after with Vicente.
I so agree with you about Yawn Carlos and visitation.
I agree with you about Nellie, I think he will find some way to spill way before Cande ever gets the gumption to tell all.
I agree with everyone that Adri will end up with Vicente, she may have liked Yawn Carlos, but I don't think she really loved him, so to speak, otherwise she would have told him way before now.
Will Lili live? I think so, but they are dragging this drama out so I am waiting for the next shoe to drop, so to speak.
Will Roy ever win a tennis tournament? Maybe, but I too think he will end up running the greenhouse with Lili, once her infatuation with Guzmancito is finally at an end. One can hope ; )
From yesterday---Jorocha, The Adriana Vincente reunion was perfect, not over the top--I agree,
I really enjoyed it.
CherylNewMex---I agree. He will never enjoy the home and love of Adriana but will only look through
the window at what commitment could be like.
Carlos---You had me roaring with laughter at Kendra's version of Basic Instinct. Does Anibal get credit for resisting tempation? Carlos, you're incredible. I'm still laughing.
Vivi---Anibal didn't even bat a blue shaded eyelash at the coochie
Kendra flashed him. The only thing that I like about the old goat these days is the way he handles Kendra.
I don't know who wins the snark prize today, Carlos or Vivi? Could we have a double prize?
Urban/Doris/Karen/Teresita and anyone else I may have missed. Can you guys get it? Lili is in love.
How many guys have almost killed each other over a woman? Some times
they do kill over a woman. I can remember way back when, about Lili's age, I was bummed out for months over the loss of a girlfriend, so why should it be any different for Lili? OK! I lost,
I guess that I'll go get an ice cream and move on. It's not that easy. I totally understand that she might not want to live anymore.
The survey---Will Lili live or die?
Don't know but Boy Toy Roy had better get it in gear if she is to live. Get moving Roy!!
It was asked yesterday if anyone was on the Carlos team? Vivi said that Bruna was. LOL
Today--will it be Carlos or Vincente? I say Vincente. He will love Adriana and be true to her, I don't think that yawn/Carlos will,
he's a rolling stone.
Will Roy win a major tournment? My guess is no but he will win the Little Orchid. He will leave tennis and come back to the nursery to be close to Lili, his precioso.
Will Cande tell the whole truth? Not sure at this point. She shre has been reluctant up to now. If Anyballs dies, then I say yes she will come clean, all the way clean.
NovelaMaven---That was a great vocabulary lesson.
the gringo
I was especially buoyed by Vivi's: "Will Roy win a major tennis tournament?-- Yes. Just before retiring to become a gardner with his jefe preciosa" and by Niecie's assertion she will pull through.
Teresita: "Carlos: Basic Instinct. Perfecto. Basic Instank more like". Great lines. Both.
Madelaine: **Sigh**Rodrigo Montalvo sigh*** ITA!
Julia: "She doesn't need any more of Zho-Ahn's narcissism". Excellent!
NovelaMaven: thank you! I always learn something new (and interesting) from you...
Doris: Vicente, Lili will live, Cande is too cowardly to tell the whole truth and Roy will win a major tourney (once he and Lili are together! ;)
But if he marries her, he deserves for her to make it and thrive, having given her a "reason to live" and he and Nikki can suffer for their stupidity (he for marrying Lili and Nikki for agreeing to it). Lili will make a good wife for him, that's for sure.
The writer's are really playing with us. I can't wait to see what Roy does tonight. Will he make a big move in Lili's direction? Will
she think twice about him and their future together? Must see tv.
the gringo
So to all my fellow 9:00EST time slot followers, do we find the Guzmi sacrifical marriage oddly reminisicent of another bird-brained scheme by one William Levy and Maite Perroni when she volunteered to marry a dying Mark Tacher on TdA?? I HATED that storyline then and I HATE it now! People just do not marry other people to save their lives or because their dying. Where's my beanie, where's my beanie!?
I am SO loving Dr. Hottie McSteamy Vincent. Joann/Yawn is going to have to do something herculean to get me to swing my vote his way. Or Vicente is going to need to have a drug/gambling/prison record problem. But even then...
And can I just give a shout out to the actress who plays Adrianna? Not only is she beautiful, I'm really blown away by how she has transformed herself in this TN from cloying and pathetic to graceful, classy, poised...I just love listening to her talk.
Thanks again, Elvira. I so cannot wait until tonight. The avances looked like a weeks worth of action!
TdA. Thanks... I've been having the little hamster running at full speed trying to remember where we've seen this before. Now both he and I can relax.
Ghastly ghastly plot line.
JUMPING THE SHARK .... speaking of sharks.... just got off the phone with one of my sisters, who asked if I was going to watch "Sharknado" tomorrow night on SyFy TV channel. Apparently it is all the current rage, for the moment. Yep, the DVR is now programmed to record a little more "camp" drama, after watching AV.
He was interviewed this afternoon on "El Gordo y la Flaca", since he and Erika are hosting Premios tomorrow night. I know Uni repeats it at 4am - I am sure you can watch online.
Sharing your telenovio.....
Yikes, what are the writers thinking?!!? UA, you said EXACTLY what I was thinking; the ultimate spoiled brat. If I were Lilianna I would focus more on making restitution with those she has terminally aggravated during the last few months before she passes into eternity!! What a disappointment!
Yawn Carlos-look Adri, at least tell him, otherwise you are doing to him what Anyballs did to you.
Kendra wanting to use the "little drops" on Anyball-for once I really didn't care if she did it or not it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Poor Little Gorilla. Lilliana is (granted, unintentionally) putting him in such an awkward position. My prediction is that the day of their wedding (if we ever get there), Lily will find out how worried Roy was for her and realize she loves him. Then we can close this ridiculous Love Quadrilateral for good.
Cannot stand Cande. She REALLY has the gall to ask Adri to wait for more information until AFTER her marriage with Anyballs?! Que Que?!
Marcelo Cordoba made my heart beat fast last night. I would watch a novela based entirely on his and Adri's story, even knowing all the plot lines and such.
I'm new here as a commentator, but I've been following my novelas and Caray Caray for a while now. It's a wonderful guilty pleasure ;)
In real lives, in most cultures, the dying wishes or words of the nearly dying are almost always held sacred and the person/or people in front of the dying almost always feel duty bound to follow his/her dying wishes.
So for me since the doctors said that Lili is in very serious state wherein she could go anytime, when she said those words, it is but just natural for Guzmancito to feel that way. And so is Nikki, she is not betting Lilli would die but instead was sincere in her heart. She is not an evil girl.I don't think so. How many marriages on the deathbed have we seen on film. If Lili survives, oh well tough luck on Guzmancito and Nikki. But the world will not end. "But after all, tomorrow is another day...."
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