Saturday, July 20, 2013
Corazón Indomable Fri. July 19 "I'd Love To Sin With You."
So Maricruz has stashed the kid (either boarding her at the Isla Dorada Infant Kennel or better perhaps, leaving her in Juanita's care), boxed up the remains of don Alejandro for shipping, and flown him back to Mexico City. She chose to save a few bucks by air freighting him back on a commercial flight rather than going to the expense of cranking up don A's private jet... it's not like he would have noticed the difference, anyway, so let's not be hating on her.We find ourselves with Maricruz, Tobías, and Octavio, who has some how managed to tag along, in the entryway of the mansion. Tobías seems genuinely affected by don A's death and sinks down to the second step of the stairway and weeps.
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Good Grief!...No, Really...Good...Grief |
"Mi amigo," he sobs.
Maricruz urges (orders?) him to be strong.
"You are no longer Alejandro Mendoza's majordomo but his daughter María Alejandra Mendoza's friend."
He thanks her but is wondering if being her friend will pay as well as the majordomo job.
Octavio realizes that he is not needed and tries to excuse himself. Maricruz announces that she will bathe and head to the funeral parlor to keep watch over her dad until he is buried. Tobias laments that they did not get to spend more time together as father and daughter.
"That's how it was written, Tobias," she ruefully replies.
He asks if she will stay there and sell the casino. She reminds him that he already knew the answer to that... nopis.
Octavio tries again to dismiss himself and offers to keep her company at the funeral home.
"If that is your desire."
It is, as their piano theme plays.
He turns and leaves and as he does her face hardens and she murmurs to herself... and us,
"I've got you within my reach and I'm not going to allow you to escape. You're going to lead me to Lucía and Miguel. My revenge is getting closer, and I'll be implacable."
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Ofeiia rushes in clutching another anonymous note for Lucía, who hurriedly tears it open.
Maricruz pops in on Solita and her little boy. A happy reunion. Solita notices Maricruz's black dress. Maricruz tells her... no signing, no gestures...she tell her that she is in mourning because don Alejandro died. Looks like someone has learned to read lips. Good girl! They share a hug and a few tears.
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Awwww! |
"Your husband insists on deceiving you. It's staring you in the face. Another woman who lives down by the lake is going to take him from you. Why not catch him so you'll be convinced?"
"Catch him, yes, that's the ticket."
Now in case you've forgotten or are new, let me remind you, this lady is BSC.
But since the lake is so far, she'll get Eusebio to spy on him or take her to spy on him because... wait for it...
"Eusebio is the only one I can trust."
Can you say C R A Z Y?
She gets a bit dramatic about her options as she is joined by Ester who sanely suggests,
"Why not just show him the note?"
Ester, Ester, Ester. You clearly have not been paying attention.
Maricruz descends the stairs in the way she practiced so faithfully just a few short months ago. She is ready to go to the funeral home. I wonder if she took that bath?
She tells Tobías that Solita was very sad to learn of don A's expiration. Toby makes another run at convincing her to sell the casino, come home, and all live as one happy family... oh well, it was worth a shot.
Lucîa and Ester have a rather long conversation about Miguel, the anonymous note, and their marriage. Here's the short version... Ester talks sense... Lucía talks crazy... and somehow Lucía comes to the conclusion that it's all Maricruz's fault. Therefore she will be stalking her husband. Next!
At the funeral parlor...sad music...sad faces...closed coffin...
Here in Texas, we like open casket affairs with the dearly departed in full view dressed in his finest so we can verify for ourselves that he is indeed dead, as well as admire the undertaker's efforts. We folks here like to spend a few solitary moments alone with the corpse, gazing intently, perhaps looking for signs of life or maybe secretly hoping that at our own last public appearance we are fortunate enough to look as good. It is also a tradition here that the deceased has the rosiest cheeks in the room. Older female relatives and sometimes friends will take this last opportunity to adjust the tie, reposition an errant lock of hair, or even gently kiss the forehead.
In Mexico, our close neighbor... apparently not.
Octavio, who is in all black including a black shirt as well as suit without a tie, stands back and thought bubbles:
"At times I thought she was my own Maricruz although very changed. But now, learning about her life, her house, this man who was her father, I see that I was completely mistaken. The two are very different and their lives diametrically opposite. It was all a coincidence, there is only a great physical similarity between María Alejandra and Maricruz, nothing more than that."
He approaches her and asks if there is anymore he can do. She tells him no that she is going to stay the night. He offers to keep her company through the night... their piano music plays and plaintive meaningful glances are exchanged...
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Pretend You Hear Piano Music |
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Hey! I'm Crazy Too! |
A cab delivers Octavio to his boarding house. Eddy is waiting for him. Yes, Octavio spent the night with her watching over her daddy's corpse. No, he's making no headway with her. Yes he's attending the funeral later. Eddy offers no encouragement.
On the boat at Isla Dorada, Raiza has joined Carola in her office. Carola is not happy with the result of recent events and no she will not be attending don Alejandro's funeral. They are joined by Teo who also will not be attending the funeral but when María Alejandra returns he will be her best friend and even though someone like him doesn't stand a chance in Hell with someone like her, he will be on her side.
Lucía finds Eusebio, asks him if he knows where Miguel takes the cattle for water, and informs him that he will escort her there tomorrow. They'll be going by horseback. No one must know. As she walks away, Eusebio enjoys the view and a swig from his flask. Do I need to add...Ewwww?
At the cemetery we all gather to bury and say goodbye to don A. Sadness. We see Tobías. Both Eduardo and Octavio are there, but neither Solita nor her monkey are there. Maybe they couldn't find a sitter.
Funeral's over. Eduardo and Octavio have followed Maria A and Tobías back to the mansion. Octavio gives her his address and phone number in case she needs anything and of course she knows where he stays when he's on the island. Eddy asks if she's going back to the casino. Yes she is. Octavio wonders if that's a good idea. It's thankless work and may be dangerous. She assures him that she's dealt with much worse in another time in her life and survived. Poor guy, he doesn't realize he's just been zinged. Oh the irony.
In Carola's office, she and Raiza are joined by Tony as they try to put things in order for Mendoza's return. Maybe someone has convinced her to sell. Carola hopes so. Tony thinks that she likes the casino life. Especially meeting up with guys like Karim, Raiza points out. Carola is glad that he's gone home for the time being. His being in love with María A and being her ally presents a danger to her and was a thorn in her side. He even threatened her.
Octavio sees an opening and asks her if she'd like to talk a bit about her past. No, right now she wants to rest. Eddy recognizes that it's time to go. Octavio tells her that he is at her service and the boys back on out as we get good and close to Maricruz as she gets that determined vengeful look and thought bubbles,
"So many hours at my side and you didn't know who I really am. And you've fallen in love with me as I am now. Not that poor thing whom you despised and whom you have completely forgotten was your wife. Alright, Octavio Narváez. Maricruz Olivares is dead to you but María Alejandra Mendoza will make you suffer as much as possible and more, much more!"
Back at the boarding house Eduardo rags on Octavio for spending so much time trying to impress a woman who could care less. He admits that he is obsessed with her and her similarity to Maricruz. Next day, their conversation continues all the way to the airport where dressed as pilots they are about to fly again to Isla Dorada.
And here's Maricruz wearing a pale lavender shift. A nice color for her, by the way. They notice that she didn't mourn her daddy for long. Octavio approaches her, grabs her arm, and their eyes lock as their piano music takes us to commercial.
Breakfast at the ranch with Miguel and the cousins. Miguel is glad that Ester has come to be with Lucía during her pregnancy. Lucia instructs Ofelia to notify Eusebia to saddle her horse. Miguel doesn't think riding is such a good idea, especially early in the pregnancy. They argue a bit. At first Cousin Ester wisely says nothing but then points out that he just seems to be worried about her. Mistake. Lucia turns on her,
"I don't believe that Miguel has any interest in how I am or how I feel."
He weakly objects, she spits a little more venom and he gets up,
"Do what you like."
and leaves.
An awkward silence between the cousins results.
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Sooo...Read Any Good Books Lately? |
"How is it that you don't have time?"
"I'm going to began a life that will take me toward an objective that I've desired for a long time."
"I really admire the way you think, María Alejandra."
"And if you continue pursuing me, Octavio, as I expect you will, well, you'll admire it much more."
"Why? For your virtues?"
"Or for my sins and defects."
Bravely, Ester breaches the silence and suggests that she tell Miguel of her doubts, she doesn't think that he would cheat on her. She encourages her to at least try to verify her suspicions.
"That's what I'm going to do!"
Ester asks what then?
"I'll divorce him but not before making him pay very dearly."
Did I mention that this lady is crazy?
Oh Octavio, you silver-tongued devil,
"Speaking of sins, I'd love to sin with you."
No, he didn't just say that...did he?
"No, no, no, I'm not referring to that type of sin, Señor Narváez."
"You know, each day you become more mysterious."
She's glad that he finds her mysterious. He thinks it's time for the crew to board the plane.
As he leaves she tells us,
"I plan to make you my slave, Octavio Narváez, and neither you or anyone else will stop me."
Seated on the plane she regrets the lack of time she had with her dad and remembers in black and white some of those times. Maybe the casino didn't mean all that much to him but Carola was trying to make a fool of him and she will not let that happen.
Up front in the cockpit Eduardo thinks he may have been wrong. He thought that Octavio's interest in María Alejandra was because she reminded him of Maricruz but now he thinks that he is in love with her and will forget about Maricruz.
Well thank goodness, Maricruz didn't park the baby in the kennel after all. Juanita has been looking after her. A happy little reunion, though apparently still no name. She vows to spend more time with the little tyke... how very motherly. She actually reminds her that she's her mother,
"Soy tu mamita, besides, I adore you.
Wow, even a kiss. Maricruz for mother of the year.
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Help! Who Is This Woman? |
She and Juanita chat. Juanita offers to go with her to live in Mexico City if she decides to move home. Nopis, Maricruz is staying here but she may bring her deaf mute sister and her newborn to stay. Juanita is cool with that. Juanita tells Maricruz that the only person who has called is Teo.
She calls to check in with Carola,
"I'mmm baaack."
Carola graciously welcomes her. MA instructs her to have everything in order for her to review. Carola suggests that when she returns to the boat that she bring along a lawyer and a notary. Not to worry, la Mendoza has already thought of that.
Doris announces herself at the hotel desk as the governor's daughter and tells the desk clerk that she needs to talk with one of those flygirls (aeromozas) from Aeromex who checked in today. Her name is Sonia.
"Can you tell me her room number?"
Wow. Lucía may be crazy but she looks fabulous in riding clothes. Her blouse (por casualidad is exactly the same shade of lavender as Maricruz's little dress) is closely tailored to her substantial curves and her dark riding pants (jeans?) fit equally well. She strides up to the stable and asks an admiring Eusebio if her horse is ready for their little ride this morning. Sipis, as is his own mount, la Sombra (cool name for a mare). Looking good as she effortlessly mounts up. Let's back up and watch that again, shall we?
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She Doesn't Need Any Help Mounting Up |
Doris boldly knocks on Sonia's door and, after reminding her that she is the governor's daughter, demands to speak with her, woman to woman. Sonia invites her in.
Eusebio and Lucia have arrived at the watering hole but there's no sign of cattle or Miguel. She then begins her interrogation,
"Do lots of women live in these parts?"
"Single women?"
Multitasking, Eusebio both answers her questions and ogles her butt.
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Damn! |
She gets to the point,
"Have you seen Miguel with anyone?"
At the hotel Sonia acts as Doris' letter carrier,
"She almost forced me to bring you this letter."
"I believe you, Sonia. Doris is a very persistent and above all, dominating girl."
Sonia tells him that Doris suspected that she and Octavio have a thing going and is perturbed and aggravated that he hasn't called her. Sonia thinks that she is infatuated with Octavio.
Down by the watering hole, Eusebio is weakly trying to defend Miguel. Poor thing he doesn't want her to involve him in this. She persists and confides in him about the anonymous notes.
"I don't want to get mixed up in problems, Señora, por favor."
"But you know something. Tell me what you know."
Now alone in his room, Octavio takes a moment to read Doris' letter:
"In spite of the rude way you treated me, I forgive you because I need to speak with you and have you close. Why not get together? Why don't you come visit me at my home?"
He thinks that all things considered, that is not a good idea,
"Come down out of that cloud. For nothing in this world am I going to your house."
Eusebio admits that sometimes husbands have outside needs but they're still husbands. Lucía is becoming more and more agitated as Eusebio continues digging a hole for Miguel. He suggests that they return to the ranch,
"It's not like don Miguel is going to come with..."
"Come with whom? Come with whom, Eusebio? With whom? With his lover, right?"
He lets her vent a bit then reassures her,
"You are a very beautiful woman and deserve to always be happy."
She looks stunned as he guides her back to her horse.
As he reads the newspaper there's a knock at Octavio's door. Doris? Nopis, its Teo.
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Trick'rTreat |
"How quickly you show up in the casino."
"i'm taking care of my interests."
"Ah, and why are you alone? You said you'd be coming with a lawyer, with a notary."
"All in good time, Carola."
"Then why have you come, child?"
She tells Carola that she is there to save the casino and Carola would be well-advised to pitch in and do her part.
"You want me to lose my patience and are marginalizing me so that I'll sell you my part of the casino. That way I'd be done with you."
With a wicked smile Maricruz retorts,
"Well look, that's not a bad idea."
Coming next Monday, Maricruz channels Holly Golightly.
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How Do You Like Me Now? |
Labels: Indomable
Wow. What a great way to cover ground fast, amigo mio, I love it.
And of course your captions were wickedly funny. My favorites:
"Help! Who is this woman?"
"Multitasking Eusebio..." and
"Trick'r Treat
I am finding it harder and harder to look at Theo, God forgive my shallow soul. But I'm grateful Maricruz has him in her corner, because she's making enemies right and left. Actually, none of us like her very much right now either.
But I loved your recap ... your sly, send-'em-up sense of humor is always a treat.
Remind me again, please, who is writing the anonymous notes to Lucia? Is it Ewsebio?
I'm guessing from some of the things that he's mumbled that Teo is going to get a makeover of some sort at some point.
Thanks Pepe,
while I want Maricruz to name the kid, in a way it's kind of fun that she hasn't. We can have fun making suggestions. As I was recapping I thought of Dona after don A.
Thanks Vivi,
it's always satisfying to be able to make you smile.
Thanks cathyx,
yes I think that Doris has made it clear that she's a bit wacky as well as having a keen sense of entitlement. I find it amusing that our top crazy blames Maricruz unjustly, while crazy # 2 can rightly blame Maricruz but doesn't even know her.
If I have to hear MC thought bubble one more time on her plans of revenge...ya basta!! I get it!
I was surprised as well as Eddie and Tav when MC didnt even mourn for a day. Talk about getting back to business ASAP! It just seemed so cold. I felt that Solita and Tobias had more grief than she did.
I had to be at a nephew's event last night and missed this epi. I'll watch it online at some point. My motel has Univision, so I hope to see most episodes.
My entire coast to coast flight was dominated by reminders of Octavio and Ed. Every time I saw a pilot in the airport, they popped into my mind.
MC looked great in black. Poor Tobias broke my heart with his grief.
my favourite is: "So...Read Any Good Books Lately?"
MC didn't even mourn her papa for one day!! OMG, thats shocking.
And poor bebe still has no name, but she went back to the casino and venganza instantly, talk about screwed up priorities.
I still don't like Ester no matter how wise she got.
Cathyx- I wanted to thank you for your recap as well, I just read it a while ago and I didn't leave a comment but it was great.
Like Judy, not loving our heroine, and frankly her tirades at the camera with the "revenge, revenge" are getting old. Add the fact that she has back-burnered pretty much everyone, including her own daughter, for her agenda doesn't make me a fan. But I'll keep plugging away for now.
And I do not care about any of these new characters. All I can see them needed for is to allow MC to do her "I'm pissed" pose and let her and Tav have stare downs. Carola, as I stated the other day, is a totally lame "evil" minion. And Lucia--SHE OWNS A PAIR OF PANTS!! - isn't evil, she's just stupid crazy. In the TN world--big difference.
You know things might be getting a little frustrating with the plot when you find yourself more interested in what happened to the monkey (does he get to play with the baby?). I mean, I want to really know!
Only three hours sleep last night so will most likely snooze half way through.
Vivi -- Paul was great as always, but the gem of the concert was a surviving Nirvana/McCartney and crew jam that lasted 45 minutes. Songs included "Long Tall Sally" Nirvana was a surprise for Seattle and absolutely the best concert I have ever seen.
One of my biggest pet peeves with a tn is when I dislike the heroine. I can put up with the heroine having brief periods of stupidity or bitchitude, but I find it hard to be on their side when they are like that throughout the majority of the tn. I liked MC in the beginning. Even though she was crazy and naive, she was also caring and loving. I could handle her being cold and bitchy to her LONG list of enemies, including Tav. But she isn't displaying much love or affection for her father, sister, nephew, baby, friends, or her monkey these days either. It's all about ME, ME, ME. Brief hugs and cuddles with her sis and her baby (as cute as they are) don't count much with me, when 99% of the time all she is thinking about is revenge and herself. I want MC to start showing a bit more heart again.
I'm also getting a little weary of the revenge thing. Just when it looks like she's going gooey and ready to give him a shot, he walks away and gives herself that vengeful pep talk.
Thanks Paloma,
right now my favorite character is Tobías. Maricruz would be wise to sell the casino, move back in with Solita and Tobías and spend time with them and the kiddies, taking Juanita with her.
Thanks Irisz,
I kinda like Ester but I can't imagine why she decided to return to the ranch with her crazy cuz and her brooding spouse.
Thanks Daisynjay,
I don't think I saw the monkey even once last night. That was a pretty lean episode. When it was over I thought bubbled, "What the heck was that? What am I going to write about?"
Thanks emeraldrose,
glad that you enjoyed a memorable concert. I recommend using the fast forward for much of last night's episode.
Still haven't watched the episode, but let me get this straight. Solita didn't go to Don Ale's funeral (the man who changed her life for the better), but Tav and Ed(!) did? Huh? I am truly impressed by Solita's lip reading abilities, because if I were her, and I saw MC return dressed all in black, looking sad, no longer pregnant, and WITHOUT her baby, my first conclusion would have been that her baby died, not Don Ale.
"I could handle her being cold and bitchy to her LONG list of enemies..."
You reminded me that last night as I was watching Maricruz reciting her vengeful soliloquies made me think of Ko-Ko the Lord High Executioner in The Mikado singing of his Little List. I meant to mention that in the recap.
I actually agreed with Octavio this episode...MC seemed to get over Don Ale's death far too soon. I found the funeral scene cold and devoid of any genuine emotion.
Doris is so tacky and crazy. Unfortunately, like the idiot he is, Octavio's going to use her to make MC jealous (or so the avances tell us).
Sorry Gringo, we still all agree that she's stunningly beautiful...and I'm sure she'll have a lovely redeemed character as well by story's end.
BTW, did we see the moonkey at the mansion in this episode? Maybe I missed him . . .maybe he is in mourning or has escaped.
I'm not watching this anymore because it's just ridiculous. It saddens me that Ana Brenda Contreras chose to be in this. I enjoyed her acting in LQNPA.
I am reading the recaps though. I may watch again towards the end for the revenge aspect.
The Mikado is one of my favorites!
I agree with those who said that Tobias and Solita seem to be the nicest characters now. MariAle seems to be better at handing off the baby to the nana than even Miriam in AB. No wonder nanas are so beloved in TNs.
Carlos: I think I got a glimpse of the monkey in one scene with Solita and the baby.
Daisynjay: I think Lucia is pure evil. She did make arrangements to burn down the jacal after all. I think Miguel should be very afraid.
Finally, having extended family in TX and unfortunately having attended funerals there as well, I found your description of the southern funeral ritual spot on.
I was not surprised but disappointed Solita was not at the funeral. And as other have mentioned, the lack of love MA is showing towards her family is disturbing. but realistic for someone who is obsessed. I just wish she could have some balance in her life.
I'll admit it, I made myself laugh with "Help! Who is this woman?" The kid almost appeared to be trying to escape during that scene.
Thanks Jarifa,
Well, I missed the monkey too. It would have been funny if he had come out of nowhere and pounced on his original namesake.
isn't odd that the first thing she did when she got the monkey was to give him a name? Maybe before she starts to school she'll come up with something.
I once delivered a baby girl for a young woman who kept putting off naming her baby but at last my secretary had to insist so we could finish the birth certificate in order to file it with the state. She finally came up with Nova X with the intention that later in life the child could fill in a middlename of her own choosing... I never learned what the kid chose.
I love The Mikado and can't believe that I haven't thought of Maricruz as Ko-Ko sooner.
Thanks Anon,
as unconcerned as Maricruz seems at times with her baby, it would not have surprised me that if an Isla Dorada Infant Kennel existed she might have looked into leaving the kid there. We once had a daycare nearby called Drop-A-Tot.
Thanks Karen,
I posted the photo of the cousins' awkward moment at breakfast a little after I put up the original recap. The episode was a bit of a yawner but it did offer up some interesting photo-ops.
One pretty much has to attend a Texas funeral to believe it.
I had forgotten Isabel's name and put Gidget with the intention of looking her name up and replacing it. Then I forgot until you reminded me.
I was amazed to discover that Lucrazy's closet is not completely filled with maxi dresses. Somewhere along the line , she must have bought that pair of TIGHT jeans and that TIGHT blouse. Maybe she bought them before the baby . anyway, Eww certainly appreciated the view from behind. You have to admit that he is a man of simple pleasures...mujeres and booze..that's it. I would have kind of enjoyed watching her try to mount that horse in one of her signature maxis.
So then...the theme of this novela is obsession and revenge...YAWN. Oblivio AND Karim are obsessed with Maricruzale and Crazy Doris is obsessed with Oblivio. YAWN. So..where are we heading ? I feel like we are just going in circles with no forward motion.
a bit like Eusebio, I marveled at Lucía in that outfit. She just swung her leg over that saddle as if she's been doing it all her life. I'm not sure who looks better astride a horse, she or Maricruz. I wonder what gringo thinks.
@Karen - I agree with your comment that "the lack of love MA is showing towards her family is disturbing. but realistic for someone who is obsessed." I'll repeat what I said before - MC/MA obviously has a serious psychological problem, and that's what drives the entire story. But that doesn't make her a bad person. We all saw what she went through in the first 20 episodes. I find it odd that it's the ones who could least handle all her suffering that are also the least tolerant of her current mental state, which was brought on precisely by what she went through in the first phase of this novela. I'm not saying anyone has to love her, but....well, I'll just leave it at that.
@Vivi - I agree, Ana Brenda knew what she was getting into - and I think she is doing a brilliant job, despite the obvious issues with plot development, continuity and editing. I don't think she was all that concerned about the likeability of her character, nor should she have been.
Now I'm very curious to see Ester have a significant role in some things to come as well as get to know this actress better.
Kelly, your comment about haircuts for all has me struggling with the mental image of Eduardo with bangs. Will he be whipping out that comb to tease them into a just right spot just above his dark eyebrows?
Bangs for José Antonio? Tony? Karim?
Yikes! What about Teo? First we'll have to grow him some hair.
As for Marikoko's little list. Just wait'll someone gets around to asking Solita about the rapist. I'll bet that Eusebio will jet to the top.
It'll also be fun to see how Maricruz views and treats the old gang down on the farm. José Antonio for example, need he even bother getting into the very growing line of Maricruz suitors? Will she be embarrassed by the antics of la Indía María? Imagine a match between Karim's top adviser and María. Heck, just imagine any of the old gang in the casino. I wonder if those worlds will be given an opportunity to collide?
So let's not be hating her. Correct
no hating for Maricruz, please.
Octavio tries again to dismiss himself and offers to keep her company at the funeral---Right, that's just what she needs. Not.
He offers to keep her company through the night---What a guy, he is just who she needs right after her father died. What?
It appears that she decided to challenge Lucia for the crazist bitch crown. Two crazies, OMG!
As she walks away, EWW-sebio enjoys the view and a swig from his flask.
Poor guy, he just doesn't realise he's being zinged.
Vivi---I understand your point and after reading the comments, it's true that others share your view, but---Maricruz has a lot on her plate right now. She has been through much in a short time. A little more loving? She could be but I won't abandon her unless she
intentionally kills someone or breaks the law in a big way. I am very loyal. I was with her on day one and I am with her now. She both has, and will make some mistakes but things/she will have to get worse, much worse before I would even think about leaving her corner.
Everyone is getting weary of the revenge thing just as everyone was getting weary of her mistreatment back when MC was MC 1.0---That's what this story is all about---WAKE
Another one hits the road. Good by
Sue455. #1 in Mexico, yes, I'll say
and another thing I'll say---I'm not leaving.
No baby name? The baby has the rest of her life for a name so two or three weeks won't be the end of the world. It would have been nice though for Don A to have heard the name Alajandera.
Solita wasn't at the funeral because Oblivio would have then known for sure.
Carlos said---I wonder what Gringo
thinks? When pretty country flower Maricruz was galloping down the country road on a beautiful horse in her pretty white dress, that was the best novela moment I have ever seen and probably will ever see. It just dosen't get any better than that.
the gringo
And how about taking all that energy and drive for justice (that she keeps using to go after Carola) to get to the bottom of who killed her grandpa and raped her sister.
I really don't mind a revenge story. I just wishe MC would stop wasting her time on these side plots and get back to the main story.
Bailey Marie- I am over the casino drama as well BUT the setting gives us a great excuse for evening dresses! Add me to the list of fashion watchers.
I cannot hate Raiza at all, but Carola tried to cheat Don Ailing. I don't like her. She's cranky.
I am counting on Doris to be a fun to watch character.
I know we've all touched on this before, but I would LOVE more storylines with Solita. I'd especially like for her to learn how to talk. She screamed in an earlier capitulo, and saved MC's life. Why not explore that?
I'm glad I was able to make you laugh.
"...pretty country flower Maricruz...galloping down the country road on a beautiful horse in her pretty white dress...It just doesn't get any better than that.
Unless of course it's pretty but BSC Lucia galloping on a beautiful horse in those skintight jeans.
I'm with those of you enjoying the ladies in their elegant clothes, but for me the casino is a bit claustrophobic.
Also gringo, if too many folks abandon this show you and I and just a few others might find ourselves watching this at midnight.
As usual, I'm the fan of all recaps. Thanks soooo much for them.
For the curious, I added a photo from the advances of Maricruz's new look for Monday's episode at the end of the recap... enjoy.
Bailey Marie- I wish the writers would remember that Solita screamed once. The fact that she didn't make a peep when giving birth to nameless part deux makes me think they've forgotten. She'll muster up the sound for MC but not while being raped or giving birth?
Any bets on which episode number the baby gets a name? I'll take the first guess and pick #62
Can't remember if I post this story behind the scene.
Here I found the episode, which was deleted. I mean Mari and pilots in cafe. Or may be I forgot something?
You are lucky maybe not to have avances in episodes. In Mexico they show preview at the end of every episode and then we couldn't find that scenes in the episode. It's sooooooo wierd and I think some scenes were important. For example, they shown Octavio in hospital with Jose Antonio, after he was shot. But in episode Octavio didn't visit Jose Antonio in hospital. It's a real mystery for me.
and EWWsebio for the rape but what about the very, very harsh words about her by Miguel when she had come back to the rancho and Miguel fought with Octavio over her. She couldn't take anymore of Miguel's crude put downs and left the room
before Oblivio said a little, a very little in her defense.
Corola---Vengence for her too. She was cooking the books and stealing
money from the casino, which is the same thing as stealing from MC's father.
200 episodes, even more---bring em
on. I'll watch every minute of them
the gringo
Carlos - Another funeral ritual I found unique to the TX (though it was kind of one in IN) was how traffic on both sides of the street stopped for the hearse as it went by.
Sara - ITA w/you about Solita and her plot. Yet again I feel the writers dropped the ball to her development and integration in the narrative.
LOL at Isla Dorada Infant Kennel. I used to work with two married veterinarians that would bring their baby to work. The baby would be put in one of the cages if he couldn't be watched for awhile. Hey, it kept him safe and he seems to have turned out just fine. He did have a name however. His parents also claimed that Milkbones work great for teething babies….babies love to chew them and they don't fall apart or get soggy.
Vivi, I thought exactly what you mentioned. It seemed Solita was trying to ask MC about her babyless tummy and appeared afraid the answer was sad news. Glad she was such a whiz at reading MC's lips. But why should we be surprised? Give the girl a few advantages and she can compete with SuperMaria in the self-advancement department.
Ed at the funeral but Solita not. Just shook my head.
Does Solita's baby have a name yet? Don't think so.
Ester's sanity and Doris' insanity--both fun to watch this episode.
I just have to mention a laugh from Wednesday's show. When MC was crying over Don Ale's body at the hospital, she left a big smear of makeup all over the sheet. She quickly clapped her hand over it and it was hidden for the rest of the scene.
For the critics of MC not hanging around to mourn Don Ale longer---different people mourn in different ways. And, I think she has personalized Carola's embezzlement when we heard MC vow that Carola would not make a joke out of Don Ale by her theft. I think everything MC has been through has made her numb to all her emotions except her desire for vengeance.
@Carlos - one other thing I forgot to say yesterday. My husband and I wanted to travel with my son about a month after I had him, so his paternal grandparents could meet him. His pediatrician absolutely FORBID it. She said newborns should NEVER fly before six weeks; I don't recall the specific reason. So we had to time our trip to leave one day after my son turned six weeks old.
Re: the timing of MC's revenge, some seem to forget she has not been at the casino for months. Even if Mrs. Mejia sucks at showing the passage of time, it's clear that MC was already 7 months pregnant when she arrived there (even if her tummy didn't show it), she had the baby prematurely, Don Ale arrived just one week (of their time) after she had the baby, and he died just days later. So, she has been there mere weeks. And in that time she had a baby and had her father die. I'm not defending the inconsistencies in plot development, but in terms of pacing the timing of the revenge had to wait until now, so those two big events could occur first, since both the pregnancy and Don Ale being alive were impediments to her putting the wheels into motion.
The casino plot could have been done after she gave birth: leave her baby at the mansion with her sis, Don Ale, Tobi, and all the servants; go cause trouble at the casino; Don Ailing arrives and she kills him by causing trouble and not letting him sell the casino (kidding); plot can progress from there. All of that would have taken less than a week. Then again, we are not talking about the best team of writers.
You made made me smile at the idea of the vets stashing their baby in an empty cage the teething Milkbones.
Alegria, thanks for those photo links. The casino is even more garish than it appears in the episodes.
Who knows, maybe they did name the baby in an earlier episode and they cut it out.
Yes, I wonder what Teo is up to---
must see tv tonight.
the gringo
Oh, and I so wish I could say that the whole casino thing was just a "pregnant pause" - lol - to the main "revenge" storyline...But I can't say that, and I can't say that bringing on the "revenge" will do away with any of the silly secondary stuff. I didn't write the darn thing, and I'm not allowed to comment on what has yet to air on Univision, so...But trust me, I don't appreciate the writers or their lack of creativity either. However, I do very much like the chemistry between Ana Brenda and Daniel, and the performances of most of the actors, so I'm hanging on to that as this novela's saving grace - it still makes it entertaining for me, despite all the inconsistencies.
It is a mystery for me also why they have sooooo many problems with editing. May be because they too often filmed something today to show tomorrow.
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