Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #62 (Mex 92.2-93) Tuesday 7/9/13 It's a bad day to be Coloso, but at least he got tacos!

A big thanks to Sheila, the first half of the recap was 99% her, I just added some snark, The 2nd part will be up shortly. Enjoy!
Pit: Isabel is still caught, still crying, still crying out.
Mendoza Apartment: Fernando calls a halt to this, insisting that they need to solve this as a family; Maria insists they stop this argument and find her sister. Amalia finally accepts that Jorge Alfredo is sincere in his affection for Isabel and insists they work together. However, she doesn't want him in the house.
Los Angeles: Justo works on the computer and asks Wendy whether she still has the key to Bruno's place. She does and agrees to give it to him.
Fernando's Apartment: Susanito comes in with a map and suggests they divide and search. They agree.
Big Bear Lake, CA: Justo and Salvador go via seaplane to a cabin that belonged to Bruno and begin searching.
Street in D.F.: No luck so far for Fernando's posse [Where the hell did Jorge Alfredo get that unflattering baseball cap?] They split up and continue.
Pit: Isabel admonishes her doll not to cry, saying she's sure her papito will find her. It's hot so she pulls a piece of roofing over them.... just as Jorge Alfredo arrives. {Eli here, in Isabel’s position I’d be more freaked out about spending time with that creepy doll than I’d be about being stuck in the ditch}
Cabin: Salvador finds a red file folder and he finds it totally by luck, he first looked for evidence of Santos innocence under the sofa cushions, yes, because that’s where we would all hide something as important as evidence of our money laundering scheme. *eye roll*
Pit: Jorge Alfredo walks away and I have to ask has he gained weight? Those mariachi suits look mighty snug on him, I fear that if he bends over his pants might rip.
Cabin: Justo goes through the papers and finds Bruno's bank records, some credit cards, and the key to a safe deposit box.
D.F.: Reconnaissance of both groups with no luck. Amalia cries again and this woman is just as bad as Victoria Ruffo, yes, I went there.
Bank: Justo opens the safe deposit box and finds a note to Jorge Alfredo clipped to some relevant documents. Finally, a lucky break!
JNTR: Pinichi and Homerito ask the audience to pray for Isabel. The guys sit on the edge of the stage as Oscar sings “Esclavo”.
Mendoza Apartment: Amalia and Paloma cry; Maria tries to make them feel better. Drama queens, the three of them.
JNTR: Oscar finishes the song and sits on the stage with the guys. Everyone is crying in the bar.
Pit: Poor Isabel is still there 24 hours later with an approaching storm.
Mendoza Apartment: Lightening flashes and Amalia drops her teacup. Poor tea cup.
Pit: Isabel hugs her doll, why?! It’s a creepy looking thing; did she never see the movie “Dolls”?
Los Angeles: Justo tries to access the bank accounts but hasn't found the password.
Pit: The rain comes down and a water pipe from the reservoir begins filling the pit because it’s not bad enough to be stuck in a pit with a storm going on, to add to the misery a pipe has to burst.
Mendoza Apartment: Maria starts to feel faint; Paloma points out that she hasn't eaten anything. Amalia tells her to think of the baby. Paloma tells her to stay with Maria while she prepares some food.
Pit: Isabel starts screaming for help. Fortunately, Jorge Alfredo is nearby and she seems to hear him yelling for her.
Mendoza Apartment: Paloma brings some food, but Maria can't make herself eat. Amalia starts yelling Isabel's name at the sound of the storm, yes, she continues with her imitation of Victoria Ruffo, someone make it stop, please.
Pit: Jorge Alfredo finds Isabel and frees her, you go Jorge Alfredo, you go!
Los Angeles: Justo hits on the password.
D.F.: They're out of the pit and Jorge Alfredo carries Isabel home along with the doll.
Mendoza Apartment: Mancia arrives for an update, Oscar and Roddy right behind her. Fernando and Susanito arrive then. Oscar comments there’s no way Jorge finds her. Jorge Alfredo then carries her in, both are soaking wet.
Los Angeles: Justo sees how the whole scheme was set up (or so he says).
Mendoza Apartment: Jorge Alfredo tells Oscar he will keep his word and turn himself in. Oscar takes out his cell phone to call the police. Maria stops him, he can’t turn in the man that she loves! Oscar looks like someone just punched him in the gut.
Jorge explains that he wants this nightmare to be over, he wants to prove his innocence, he is tired of people judging him and thinking the worst of him, this gets Marias attention and she listens as he explains how he ended up in this most unfortunate situation and he finally seems to have gotten through her thick head.
Maria tells him she forgives him and loves him, and viwerville wants to smack Santos for not holding out for a better woman. Amalia, shrill as always wants Jorge out, having a criminal around is bad news but little Isa says that if he goes she wants to go too, she knows that Amalia is not really her mother and she would rather be with Santos (and who can blame her?) Finally, the women realize that Isa is not going to let Jorge go and Amalia has no choice but to allow Jorge to stay.
In another vecindad nearby we find Oscar drinking away his pain, with Rodrigo watching, someone call CPS! He laments the fact that Maria does not love him and that the only other woman he ever loved was Gloria, but he lost her too. Rodrigo is surprised to hear that Oscar loved Gloria and the two bond over memories of her. Rodrigo finally suggests that Oscar stop drinking and that instead they go get tacos. When a teenager tells you to stop drinking that should be a pretty good hint that you might have a problem, someone find him the local chapter of AA.
In El Lay Justo tells Wendy that when he met Gracia it was love at first sight, and know she’s gone *sniff, sniff*
In Mexico Santos and Maria smooch and later Santos makes his way back to his room, Fernando is there and he had just gotten off the phone with Justo, he told him that Isa had been found and that everything was okay. The boys make up and Santos tells Fernando that he is going to be a daddy! Fernado is happy for him and shares that he feels himself changing, he thinks he might be falling for Ana (noooooooooo, you can do better)
Amalia and Maria are at home doing chores, when grumpy mom asks Maria if she really loves Jorge, Maria says that she does and that living without him would be hell. Amalia then takes a cheap shot and goes for the kill, she asks Maria what is going to happen with her child if Jorge can’t prove his innocence, how will he face the world knowing that his/her dad is a criminal? That was low Amalia, real low!
Join us tomorrow when crying Wendy and Justo take a field trip to Mexico!



I see you were able to post your recap. If you ever have any problems again, you can email any recapper and they will help you out. : )

I'm so sorry, I think I deleted things by mistake and I can't edit the post and I just want to cry. The recap is fully done, part one and two are posted but I could not edit the original post. I will now go to my corner and cry.

Thank you Madeline, technology hates me :(


Fab recap too. I am also sick of Amalia as Decie Girl and Anita noted. I too think she didn't help Isa except to say she loved her.

I want to see Justo's face tonight to see what he says to Smother, thanks Decie Girl, when she is squawking about the engagement ring she doesn't want Maria to accept!

I wouldn't blame him a bit if Justo decided he didn't want to be related in any way to Amalia.

No worries Eli, great recap!

I have the pervious comments in email follow up after I posted, maybe the first person who commented has them all and can post it, if not let me know and I post it from where I've got them.


I sent you an email about the recapping. Hope it helps you.

I think my disappeared, but I don't even remember what I said (I don't keep copies since they won't go into my memoires). Something about Poor little Isa not being tended to properly by Amalia while it was all about Maria and Santos?

Oh, and something about Jorge Alfredo only being grudgingly accepted by Amalia when he does something heroic and he may soon run out of heroic things to do to stay in her good graces.

After rescuing Isa, JA is still willing to turn himself in and Coloso is all for it (Amalia in her way) and only Maria steps in to stop it. So, he finally got a chance to tell his side of the story. It seems only Amalia doesn't want to believe him.

Maria "forgives" him, although it should have been JA forgiving her for not believing in him. We have the reconciliation we've been tortured about (thinking we'd have to wait 27 more episodes). Speaking of which, with 90 or so to go, how many more times are Maria and Jorge Alfredo going to be separated and make up. I don't want to think about it.

Loved the lightning bolts, each one exactly alike and striking in the same place.


Eli--Finished the recap. Excellent as usual. You caught all the sturm (storm, haha) und drang.

All your little asides were so relevant--I was thinking about that hideous doll myself.

Oh, JA needed a hat to be able to go around incognito--so the popo wouldn't recognize him. I don't know whose baseball cap it was, but he ended up with some really bad hair, no?

The suit--It's not Pedro's, that fit him so well. This is one he was able to borrow from one of the mariachis from the Bar Cruz de Olvido, so it might have been a little tight to begin with.

I loved the part where Maria taunts JA a little bit about wanting to know who she fell in love with, Jorge Alfredo, the net zero capta mariachi or Santos the millionario. He tells her both are the same man, but then he says that Santos died when he was betrayed and Jorge Alfredo was born when he met her. Awwwww.

Don't keep comments either but this one touched such nerve i remember most of it.

Could not believe Amelia last night, just loathe her. JAntos walks in carrying Isa and she gives him a perfunctory thanks before joining Coloso in the get out of the house I'm calling the police chorus. Meanwhile little Isa who has been gone for two days and nights, is soaking wet and filthy dirty and probably famished is left standing. Does Drama Mama hustle her off to give her a warm bath and comfy clothes much less something to eat? Hell no she is too busy trying to get rid of her adult daughter's OTL

She is busy ordering JAntos out of the house and Isa is getting all upset again and finally tells them all I want to go with my Papito. I DON'T BELONG TO THIS FAMILY. Oops that brings Mama up short and we get a little hugging and love for a split second and that only after JAntos talked quietly to the little girl. Maria and Paloma were just a useless as Amelia.

Susanito is still on my list for acting as door monitor and telling Santos he wasn't welcome the other day but at least he and Fernando had the brains to develop a search grid. The rest of the idiots think you can find someone by piling into the clown car and crying. A child disappears from her school in broad daylight, in a country notorious for kidnapping but does anyone call the police. Of course not that would take an ounce of brains which are in short supply in the barrio.

Amelia will act the fool with Justo and insult him over that antique ring. She is always so subservient to Ruben, always calling him Don but somehow I don't think she will give Justo the same courtesy. I'd love to see him rip into her about accusing his son and remind her that his family is wealthy, powerful and distinguished and she should be lucky that Maria can become part of it but then Justo is a gentleman and a diplomat and will remain silent. Now Wendy on the other hand might not.

I don't see my comment here so I'll say it again:

iCant with Amalia. She tells Jorge Alfredo in front of Isa, Paloma & Maria that he can come around, then when alone with Maria, rubs Maria's belly and tells Maria to get rid of Jorge Alfredo.

And it appears she acts a fool in front of Justo & Wendy tonight.

I wish the drama queens could provide some drama. Someone tell them: tears are not drama.

They surely need some attitude adjustment.

I love Justo so I'm looking forward to his arrival. Wish Wendy would fly away forever.

here goes my pervious

Amalia needs a gag.
Finally Maria is forgiving, JAntos was able to tell his side of the story and Amalia just can't quit.

It seems from the avances tomorrow she'll give them a hard time during the proposal??! WHAT??!!!

ITA with DCG, ISA was worse for wear, dirty, probably hungry and freezing and besides trying to towel her to dry what she got?
Not even a bowl of hot soup or a cup of hot tea.

At least she told her she loves her if it means anything.

I really do hope Justo puts her on her place.

Drama queens is right - Amalia drops her tea cup, Maria almost faints and poor Paloma is left to look after them but can hardly see due to her crying!

If I were Amalia I would ask for a refund on my "corazon de madre" she so loves to mention. Did her maldito corazon tell her that her baby girl left school in the middle of the day, was missing all night, still missing all next day and into the wee hours of the morning (even the mariachis finished their gig and returned to her house before Isa was found) - without food or drink, out in the elements (heat of the day; cold of the night) with her foot stuck in an awkward position and she was in perfect health - physically and emotionally? What a defective corazon de madre she has! No, "JA you saved my daughter's life," no "Isabel, let me take those wet clothes off and bundle you up in your warm bed while I prepare a hot drink for you," no "OMG, anything could've happened to her, we need to have a doctor check her out," no "I'm so sorry you were alone and scared, Baby, but you're here now and we'll always take care of you." 100 demerits and to the top of the "Useless Mothers" list she goes!

Poor JA, soaking wet, no sleep for who knows how many hours after a huge binge drinking episode, and not even the offer of a towel and a cup of coffee! Hospitality, thy name is Amalia (tongue firmly in cheek).

Coloso's "el pochito will never find her" comments were disgusting, but totally expected from him. He's really a Colossal Idiot. Rodrigo should say, "know what? I don't need you for a father ... later, fool." Except he's too well-brought up to do so.

And now I see where Wendy gets her whining. Okay, Justo was married for a long time and truly loved his wife, but this "there's nothing left for me to live for" nonsense is just idiotic. How about your son and daughter who are in the middle of some pretty messed-up lives? How about your grandchild? How about your exciting job prospects (sure, he resigned, but he can always pick up where he left off - he wasn't fired) or joining your son in a business venture once everything's resolved? There have been many cases of a spouse dying shortly after their loved one dies, but usually it's couples in their 80s, 90s, or both dealing with terminal illnesses. Justo is not that old, seems very healthy, no signs of Alzheimers, so what gives?

I think part of justo's poblem is that he had no time to grieve. He wants to clear his son, his family name for Gracia he gave up a much loved sucessful career. All this suff keeps piling up on him. At this point he really must not be able to see the forest for the trees. not only does he have one grandbaby on the way he has two and my guess is Wendy will have girl and Maria a boy.

We are certainly moving fast in the story now. Can't wait to see what happens tonight and what threat Ruben makes to Drama Mama.

I give Paloma a pass, because she's only 15 and shouldn't be responsible for dealing with the Isa situation. That belongs to Amalia and Amalia alone (not even Maria, who was underage when this all went down).

I wonder how Wendy will react to the Mariachi Gang/Mendoza Crew. I think that meeting will tell us a lot more about her character.

I give Justo a pass because his beloved wife just died, his daughter is going to be a baby momma and his son is on the run with both American and Mexican police forces after him, as well as OJ & the Mobster Gang. At least he's trying to find some clues instead of sitting around wringing his hands.

Justo is far too much of a gentleman to do that. He will ignore Amalia's nastiness and not cause a scene that will hurt Santos more.

It is time for Maria to stand up for herself and her relationship. This is her love and the father of her baby. The only wrong thing he actually did was to cross the border without documentation. The second time can be blamed on the Border Patrol, and considering that Justo is a diplomat and Santos likely has dual citizenship anyway he is unlikely to be in any legal trouble.

Unless Ruben invents something.


I give Paloma a pass too. She is trying to grow up and help but DM insists on keeping her a child. Paloma wanted to learn how to give her the shots but no dice, the girl took it on herself to make the sweets to bring in some money. She was probably about Isa's age when Amelia brought the baby in. Have no idea what kind of cover story she told the girl. By the time I was 7 I'd seen my mother through two pregnancies and knew babies grew in mommy's tummy and mommy went to the hospital and came home a few days later. Somehow this seemed to have gone right past Paloma who like Isa was not told the story until she overheard DM and Maria.

Still baffles me that Amelia and Maria got on their high horse about JAntos' lie when they've kept one much worse for years and would probably never have said anything if they hadn't been found out.


I agree that Justo is too much a gentleman but it sure would would be fun to see.

I think that Amelia is beginning to panic. Maria's actions last night clearly indicate that her loyalty is shifting from Mama to JAntos and their baby which is as it should be. She is cutting the cord and now Isa is going to be a handful. Amelia's carefully constructed house of cards is beginning to fall.

I don't know that it was so bad to not tell Isabel that she was adopted. Not at her current age, especially if she has no classmates who are adopted.

Carolina pointed out yesterday that while it may be the norm to tell children this here in the US it may not be in Mexico.

Unfortunately we now need to add two more paternal suspects we don't like: Concho and Ruben.

We know that both men have cheated on their wives. I don't think that Mirna would be Isabel's mother; if Concho is her father her mother is whoever preceded Mirna.

Ruben has been cheating on his wife for a long time. Maybe not before the wedding, but later. We don't know how many children he has with his wife or their ages, but I'm guessing they are around Isabel's age. If -- Virgencita forbid -- he turns out to be the sperm donor he could cause some very serious trouble for Maria and her family.

I'm still thinking we will never know who the parents are. It's fun to speculate but would really complicate things. However if Ruben were to find out Isa isn't Amelia's he might do some investigating for the sole purpose of bringing Maria to heel.

My feeling is that in the end Maria and Santos will legally adopt Isa as she already loves himn like a father and with Drama Mama's poor health she won't be in any condition to raise the child on her own.


I really think that with 68 remaining episodes there is plenty of opportunity to solve this mystery. This would be too big a loose end.

I agree, though, that Maria and Santos will adopt Isabel. She will be a very smart big sister to the baby.

Eli: This was really a great recap and I am sorry you're still having problems with the posting site. Maybe Madeleine's instructions will help this time. I think I still have the ones I sent you and can always resend them.

I really enjoyed the snark and I loved Roddy telling Oscar to stop the drinking and sniveling. I also enjoyed him telling Oscar to leave Maria to JAntos. It got Oscar reminiscing about Gloria and how much he used to love her.

Ruben is so low down he'd have to look up to see a snake's belly. I wouldn't put anything past him.

Great snarky recap! Bravo!

I am at a loss to guess who the parents of Isa are. I'm just going with the theory that JAntos is related by blood to her. Perhaps a cousin or something.

I'm sure one of our characters will be the daddy. Could it be JAntos? I guess, but like others here, I think that is straining even the strongest beanie.

In the case of Margarito in LQNPA, it actually made sense. (Spoilers for LQNPA.) The baby momma sought out Rogelio's hacienda because he was the daddy. Yadda yadda I won't explain all the circumstances but it made some sort of sense. She dropped the kid off at the FATHER'S house, but no one knew he was the father until later.

So what is the explanation for Isa being dropped off at Amalia's house? Is there a blood connection there? That would make some more sense than some random coincidence that some mom drops a baby off at a random house, only years later the daddy turns up randomly, what a coincidence! We shall see, we shall see.

Gloria did do a great job of raising Roddy. He has a solid head on his shoulders, is smart, sensitive and caring. I loved the little scene when he tried to sober up Pops and talked about his mother. Coloso did love Gloria and got the short end of the stick because of her father. Gloria needs to come back and both of them need to sit down and figure out what went wrong. I think it is too late for them but Roddy should have the real picture of who his parents were.

Thank you, Eli, for a wonderful recap. And thank you for persevering through the technical difficulties; there's nothing I hate more.

Amalia, Amalia. Being gracious. You're doing it wrong. All wrong. The guy saved your kid's life. Put away your meanie face and look him in the eye and say thank you, no matter how much you would like him to go away forever. Do not leave him standing by the door like he's invisible and then ask him to leave. And granting him permission to do you a favor? Oh, please. What's next? Granting him permission to kiss your copious ass?

I did notice more push back towards Amalia from JA last night. Good for him. These two are headed for a confrontation, and from the advances, I'd say it could happen really soon if she's nasty to him in front of his family. (Not that he would argue with her in front of them, but if she puts the scotch on things, I can totally see JA losing it with her sooner or later.)

JA deserves better than Maria. But he's stuck on her, so that's what he's going to get. The thing about Maria is that when she's good, she's very good, but when she's bad, she's horrid. I surely would not want to be married to someone who just shuts down whenever she's upset. She's young. Let's all just hope she grows up and pronto. Anita, you made an excellent point that Maria really should ask JA to forgive her for her lack of faith and what she put him through, but I don't think she ever will.

No one else has mentioned this, but I thought JA was just a teensy bit manipulative when told Coloso to call the cops and he threatened to turn himself in. It was a show for Maria, and it made her cave, just like in AB, Daniel's threat to turn himself in made Camila cave after she wouldn't forgive him for his Big Lie, which was basically the same as JAntos' Big Lie. I missed the discussion last week about JA's lying v. Daniel's lying, and I have a few things to say about it :), but it's too late tonight. Our hero JAntos can manipulate, though. I've noticed that before. And he's sneaky about it. Daniel manipulated, too, but he was more upfront.


Carolina wrote: "No one else has mentioned this, but I thought JA was just a teensy bit manipulative when told Coloso to call the cops and he threatened to turn himself in. It was a show for Maria, and it made her cave"

Yes, I thought this too! I think he was fed up (like he said) but I think he wanted to say "sh*t or get off the pot" to Maria and force her hand. If she thinks he's sooooo bad, then she should put her money where her mouth is and stand by as he is turned in. But if she loves him, say so and stop this nonsense. And of course she caved. Which is good.

Elvira: iExacto!

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