Wednesday, July 10, 2013

PEAM #88-7/10/13: Multi-Layered Circles of Love, Chained To Each Other.....

Recap by Pablo

 ''Love is born, grows, reproduces, and sometimes refuses to die''

Verónica loves Jesús
And in Vero's little head there's no room for understanding that Jesús loves Alma and keeps insisting on having the family she rejected 6 years ago. She might not really love Jesús, but since he came back to Monterrey and is getting his life together, she became obsessed on having him by all means necessary, not limited and including getting naked when he is showering, changing just for him, spending great amounts of money for a home cooked two person dinners, and so on...
We might never know how her little brain works, because now that Jesús has ''put the cards on the table'' highlighting one more time that he doesn't love her, she thinks of revenge and threatens him with not letting him see Valentina from now on (if he doesn't comply with her terms). Jesús loves gossip and that takes all the room, so no, no room for revenge in Jesús heart...

Marta loves Valentina
But she is so mental that now that her cover is blown, she will see less of the little girl. Both Elías and Jesús have agreed that Marta should be kept away from the whole family and that she needs help. Her ''mental lakes'' are getting worse and she is afraid because after them, she doesn't remember anything! Her case is worse than Chatita's...

Ricardo loves Marisela
And telling bad jokes. He takes her to eat tacos from the street vendor, and even when she refuses at first, ends up eating more than him and licking all her fingers (as millionaires like her surely do, but of course, with gloves on). Everybody in this TN loves TNs, so the taco maker loves MI PECADO.

Chatita loves tongue-twisters... 
and Pánfilo, and Jesús, and Valentina, and Alma, and everybody else at any given moment.
And just to not forget how to get her nose in other people's business, goes to Avon to see personally how Alma is dealing with the world of things that are happening to her right now. Alma loves Jesús, but right now is really, really pissed off and looks like a porcupine, nobody knows how to handle her without getting pricked. She won't leave ''muppet with a head''. This has been a very tough day for Alma, the three kings didn't bring any gifts, just sorrow and pain, anger and tantrums. She had a ''soponcio'' when she first saw the video where Rogelio enjoyed Jéssica, then she had a ''tramafán'' when Patricia showed up and during some arguments with her Sebastian, she could suffer a heart attack. Alma loves Jesús with all her soul, but now she acts like a wondering soul and Chatita, who surely attended the Monterrey School for clowns, thinks she is very funny making tongue twisters and telling Jesús that she came to Alma's office to sun bathe! Duh! That's why people say: When young a circus performer, when old just a clown!

Alma loves Sebastián
but will make the ultimate sacrifice not seeing him for the rest of her life if he doesn't tell her the whole truth. When he sees she means business and starts puffing like a bull when they see the red cape, so instead of doing what he has always done, lying, for the first time confesses what he knows. Alma huffs and puffs and if her hair was not so perfectly coiffured she could have probably pulled it out. She has been watching one too many Betty Boop cartoons!

Renato loves Patricia
and during dinner he finds out she loves stealing too! Not only boyfriends, but other people's belongings!!
Patricia opens her soul and heart to the young man and cries on his shoulder, steals a purse and some of its content, runs away, and when Rogelio calls her, she forgets momentarily that the young paparazzo ''wants everything with her''

Gilberto loves Ivonne
and bad jokes. But even when she feels something for him too, is not ready to be beaten up with Begoña's giant rolling pin in case she returns looking for something she forgot, like watering the plants or turning off the iron. The horse sound effect is getting really old and according to Nielsen, the audience has dropped 15%. At this rate, at the end only the Caray, Caray people will be watching, and that will be just for recapping purposes and not because they are having a good time, so sad!

Sebastián doesn't love anybody
and comes to see Alma and his big mouth slips that Patricia is actually Rogelio's lover!! Then goes to blame Jesús and call him ''dead of hunger''. 

Fernando loves Jesús (like Jesús and Elías love each other, don't worry).
and trying to find out how much Jesús knows talks to him in private. But Jesús is an old pro and doesn't share what he knows with just anybody (except the secretaries), so Fernando will have nothing to report to Rogelio...

Susana loves Sebastián
and gets all heart broken when he offends Jesús blaming him for all the chaos reigning now at Avon. Sebastián is a classist (hates poor people like Jesús) and now Doña Su needs all the support Jesús and the secretaries can offer. Anything to skip one hour or two of work!! Whoopi! We need more drama and less work!!

Alma hates the whole world right now
Specially Patricia, so when she leaves, ignores Jesús and Susana's sandwich hug. Jesús runs to ask her if everything is all right. You know, not that he cares, but he needs fresh gossip to spread now that the split of the bosses is getting old...

Elías love Valentina more than he does Verónica
and confronts her, telling her that he is going to support Jesús, now that they recovered their friendship. Vero, gets really upset hearing that and her threats escalate to the extreme. Elías will give some advice to Jesús so they can have Vale's custody, while Vero will be like ''the dog with the two sandwiches''.

Rogelio loves Alma
or so he thinks in his effort to have tall and pretty children. He also loves Patricia, because they're both the prefect S/M couple. He day dreams of Alma and the happy moments they lived together (ending with something he imagined, or borrowed from Alma's or Jesús memories: Alma and Jesús almost kissing). The only good thing we can rescue from all this mess, is that we get to see ALL OF ALMA'S SHADES OF HAIR during this short period of time. From Dark brown to ash blonde. If Avon was in the hair coloring business, they could be making way more money that they do!! With Alma alone!

Julio loves Xóchitl
and she loves herself, specially now that she is discovering what she is capable of. Good for you girl! Every big journey starts with a small step!

To make this story short, Alma gets to Patricia's apartment, knocks and screams but Pato is not there. Pato arrives seconds later with Renato in the hopes they can have some fun in the bed-oire, but what Patricia gets is a slap in her face! And she still pretends she is surprised!! 

Betrayal, revenge, EFFRONTERY!!

For whoever has twitter and have time to follow this trainwreck
#quierolaverdad (i want the truth) and/or #quieroqueestanovelaacabeYA!!!



Thanks for this great recap. Weee did Alma blow! It's about time. I am glad she guilted Sebas into telling the truth. Now Alma knows everything except about the pictures of Pato and Rogue.

Surprising that Pato told Renato so much about herself. Maybe she has needed to vent, cause Rogue knows about her thievery but she always claims she isn't sick with him, hmmmm.....

Vero needs an anvil. Not a total wipe out one, but she is wackadoo and needs at least a small pie cart. Maybe Marta and Vero can go to the same place and be roommates, that's the ticket.

I am so glad the bromance is back with Elias and Chucho, but I'm not liking Ferny being a spy. I hope he gets caught at it, or he goes more toward the light and stops himself. I want Ferny to see how bad his real bro really is.

I like Xochi's new 'tude, but I don't want her to cut Julio dead. I want her to at least remain friends with him. He did get her started as "Natasha".

Oh, how could I forget that slap. It was so well deserved that Alma gave to Pato.

101 episodes left...

...and then I will be free!!

God, I am becoming Marta, did I say that out loud? I don't remember!

Pablo, I love the perspective of this recap. it was so true. Love is like an onion.
I am happy to see Paty's anvil finally start to drop. What a sick puppy. A healthy psychologist could retire with a case load of- Paty, Rogue, Ferny, Dr. Loca and Vero.
Sebastian got what he deserved from Alma but he was out of line when snapping at Jesus. I know that he had to snap at someone. He is always focusing on class but he is such a low class son of a gun.

Pablo thanks for your great recap and spot on title.

I'm glad Alma got very angry and took it out on her wretched father, Paty, and Rog. Unfortunately it seems the writers are going to have her go the way of Val from STuD (just a guess) and Alma will be a real meanie. I must admit I got a kick out of the slap!

Mads I'm with you about Vero and an anvil. I had hoped Elias would take Val and tell Vero to take a hike. She's going to live in the home of the man she's divorcing. He and Chucho need to stop being nice to that witch and get custody. And it seems Elias's cut-throat lawyer should be able to get full custody for the two dads.

TJ - with you on the not even pond scum that is Alma's father. Rog and Paty's infidelity & lying along with him had nothing to do with the mess currently going on at Avon. Please.

Love your recap Layers of Love! And don't worry, we can all be one big support group for you as we work through this TN.
Actually, this felt very much like a turning point episode, not sure why. I so enjoyed how Alma blew up (literally) at her sperm donor. What a cretin that he acted so surprised. And you can add Pati to that, though I still love the actress and how she plays this part.
I can see why Alma may put up the walls now. She didn't have any other friends but Pati, believed in her fiancé, and put up with her father not wanting to admit he was basically pimping her out. Now all truths are told and she feels alone ( add to that thinking Chucho is enjoying the ex-wifey at home). Girl needs a vacation.
So Marta is stalking Val? Don't believe she just happened to be at the park with a hood covering her head. So how many episodes do we think will go before she tries the grab and run? hate this plot line...
The glee of Xochi is so fun to watch!! I wish the sillies would stop the office antics. Alone you want to root for them, together they are maddening and then you don't like them again. Gees, grow up.


Pablo- Great recap and overarching theme.

I really enjoyed the chemistry between Paty and the young photographer. This could be an interesting/fun relationship, and might actually provide some competition for Rogue.

I am so glad Sebastard told Alma the truth and now Paty can't lie her way out of it. I was cheering Alma on as she told Sebas off, and then smacked the taste out of Paty's mouth. I hope she doesn't go the way of Valentina/Eval in STUD-- being a b*tch to everybody because one man did her wrong.

Chatita also helped out by explaining to Alma that Chucho rejected Vero after she got naked. One less misunderstanding is always good. I can't even talk about Vero using Val as a weapon against Chucho again. Surely, some family court judge will see that these two men are way better parents than this harpy mom, and give them both main custody of Val. *fingers crossed*

Pablo, I loved how you organized your recap: very creative and very funny.

I felt sorry for Alma as her family and friend list is shrinking to nobody. So glad she really let her dad have it. So, Alma's dad was living with her. So glad she told him to get out. Pablo, you called as it was: her dad was pimping her out.

Looks like when Paty is under stress her klepto tendencies get the best of her. After tonight's episode when Alma finally tells her off and more she might have to go on a klepto spree!


Pablo, this was a work of art. It's not always possible to tie everything together with a strong theme; but when it works, it really works! Nice job!

Love is like an onion: it stinks and it makes people cry!

Vivi: Sebastard - AWESOME name! Perfect for Wasabiface Noogiefist's dad.

Paty really knows how to complicate her own life. First she thought she was going to have to be with the photographer to keep the photos away from Alma; now the photos are pointless, but the photographer can still blackmail Paty with her sticky fingers habit.

I do think it was funny, though, that this photographer boy can say that Paty's "sick" for being in love with her best friend's husband, yet in the very same conversation he insists that he's in love with Paty. He hardly knows her at all!

If simply knowing what someone looks like is sufficient reason to be hopelessly in love, then it seems perfectly logical and non-sick that Paty can be equally hopelessly in love with Rogelio as long as she thinks he's handsome. Right??

What did we think of Blanca in this episode? I'm not fond of the square mouth shtick (haven't even seen it since Carmen Becerra in QE and had assumed it was unique to her), but otherwise I thought she did pretty well. Better than I expected, based on her previous confrontations. She handled the showdown with Sebastard well. I thought he was going to keel over and drop dead.

What I liked best about last night was that it was Sebastard, of all people, who outed Paty as Rogelio's lover. BY MISTAKE. That is pure dramedy gold.

"I thought he was going to keel over and drop dead."

Oh, Julie, if only right?

I thought Blanca did a good job with her indignation arguments. Her crying when alone still kind of gets me, but otherwise I thought she was believable and hit the right notes all around when blasting her dear old dad. And boy, can she do the "I'm mad as hell strut".


Julie and DaisynJay:

I soo agree with you about Blanca. She was terrible in El Tal when she was mad. She didn't yell near enough, and things were really, really bad in that one, like she did here. Good for her! I am so enjoying her character here. Maybe they purposely wrote Alma this way so she could turn a corner, much like Xochi.

Fantastic recap, Pablo! Very witty and clever.

I know my beanie's kind of loose, but does anyone else think it's funny that Alma threatened to never speak to her father again unless he told her the truth, then as soon as he told her the truth, she said she would never speak to him again? As the saying goes, "Heads I win, tails you lose."


I completely missed that! How funny!, ; )

P.S. I think the photographer and the policewoman's assistant are la pareja ideal. They could take acting lessons together. AI AI AI.

Julie, add me to the list of those who thought Blanca did a great job blasting her pops (Vivi - Sebastard is so appropriate).

BL - good observation. I knew she said the first part but was so happy she said the second part, I didn't realize she trapped him, ha.

Pablo--You always give it your all. I so love your recaps and comments, and never tire of telling you so--I'm in awe.

Ok, folks, about Alma needing a vacation. Yes, if we were in her shoes, we probably would escape to the Mayan Riviera or go climb a pyramid, but Alma is TOO dedicated to her job and keeping Avon Numero Uno. The thought of letting down the home office isn't in her playbook.

I predict she will just turn inward, be short and not sweet with her employees and still put in long hours.

She'll keep up this attitude until the next crisis when Vale is kidnapped or held hostage. (Is there any doubt with Marta back-watching in a hand-held mirror saying Ximena has to be with her?)

Alma will react. She won't be able to withhold her care and concern for Vale, Chucho and Elias and the (egg)shell will crack.

She is pretty much alone now, unless she is willing to un-marginalize Chucho. She'll always have Chatita, though.

Patycakes needs professional help, Fern needs it, Vero needs it, Rogue needs it, Marta needs it, Barbara needs it, Sebastian needs it, heck, everyone except Chucho and Vale need some degree of professional help with their lives. Are there enough of these professionals to go around?

Add me to the list of those who really admired how you organized and gave a theme to this messy episode.

I can only bear to watch this once a week (with my Colombian buddy)because right now I'm so annoyed with so many of the characters, but I may log on to Univision to watch the take-down scene with Alma and her father. Must See TV. And the walloping slap to Patricia.

And Must Read REcap. Excellent as always, Pablo.

We had new loves, loves in blossom, loves gone, loves in hiatus and what some people confuse with love. I wanted to address Susana's love for her husband but looks like she has forgotten already.
During all the previews I thought Alma was hitting Patricia with her fist, but is was just a slap!

Rub it down, there's no bandaids!! (Sóbate que no hay curitas!)

Pablo, for someone who claims to not be enjoying the show very much, you sure write enjoyable recaps. With poetic titles and quotes, even!

VERY satisfying slap. "Aaammmiiiig*POW!*" So deserved. I also really liked that Alma finally snapped at her Duddy. He's the worst. She should have just let him lose his fortune and find out what it's like to be poor. Maybe there's still time for that.

Chucho is still being too wishy-washy. He won't go to court for custody, because he "doesn't want to do that to Vero"?!?! She's threatening to cut you off from your daughter! Why do you continue to treat her like she's reasonable and nice? I still think he could solve the problem of Vero's leechiness by just acting like whatever would turn her off and make her want to go away on her own. Expect her to do lots of household chores, especially gross ones. Insist on lots of family outings to places she will hate. Be ruder than she is. Make comments like she's getting fat or something.

I was confused by the "lagunas" in Marta's memory. Is that a normal way of saying it in Spanish? I thought it was almost like "lacunas", which means gaps or what's missing. Is that a word in Spanish, too?

The only way to keep myself entertained is making up stuff mocking the TN in both english and spanish.

Muerto de hambre, someone who is so poor doesn't have anything to eat I translated literally as ''dead of hunger'', for the spanish term ''lagunas mentales'' I used ''mental lakes'', maybe I should have used ''ponds'' that is similar, because that is when people forget chunks of stuff, portions of memory as big as a lake. In english I like the term blackouts, but I am trying to have fun, I am sorry.

In English we do use the term "lacunae," but it's more clinical. "Blackouts" would be the usual term, although "mental lakes" is much more picturesque. :)

That was a great slap. Almost a pimp-slap. She put some muscle into it.

"Muerto de hambre" usually gets translated as "deadbeat" or "loser."

"Lagunas" - interesting translation challenge. I cheated on Tuesday night and checked the English captions to find "blackouts," but "memory sinkhole" or "mental sinkhole" or "mental black hole" would be more poetic.

Not very watery or lagoony, though. Unfortunately I can't think of an English word that refers to a body of water that's used specifically for drowning, but I imagine we must have one.

(We have wells and reservoirs, but we think of those as places we go to GET water. Not to get rid of things.)

Mental vortex?

I guess the term ''laguna mental'' does not necessary means body of water or drowning our memories in it. Laguna, or lago (lake, pond) could mean the space between memories. So if you have random memories and blank spaces between them, you have lagunas, right? In the sense that is a huge space with water, I don't know, I am just guessing...

Alma can take care of herself! It's so good to see her wake up.

She gave her papa exactly what he deserved. I hope he can figure out something constructive to do with it. Maybe wake up and try to win Dona Su with a new attitude? He has lost everything now, well except his money.


Okay, not so much drowning memories, but losing them. I was thinking like when you're standing on a bridge and then you drop your keys and they fall into the lake and you'll never see them again. Same as if you dropped them into a canyon or abyss. Or into a storm drain. Someday they'll drain that lake and it will be full of crazy stuff.

So I'd think of the mental laguna as the place where the missing memories have disappeared to. (Along with a couple of socks that went into the clothes dryer but never came out.)

Blanca is still too screechy. All she does in her "emotional" scenes is to squinch her face and screech at the top of her lungs. Definitely not what I call acting.

If Alma starts acting like Val in StuD, poor Jesus (Fer Colunga) will be so confused! Someone ACTING like Valentina (StuD), but he has a little daughter named Valentina in this tn and the receptionist's name (Ivonne) is too close to Ivana (Gabby Spanic) - sheesh, he'll be loco-er than Dr. Loca or more confused than Chatita!

OMG I'm watching "Couples Retreat" on the USA network, and Carlos Ponce plays a yoga instructor in a tiny little blue bathing suit, and...did I say OMG? OMG. I had no idea.

I really hope Alma doesn't do the whole STuD "someone hurt me, so I'm going to lash out at the whole world" thing. It's so tiresome. She needs some growth, but we don't need to hate her. She's on thin ice as a heroine as it is.

Pablo, this is a terrific recap, one of your best and that's saying a lot! I liked this episode, especially the part with Sebastard (snort!) inadvertently spilling the beans. I was amazed he told Alma the truth and didn't try to lie his way out of it.

Great comments about the episode and vocabulary. I always learn a lot by reading what you folks have to say.

OK, off to watch Thursday's episode...trying to play catch-up here.

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