Thursday, July 18, 2013
PEAM #93-7/17/13: Not Even Uri Could Have Spoiled Those Two Nights Of Passion!
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Labels: Manda
Marvelous, fab recap.
I had to laugh at Alejandra showing up for Yuri, that was too funny! He is so huge and she is tiny compared to him.
That dinner that Alma and Chucho had was fab, and it was lobster and beef. I liked the first course with the soup. It looked so good. I love how they show the food on this show.
Ferny actually wants to work? Que? I am glad he is actually going to do something instead of playing those games on his computer.
I wish that Patymelt wouldn't run over to Rogue's just cause he called her. She needs to make things right with Alma and straighten herself out. This is just a booty call.
That was a nice thing that Elias did for Panfilo and Maricela. Now hopefully Maricela does away with her delusions of grandeur.
So Ray's secret is out. I just knew she was a girl. I wonder who is taking care of her now. She is one tough little girl.
Ay yi yi, Dr Loca strikes on Friday! I am NOT liking that one bit!
And I couldn't agree more about that song--gees. You would think that the money they got for pitching this vacation spot would cover some extra tunes for this show. And anyone else think we got the ol' Univision editor having fun during the "love" scene with ChuMa? Like the pancakes, get us all worked up and then fizzle. Ok, again, family hour, but we got more Yuri than FC--where is that right?
So another plot step to get Ferny to the "light". He wants to really work and know what to do? I see the makings of a future exec...maybe Pancho style, but Avon doesn't seem to be fussy in management qualities. And afterall---someone needs to be running the place. Everyone else seems busy.
So yesterday I was thinking the keys were for Vero or the long-shot Panfilo. So we got the long shot--who knew. Nice gesture by Elias, but I don't like him and Mari together, so hopefully that isn't part of this whole plot. Frankly, after she STILL put on her stupid act with Ricardo, I would rather he focus on someone else. Anyone else.
HATE HATE HATE those previews.
So, these were the romantic moments we were waiting for. . .??? I thought I must have dozed off and missed somethings but I hadn't. Daisynjay, I like your censor theory.
Well, I am ready for some kidnapping and getting the plot moving on to the next day if nothing more interesting is going to happen on the Mayan Riviera.
Pablo, do you know what date we are at approximately?
I didn't see VERONICA!
They should rotate them and make 'em go so we don't have to see them.
Today verónica, tomorrow Chatita, and so on...
Uni definitely edited that love scene at the end. Their song started, and then jumped right to the end (they showed us more in the previews). I wasn't too upset about it because I did NOT want to hear that damn song for a sixth time in one night.
Wasn't anyone keeping track of the change of clothes? I think there were at least two other outfits on that same day, added to all the ones we saw last episode. It's all still the same day, right? I ask, not just because of the obscene number of changes of clothes Alma and Jesus went through, but also because they seemed to have watched the sunset TWICE in two different places (on the bridge and on the beach).
I am guessing that Rogue sent Alejandra as a type of tribute gift to Yuri, and it's not that she's the only prostitute in Monterrey. She looked tiny next to giant Yuri. But she didn't seem to mind, at all.
Anyone else taken aback by how Chatitia just blurted out to Ray, "I'm remembering the day that your mother was MURDRED"?! I don't usually mind Chatita shocking the adults with her brutal (and loopy) honesty. But couldn't she rein it in a bit with a little kid?
I wonder what else is in store for us?
The wedding took place on the first weekend, the next was the birthday, the breakup and then the video and all the wasabi faces, so, I don't buy that story of Rogelio's little friend getting well this soon. But Juárever! I am only watching it for the commercials!!
You are so witty.
I particularly enjoyed the chronological events of the day and the lessons learned. You are too much!
Vivi - I was watching the clothing changes, still hoping for a shirtless Chucho.
Yurt- ewwww!!! More like a jungle animal than Tarzan!!!
In any case, I'm glad you have a HUGE imagination!
Have we seen the pancakes yet?
Madelaine, when you said Friday, does that mean there's no show tonight?
Lobster and beef = "surf 'n' turf"? It always sounds luxurious, but I don't think they really go together. I'd rather just have one or the other. Or the double-cheeseburger.
At the start of the episode, did Alma and Chucho really talk as though they'd already been to bed together the night before? If they did, we missed ALL of that!
I find it odd sometimes that the US is so prissy about cutting the good parts out of steamy scenes. I think Mexicans and their telenovelas are so much more comfortable with the human body and its functions. FColunga in other roles has been much more revealing. I am thinking fondly of some scenes in Alborada when in spite of everyone being draped in too much fabric in general, he managed to have some near naked moments so we could enjoy the view.
I stop watching a couple of weeks ago, shortly after Natasha blossomed as the latest Diva....(She looks like the race car driver's twin sister---no real names---I remember)
BTW, Lobster and Beef, is called "surf and turf" at Red Lobster. (oops - a real restaurant)
I didn't watch all of last night either, but with no MLB until Friday, I thought i would get caught up by reading your re-cap.
I did get to see Seabass, and Sussie-Q kiss, and it was ugly, much like watching your parents kiss...'Yucky.
Anyways....Great Job.
"In All Things Give Thanks"
So, as Pablo's reminds us, we get to see the brutal beating of Marta by her deranged whomever, but we can't get a few moments of kissy face? Okey dokey then.
As for the change of clothes and the dual sunsets ( maybe we are in an alternate universe?), all I kept thinking is -- does Chucho have his own room 'cos otherwise where are they changing clothes all the time? Methinks our little scamps have been having some off scene fun without us.
They should probably put that in the brochure.
Oh my, I was truly drooling over the restaurant scenes and the over-long shots of the food. I thank the director and editors for that. I'm not a fan of surf and turf (like others of you I prefer surf OR turf) but the plates were beautiful. I thought their soup looked like am upscale version of tortilla soup with its creamy chile bisque, little floaters of tortilla strips and islands of crema and cilantro. Yum!!
I thought all the clothing changes and numerous sunsets were a hoot.
Thanks again Pablo. I am still waiting for pancakes. No PEAM tonight, huh? Oh well. I'm just as glad to get the kidnapping over with early as opposed to continually threatening us with it.
"turquoise" is kind of a cool word to say.
Way back when Jesus bought that engagement ring for Rogue to give Alma, he asked the jewelry store saleslady for the birthstone for Aquarius and the lady said it was Turquoise. There was some discussion about Turquoise not actually being an Aquarius birthstone, LOL! But in our alternate universe of many sunsets and no pancakes it appears that Turquoise, which is Alma's favorite stone, gets to be her birthstone as well. Anyway, that's how I remember it, but I am notorious for revising history.
Garnet is the birthstone for January; Amethyst is the birthstone for February; Turquoise is the birthstone for December.
So it (turquoise) is neither Alma's stone for her birthday NOR for her sign, so what's up writers? Did Chucho ask for her birth date to figure out her favorite stone? Huh?
Beanie time!
You had me going though with "regiomontano". Thought that it was a Spanish word I needed to add to my vocab list. Having fun with us again, were you?
Anyway, enjoyed greatly the recap with your side helping of bile.
Alas, I am one of those who does love Surf 'n Turf and cheesecake for dessert please! so I hesitate to watch this food porn episode. But on the other hand, I'd really like to check out Uri's romance. Decisions. Decisions.
But not doubt at all about the recap. Just great.
My birthday is in March: Aquamarine and Bloodstone.
So have Alma and Chucho bumped little cars already, or are they stretching out the romantic buildup? How many days has it been? So much confusion and so many wardrobe changes. Maybe Chucho has been sleeping in the hammock or on the sofa of that spectacular hotel room with private pool.
I thought it was a little abrupt and careless the way Chatita brought up Ray's mother's murder. Yeesh. I wonder what will happen to Ray. Will someone adopt her, or will her father turn up?
Uri and Alex were funny. He always cracks me up, but her wide-eyed reaction to him was funny, too. Maybe she can keep him busy and away from Chucho for awhile.
But since that scene was at the end of the episode, it's possible that we'll see a longer version of it tonight (still edited for those of delicate disposition, of course, but possibly longer).
I have noticed that sometimes the last scene of an episode is a condensed version of a longer scene that's shown first thing the next night. I don't mean like it's a five-minute scene and they show just the first three minutes of it. More like they seem to have the entire conversation on the first night, but the next night you'll see that there was more stuff after the beginning but before the end of what we already saw.
Fictitious example - end of night 1:
Rogue: You've got some nerve, making my dog like you!
Chucho: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?
Rogue: I'm gonna put you in the doghouse!
Start of night 2:
Rogue: You've got some nerve, making my dog like you!
Chucho: Is that really what's bothering you?
Rogue: No! I'm angry that my brother and Alma both like you better than me, too!
Chucho: Maybe you should be nicer to people. I'm nice. That's what makes me irresistible.
Rogue: I've got a better plan to win them all back!
Chucho: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?
Rogue: I'm gonna put you in the doghouse!
Like that. Or is it just my imagination?
Hope I don't get an overfull helping of the gooshy stuff tonight. (If the Lad were here, he'd take one look at that scattering-rose-petals-in-the-bathwater business, wrinkle up his nose and say, "Girl sex!") On the other hand, I'm happy to spare the blogging Moms the angst of having to recap child peril.
The last three I've watched were all comedies. Before that, I was seeing a lot more sex scenes. (Clumsily edited, but at least you knew whether or not they'd done the deed.) So maybe heavier drama is rewarded with heavier sex?
True, LFMB was a comedy, but actually I remember only two sex scenes - the one at the hotel on her bday, and the one at Omar's apartment. Then there was the nude swimming dream sequence at Cuernavaca. That's not much for 300 episodes, is it?
I remember a lot more in Pasion and in FELS, both of which came later.
And not much in Destilando, really, even though it was after LFMB and before Pasion.
So I'm not at all sure that it's really a trend on the Televisa side. More a matter of what the producers/directors feel that they can pull off based on the script and actors they're working with.
Let's see how that scene plays (or replays) out in full length tonight. Also, maybe the uncut version is on youtube someplace for comparison purposes.
Is just a guess, because in México, shows have sex, brief nudity, farts, and meaningless words like huevos (eggs/testicles) that Looneyvision edit so the audience here don't get upset.
I remember watching the end of STD and thinking, wth with Lucero taking off her bra in a very daring love scene (I am not sure it was STD but it was Lucero, whom I always considered prudish and wholesome family mother of two, juárever, I don't think all this comes from Televisa...
And they aren't especially sneaky about it, either. Someone already mentioned how you can always tell something was cut, because the music gets cut too. Awkwardly.
All I'm saying is that while Uni's censorship is annoying and obtrusive, at least you can still tell that a dog has peed on someone's shoes, someone has uttered a racial slur, somebody got lucky in bed, etc.
Meanwhile, I'd say there is zero chance that Televisa will ever tone anything down just because Univision wants them to. From what I understand of the relationship between Televisa and Univision, it is much more likely that Televisa would double up on the nudity and tell Uni to go jump in the cenote.
It's silly...
I remember when this TN started, Fernando used to call Jesús many names, all of them of flowers.
I don't see anything wrong with that because the point was that Fernando wanted to imply that Jesús was a secretary and therefore, not masculine.
Here, Univisión muted all that.
Isn't stupid?
Why would they want to predigest what we want to watch and why do they want us not to be exposed to what they consider offensive?
What they should be doing is not cutting TNs in the middle and not letting us watch the second half!
I get more offended when they walk all over me altering schedules and cutting stuff midways, because I am their audience and I deserve respect, than if they let words and images for all to see.
This is not double standard, its triple!!
I am done, thanks!
We've had some unusual situations on AV. First there was a major racial slur I missed and was called on the carpet for, then there was an image of a female body part in graffiti on the side of a building and then there was all the cuts to the lovemaking of the Angel and Ms Vikki on that one. The first two were not bleeped out or blurred out but the lovemaking was cut to ribbons go figure. Uni was either unobservant or they missed it entirely as the first two go.
I agree with Pablo; what's REALLY irritating is when Uni just chops down the show partway through the run, and they either end it early entirely or butcher it such that you can't follow what is going on. It is VERY disrespectful to the audience.
We have been abnormally lucky with PEAM. They haven't started any episodes an hour early or an hour late, or run way over an hour, or even skipped a night until last night. PESE and UFCS had all kinds of irregularities.
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