Tuesday, July 09, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 7/9/13 (#87): At Last! Furniture Is Flipped!

No tables are turned, alas. This is more of a Jerry Springer Show type of furniture-tossing. So old-school!

Paty's Tangled Web

Alma wants answers, and Paty's got them all! She is so glib, it's actually a shock when she finally seems to screw up and contradict her own story - but then she comes up with a lie to explain that away, too! Alma is still upset, but she's also relieved that her ONLY friend has an explanation that lets her off the hook.

The somewhat irrelevant specifics of Paty's lies:

- Of course I sound angry in the video. I caught Rogelio cheating on my best friend!
- I couldn't tell you about this because you were so excited about the wedding. [Funny, didn't they have a bunch of conversations about how Paty thought Alma DIDN'T seem excited about the wedding?] I didn't want to spoil it for you. Besides, he said it would never happen again.
- What do you care about Rogue's philandering anyway, since you had already broken up with him before I sent you the video? Er, yes, how did I find out... um... after you broke up with him, he called me and said you didn't love him and he needed my help. So why do you care about his cheating if you don't even love him?
- Oh, did you think he only kissed Jessica? No, it wasn't just kissing.
[Alma makes the wasabi face]
- The reason I sent you the video now was... er... *blink blink blink* right, you two had already broken up and I thought this would make the breakup easier for you to make peace with.
- Well, I suppose this wasn't the best way to break the news to you since we're best friends and you trust me and I was there when you thought your father was on his deathbed, but I was mad at Rogelio and I wanted to get even because... because... because I got really mad when he told me that it didn't even matter to him that you don't love him!
- Oh sure, he seemed devastated when your father saw him - but that was just for show. Don't you remember I asked you just before the wedding if you suspected him of anything? I didn't want you to suffer...

Alma makes the wasabi face again, sits down heavily, and tells Paty she needs to think it all over.

Meanwhile, in the coffee room, Jessica tells the secretarias that Rogelio has a lover, and it is none other than Alma's best friend Paty. Chucho overhears. They all want an explanation. Chucho warns that you can't just go around saying such things unless you're sure. Xochi lets slip that Chucho had his suspicions. Oops! That was supposed to be a secret. Now they want to know what HE knows. He turns it back on Jessica, who doesn't want to say any more at first, but eventually tells the whole story about the video. She and Rogue had a little fling. She went to his house and they were about to get it on when Paty and Fernando showed up. Fernando filmed it all and Paty was throwing a jealous fit. And no, it wasn't like she was outraged on Alma's behalf, either, because she never even mentioned Alma's name! Everyone makes weird disapproving faces.

Chucho intercepts Paty for a talk/interrogation/confrontation. She uses the same tactic Jessica did - she tries to turn it around on Chucho - and suggests that he ought to be happy if Alma and Rogue split up. But he drags her back to the topic of interest. Never mind if this means he can be with Alma: he thinks Alma should know that her best friend betrayed her. Paty dares him to tell Alma. He doesn't have any proof, and Alma might even get mad at him.

Chucho flashes back to the wedding, when he had to restrain Paty during Rogue's arrest. "It's as if you had been the bride," he says. Maybe her explanation is good enough for Alma, but it's not good enough for him. Paty adds: As for Jessica, she's a liar, and she was cheating on Fernando, so there.

Later, she goes to Rogue's house. While she waits for Rogue, the paparazzo texts her and says he knows she took the memory stick, but he still has another copy. He threatens to publish the photos. She agrees to see him.

She must be in one hell of a mood by now. I wonder what she's going to steal at the mall tonight?

Maybe One Table Is Turned a Little Bit

Rewinding back to this morning, before Paty's arrival at Rogue's house: Fernando is trying to cheer up Rogue. Cantú shows up with good news: Fernando's case was dismissed for lack of evidence, so he can now go back to work at Avon. All Rogue cares about is that HE'S still under house arrest. He's lost EVERYTHING, he whines. Fernando and Cantú say he still has them, and they're here for him no matter what. But Rogue is disconsolate and even elbows Cantú away when the older man pats Rogue's shoulder reassuringly. "I love you, brother," Fernando says. Rogue lifts his head to give Fern a loathing glare.

But Rogue is still willing to continue using his brother. He wants Fernando to be his eyes and ears at Avon, and especially to spy on Alma and Chucho.

Rogue notices that Fernando seems a bit giddy. Fern admits that he's in love again. This time it's with a singer.

Let me see if I have this right: Rogue's marriage is on the rocks, he's lost all his money, he has no job and can't leave his house, but his so-called loser brother is in love and gets to go back to work? Sweet!

"Girls Gone Wild": Legacy Classic Edition

Vero wants to know EXACTLY what Chucho told Chatita about last night. All Chatita will say is that she heard about the peepshow that didn't pay off. Vero doesn't understand how Chucho could reject her. Chatita tells Vero a bunch of things she should already know.

Rehash and Gratuitous Food Pr0n

We are shown a series of completely unnecessary photos of yummy, fresh, healthy-looking food while Eli tells Minerva about Dr. Loca's recent meltdown. Minerva is surprised, but agrees not to let Marta in the house if she ever comes over. He also says Chucho isn't interested in Vero, so maybe there's still hope for Eli. But more to the point, he and Chucho are friends again. Yay!

(Speaking of gratuitous food, I saw on the Today show this morning where some people claim that just drawing pictures of your favorite treats, rather than eating them, can lift your mood. I can sort of draw jimmies, but that's about all.)


The Sillies hold up cards to rate Jessica's appearance on a scale of 1 to 10. She is offended when Ric gives her only a 5. (Are you kidding me? Avon is okay with the acting HR manager of one of their fictitious locations participating in something like this?) (I notice that Gilberto put a little underscore under his "8" so that we can tell later when he's holding it upside-down.) But Jess seems nervous, and her fears are confirmed when Alma summons Jessica to her office.

Mari observes that Xochi has seemed more confident lately. Xochi says it has something to do with a lounge singer she's gotten to know recently.

Susana has (apparently) told Chucho that she split up with Sebastian over his snobbery towards the lowly hourly employees like her and Chucho. Chucho points out that Sebastian hates him anyway, and he obviously likes her. Sebastian may blame Chucho for Alma and Rogue's breakup, but they already know Rogue had TWO lovers on the side.

Jess nervously approaches Alma's office and asks Chucho to announce her. I half-expect a drum roll, but instead the elevator chimes. Jess goes into Alma's office, and Marta enters the executive lobby. She thinks it's high time she and Chucho had their "interview"!

The Mild-Mannered Tantrum

Alma shows Jessica the video. Jessica seems mortified and ashamed. Jess says that Rogue approached her first, and she didn't want him to fire her. Alma says it's bad enough to be screwing around with the management, but the quality of her work isn't any good, either. (Jess says she's doing her best; but if that's her best, she probably shouldn't admit it!)

However, Jess also says that she never had sex with Rogelio (contradicting Paty's claim). As for her recent tardiness, she was visiting Fernando in jail.

Jess is sure Alma will fire her. Alma thinks she should. Jessica states that frankly, the only time she feels good about herself, and the only way she thinks she can get anywhere, is when she's manipulating men. Alma is sickened by this and says Jessica needs to feel her self-worth. Jess remembers Cardenas telling her the same thing. "All he wants from me is to be the mother of his children," Jess says, which oddly enough is also what Rogue wants from Alma and when you think of it that way, it doesn't sound so good, does it? But I'm not sure if I was supposed to think of it that way.

Alma's not going to fire Jessica just now. She's going to think about what to do. She advises Jessica to consider what she wants to do with her life, too.

Dr. Loca and Ms. Hyde

"I already told you there isn't going to be any interview," Chucho tells Dr. Loca. He wants her to explain exactly what happened with Val and Vero at his house last night. Dr. Loca doesn't know what he's talking about. He says she really scared Valentina and she'd better stay away from now on. "You need help. You need supervision!" And he really regrets having brought this disturbed woman into his workplace, so he's going to discuss this with Alma.

Chucho leaves Marta alone in the conference room, and I notice that door looks to be made out of glass, so I'm surprised nobody can hear or see what happens next: Crazy Mommy-Marta starts screeching, knocking chairs over, yelling "nobody will keep me from seeing my child," and hugs some random sculpture and talks to it as if it's her baby.

Oh Good, the Solitaire Games Will Resume

Fernando 1.0 (the Grouch) returns to Avon. The first thing he does is order Cardenas to get all of his junk out of his office. Fern tells everyone that the judge let him off the hook, and Pancho Lopez authorized him to go back to work. Skeptical (at last), Alma says she's going to verify that herself.

She confirms it and apologizes to Cardenas later. He's depressed about Jessica being in love with Fernando. Alma encourages Cardenas to fight for Jess's love. "She'd be lucky to be with someone like you."

Crazies on Parade, pts. LXVII - LXVIII

Now Vero is at Avon. I know I've said this before, but that company really needs a better policy for personal visitors. Alma bunches her hand into a weak little pseudo-fist (more like a noogie, really) behind her back and purses her lips. Oooh, she's so scary! She and Vero trade mild bitcheries, and Alma stomps off to her office. Chucho follows her and asks if she wants anything from lunch. "No. Go have lunch with Verónica. I'm sure you have plenty to talk about."

At lunch, Chucho tells Vero that Marta didn't remember anything but he told her to stay away. He also says that last night's seduction attempt had better not ever happen again. Vero is surprised. "Don't you like me anymore?" (Uh, Vero, when's the last time he liked you? It was six years ago. Try to keep up!) He says maybe he hasn't been clear enough, but he'll say it again: NOTHING will happen between them. He doesn't love her, and he's not going to love her.

"I GET IT! YOU LOVE ALMA!" Vero yells. The other restaurant patrons glance at her. "THAT'S the problem! You're in love with your boss!" More crazy yelling. He tells her she's making a scene. He almost tells her about something that happened in Acapulco (probably how Alma would have cancelled the wedding, if only they hadn't gotten their wires crossed) but stops himself. All that matters is that he doesn't love VERO. (Vero is oblivious to the possibility that her own toxic personality might be a turnoff in itself.) He repeats "I don't love you" a dozen times, but it doesn't seem to sink in. And he's still angry that she didn't tell him about Valentina at the very beginning. He's not vengeful. The fact that she's changed things to gain his approval isn't helpful either. She shouldn't have done that. "I'm not going to marry you. We can't be together." Vero frowns, trying to keep the bad news from sinking into her brain.

Meanwhile, Eli goes to Dr. Loca's office and tells her to stay away from Valentina or else. She makes the Crazy Mommy face, which looks like she bit down on an uncoated aspirin. (Totally different from the wasabi face.) "Why are you asking me to stay away from Ximena, uh, I mean Valentina?" He tells her she hallucinated, scared Valentina mixing her up with the baby she lost, talked nonsense, and retreated into her past. Marta seems genuinely distraught, but doesn't remember it at all. She remembers going to the house, chatting with Valentina, and then being at home.

She admits she has blackouts sometimes, but she's afraid to go to a doctor. She knows she needs help, though. She wants help.

Chucho tells Vero she can stay at his house. She doesn't want that. She wants his love. She accuses him of not trying. "Love is not about trying," he says. "Then you'll never see Valentina again," she threatens.

"You tried that on me before," Chucho says, "but you won't do it again." Vero smirks as though she knows something he doesn't. He responds with his classic Colunga face, the one that actually looks like something.

Where are the nice young men with their clean white coats and butterfly nets when you need them?

Next time:
Mt. Alma finally erupts, and Daddy is buried in the lava of her wrath. OR IS HE??


The recap will be a while yet, but please don't wait to start commenting. We have much to discuss!

I have an unrelated question: After six years of consuming nothing but birdseed and a thin gray liquid, how is it possible that both Eli and Vero can suddenly wolf down many pounds of meat with no apparent intestinal distress or weight gain?

I'm sorry. My beanie melted recently, and I'm defenseless against rational thought.

Agreed Julie. Eating that much meat should result in side effects for these two. Speaking of side effects, Alma needs one of the following: valium, lunestra, or acting lessons. Gertie

Well, Elias' meal tonight was more balanced, which I think means he's feeling emotionally balanced. There was meat on the table, but I also saw a lot of green veggies too.

I'm glad the two guys spoke to Mad Marta, but how can you reason with a crazy person?

Same goes for Vero. Just can't reason with a crazy person. She and Mad Marta need to see the same psychiatrist.

Why is it gossip when the ladies badger Jessica to tell them the dirty details of Rogue's love life; but perfectly fine for Jesus to demand the info from her, AND confront Paty about it? Bit of a double standard there, Jesus. Tsk, tsk.


I don't think Vale is safe from Marta. I think she's going to kidnap her.

No! Not a kidnapping!

I liked the scene where Cantu and Fer were consoling Rogue, and Fer told his bro that he and Cantu were all Rogue had and Cantu says "For the first time in his life your brother is right." And then later Fern says "See bro, Cantu's not the complete imbecile we thought he was!"

Vivi, good point about the double standard.

I also liked the scene where Jeus took Vero to lunch to actually talk with her like an adult. It's too bad she was a complete harpy. Does she think whining and shrieking and making a scene is the way to a man's heart? Not to mention she threatened to use her daughter as a tool yet again. Sheesh. That woman is a buzz kill. And ITA she needs some professional help.


Can't wait for your always wonderful recap

I agree about Marta and Vero, they need some serious help. I too think Marta has further plans for Valentina.

Chucho told Vero again he doesn't love her and maybe finally she is starting to get it. I too hate she is using Val again. Val's two Papa's ought to get shared custody.

Recap is done except for one part that I might not add till later tomorrow.

I don't think Vero is starting to get it. If she thinks that threatening Chucho with custody limitations (again) will work, then clearly she still doesn't understand Chucho at all.

Thanks Julie! I think maybe "mild bitcheries" got the biggest laugh from me tonight. Where do you come up with that stuff?

Crazies on parade could have been the recap title.

Will you really itemize Paty's lies? I can't wait!


Thanks so much for this marvelous recap.

I take back what I said about Vero. She can't understand at all why Chucho doesn't love her, no matter how many times he tells her he doesn't and never will. Now she will use Val to get what she wants, but I hope Chucho goes to court and gets a binding agreement she can't get out of.

Marta is truly wackadoo! She does need treatment in a locked facility. Who knows what else she'd do in these blackouts. I was surprised no one came in that conference room while she was yelling really loud and throwing those chairs!

Paty wiggled out again, and I'm kind of glad that Alma didn't fire Jessie outright. Jessie needs to get her act together and do what Alma told her. To think of her self worth and what to do with her life.

I can't wait for tomorrow and I hope it's really true that Alma goes off on Sebas. I was so glad when Susanna told him to hit the road and maybe Alma will to. I wonder if he will spill about Paty, hmmmm?

The itemization of Paty's lies is done (it was quicker than I expected). Her story is just good enough to satisfy Alma in the heat of the moment, but when she's had time to think about it (Jessica already contradicted part of it, I think), and if she's open to the possibility, she'll see that it's full of holes.

The problem is, she might not be open to the possibility that her friend is lying to her.

95 epis of PEAM left to go, 95 epis of PEAM...

Great lie list Julie! I'll admit I was a bit confounded by PatiCake's Tangled Web.

Brilliant recap Julie, and I too love the list of Paty's lies. I hope the wheels in Alma's head keep turning and that she decides not to trust Paty any longer. Even before this last incident, Paty has been a crap friend. If the last good thing Alma can remember Paty doing for her is hanging out in the hospital with her when her dad nearly died years ago (to be close to Rogue, no doubt), then that's not a friend you want to have. Certainly not a BEST friend.

I'm glad she didn't fire Jess outright though. Jess was honest about why she does what she does with men. She needs to seriously evaluate her life and her sense of self worth. Isn't it funny how she and Xochi are sort of flip sides of the same coin-- both have self esteem issues. Xochi is sure of her intellectual/professional abilities (wish Alma had seen it and promoted her recently), and is lacking in the outgoing/social/sex appeal department. And Jess is just the opposite. And they both have in common that they can/like to sing and perform.


Love your recap Julie! Boy, did you hit the nail on the head with some of your snarky comments about the doings last night. But "wasabi face"--that's a keeper!

So we have two unhinged women, truthfully one worse than the other, both directly associated to Val. How does that little girl stay sane?? Though I think Marta is a danger to Val, and I so hope they don't go there with a kidnapping (though they have pretty well telegraphed that one), there is an element to Marta's problem that is understandable and heartbreaking. Why she doesn't seek help is beyond me since she should know better. Maybe Eli will jump in there?

But Vero--now that's another story. She's just a spoiled immature brat who I don't think has ever NOT got her way. The possibility of rejection or a "NO" is something she cannot and refuses to understand. But by TN law, that makes her dangerous. I fully expect her to once again use her daughter as a leverage tool ( *&@*?**#* beyotch) but I can see her going even further to get back at anyone who gets in her way. Vero, welcome to the dark side?

Had a feeling that Ferny somehow would wind up back at Avon. I so don't want him reverting back to his old self...may be interesting if he has to spy on Chucho, yet thinks of him as a friend. Stay strong!!

Jess gets to stay and hopefully she now will start to realize her worth is more than how she looks and handles men. Start with that rating game...really? HR lead?? I didn't even find that funny. She can start changing by clocking each of those guys over the head--where's Begonia's rolling pin when you need it.

I won't go there with Alma's heavy breathing last night--for a minute there, I thought she was going to have a heart attack a la her father. Who's the acting coach that told Blanca that is a convincing form of "upset". Needs to be fired. But lord, those previews. Old bug eyes getting it right between the eyes...I say we hit the TN patio, pour some drinks, get nachos and savor that confrontation. Alma can emote all she wants if that old coot ( I will refrain from what I really wanted to call him) is blasted with both barrels.


Julie, I really enjoyed your "somewhat irrelevant specifics of Paty's lies." as well as the rest of your appropriately titled recap and Jerry Springer allusion. Thanks!

If Jesús didn't realize it before, he never should have left Verónica stay at his house. Now Valentina is going to be used as a pawn. No matter the "sleeping arrangements" if I were Alma I'd be angry. How easy will it be to send Verónica off to her mother's or anywhere else now unless she decides to leave on her own? Jesús needs to get a backbone. They also need to get him into a real suit and out of that monkey suit of a uniform they make him wear. It is so unattractive.

Tonight may be he night of confrontations! I sure hope it is good with all of the build up.


Xochi did get a temporary promotion, kind of. I think she's been doing Ricardo's job, which makes her an assistant rather than a secretary. I think so, anyway. Either that or she was still reporting to Cardenas as his secretary, but in his temporarily elevated capacity, which is also a promotion of sorts.

Xochi probably can't get an official promotion until someone resigns or gets fired; but then, she'd BETTER get one.

I wonder if Marta hesitated to ask for help with her "problem" because she's worried that it would destroy her professional reputation. However, I'd say that publically morphing into Grendel's mother in front of her clients is also bad for her reputation.

I'm looking forward to Alma's temper tantrum tonight. I don't even care if she's convincing. I just want to see how Sebastian reacts to her wrath, her rage, her wasabi-breath.

I think Chucho should have been more harsh and more explicit with Veronica over his disapproval about the way she uses Valentina as a weapon. Maybe he'll do that tonight. I don't know if it will make a difference - nothing he tells her ever sinks in - but he should at least put it on the record, so to speak. (In fact, he should write it all down, make her sign it, get it notarized, and have it engraved on a plaque or put on a roadside billboard.)


I don't get why Cardenas would have to step down from his current position. Alma took Rogue's job so there needs to be someone to take Alma's job, no?

Xochi was Cardenas' secretary and now she'll likely be Fer's. Should be interesting considering his interest in her "friend" Natasha.

Julie...and all the wonderful recappers. Forgive me for not commenting last week or so...life has been too busy lately to read or watch but I know you have been turning out fine recaps of this jumbled telenovela, and I also know the time and effort it takes.

Julie, your "Wasabi face" may become another CarayCaray classic like "hot monkey love" of FELS. Thanks for all you manage to do in spite of YOUR own mega-busy life.

Licensiada Wasabiface Noogiefist. Heh. Best name ever.

I think Alma is doing her job in addition to Rogue's job, since that's what she's been doing all along anyway. But you're right - she could reassign it if she wanted to.

I think the thing is that (and maybe I got this wrong in last week's recap) Cardenas has been doing Fernando's job since Fern went to jail. (Maybe it's the same deal Alma has with Rogue, where Card does most of Fernando's work anyway.) So with Fernando back, the party is over. Or at least Cardenas has to use his own office now.

Judy, it's a struggle to keep up sometimes, but it's because of you and my other fellow recappers and commenters that it is all worthwhile. This wouldn't fun at all if I were watching this stuff all by myself!

I did notice last night that Alma (wasabi face), Marta (aspirin face), Jessica (I couldn't think of what kind of food), and Chucho (various foods), and probably other characters as well, frequently make faces that look like they just bit into something yucky. Maybe it's part of the Televisa Acting Program.

Jesus frequently looks as if he just bit into something and doesn't know what it is.

Julie thanks so much for your recap. I particularly enjoyed your list of Paty's lies.

Though Marta needs help NOW, Vero should be lock up. Now that the guys are friends, I think they should take that witch to court. How on earth do you threatened the father of your child that you never bothered to tell about your daughter in the first place and are currently living in his house? I hope Chucho sends her away and keeps his daughter!

Thanks, Julie! Like everyone else, I loved the face descriptions. "Wasabi Face" is an instant classic and shall be used forevermore, I can tell already! I also liked "his classic Colunga face, the one that actually looks like something."

Chucho frequently makes the face that looks like the Japanese exchange student who was staying with my family, when given black licorice to try. "WHAT is THIS?!?!"

The three stooges should at least be on probation for that terrible harassing behavior. Really, guys? I know Gil is a caveman, but I thought Ricardo and Julio at least were evolving a bit. Unfortunately for Jessica, she's not in a great position to complain about anything right now.

Vero needs a new processor. Even now that Chucho is trying to be direct and blunt, he cannot beat into her head that he is NOT interested in her. So frustrating. She needs a new therapist who will give her a lobotomy or shock therapy or something and then get her to see how terrible it would be to be with someone who had to be trapped and coerced into it.

Say, maybe Chucho should try some repulsion therapy with her. He's acting too desirable. Perhaps it would be easier to get rid of her if he went back to dressing like a bum and started being really needy and whiny or something.

Blue, Julia: Yes! "Is that cinnamon? Cardamom? Gentian root? Coffee? Spinach? Licorice? Do I even like it? Is it poisonous? Should I try some more of it, or spit it out?"

But Colunga really does have a good face, and that's the face he put on at the end of the episode. It's lucky he's actually allowed to play to his strengths as an actor once in a while in this role, because otherwise I'd forget that he has any.

Karen, I agree with you. Marta is sick, and she needs a doctor. Vero is just plain mean. There's no point in her talking to a therapist or even getting treatment because she doesn't listen, doesn't care and appears not to even have a conscience or any manners unless it suits her. (Ever notice she treats Chatita like a waitress?) She doesn't do anything nice for other people unless she's trying to get on their good side. Then she'll do ANYTHING, even eat meat!

I think Vero is probably more dangerous than Marta. Marta seems to have a multiple personality disorder, so when the troubled, traumatized personality takes over, she could snap and maybe do something like kidnap Val, but she doesn't seem necessarily likely to direct violence at other people.

Vero is starting to seem utterly amoral. Like you say, she only acts nice when she's trying to get something, and seems to have no underlying regard for others. I can imagine her attacking someone she believes is in her way, or getting angry and lashing out indiscriminately. Look out, Alma.

I'm getting tired of Jessica's poor-little-me lower lip tremble. She looks like she swallowed a CICADA.

Way an excellent recap, Julie. I loved the Paty lie summary. llist just longer and longer.
I was chuckling at the- what else can Paty steal at the mall, Feenando 1.0 and wasabi face.
I too ponder over the personal visitors policy at Avon because it is like a revolving door. Jesus didn't get any work done because he was busy having one to one conferences with Dr.Loca, Jessica and Vero. He needed to speak privately to Alma and didn't have an appropriate opportunity.

Sorry typing too fast, what an excellent recap ;-). Julie


Oh gee, that's right - I don't think Chucho even knows that Alma's mad at him, or why. Good one, TJ!

And I don't know why she should be mad at him. I know she didn't hear ALL of the conversation with Vero when he told her to put her shirt back on, but even in the part she did hear she should have been able to tell that he wasn't happy with Vero. Right?

I mean, it's not like he MARRIED Vero in Acapulco, or anything like that, so what is Alma's problem?? Oooh, I'm making bland little noogiefists just thinking about it!

I'm also still thinking about Paty's list of lies. I think the easiest one to pounce on (besides the discrepancy with Jess's version of the story) is that she says Rogue called her up, needing her help because Alma doesn't love him. But moments later, she says that Rogue told her it doesn't matter to him if Alma doesn't love him. Okay, then, why would he have called Paty for help?

I'm sure she'd have a lie to explain that too; but the more lies she tells, the more feeble they will become, until even Alma won't be able to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"making bland little noogiefists just thinking about it!" Ha ha!

Alma's anger is completely unjustified. She heard Juicy getting ANNOYED at Vero for disrobing. Even with the little bit she heard before she dramatically reeled, it was clear he was NOT into it. So what does she think happened? Juicy was like, "Alma? Hello?" and then he said, "oh, well, guess I may as well hit the sheets with the naked chica right in front of me." Does she think that's how he rolls? Nice how she never suspected Rogue of cheating in spite of all the evidence, and she always suspects Chucho of it even though he wouldn't do it. Although, Chucho does need to get Vero out of his apartment.

I also think that Jesus caught Paty in a lie. She doesn't know that he knows about the video and that he had a conversation with Jessica. So she has put her foot in her mouth when she said that Jessica is a liar and was doing more than kissing Rogelio.

Oh, I just broke a nail! (throws head back, squares mouth, bares teeth, pants heavily and screeches) Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!

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