Saturday, July 06, 2013

Porque al Amor Manda #85: ¡Qué Emoción!

Purple Towers:

Alma admits to Jesus from about two inches away that she confessed her non-love to Rogue. Jesus impactado. Alma reverse-impactada. He moves closer. She edges away. Finally he backs her up against an end table, where she puts up a brave resistance by baring her throat and arching her back. Ha! That'll do it! But then both of their phones ring, and of course they have to answer them. It's telenovela law.

It's Sebastian on the phone for Alma, and Vero for Jesus. Rogue is a basket case! Marta is a nut case! Jeez, wouldn't you two rather be kissing? JUST SAY NO TO THE PHONE.

Ice Castle:

Elias continues to gently prod Maricela to come clean about her background. Finally she realizes the jig is up. You want to see where I come from, Mansion-Man? Let's go. I'll take you to my place, and then you'll see why I do how I do.

Purple Towers:

Alma finally places her manicured finger on the go button of Paty's video, and she can't believe what she sees. Holy bombero! No puede ser! She is gripped by a very strong emotion. We're not sure what it is, but it's the one that makes her flare her nostrils wildly and roll her eyes like a high-strung thoroughbred about to jump the traces. Passion? Anger? Colic? Juarever: she's on a roll.

Pocilga Perez (ejem, Perez-GUION-Castellanos)

Mari shows Eli around the old homestead, where the trash-collector lives, where the roof leaks when it rains, where they eat beans every night. Eli flipped his coin this morning and it came up reasonable, so he gives her a nice speech about the importance of family and honest work. Above all, how can she deny her father? Pan comes home in the middle of all this, and Mari announces she's going back to Chatita's and traipses out. Eli reaches into his pocket and -- oh God, HE'S NOT GOING TO GIVE HIM MONEY, IS HE? -- but no, it's just his phone number. Call me if you need anything, really, anything at all. I have to go see about a girl.

Out on the Town:

Alejandra lures Fernando out to a nightclub, where she's all over him like a rental octopus. He's doing a pretty good job of fighting her off, but it takes both hands a lot of concentration, so he doesn't see Julio popping his head out from behind the curtain -- and then right back in again. Oh noes! They're in Club Natasha! What if Xochi recognizes el licensiado? What if he recognizes her? Oh, well -- the show must go on. Good thing she's wicked nearsighted and he's not very bright.

Julio makes his announcement from offstage, and here comes Natasha, this time without her come-hither elbow gloves. She only knows one song, but why mess with success? Fernando takes one look at her, and KABUM. His surroundings fade to nothing as every fiber of his being stands to attention with one single message...

"Discua who?"

In other news:

-- Don Gil amuses Ivonne with coin tricks and admits he's even starting to like her laugh. So isn't it time to face his wife?
-- Sebas surprises Dona Su at home with guacamole all over her face. Does Avon sell that? They knock back some mescal while Seb blames Jesus for everything.
-- Chatita gets Begonia (whom she calls "Eggplant") to admit she doesn't even like Gilberto all that much. So isn't it time to face her husband?
-- The police come and go from Chucho's place without us even seeing them...but we've probably seen them already, since Monterrey can't possibly have more than two officers.
-- Cardenas surprises Ricardo wandering around the office in his pj's and takes him home.
-- Rogue calls Paty a couple of times, and she resists for about ten minutes before running over to his house to be insulted again. I'm getting tired of being codependent with this girl -- I need to find a new favorite.
-- Jesus gives Vale a new chapter in the fairy tale in which the ayudante confesses his love, but he suspects they haven't heard the last of the dark prince.

Avances: Alma hears Paty's voice on the video and goes all Phar Lap again; Vero waves her private parts in Jesus' general direction.


Is it too late to substitute a real actress for Blanca Soto?

Or maybe we could even get a real horse.

¡Qué emoción! is right. Is this girl getting any acting lessons? Why on earth would they even have her try to pull that off? And isn't it a little late since she already told Rogelio that she doesn't love him? The marriage can be annulled & she s/b saying good riddance.

Blue Lass, thanks for your very descriptive recap with great phrases like "holy bombero." It was very funny.

I liked:

that Alma didn't give Jesus a blow by blow description of what she and Rogelio said to each other.

that Alma got REALLY upset about the Jessica-Rogelio with Paty on the side video.

how Alma dealt with her dad on the phone and hung up on him--maybe some permanent change here.

that Jesus got Veronica to FINALLY calm down for Valentina's sake. Veronica needs to grow up, get a job and move out ASAP.

that Cardenas took Ricardo home

I didn't like: Gil's stupid magic tricks.

Monday could be a good one!



BL--I can't believe you can be thinking of substituting our leading lady for the ugly duckling turned into a winning, popular, stud thoroughbread, giving his all for racing. Oh, come to think of it, that might be an improvement. Jucho can be just as loving. Chatita would find him great company. Wouldn't Vale love to have him in her fairy tale?

I think FC is back in his element as the supreme master of the close-up seduction scenes in the last few episodes. No wonder he has Alma hyperventilating.

Isn't it interesting about PHONES ("Just say no to the phone.") in people's lives? How times have changed. In tns (like Mi Pecado) when our galan and gallina (and others) should have been communicating by cell phone, they didn't have any or were hardly used, even though they were readily available.

Now when phones are an intrusion in everyone's lives, calls come in all the time at inconvenient moments from people who don't care whether they are intruding. Then people getting the calls rudely answer them under all social circumstances.

Sorry, I'm overthinking.

Thanks, Blue. Loved it.
Didn't Rogue tell Paty she couldn't sit on the other bed because it was Alma's? Paty should have borrowed 'Eggplant's' rolling pin and done some real damage.

Guess I don't think too hard about telenovelas - what a headache that would cause... I kinda like Blanca's playing of Alma.
My favorite is Fernando. He just looks like a basset hound.

Blue Lass....great,recap!! is telenovela law that they must answer those damn phones!"&$@

Natasha looks like a Mexican Martina McBride.


He did, Emilia! He told her not to even SIT on the BED because it belonged to his SOON TO BE EX-WIFE who DOESN'T LOVE HIM and he was CHEATING ON ANYWAY. What does she see in this guy???????

Curly hair and red nose??

Thanks, Blue Lass. Really enjoyed your recap and the laughs it gave me.

Alma and Jesús in heat
Alma over-overrreacting to the video. She doesn't love Rogelio, she doesn't care about Jéssica, what is the ''F'' big deal? I thought she was going to die of a heart attack... and for nothing!

When I saw Susana's mask I thought about flubber! But it was definitely avocado, since she even tasted it...
A good avocado dip for Sebas would have been great!! (just add pepper, onion and tomato finely diced, jajaja) Oh, where is John Waters when we need him?

Blue Lass. I've never read one of your recaps before. This was great!


I really like Jesus' voice. Blanca really can't act or she might be way to pretty for the role and I'm jealous. LOL.

Blue Lass...

I am howling at your recap!
This is my favorite:

"She is gripped by a very strong emotion. We're not sure what it is, but it's the one that makes her flare her nostrils wildly and roll her eyes like a high-strung thoroughbred about to jump the traces. Passion? Anger? Colic? Juarever: she's on a roll."


I guess I'll have to reconsider my assessment of Blanca's acting. I thought much of what she's been doing is part of basic training in Televisa-world. It would be great to figure out who could swoop in to replace her and what contrivance would be required to make that happen. But something tells me she's in to "el fin".

Jesus can do no wrong. I'm more than willing to put up with Alma's excessive nostril-flaring if it means more and more close-up screen-time with FC who, as Anita says, is back in his element.

It's hard to see how the story line will stretch out for Paty and Rogue now that the video is out. Where does that all go? Wonder if some new intrigue is enroute because it seems like this thing could wrap up pretty quickly now.

Thanks Blue Lass for a great recap.


Blue Lass- Ditto what everyone has said about your funny recap. Your take on Blanca's acting particularly had me chuckling.

Dona Felipa- Unfortunately Blanca hasn't even been through Televisa's acting school. She badly needs it. But this is her first Televisa tn, and she came to them fully formed as an "actress".

Well... I guess is all Osorio's fault.
He thinks (Emperor's new clothes syndrom) that he can make stones act and has proven the complete opposite when he cast Paquita la del barrio and Cuauhtémoc Blanco (the futbol player not the writer) in some of his TN. I read somewhere that for this one he hired Marcia Celeste (yes, the one who supposedly tried to poison Gabriela Spanic) and even when I shouldn't believe everything I read, in this case I do. It's possible.
Blanca is cute, tall and can make beautiful children, but needs more experience. A pretty face doesn't cut it. Actors suppose to make you feel ''what they're feeling'' through their skill (or art) and this people don't make me feel anything, oh wait! I feel sorry for them!! LOL!

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I wish I had time to do these episodes more justice -- I can see that the recap is getting kind of short and the bulleted list kind of long! But hope springs eternal for that mythical day when one will have all the time in the world...

Believe it or not, Blanca is actually ACTING now; she's just acting BADLY. In El Tal she pretty much just stood there. Sigh.

I thought Blanca and the lead guy in El Tal were just stoned. I kept expecting them to start every sentence with, "Duuude, wow man!" What a show.

I'm all by myself at my little table here but I like Blanca in this one.

Neither El Tal nor Eva Luna were Televisa tns. Both were Univision tns which didn't require much acting from Blanca, although she was the lead. Uni doesn't have an acting school, though it seems like they might need it.

Vivi--Didn't you mean Venevision? I think they collaborated with Univision (remember the Florida scenes substituting for places in California--eagle eyes recognized the flora in Florida...).

Anita- Yep. They were joint Uni -Venevision productions, filmed in Uni's backyard of Miami.

What a nice relaxing morning I've had, enjoying a cup of strong black tea and laughing hilariously over Blue Lass's recap and everyone else's comments. Y'all are such a funny group.

I was quite amazed at Soto's nostril-flared performance, mostly because I wondered why she cared so much about Rogue cheating on her. I know it sounds mean, but I couldn't help laughing when she started staggering around. Maybe FC will convince her to take acting lessons. It worked for him. (Pablo, are we going to have to arm wrestle over this?)

Thank goodness Elias finally knows the truth about Maricela. I want her to stop her lying, but I wonder what else she'll have to talk about?

Thanks Blue Lass. Your recaps are always such a delight.

Vivi...but the rest of your observation is correct. Blanca is given way more credit than credit is due vis a vis her acting abilities. Coming from the "beauty school of acting" gives her certain advantages. As long as she was there to face the galan passively, she's fine.

I really liked her in Part I of Eva Luna with Guy Ecker (as the subservient servant). In the 2d half, where she was forced to act, facing Julian Gil (as the CEO & head of an important publicity co.), not so much.

El Tal was a disaster on all fronts, story, acting, directing, editing. Even the veteran actors slipped into the ridiculous. I don't think we can blame Blanca alone for that one.

El Tal's story line was corrupted, almost from the start. Remember how the initial overview, which sounded really interesting, had no resemblance to the actual show? I'm so glad we turned it into a light slap-stick comedy for our own version of entertainment.

Emilia--so glad to see you back here. I put my Emilia-made beanie in mothballs for the summer, but the linen one I bought on Tal*Mart just doesn't work as well.

Speaking of novelas other than PEAM, anybody knows why Univisión has not showed Para volver a amar in 2 weeks?
I was watching it and this is the 2nd sunday they skipped it, and it was not over yet... ;-(
talk about disrespecting the audience!!

Hi Anita, I'm here, I just enjoy the recaps and comments so much the I forget to add my own. Yes, knit caps are a touch warm just now. I'm thinking of making a 'cone of believability' out of foil paper and hanging it over my chair!

Emilia--Love it. Why didn't we think of this before? Air circulation to the brain is important. It's all about Getting Smart-er, no?

Woe, I'm so far behind on recaps and comments!! Belated thanks in advance (if that makes any sense) to Pablo, TJ, and Blue Lass for the ones I'm catching up on.

Add a fan to that cone of believability and I'm in!

Replacing Blanca, how about a puppet? Or one of those Lego robots?

Pablo, Univision aired only half the third season of Mujeres Asesinas. What was particularly rude was that they ran several of the episodes twice rather than show all of them once.

At least that wasn't a TN. Still, it wouldn't shock me if they pulled the plug on other shows before they were finished. :-(

Para Volver a Amar was very interesting, with no cinderellas, princesses, talking dogs, thought bubbles and other obnoxious tricks to lie to people and yet got (I hope not) cancelled. I wanted to see the end, but maybe the only ones watching were my friend and I and they somehow found out. Dam Univisión, why don't finish what you start?

Pablo- They already showed PVAA two years ago on Uni, so they may not give a darn this second time around. I and a few others here watched, although it was not recapped on Caray Caray. Considering that they showed it in the midmight slot the first time around (already knowing it had broken all kinds of records in Mexico), I wouldn't be shocked if Uni continued the disrespect by not even showing the whole thing this second time around. So sorry. I hope it comes back. It was an excellent series (hard to call it a telenovela).

I hate the way Uni plays fast and loose with its programming. Isn't that why we started calling Loonyvision? Grrrr.

Yeah. ANd they never seem to change the schedule in a way that makes viewing MORE convenient. It doesn't exactly say, "thanks for your loyalty!" Usually the message is more like "you're lucky we're letting you watch the rest of this at all."

Parodiando last season, they changed the time so much I missed many of the programs because when I was tuning in at seven, it was about to end. This time the time slot is supposedly from 7 to nine, but last sunday it was from 7:30 to 9 and today it will be from 9 to 11... At least this time they told us, and all the time they keep saying:
Because you asked us for it!

Leave me alone, I never ask for nothing!

Blue Lass thanks for your recap. You caught the essence of it in spite of annoying characters (I'm looking at you Vero and Sebatian). I know others have mentioned it but who came up with the horrible idea of paring him with Suzanna.

Perhaps b/c I've seen Blanca's other TNs, I think she has improved from those.

My humble opinion.

I really like this novela, it has the bad stuff, the love stuff and it makes me laugh. It will probably do very good.

I like Blanca Soto however I do recognize she's not a good actress, but she's teamed-up with a good actor so to me that balances things out. I also recognize this: don't ever team-up Blanca with another bad actor for example (I didn't have to think hard about this) Cristian de la Fuente. That would be like El Talisman Part 2.

Hey, Flaco. Glad to see you putting in your two cents, and you make sense, but careful what you say about Cristian de la Fuente. He's my Numero Uno Main Squeee. Can't wait for the DVD of AB to come out......

But if it's anything like the editing job they did on Cuando, the chances of seeing Silvia and Cristian's playfulness in their love scenes will be gone--replaced by Leticia and Cesar doing their thing....ugh.

Flaco--another thought. It could be that both Blanca and Cristian are passive actors, not bad actors. They need someone with spunk and agressiveness to liven them up. I agree that Blanca and Fernando are finally doing ok, but I'm really tired of her facial contortions


Thanks so much for this most excellent recap! So funny!

I too am glad that Maricela told and showed Elias where she is really from. Now will she tell everyone else? I have always like her the way she is, not who she is pretending to be.

I too think that BS has improved, ya know as in Blanca, lol. I think she is bringing it here, and much better than she was in EL TAL. There she just merely looked around and was pretty. Here she is actually showing emotion and even has comedic chops, kudos to her.

I liked it when Fernando was all enthralled with Xochi. Where will this go I wonder? I am glad she didn't have her glasses on, cause I don't think she would have been able to perform if she saw him in the audience.

Thanks again Blue for this terrific recap!

Now, now Flaco. Let's not compare Blanca and CdlF. Yes, CdlF is not the best actor in the whole world, but he does have talent and he came a long way in AB and did quite well there. Blanca has gotten better too, but still needs a LOT of work in scenes that call for her to be emotional. That's when it's painfully obvious where her skills are lacking. I do like her though. I too think she would benefit from a dynamic actor with whom she has good chemistry. Not sure if that's FC though, at least not in this role so far.

All caught up now on recaps and comments - I'm still kinda disoriented from so many things happened at once.

- I wondered how Ricardo was able to raise all the salaries without impacting the bottom line. Then I thought, hmmm, with Rogue and Fernando off the payroll (at least for the time being), that probably frees up plenty of funds to go around.

- Dr. Loca - YIKES she is crazy. All this time I thought she was using Valentina to get to Elias, now it's looking more like she wanted to use him to get to Val (as in, marry him and become her "mother"). If that's the case, will she go for Chucho next? And is it any coincidence that he still hasn't had his "employee session" with her yet?

- Cap'n Sylvia asked on Friday if Mari's coworkers believe all of her lies. I've had the sense for a long while that Susana, at least, is only humoring her, while Xochi seems to totally believe her.

- "[Alma] is gripped by a very strong emotion" - I've seen that look before. It's the look a person gets when they put a lot of wasabi on a cracker, thinking it's guacamole.

- If Osorio thinks he can make stones act, why didn't he hire a stone for Alma's role? No, no, I kid. Sort of. At least Blanca is trying, which means she WANTS to improve. I have seen worse. Much worse.

- Actually, if we had the option to trade anyone, I'd trade the director because I KNOW some of these actors are capable of better performances than they're giving.

Juárever happened to the ''active pause'' that was actually a very cheap plot excuse for the picture and all that drama that followed.

Alma is ''making a very huge deal'' out of nothing, on the basis that SHE DOESNT LOVE ROGELIO!!!!!! Why would she care if he cheated or not? She also kissed, and when I say KISSED, A LOT!! Jesús... so what?

On the contrary, she should feel relieved that the cheating husband will not kill himself now that she told him she doesn't love him, since he has a mattress to fall into (figuratively speaking, of course), or a prostitute, I mean, substitute, sorry!

Julie said: - I've seen that look before. It's the look a person gets when they put a lot of wasabi on a cracker, thinking it's guacamole.

Bwahahahahaaaaa! Good one Julie.

Fantastic, Blue Lass. Your thoroughbred comment is sidebar-worthy.

I was a bit disgusted that Chucho discouraged Ricardo's plan for raises, saying that's not necessarily the best way to motivate people, so they should think of something else. It's probably just setup for the next plot scheme, but still, Chucho. He knows what it's like to struggle financially, so why would he say that? He doesn't want to make the employees a little more comfortable unless it's absolutely necessary in order to beat more work out of them? I'm sure redistributing Rogue's and Fern's salaries can go a LONG way.

It's funny that everyone is so madly busy now that Rogue is ousted. It's not like he ever did anything anyway, and the plan was for him and Alma to still be on their honeymoon at this point, and they weren't exactly counting on Fern to get anything done while they were gone, so what is all this urgent work all of a sudden?

Alma's reaction to the picture was ridiculous. Julie, I like your description. Maybe the director decided they needed to get more of a response from her, so right before calling action on the scene, he handed her a "breath mint" that was really wasabi, and it backfired by getting her TOO inflamed.

I wonder if Ray is connected to our characters in any more ways. Father he never met, hmmm...

I'm glad Mari finally quit lying to Elias, if only because he found her out. I also like that we heard a little more of her background. Although her reaction to her circumstances was twisted, her attitude toward poverty makes sense, if her mom ran off with a rich guy. She probably believes that if Panfilo had more money, mama wouldn't have left. Personally, I think a mom who leaves her child and doesn't even send any money to support her from her new rich life has bigger issues than cash flow, but hurt child Marisela probably just equates mama leaving with lack of money.


Pablo Villalobos, I'm the third person watching and loving PVAA. So many good story lines, I want to know how it all ends up!

My only happy thought is that PVAA disappeared for a few weeks last December [around Christmas?], yet suddenly reappeared, so maybe there is hope.

Well, praying, meditation and white candles can do miracles!! LOL!

Keep your fingers crossed!

Julia--Your question, " what is all this urgent work all of a sudden?

After Monterrey Avon got all those premios and being #1, they have to make sure they stay up there.

From what I see, only Chatita and Elias are working very hard. Chatita actually gets out there and sells stuff and Elias gets people to want to buy stuff.


The Wasabi School of Acting: brilliant. I'll get t-shirts made. On the back it can say zzzzzzzzzAIAIAIAIAIAIzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Avon definitely needs to work on motivating its employees to promote its products, if it has not before occurred to all these women who have family members working for Avon to buy Avon products. Chatita visits them, and they're all, "Skin cream? Tell me about it; I've never heard of this stuff before."

I haven't had a chance to watch Alma's flare up. But could her reaction be due to recognizing how she was deceived and sacrificing herself for her papa.

Just caught up on the story and am looking forward to binging on 4 episodes tonight.

fishknits, you are very astute! That actually makes sense.

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