Friday, July 12, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #64 (Mex 95.2-96) Thursday 7/11/13 Que Familia Dividida

Amalia wins Justo over to her side and he convinces Jantos to leave the apartment.  Whether he convinced him to leave Maria alone until he's declared innocent remains to be seen. 

Ruben crows to Julian about what a great job he did scaring Amalia.  He's sure she'll try to get Jantos away from her daughter.  Julian says Ruben was right about him after all--he's none other than Santos Martinez de la Garza, wanted in the US for money laundering.

Maria, who didn't say anything as Jantos and his family were leaving, now tells Amalia that she was wrong and she's going to defend their luuuuurve with everything she's got.

Jantos has whiplash from how fast Amalia changed her mind about his and Maria's relationship.  Wendy is embracing her snotty side, dissing Maria for not being a rich bitch like she is.  Jantos throws it in her face that he's just as poor as Maria and it's all her dead baby daddy Bruno's fault.

Ruben and Julian think it's possible that Jantos also had something to do with Arnold's murder.  Ruben can't wait for Jantos to come back to the DF so he can be the one to turn him into the LA cops.  Careful, Ruben, I think your crazy is showing.

Justo tells Wendy to beat it so he can talk to Jantos alone.  As Jantos points out, Wendy hasn't changed a bit.  He chooses this moment to break it to his family that he's already knocked Maria up, so they're stuck having her as a member of the family, whether Wendy likes it or not.

Maria promises the baby that nothing will separate her from its daddy.

Justo thinks it makes sense now, that Amalia was defending her grandchild.  Wendy now bitches out Jantos for knocking up Maria instead of some whiny useless society tart.  She swears she'll never accept Maria.  Well, who the hell asked you to?  Justo thinks this is another in a series of mistakes--first he ran, then he fell in love with Maria and got her hopes up, and now he's knocked her up when they have no idea how long it will take to clear his name.  Jantos blathers about how he just couldn't help falling in love with her.  Justo thinks the best thing to do right now is stop seeing her or Amalia's only going to put up more and more opposition.  Justo insists he doesn't look down on the mariachis, but social class is a reality and Jantos isn't like them.  "I'm poor, yo!" Jantos keeps insisting, "And I hates rich people, cause rich people screwed up my life!"  Justo invites Jantos to stay at the hotel, but Jantos only wants his downtown girl, and doesn't want his uptown life back.

Ana worries about what's going to happen if Jantos gets caught, but Fernando only cares about their luuuuuuurve.  And how brave Jantos is for luuuuuuuurving Maria when he, Fernando, always tries to run from it.  Ana wonders if Fernando could ever love her like that, but Fernando doesn't know if he's capable of loving like that.

Jantos is back at Cruz de Olvido, feeling sorry for himself and how nothing ever goes right for him.  The bandleader/owner tells him that Concho was looking for him and so was Colosso.  He encourages Jantos to give in to Concho, but extort the hell out of him.  "Tell him I pay you well and he'll pony up the cash.  He owes me one, and it's time for him to pay!"

Maria leaves a note for her family and walks out of the apartment.

Justo goes to wake up Jantos, who's busy snuggling his teddy bear. He leaps out of bed and hides the bear (badly) when he hears it's his dad.  Justo disses Jantos' crib and tells him he needs to get the hell out of there.  He hands Jantos a suit so they can go scatter his mother's ashes.  The dudes commiserate about how much they miss Altagracia.  Jantos thinks his dad should be more understanding, since he can't live without Maria the same way Justo can't live without Altagracia.  Justo says he does understand, he's just trying to buy time.

Amalia finds the letter from Maria, telling her that she's going to be with her baby daddy without getting the rest of the family involved.

Justo is horrified that Jantos has to use a communal restroom. The horror!  They argue some more about whether he'll go back to being rich or not.  Jantos says he's through being a rich man and he's sick of how much money he wasted on stupid crap.  All he wants now is to be with his Boniiiiiiita!

Maria sees a pregnant woman…well, a reeeally pregnant woman…and tells her how pretty she looks.  Really Pregnant Woman waxes rhapsodic about how badass it is to manufacture a human being…which, yeah, that is pretty awesome, but I'd still rather be the auntie…and has Maria feel up her bump.

Justo shows Jantos a picture of Victoriano, aka, El Padrino, but Jantos doesn't recognize him.  Justo tells him that Victoriano's name popped up in the files Justo found.

El Padrino, wearing his best Father Guido Sarducci hat, chews out Orange Giuliano yet again.  Oh, dear….why is OG wearing that terrible hat?!  He needs to die just for that.  El Padrino gives him a month to get his money…or else.  Whatever.  Didn't he give him a few days last time?

Justo notices Jantos hiding his illicit teddy bear and asks about it.  "Ummm…I won it at a fair."  As they start to leave, they run into Maria, who says she's there to move in with him.  Jantos now echoes all the crap his dad has been saying…"No way!  You can't move in here!  This is a rat hole!"  Maria insists on staying, so Jantos says they'd better find a decent place to live.  Maria vows to get him the hell out of Cruz de Olvido.

At Cruz de Olvido, the bar chick tells the owner he shouldn't let Jantos go, but the owner isn't worried about losing profits, since there's always someone  looking to lose themselves.  Susanito walks in, looking for Jantos, and sits down to talk to the owner

Mancia tells Amalia she's worried Susanito's going to go down to Cruz de Olvido and find out "the truth."  They reminisce about how that place has sucked ever since Pedro stopped singing there.

"Are you Mancia's son?"  The owner asks.  "Do you happen to know who my father is?" Susanito asks.  Prepare your drinks, cause I'm pretty sure he's face to face with his sperm donor.

Mancia/Amalia convo about how Susanito's going to end up finding his dad.

Owner guy tells Susanito he knew his mom back in a time they'd all probably rather forget.  Susanito tells him that Mancia told him his father was alive, but won't tell him who he is.

Jantos "sings" Ave Maria for his mom at the family crypt.

Lourdes tries to talk some sense into Elvira and tells her to quit chasing after this guy who is SO not into her.

Susanito's dad tells him to quit looking for his father and not stir up old memories.  "If you're happy, then forget about everything else.  Say hi to your mom for me."

Mancia worries and paces.  Amalia says Maria's doing the same thing that she did when her mother opposed her relationship with Pedro.  "My mother didn't want me to be with Pedro because he was poor and here I am opposing my daughter's relationship with a rich man."  Mancia reminds Amalia of everything the cards said and tells her the story isn't over yet.  Justo comes to visit Amalia.  She's alarmed when he says he needs to speak to her urgently.  It's a tough sell to get Mancia to leave…she seems a little star-struck.  Well, Justo's not an unfortunate-looking guy.

Wendy bitches to Jantos and Maria about how Justo left without telling them where he was going and insisted they all hang around and wait for him.  Maria tells her to quit pretending.  "I've known you didn't like me from the minute we met."

Justo wanted to tell Amalia that he understands her feelings.  They both have it in common that when their eldest children flew the coop, they weren't expecting it to be like that.  Justo tells Amalia how bad he feels about having jumped on the "Santos is guilty!" bandwagon.

Maria tells Wendy she can stop pretending to like her, though Wendy claims she "has" to as long as they're together…not that she thinks they ever will be again.  Jantos won't stand for his bratty sister insulting his woman, so the two of them get out of there and let Wendy throw her temper tantrum in peace.

Amalia claims Maria fell in love with a man who doesn't even exist.  Justo says they can't change the past, but he's there on behalf of Jantos and Maria's future.  He proposes they help the kids out.

Mancia comes to visit Irasema.  Irasema looks terrified.  Mancia says she wants to know if Irasema really is willing to leave her past behind.  Irasema says Susanito has cured all her wounds from the past, she loves him, and she'd do anything to make him happy.  Mancia admits she also has a past that condemns her, that she's overprotected Susanito because she was afraid he'd find out about it.  She says Irasema doesn't have to know what she's talking about, she just wants Irasema to stick by Susanito when he finds out the truth.

Amalia thinks the best way to help the kids is to insist they stay away from each other until Santos is cleared.  Justo doesn't think they should have to pay for a crime Santos didn't commit.  Amalia is concerned about how much trouble Maria would be in if they stayed together.  Justo thinks she may be right, but there's no way they'll be able to get the two of them to stay away from each other because of their luuuuuuuuuurve.

Maria mopes about how Jantos is losing his relationship with his sister.  He reminds her she left her family behind.  They wonder if they can do what Jose Alfredo's song says and run off together.

Justo tells Amalia he has to get back to LA and prove Santos' innocence.  He begs Amalia to stop opposing the relationship so that she can stay close to Maria.  He thinks Jantos is safe in that world.  Ruben comes knocking on the door to tell Amalia he knows that Jantos is really Santos Martinez de la Garza, wanted criminal.  Well, that shoots Justo's theory all to hell.

Elvira lurks outside Colosso's apartment like a vampire, pining for an invite.  Colosso lets her in.

Amalia invites Ruben inside and insists that Ruben tell them both whatever he has to say.  Justo tells Ruben that he's familiar with the case of Santos de la Garza.

Elvira gives Colosso shit about not being able to snag Maria.  She claims he lost because he's really in love with Maria, but she didn't because Jorge Alfredo was only a whim for her.

Ruben insists it's best for Maria if Jantos is turned in.  And so her delicate feelings aren't hurt, he proposes that "they" do it--by which I assume he means himself and Amalia.

Jantos doesn’t like the idea of the baby growing up away from it's grandma and aunts.  I'm opting to believe that's sentiment and not just a wish for free babysitting after the kid arrives.

Tomorrow: Jantos is filled in about Ruben's intentions; Jantos, in full Santos drag, and Justo storm Ruben's office and Justo calls the cops to report Ruben for kidnapping.


I'm really starting to feel like I'm missing things. I swear I watched all the episodes, but I still have no idea why all of a sudden Susanito is obsessed with finding his father. If I go back and read all the recaps I missed is that going to make more sense?

I think I am falling in love with Justo. He is so smart. Rico. Suave. He saw that there was no reasoning with Amalia, so he just agreed with her and left and let her stew. Brilliant. Then he comes back and shovels some sympathy her way and lets her go on and on with all her complaints. Effective. Then he waits for her to ask him what to do. Gold. Then she’s putty in his hands. *sigh* Now I just have to fight off Mancia for his attentions. Wish me luck, amigas. That bruja burns herbs and stuff and all I have is my natural charm. :)

Justo does seem quite smitten with Maria. However, he has yet to see her other side and that could make him head for the hills, along with all the other sane people.

“Oh, dear….why is OG wearing that terrible hat?! He needs to die just for that.” LOL! Word.

“I still have no idea why all of a sudden Susanito is obsessed with finding his father. If I go back and read all the recaps I missed is that going to make more sense?”
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Tequila helps.

Just a hunch, but I’m thinking that Conchito is the daddy that gave Susanito that awful name.

Forty-five-year-old Santos hiding his teddy bear from his dad? Call a psychiatrist. That is just sick on so many levels.

Many thanks, five footer. Loved the recap. Snappy and fun!


Thanks 5ft, excellent, funny recap!

I'm glad Maria told off Wendy!

I have no idea what tickled Susie to look for his dad, but I skipped episodes and FF>> a lot actually.

BTW I like that hat of the Padrino, it is so like a 30's black and white gangster films.

Carolina good luck with Justo, Mancia has no chance over you no matter how much gris-gris, juj-ju, and amulets she hangs on her neck. :)


Great work, Kat, and no; you haven't missed anything about Susanito's situation. This one is coming out of nowhere.

However, for me it's only a partial explanation for Mancia's behavior. I'm going to guess she was employed in that place when she got knocked up. However, since all men know that life ain't easy for a boy named Sue I hold her personally responsible for that ridiculous name. This is the first novela in almost 20 years of viewing in which I have ever heard it.

Justo is one smart dude. He played Amalia beautifully. He remained so cool when Reptile Reuben showed up with his nefarious plan. I can't wait to see how this plays out. It doesn't look like there's going to be time for Wendy to get in cahoots with Reptile Reuben to get rid of Maria so she can save her brother for some useless society tart. (Good one, Kat!)

She wasn't even sorry she made that ugly scene in the courtroom that was the real beginning of Santos' hell. She really deserves to be shunned.

Mike should find out about all this. He deserves better.

Lady Cinco Pies--Indeed there are all sorts of divisions and re-alignments going on here. You haven't missed a thing about Susanito and don't bother going back to read the old recaps, unless it is to get a good laugh. This epi was pretty serious, all in all. You did a superlative job.

So, sibling rivalry and tensions surface and boil over. While Santos was separated from his family, he began to think more kindly toward his sister, especially when he heard about her baby. I thought they buried their differences when mama died. Wendy stuck pretty close to Justo while he was trying to uncover Santos innocence.

I think Wendy assumed that he would return to LA when all things were settled and take up society life again. I think she is ashamed *for herself* to have a poor muerto de hambre mariachi singer to call a brother.

And how many families have children or siblings who haven't lived up to expectations (or standards) and strike out on their own. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail. Sometimes they are ostracized, other times they stay in the bosom of the family and are merely labeled eccentric. Wendy is one who wants to turn her back on him completely.

Wendy sees the deep physical and emotional love Santos and Maria have for each other--something she probably never had with Bruno and now won't have and is jealous. Yes, Mike is waiting in the wings, but she's already decided she's not in love with him and he's decidedly second best, if that.

UA--ITA, Mike deserves better, but he's had it bad for Wendy for lo these many years. Maybe his goodness (and a thriving successful dental practice) will tone her down a bit.

I plan to fff> through the Mancia story. I care about Susanito, but please don't put her anguish on screen for more than a couple of seconds.

Carolina--about the teddy bear. Take it easy, amiga. I don't think it was Santos, really I don't, hiding the teddy bear. I think it was the director's idea of a cute touch, poor JS. Why was it that JA never gave it to Maria? It was in his room at the Pension all the time they were together.

OT, but of Note: I left a comment on Las Proximas about the new tn Dama y Obrero (currently broadcasting somewhere in space--but available on On Demand).

Now I want to put in a plug for Marido en Alquiler. It has an older, but still engaging Juan Soler and I think he'll be the central older galan. It has the typical rich family and poor family and how they cross paths and get tangled up with each other. Only watched episode 1, also on On Demand.


Thanks Kat for this great recap. I have now watched this show a record two days in a row. I better be careful, or this might become habit.

Looks like things are looking up, and IQ points have gone up, since Justo came into town. Yes, he was shocked by his son's living conditions, but what parent wouldn't be-- especially a rich one? I love the way he played that final seen with Amalia and Ruben. He's a cool customer.

I just don't get what Wendy's problem is. She needs to stay out of her bother's life. Talk about throwing stones in glass houses. Look who she chose to mingle her genes with!

Anita- Marido en Aquiler and Dama y Obrero are on Telemundo and are being recapped daily on the Caray Caray Telemundo y Mas feed. I haven't watched Marido yet, but I am recording it. I guess I can stop recording it if it's On Demand.

Wendy still hasn't been given information she needs, such as OJ being tangled up in the mix & being responsible for Bruno's death. I predict she will team up with OJ to get rid of Maria (but really to get rid of Jantos)

Santos is dead. The first clue of this was Jorge Alfredo telling Maria that Santos never would've fallen for her. Wendy & Justo are still operating under the assumption that Santos is still the same as before; he's not. But they haven't been able to spend a lot of time with him just to see how much he's changed.

Justo is beginning to see, though, how Santos has changed & morphed into Jorge Alfredo. And he knows as he never would've abandoned Altagracia & their kids, that Santos will never abandon Maria & their child.

Can't wait to see Justo & Santos roll up in Ruben's office tonight.


Justo learned of his son's new career and life when he came to Mexico earlier (about a month ago, using episode timeline). He came to the bar, was getting ready to leave and heard JA's voice singing and stopped. He asked Ana to take him to the singer. They had another warm reunion and he "almost" met Maria. Remember, she was stopped at the door by Susanito with some inane request for advice.

I think Justo has processed his son's 180 change, but still it hurts him when JA keeps saying he's poor as a churchmouse and living over the Bar. At least at the Pension he had Maria's colorful touch on the walls, credenza, etc. and always fresh flowers somewhere. JA needs to get out of there and into a safer location, especially if he's going to be living with Maria (I doubt that will happen--he'll probably talk her into going back home after all.) He should accept Justo's help, if offered, to stay safe.

Vivi--Thanks for telling me about the TM recaps. Since I haven't watched that channel, I skip it. Now, grrrrr, I have something else I have (want) to read. Yes, record both of them.

Any word on where Silvia N. is heading (other than the pool)?

This isn't the first time I've seen a family come home from burying a parent and the adult children explode into a shouting match.

In this case, they lost the family peacemaker, and guess what, now they have no peace. Anger is part of grief and it always seems to come to the surface, even when it is not directed at the departed.

Wendy is jealous, most definitely, as well as alarmed at the embarrassment Maria and Santos v2.0 will cause her in her social set. I really hope that Mike doesn't end up saddled with this horrible woman, but I fear that is what is going to happen. Santos has been a saint to her, so supportive and saying she had lost the most in all in this mess and so forth. I think he was taught to love her and he does truly love her, but clearly from what he said last night, he also knows what a unreasonable, selfish little bitch she can be.

Anita, I hear you about the teddy bear. It was a cheap shot on my part, but I couldn't help it and I'm not sorry :). That stupid bear is just one of those things in this TN that we have to grin and bear. Or in this case, grin and teddy bear? If it had been up to me, it would have been given to Isa immediately as she is the only character who is the appropriate age and she would LOVE it. I still can't quite comprehend why any adult would withhold it from a child whose only toy seems to be that muñeca fea she treasures so much.

Vivi, welcome to the party! Two nights in a row? Ha! We gotcha now. :)

You know, Anita, I have changed my mind. Wendy deserves for Justo to pull a Roman Emperor move and banish her. She needs to be sent to the farther end of Mexico and put on a strict allowance so she doesn't do anything else to hurt Santos.

Because she will if she can.

Anon207, I don't think that telling Wendy about Giuliano's responsibility for Bruno and Arnold's deaths will make any difference. She won't believe this. She fails to see how her courtroom histrionics hurt her own brother and parents. All she cared about was Bruno's hot bod and honeyed words.

Jorge Alfredo was reborn when he met Maria. I think Justo is beginning to understand that but this is a concept that is completely lost on Wendy. His body may have lots of great moves but his heart was still a virgin until Maria came into his life. Justo gets that. I'll bet he was the same way until he met Altagracia. Wendy must be a changeling or something.

Forgot to mention this, but Elvira's little attempt at a dig at Oscar was both amusing and pathetic. She completely lacks the finesse of the Marquise de Merteuil and Oscar is no Marquis de Valmont. He at least is looking for love even if it's in the wrong places; she doesn't know what it is any more than Wendy does.

Jorge Salinas has been a trouper, for sure, like in that clown scene. But can you imagine what he must have been thinking while doing these teddy bear scenes?

Justo is processing the transformation of JAntos, and it's been interesting to see. He's struggled a bit, but he's getting it. But to be fair, he has been exposed to a lot more of JA's rantings and ravings and for a lot longer. Plus he has the intelligence and life experiences to comprehend it. Wendy is poorly equiped to process much of anything. I wonder what sort of poetic justice she'll get for her transgressions. I don't think she'll be banished from the family, and I do think we are being set up to have her end up with Michael, but how will she redeem herself to deserve that. Because right now, she deserves a good kick in the pants and not much else.

Anita- No word yet on SN's new project. She just wrapped up a movie with Falvio Medina (Alonso in AB), who played her husband.

SN and Flavio Medina in La Verdad Sospechosa:


Gracias, Vivi. I think it was mentioned in Caray a ways back, I just didn't write it down. Do you know if she really has signed on to Telemundo?

Anita- Nope. No signed contracts yet with anyone to do tns. :(

The teddy bear was the souvenir of the day at the fair with Maria, perhaps the most innocent date experience of Santos' life.

An experience he should have had at Rodrigo's age but probably didn't.

I also wondered why he never gave the bear to Isabel, but now I realize that it reminds him of that experience (as that silly photo does Maria) and he's now going through experiences he should have had when he was younger. With girls of substance, not useless trust fund brats.

Great recap as always, Kat!

You aren't missing anything, they rushed the whole Susanito daddy thing. BAM all of a sudden it's a major storyline.

JAntos looked mighty fine in the avances, with that suit on. Just saying.

Hilarious as usual! Love your sense of humor!

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