Saturday, August 03, 2013
Corazón Indomable Fri August 2 The Blood Called And Was Sent To Voicemail
We open this episode with the new improved Teobaldo masquerading as the old deformed and scarred Teobaldo (sorry if this confuses you, I've been paying attention and it makes no sense to me either. Take another sip of your Mezcal and pretend you understand.) paying a visit to Araceli's new apartment, interrupting what may, or may not, have turned out to be some afternoon delight for Eduardo (without Teo's arrival I was only giving him a bout a 20% chance of scoring anyway). After telling Aaceli he's found work for her back on the Isla, Teo scolds and threatens a bit as he simultaneously gives Eddy that familiar fish eye and twisted smirk that clearly means, "No nookie for you today
." Serious glaring ensues.
Back at el Rancho Rancid, Ester has decided to explore her benevolent urges by offering to help José Antonio advance his education. He can read and write a little already so... good to go.
"You'll do this for me, señorita?"
"This and much more," as she closes the distance between them.
I think that this is where a lot of my fellow recappers might add... Ruh Roh!
She reminds him that her name is Ester, none of this señorita stuff, and suddenly notices,
"You're very handsome."
He turns to leave but she reels him in and fingers his face,
"Tempting lips..."
Oops, it's Lucia, she looms and she doesn't look pleased,
"¡ESTER! What are you doing?" she screeches.
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Oops, Better Hold Up On That Kiss |
As Juanita dusts, María Alejandra is about to leave for the casino to have a chat with Carola. Doorbell rings and Juanita goes to get the door.
"It's a very young and very handsome man," she announces and beams.
"You didn't ask his name?"
A familiar face peaks through the door, "Señorita, tell her it's Octavio Narváez."
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Hey, I'm With The Jehovah's Witnesses... Got A Minute To Discuss Where You'll Spend Eternity? |
Briefly, back inside the ranch house Lucia is not pleased that Ester was flirting with that illiterate farmhand. Ester confirms that she is looking for a little distraction.
Octavio is just there to followup on the matter that he called to warn her of earlier. She is more concerned as to how he learned her address.
Though she didn't tell the governor that it was his daughter insisting that she be expelled from the island by the police or that it was Octavio who told her about it, not to worry, the governor is taking care of the matter for her.
Santa is hanging out clothes to dry as José Antonio tells her of Ester's altruism. He will learn to read and write better so he can send Maricruz a letter telling her of his love and how every beat of his heart repeats her name,
"Maricruz, pom pom, Maricruz..pom... " He actually clutches Santa's hand to his chest as he babbles... I kid you not.
Santa pretty much thinks the whole idea stinks.
Octavio takes advantage of the situation to do a little serious flirting and assure her that he has no interest in Doris. He's not attracted to arrogant women.
"How about humble women," María A needles.
Ester is making a pretty good case for JA. He's strong and manly, not bad looking, although something of a fixer-upper... Lucia thinks that it's bad business to play around with the help. It could result in scandal. Ester thinks a little scandal could be fun.
Octavio asks why she thinks he might not like humble women. She tells him that she was just messing with him. He points out that the governor is assisting her because he's infatuated and would even like for her to be Mrs. Governor. MA thinks that it's not such a bad place to be. He points out that the way things seem to be going, he could end up being her son-in-law.
Cute, but let's wrap this up kids.
He tells her that she is the only woman that interests him.
There, was that so hard?
She takes a moment to flex her dimples.
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Squeeze And Hold 1 2 3 |
Santa wastes a bit of her time (and ours) trying to warn JA to be careful of Ester. Yes, I'm sure he's listening, dear.
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I'm Sorry, I'm Not Listening |
"I know your loyalty very well, Señor Narváez."
Zing... right over his oblivious head... could all that hair be depriving his brain of oxygen?
She continues that she is very grateful...
Oh. Crap. Juanita just wheeled in the kid. Not now! He wasn't aware that she had a baby and now of course he wants to meet her.
Now most reasonably intelligent men's little hamsters would be scurrying like mad on that tiny wheel trying to process all this information but not Octavio's. His ambles over to the water bottle, laps at a few drops, and then falls over on his back and begins aimlessly scratching his crotch.
Perhaps another day little fellow. Clearly you're all tuckered out from helping him decide what to have for breakfast this morning.
"¡NO!" Maricruz/ María A firmly answers his request with a stern face.
Octavio looks puzzled and confused with a little pain mixed in.
Baby Lupita? She just looks bored.
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You See, She's My Mommy, You're My Daddy... Oh Never Mind... |
Well, we're back from commercial and the opening credits, which these days are inexplicably positioned after the first commercial break and Octavio just will not go gently into that good day. At least the baby's gone off with Juanita. The call of the blood must have gone unanswered. He tells her he loves kids... has one of his own though he doesn't know what nor where it is... but by golly he's going to look for it. And before he goes he admits to her that he was a jerk and deserved all that happened.
Something to build on?
Teo, still looking like the old Teo, drops in on Carola. He'd really like his old job back but doesn't want her to fire the new guy. She offers to let him live in his cottage so he can look after his roses. He smiles... I think.
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May I At Least Have My Old Room Back? |
"Do you think I'm a single mother?"
"Are you married?"
"Why should you care?"
Well I don't know about the rest of you but I'm glad we all had this little talk.
As he finally leaves (I've got my fingers crossed) she tells him that she genuinely appreciates him warning her that she isn't welcome on the island, but she won't be leaving just because his little girlfriend wants her gone.
"Now may I go?"
"As you wish."
He schlumphs out and for a moment it looks as though we are going to get a vow of vengeance... but... mercifully, not this time.
As our budding student lifts a bale of hay he is visited by his teacher who has picked up a few things to facilitate his studies. She gives him a little sample of what is to come... a bite of pencil. His first lesson... tonight... his place... take a bath.
Driving a van, Miguel dressed in his white work clothes (why doesn't he get to wear a sailor suit like Teo's?) drops Octavio off near the dock. María A is there (did they arrange this meeting while we weren't looking? Neither seems surprised that the other is there.) They exchange smiles as the piano plays.
JA tells Ester that he always bathes after work. She suggests a little shampoo and cologne... not to worry, she gets those for him. He's very appreciative that she has offered to help him improve himself. She explains that all she wants in return is a bit of affection and tenderness and to further explain she moves in for a kiss. He doesn't resist and Lucia doesn't interrupt. This gets a mixed reception here on the Patio.
While a little flirting begins on the dock, the Emir is on the phone at home. He's wanting to buy the casino and will pay double the asking price. I'm not sure he understands that in Mexico a business transaction requires both a willing seller as well as a buyer.
Octavio reminds her of that kiss they shared, that kiss that she asked him to give her. This time he will be the one to offer the kiss, she smiles, he confidently moves in and folks, we have a go. A real kiss right there on the dock. Wow, it's almost as though they may have done this before.
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Usually I Bite The Ears Off First |
The Emir is telling Mohamed of his plan to buy the casino. This reminds me of a conversation I covered between Lucia and Ester a couple of weeks ago. Mohamed talks sane... Karim talks crazy. He is certain that MA has a vulnerability and when he finds it... well, poor MA.
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First We Buy Up All The Beanie Babies |
Octavio thanks MA for the kiss. She suggests that it might just have been one of many that she's shared with others. He doesn't want to hear that kind of talk.
Ester does a little bonding with Ofelia. She tells her that she beginning to enjoy this country life. As Lucia joins them, Ester rushes off. She's got things to do. Poor Ofelia was already confused and is even more confused when Lucia tells her that she wants Ester gone from the ranch.
Just when he was doing so well, Octavio blows it. Having told MA that he is madly in love with her and not the governor's daughter, she suggests that maybe he thinks that he's in love with her because she reminds him so much of that lost love of his.
Now as has been pointed out before, it's never wise to disparage, criticize, or belittle the ex when attempting to plow new fields. And it's especially not wise if you have the least bit of suspicion that this new field is actually the one you abandoned.
So we watch on helplessly as he tells her that the one that she reminds him so much of was a whim, a mistake, foolishness. All that goodwill the kiss built up is crushed and as she pulls away from him and turns her back to him we see the pain reflected in her face that those wounding words inflicted... She walks away leaving him wondering if she can ever love him as he loves her.
Back on the boat, MA tells Tony to find Miguel and send him to her office. Dutifully, Miguel appears at her office and she announces that he will be getting a new job... something better, of course.
At the ranch kitchen Lucia explains to Ofelia that she wants Ester gone because like Octavio, she has taken a shin to one of the bumpkins... José Antonio.
MA informs Miguel that he will have a job on the casino floor as something of an observer for her. He will also be allowed (encouraged?) to gamble... with his own money of course. He's confused by her generosity.
"Why are you wanting to help me, Maricruz?"
Wait just a doggone minute... did he just call her Maricruz?
First, however let's see how JA's lesson is proceeding. Looks like the same tank top. Let's hope he bathed. Sitting next to Ester on his little bed, he's struggling with the pencil. She tries to help. He's sweating. Gettin' hot in here. She grabs a cloth and offers to dry him off a bit. He tells her that he bathed and changed clothes. He sniffs his arm pit and announces that he smells like mountain air. (This could be a great spot for a memorable product placement.)
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Damn, I Forgot...She Said Bathe |
She leans over and inhales a big whiff of that mountain man scent,
"You smell like a working man. I like how you smell. Now see how I smell."
"¡Ave María!"
"Go ahead, smell me."
OK, now I'm sweating right along with him.
He hesitates and for a moment looks as though he'd rather be lifting hay bales.
"Smell me, silly."
She offers her shoulder and drags him in for a close up sniff.
He complies and then gazes at her and swallows hard. She smiles...
But we have unfinished business back in Ma's office.
We heard right and so did she, "¿Maricruz?"
He begins to stammer an explanation, but she interrupts,
"Ya, ya, I've heard it many times..."
She knows there's a woman by that name who looks like her. She goes on to reiterate what the new job entails. He accepts and she gives him the rest of the day off to prepare (what? How? Why?... Who cares?) and dismisses him with a wave of the hand. She doesn't even look up.
And now for a little vow of vengeance once he's out the door...
(I have a little list...)
"And now you will begin to pay for all the harm you've done to me, Miguel Narváez, you and yours. You will shed tears of blood and I will have no pity for you."
Still in the kitchen, Lucia pleads with Ofelia to help her talk some sense into Ester before things go too far with José Antonio...
Who, alone in his room with Ester is becoming more and more enthusiastic about this lernin' stuff. A passionate kiss is followed by a few second thoughts (is that a little voice in his ear? Shut up, Santa), which Ester deftly dismisses with a few choice words,
"You're a man and I'm a woman, we were made for love."
He asks her not to play with him.
"Who's playing? C'mon, kiss me," she demands, dragging him on top of her into his bed.
MA drops in on Carola to announce her promotion of Miguel and not to worry, she'll pay his salary herself. This seems to please Carola on several levels but she can't help but wonder what la Mendoza has up her sleeve.
Octavio and Eddy are in his hotel room and there's a knock at the door. He hopes it's not Doris. Nopis, it's Miguel whose come by to share the news of his new position. He tells them that she will even allow him to gamble at the tables... with his own money, of course. Eddy hopes that Miguel won't be doing that. Heck no, Miguel's not crazy. Octavio wonders if MA is doing this for him. Well of course she is, isn't it all about you, Octavio?
Class is over, kiddies. JA is naked and looks more relaxed. Ester looks satisfied with her pupil's progress as she pulls on her sweater. She gives him a lingering kiss then pats his chest.
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Wow! I Don't Remember School Being Like This |
There, José Antonio, that didn't hurt a bit, now did it?
A disturbed Lucia asks a glowing and grinning Ester where she's been.
Still glowing and grinning Ester replies,
"Can't you guess?"
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Well...Yes, I Boinked José Antonio And I'm Glad Glad Glad |
We end with MA returning to her office to find that Tony has brought a guy in a suit in. It's Carlos Morgan. He's brought a proposal to purchase the casino for a huge sum of money.

Labels: Indomable
A little confused as to how Karim buying the casino at double the cost hurts MA?
My first thought after seeing that Ester and JA post coital was " hope she's on the pill" but then what if she does have a baby and Lucia uses it to convince Miguel she did have another? I'm obviously thinking much too far into this.
and thanks to Ester and José Antonio for saving this episode from being a total bust. And now the best that Karim can come up with is to buy and sink (figuratively I'm sure) the casino?
Well, Lucia has yet ANOTHER reason to go crazy with Ester and her "lower class" lover. Sure doesn't take much to push her over the edge with memories of the Maricruz and Octavio experience still fresh. I wonder when Lucia will meet up with the new and educated Maricruz on her mission of revenge.
Carvivlie, interesting thought. It just might be time for another unplanned "problem" pregnancy
This is all so much fun!
So I'm finally getting more JA time, but not sure how I feel about Ester moving in... it's kinda cute but I sense she's not exactly in it for the long haul. Nevertheless, more JA time is more JA time, so I'll take it.
I really want Tav to feel the full guilt and pain of what he has done. If he was serious in finding MC he would have hired a detective by now.
Paul, can't wait for the slap heard round the world! Wonder if it changes how the Luv Guv feels about MA!
The title...ohmigawd, Llamada de la Sangre goes to voice mail. You're killing me.
Now the list of some of the other things that set me off:
"No nookie for you today"
Jehovah's Witnesses caption
"something of a fixer-upper"
"Squeeze and hold 123" (actually I thought she looked like she was doing 6 good seconds of a Kegel contraction)
"Just will not go gently into that good day"
Beanie Baby caption (Lord, that really got me, don't know why_
and then the whole riotous (but wise) paragraph about not disparaging a previous love while attempting "to plow new fields" (Help me Jesus!)
and finally, Jose Antonio, who really is quite adept at looking vacant
"Wow! I don't remember school being like this."
You were on fire amigo mio. Let me know when your new comedy CD comes out. I want me an autographed copy, ya hear!?
The Jehovahs witness - I'm speechless. It was great :))))
Want to add the Mendosa-Narvaez photo. It is not a spoiler, but I really wish it was.
I must admit I jumped ahead and watched bits and pieces of future episodes and let me say, hold on, there is more confusion to come!!
I am now REALLY hooked.
Again Carols, Thank you.
The Jehova witness and squeeze & hold captions had me ROFLOL!
Marvelous job!
Loved the hamster pic at the end.
It looks like it has no kick left in him, just as we expect.
Thanks and welcome. I'm so glad that you've joined us is this madness. I'm betting against Ester's pregnancy... unless that is what she wants.
Thanks Jarifa,
I'm guessing from your previous comments that your expectations from this TN are similar to mine. Lots of fun.
Thanks. I'm especially fond of short girls... well, tall girls too. The poor little hamster protested his recruitment out of retirement.
thanks. I hope you enjoyed José Antonio photos. He and Ester are each getting what they were hoping for from this arrangement. I say good for them.
Bless his heart, this character reminds me of Jethro from The Beverly Hillbillies.
Once again you're making me blush. Honestly, when this episode ended last night I wondered what the heck I was going to write about.
Thanks Alegria.
I so love your enthusiasm for this show. When Juanita wheeled the kid in I thought oh my, breaking news, but then Maricruz dashed my hopes of a scoop with that pencil withering, "¡NO!"
thanks and the little hamster sends his thanks as well. I like to think that Maricruz did that dimple squeeze just so I could capture that photo.
Thanks emeraldrose,
did you watch AV too? I feel a bit like Ratiana. ah...Carols...make that...
I just read this and oh my word it's amazing!
I've just taken a number. I wanna be a Carlos groupie, too!!
And this:
"Now most reasonably intelligent men's little hamsters would be scurrying like mad on that tiny wheel trying to process all this information but not Octavio's. His ambles over to the water bottle, laps at a few drops, and then falls over on his back and begins aimlessly scratching his crotch.
Sidebar worthy.
So I no longer like the Ester/JA pairing. It's clear she is just in it for nookie. I do think Carvivlie may be on to something.
I eagerly await the Doris slappage.
I especially liked the caption about "where will you spend eternity." I just got back from the shore today, and the other night on the boardwalk, a woman handed me a ticket. It read "ticket to heaven" and I smiled and felt hopeful. Then, I flipped it over and my hope and smile faded as I read "ticket to hell." Anyhoo, I now have a ticket to both of those places.
Ester and José Antonio are the perfect couple. At the moment both are getting what they signed up for. I think that JA was a little surprised at first but I didn't hear him complaining a lot. I also like how up front about the whole matter Ester is with Lucia.
Thanks Susanlynn,
I imagine when Ofelia finds out about The Lesson, she'll slap her head and whine, "I could've had me some of JA."
So at least we are getting so a-typical TN action, even if it is with JA and Ester. I'm okay with that ( and thanks for that picture by the way). Where this leads...hmmm. Might bring out the worst in Luciafer again.
At some point, when is Tav going to learn to #SHUTUPDORIS. It's so unattractive to walk around with your foot in your mouth. And then it just makes us have to endure MA rantings again it seems.
The whoile Karim plan. He may be rich, but along with the fact we suspect him to be slightly deranged, he also not a very bright nutjob. Buy the casino...Yawn.
Seems to me he was commenting on FELS, he and Doradoo Dave? used to kid back and forth, no?
Well CLEARLY, Carlos himself will remember. He'll chime in at some point and set us straight.
We love you Carlos!
Oh yes we do!
We love you Carlos!
And we'll be true!
When you're not recapping,
We're blue...
Oh Carlos we love you!*
*All the recappers are awesome, I just had to keep this on topic. Using original lyrics made it creepy.
Giggling at the Ester/rodeo talk.
Molly C
you know I was once a hamster rancher during my high school days. I think I may have mentioned that on Caray Caray a few years ago. There were several episodes of Juan Querendón (I think that was the one) Where hamsters were used to infest a house instead of rats. I think that the Rat Union might have been on strike at the time... imagine, hamster scabs.
thanks. Though I'm a bit bewildered and bemused by the attention, you are of course welcome to hang out with me.
thanks. As I mentioned, those dimples were like a gift.
Susanlynn and Judy,
My first recapping was for Gancho and it is still my favorite. I also recapped regularly for LldA and Dinero as well as a few guest spots on CME.
Susanlynn, you probably remember some of my commenting on FELS
where, partly thanks to you, I acquired my first following though it was not nearly so affectionate and desirable as that I'm enjoying here today.
Also, Judy and Susanlynn, you two were the first to acknowledge and encourage my presence at Caray Caray. Thanks.
and welcome. The little hamster represents an alternative biology to explain Octavio's mental deficiencies. Most here are blaming a paucity of brain cells. I offer up that it's the result of a faulty power source... an indolent rodent on the wheel...if you will. Perhaps a healthier diet, say like a conversion to Veganity, would help.
The part where Jose Antonio showed his MariCruz heartbeat was too funny! It's an epidemic that's going around, the other suitors just haven't identified it.
When Octavio talked about his previous love was just a whim, Ana Brenda did a great job portraying the pain felt by MC/MA.
Call of the blood to voice mail? Hilarious, yet sad. No quick bending down to see that little face, Oaftavio? A lost opportunity.
Puzzled about one thing--no reaction from Awfelia about the death of Ewwsebio? No indication of mourning for her lost lover? No mention of how much she misses the big galoot? I guess it's just another dropped stitch in this loosely knit plot.
Karim and his business dealings as he conspires to buy and destroy the casino must have his advisors in complete despair.
I have to agree that Karim's newest plan is puzzling. Maricruz can brush this away the same way she handled Octavio's request to meet Lupita...
What's he gonna do, kidnap her? Oh wait...
I'm really curious to see how it goes when they come face to face again.
OBlivio's missing the call of the blood reminded me of Yawncarlos's tepid reaction to see newborn son in AV.
The title and your whole first paragraph had me RFLOL! Loved it! In fact, the whole recap is to die for so I won't waste time repeating favorites here cuz I'd have to cut and paste the whole thing.
" I wish that MA had responded to Tav's declarations with 'I could never be with a man that abandoned his wife and child,'" ITA. However, for venganza purposes, we get to enjoy her leading him on, little by little, torturing him with will she or won't she and does she or don't she....
I cannot wait for The Slap either. Personally, I figure it will make the Guv worship the ground MA walks on. That like nothing else will make him realize he's "not worthy". I figure that when Dios handed out "parenting skills" the Guv must have heard "pills with frills" and ordered himself one. The result was Doris.
Vegans make me smile. You gotta love folks who refuse to eat honey out of the concern that it's produced by enslaving and exploiting insects.
It's interesting however that you assumed that I was thinking insanity rather than sanity. Actually, I just liked the sound of Veganity.
As you know, I love language, it's use, its specificity, its vagueness, and as well, its quirkiness. For example, why do we say virginity rather than virginism?
It was late Saturday night however after the recap, I was going to read all of the comments. I only got as far as the second one. Ester
and Jose saved this episode from being a "TOTAL" bust. What!!!!!!!!!
See, I'm so angry that my fingers get stuck to the keys. The Caray folks have been clamoring for more
lip action, and Friday night we were given a double dose and it's still a near total bust. What!!!!!!
My finger got stuck again. Maybe the top needs to be put back on the mescal bottle or there might be too much Baileys left over from the last novela. My guess is that these things may be clouding your mind. Put them away and don't use them again before Monday's show. You will enjoy it much better, I'm sure
the gringo
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it. I'm also excited about the impending slap. I'm sure that Ana Brenda did some slapping in LQNPA but I don't recall it being particularly memorable.
I just hope that it continues to amuse and deliver the grist for our mill.
thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed the recap. I thought of you as I was trying to capture Maricruz flexing her dimples.
Heh heh.
As you know my Spanish is not very good, I only know a few words so I could use some lessons. Does anyone know where Ester's school is located? Is there open enrollment? Will she teach gringos?
The slap---I too can't wait for Monday night. Doesn't Marycruz know that Doris is "the governor's daughter?" LOL! Maybe Mari will slap some sense into her.
I must say that Friday night when Oblivio put his BIG foot in his mouth with that oh so wrong answer,
the look of hurt emotion was Oscar
winning. Love and pain mixed together for a few brief seconds was one of the best facial acting
expressions I have ever seen, it was pure gold. I can't believe that Oblivio said what he did, but
it had been pointed out that if he said all the right things and wasn't our handsome Oblivio, well,
we wouldn't have a novela. I for one am anxiously waiting for Octavio/Oblivio to enrole in the Maricruz school of personal development.
the gringo
"Later, cowboy"
….I don't know why but it just tickled my fancy.
I'm all for the Ester-JA pairing for now. Ester seems to be having lots of fun and why should only MC get an education? I hope they don't muddy what could just be a good time for all of us with a pregnancy. I would hope Ester is too smart for that though she did show a significant lack of judgement earlier in the show (and over which she has never voiced any remorse).
Carvivlie, yes, yes! What a great line, "I could never be with a man that abandoned his wife and child, no matter what the circumstances."
La Paloma, I was wondering, who is this Rick Thrower? This person thinks just like me……my thoughts exactly(!) about:
"The part where Jose Antonio showed his MariCruz heartbeat was too funny!" and,
"When Octavio talked about his previous love was just a whim, Ana Brenda did a great job portraying the pain felt by MC/MA."
MA looks great as usual the last couple of episodes but I think she took a wrong turn into Teresa's closet with this latest waistline black flower/bow accessory.
I love those secret little zingers like the one about Oblivio's loyalty that MA throws out. It makes me feel like part of a special little clique that gets the inside joke.
OK, I don't get Karim's reasoning about trying to buy the casino either….Huh? If he wants to get to MA, what happened to the info he researched about buying out the lease on the big boat when Carola kicked MA out of the casino?
Carlos, "alternative biology" Hamsters for brains! Well, you're the doctor!
CdlF is my # 2 telenovio, but he doesn't have those pronounced dimples.
The dimples that look like someone took a drill to your cheeks.
"...I think she took a wrong turn into Teresa's closet with this latest waistline black flower/bow accessory."
Thank you for that clever observation. As I watched the show, My eyes were drawn to that black spot like it was a magnet. At first I puzzled over two questions, what and why. I was certain that I could come up with something cute to say about it, but heck, I couldn't even identify it, so ultimately I ignored it. Thank you for bringing a measure of closure with your wit.
thanks for those kind words and thanks for recruiting me, I'm having a blast doing this again. However, you lured me in with the promise of a monkey... now what have they done with my monkey?
You brought up something that slipped right by me: "He [Karim] is certain that MA has a vulnerability and when he finds it ...."
I'm thinking that baby Lupita might well be that vulnerability and that a kidnapping might be forthcoming.
Octavio needs another chance to play the hero. And I don't think he can save the casino from being bought.
that was fun and wow, just as I'm writing the emir off as an amusing but essentially harmless nut-job, you've now got me seeing him (well mainly his not so merry band of sycophants) as a real threat. Kidnap the kid... hmmm... probably a lot more effective than cornering the market for Beanie Babies.
I really wished they hadn't killed Eusebio... he didn't suffer nearly enough...and did they need to bump off don Ale so quickly? He was so cuddly and he's certainly not making a lot of friends right now on LaT.
Loved the pics and captions too - so funny!
Love all the comments and enjoy participating very much.
Ed needs to take playa lessons from Ester. He's been trying with Aracely for MONTHS now, and has barely gotten to second base. Ester has been working on JA for less and two days, and she's already gone to the rodeo and ridden the bronco. You go girl! As long as the two of them are enjoying themselves, and have similar expectations, then I am fine with this arrangement. (Please, not another pregnancy plot!) Notice how the two of them are wearing animal tooth necklaces now.
Loved when Tav got behind Mari and put his hands on the railings, encircling her in his arms. Great kiss too!
I agree with Tav that he never loved MC. He liked her, felt sorry for her, was attracted to her, and in the end, felt guilty about what he did to her (but not enough to find her and his child). But I never thought he really loved her. I'm not sure that what MC felt for him was really love either. At least with Maria Alejandra, he respects her, in addition to being attracted to her. He never respected MC.
Maybe instead of being hurt by Tav’s honesty, Mari should examine her own feelings.
I posted a picture of Laura Carmine on LT & she does have one brown & one blue eye.
I'm still not so sure about how well-suited I am to recap this TN, but I sure am having a good time.
you flatter me and though the thought of a fan club would have never occurred to me and in fact it's even a little frightening. If there were such a thing, you would certainly be welcome and there would definitely not be a line. I'm delighted that you've joined us here and eagerly look forward to your comments.
Alegria, thanks for the link, & yes if only It was a spoiler! They make such a cute make-believe family.
Teo does indeed have one blue eye and one brown. Urban I think mentioned something about him wearing contacts in the first tn she saw him in. Perhaps he always wear one one blue contact to cover up the brown eye?
I also found this image of how they transformed his eye shape for this role. I hope it doesn't do permament damage. Ana Martin had to have surgery after the damage done to her eyes from the prostetics when she played a Japanese woman in a telenovela long ago. Manuel's transformation:
Even with the makeup, it's really Manuel's acting that makes this character come to life, and make's Teo so different than any other character I've seen this actor play before in a tn. This is probably more in line with the kind of acting he does on stage and in musicals.
he must wear that blue contact a lot.
That would get you a lot of double takes.
Laura Carmine
one blue eye & one brown
What do you supposed people who have heterochromia put on their passports or licenses for eye color?
Thank you. I love that photo of Lucia. She looks both DDG (drop dead gorgeous) as well as BSC. I love this character but wish there was something (besides her stunning beauty) to make her more appealing and likable.
The Wikipedia page shows a picture where the person has one brown eye and one hazel eye. There seems to be many causes and forms, however. At the bottom of the page it speaks about the causes when one eye is blue, and speaks about animals that have it:
I have a patient with one blue and one brown eye and we have a copy of her drivers license on file. I asked Darla to check the eye color listed and it just says brown.
my patient hears quite well. I can recall a Dr. I worked with for years who had a blue eye and a brown eye. He was a bit deaf but we always thought it was because he flew a bomber during WWII.
emeraldrose- Here's a cute pic of a little boy with his cat. They have the same eyes:
Judy- Yeah. I'm sure that little guy stands out more than he wants to with his dark skin and super dark brown eye, and super bright blue eye.
What I want to know is where did Teo get his mask [old look] from. When he wears it, it's a perfect transformation back to the old Teo.
What is he up to? Teo is the great
mystery character so far in this novela.
the gringo
The crooked mouth, hump and hunchback would be relatively easy for him to fake, though.
I agree with you about Teo. I like the mystery that surrounds him. Although many seem annoyed by it, I like him playing around with his two (maybe three, if you count El Zorillo) identities.
1. Esther is a total ho. Sorry Jester fans.
2. JA's "Maricruz...pum....pum" made me crack up.
3. Octavio is the most oblivious galán I have ever seen grace the small screen, but I have to say that his and MA's kisses are HAWT. This last one where he kissed her nose was beautiful.
4. Yay for Raiza for getting a storyline and not being a waste of space.
I'm liking Ester's honesty and enthusiasm as well as her generosity.
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