Saturday, August 31, 2013
Corazón Indomable Fri August 30 There Will Be Mud
I have a feeling the actual mud eating will be drawn out tonight and we won't actually see it until Friday...LoriLoo
Maybe you'll even get the wedding tonight...Vivi
there looks like a high risk pregnancy on its way to delivery tonight as well... Carlos
And so it was...
As the time for tonight's episode draws near some of our more rabid mudthirsty Carayistas are already assuming their places. We immediately spot the placid Madame Judy deFarge already rocking in front of her flickering vintage black and white Philco impassively tending her knitting. Gringo Robespierre is nervously glancing at his watch and muttering to himself about some goddess, mud eating, and sweet revenge. Let's tune into the show...
Ester is lying on the ground just outside the embarrassment of a hovel that José Antonio has constructed for them to live in. Her new BFF Clorinda announces that she has brought dessert but seeing her neighbor sprawled out unconscious on the earth she rushes to her side shouting,
"¡Ay, Jesús Cristo!"
and tries to rouse her.
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She Must Have Added Too Much Onion To Those Beans |
I'm guessing those delicious rice and beans with onion, salt, and the little microscopic river creatures will be put on hold for the moment. Heck, one of my favorite things about these TNs is the delicious food.
Suddenly we are transported to Isla Dorada, Ester will simply have to wait for now.
Lucía is impeccably dressed in a stunning blue gown as she climbs up a slight incline followed by casino employees, Maricruz, Octavio, Miguel, Doris and other invited guests. She stops short and gasps as it dawns on her what Maricruz has planned for her. She wasn't expecting a bed of roses, but irony of ironies that is exactly what she is confronted with. However this rose bed has been altered slightly and she finds herself gazing into the gaping maw of a freshly prepared mud pit. We are treated to sepia flashbacks to an earlier time and an earlier mud pit... a fango lined with cacti. It suddenly occurs to her,
"I should have dressed more casually for this."
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I Should Have Worn An Old Dress |
Yep, a fango and here she is dressed more appropriately for tango.
Maricruz is clearly consumed by mudlust as she completely ignores Lucía's pleas for pity and orders Marcos to bury the debt papers in the mud and cover them well. He follows her instructions as we see the faces of those who are gathered reflecting varying degrees of disbelief, discomfort, and disgust.
Briefly, let's checkin on Ester. She is awake but is certain that she is dying and pleads for a doctor (good luck with that sweetheart). Clorinda tries to soothe and comfort her as the little neighbor boy looks on with (oddly enough) varying degrees of disbelief, discomfort, and disgust.
So far, I think that everyone involved tonight (including yours truly) is wishing he were someplace else right now.
Maricruz now instructs Lucía on the simple rules of this vicious evil game of revenge. She must kneel down and retrieve the papers, one by one, from the mud with her teeth.
Ester has somehow made it to the little cot inside the jacal and is wanting to go to a hospital. The kid is looking on nervously. I'm losing confidence in Clorinda. I'm not so sure that she is as experienced in these matters as she said she is. She sends the kid to see about borrowing a car. She tells Ester to put herself in God's hands...
"And in yours,"
Ester adds. Uh oh.
Meanwhile Maricruz is getting impatient,
"What are you waiting for? Do what I tell you, already!"
First Octavio and then Miguel offer to take Lucía's place. Nopis. Either Lucía does as she's told or it's off to jail for Miguel.
Clorinda seems to be stalling for time as she blesses Ester. Ester would prefer a doctor and calls out for José Antonio.
This is rich. At just this moment, JA (whose skills at basic communication are suspect) receives a telepathic message,
"I don't know why, but I feel that Ester is needing me."
Back at the mud pit Doris states the obvious,
"This woman is crazy."
Octavio tells her to butt out and offers for Miguel to go to jail. Lucía speaks up, her man ain't goin' to no jail, and she agrees to step up to the plate, so to speak. Octavio holds her back and Doris reminds Maricruz that she is the governor's daughter and threatens to bring in the police. OK by Maricruz,
"Call the police."
Doris goes for her cell phone and Octavio stops her.
Maricruz speaks up,
"Well, Lucía, will you do it? Remember there are many things that it would suit you to keep hidden."
Lucía is ready to get on with it. Octavio objects and says let's get outta here.
Now Maricruz wants to explain things a bit more to those gathered,
"Folks, I believe that this needs an explanation, and I'm going to give it to all of you."
Lucía erupts,
"No, no, no. Please, no already."
Maricruz responds,
"Of course, if I don't, to everyone here I'll appear to be a sinister heartless woman with a dark soul, only doing this for the pleasure of doing it."
Lucia is really wanting to get on with it,
"Don't try to stop me."
No one does and as she kneels before the mud a little cry escapes from her lips...
Which is joined by a muffled cry from Ester who's biting on a dirty rag while Clorinda is busy fiddling with Ester's hair (must be a curandera thing).
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Now Let's See What We Can Do With These Split Ends |
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Hey! I'm Just A Kid...I Don't Know Nuthin' 'Bout Birthin' No Babies |
She dithers, Ester squirms and writhes, both howl and call out to God... this is really not going well. Ester even still has on those pants.
Speaking of dithering, Lucía hasn't gone dunking for papers yet. Octavio and Miguel want to put a stop to this. Doris wants to call the police and Maricruz even suggests that she call her papi and get his opinion. I say get on with it.
She did it! She actually did it.
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Hmmm...Tastes Like Chicken |
Well now I'm sure that we'll all sleep better tonight now that justice has been done.
Back in Dogpatch, Clorinda is calling on San Ramón, she's sure he'll help. Ester doesn't want her baby born here. Clo reminds her that Jesús was born in a manger (pesebre) and he did OK. (Thanks for that reassurance, Clorinda).
Once she got started, Lucía seems to have developed a knack for this. Maricruz observes,
"That's the same expression I had the day you ordered me to pluck the necklace from the mud. Yes, you remember, Lucía? Do you remember it well or not, Lucía? The only difference is that I was a deceived innocent lass, hopelessly in love with a man who didn't even want me. A jerk who only made me suffer from his deceit. You made me snatch a piece of jewelry from the mud making me believe that it was Octavio's mother's keepsake which he treasured. You called the police and told them that I had stolen it. And I was taken to jail, Lucía Narváez! I was locked in a cell, remember?"
Octavio tries to stop her saying that is enough. Maricruz isn't done, however, as she claps her hands,
"Go on, go on retrieving those papers, you filthy Narváez. But not even with this are you paying for all the evil you did to a girl whose only crime was to have been born poor and to love... have loved... that man over there... my executioner who has done so much harm to me in my life, Octavio Narváez."
Everyone looks stunned... that is, all but Doris, God love her,
"Tell me, tell me what you want me to do to punish this woman. I'm the daughter of the governor of this place!"
Octavio doesn't want her to do anything,
"Maricruz Olivares is right and had the right to do what she is doing... and much more."
He turns to leave but not quite done, Doris has a parting shot,
"You'll pay dearly for this!"
Party's almost over.
Now Doris wants revenge as she catches up with Octavio. He shuts her down and it dawns on her that Maricruz is his wife.
"Yes, she's my wife."
Maricruz tells Lucía that is enough for now,
"Clean your face and cry tears of repentance but don't think that I'm done with my vengeance."
She tells Marcos to plant a rose in this spot in memory of her revenge and to throw the papers in the trash as they were only photocopies. She tells Lucía that she'll be in touch soon.
Lucía weeps as Miguel looks guilty and then a look comes over Lucía's face which portends worse things to come in the endless episodes that await us.
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I'll Get You My Pretty And Your Little Monkey Too |
Doris goes straight to daddy and tells him what a witch the casino lady is.
"Are you referring to la Señora Mendoza?"
She informs him that she is none other than Maricruz Olivares, Octavio's wife.
Octavio reports in with Eduardo. He can't be the padrino at his wedding. Reason? The madrina, obvio.
In their room, it's Lucía, holding Miguelito, who's trying to look on the bright side. They have a year. Miguel won't be going to jail. Miguelito will get his operation. Things'll get better. You'll see.
As for Miguel... regrets, he has few... coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Doris continues her complaints about Maricruz. The Guv is still struggling the fact that she is Octavio's wife,
"¡No puede ser!" (Sorry Guv, sí puede ser.)
In his hotel room, Octavio is whining to Eddy about Maricruz's vengeance on Lucía and somehow, now he is taking full blame. All well and good, but Eddy needs him as the padrino at his wedding tonight.
The governor thinks that María Alejandra must have a very good reason to hate the Narváez clan. Doris really doesn't care. She thinks that it's quite enough that she wants the woman expelled from the island like... Right. Now. The governor has something to do tonight he wants to postpone this little talk at least for now. She agrees but threatens a scandal unless he takes care of this. She tries to make a dramatic exit but her purse hangs up on the chair. The governor is still befuddled that MA s Octavio's wife,
"She? She is Octavio Narváez's wife?"
Miguel visits Octavio. They lick each others wounds and observe that there is a huge abyss between them and Maricruz... Really.
Sonia is doing Araceli's makeup. Eddy drops by to announce that Octavio resigned as padrino.
Just so we didn't believe what we heard first time around, Octavio confirms it for us,
"Miguel, you're totally correct, the abyss that has opened up between that woman and us is enormous."
This deep conversation is broken up by a knock at the door, It's Lucía. She's ready to move on with her life, operate on their son, face the future... why isn't he dressed for the wedding?
After commercial she rags on him about bringing Maricruz into their lives. Now they're being made out to be the bad guys. Essentially whatever problems the family has can be laid at his and Maricruz's feet.
Eduardo tries to explain to Araceli why Octavio no longer wants to be their padrino. Surprisingly she seems to understand. Sonia decides to take matters into her own hands and see if she can't straighten this out. She will make some phone calls. Eduardo tells Araceli,
"Don't worry, my love, without padrino, nor madrina, and even without a priest, you and I are getting married tonight. I promise you that."
Thanks for that you big lug. You deserve a big hug.
Awww. She kicks him out of her room, he shouldn't be seeing his bride right now.
Maricruz is home and is in quite a state. This revenge stuff must be very draining. She has to get dressed for the wedding but Juanita senses her agitation. Maricruz tells her that she feels bad, as any good person must feel after having to punish someone. She certainly doesn't feel like being the madrina at a wedding just now. She takes Lupita from Juanita. Juanita tells her that she needs to fulfill her obligation and Mari agrees as she cuddles her daughter.
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Hmmm...Tastes Like Chicken |
In Octavio's room the three Narvåez continue their bickering, but Lucía tells Octavio that to get back at Maricruz he must attend the wedding with the governor's daughter. Realizing that Maricruz is still hopelessly in love with Octavio, he must exploit that in order to obtain revenge for their family. Ummm... OK... I guess.
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United We Can Screw Over Maricruz Or Whatever She Is Calling Herself Now |
At the governor's house Doris is telling Mariana the latest and trying to decide whether to attend this wedding in which octavio is his best friend's padrino, when the governor comes through all dressed up. He's going to a wedding.
Alone in his room Octavio does some thinking out loud. He thinks that Lucía is correct in believing that Maricruz is still as much in love with him as she was that first day, but even so, she must pay for this bad time she's put them through. The phone rings, it's Sonia. He tells her not to worry. Even though he's had an unpleasant day he's not going to abandon Eddy and much Less Araceli. He'll be there.
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What Are You Wearing? |
Doris plays a little cat and mouse with her dad about the wedding he is attend. Which church? What kind of people? He dodges and weaves and she tell him that by coincidence she is also going to a wedding of some rather simple folk.
At the Jacal the kid arrives with a basket of stuff and offers to stay and help. Clorinda tells him to wait outside and watch for JA. Biting that rag, Ester writhes and moans. Clorinda tells her to pant like a puppy and to relax and go limp. Ester finally has those pants off and Clorinda climbs up on the cot with her.
Octavio ponders Maricruz and her obvious continuing love for him. He asks himself,
"What is it that I feel for this woman? What?"
The governor leaves for the wedding after finally noticing and acknowledging that Mariana is present. He considers her like a daughter (ouch!) but Doris is quick to remind him that he only has one daughter. After he's gone Doris asks Mariana if she thinks he's going to the same wedding. She does and thinks that it'll be very interesting.
Eddy is all dressed up in a white uniform and looks quite snazzy. Octavio tells him not to worry, of course he's coming along but frets a bit about whether youknowwho will show up.
Back at the shack, the baby is arriving and José Antonio is arriving just in time.
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O...M...G! |
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Hey Look! Green Acres Is On! |
The pilots are ready to leave. Octavio will arrive with Araceli,
"And you have to pick up the madrina, Maricruz Olivares."
"I prefer calling her María Alejandra Medoza."
Octavio smiles,
"Sure, could it be because María Alejandra Mendoza can give three thousand dollar checks?"
"Can I be honest? Since I received that little check, she seems much better to me."
Eddy leaves and Octavio thought bubbles that it must be nice to marry for love,
"... when I married the little wild girl, I was only guided by a desire to annoy Miguel and Lucía, but even so, I felt that strange sensation of joy. Ay, yes, I believe that I always loved Maricruz, although I justified it to myself by saying my marriage was for no other motive than to confront my brother and sister-in-law."
He now believes that he has always loved her.
Back in the boonies Clorinda is holding the baby and says that she must put it in a basket with bottles of warm water. Even so, Ester wants to give it a little kiss.
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Hmmm...Tastes Like Chicken |
The wedding is about to start and Mariana asks Doris if they shouldn't go ahead and take their seats. Not yet.
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The Cool Girls Are Here |
Araceli and Octavio make their entrance. Both look gorgeous. She in her white wedding dress and he in his blue uniform. As they enter he assures her that she is super beautiful. He spots Maricruz,
"There she is, the goddess of vengeance with her satisfied smile. Where could she have left her daughter? My daughter?"
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There She Is, The Goddess Of Vengeance |
Maricruz looks stunningly beautiful with her hair pulled starkly back and wearing a peach colored dress with a low neckline exposing a modest bit of cleavage. She smiles sweetly at him and thought bubbles,
"He's very relaxed, nothing affects him, he doesn't even think about the daughter who he hasn't given warmth and affection. And now I will prevent him from getting close to her. But if he's truly interested he can make an effort see her."
The wedding proceeds, the couple are kneeling at the altar, the priest begins speaking...
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"You Farted!" "No You Did!" |
The time has arrived (you guessed it) for Doris to make her entrance accompanied by a nonplussed Mariana. She poses for a photographer, makes some people move to make space for her and Mariana, then sweetly waves at the padrino. Even if you don't watch any other part of this episode, make an effort to watch this scene.
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Yes, I'm The Governor's Daughter And I Look Fabulous! |
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Move It!... Did I Mention That I'm The Governor's Daughter? |
Things aren't looking so good back at the hut. José Antonio has stepped outside, Clorinda is heating more water to keep the baby warm, and Ester reaches into the baby's basket...
"Cold! It's cold! Clorinda, Clorinda!"
Clorinda picks the baby up. José Antonio and Ester frantically ask what's wrong. Poor Clorinda doesn't know.
Wedding's over and Octavio escorts Maricruz. They talk... let's listen as Octavio begins,
"Perhaps this could be the first and last time that we meet socially."
"I'm OK with that."
"Not likely that you'd want to attend my marriage to Doris Montenegro."
"Why not? I believe that I'll be obligated to attend."
"And why would that be?"
"Don't forget that I'm engaged to the governor of Isla Dorada, the daddy of your intended, and certainly our wedding will be before yours. Really, wouldn't you enjoy being our padrino?"
José Antonio shouts,
"Clorinda, what's wrong with my child? Is it dead?"
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The Dingo Ate Yore Baby! |
She seems panicked and runs outside with the baby,
"I don't know, come with me!"
"Where are you going?"
José Antonio follows her outside where she announces there's nothing I can do. Ay, truthfully, It's dead!"
José Antonio is horrified and so are we.
Back at the church Octavio declines. He's had enough of this padrino thing,
"Besides, your wedding would be of little importance to me."
Maricruz, with a wry expression replies,
"Are you sure?"
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"We're Not Even Half-done With This Train Wreck." "I Know." |
Doris claims her man as Maricruz looks on jealously and then grabs the governor.
Glaring ensues.
Labels: Indomable
Anyhoo, I only checked out the photos and captions. Hilarious and clever. Carlos, , you sill never know how much I appreciate your wit and humor. I thank you so much for providing me with a little giggle and some needed relief at a stressful time. Laughter, I think really is the best medicine. I am grateful. now, on to read the recap.
I also lol'd when Octavio told Miguel to speak up to stop Lucia from going into the mud and Miguel said as mechanically as possible, without any passion or meaning, "Don't do it Lucia".
I can't believe the baby will die because Clorinda prayed about the baby being alright, and there's the TN rule if something is prayed over, it will happen.
I love making you smile and hope you check back for the rest of the photos and captions.
Thanks cathyx,
I'm not too worried about the baby at this point. I think he just needs warming up. They wouldn't put us through all that and then give us a dead baby... would they?
"Can a premie that young survive without an incubator?"
Yes and I predict... will.
Thanks Eli,
Sorry about the dresses.
Don't you just love how that attentive Miguel went to the aid of his distressed wife after the mudding?
It can't be said enough, the Narvarez men are worthless. Loved how Oct piped up, Miguel will go to jail, easy for you to say.
The look on Lucia's face had sequel written all over it, ¡noooooooo!
The guests might have been shocked but no one left.
What is Ed wearing, he is not the captain of Oasis of the Seas. I don't believe pilot uniforms come in any other color but navy blue. Maybe the Gov appointed him to head of Isla Dorada's navy.
Doris' grand entrance was a hoot!
Carols, I LOVE , LOVE , LOVE your sense of humor and skill at writing the recaps. Muchas Gracias
So...that mud..what was the recipe to give it just the right, funky look ? I'm guessing finely crushed Oreos in chocolate pudding. What do you think ?
Oh, btw, today, Saturday, Aug. 31st, is the last scheduled day of shooting on the set of Corazon Indomable. After tonight, it's a wrap!!!! I don't know what the writers have in store for us (I really don't!!!!), but here's to hoping that with five weeks left before the finale airs, the editors will at least make an effort not to chop up the finale the way they've done with most episodes.
I commented on this yesterday, but I've changed my mind. I would definitely do this to Lucia if this had been me. She deserves this and worse. She doesn't deserve the gallantry (real or false) of Miguel or Octavio willing to do this in her place and Maricruz was right to not accept it.
In fact, she should regard Octavio's willingness to do this as a bigger insult than his past transgressions.
It really annoys me that they will end up together in the end.
Well said Carlos, ABC should ask for a raise, DA not so much.
That and
"I should have dressed more casually for this."
I thought that Doris' arrival was worth the price of admission. She keeps getting better and better. The little cat and mouse interrogation of her daddy was fun as well. He was way out of his league.
Thanks emeraldrose,
I thought that Lucía might have learned her lesson but then as you point out, that crazed look came over her face...Yikes!
my secretary Kathy used to make a dessert just as you described and lest there was any doubt of what it represented, laced it with gummy worms.
Thanks Latina,
And good luck with Monday... I so hope for both our sakes that the baby is alive and just needed warming up.
Thanks UA,
glad you enjoyed the recap but I think that you are being a bit too hard on Lucía. Aren't we supposed to cut crazy folks some slack?
I hope that little one is okay. maybe JA will now get is sorry a** in gear and take care of his family. Since he's sitting on money pit of a different kind, I assume we can deduce he'll be rolling in dough himself soon? Otherwise what was the point of pointing all that get on with it.
How ironic that MC now has turned Lucia back into the revengeful nutjob she once knew. May the adversaries now take their positions in the ring and come out fighting.
And if Ed was smart, he and Are would move away....very far away from this island.
There have been various Law & Order episodes about schizophrenics and their right to stop taking their medication. Their right to do that ends at other people's safety.
So with any madness that affects Lucia. She is pure evil.
This was a great episode (well, if you cut out all the footage from the birth in the jacal filler)! Lucia still feels perfectly justified in everything she did to Maricruz, just because that poor girl had the effrontery to enter her life.
I thought Daniel Arenas really delivered in this one - great facial expressions, especially that thought-bubbling bit when he was walking Aracely up the aisle. I also love it when he says "No, Doris."
Of course revenge begets revenge - it always does.
Oh, do we really have to have a hair pulling fight at the wedding reception?
I have a soft spot for Lucía. I'm mesmerized by those eyes.
Thanks Audrey,
From that look on Lucía's face I'd say that wecan count on ...revenge begets revenge..."
I thought that Maricruz might have learned that the recipe for revenge usually sounds tastier that the ultimate dish turns out to be. We'll see. But I don't think that Lucía has the ability to note that distinction.
I loved EVERY MINUTE of the mud pit scene! Karma is such a b**ch!! Elizabeth did an amazing job with the shaking and the fuming, and still isn't the least bit remorseful. Even admitting to Octavio that she would have killed MC if she could have gotten away with it!! And, STILL, after a brief "yup, Lucia did deserve it" moment, he's back on the Narvaez vengeance train. He's cute and has great chemistry w/MC, but man is he a pussywillow.
So glad I tuned in to this episode... I've been hit and miss for a while with this tn, but may make more of a point to tune in regularly now that things are moving along, and hopefully soon away from the casino. I'm ready to head back to the ranch!!
Thanks Carlos for the screencaps and captions! My favorite... "We're only half-done with this train-wreck"!
Scarily, you're not too far off. We still have our '71 Hitachi black and white, complete with aluminum foil around the antenna, but we didn't convert it when tv became digital soooo....
And truly, I did want to see Lucia dip her schnozz into that mud. And it seemed to take forever, what with cutting back and forth to poor Ester bellowing and wailing in the jacal.
And I certainly hope that wee babe lives. It seems to me that letting the mother hold it against the warmth of her body would have been better than bundling it in a basket but what do I know? Although my best birth experience was with my third, because I was able to hold her and feed her right away while a heat lamp above kept us both cosy and warm. Still, no heat lamps in Dogpatch, more's the pity.
But had to laugh at your "Hmmm..tastes like chicken" refrain. Wicked man!
Also loved "Now let's see what we can do with these split ends".
"The cool girls are here" and
the winnah!!!
"We're not even half done with this train wreck." "I know."
So true.
Didn't Lucia look like a demented little Koala bear with that brown smudge on her nose? Would have been cute were there not that crazy revenge look in her evil eyes.
Was able to take a break from the boring second half of the OSU opening game today to go meet Karen of CarayCaray and her mom--who were driving to Indiana and stopped to see me. We had the best time visiting in a near-deserted Panera (everybody in Columbus is either AT the game or watching it on tv) and there's no doubt that CarayCaray types are just the best. We talked as if we had known each other all our lives. Great time.
And a great recap, Carlos. But then we expect nothing less from you. We're spoiled!
I loved how Maricruz ordered a rose bush planted as commemoration of the mudeating event. So that nobody ever forgets . . . what she is capable of? lol
Now it looks like the old wheel of fortune has brought Maricruz very close to the top as Lucia is hitting new lows. I wonder what it will look like in a month or so from now and who will be on the way up or down. Only the mooonkey probably knows and he ain't talking!
All in all, great fun because so much happens in this telenovela and the plot/time moves along.
EA/Lucia and ABC/MariCruz were both very strong in the garden scenes. (And MC/A was able to explain the venganza). Lucia rising from the muck seems even more determined to fight.
Gringo can smile that MA was called a goddess in this episode!
Susanlynn, I too wonder what recipe they used to make the mud for the tango in the fango.
Doris truly was hilarious, striking her automatic pose upon entering the room, then forcing the lowly ones to vacate their seats.
I'm fearful that Ester's dream of pastoral happiness is coming to an end. Her situation looks bleak.
It must have been hard for you to have to watch Lucifer's makeup get soiled like it did but I say---dunk
her in the mud again, she deserves it.
In all fairness Carlos, as others have said, you did an excellent job
Last night was drama at it's best and your recap did it justice. I probably will be singing your praises off and on, all weekend long. Did gringo Robespierre just say that? Well he must have as everyone else has.
Marycruz looked like she needed a doctor to give her a sedative to settle her down last night, after the ordeal---the acting was Oscar winning. Lucia/Lucifer did an excellent job with her, I have to pay the price for my past actions role. Why wasn't I surprised I ask myself that after her time in the mud pit was over, she didn't reflect back and think that maybe she really did deserve what she got? No, she looked more defiant than ever. A sign of bad things to come. And people said that this novela was boring---not on toyr life.
I would have liked to have known what Raiza was thinking. She stood stone faced and never said a word. I wonder if she understood why Mari
was doing what she was doing or, was she planning to turn on her. Raiza is interesting to me, I can't tell what if anything she is up to or whether she will turn out to be a friend and ally of Maricruz or betray her at some further point. She's mysterious.
enough rambling for now, more later
the gringo
I was also wondering about Raiza. Her look was not of sympathy for Lucia. Maybe she suffered something humiliating in her life & can understand MC.
Tony, standing next to Raiza, seemed to show some grudging admiration for Maria Alejandra.
Thanks. I'm also hoping that Ester's baby survives. I can't imagine any purpose that would be served if it indeed dies.
Thanks Judy,
I'm glad that you enjoyed the recap and didn't mind me putting some knitting needles in your hands for the evening.
What fun that you got to actually meet our Karen face to face. I'm so glad that you were able to visit like that.
Thanks Jarifa,
I wonder if Teo will be tending to the Vengeance Rose. I hope there are no toxins left behind in that mud from Lucía having been there.
Thanks Vivi,
I'm always happy when I'm able to make you smile. I hope you share your thoughts on the episode when you get a chance to watch it. I know that you'll especially appreciate Doris' hilarious antics.
Thanks Anon (Alegria?),
I would love to have that hair-pulling match. I wonder if it will remind Maricruz of a similar attack early on?
Thanks Paloma,
Yes, I thought of gringo when Octavio thought bubbled:
"There she is, the goddess of vengeance with her satisfied smile."
Thanks gringo,
both for the kind compliments and for being such a good sport about me casting you in that historical reference. I had one other picture which I wanted to use but couldn't think of an amusing caption. La Paloma gave me an idea for the caption so I'll stick it in. I think that you'll like it so check back in the recap to that scene at the wedding.
Now aren't you happy that MC told everyone the backstory as to why she did it? And doesn't that give you less sympathy for the woman with the beautiful eyes? That evil witch...
I'm not sure why so many Carayistas do not seem to like this TN. It certainly isn't the best I've seen but it is far from the worst. Like QBA for example.
As Judy mentioned this afternoon, your recaps are can't miss events. We (Judy, my Mom & me) had a marvelous lunch & it was so fun meeting another Caray member face-to-face.
You handled Lucia's comeuppance well considering your fondness for her. I am concerned about Ester & JA's baby. It would be cruel for the writers to allow him to die & yet some many annoying characters continue to haunt us.
Carlos, you crack me up.
You were the one who first suggested what I'd be facing last night. As it turned out, the mud was the least of my worries. That was pretty straight forward. I wasn't expecting the wedding or a premature delivery. I'm still sweating that delivery.
The Apple Pie was very smooth and did help ease the pain.
Thanks Karen,
I was delighted to hear that you and your mom got to meet our Judy face to face. Even though we have never met in person, I consider her a very dear and cherished friend.
Though Lucía is not popular, she is certainly a valuable part of this show. I just wish that the writers would give her more of a soul.
I will also be very annoyed if the writers allow that baby to die.
As you may know, it was you and Judy who first encouraged my participation here at Caray Caray, and every time we have the corn pudding, I think of you.
I'm counting on Clorinda being as inept at recognizing death as she was at managing the delivery. By and large in TNs, curanderas seem to get a pass. Let's hope that this is not Clorinda's first infant mortality.
yes, if you recall, our discussion of corn growing and corn pudding following one of the duller episodes of MEPS offended one of the anons who preferred that everyone stick to the subject. Subsequently, we were bombarded with one recipe after another as punishment for straying. Some of those recipes were actually pretty good... we still do the fish tacos.
And, which TN was MEPS?
What I couldn't stand about this novela is Maricruz' poverty situation. It didn't seem realistic to me, especially since she was actually the daughter of someone very wealthy. Also that Octavio is so stupid.
There is no novela that is devoid of characters doing stupid things but at least Santos of QBA is smart and can think on his feet. Since he's played by Jorge Salinas, my eyes are on every episode.
The probable replacement for it doesn't sound that exciting to me although I will give it a try.
MY sister who was born during the Japanese-American war, was born premature in our house and from my mom's story, the midwife surrounded her with warm bottles of water. She survived it and ( the war). So hopefully Esther's baby would survive it too.
The baby cuddle after the revenge act was very comforting. MC really looked so drained and exhausted just like me. I wanted to have my hugs too. Nothing like a baby's fragrance and cooing!!!
But what I couldn't understand was the Luciafer's behavior afterwards. The more she became evil. And even did her devil stance behind Octavio, whispering to him counter-revenge nothings!
Finally, Oblivious' realization that he must have loved MC!
I was disappointed by the wedding attires of everybody except the pilots.
Can't wait for the slap fest!!!
I thought of one caption-worthy scene myself ... Esther, finally with her pants off and about to give birth, with the open door and the little boy standing on the doorsill: "Feng Shui tip: Don't position the bed in line with the door."
And since you brought up the possibility of the baby being alive, maybe Clorinda is lying and this will be our stolen baby. This is the 4th baby for the TN, I think, and none stolen so far.
Back then, when I first got a glimpse of the epaulettes on his wedding garb, I also thought QTF, but it's grown on me.
Boy, you can sure find out some interesting stuff on the Internet. Some pilots (charter pilots, I guess) can even choose their own uniforms. I found this bit of advice from one pilot to another, "... if you are a professional pilot, then the image you give to the pax is all-important. Black hair? Dye in a bit of grey at the temples and give that all-knowing, mature look! RayBans to hide the terror in your eyes! Dark pants for obvious reasons!"
Mañana Es Para Siempre was a lot of fun. Like this show, there were a lot of strong feelings about the various characters generated here at Caray Caray.
Thanks Vida2,
what a warm story about your sister. I delivered and cared for my share of premature babies and had very good luck, but also very good equipment and personnel as very. Unfortunately Clorinda doesn't have that advantage.
I was impressed by the outfits that were worn by Doris and Mariana. I thought that Doris looked especially fetching.
Thanks Aleta,
I love your Feng Shui caption. I have to admit that I was very uncomfortable with the bed facing the door just so with that little boy popping in and out as he did. In fact, I snickered at Clorinda wanting the door open initially and then getting up to shut it behind the little boy.
I love the idea of Clorinda stealing the baby (at least as opposed to the baby dying) and the fact that we've met her before as Maricruz's cellmate is probably significant. But with these writers... who knows?
I also should have added about QBA: I was very disappointed in the story but it has such a strong cast of actors. I guess when they are under contract they may not be able to turn down certain scripts.
I think the worst TN ever that I've seen was "Sonar no cuesta nada" with Karime Lazano and Christian dela Fuente. His acting was not nearly as polished as in AB. It was more than stupid.... I didn't have a beanie then but it probably wouldn't have helped.
So glad MC explained herself to everyone but most importantly, just calling out Lucia for her actions to her face. Brilliant!
Tav still has his head on a swivel. He agrees with whomever he is talking to at the time. So frustrating.
I actually hate MA's outfit to the wedding.
I guess I'm the only one who hopes the baby is dead...or that Esther dies. This isn't a fairy tale and some consequences for these bad choices have to be experienced.
having done the recap of this episode makes me feel almost responsible for this baby so I have a bit more of an emotional investment in it than I probably would have otherwise.
Even though I recapped the episode I don't recall that the baby's sex was revealed (but that might be a result of the Apple Pie I was sipping), I distinctly recall hearing a lusty cry after it was born, and Clorinda was still clutching the child when the episode ended. All of which leads me to believe that the infant has not died.
Of course if it is a case of child stealing we might be led to believe that it is dead right along with Ester and José Antonio.
Two videos behind the screen from the wedding. No spoilers.
And two funny fotos
Carlos---Your photo captions were great as usual. I don't know how people can pick a favorite as there
were several really good ones. If you didn't have the Goddess of Vengeance photo with it's caption, I don't know which one I would pick
It would be hard, very hard, but that one did it for me. It should be framed in a golden frame.
I regretfully admit that I naively
thought that Lucifer would have learned her lesson or would realize that caution should become the norm as she now knows that Maricruz is a very strong woman and
a very strong adversary. I didn't think that they would hug and call it even but I guess I was thinking
that they would buckle down, Lucifer & Miguel, pay off the loan and somehow go their seperate ways.
Like I said, I was naive. From the look on Lucifer's face in the mud pit, It looks like WW3 is about to start. Lucifer said that she would have killed Maricruz if she could get away with it---is that a foreshadow of what lies ahead, an attempt on Mari's life or possibly
Lupita's? NO! PLEASE NO!
Variopinta---It was a dark and serious drama Friday night and yet you made me laugh with your---What is Ed wearing, he is not the captain of the Oasis of the Seas.
Susanlynn---crushed oreos in chocolate pudding. LOL
The Doris wedding arrival was a hoot, tipically vain Doris. She waves her arms and snaps her fingers and makes people give up their seats. I hope that Maricruz knocks her to the floor Monday night. ShutUpDoris!!!
AnotherAmy---You described the mud scene perfectly.
Audry---Revenge begets revenge. Yes
I said I was naive, I guess I blew this one. It sure looks like Lucifer is out for more.
LoriLoo---QBA? I like Mariachis and several people rave about Jorge
Salinas. I liked him in La Que No Podia Amar. The lead actress is pretty, so what could go wrong? I tried it but couldn't hang on, so I guess that I'm with you on that one---thumbs down.
Carlos---before I go for now, I don't want to short change your photos and captions. So I will mention a few more.
Too much onion in the beans? Will too much onion do that to you? Shame on you Carlos. I really felt for Ester Friday night---And writers, PLEASE don't give Ester a dead baby. JA is a jerk but even so, they don't deserve that.
I should have worn an old dress. That you should have.
United we can screw over Maricruz or whatever she calls herself now.
Lucifer, you just don't learn.
I'll get you my pretty and your little monkey too. I hope that the monkey jumps on her hair and wets it.
Although I strongly disagree about a train wreck---you're, "we're not
even half way done with this train wreck." photo was perfect. Yes even Gringo Robespierre can smile once in a while.
Last---Your move it! Did you know I'm the Governors daughter, was a hoot. Very, very Doris, that's for sure.
the gringo
so we, my wife and I had decided, it was my choice, to go out to my favorite Mexican restaurant Frida's
Frida's was named in honor of the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.
I have eaten Mexican food almost my entire life--my favorite food is tacos, yes the simple taco. They make me very happy. I'm not the one to experiment much. I usually keep to the tried and true.
You know, tacos enchiladas, chile
rellenos, the usual. Last night however, I did decide to try something new. I had worked with a lot of Mexicans in the past and they always had told me how good mole was. So---last night, I ordered a mole sample plate. It came with chicken toped with four different moles. A green one, a red
one, a reddish brown one and a very dark brown one. Many of you guys probably are quite familiar with these but it was new to the gringo. All that I can say is that the name mole doesn't do this food justice. Instead of mole, it should be called Food of the Gods. Well that was my Mexican experience this weekend. Carlos had a new experience with a drink called apple pie. Maybe there are some other stories out there that might be of interest to the caray folks while we count down the hours to the Maricruz/Doris confrontation on Monday night.
the gringo
I love to make enchiladas. With beef or chicken, plenty of cheese and bake it in the oven. But Mexican food is extremely fattening, so I don't do it as often as my husband would like.
I'm a volunteer English teacher on Tuesday nights; and when we have a party, one of our Guatemalan students brings black bean tamales wrapped in banana leaves.
Carvivle said she hated MC' wedding outfit. I don't feel quite that strongly, but I don't think it's all that fabulous. The lines of it and the gold embroidery look a tiny bit matronly and the color is not as flattering as the brighter jewel tones. I hope to get a closer look at it on Monday.
But once upon a time we visited Oaxaca, the land of the seven moles. It was indeed mole heaven. Best Mexican fine dining I ever experienced- traditional and glorious. I encourage you to add a visit to your vacation list, I think you'd love it - culture, food, ambiance.
Your captions (especially the last one - boy, we sure have a long way to go until the finish)were simply hilarious.
I got back from my vacation a few days ago and I'm trying to find out what happened so far. Aside from some bits of action here and there it still feels like same old same old for me.
I haven't yet watched this episode, but by reading the recap, it sure sounds like a big one. Now if I could only bring myself to push play...
Vivi, thank you for filling in for me when I was away. Now I'm ready to get back to my normal recapping duties...
So how much longer do we have to wait for this to be over, anyway??? 2 months? That feels like a century to me.
Both Mari’s and Doris’ dresses had gold appliqué on them, but I liked Doris’ dress better—the color and shape was more flattering. I also liked her hair better than Mari’s.
Gringo- Yes, you were quite naïve to think that a little mud was going to break woman of steel Lucia’s resolve. Vengeance begets vengeance—especially when a BSC person like Lucia is involved. And she was totally right that Mari still loves Tav and the best way for him to get revenge is to flaunt his relationship with another woman in her face.
I thought the Gov and Doris took it really well, finding out that their respective prometidos are married, to EACH OTHER. You would think they’d be a little upset at Tav and Mari for failing to mention this earlier.
Ester’s baby was a boy. Clorinda called him an hombrecito (little man) when she brought him back into the shack. Carlos—I’ll hope along with you that the little guy survived, but I’m not as optimistic.
Mmmmm... love mole. All types!
There is no good mexican food where I live but every time i go south the first thing I do is look for some good food.
I was certain that you would like that rather regal profile. She only struck and held that pose for an instant, but she seemed very purposeful in doing so.
I'm so glad that your first experience with moles was so positive. Though Mexican restaurants abound here in and around Houston, moles are rarely featured on menus.
A fun food experience the Lovely Linda and I shared sometime ago was our attempt at making an authentic cochinita pibil. Gathering the ingredients was an adventure and the results were spectacularly delicious.
I think that it may have been Audrey who shared a recipe for that dish here on Caray Caray.
welcome back. All in all this was a very entertaining episode though the labor and delivery in the shack was very disturbing to me.
I wish that Octavio would stake out a position, come up with a plan, and stick with it. He was all over the place Friday night. Even the thing about being padrino. At least Maricruz and Lucía are somewhat focused.
Rafael Amaya (el Señor de Los Cielos), Silvia Navarro (Amor Bravio), Majorie de Souza (Amores Verdaderos) are in pics 4-7:
Jencarlos (Pasion Prohibida) and Angelica Maria (Que Bonito Amor) also appear in some of the pics.
Thanks for clarifying the sex of Ester's baby. Now I'm getting worried if you aren't optimistic.
Thanks for that link.
I am anxious for tonight's episode. I need some diversion from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune right now as they have suddenly started coming from more than one direction.
I live close to Los Angeles which you could say is truly a United Nations city---All of Southern California is a United Nations. My city has a large Armenian population. However even with people from all over the world in this region, in a way, you could also say that this is Mexico Norte.
So Audrey y Carlos there is no problem finding mole around here. It's just as I said yesterday, I dont experiment or try new things very often. Saturday was my first time with this dish. I was sooooo
impressed that I stated that it should be called Food of the Gods.
I didn't know, really I didn't know
Today I started a search for the best moles in LA. I clicked on a website and read a list--yum yum.
The list started at the bottom and worked up to the best of the best.
#1 was---you guessed it, a restaurant in Sunland not far from my house called Rocio's Mole de la
Dioses. WOW!!! I couldn't believe what I had just read---it really did come from the gods, it must have because it tastes that good.
One place had 13 moles to choose from, another place had 16, I think that Rocio's had even more. No wonder the Mexican people seem so happy, they have all these wonderful flavors to enjoy.
Vivi---Yes I was naive. That look on Lucifer's face scarred me. She could kill now but I think that you are right---she will go to work on Oblivio, he's weak. Someone
mentioned that he was a pussy willow. I say yes, he's like a pussy willow blowing in the wind.
I also think that Karim will be brought in to battle against Maricruz and yes maybe even Corola will join the fight---the Jackals attack? How will the Goddess of Mexico be able to stand? Must see TV---I can't wait for tonight.
the gringo
movies in Spanish aside from the occasional Latino film festival. It looks like we could be turning a corner here.
There might even be a single currency. There are many websites talking about it, it's going to happen. When? That's the question, but like I said, it could be in our lifetimes.
the gringo
I giggled when MA told Oblivio he could go if he didn't want to be there as his presence was unimportant. She was so perfectly dismissive.
I wasn't that into the whole face in the mud thing, but when Lucia came to MA/MC's office this week and told her she regretted nothing, I really started to see the entertainment value of the whole sequence. And still…knowing that they have the money given to them by MA/MC to pay for Miguelito's surgery….Lucia feels no remorse.
Lucia was pretty admirable in how she stepped up to the plate, um mud hole, to save her husband from prison. What is it about these spineless, irresolute Narváez men that inspire strong, beautiful and a little (MC) or a lot (Luciafer) crazy women to love them!!
Carlos, thanks for the perfect recap. My personal favorites:
"I'll Get You My Pretty And Your Little Monkey Too"
"¡No puede ser!" (Sorry Guv, sí puede ser.)" and best of all,
Tav and Miguel together……"This deep conversation is broken up by a knock at the door" A DEEP conversation, yes, LOL and double LOL.
Am I the only one who thinks the amounts given for these wedding gifts (especially by people that hardly know each other) are incredibly and embarassingly amazing? Am I just that old and tacaña?
Cathyx, " Isn't it like a UPS driver wearing his brown shorts and shirt to a wedding?" Oh, that was a good one.
Vivi, Thanks for doing double duty this week. You as well as cathyx, LaPaloma and Carlos are the best. Here's mud in your eye!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the recaps. I was not one who was looking forward to the mud dunking but it was entertaining not to mention excruciatingly drawn out. As I anticipated, nothing was settled and if anything matters are worse now than before. I was hoping that Lucía might feel a bit chastened and Maricruz would be a little embarrassed.
I guess we'll learn shortly the fate of Ester's baby. I'm keeping my finges crossed.
"One of my students made mole and something she cooked in corn husks. I was not a fan."
If that was a tamale (one of my favorite foods ever), I hope that you removed the corn shuck, unlike Pres. Gerald Ford campaigning for President in San Antonio in 1976, who tried to eat a tamale without removing the corn shuck.
Countdown to CI and the slap fest: 2 hrs, 17 min. on the west coast...
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