Thursday, August 08, 2013

PEAM #108-8/8/13-Uri Doesn't Go "U.P." As Per His Belt Buckle, He Goes Down, So Who Is Picadillo Now??

Malvino snatches Val and Elias tries to defend his home and family.  Uri proves to Jesus that he has control of Val and he is not a liar.  Jesus flips out upon hearing Val’s distressed voice. Jesus tells Uri that he is a coward and picks on women and children, and tells Uri let’s go one deep (one on one) and Uri starts bitch slapping Jesus.  (We hear Alma and her dreaded scream)  Jesus keeps on beckoning Uri telling him that he is not a man and lets fight without the gun.    Jesus punches Uri once and Uri asks for another with his gun and tells Jesus that he is going to die.
The new stuff- Finally:
Chatita is praying to Nino Tomasito Herrera to protect Jesus.  She has lost one son already.  Don’t let anything happen to him or to Valentina and to give her strength.  Delia has a camera that has snaked into the apartment and she is watching everything on her ipad. Why?? Distract Uri and come on in!!!!  Uri shoots the gun and it jams. Idiot!!! Alma screams yet again!!! The two men start wrestling, Jesus twists Uri’s arm, the gun falls and it’s a rock bottom.  Wrestlemania 2013.  The agent fell and hit her head. Jesus gives Uri another Rock bottom.  Uri tries to pt Jesus in a headlock and its rock bottom.
Valentina is crying while the idiot Malvino holds her and tapes u Elias’ mouth.   He wants coffee while waiting for instructions from his boss, Uri.  Vero tells Minerva to bring him hot water.

Back at Wrestlemania, the wresters reach the gun and it goes off.  Why is Delia still watching????
Another shot, finally the agents enter and there is a third shot.  Chatita drops her plate- something has happened to her Jesus. The music is melancholy.  The agents enter in slow motion-
Minerva brings the hot tea and slaps the pot upside the man’s head, Val bites Malvino.  Elias smacked him with is tied hands and the police are called.

Delia runs outside and calls for an ambulance.  Ominous music is playing.  Chatita is praying to Tomasito.
Paty is worried that Lama is not answering her phone.  Maybe she is still sleeping according to Domicilia.  Paty is not buying it.
It appears that the agent was hurt and Uri is handcuffed and detained by only 2 SWAT team members. Wussy!!! Delia remains cool as a cucumber through out this entire ruckus.  Uri says that his lawyer will get him out but Delia tells him that he has a long list of charges, breaking and entering, kidnapping, attempted murder, possession of a fireman, etc.  so he will not see daylight for a while.
Jesus calls Val and she is happy to hear from him.  Jesus asks Val for his forgiveness and she tells him that he has nothing to be forgiven about.  Hugs and kisses to Papa Elias.  Jesus and Alma make up, they are a team, they kiss and we hear the Cuando Se Ama, theme.  The Ice Princess is thankful to Elias.

The agent is taken to the hospital for an evaluation. Jesus calls Aida at Orion and thanks her for her support.  She lets him know that Augusto is looking for him.
Xochy is worried that maybe it could thought that she is taking advantage of him to get a better position.  Her mom calls because Xochy didn’t sleep at home. Mommy is very sick, she looks very pale.  She may not be crying wolf this time but Xochy doesn’t. believe her.   Xochy tells Ferny about her hypochondriac mom.
Alma thanks Delia.

Jesus was going to thank Augusto for the chance but Alma says that he should stay at Orion.
Elias’ lawyer calls to remind him about the adultery charge while Vero’s lawyer is calling about milking Elias for more money.  Elias’ lawyer sends Ernesto, (the photographer) to take pictures of everything that Vero does. The two lawyers are working together. 
Alma convinces Jesus to stay with Orion as Vice President.  He doesn’t want to stay he wants to be with Alma.  Alma teases him and says that he maybe he is scared.  He listens to her compliments.  He has to complete his promise, it’s a challenge.

The lovebirds enter Avon together and Susana and Marisela immediate take note.  They want to know the 411 on what happened last night.  Xochy plays dumb and then tells them that night was incredible, spectacular, marvelous, blah, blah, blah.  Ferny is looking up engagement rings.  Talk about afterglow!!! Everyone is screaming and Alma enters and the secretaries get back to work.  Xochy has a silly grin on her face.

Paty finally reaches Alma; she was worried and Alma will fill her in later.  Paty thought bubbles that she read Rogue the riot act for calling Vero’s name while he was sleeping.
Jesus thanks Aida again for all of her help.  She is a romantic and is single. (Hmmm- Elias???)
Rogue comes into to see Alma, he doesn’t know of the latest developments.  He is sick when Alma tells him that she and Jesus are better than ever.  Rogue- feigns happiness for the couple and runs out of the office.

Jesus tells Augusto that a Mafioso was extorting him, his daughter and girlfriend were in danger and he didn’t have a chance to work on the proposal.  Augusto got a big chuckle out of that one.  What an absurd pretext!  Rogue is trying to reach Uri and Cantu tells Rogue that Uri and his boys are in jail.  Que!!!!!!!!  They were arrested at Alma’s house!! What!!!!!!!!!!!!

Virginia tells Augusto that breakfast is going to be late and she practically eats, oops meets Jesus and Augusto tells her not to flirt with him.  Vicki tells Augusto that on line 1 is his wife and line 2 is his son.  He will call his wife later. Augusto tells him to leave his problems at home while he tells his son that he can’t use the airplane.  He doesn’t want mediocre work from Jesus.  Augusto is not satisfied. 
Rogue is beside himself.  The secretaries are wondering why is Rogue yelling. Uri was going to kill Alma but Jesus saved her.  Sorry Rogue but the plan failed and Uri wants more money or he will snitch on Rogue.  Same song different day!!  Does Rogue want Alma to know about Rogue’s involvement???  

Marisela made a poor joke about Rogue having a heart attack and thought bubbles to Panfilo telling her that she needs to tell Ricardo the truth.
The two sillies are talking, Ricardo is reciting a love quote- Love is like a fire, it turns off without communication, Julio adds a ridiculous comment and here comes Don Gil- silly number three.  He still doesn’t know what to do when he retires.  How about a hobby???

Vero meets her lawyer who is late after a quickie- Vero wants to restrict Jesus’ visits with Val.
Augusto is still not happy. Jesus says that Augusto didn’t even read the proposal. Jesus shares a moment with Aida; she tells him that he will reject a project based solely on weight, so less is better.  Ask him what he wants and let him be able to know the proposal by memory.  Don Augusto only respects work and doesn’t care about anyone’s social life.
Jesus tells Chatita, who was worried.  He gets her up to speed (the short version) of what happened.
Vero’s lawyer doesn’t understand what Vero wants.  Elias without knowing is going pay more to see his daughter.

Gaspar, security asks Alma if Remegio, the cab driver work on the crack Avon security team.  Alma wants to speak to Rogue.
Gil wants to start a business.  Oh boy!!
Marisela loses her nerve to Ricardo the truth. Another silly scene.

Alma wants to talk to Rogue and he slips and says that he is happy to see her alive??? Alma can’t authorize the budget that he approved because of large expenditures and Rogue has a tantrum. About still being the director!!  Alma is showing him his error and he stomps out of his office.

Alma tells Marisela that Jesus works at Orion and she will now take Jesus’ place.  Marisela will be Alma’s assistant. Marisela shares with Alma her dilemma in choosing between Elias and Ricardo.  Elias gave her an inkling of hope and she has to come clean with Ricardo.  Alma tells Marisela that Elias has a lot of baggage and she has to come clean about Panfilo being her father to Ricardo.  Isn’t this a no brainer????

Alma calls Jesus on his cell.  Jesus is on a business call with an engineer, so Alma tries the office.  Jesus was busy and didn’t note that she had called.  They will meet at Alma’s house, with the front door fixed and the locks changed. Kiss, kiss!! Jesus has another call.

Chatita has a new smart uniphone.  She is at Xochy’s house and her mom is not answering the door. Mommy is on the floor. That’s strange.  Xochy tries her mother, while Marisela confronts reality.

Vero meets Rogue for lunch while Ernesto photographs them.  Vero tells Roger, that they have something in common, their hate for Jesus.

Coming attractions:
Initiating Plan B against Jesus and why is Val being hurt again?


Finally, the ridiculous plot is over and I recap an episode that is not too silly. Hopefully there will be no jail breaks because I will scream if I hear the word picadillo or see another white suit unless at a wedding.

I hope Jesus and Elias are saving their pennies because Valentina is going to need a lot of therapy as she gets older.

Great recap, TJ! You didn't miss a thing. I sure agree with your comments about picadillo and white suits.

It was cute seeing the giddy Xochi the morning after telling tales to her friends as Fernando was listening to it all and looking at engagement rings. What a nice break from the violent Uri theme.

So nice that the Valentina-napping was solved so easily with a hot beverage, some teeth and pots thanks to Minerva. Maybe she studied under Chatita.


TJ so happy Uri is gone (at least for now) and it happened on your watch. Based on the preview, it seems Val must still suffer b/c of her demon seed mother. I think for me its official that Vero does not need to be alive at the end of this TN; can you tell I don't like her? I did love your suggestion of Aida and Elias. That's perfect.

From yesterday, add me to the short list of those who enjoyed Fer and Xochi's duet. It is sad her mom is really sick but these things happen when you don't tell the truth about your health and have abused your daughter for too long.

Great recap Jefa!
Minerva saves the day with a hot beverage in the face. I hope her bitchy patrona appreciates what she has done. She should get combat pay for working for her, although Elias and Val make up for it somewhat. Poor thing has to walk around with those silly elbow length white golves. The unfortunate woman looks like a cross between a nurse and a half- dressed debutante. It would be easier to wash her hands than to keep changing those gloves every five minutes!

Very true Karen, Xochi's mom cried wolf once too often. This is the price she pays. It sounds awful, but given her negative attitude and total lack of support for Xochi, I wouldn't shed too many tears at her funeral. Not a nice person at all.

Thanks TJ...I too was wondering why the heck Dalia's people sat around armed to the teeth and just watched...with a high tech camera no less!!

Ugg, totally agree wi. You and yesterday s reviewer ... Why in gods name did the damn gag come out of Alma's mouth...she sounds so much better when she is gagged and silent.

I'm glad there was some wrestlemania to lighten things up a little. So the little girl goes through hell and the nurse brings the ice queen a cup of tea??? You could tell that Elias and the nurse were willing to die for Valentina...but the Mom was a bit disappointing. How selfish of Veronica! Gertie


Thanks so much for this very fab recap, and finally, finally Yuri is the one that is PICADILLO!!!

I am very happy this storyline ended, but it seems that Vero and Rogue have some stupid Plan B. I can't stand the two of them! Did anyone else notice that Vero really didn't touch Val very much after Malvino and the henchie were carted off? Only when Elias was hugging her, she touched her hair. A Pox on Vero! I think she is using Val for everything she can get.

Oh, TJ, the photog's name is Renato. I guess he is freelancing now instead of working on the beach. I hope Rogue never spots him cause he knows what he looks like.

Good move on Minerva's part with the hot tea! That was perfect!

Delia is the best cop in the D.F. hands down! I liked that she used the snakey camera to see what was going on in Alma's place.

Rogue is really stoopid! I am glad Alma told him that she and Chucho are better than ever. Serves him right, what an idiot. I hated how he yelled at Alma and now she can see his true colors, exactly how he has been all along. If he thinks she will ever have him back, he is sadly mistaken!

I too wonder about Aida and Elias, they would make a great pair.

So I wonder what is wrong with Barbie? I hope it isn't serious. Xochi would feel so guilty. I am loving Xochi and Ferny together, and I loved your aside about the afterglow TJ, lol. He has it bad and it's so good, lol.

Looks like Veronica is turning out to be the main villain of the piece. What a b***h!

Congratulations Tablet Jefa, you got the one where Yuri gets arrested. Time to celebrate, woohooooo! And I loved the fight. That was fun stuff.

Karen, you said it very well about Xochi's mom. She pretty much made her own bed. I'll not miss her. (Even though I like the actress.)

Gertie, hey now, Vero really put herself out there by shifting her eyes back and forth once or twice. Not! They should have thanked Minerva more. I'll bet she doesn't even get a raise.

TJ, Aida and Elias sounds great, they are both so calm and she would be a super stepmom. My first reaction was Aida and Julio, not sure why, maybe because she could use a little more dancing and he could use a little more common sense.

Nanette, ITA about Vero. I actually used to like her but no more. Blech!

Thanks Tablet Jefa, what a wonderful recap for a satisfying (finally!) episode.

Great recap, TJ and I loved your "Same song, different day" quip. Amen. We could probably include that phrase in every recap.

And absolutely agree with your suggestion of Aida for Elias. Inspired.

Had hoped that Vero might be redeemed and reunited with Elias but the way she's going now, she deserves to be on somebody's Picadillo List.

Shout out to Carlos...are you still in Vero's corner amigo? We know how you love and defend Bad Girls, but the only Bad Girl I'm liking is Pati, who I think will eventually "out" Rogelio. We can only hope.

Tj, you got your wish and many thanks for our "Ury comes Down" recap. May we not have to listen to him and t6hose stupid co-horts for many episodes ( if any) to come.

Poor Rog--his plans just always implode. What a schmuck. Wonder if the coming up with more money is really for Ury ( who will be in jail for a long time, so why would he need it?) or the lawyer who sees his chance to get some bucks out of Rog. Guess they have to put in a plot point to keep Ury from squealing so we can keep Rog around. Beanie time.

Love FerChi. They are so adorable. Hadn't thought that maybe momma after all,who happened to love Ferny, could be what causes the joy to end for awhile with these two. Yep, she cried wolf one too many times, but if she is a goner, I'm sure Xochi will blame herself, etc. Just a snag in the process since I love these two and they deserve to be together, but I'm crossing fingers it brings them closer together, not tears them apart.

Mari is Alma's assistant. Isn't that the job Xochi wanted, or am confused....

Glad we get to have Orion still in the picture, but seems we are about to get a plot point with Auggie. (Sorry, he looks like an Auggie). Maybe we'll meet the son and wife soon. And looks like Chucho though will really have to work now, but our hero will be a success of course. And yeah!-- more Aida. I think she would be brilliant with Elias, wonder if they will go that route?

Minerva, bless her soul, what a smart cookie. Don't mess with our girl. Now, if we can get her a new job and out of the god-awful uniform she has to wear.

And once again, Vero just keeps on going lower into the scum. Those previews wanted me to take that laptop and slam it up the side of her head. Again, she puts her daughter in the middle and uses her to get to the men in her life. PLEASE, where is the bus that can plow this woman down? That woman sure is going to have that sweet girl hate her--deservedly. I know I rant on this a lot, but this is not funny for the writers to be doing this continually to this girl. She needs to be removed from her mother NOW!!

I'm off on a weekend long business trip to India tomorrow, so will be checking in to read thru the recaps. Thanks in advance to our stellar team.


Great recap, Tablet Jefa! You really did an excellent recounting blessed delivery from the king of Picadillo and his meaningless shallow cruelty. I have a bad feeling that Veronica's demonic devisiveness might make us miss Yuri... No? Perhaps but I am not looking forward to more maltreatment of Valentina by our narcissistic Veronica.

Pati's reaction to the Rogelio-Vero pairing is likely to be most entertaining. And I hope Xochi's Mommy Dearest getsvto the hospital so Xochi doesn't drown in guilt. She and Fernando will have enough trouble keeping their blossoming love in tact when Rogelio comes up for air and realizes he is no longer the center of Fernando's universe.

Thank you to all. I am a happy camper to see the end of this plot but I have a feeling not the end of Uri.
Thank you Madelaine for the correction of Renato. How could I forget? ;-)
Daisynjay- Have a safe trip
Vero acts like the Evil Stepmother in Snow White instead of the mother. she is so self centered. I notice that Valentina would rather hug or be with her dads as opposed to her mom. Kids are great b.s. detectors. Hmmm!

TJ, dogs are great BS detectors too and Sanson hates Vero. He likes Patymelt.

I understand Cheryl has a birthday this week...or soon (Carlos tipped me off) so HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL! Hope you get a great episode to recap and sunny days ,cool nights and happy travels.

Hey Cheryl, Feliz Cumpleaños amiga!!

(Thanks JudyB and Carlos)

Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!!

Happy Birthday, Cheryl!

Who knew that the most despicable character (that almost made me dump this TN) would turn out to be an absolute darling. I’m in love with Fern. That split screen scene with Xochi telling the girls, and Fern all happy with their reaction, was awesome.

However, I’m afraid they’re bound to break up if something is seriously wrong with Xochi’s mother. She’s going to feel guilty about not believing “Peter” (who cried “wolf” one too many times).

I don’t like how the writers wrote Alma in the hostage scenes. Way too much wailing. I like my heroines strong.

Why was Elias the only one with his mouth taped shut.

And I hate that trick of someone only surviving because the gun is out of bullets/jams or the one where the bomb gets diffused at the very last second.

Glad that Elias got to be a hero in front of Val’s eyes, too. Actually they all were pretty heroic there.

And speaking of the hostage scenes. These people are made of steel. Threatened with death, and they’re back to work in a few hours. Even Val seems to have said “juaever”.

Looks like there’s only one photog in Monterrey.

Didn’t like that it took so long for Jesus to call Chatita and tell her that everything was all right.

Looks like everyone IS going to end up working at Avon—except Jesus.

Anxious to get my two cents in so posting before reading others’ comments.

Is it gossip to say FC was injured during the fight scene which may become obvious in future scenes? If so, my bad.


I like the idea of Elias and Aida. I didn’t even think of it. They made a point of her saying she was romantic and single, so that has to go somewhere.

I thought Xochi wanted Gil’s job.

Daisynjay: Jealous. It’s my dream to visit India.

Happy Birthday Cheryl.


Very happy Birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Yes, Xochi is up for Don Gil's job. I hope Julio has found someone by the time she maybe fills that job, cause it would be hard to work with him otherwise ; (

That was the worst example of police work that I have ever seen.

P.S. what is wrong with that police chicks eyebrows?

Interesting question, Nanette about Elias' mouth. To think about it they both should have been tied up.

Chauvinists thought the women weren't a threat. Even little Val "took them". :)

Thanks for the wonderful birthday wishes. I spent a lovely day photographing a fractal tie dye camp as they revealed beautiful designs ( see Monday for a sample) at the Balloon Fiesta Museum.

Nanette thanks for telling about Colunga's injury, it is always fine to tell about a real event that has to do with the telenovela itself. That isn't cobsidered gossip.

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