Tuesday, August 13, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 8/13/13 (#111): My Friends Call Me Chatita. You Can Call Me Luisa.

Rogue rants and raves in Alma's office. Alma closes the door in hopes of muffling their conversation, but this is hilariously ineffective. The employees and Elias hear every word as Alma lets Rogelio have it (verbally, that is) with every complaint she's kept bottled up for all this time: She's the one who keeps the office running. He does nothing around here except screw around with her friend or the occasional secretary. He traipses in around noon only to work on his personal projects of dubious legality, like the time he got those "Turkish cigars" from that "warehouse." She used to put up with it because he was her novio, but that was a mistake!

Rogelio says he wants Alma to tell him EVERYTHING that goes on around the office from now on, IS THAT CLEAR? (He stands on his tippy-toes, which doesn't really help.) Alma says yes, and Rogue leaves, gloating. Alma begins to work up a hearty rage.

At Orion, Augusto marvels at the simplicity of the agreement that Chucho (and supposedly Elvis) worked out with the union. He wants to know how they got Romero to listen to reason. Chucho volunteers Elvis, who is admiring his reflection in the lenses of his sunglasses, to explain it all to old Gussie while Chucho takes care of some other business.

Maricela tells her father about the unsatisfactory conversation she had with Ricardo. At least she claimed her father. She promises Pánfilo she'll never deny him again! But Ricardo's gonna be mad when he realizes the truth. And speaking of the truth, Mari wants to talk about how her father is dating two women.

Ricardo is remembering Mari's tremendous "joke" about being poor and can't stop LOLing in the office. Julio and Jessica are curious; he throws out some random quote. "These quotes are making me hungry," Julio says, and somehow the word "hungry" gives Gilberto an idea which he must discuss with Alma right away.

Chucho meets with Eli's lawyer to sign some paperwork. The lawyer says it won't be easy. But if Vero won't agree to have Valentina take a DNA test, the judge can order it. It'll take a long time, though, and during that time Vero might even call the police on him if he tries to see his daughter. Chucho explains that he's already on probation.

Alma goes into Rogue's office and hands in her resignation. She challenges him to run this place by himself if he thinks he can. Susana walks in on the end of this conversation with something for Rogue to sign. He kicks Sue out, hyperventilating at her resignation letter. "As you say, 'I hope that's BIEN CLARO,' " she mocks.

Gilberto tries to get Alma's attention as she bolts across the executive lobby, back to her own office. Susana warns Gil that it's not a good time. Alma reappears with her handbag and makes a beeline for the exit. Sue tells Gil that this is the end of everything. (We should be so lucky!)

At some point during the Rogue & Alma Smackdown, Paty and Elias cut out of the office for a cup of coffee. Paty talks about what a hard time she's having trying to get over Rogue, because just when she thought the way was clear, along came Veronica. Eli laughs at Paty's refreshing frankness; Paty says it's just a disguise. Eli is surprised that Alma was able to forgive Paty so quickly. Paty says it's because Alma is an angel; and if Alma is capable of such a great deed, then Paty must find a way to be worthy. It won't be easy.

Minerva is horrified to overhear Virus telling Cynthia that she wants to take Eli for all he's worth and bleed him dry. She serves the coffee with trembling hands. Virus complains and shoos her away. Minerva listens as Virus says she hopes to put Elias in the street and deny him custody of Valentina. "How far are you willing to go?" asks the lawyer. "I'll do anything. Everything!"

Xochi takes home her mother's ashes and wants to go back to work right away. Fernando tries to talk her out of it, but she doesn't want to be here in this house full of bad memories. Life goes on, she says, and it should be better than before. She thanks Fernando for his concern. He confesses that he loves her. "Thank you for your love," Xochi says.

Remember Maricela and her dad talking in the broom closet? Back to that. He says he hasn't been with anyone since Mari's mother left. "And now, TWO women?" Tsk tsk for leading both of them on while telling Mari she has to always tell the truth! Well, here's her test: Susana finds them and wants to know what Mari's doing in here. This is Mari's big chance to say "this is my father" and maybe Sue won't even laugh, but instead Mari says the only reason she's in this gross place is because she needed to find a bag. Sue says there's no time for that. Something horrible is happening.

At Orion, the company that doesn't let Chucho go home at a decent hour but still lets all of his Friends-and-Relations (excluding Alma) visit whenever they like, Chatita brings Chucho's lunch and meets Aida. Oh look, here's Alma! How'd she get in?? She tells Chucho she just quit Avon. Chucho and Chatita listen to her story and let her vent, but they both try to convince Alma to give Avon another chance because all those employees depend on her.

(It's the disco opening credits again. Also, after a brief reappearance in the credits last week, Discua is gone again. It all seems so random. I can't find any pattern to it.)

At Avon, Susana calls an all-hands meeting to discuss the Big Crisis of Alma's resignation. They all agree that something must be done; they turn to Cardenas for advice. His face goes that Mercurochrome color, and he explains that Alma's contract says she can quit at any time. Sue calls Alma and asks her to come back for a very important meeting.

At Orion, Alma hears the entire staff pleading for her over the phone. It's just as well, because Gussie storms in and wants to know what Alma's doing there, and who is this other woman? Chucho walks Alma out, and Chatita tells Augusto "I have a name. My name is Luisa. My friends call me Chatita. You can call me Luisa!" She tells him he's rude; he puffs up and becomes even ruder. Is this guy married? Call me crazy, but I think it could be love.

Chatita leaves and catches up with Alma. She implores Alma to go back to Avon and show Rogelio who's really in charge. (Doesn't that mean she'll continue to do all of his work? Uh, win?)

Chucho explains to Augusto that Chatita is like his mother. Gussie's attention span is soon exceeded. Nah, he doesn't want to talk about the shampoo project either. Nor does he want to refer to Virginia as "Vicky." (It seems he's recently lost interest in nicknames such as "Chatita.") What's more, he knows Melquiades (Elvis) had nothing to do with negotiating with Romero to avert the strike, so he's putting Chucho in charge of the relationship with the union.

Oh! Augusto's EX-wife is on the phone... well, that answers THAT question, doesn't it?

Chucho rehashes his lawyer meeting with Aida. He really feels like he needs to see Valentina today.

Coincidentally, Virus is still discussing Eli's ruination with her own lawyer. The trouble is that Eli is a great father, so it's going to be difficult to deny him custody. No problem, says Cynthia. We'll just pay some witnesses to say he's terrible! Vero gets a call from Rogelio and makes a date with him. Cynthia warns her to be discreet. They don't want Eli to be able to prove adultery. Also, Chucho has filed suit to claim paternity; if he wins, she won't be able to get a nickel out of Elias. But their goal is to wipe out Elias first, and then Chucho.

Back at Avon, Cantú notices that the employees aren't at their desks. Rogue is all starry-eyed over Virus again, so he's not curious about the employees' whereabouts. Cantú wants to talk about "the money." They cross paths with Alma on the way to the elevator; Cantú is cordial, but Rogue gives her the cold shoulder. She couldn't care less.

In the Big Meeting, Xochi tells Alma that if she leaves the company, they ALL will. They all agree. There's no point in any of them staying if Alma doesn't. In addition, they plead, they beg, they cajole, they entreat. She assents. She will not abandon them. The crisis is over! Huzzah! Fernando makes a point of telling her that he'll support her. Rogelio is his brother and he owes him a lot, but - Alma finishes, maybe Rogelio should admit that he owes a lot to Fernando as well. Fernando is about to tell Alma something "very important," but Xochi interrupts with muchísimas gracias. Group hug. Fernando looks nervous.

Aida has some stuff for Chucho to look at, but he has to leave. He offers no explanation. How much work has he done today? He's met with his lawyer and hung out with his girlfriend and chatted on the phone. Juárever! He rushes to Valentina's school and looks at his watch. Know what time it is? It's time for school to get out!

At Rogue's house, Cantú really wants to discuss the hush money they need to pay Yuri and Malvino and the other genius. Rogue is too busy petting his dog. Finally he grabs a bundle of bills out of Nick Donovan's briefcase. Cantú is a little surprised to see Rogue hand out this money so casually, but all Rogue can think about is Virus.

Elias and Vale's teacher watch as Chucho greets Valentina. Augusto calls while they're catching up; Chucho ignores the call. The teacher tells Eli that Virus told her not to let Chucho see Valentina under any circumstances. The teacher and Elias are both confused and worried by Virus's request and her disregard for Vale's happiness.

Alma meets with Xochi and Gilberto to officially hand off Gil's job to Xochi. Fernando and Xochi have a project to show Alma this afternoon, and Gil has something to ask her now. But first, Alma wants to make sure that she lets Rogelio know EVERYTHING that's going on in the office, so she calls him and says that Mr. Godinez is retiring and Ms. Martinez will take his place. And by the way, Alma adds, she's not quitting. Rogue has no idea who Mr. Godinez and Ms. Martinez are, and no patience to hear about them. "Good, that means you agree. Bye!" Alma gloats to Gilberto that she's going to enjoy "reporting" to Rogelio.

As Virus approaches Rogue's house, she remembers Cynthia's advice to be discreet and even looks around suspiciously, but fails to notice the intrepid paparazzo snapping her from every angle. She calls Eli to remind him not to let Vale see Chucho. Eli cuts in, "If you're so worried, why don't you come pick her up yourself?" He hangs up on her, and then she argues with Sansón for a while and loses.

Paty looks around her apartment, which she can no longer afford, and tries to convince herself that she can do without it or Rogelio.

Virus and Ro-yare make out in his living room. Renato snaps and snaps and snaps and they never notice. He calls Eli's lawyer, who is meeting with Virus's lawyer for a nooner or something; the lawyer ignores the call, but Cynthia really wants to know who it is. Renato calls back later, and the lawyer tells him to get pictures of Vero and Rogue IN BED. Too bad if there's a dog! But Sansón is very docile with Renato and lets him walk right into the house.

Eli and Chucho take Vale to Chucho's place. Augusto calls and demands that Chucho come back to the office. Also, Ray really wants to talk to Chucho and Eli privately but first needs to take care of something and will be back in a few minutes.

Julio and Jessica have just found out that Xochi will be their boss. Julio is really upset because he's still in love with her. (But not enough in love to be happy for her, I guess.) He asks Alma to transfer him to another department. She can't, so he quits.

"I've always thought Ray was hiding something from us," Chucho tells Eli as they wait for Ray to come back. Minerva, still quite shaken, calls to let Eli know what she overheard Virus say to Cynthia. He is not surprised and promises to discuss it with Minerva later.

A pretty young girl enters the living room in a dress and long hair. Elias looks a little confused, but not particularly upset. "I knew it," Chucho exclaims triumphantly. Nobody seems angry, but Rai is obviously worried about their reaction. "Yeah, I'm not a boy," she explains with nervous conviction. "I'm Raimunda!"

Next time:
Rogue spots the intrepid photographer, but not soon enough to avert disaster. 

Alma's marriage is annulled.
Vero bites a dog, and it dies of rabies.



Will wait for your marvelous recap to comment, but I love your title and also Raimunda is finally out! Yay, and how pretty she truly is! And Alma, yay! You go Alma!

OK, done... this was a good episode, too. They sure took their time getting Rai's secret out. What will the consequences be?

We don't know much about Rai's parents. Maybe her mother is Mari's long-lost mother. Who knows what happened to her after she left Pánfilo and Mari. The guy with money could have turned out to be an abusive jerk, or didn't really have any money, or dumped her and she was too ashamed to go back to her own family and ended up with a guy who killed her. (None of this sounds right for a comedy, but then the Martha storyline was no picnic either.)

I'm not sure I understand Alma's strategy either, since she still seems to be doing all of the work and I don't know if there's any way for her to punish Rogue while protecting the employees at the same time. But I suppose that in fiction, all things are possible.


Thanks for this most marvelous recap!

I have to say Alma is smart as a whip. If she documents every little detail she does at Avon, and there is proof, Rogue was nowhere to be found when all these great things occurred at Avon, Rogue will be out! I am hoping Alma called Pancho and they worked out some type of deal.

Chucho is being worked like crazy, more than at Avon. The poor guy went over night to deal with that union bidness, had a meeting with Augie in the morning, and no time for lunch. He went off to see Valentina. I am so happy he got to see her.

I am liking Minerva calling Elias and telling him what Virus said.

I am also liking Renato and his avocadoes sneaking into Rogue's place. I think Sanson let him in cause Renato petted him. I hope Renato gets all that evidence against Virus. She needs an anvil just as Roger needs one.

I like how the whole staff stood up for Alma, yay! I am glad Sue took the reins and ran with it. I think Ferny was about to tell Alma what Rogue had planned for her, but he wasn't able to.

I too wonder about Raimunda. We know her Mama is dead at the hands of her hubby, I am pretty sure. That's why she lives with one of her relatives, I think a brother? I want to hear more of her back story.

Can't wait for tonight's epi to see if Virus gets caught with her knickers down, lol.

Thank you! Julie. I didn't get to see the whole episode so you filled me in on the details and I see that I didn't miss much.
I did get to see Raimunda who is absolutely gorgeous. That baseball cap hid a lot.
True, Julie some of the story lines for a supposed comedy are way off course. BTW- How long will Marta be a fugitive?


Did Elias tell the teacher it was the "the devil" calling when Vero callled?

How about Elias and the teacher?

Was thinking Gus and Chatita had a typical romcom meeting, but thought he was married. If he's available and gets it on with Chatita, that would leave Panfilo for Sue and Seb out in the cold.

I thought Elias said "speaking of the devil" when virus called.

I also thought Alma told Don Gil that she thought she was going to learn to like working for Rogue after all. Like she enjoyed interrupting him in his extracurricular activities and telling him every detail of what was actually going on at Avon without trying to kiss up to him anymore! I certainly enjoyed her keeping him informed about Xochi's promotion. I like her new way of doing business.
Gitter done.

Julie, such a funny title and a great way to start off your witty recap. I loved "she argues with Sansón for a while and loses."

Well this was a pretty good episode that seemed to move right along.

It feels like Vero is pithing everybody off so much that they are beginning to rise up against her. Her anvil is going to be very well-deserved. I can't wait!

Thanks again Julie.

Julie, your entire recap was fantastic but the last line: "Vero bites a dog and it dies of rabies." was my favorite. That really says it all about Vero.

I really liked Chatita's encounter with Augusto and all of the name play with Luisa/ Chatita and Augusto/Constante and how she managed to finesse her exit when she found out he was Jesus's boss.

From the promos, it looks like an annulment for Alma could be on the horizon.

All in all a very satisfying episode.



Thanks so much Julie! I also enjoyed this episode. I really hope Jesus and Elias can thwart Virus before she can do any more emotional harm to Val. She gets worse each episode.

Agusto is overbearing, but I thought it was unprofessional of Jesus to just take off like that in the middle of the day to go hang out with his daughter. Avon may have worked like that, but that's not the real world. He would set a better precedent by not answering Augie's 7am calls, but sticking to the office and answering his calls during the work day.

So glad that Xochi isn't pushing Fer and her friends away.

I'm also glad that the Ray actress was just wearing a wig as we suspected, and did not cut off that beautiful thick hair she had in Abismo.

Rai lives with her half-brother. I suppose her dad is in jail. We don't know the half-brother or even who the half-brother's father is, but I suppose we'll meet all of these people before this mess is over.

Maybe Marta or her abusive ex will end up being related to one or more of these people, too. It's always a small world in telenovelas.

Nanette, what Elias said when Vero was calling was "speak of the devil" because he'd just been talking about her with the teacher.

And Augusto isn't married. That was his EX-wife on the phone. But I'm not so sure if I see Pánfilo for Sue. I think she'll patch things up with Sebastian. But who knows? Neither Pánfilo nor Sebastian is in the best of health.

Fishknits, I think you're right about what Alma said about working for Rogue. I misunderstood because I'm not used to seeing this side of Alma!

Ooh! I forgot to mention the annulment in the avances. I'll fix it (and Alma's comment) on my lunch break.

Julie..no time to read...out of town guests coming soon...will check in with you all next Monday!

And who knew that Patymelt could have a conversation with a guy and not flirt just talk. I really liked the Elias and Patymelt conversation. I think they would make great friends, and who knows, maybe something more.

Julie, Your recap is wonderful, I laughed all the way. I appreciate your pointing out that Sanson is becoming a major character. One wonders who will take custody of him if Rogue ever receives his just desserts (I'm thinking significant jail time )

I liked the candid chat between Pati and Elias too. Nice to see her being sensible for a change but I have my doubts that she will ever get over her love for Rogelio. I don't think two egomaniacs like Roger and Viral Veronica can go deeper than a bedroom frolic and dastardly plotting together to foil Jesus and Alma's happiness.

So I was away when Marta stopped being the center of attention . What happened to her after Valentina was rescued from her awful kidnapping with the scary clown scenes?


She ran away from the fire scene and we haven't seen her since. There were some woods surrounding the place I think. Maybe she got lost in the woods, ; )

Cheryl, Sanson occasionally has winsome flashbacks to when he was found and cuddled by Jesus and Valentina. I think this doggie will be another of Rogue's cadre who ends up on Team Jesus.

Alma's marriage can be annulled because they didn't complete all the requirements - Rogelio did not attend the "platicas" so they married under false pretenses.

I rewrote the last paragraph to better reflect the scene with Rai's big reveal. It's true that she was frightened, but upon re-reading it I thought it sounded as though she was going to pieces in a mousey way. It wasn't like that at all. In fact, despite her fear, she was very brave - almost defiant.

Glad Minerva has picked a side: Team Val.

Thanks, Julie! I love what you picked out for the title. An almost-subtle dig.

I'm really enjoying this show, mostly for the funny little moments more than for the overall plot. I like the stuff like Rogue standing on his toes to try to get in Alma's face in an intimidating way (ineffectively, or should I say bootlessly?), Chucho oh-so-innocently hanging Elvis out to dry, Alma's delight in needling Rogue with business details and finally scheming to deal with him.

I really like Aida, too. What a great character. She actually called Alma the other day and told her Chucho wouldn't make it for dinner! We didn't have to have a stupid misunderstanding that would make her mad and split her up with Chucho!

I don't really see how Chucho can justify his constant stream of visitors and leaving work in the middle of the day, but in this instance I guess he did work all night. What kind of crazy union boss wants to take a meeting in the middle of the night? It was already dinnertime when Chucho was informed he would have to go. He flew there, had the meeting, flew back in time for a little snoozle with Alma and to serve her brekkie, and then right back to work? How does Augie expect functional employees if he won't let them sleep?


I too like that Minerva is spying and telling it to Elias. I hope she keeps it up and informs him about all the goings on, until Elias can nail that Virus with an antibacterial wipe!

Vero, for once in her life, didn't get what she wanted and imploded.

I suppose a union boss is willing to stay up all night on the eve of a strike that he doesn't want. My impression was that the union's demands were reasonable, and the only reason the conflict went as far as it did was because Augusto has no people skills, refuses to listen, and is impossible to deal with. (If things don't work out between him and Chatita, maybe someone should introduce him to Vero.)

So in that particular case, it doesn't seem ridiculous to me. I've noticed on the local news that strikes are often ended or prevented during late-night bargaining sessions. Maybe people are more yielding after dark.

Julie, thanks so much for your recap. I'm not sure about Auggie and Chatita; he'd need a total personality make-over for me to what him with Chatita.

Virus keeps escalating her madness. I am hoping as Sylvia said, her anvils start falling as most of the characters are disgusted with her.

That makes a lot of sense, Julie. I'm not really sure why someone from Orion wasn't already at the place if there was an imminent crisis; how many flights can there really be during the night? And a reasonable employer would have let Chucho sleep in after he traveled all night and solved the issue. But whatever; then how would we know that Chucho is Superman and can not only indulge Alma in some Chuchi Cuchi after being up all night, but also be totally functional at work and with his friends?

Oh, I agree it's insane. It was pretty random that Chucho was selected to do the negotiation in the first place, in fact. He's been with the company for, what, two days? How much authority can he possibly have to make these kinds of decisions?

But Aug's management style is random, too, so what's the difference?

Doctor's visits all day so I just had the chance to read this. Terrific. From the Title to the Previews. Thanks, Julie.

I loved that bit of banter between Chatita (you can call me Luisa) and Augusto.
All told there was a lot to like in this episode. Everyone has already mentioned the highlights. My fave -- Rogelio on his tippy toes in an attempt to intimidaatae Alma.

Glad Raimunda is out, and Minerva is on the team, and Paty is on the path to a new life, and Alma has found her footing, and Sanson is abetting Renato ... Great episode.


I like how Alma is dealing with Rogelio. She's going to inundate him with all the mindless, meaningless, crappy little details of the day-to-day running of the business that he's never even known she's been taking care of - or even imagined. She should make him make EVERY decision, even to type and color of paper clips needed, interrupting him at all hours, especially when he's with Veronica. I can see him now - yeah, yeah, juarever, juarever!

Oh hell yes. Alma should start running EVERYTHING past Rogue, from the cafeteria menus (including a reading of all ingredients) to detailing the phone bill to reporting on every wastebasket that Panfilo empties. She should forward every spam email everyone gets to him. Absolutely every file and business correspondence between everyone in the whole office and outside suppliers etc. Numbers on every Avon lady's sales. Send him long security video footage with a cryptic note suggesting there's something incriminating him somewhere in there so he'll have to watch it all to figure out she's jerking him around. If she really tries, she can drive him mad in no time.

Anon, I love that idea. Julia you are diabolical. I'll bet Rogue would just stop coming in to work.

Heh heh heh. That does seem to be Alma's strategy. We'll find out how much stamina Rogelio has for enduring crazy-making behavior!

What I found funny last night - mostly funny-peculiar, but also a little bit funny-ha-ha - was the way Eli and the teacher were calmly discussing Vero's bizarre order not to let Chucho see Valentina WHILE ACTIVELY DISOBEYING IT.

This is how far off the rails Vero has gone - no one, not even the teacher, is entertaining her insane demands any more. They're all in tacit agreement to dismiss them out of hand. The conversation automatically skips the "should we do as she asks" phase and goes straight to the "I can't believe she even suggested it" phase.

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