Tuesday, August 20, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 8/20/13 (#116): As the Stomach Turns

A Secret So Secret, Even Evil Elvis Doesn't Know, Which Proves He's an Idiot Like His Dad

Chucho is devastated when Evil Elvis gleefully rejects his loan application. Julio feels guilty, remembering all the grief that he and the other Sillies put Chucho through when he started at Avon; but Chucho says those little pranks were not even in the same league as what Melquiades just did.

What's more, Chucho's innards are still churning. He confides to Julio that there must be something really wrong with him, because for the first time in his life, he's not even hungry. Really! Julio realizes that this must be very serious indeed. It must be the stress. (Chucho then takes a sip of coffee, which cannot possibly help a distressed digestive tract...)

Chucho has a stressful conversation with Alma about a Very Important Dinner that he really doesn't want to deal with, and then Augusto wants to talk about a contest. But Chucho shows him the rejected loan application, and Augusto shakes his head and calls Vicky and tells her to make sure the loan is approved first thing tomorrow.

Augusto doesn't want to talk about Evil Elvis, but Chucho insists and Augusto explains, reluctantly and with great shame, that Melquiades is indeed his son. Augusto has been married three times and had seven children, and that was expensive enough. But then one day his second wife's maid Otilia let him know she'd given him an additional child, Melquiades. It was confirmed with a DNA test.

Augusto says that nobody else knows about this - not even Melqui himself. Chucho looks stunned. I'm sorry to say this makes all three of them look like idiots: Augusto for thinking no one suspects; Chucho for not suspecting; and Evil Elvis for not realizing that he's getting extra-special treatment.

Anyway, Augusto never gets around to telling Chucho about the contest, whatever it is. He lets Chucho go home, leaving Julio and Aida alllll alone in the office. After much hemming and hawing, they agree to go out for coffee.

New Dog, Old Tricks

History repeats itself as Moronica enthuses with Rogelio about how great it will be when she moves in with him. He expresses some doubts about the situation, especially regarding Valentina. He questions why Moronica would want to live with his dog that she supposedly hates so much; but obviously her experience with Chucho didn't teach her anything because she is not hearing what Rogue's really saying. (Does he realize that once she finally figures it out, she'll try to do to him what she's been trying to do to Chucho and Elias?)

Valentina must also be a slow learner, because she tries to reason with her mother about Sansón. C'mon, kid, you've known your mother long enough to realize that rational discussion is futile!

After Valentina leaves the room, Virus gets Rogue to agree with her by reminding him how unhappy Chucho will be.

Something That Could Have Been Brought to My Attention an Hour Ago

Elias tells his lawyer he just wants to get this divorce over with. That's all he wants. A sly look crosses the lawyer's face when Eli's back is turned. Hmmm. They meet with Virus and Cynthia. Virus says she wants to get it over with too.

The terms: The house will be sold and the money split between them. And Eli can visit Valentina whenever he wants to. Virus can move out whenever she wants, and she doesn't have to see Eli again. Visits will be arranged through an intermediary, apparently. The lawyers emphasize that signing today doesn't actually finalize the divorce, but it does certify their intention to sign off on the divorce as soon as it's ready to be finalized. Uh, something like that. The lawyers exchange smug looks as Virus and Eli examine the documents. We are reminded that he's to pay the fees for both lawyers. Virus signs right away. Eli hesitates, but not for long.

The lawyers reiterate that the rest of this will be handled in court and there is NO TURNING BACK. They leave together with big smiles on their faces.

It is only NOW that Elias hears from Chucho, who says Eli's such a great dad that he just has to know that Virus is planning on moving herself and Valentina in with Rogelio. REALLY?? Virus pretends not to understand why this is a problem.

Tonight's Special: Corned Beef Rehash

Evil Elvis takes Vicky to a swanky restaurant and annoys the headwaiter by demanding a table right away. He also alienates the wine steward. This must be his first time at this restaurant; something tells me he's never welcome at the same place twice. Vicky doesn't seem to enjoy his company either, but this quickly ceases to be a problem when he sees Rogelio at another table.

Yes. Due to the shockingly small number of restaurants in the greater Monterrey area, Rogue just happens to be there too, rehashing with Cantú about Virus's intentions to move in and how he can't stand Chucho's daughter. Evil Elvis is very excited to see Rogue there. He and Vicky rehash all the gossip column headlines about Rogue's legal troubles for the convenience of any new viewers.

Evil Elvis invites himself to sit down at Rogue's table and proceeds to annoy him with the gossip about Alma and the failed marriage. EE says he hates the secretario as much as Rogue does. Rogue doubts that! (In the background, Vicky is pouring herself a generous helping of champagne. Does she hear EE say he hates Chucho?)

After Elvis finally goes away, Rogue expresses his disdain to Cantú. Just in case Cantú couldn't tell from Rogue's face. However, they agree that it might be handy to have a rich idiot as an ally - especially one who works for the competition.

Elvis laughs like a hyena and says "hey babe" to some random woman at another table. Vicky is pouring another glass of champagne.

Know What Time It Is? Guess! GUESS!!

Mari points to her watch and tells Jessica and Susana that it's time for her to tell the truth. She invites Sue to dinner and says she wants to introduce her to her father. This gets Sue's attention!

The restaurant isn't as fancy as Sue would have expected to find a guy like Mari's super-rich magnate empresario dad. Mari starts to say that her father usually goes to places that are even worse, when in walks Pánfilo. He's surprised to see Sue. Sue is surprised to see him. Mari proudly introduces him as her father and tells Sue the whole sordid story of all her nonsense, spending all of her paycheck on counterfeit designer junk instead of helping out with the housing. She begs Susana's forgiveness for lying, and Sue grants it. Yay!

Other Stuff

- Avon is also participating in a contest which may or may not be related to the one Augusto forgot to tell Chucho about.

- Cardenas needs a Benadryl, but nobody thinks to find him one. The symmetrical blotches on his face are getting redder and his mouth is swelling up. And he's sneezing. Dr. Xochi diagnoses him with an allergy. Jess sees him and freaks out. (He doesn't help matters at all by playing peek-a-boo with his hands over his face.) He'll make an appointment with an allergist. (I see a golden opportunity for a product placement ad for Claritin or somesuch. Does that Payaso guy do antihistamine lollipops?)

- Xochi and Fernando are a-parking on Makeout Mountain. They both keep saying how much they appreciate one another, which makes me worry that something horrible will to break them up soon. A nosy policeman arrests them like a couple of teenagers. (Fortunately, he does not threaten to call their parents.) He puts them in the same cell. Before long, the cop comes back and says they can leave. But they are having such a good time together in the cell that he offers to give them a little time to themselves! (The policeman's hat is pulled down so I can't see his face; is this a famous scenery-chewing star, or maybe the director or producer or someone like that?)

And Now, the Full Tilt Boogie

Alma has been making mysterious preparations all afternoon. She calls Chucho and insists that he accompany her to a Very Important Dinner tonight. He's busy and his leg is killing him and he doesn't even know when he'll get off work, but he cannot deny his queen, so he agrees to it even though it's obviously stressing him out.

At the hotel, a hostess leads him to a super-luxury suite where Alma is waiting for him dressed as a geisha. There's incense and flowers and candles and champagne (but no food, fortunately) and a sexy note from Alma about wanting to see his fabulous skin and this is his big night of relaxation. (She probably should have told him up front that this was going to be a relaxing night instead of making him stress out all afternoon about it, but whatevs.)

She offers him a massage. They begin undressing one another, he kisses her shoulder, and OF COURSE we cut to another scene.

When we come back, they've either had a bunch of sex, or have simply stripped naked and pulled all the sheets off the bed for the convenience of the housekeeping staff. It's hard to tell, but the candles haven't burned down much. Oh, I think I do see some food on a side-table. They start kissing again, and now we go to commercial... sigh.

(Some time later, he makes that phone call to Eli where he tells him about Virus's plan to relocate with Valentina at Rogue's house.)

Next thing we know, it's morning and Chucho has to go home and change his clothes and go to work. Alma knows he didn't sleep well last night, and he doesn't eat breakfast either and says he'll have some later. He thanks her for a nice night. He managed to forget all about everything for a little while. Alma worries about him. He admits he's preoccupied.

Cries for Help

- Paty has been looking miserable ever since Eli took her home last night. The pleasure she took in stealing a stranger's wallet and phone is long gone, and now it's just a cold lump in her stomach. She shows Alma the evidence. Alma is suitably horrified.

- Chucho hands money to a beggar on the sidewalk who recognizes him. Do we recognize her? I don't think it's Marta, but who else could it be?

Next time on "As the Stomach Turns":
Virus drags a sobbing Valentina away from a devastated Daddy Elias. OR DOES SHE? Yes, I think she does.


Hello, peeps. I confess I haven't started the recap yet because I was at the Comcast website ALL THIS TIME (2.5 hours) trying to upgrade my service since everything will be encrypted next week (starting on my recap day, OF COURSE).

After all that time, I found out that the terms of the deal I selected (which I already thought was pretty lousy) were even worse than I understood them to be, so I canceled the upgrade. Now I'm cranky and tired and don't know how I'll be watching TV next week, but for now I'll just write the recap and continue my tantrum tomorrow when I have more energy. :)

Thanks for the wonderful title and subtitle. Your day of toil and tribulation did not sap your wry humor. Good luck. I'll check back tomorrow for the full tilt boogie. Nighty night.

There will be full tilt boogie, yes. Edited for your viewing comfort, of course! ;-)


So sorry for all your problems, no worries though, I know you will give us the full recap with bells and whistles. I hope you feel much better tomorrow. And love your title : )

What, you wanted bells and whistles? You should have said so sooner. It's too late now! Anyway, I gave you the Full Tilt Boogie - what else do you want? Big Brother and the Holding Company?? ;-)

Ahem. This was actually a lot of fun to recap. I don't know if it was an unusually good episode, or if it only seemed that way because it sucked less than dealing with you-know-who; but it was fun seeing Augusto momentarily deflated.

I also have an idea as to who the beggar could be, but it's kind of ridiculous, so I'll wait for someone else to suggest it first. :-)

Think the beggar is Marta.

This storyline with Vale is bordering on child abuse and is not funny. They need to end it NOW!

Julie, this was great. Sorry for the issues with Crookcast, as my sister calls them. Hope it all works out for you eventually.

Your title was spot on. Gees, between disgusting characters (Pelvis) and disgusting plot lines (anything Vero) hard to enjoy what's between,which is often too little( I.e.Fern/Xochi).

For the record, I'll bet the farm ( if I had one), that's Marta at the end. As if Chucho's nerves weren't frazzled enough. Not exactly thrilled she's back.

As for the "big reveal", yeah like we didn't see that coming with Pelvis. I'm sorry, but Auggie didn't have to give the spawn power within the company. A simple job would have solved the problem. So guessing mumsy is blackmailing him as well? No excuse for letting that cretin run wild otherwise. (You know if Rog is turned off someone has to be pretty bad. I mean he's having dinner with someone pretty disgusting himself.)

So Mari has pretty well come clean with all necessary parties. It was sweetly done with Panfilo.

OK, on Vero. And the lawyers--something is up there. Either Elias' lawyer is in cahoots with his ex and they are about to fleece him, or they slipped in some clause that is going to implode for him. As for Vero--lord, I wish we could go a whole episode without her. As it is, seeing those previews for tonight, I will admit to being a card-carrying member of WUSS, and don't think I can watch another episode with a heartbroken Val. I'll rely on what will be a wonderful TJ recap.


Or a wonderful Pablo recap. Or is the show being pre-empted tonight? (I haven't seen Monday's yet nor read Cheryl's recap, so I could use an extra night to catch up!)

The beggar probably is Marta, or possibly Discua. It's impossible to tell since she's hunched over, wearing a baggy robe and flesh-colored makeup! (Er, I mean no makeup. Certainly not Avon's most flattering products. Maybe it's from the Orion palette.)

The "ridiculous" idea I had last night really was ridiculous. I was thinking maybe it was Mari's long-lost mother, who SUPPOSEDLY abandoned them for a rich guy but who knows what happened after that. But she wouldn't know Chucho, so, yeah, that was a ridiculous idea.

I do remember now why I liked the episode so much. It was Mari finally telling the truth to Susana, and Susana reacting with such compassion. Reminded me of Raimunda last week. So much angst with such a positive outcome. Refreshing.

But I assume we're going somewhere with Chucho's stomach woes. My diagnosis: A malignant, 100-pound tumor named Veronica.

Out of morbid curiosity, I meant to notice last night whether or not Virus was wearing another kinky pair of shoes, but I forgot. Did anyone see anything interesting?

Julie- Fab recap, despite the annoyance with Comcrap.

I'm glad Sue reacted so well to the truth, now Mari only has Jess to tell. But Jess might be busy trying to figure out if her beloved is allergic to her, her perfume, or her makeup.

Fern and Xochi were very cute. It also makes me worry that trouble is ahead though.

MALquiElvis is such a waste of space. I hope he gets booted out of the company for conspiring with the enemy. Remember what a big deal Agusto made about that when Jesus started.

Julie,thanks for a great recap and a great diagnosis of Jesus's pain: "the 100 pound tumor names Verónica. Yes, Cárdenas did need a Benadryl. You hit it on the head! Good luck with your cable.

My favorite part last night was Xochi and Fernando's little escapade.

My least favorite part was "Evil Elvis" (as Julie called him) trying to get on the "destroy Jesús wagon." The "destroy Jesús" theme is getting a little OLD.



Oh my, Julie, every time I tried to watch this last night, something so evil or ridiculous was going on that I had to turn away. But your recap was fabulous. (I wouldn't wish your cable problems on anyone, but clearly distress brings out the best in you.)

Loved the title and every one of the headings, but especially Corned Beef Rehash and And Now The Full-Tilt Boogie. You have such a gift for words and for humor.

The Augusto storyline is predictable but also reminds me of the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal. Every time we think telenovelas are crazy, something in real life happens and we realize they're not.

Glad the Pati character confessed. I would be glad to see that storyline end. And especially happy that the Marisela mess is getting sorted out.

So Marta has re-appeared, eh? As a beggar. Or is it Discua? That's an intriguing possibility. Much more fun than the endless let's get Chucho scenario.

Thanks for spinning gold out of dross once again, Julie. For me, the episode was unwatchable. But the recap was a treat.

Oh and New Dog, Old Tricks also!

Oops--I'm on India time and scooting a day ahead. Definitely a Pablo night. If Vero is her usual disgusting, child manipulating self, please Pablo, don't spare us your usual snark. Let her have it. I'll enjoy reading every word.


I know kids are supposed to be really resilient, but if Valentina comes through this experience in one piece it will be a miracle. Maybe someday she'll be the New Only Therapist In Monterrey. They really need one who's sane.

Hey Julie, so sorry to hear about your CONcast woes. What a bunch of wankers. Your recap was stellar though, so fun and bright and clever, I couldn't even sense the misery behind it. But I think your funniest line is in your own comment, "A malignant, 100-pound tumor named Veronica." Yep, you got that right. Corned Beef Rehash was great too.

Loved the Full Tilt Boogie and I wouldn't say no to a bit of Big Brother and the Holding Company either.

She's baaaack...I think the beggar lady is definitely Mad Marta. The question being, is she really down and out or is it some sort of trick?

Rogelio is already having second thoughts? Well it didn't take him long. The scene with him and Evil Elvis was quite funny. I think Vicki overheard Elvis maligning Chucho judging by the face she made.

Julie, thank you for the marvelous recap and I hope you get your TV issues straightened out.


Fabulous recap and I too wish you luck with your cable company.

Both of those lawyers are out to fleece Elias. He is the one having to pay for everything and they were even going to charge him for every paper clip and staple they used. I feel so sorry for him. I wish Elias had gone more with the plan of those pictures of Moronica so he could prove infidelity. Poor Val. I don't like what is happening to her.

I am glad Patymelt confessed too. Maybe now Alma will help Patymelt get a job. Patymelt said a while back that she had never worked. There must be something she can do.

Poor Cardy. Maybe it is the pheromones he is allergic to. I hope that is the case and not Jessie herself.

I too liked that Mari felt it was time to tell Susanna the truth. That dinner was sweet.


I liked what you said about Alma and Chucho's night of passion, lol. About the messed up sheets, lol. I hope Chucho gets that stomach problem solved. The poor man can't win for losing.

Evil Elvis what a tool. Rogue will use him to his advantage, I'm sure. I hope Evil Elvis' Papa catches him consorting with the enemy.

I too agree that is Marta the beggar. I don't think it was Discua. If that is Marta I'm not happy she is back. More trouble for Chucho and also Valentina.

Since Eli is paying both the lawyers' fees, it's possible that the joke will be on Vero and not Eli. Doubtful, but let's hope.

If the beggar is Mad Marta, I don't think it's a trick. She probably wouldn't know that he was working at Orion, so she wouldn't have been looking for him there. She was losing her marbles pretty bad, and her little cottage burned down and she's wanted for kidnapping and arson and who knows what else, so maybe she had nowhere to go.

Good points Julie. Plus, it looks like she hasn't cleaned herself from the smoke and smudge of the fire. So yeah, still mad as a hatter.

It's Marta, Ninel Conde wouldn't be caught dead looking like that.

I think I’ll wait for the recap for tonight’s ep and read it first. Dull the pain a little when I do watch the ep. Did Jesus ever get a DNA test done? I know in real life it takes longer than the crime shows make it seem, but I don’t remember if he ever did it. Elias needs to get that lawyer of his on the job to take Val away from Vero pronto. And if he can’t get that sneaky SOB to do it, then hire a lawyer who will.

I thought it might also be Descua except that, from all we know, she’s fine since her troubles were faked for Fern’s benefit. Also, Jesus’ look of surprise wasn’t just surprise it was unhappy surprise. I actually freeze framed on her face to look at her nose. ☺

Loved the scene where Mari introduced Panfilo as her father to Susana.

All scenes with Fern and Xochi are fun. What an adorable couple. I’m thinking Julio and Aida will be another one.

Good on Pati for admitting what she did to Alma. She’s on the road to redemption. Long one, granted.

TN trivia: Flaco told me that the actress who plays Dona Sue is the mother of the actor who plays WL’s friend and second-in-command in La Temp.


Nanette, interesting trivia. I'm pretty sure I had heard that once but completely forgot it. Thanks for sharing!

I am also glad that Pati admitted to Alma what she had done.

Thank you, Julie for the detailed recap. I loved the title.
Thanks for the compliment- Daisy but its Pablo's turn tonight.
Cap'n Sylvia and Julie-I too, think that the beggar is Marta and that she is all discolored due to the fire, but we shall see.
Who knew that Augusto was such a ladies man. Maybe if he had such a strict work ethic when he was younger he wouldn't have to pay alimony and support for the three wives, 7 children and a mistress. He doesn't seem that charismatic to me but I guess that it's the money that was the magnet.
I hope that your Comcast issues resolve themselves soon.

Call me crazy, but I thought the hotel concierge looked a lot like Sandy from STuD.

Julie: Loved the recap. All you recappers amaze me. All the detail and still room for the humor. And I know a lot of you recap more than one TN at a time. Super Recappers!

With his record, Chatita is too good for Augusto. So I'm back to a Chatita/Panfilo hookup and wanting Seb (with a major attitude adjustment) for Dona Sue.

Funny, Nanette. I didn't try to identify the beggar by her nose. I was trying to see if she had arched eyebrows. ;-)

The only reason I mentioned Discua is because this seems like the perfect time for her to reappear and screw up things between Fernando and Xochi - though they seem pretty solid, so maybe there's no point in her coming back.

Oh! Wait!! Didn't Fernando write a long, detailed explanation of every bad thing he ever did in his life? Didn't he give it to her? Do we know what he did with it? It probably describes Rogue's crimes too, and it would be a handy thing for Discua to have if she ever wants to confront him.

Chucho hasn't had the DNA test yet. That is, Valentina hasn't had a DNA test. I think a judge has to order that and it might take a while!

I always seem to write a better recap when I'm angry. I still have no idea how I'm going to resolve my TV issue, so this bad mood could go on for a while. (Well, six days. After that, all my TVs will turn into pumpkins.)


I think Elias' lawyer did mention to Chucho to get a DNA test done and that yes, it would take some time. I too think a Judge will have to order it, cause the way it is looking, he won't get near Valentina. I feel so sorry for that poor girl.

I sure hope your TV's don't turn into pumpkins, amiga ; )

Julie, frustration does seem to bring out even more zingy flair than you always have. I really enjoyed your recap. Sorry about the difficulties with the Comcastards. Your title and subtitles are especially great.

Evil Elvis is a toolshed full of the most useless tools imaginable, but I found his scenes in the restaurant really entertaining. He is SUCH a boor. Actually maybe it was mostly Vicky's reactions to him that were funny. Why did she go to dinner with him? And you really know a guy is insufferable if he's too rude for Rogue. Juárever.

ITA about Alma's plan just giving Chucho more stress. If she really wants to help, why doesn't she offer to take over dealing with Chatita's housing situation? Surely she's capable of hiring a real estate lawyer and looking for the records. That's one thing Chucho doesn't need to do himself. But no, make him suffer all afternoon thinking he has yet another time-sucking obligation to attend.

I was yelling at him to stop drinking coffee. Then when Julio invited Aida for coffee, I yelled at them to not get coffee so late, too. Have a turkey sandwich and sleep tight, Orionites, hay que madrugar.

I wish we could have had a peek at Julio and Aida's coffee date!

As far as Vicky going to dinner with Elvis - I wonder if it's because Augusto told her to make sure Chucho's loan gets signed first thing tomorrow. Maybe going to dinner (and let's hope it ends with dessert and nothing else) was how she had to get Elvis to sign. Ugh.

Or maybe she'll go out with anyone who offers her champagne. She sure drank enough of it.

I thought Augusto was just going to override Malqui's rejection and approve the loan. Just let him play at being an executive while giving him no real authority. Evil Elvis has to be even stupider than he looks and acts if he doesn't have any suspicions about why he can be so useless in a demanding company and still keep his job.

Oh, that makes sense. Of course Augusto can approve the loan himself. Why on earth would he give any financial power to such a buffoon anyway?

Avon's looking like a fairly sane workplace by comparison. :-)

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