Friday, August 09, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #83 (Mex 121) Thursday 8/8/13 Que Bonita Apelación

Maria won't let their relationship be over.  Jantos gives her a hard time about wounding him mortally with her words.  Maria can't get a word in edgewise.  Jantos is feeling an abyss eating him from inside, he's so hurt, and he swears it's over and he doesn't know how to forgive, cause she fell down on the job and never taught him how.  "Ojala que te vaya bonito," he says, and departs, leaving her in tears.

The LA cops want OGto come with them and have his fingerprints taken.  To rule him out, of course.  Bruno agrees he'll be there tomorrow.  NO, damnit!  Don't let him go tomorrow!  He'll go burn his damn hands off in the meantime!  The Godfather wants OG to disappear.  He figures Santos has won.

Maria cries in her apartment while Jantos cries in his.  Do not throw that blanket out the window, Jantos, I'm warning you!  No, he wraps himself in it and looks at the moon.  Meanwhile, Maria is wrapped in her shawl and we switch from "Ojala Que Te Vaya Bonito" to "Que Bonito Amor."  Maria cries on the floor.  Jantos cries to his teddy.  Maria cries to the loveseat while Jantos mopes with the teddy by the light of the moon.  Oh, never mind, he's not crying.  He's implacable.  Dumbass.

Rodrigo asks Colosso to please not leave just when they're getting to know each other.  Colosso swears they'll still have a relationship.  Colosso is leaving his hat for Roddy.  Like Wolverine left his dog tags for Rogue in the first X-Men movie.  Roddy's begging is to no avail.  So now we've got…what…3 people crying?  I still want to count Jantos as one of them.

Amalia comes out to the living room to find out the latest chisme from her walking water fountain of a daughter.  "It's ooooooover," says Maria.

Jantos remembers his mom dying and telling him her love for him won't die.  Still with the dry eyes.  Jantos misses his mom and gal…throw in a truck and we've got a country song.

Amalia tells Maria it's for the best.  Way to make her fight harder, Amalia!  "What?  Isn't this what you wanted?"  Amalia admits she's scared of Maria getting hauled off to jail as an accomplice, but she still thinks they can hook up again after he's cleared of all charges.

Gloria comes home to a crying Roddy, who tells her that, once again, Oscar is flying the coop.  It's baby daddy vu all over again.

Colosso bids farewell to the posters of his idols.

Roddy is taking Colosso's departure personally.  Gloria notices Roddy's wearing the St. Francis medal and tells him he won't lose Colosso and now that they have a link, he just needs some time…Colosso will still be around, even if it's from afar.  Gloria tells him she's got a job and everything is going to get better now.  She reminds him that she's never going to leave him, so wipe those tears off and smile, boy!

Colosso loads up the Mariachimobile with his one suitcase.  The bumper sticker on the back of the Mariachimobile reads "No me sigas, que voy perdido"…"Don't follow me, I'm lost."

Lourdes calls herself a cab (Ok, Lourdes, you're a cab…jajaja).  Evilra and Concho come in and notice the bags.  Lourdes says she's going home and no, it's not emotional blackmail.  Evilra says, "Ok, then, bye."  Concho tries to stop her from leaving, but he doesn't have a very good reason for her to stay.  He tries to latch on to her legs like a toddler being dropped off at daycare.

Maria is upset at herself for being so nasty to Jantos.  She says she's always taken care of her mother and her sisters because it was her responsibility.  She bitches that she sacrificed her happiness to keep her mother from worrying.  Amalia's shocked to hear this.  "I don't want you to be hurt, but don't you think it's selfish to ask me to leave him so you wouldn't suffer?"  Maria had to tell Amalia how she felt.  "But don't worry.  My love is dead anyway, just like my child."  Oooooh!   Burn!  Maria gets up and goes to the bedroom, leaving Amalia crying.

Lourdes tells Concho to drop it already.  He never keeps his promises, so why now.  "But I neeeeed you!"  "Exactly.  That's the problem.  You need me, but you don't love me."  Concho insists that he does love her, but Lourdes isn't sure she loves him anymore.  He begs for another chance.

Jantos, stony-faced, stares at the moon.  Maria does the same.  They both watch the sun come up.  Presumably thinking about each other.

Ruben and Evilra have breakfast.  Seriously?  In the daylight?  What kind of creatures are they?  Evilra loves being treated to nice meals in nice places.  Ruben says there can be more meals like this.  It's Evilra's turn to put her part of the plan in play.

Maria gives Amalia her morning shot and tells her to lie down for a while.  Amalia bitches that no, she needs to go fix breakfast.  Might as well get used to the idea that Maria won't always be there.  Paloma noticed they're having a fight.  Maria's pissed at herself for hurting everyone with her words lately.  She doesn't know what to do about Jantos.  She already asked for forgiveness, but he won't forgive her and now she's scared of losing him.

Fernando tells Jantos that Colosso left after all.  Jantos blames it on his bad luck and everyone around him getting heart.  He still insists he doesn't know how to forgive.  Fernando can't believe their love can end like this.  "It's not just what she said," Jantos whines, "She doubted me.  She believed Del Olmo over me, when I was just defending her love!"  Jantos swears once the bar is on its feet and the tax matter is cleared up, he'll turn himself in.  He needs to go back to where it all started.  He's tired of it all and ready to face his fate.

Amalia, Prudencia, and Remedios all meet at Mancia's house.  She feels responsible for what Susanito's going through, but Prudencia tells her not to be so hard on herself.  It's not like there's a manual for raising kids.  Amalia is upset about what Maria said to her.  She felt attacked.  Remedios reminds her that she and Maria have always been honest with each other, so that's all she was doing was being honest.  Prudencia says it's true, parents are selfish.  She reminds Amalia to let Maria live her life.  Prudencia quotes the bible about leaving one's parents and cleaving to one's spouse.

Ruben and Maria present their appeal to the judge.

Irasema visits Susanito.  She thinks God is on their side.  She can't stop being grateful that she found love, despite everything that happened.  Susanito agrees that their love is what keeps him going.  Irasema says she wants to marry him no matter how long he's there.

OG skipped town.  Big shock.  Derecho calls himself an idiot.  Yep, you are.  Not that Curtis agrees, but I'm tuning her out.  Derecho chooses this moment to tell Curtis he's only rejecting her flirting because he's a bitter old sourpuss, but he does, in fact, find her attractive.  She faints. 

Justo gives Jantos the what-for for being so hotheaded.  Jantos is tired of running and says there's nothing left there for him, so it's time to go back.  Geez, he's such a drama queen!

Mancia visits with Susanito.  She says she won't let him lose out on happiness because of her stupidity.  She doesn't think any woman could make him happier than Irasema.  She asks for his forgiveness and of course he says he has nothing to forgive.  He thanks her for giving her his blessing and adds San Expedito to his saintly team, along with San Judas.

Jantos and Fernando go to the Internet café so Jantos can look for info to clear himself.  On the Internet.  He sees a report that OG is dead, which doesn't help him.  Jantos says it's the damn curse again! 

Curtis comes running into Derecho's office, howling.  He tells her to cool it, but subtlety is not her style.  What she was screaming about is that there was a body found that might be OG's.

Ruben tries to talk to Maria about Jantos, but she refuses.  He insists, and she tells him that it doesn't matter if she and Jantos broke up, that doesn't mean she's available for anyone else.  Wrong thing to tell that creeper!

All the people involved in Susanito's case are back at the crime scene, trying to recreate what happened.  Susanito is acting out his part of it.  Maria wants it noted that even though the report said that Susanito had the gun, he just told them he threw the gun away from him.  The judge questions one of the arresting officers, who admits under oath that Susanito wasn't holding the gun when they got there.  The cop tells them the gun was next to one of the shells they found and the other shell was in the doorway.  The cop doesn't think things match up.  According to the position of the body and the shells, he was shot in the back.  Finally!  Finally this comes up!  How much time, effort, and money have they wasted on this!  Ok, sorry, just a show, I'm fine, I'm fine.  Tightening my beanie as we speak.  OK.  Asshole cop whose previous lines included "All the evidence points to him" and "All the evidence points to you" now says "Then why the F did the report say that the accused did the deed?!"  Um…cause then the actor would have had to memorize more lines than "All the evidence points to…"?  Just saying.  Now all of a sudden everybody notices the dude was shot in the back and the shot came from NOT Susanito's direction, and they're going to put that down in writing.  Dumbasses, the lot of them.

Jantos finds the engagement ring Maria gave back to him when she was baby-grief-delirious.

Ruben and Maria go to Ay Jalisco.  Ruben BS-es that he hopes Susanito is cleared and Fabian's real killer is found.

In the office, Jantos is behind the desk going over paperwork while Evilra and her boobs hang over his shoulder.  She kisses him just as Maria and Ruben walk in.

Tomorrow: Ruben wants Maria, Evilra wants Jantos, Jantos hates Ruben, Evilra hates Maria, Maria would hate Evilra--but she's just too much of a good girl for that.  So what else is new?


And...done! I'm kinda glad I got home late tonight so I could fast forward through the commercials instead of having to wait!

And I got home late because I had a rehearsal! For a play! In Spanish! As a character who's rather telenovela-obsessed. For now I'm understudying the actress doing the role in Phoenix and I'll get to do a couple of shows here, then I'll be performing in Mexico. Woo hoo! Going international! I just occurred to me tonight that my character is very much like Curtis. I'm only hoping I'm (A) way cuter and (B) less annoying for only being on stage less than 2 hours :D

Congrats on getting that part. We can all so relate to it!

Thanks also for translating the crime scene dialogue. I was having trouble with it for lack of police drama vocabulary. It looks like Susanito will be free soon and no thanks to Ruben. Maria asked all the questions in that scene.

However, I still don't see her becoming a lawyer after the finale.

Just as Santos was presumed dead in the beginning, I don't think Giuliano is dead either. He is probably going to fake his death to avoid both the police and the Godfather.

I am shocked that the writers had Maria say such hurtful things to JA the other night. As a law student she should know how powerful words are.

Of course now Elvira has crossed completely over to the dark side, as she is contemplating killing Maria. I also have the feeling she has ideas about Ruben and the $$$ she thinks he has. Once his crimes come to light he will have nothing except Life Without Parole.

One more thing Elvira isn't smart enough to think of: Killing Maria wouldn't get her JA or Maria's share of JNTR. Maria's mother and sisters would still own half the bar and JA would hire a replacement for himself and return to LA.

Which also means that Elvira is not smart enough to avoid getting caught.

I was shocked the other night with the vicious things Maria said and not surprised that JAntos finds them unforgivable. My mother always told us sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me but that is wrong. Cruel words can be more harmful than physical breaks which heal but words go round and round in your head.

If I was shocked at what Maria said to JAntos I was doubly shocked that she lashed out at Amelia. Her mother was fluttering around once again try to find out why she is crying and to make her feel good. Maria tells her I thought about you and my sisters and now you can sleep because it is over. Amelia looked stunned like having your pet kitty turn into tiger.

Amelia also revealed how passive aggressive she is when the next morning she coldly tells Maria she'd cook breakfast because she'd have to get used to Maria not being around. Well, duh didn't she ever stop to think that her daughter would one day marry and move away. Sadly I think she believed she had Maria and probably the other girls so tightly tied to her apron strings that they would never leave her.

I loved the old ladies giving both Mancia and Amelia a heads up. You love your kids and let them go. Even the mention of being selfish probably didn't reach Amelia but it did Mancia hence the touching little scene with Susantio.

Oily Ruben did not like the path that reenactment took. Now if Irasema remembers where she heard his voice she could be in real danger. Stupid cops and the ME in not noticing that Fabnot had been shot in the back.

Elvirus really is a piece of work. Her mother is leaving and she can barely bring herself to say adios. Lourdes kind of grew on me, she may be a bit of a snob and God knows she did a terrible job of raising her spawn but she haa enough pride and dignity to throw in the chips and try and find a life of her own without a cheating husband and an ungrateful daughter. And the best part is that she isn't hanging around begging for crumbs from either one of them. Elvirus is an adult and will make her own decisions with no advice from mama. I do hope by the end we see her evil behind in the reclusorio where she belongs.

I totally feel that Amalia deserved that zinger from Maria. Amalia has never learned -- in 20+ years of parenthood -- that someday kids become independent adults... and I just had another lightbulb moment:

Since Oscar is less mature than Maria he would not only not have taken Maria away, he would have posed no threat to Amalia's authority. That would make her an absolute matriarch.

Despite being a self-supporting adult, Oscar probably still misses his own mother. He couldn't have been more than 20 when she died and he doesn't appear to have any other family before Roddy came along. He would be the son Amalia may have always wanted: Handsome, talented, and a decent provider.

I don't think Amalia realizes much of this nor does she have many friends her own age to talk about this stuff with. That's never a good thing.

Five Pies--You continue to grace us with your witty recaps though I'm sure you'd rather be someplace else now. Is a Televisa contract far behind??? Congrats on the stage role and for your trip to Mexico to perform.

The more I wish this tn would move towards a well deserved end, it creates more threads than need raveling up before we'll sigh a sigh of relief at El Ultimo Capitulo.

I'll probably guess wrong, but Jorge Alfredo's mooning over the moon probably means he wants to get back with Maria. The look of surprise on Maria's face for the Elvira kiss says it ain't happening tonight.

I've noticed that the avances are now not showing what happens the next episode, but the one after that. How deceptive. As if Uni is going to lose viewership at this point.

I guess we'll have at least one wedding that doesn't have to take place behind bars (where was the last one, was it Refugio...can't remember who was in jail and wore a distressed dress.)

ITA with Carolina's late comment that as a law "student" Maria should know something about (accessory after the fact) guilt by association--if even a crime has actually been committed.

Even if Santos is caught, the Mexican police can either deport him back to the States or hold him until the U.S. extradites him.

In the U.S., if someone is living with an undocumented person, that person is not arrested and tried for harboring. OTOH, an employer employing an undocumented person could face jail time, but probably just a fine--there are so many loopholes, especially when it comes to false papers, SS# or Tax ID#s.

I'm so tired of Amalia's waffling. Every time Maria breaks up with JA, she declares it's a good thing. Every time Maria makes up with JA she declares her happiness for Maria with the man she loves....BUT...he's a criminal, we don't know anything about him, he constantly hurts you, he's going to leave you, you're going to go to jail because of him. Jeezh, Shut Up Amalia (like Doris and Beatriz).

I've been thinking about how Amelia and Rueben are always going on about Maria being in danger because of Santos. Frankly it is so much BS on both their parts — his deliberate, hers because of ignorance. The only real danger Maria is in is being raped by Ruben.

Santos is accused of a white collar crime. He has committed no crime in Mexico unless it is a well deserved public service beat down on Ruben. He is a Mexican citizen so arriving in the country sans papers is hardly a crime. The Mexican police are also not beating the bushes looking for him as if he were the head of the Zetas. They only notice him if someone remembers seeing a picture of him. They have no ax to grind with him and they know nothing of his association with the Mendozas - ergo no real danger for them from the federales.

The American police are not going to cross the border guns blazing to get their hands on a money launderer and they know absolutely nothing about the Mendozas - ergo no real danger from Dumb and Dumber.

OJ and the Godfather are a problem for Santos.The GF wants his money back and has been led to believe Santos is responsible for its loss. OJ wants to kill him to keep him from ever being proven innocent and thereby revealing who the real screw up is. Neither one of them know anything at all about the Mendozas - ergo no problem for them but potential problem for Santos.

Maria has committed no crime in Mexico because she is hardly sheltering him and even if she were it isn't a crime in that country. She cannot be accused of a crime in the US because she was never there so Ruben's bull is just that and Maria should know better.

Can Maria or the Mendozas accidentally get caught in the crossfire — maybe but first of all the pursuers have to know about the connection and they don't and heck with 40 episodes to go probably don't have time to discover it.

Actually, JNTR has been mentioned to Giuliano by Dumb and Dumber. There was a conversation in which Giuliano said something about how only Santos liked that music.

I think Maria's name was mentioned in that exchange. Giuliano tried to flirt with her when she walked into Ruben's office that time.

I can see him faking his death, heading down to D.F. on La Bestia or under another name, and then kidnapping Maria for a $10MM ransom. This could also create major issues with Ruben. Since we can't have JA killing either of them in self-defense or even if it's necessary to save Maria's life maybe they will do each other in?

As to the other, we haven't seen Maria go on the internet or anything to check out whether she would be in deep over any of this. I don't think she was taking any courses in international law, either. Amalia just took Ruben's BS at face value and believed everything he said.

UA--You just handed us the key to everything that's wrong about this Santos as criminal thing.

As a (former) law student, Maria would surely be used to doing research on-line. Why hasn't she?

Heaven knows, our summer interns during the 90s and early 'oughts, knew more about Lexis-Nexis and Westlaw than our attorneys did. (They finally caught up by the end of the decade.)

We did see Maria take JAntos to the internet cafe early on in their relationship when he was e-mailing his folks and she did sit there, so she must know *about* computers.

But when did we ever really see her study? I think I actually commented months ago, before she "dropped" out, that I was surprised she didn't spend her waking hours in the library.

She should have been able to afford her own laptop by now, at least to use at the library. But I guess her mother's medication took priority.

Don't you think Coloso or Ruben might have thrown in a used laptop for her, which she probably would have rejected. But hey, when you have Braulio (where has he been) breathing down your neck every month, I guess a necessity for her future, like a laptop, isn't in the picture.

I need to stop trying to make sense out of all this and just ride this crippled tn to the end in silence.



Dumb and Dumber did mention JNTR but only in the contex tof Bruno being there. OJ said only Santos liked that kind of music which should be the clue that will send him to JNTR but the cops never mentioned Maria because they don't know about her.

OJ did meet Maria in Ruben's office, flirted with her which caused Rub to break off the deal with him. But Rub didn't mention Maria having any ties to Santos.

Fabnot may have mentioned Rub's obsession with a mariachi singer to the GF but never in the context of her being associated with Santos.

Rub knows about the connection but because of his obsession with her he won't let the GF or OJ harm her so as vile as he is he is actually her protector.

I can't see Santos killing either one of them but they could kill each other. I think OJ is on his way to the DF and he will hook up with Ruben since both of them are tied to the GF. They got along perfectly fine until Maria hit the scene and for OJ money is money and once he mentions getting rid of Santos Rub will fall all over himself to help him.

The big problem for Santos is that OJ needs to be alive in order to force him to confess who is the real criminal. In the event that OJ dies there will be no way for Santos to ever prove his innocence.


Isn't it OJ's gun to begin with? So wouldn't his fingerprints already be on the gun? Justo is the one who told LOLAPD that it was OJ's gun.

Why is Lourdes leaving?

Maria called Amalia out for her motives re: Jantos/Maria relationship, now Amalia is acting all funky. LOL

How did the news know before the cops that a body was found that might be OJ's?

Maria said the nasty things she said to Jantos because she assumed Jantos would kiss her ass and come begging her like he's been doing the entire show. Now that he's like, "Ya know what? You're right. I'm not worthy. Peace out and have a nice life babe," she's back in "love" with him again. SMH.


Anon207, you're right; that is Giuliano's gun. His fingerprints are likely to be on any bullets in it when it was seized and that's why Dumb and Dumber want his prints. I also think Santos was present when Bruno gave it to him.

I don't think Maria assumed anything when she said those horrible things. She wasn't thinking and she is inexperienced in these matters.

Anita, do we have any clue as to what computers cost in Mexico? Laptops have gotten cheap in the US but they could be very expensive in Mexico, relative to the average person's income.

There should be computers in the university library. There should also be one in Concho's office, but there isn't.

Then again -- considering who produced this series -- do you remember ever seeing a telephone in FELS?

Decie Girl, Ruben may still play Scarpia to Maria's Tosca over that very element of danger. "Give up that muerte de hambre mariachi of yours and I will save his life... say 'no' and I'll throw you both to the wolves."

Oops, forgot to mention that Lourdes is leaving because she is fed up with Concho. She is tired of being humiliated by having been forced to work with Mirna. This last revelation that they only owned half the bar and the possibility that Concho will suffer legal consequences for his attempt at stealing the Mendoza half was where she had reached her limit.

URBAN - Santos was there when OJ gave Bruno the gun as a birthday present. OJ denied owning the gun at one point but I think Justo busted him on that one. I'm amazed that they haven't gotten his prints already, a warrant to search is house would let them lift something with his prints on it but I keep forgetting how stupid the cops are.

Rub could try a Scarpia moment but that would be a big risk for him. He probably knows Maria has been warned about him and is ignoring it but if he made too strong a move he'd be tipping his hand.

OT Tosca is one of my favorite operas even though it like many of them has an absurd novela like plot. I can't help laughing every time I think of Tosca leaping off Castel San't Angelo into the Tiber which is several miles away. Ranks right up there with Manon Lescaut having a scene in the desert outside of New Orleans. Maybe being a lifelong opera aficionado prepared me for the crazy plots in TN's.

Ruben wouldn't do this except as a true last resort, like Dionisio in AB. Here's hoping that if it comes to that Maria gets mad enough to resurrect the self that fought the guy hired by Ruben's ex.

Thank you, 5 Footer! A few of my favorite bits:

“Jantos misses his mom and gal…throw in a truck and we've got a country song.”


Loved the super-galán-brown-eyes tractor beam that JA used to draw Maria out onto the balcony in the refritos. And I loved how JA stayed dry-eyed throughout this epi. He means business and I am planning on enjoying this break up and hoping that it lasts a long time. However, I do wish he would find a little self respect and step away from the teddy bear. Good gawd. If there were one thing that is the most ridiculous of all in this ridiculous TN, it would have to be that adult man with that ridiculous teddy bear.

I do think that Maria said those awful things to him because he has let her get away with similar things in the past. She has dumped on him cruelly every time they’ve broken up. She was especially vicious after his mother died, and after they lost their baby, first blaming him for the loss and then kicking him out and giving the engagement ring back for reminding her of the baby. She’s been abusive and it’s been escalating. I would so love for him to walk away from her permanently.

Having worked with not wealthy university students in Mexico, I can attest that they don’t all have laptops, even though they need them. Our program tried to sponsor laptops for our students (ie, convince someone to donate one for each student), but we were not always able to do so. Computers are very expensive in Mexico. They are imported and heavily taxed. Consequently, people hold onto and keep using ones that most of us would consider ancient. Not only are they more expensive there than here, relative to the income of a family like Maria’s, the cost is prohibitive. Based on my experience, I think Maria would not be likely to have her own laptop, and a university may not have a large computer lab like you find in this country. She would have computer skills and could use an internet café like Santos, though, that’s for sure. However, I do think that a business like JNTR would have one in the office and someone like Myrna would know how to use it.

I totally think that OJ faked his death, but the GF may be in on it. He was the one who told him he had to disappear. Just my dos centavos. I also think OJ is on his way to DF to make trouble and that the first place he is going to look for both Santos and Maria is JNTR, thanks to the idiot LA cops. Rub had only told him that she sang at one of the finest mariachi bars in the city, but when the LOLAPD told him that Bruno and Santos had been to JNTR and asked him about ranchera music, something in his reptilian brain clicked about Maria.

BTW, didn’t the idiot LA cops get OJ’s fingerprints from the coffee cup he used in their office?

I think that Lourdes has redeemed herself somewhat, and I understand her motives for leaving. What I don’t understand is why the writers want her out of the way. She could turn on Elvirus and help JA and Maria send her to prison, but not if she’s in Agua Calientes. She could also keep Elvirus from harassing JA as they try to work together to manage the bar and to stop her from whatever she plans to do to Maria. So why did they remove her from the action?

FTR, Amalia did not just accept Ruben’s word about the legal danger Maria is in. He did an elaborate hoax on her and took her to his office and had that other lawyer lie to her. She also pointed out to Maria that Ruben has convinced her to doubt JA with a purposeful, steady hand (“Don Ruben se ha ganado su desconfianza a pulso.”) Amalia really doesn’t like or trust Rub at this point at all.


Carolina--Thanks for the skinny on cost and availability of PCs & laptops for Mexican university students. I would want to think that knowing the expense and scarcity, the admin. would have a larger than most computer labs. But what do I know.

The coffee cup---You are so right, amiga. Maybe Doofus forgot it was evidence and used it for a refill.


Right the coffee cup. I remember Doofus putting it in an evidence bag. I think the problem with this novela and other who suffer from these lapses is that there are multiple writers and writer b doesn't remember what writer a had the characters do.

As for getting rid of Lourdes the actress may have had another commitment or they want her out of the way so that there is no restraining hand on Elvirus. Concho lets her get away with murder. Now that she has formed an alliance with Rub i'm surprised she hasn't asked him to help her get rid of Susanito, permanently there by removing him as a possible heir to part of the bar. We still don't really know if that part is true.

That would be right up Rub's alley as he too isn't going to want Susanito and more importantly Irasema around. Last night was the first time he realized that she was the woman screaming for help during Fabnot's murder.

Maybe I'm giving Dumb and Dumber too much credit, but could it be that they asked OJ for his prints just to see how he reacted?

Anita, I don't think the admin of most universities really care too much about the poor students. The whole system is stacked in favor of the 'haves' not the 'have nots'.

Plus, computers are also very expensive for schools to buy.

I know that the public high school my students attended had no computers for students to use. None. Yet they had assignments that required them to use computers to complete, and not only that, by the old computers that my kids did have couldn't run the necessary software. This wasn't a problem for the rich kids and the poor kids could just drop out if they couldn't do the work. That seemed to be the attitude.

I think most universities have some computers for students to use, but not enough and then the hours might be restricted, as in no evenings or weekends. Such things go on.

It is all part of what is meant when people use phrases like 'lack of access to education' and 'lack of social mobility'.

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