Friday, September 27, 2013

CI Capítulo 98 9-26-13 There’s a New Real Estate Development in the Works: Rancho Realengo

            Recapper La Paloma weeps softly. She already attended a morning meeting with 300 retired government workers and made a quick afternoon trip out of town for business. Returning home, she had hopes of recapping a thrilling episode. Alas, an endless series of dull conversations fill the screen in a mind-numbing rotation of all talk, no action. Only a little hot canoodling at the end and the introduction of a new character repay the time spent by Viewerville this evening.

What We Saw Before
          One great moment was MariCruz saying “I think I’m going crazy!” We heard a ripple of reaction from Viewerville here, but no united agreement. She wants to see Simona’s face reacting to the land giveaway.
          We also see Simona telling Octavio the news of the upcoming baby. Things will be different with this baby, compared to the baby that She Who Must Not Be Named won’t allow him to see.
          JA tells Ester that they’ll all go to live at MC’s ranch. Hasn’t she heard the news of the relocation of the Realengo folk?  Maybe not, since she doesn’t hang out with the neighbors so much. 

A Long String of Conversations in Short Summaries

  • ·         Mig and Tav—Tav couldn’t say no to group expectations and MC pressure when she announced he’d match her donation of 5 hectares of land.  Mig is angry MC is trashing their old ranch and he tells Tav not to let Simona find out. The bros will never forgive MC for her cavalier attitude toward their family land.

  • ·         Ester wonders what will happen when Simona finds out about all this.

  • ·         JA warns MC she’ll find out how bad the Realengo scum are. (His attitude is incomprehensible, but that fits with this TN.) She doesn’t know why she got carried away and thinks she needs to talk to Padre Julian.

  • ·         Simona tells Miguel that Ofelia will testify in his behalf concerning Eusebio’s killing.

  • ·         Navario (twinsebio) is telling Lina’s drunk daddy that his letter to the rich lady didn’t work, so maybe he’ll contact Miguel Narvaez directly. He has a bottle in his hand.

Another Day, Another String of Conversations

  • ·         Miguel and Simona are at breakfast when Padre Julian comes calling to thank Simona for her generous donation to the people of Realengo. She is baffled, but Mig says he’ll explain later, just let him speak to the padre. She leaves the table.

  • ·         Mig ‘splains to the padre how Simona didn’t authorize Tav’s moment of spontaneous generosity, so it ain’t happenin’. And it won’t never happen. His brother’s not the owner of the ranch, but was pressured by the moment and MariCruz’ claim that other ranchers would give. Only Simona can donate—claro? Padre understands, although he thinks it’s a pity. He leaves.

  • ·         Simona returns, asks if padre is gone. Mig says he was looking for help for los pobres who were run off the Realengo lands. Simona says she wouldn’t give anything to those parasites. (Something really curdled her milk of human kindness!)

  • ·         At the nearby headquarters of Venganza Central, MC is lolling in bed (?) Santa brings a breakfast tray and says God will reward her for her gift of land, but not for her desire for vengeance. MC gives us yet another Venganza Monologue.

  • ·         Padre Julian arrives at MC’s home, where she greets him in another swishy floral hi-lo skirt. (Ester does wear the same few outfits over and over, but MC always has a shiny new one for each day.) She’s happy to see him since she needs his advice. He says Simona won’t honor the donation of land, although an angry MC states that Tav backed out. MC was willing to give because she thought she had more land than she needed. She may run into problems and asks the padre what he thinks. He says that with God’s help, they’ll carry the burden. He’ll ask others to give as well.

  • ·         Mig and Tav discuss the situation in the bedroom (MiniMigi is with them). Will the people work as they promised? Tav thinks they should help them. Mig thinks they are dirty, ignorant and undeserving of even one millimeter of land. MiniMigi looks at his elders, worrying that he inherited the family brain disorder.

  • ·         Simona asks Tav about baby names. He’ll leave that to her. She tells him of the padre’s visit and asks if he knows what’s going on. No explanation from our chulo. She doesn’t care for MC’ generosity. Who wants to live surrounded by filthy peasants? Tav argues they’re human beings, which results in a mulish mouth on the face of his bride.

Probably Another Day, More Repetitious Conversations

  • ·         Tav visits the official who brought Realengo the money compensation. He explains how the land donation has fallen through. The licenciado is disappointed since Tav pledged in front of everyone and wonders if MC is going to back out as well? Tav says she’ll do as she pleases.

  • ·         Awfelia returns from the market with gossip for Simona—MC’ donation of 5 hectares is the hot topic and the Realengo people are very happy. Now those bad people will be living near us! Simona thinks she might have to hire armed guards, but she’ll never give away her land.

  • ·         JA and MC discuss Tav backing out of the land donation. He says they’ll rob people, but MC says they just need help to plant and build. She’ll solve the problem and find others who will help. JA wonders if this will destroy the ranch? No, insists MC. She’ll rebuild the ranch and it will be one of the best.

  • ·         Simona and Tav rehash MC’ generous impulse and Simona repeats her threat of armed guards to shoot intruders, even children.

  • ·         Ester thinks MC just made the donation to draw attention (and masculine admiration). JA disagrees. That’s just the way she is—Ester and Simona would never think of doing that. Of course, JA wouldn’t give away land, either.

  • ·         Mig and Tav are still beating our dead horse. Tav is too idealistic, says his older brother. Simona has her feet on the ground.  Mig goes to check on MiniMigi, which reminds Tav of his child. He wants to go see Lupita and MariCruz.

  • ·         Tav enters MC’ hacienda that looks the same, yet different, and recalls his parents—his father reading, his mother sewing. They loved their family and one another. MC appears on the upstairs bridge and asks “Why did you come here?”

Break for a New Character and a Public Service Announcement
          We see a new character in a brief scene. The servant tells “Natasha” it’s too lonely here. Natasha tells her “Nana” she needs to rest from her painting. It wasn’t going well, but she’ll start again when she feels better. Her Uncle Ramon gave her (his favorite niece) this land. (We assume it’s located near Los Ranchos Simona y Abuelo.) She also shows her nana a gun to keep them safe.  We know she’s artsy, flirtatious, and possibly looking for a man (marital status not important).
          The People of Realengo appear in a couple of brief crowd scenes. One of them is leading and encouraging the group. “We have land and a place. We’ll be good people! We’ll fight to become decent people!”

The Exes Who Can’t Say Good-Bye
          The two yearning hearts in hot bodies sit down for an unusually calm conversation. They touch on the problem of Tav donating land he doesn’t own. He claims he never owned anything and MC counters that he used to own her heart and still does.  He explains Simona doesn’t want to give away land or have people on her land, to the point of using armed guards.  MC is impactada at this. She says she and Father Julian are the only ones who feel compassion for the people and want to help them.

          Tav would like to see his daughter. MC says Lupita’s asleep, but if he’s careful he won’t wake her. They walk upstairs to the nursery (Tav and MC’s old marital bedroom). Tav kneels at the crib.  After a moment, MariCruz leans over, resting on his back with her face on his head and her arms embracing him. 

          They stand, embrace again, and begin kissing. He says his daughter is beautiful. MC says she’s smart like her daddy (!! What are you trippin’ on, MC?)  He says he’s not smart, she says he married Simona, he says only after MC turned him down when he wanted to reconcile. As they turn to go downstairs, a closeup of Lupi shows her smiling. Could be happy, could be amused at how foolish they can be.

          Tav’s final take on the land situation? He says no one can give MC advice: you are untamable! (Indomable—drink!) Some in Viewerville might say stubborn, instead.

Previews—We see Natasha shopping the local attractions. She’d like to see JA with a bare torso, perhaps for a sculptural study.  

          MariCruz’ acceptance of the poor folk of Realengo and her eagerness to help them reminds us of the original MC.  No telling how many cameos from assorted actors we’ll have to bear with before we get to the conclusion of MC’s adventures.      


Great recap La Paloma!

Whoever used to write Lucia's lines is now writing Simona's lines. What a b!tch she was this episode. At least Lucia and Doris were somewhat entertaining in their bitchitude, but Simona is just infuriating.

I was proud of Mari and Tav for managing to have a calm adult conversation for five minutes, even though they disagreed. And there was no game playing about being able to see Lupita. That was great progress.

How come JA never acknowledges the good work Ester is doing when he brags about Mari to her? Which I think anyone would agree is just a jerky thing to do to your spouse.

New characters to stir things up. Will Natasha be driven crazy by Tav too? She already seems a bit crazy, and she goes around with a gun tucked in her waistband. Good times to come!

La Paloma, I really enjoyed your recap and the way you organized it. Simona is more ugly all the time with her hatred of the poor in Realengo. At least Octavio has a heart in this matter. Never thought I'd have a good thing to say about him.


First - Loved Cathyx's snark yesterday. I was LOL all the way through it.

La Paloma: A great dose of snark to go with the AM coffee! Here are my fav snarky gems' to be read with cautionary note to have one's mouth free of food and drink--

"(His attitude is incomprehensible, but that fits with this TN.)" --Snort!!

"(Something really curdled her milk of human kindness!) "--LOL ITSA!! It did make me wonder if she's been possessed by Luciafer's wandering and cursed soul.

"MiniMigi looks at his elders, worrying that he inherited the family brain disorder. "--ROTFLOL!

"What are you trippin’ on, MC?" Pheromones.

"Could be happy, could be amused at how foolish they can be." - could be gas and more likely!


I already said, that we always saw Simona with someone from Narvaez family. That is why she was good. We never saw her with others. But she did nothing to stop Lucia, so since that first episodes I don't think, that she is a good person. Now we watch her in real life with other people i saw how ugly she is. She had only one friend - Lucia. What else can I say?
I dont understand who is Octavio now in that family? Works as husband of Simona for food?


This Simona is a different Simona. She was not this severe before. In the beginning we saw her with her nana, who has disappeared. There was an effort on the part of the writers to make her a sympathetic character. With Lucia dead they need a new villain, so they've ramped up Simona's blotchy side.

I thought of something the other night. Mari is supposedly mad at all the rich folks for the way they treated her, but didn't all the poor folk, except JA, Maria, and Santa also treat her and Solita like crap? Remember all those Realengo ladies calling Mari and Solita (!) sluts? Those people were horrible to them. Don't they deserve a taste of vengeance too? I especially am ticked off at those ladies who noticed Ewsebio pursuing Solita on a number of occasions, who instead of jumping in to chase off Ewsebio, warn cramps, and protect Solita, instead decided Solita was the one flirting with Ewsebio, and told Awfelia that so that she would attack Solita. I'm getting so mad just remembering it.

That's bitchy side. She's actually less blotchy with all that makeup. :)

Gramps not cramps. These tablets need to stop making assumptions.

Great recap, La Paloma. I loved all the lines Jardinera pointed out, but this was my favorite:

"MiniMigi looks at his elders, worrying that he inherited the family brain disorder."

Poor kid.

Great opening paragraph la Paloma. Clever throughout but my favorite line was:

"MiniMigi looks at his elders, worrying that he inherited the family brain disorder."

Poor little guy, he does look quite miserably worried all the time, other than the one instant when he reached happily for the actor who plays Octavio a few episodes ago.

I don't find José Antonio's attitude towards the people of Realengo surprising. He was always very negative about them. He only built his jacal there because it was all he could "afford". But he preferred living in his room on the Navaro ranch and wanted to have nothing to do with that area or the people who lived there. He has been consistent in seeing them as shiftless.

People who have worked their way up from nothing are often as judgmental of the poor as the more privileged. And I remember my surprise that a young woman I knew from the Dominican Republic was adamantly opposed to any concessions being offered to the undocumented working in this country. She went through all the hoops, governmental and financial, to immigrate and receive her citizenship and saw no reason why those who came here illegally should get a break. So....there you are. Different perspectives.

Sorry you got the short end of the stuck La Paloma. All talk and no action can make for a dull episode, but you did brilliantly with your recap. We thank you.

Simona always was the little rich girl who went along with her fellows, but she was quiet and stayed unassuming. However, I think that the writers have truly ramped up her bitchiness so we will root for Tav to go back to MC. (Doris out, Simona in.) Thus, cue the kissing scene. Consider that this is a married man who just found out his wife is preggers and he doesn't hesitate to lock lips with the former flame. Music plays in the background and we as viewers are supposed to root for the infidelity we're watching ( and MC being so manipulative to boot.) I can go with longing from afar, or sometimes showing the infidelity after long suffering with a witchy wife, sort of, but gees...this is like what days? couple weeks tops? after the wedding....which Tav was hardly coerced into. No wonder that poor baby is smiling--she's thinking how easy those two can be snowed in the future. Future rebellious teenager hanging with delinquent cousin Miguelito.

Vivi, like you're pointing out how MC was treated by the locals back in the day. But right now, with her, it's all about "us and them". I do like how the writers are keeping consistent with how her impulsive personality can often get her into more trouble than she bargains for. Poor Padre. He's going to have his hands full with these people.

Natasha--should we start playing the "who's the hookup" guessing game? I would hate to see JA only because two hubbies with pregnant wives lusting after someone else just seems a bit much. How about Miguel? He's bored, available, and needs a plot line besides being a possible piece of target practice for Twinsubio.


Great recap, LaPaloma, very funny!
Miguelito being afraid for his mental health - LOL - good stuff!

Daisy, this line about Lupita is just priceless (I can't stop laughing about it)-

"Future rebellious teenager hanging with delinquent cousin Miguelito."

So accurate!

Judy, I'm an immigrant myself, so here is how I see it: if I come to a country illegally, I'm not interested in fixing my documents and do nothing to integrate, then I better go back to where I came from.
But if I follow all the rules, go through all the buroucratic (sp? to lazy to search) madness and I'm still not well received, then I have a problem with all the illegals that make things harder for me (reputation wise).
If countries decide to ease up on the immigration laws AFTER I'm all settled, then so be it, I had to work harder for it so I'll know to appreciate it better (and look at the ones who had it esaier with a a bit of superiourity - yeah, I'l like that sometimes).
I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's the way I see it. And I do believe that immigrants should be cut some slack, we have the same problems as everybody else and we're not all delinquents.


Gringo, about what I said the other day, that MC doesn't love Lupita - I agree, I was exaggerating, but only because we never see her just play with the child, bond with her. Whenever they share a scene together:
- it is meant to remind us about the venganza (like we could ever forget about it);
- it is meant to remind Tav/ Simona etc that Lupita is a Narvaez, too
- Juanita is there, too, promptly taking the baby away, because MC needs to do some important revengy stuff.

Thanks La Paloma, I might just have to watch to see these new characters.

So, Octavio still doesn't know that Simona knows about his land offer, correct?

Paloma, this is such a well done recap. I'm sorry but your first sentence made me laugh:

"Recapper La Paloma weeps softly."

because I know exactly how you feel and am expecting more of the same tonight.

I cringed when Simona ordered that her ranch hands arm themselves and shoot trespassers... even children. Well, I think I can see where this is heading and even some idea of whom will be shot... I'm reaching the point where it really doesn't matter any more because there has not been a lot of consistency in the development of these characters. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me at this point if they have the padre team up with Monktavio hold up a liquor store.

José Antonio mentioned that Maricruz may need to construct 2 to 3 hundred houses... if that is the case and we are talking about that many families, then this charitable gesture will be a nightmare for the very reasons that Vivi pointed out yesterday.


Great recap of a, somewhat foundation setting, episode.

I like the parts where the people of Realengo are convincing themselves they are going to be good people. Just to make sure viewerville knows that Simona is exaggerating and MC is in the right! lol

I liked that Tav finally stood up for himself when talking abt the Realengo people with Mig. Even if he lost the battle. What I didn't like is Mig's little self congratulatory smile when Tav said he was going to the guy to tell him he wasn't able to donate the land.

Simona is turning into a real pill. I guess with her new found confidence and marriage to Tav, the real Simona is coming out. Tav's good opinion of her is slowly diminishing and you can see him running back to MC. For all of their fighting, they do feel comfortable being honest with each other, which is something Tav doesn't feel with Simona...obviously because he has been bought and paid for.

Yeah for new blood, but why must they always like Tav or MA? Can't anyone else get a little love? ;)

Carvivlie- I would love for some cute new man to arrive and totally be hot for Ester. Would LOVE to see how JA would react to that! Maybe he'd stop talking about the other woman he's in love with in front of his wife!

Vivi--Love your idea. At this point I really don't see why she stays with him after all of his verbal abuse.

It would be nice if a, maybe widowed, Realengo guy saw all that she was trying to do to help the kids and fell for her. But JA would just turn from one kind of jerk to a possessive jerk.

I wanted some nice guy for Simona but with her personality transplant now firmly in place I don't really care about her happiness anymore.

Thank you La Paloma---If nothing else, this show sure brings out disagreements. An endless series of dull conversations? When I watched last night, I saw several heated exchanges, it didn't seem dull to me. What do you want, someones house to burn down, someone to get shot or a fight in every episode? I suspect that groundwork was being laid last night for the future action, but that didn't make it boring for me at least. No matter how you felt about the episode, you did a great job and with great lines I might add---MiniMig looks at his elders, worring that he inherited the family brain disorder---she'd like to see with a bare torso, perhaps for a scuptural study. That was great La Paloma.

Of course the Narvaes brothers will
never forgive MC for helping the poor with a "LITTLE" land. I might add that I have NEVER been against rich people just because they have more than I do, nor have I ever been jealous of them , but thest people---their attitudes. OMG
Simona will shoot intruders, even children. Tav, you married well!

Carvivile---I disagree. I think that most of the people of Realengo
will be greatful and sieze upon the oppertunity that Maricruz has given to them. Yes, a few will be bad and try to take advantage in a dishonest way but I don't think that many will. It's like life, you will always find some bad people but most are not.

The question was asked---Why is it always Tav or MC? Easy answer. Because MC is a goddess and Tav is so damn handsome.

Ok Vivi---A lot for you today. The other day you were VERY QUICK to critize Maricruz for being "rude and ill-mannered" for not knocking and just walking into Ester's house. Last night twice, first the padre then Oblivio walked in on Maricruz.
Santa may have let them in butthat wasn't shown, Santa was nowhere around. Both times, they just walked into MC's living room
unannounced. You are amazingly quiet on this one, no, these two last night.
Also---You will have to talk more to convince me that the people of Realengo looked down on Maricruz and Solita, and also called them sluts. Ok, that happened, BUT---were those the people of Realengo?
I remember that at one time they were given a hard time, I believe it was in the town where there were some stores. Ok, not a big shopping center but a little town nevertheless. Were the people in that town all from Realengo? I don't think so. There are more people in that area than just those from Realengo. To me, Realengo is just the small area where JA, Ester and a few other people live. There is a sign hanging on a tree that says Realengo but that doesn't include the whole surrounding area or the little town where the people go to shop.

Alegria---You are right again. $imona is not a good person. I thought that she was early on--a voice of reason, but now the real $imona is emerging and she is proving to us that she is not good.
the gringo

cathyx, and Simona knows? I missed that.

Gringo, I didn't think the people of Realengo were bad. I just thought it was funny that the show had to make sure we knew they weren't by inserting several scenes talking about how good and hard they are going to work. Felt very out of place and pointed.


The ladies who were at the river washing their clothes were Realengo-like ladies, and those were the ones criticizing MC and Solita. There was really no mention of Realengo as a place back at the time. Now they've basically lumped all the poor people who don't work on a ranch into the Realengo crowd, so yes, it is the same people.

I do think Tav was rude just walking into Mari's house, if that's what happened. As you mentioned, they don't show the servants letting people in, but in a big house like that, it's an assumption. Like when the Padre walked into the breakfast room at Simona's the other day, and it was mentioned that Awfelia would give him back his hat on the way out, but we were never shown her letting him in and taking his hat in the first place. Someone specifically asked for discussion of how the argument between Mari and Ester played out, so I gave it. And yes, part of Ester's beef with Mari when that argument started was that Mari just walked into her house. You notice how that has become a big deal for her even after that argument and she ask that JA not have Mari back in their house.

@gringo - I'm still waiting for some acknowledgment around here that MC did apparently take a "Humanities" course. Remember all the talk about her being self-centered and that she could have benefited from a "Humanities" course? Of course, I'm waiting for someone to say that her altruism is also a sign of her self-centeredness, just because JackAss suggested a couple of episodes ago that she only did it to get Oblivio's attention, as if MC knew in advance that he would be there when she went to Realengo to find out what was happening and to try to help.

I'm not a fan of the monkey writers for butchering the story, but I'm still on MC's corner.

LatinaMD---Yes it seems like there's not a lot of people in Mari's corner. No matter what she does, even good things, she gets critized. Mari can't get a break for anything. Well at least there are two of us in her corner.
the gringo

Gringo, count me in and make it a threesome. I have been in Maricruz's corner from the start.


Yes Vivi, I remember the ladies at the river washing their clothes. I don't remember what they said but even if you are right [you usually
are] that is/was just two peoples opinion. There is no proof that everyone or even most felt that way
Anyway---even if they/some looked down on her, that dosen't matter, Mari is still trying to do a good, the right thing even if $imona has her nose so high up in the air that she won't help, Mari will go ahead and do what is right. In the end, maybe the people that once looked down on her will change their minds about her.
the gringo

Good going Jarifa.
the gringo

Gringo- "even if they/some looked down on her, that dosen't matter"

Exactly. So just because Simona or a few other rich people looked down on her doesn't matter either. And it doesn't mean all rich people looked down on her. Her vengeance should be focused only on the people who actually went out of their way to do her harm. As big of a b!tch as Simona is now, she's not one of them. The two main culprits are dead.

I love that she is now doing good work, and she feels good/is happy doing it (see my recap earlier this week). Concentrating on the vengeance is just going to leave her feeling unsatisfied and unhappy because the real targets for her vengeance are either dead (Ewsebio, Lucia), already brought low (Miguel), or she's in love with (Tav).

I love the give-and-take here with all the comments. Yes, this gabfest episode probably is setting the foundation for the housing project and MC' role as a community builder.

I do love Maricruz and I can't give up on Tav, even when he's a doofus. It's just the sloppy way the plot and characters are written. Some careful work could have made this a dynamite production.

I feel that MC was quite young and tender when the Narvaez wounded her very deeply and removed her grandpa. If they had tried to help and train her instead of setting her up for failure, she could have been happy. Tav used her and took her for granted. Both of them were immature.

If Don Ale had lived longer, he may have been able to help her see the damage she was doing to herself and her marriage by focusing on vengeance. As Vivi points out, the main targets of vengeance have already been taken out. Things could have worked out between MC and Tav. I hope they still will, somewhere down the line.

Daisynjay, you totally cracked me up! "Future rebellious teenager hanging with delinquent cousin Miguelito." I can see it! It's almost the beginning of Abismo de Pasion, with the four kids hanging out together. We have Miguelito, Lupita, Unnamed Son of Solita, and Ester and JA's child. I can imagine the story already.

La Paloma- Don't forget to add Simona's kid to the mix. The next generation would indeed make for an interesting story, considering their parents' history with one another!

I could see Miguelito turning into Gael, Lupita is Elisa, Ester and JA's child would be Damian, and Simona and Tav's child being Paloma.

La Paloma, excellent job.
Gringo- you always put words in my mouth. I agree with you 1000percent. But you're not 2 or were there 3 who are in MC's camp. I have always believed in MC/MA. I too feel that there is a lack of sympathy for her good deeds.

Reminded me of this line:"The evil doth men leave after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." by Marc Anthony/ W. Shakespeare. It's already happening to MC and it's too bad when she dies, people will only remember the vengeful MC. I guess the problem is too much expectations of a protagonist.

Do they always have to be like a goddess and be a superwoman who can not even think of doing it the wrong way. She is very much the title of this telenovela. She has this flaw. This is just me, I love protagonists like her, Scarlet O'Hara, Lady Macbeth and Teresa, Emily of "Revenge",to name some of them.
Vivi, I am like you. One time I sent without checking a text in my language and they could not understand it (It made no sense) because it had a lot of "assumptions" as you said. LOL.

I have always disliked Snobona. I remember her lack of empathy then towards MC and true to her form, although her physical appearance may have changed, she is consistent with her moral self. Beeyotch
And as for Awwfelia, I am repeating my mantra- She can go to hell.
BTW, why does Snobona keep repeating her mantra "till death do we part, Octavio" sounds like an early anvil hanging on her(yay).

Didn't Miguel go back to look for Eusebio's body and it was gone? And Eusebio's supposed twin has a visible scar on his face (I mean, besides the ones from the plastica).

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