Saturday, September 07, 2013

Corazon Indomable #84: The Plight of Esther & Doris Makes Little Steps Towards Crazyville

We start with MA adamantly denying her interest in Octavio. She tells him he is the father of her child so she should feel a little worried but nothing more is going on. El Governor gives her a skeptical “who are you kidding” look (as he should) and wonders if she is really sure of her feelings.

Octavio ponders that MA/MC does not care about him since she has not been to the hospital to visit him (aww boo-hoo…not!). He then flips the switch and gets angry saying he will speak to his lawyer so that he can see his daughter. Eduardo and Aracely interrupt his solo conversation with a visit. Ed tells him that leg of his must be bi-ionic (viewerville nods in agreement). Aracely informs Octavio that Ed was part of a rescue team to look for him. Oblivio asks him why (umm, he is your friend right?). Ed gets uncomfortable and tells him not to ask so many questions. Oblivio was hoping that MC organized the whole thing. Ed tells him that of course MC fretted over his disappearance but Oblivio believes what he wants to believe.

Doris and Co. are in what appears to be a club/discoteca (have they run out of money again because this looks like someone’s house with seizure lights flashing in the background).  Doris is thinking of staying for a while to see the boyfriend in the day and then take advantage of the D.F nightlife. She also wants to make sure he is divorced so she can have dibs and marry her pilito!

Lucia is crazy with worry and desperation. She bugs the nurse about the condition of Miguelito who really cannot give her more information. Simona being the saint that she his for reasons unknown to me (she knows what a monster Lucia can be but I guess she conveniently forgets things like the rest of these characters. There must be something in that water in Tamilupa). While Simona is attending to Lucia, Lucia asks her child will be saved. She has committed so much sins and errors in the past she thinks that her son will be the person to pay for this. Simona tells her she has repented and she must keep faith. Lucia then breaks it to Simona that she sent Ewsebio to light MC hut on fire. Simona tells her to be quiet (channeling Octavio much…) and they frantically begin praying.

MA speaks to her lawyer and she is perturbed that Octavio is demanding to see his daughter. She asks her laugher if there is anyway that she can get out of it but the lawyer says no can do…he has every right. MA is annoyed and reminds the lawyer that she is a busy working woman who does not have time to be at the beck and call of Octavio every time he wants to see her daughter. When all is said and done she has to make a trip to Mexico tomorrow. 

Those prayers must have been heard because the nurse comes in and informs Lucia that the surgery is done and he should be recovering. The mood lifts and they are smiles and cheers all around. Miguel is informed of the good fortune andthe two lovebirds seem like genuinely, normal concerned parents (if only I didn’t have Miguel’s cowardice and lack of spine and Lucia’s evil craziness ingrained in my memory). 

Awfelia pays a concerned visit to Esther who she almost does not recognize. She things Esther should move to the big house. Esther will not budge. She wants to stay and prove her love to bipolar, jerkface JA! At this time, Esther is also informed of the misfortune that fell upon Miguelito and how Lucia and Simona are in the hospital awating news. They both agree that the big house is cursed and for that reason Esther does not want to return. She does not want to be part of MC venganza, she has not done anything bad to her.

Octavio is doing what he does best (stare blankly and ponder old times), he must be kicking himself realizing that he lost a good thing. Perfect timing! MC walks in dressed in a pretty purple number and a new hairdo (well maybe not, I have missed several episodes).  She brought the baby and like her lawyer told her to. Octavio is all grins and wants to carry his daughter. MC gets protective and reminds him that he is sick. Oblivio must of won that debate because next scene he has his daughter in his arms (aww that baby is just too cute!!). Oblivio wants to buy toys for her to which MC objects to. She reminds him he will have other daughters with the governor’s daughter. He admits she is right but Lupita will always hold a special place in his heart and he will continue to have rights to visit and supervise her education. Pouty face for MA and satisfaction for Oblivio. Doris unfortunately walks on scene and sours the mood with her snide remarks. Oblivio introduces his daughter to Doris, who barely acknowledges her. MA promptly wants to leave (as do I…I already know her lines…wash, rinse, repeat!), she takes the baby away from a disappointed Octavio and Doris is all but happy of MA’s departure. Oblivio tells Doris wait outside for a minute. Leave it to Doris to make a grand exit and leave a few jabs at MA about all the kids she and Oblivio will have. MA gives the child back to Octavio but she is all bothered now and wants to leave. Oblivio asks if she want him to break the engagement between him and Doris. If there is any way she can ever forgive him. MC will never forgive him. She hates him as much as she loved him in the past. He needs to look at her as his enemy!

La Loca (Esther) cannot catch a break. Some neighbor has come to give her grief about why she is digging the earth. She claims to search for water but he thinks she is looking for gold. She tells him to bug off that she can do whatever she wants to do. She only wants to find pure water that will only better he neighbors. El necio does not believe her and tells her to be careful. She should give up what she is doing and return to her people. His daughter who is blind walks on scene and Esther is interested in the little girl helping her. The little girl calls her loca and is scared. Esther is upset that they are all calling her that. Can’t they understand that she is grieving and her child is the only one around she can talk to.

Awfelia is trying to reason with the unreasonable. He is surprised that Awfelia could not get Esther to return. JA has the nerve to get angry when Awfelia calls Esther his “wife/woman” he tries to blow Esther of as his responsibility. Esther informs him that Esther is going crazy and has lost reason. This gets the jerk to stop in his tracks and feel a smidgen of guilt. He did not know if this was true even though everyone has been saying so. Awfelia reminds him that he should be providing and caring for Esther instead of what he is doing now (well said!!).

The blind girl meets Esther as she is talking at her son’s grave. We find out that the little girl’s mother tied from TB and she has a sibling who has went far away. Like our old MC she only has one dress and she does not bathe. I think its Clarinda who interrupts their conversation. Lina (I think that is the child’s name) gets scared when she realizes she has been talking with La Loca. Esther promises that she will no longer talk with the dead if she has others to talk to. She wants to help Lina…what can she do? Clarinda informs her that the child is a disaster (how sensitive), she needs her hair combed and to be bathed. Esther gets excited at her little new project.

Oblivio is worried about his nephew but Doris tells him he is exaggerating. He actually has enough sense to notice and inform her that she is used to the world revolving around her. That she only thinks of herself. It’s better that she goes back to the Isla. She thinks that there is some other reason that he wants her to leave. He cant be worried about his family that much (please do not have children Doris!).  Oblivio looks like he is having doubts again and wants Doris and him to start from zero. He wants to renounce their engagement. Doris thinks it is because of MA but Oblivio reminds her that MA hates him and wants him to pay for all the bad things his family did to her. Oblivio thinks it is better that off she doesn’t get involved in whatever bad fortune that may come upon him. He has a complicated and dirty past that its best to just let him go. He behaved badly in the past and he is paying for his actions now. He didn’t love MC when he married her…or at least he thought he did not. This confession catches Doris ears and she asks well what do you believe. Doris agrees to leave but she is fuming. She warns him that he will not rid of her that easy and she better see him soon on the Island. And just to make sure she makes a grand exit, she grabs his face and plants an angry kiss before stalking out.

Al Fin
Just when I thought we would go one episode without MA thinking out loud her venganza.  We end with her reminding us for the hundredth time that the next step in her plan is to Miguel’s lands.


Thanks Cece. Well done!

I'm going to try to hold my tongue about using Lupita as a weapon/prize.

Wasn't there a scene between Tav and Simona where she offers them cash to pay back their debts so that they can hang on to the ranch, but Tav refuses? He also refuses to borrow the money from Doris when Simona suggests that, and seems determined after that to start cutting his ties to Doris. Can he actually stick to his guns about ending things with Doris? Doubtful.

Gringo- Do you still think these Realengo neighbors would run into a burning shack to save JA or Ester? Jerks! All of them (including JA). I'm not sure why everyone is calling Ester crazy. When did grieving the recent loss of your baby, and visiting his grave become "crazy"? Same with trying to find some fresh, drinkable water. (Although her method isn't very sound.)


Thanks CeCe. Oblivio is so wishy washy. He wants to marry Doris one minute, then calls it off the next. He feels bad for what happened to MC one minute, and then has no patience for MC's anger the next.

Vivi, with regards to turning down Simona's offer to help out financially, maybe Octavio is subconsciously trying to punish himself for everything that happened to MC by not giving himself an out from her vengeance.

Where is Awfelia working now? Where did JA run into her? Does she work for Simona now?

Awfelia is still at the Narvaez ranch. The other day when Santa went to stay there, it was because Awfelia was away visiting a sick relative, or some such.

So is Santa going to stay there then? I thought she was only going to stay there because there was only a cook and a stable guy there.

Can we add "shut up Lucia" to our repertoire? I guess she really does want to pay for all of the evil she has done since she keeps blurting out her ugly deeds. Now Simona has to live with her disturbing admission.


Vivi, I also think that sometimes they use Lupita to get back at each other. They need to quit they're childish games like yesterday!

Yes there was a scene where Simona the Saint and Oblivio have a nice little chat. She offers to lend him money so that all the ranch issue and the owing MC could disappear. He declined her generous offer (I guess if he did not there will be no plot, no venganza and story over). Simona also tells him not to borrow from Doris because it will make him more committed to her. I think she also mentions that he should not get involved with her.

I do not get why they are giving Esther a hard time either. But it seems like she will get into a lot of trouble later. They're was a scene with outsiders snooping on their lands and I bet that the neighbors will get suspicious that all this is Esther's doing for her quest for gold or something

Cathyx (thanks again for the other week...great recap!), I assumed Santa will stay at the least until Lucia gets back. I cannot imagine her staying much longer than that since Lucia and her cannot get along.

Nice recap, Cece.

This was my favorite line: "Doris and Co. are in what appears to be a club/discoteca (have they run out of money again because this looks like someone’s house with seizure lights flashing in the background)." I'm still laughing.

Oh, and I think C.I. should have been titled "COLLECTIVE AMNESIA" - it affects not only the characters, but the producers and the writers too. Sadly for them, Viewerville is immune, so we catch every inconsistency.

Octavio refused to take money from Simona, because he don't want to marry her. And it's the only way they can pay her. And she knows it very well. That is why she asked not to marry Doris.

On Thursday there was a chat with "Juanita" on the She said, that Lupita was really very quite girl. She heard her crying only once and for the few minutes. She was always smiling. And she was only 1.5 months old, when they started to work with her.
I'm really a big fan of this little baby. She's adorable.

Why does he have to marry her if he borrows money from Simona? How about paying it back over time, like normal people do? Why do Mari and Tav think their only options for getting what they want/need is to prostitute themselves? Mari with the Gov and Karim. Tav with Doris and Simona?

JudyB---I read your rant yesterday.
My English is poor. I should have learned more when I was in school.
No doubt you have seen a lot of mistakes in my comments but some of them, not all are because of my one finger typing, sorry. I often
butcher the Kings/Queens English. I'm afraid to even try Spanish, but
I love it. It sounds so pretty.

I love the monkey rescue idea from yesterday. That would have been great.

Find a pilot and win a night with the casino lady.--You're bad Carlos

La paloma---Rave reviews for MariAle's safari look? I have stated many times that the Goddess
of Mexico gets rave reviews in anything from a dirty white lace country dress with holes in it to a modern safari look along with anything in between. Makeup or no makeup, a goddess is a goddess and can't go wrong. YES--I liked her safari look, hat and all.

Now on to Friday's episode.
the gringo

Vivi in DC, because it is what that people want from them. Doris wants to marry Tav, Simona wants to marry Tav. Gov wants to marry MA. So if they will help Tav or MC, they will want their pay back. And, of course, this pay back is not the money.
It's simple people like MC will help for nothing, others no.

"I think C.I. should have been titled "COLLECTIVE AMNESIA" - it affects not only the characters, but the producers and the writers too. Sadly for them, Viewerville is immune, so we catch every inconsistency."


"Why do Mari and Tav think their only options for getting what they want/need is to prostitute themselves?"

I dont get this either...but I stopped thinking so hard about it. I think MA moreso wants to marry for prestige and payback though (At least in the governor's sake). Emir....

I never thanked you. CeCe for your great recap. so, thank you!


Great recap CeCe...I too got quite a kick out of the "seizure lights". Reminds me of when they were going like mad on Valentina's Christmas tree in Porque el Amor Manda. You handled this somewhat turgid, round and round episode very well.

Favorite scenes, for me, were of Octavio cradling the baby in his arms. Sorry. Just can't stay mad at a guy who's so good with infants.

Now Lucia, that's another matter. I blush to admit that I quite enjoyed the thought of her fearing retribution for the death of Maricruz' abuelo.

Gringo, Gringo, Gringo! no attention to my rants. They never apply to friends...and I consider all good-hearted commenters on CarayCaray as my friends.

I'm more of a bear (or a b***h) about these things occurring in the written word, in published books etc. and you'd be amazed at how often they do. Either no one is editing or the editors are as befuddled about grammar as the writers.

Susanlynn and her colleagues to the rescue!

JudyB, I'm with you on the grammar thing. It's not necessarily expected that average folk know proper grammar, but when it's misused on television, the radio, and authors, then that torques my shorts. I don't even have a high skill level in using proper grammar, so when I can catch a mistake, then it is really bad.

I didn't realize that Simona made the lending of money to Octavio this time was contingent on him marrying her.


Cathyx- She didn't. I think Alegria was assuming it was implied, as much earlier in the tn Lucia wanted Tav to marry Simona for the money to save their ranch, and Simona was eventually willing to do this. Tav refused, and married Mari instead, starting this whole mess.

cathyx, no Simona didn't talk about marriage, but this is what she wants from Tav. And he knows it. He is a really very weak person and it's too easy to make him do what you want. He made his own choice only once - when he married MC. So now Lucia and Miguel, I'm sure, will do even impossible to marry tav with Doris, Simona or other rich girl to get easy money. And he won't say "no".

Thanks for this most excellent recap, CeCe, well done. You were speaking for all of us with this:

"Just when I thought we would go one episode without MA thinking out loud her venganza..."

Sorry, no recapper is safe from her repetitious hateful declarations.

You were kind in omitting her concerned-mother instructions (following an exasperated sigh) to Juanita when informed that baby Lupita was restless after all the travel:

"Ay, Juanita, stay with her, please, coo to her or put on some music..."

I'll bet Octavio would have gone and picked her up and rocked her, and cooed to her himself... but then we all have our different styles of parenting. At least she didn't tell her to slip the kid a bit of Benadryl.

My new project is Ester and Lina. This has the potential to be a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.


Vivi- Like normal people! Ha ha. Good one. They've all been drinking that contaminated water and have the brain eating disease.

I think Ofelia has earned her real name back. She's currently the only one making sense. Simona too, assuming "shut about the murder and just pray" was a temporary fix for an upset mother (Lucia).


Didn't Simona cut her friendship with Lucia a while back? Now all of a sudden she's best buddies again?

Oops, sorry, Cece, I thought I'd posted earlier and thanked you for the recap. Very enjoyable.

Pretty funny seeing Mari's pouty expressions in the hospital room when she so doesn't want to share the baby with Tav. All of a sudden she looked like a teenager again.

And Octavio was doing puppy dog eyes - for the baby!


Thanks, CeCe, enjoyed the recap. I laughed to see the mean girls again in the hospital room. Doris so clearly mouthed "fea" to Mariana behind Simona's back.

Seeing Lucia praying in terror of recrimination was slightly rewarding. Didn't take her long to recover.

Tav was super sweet with Lupita in the hospital. Our lead couple really needs to quit fighting over her and put her interests first.

Carlos, my pediatrician told me to use Benedryl to calm my toddler on a cross-country flight (30 yrs. ago). And, Lina could be a life-saving project for Ester.

CeCe---Thank you for your very imformative and thorough recap. I laughed when I read---and the two
lovebirds seem like genuinely normal concerned parents and then you went on to explain a little bit about each of them. I also liked your Ester will not budge line. She wants to prove her love for bipolar jerkface JA.

Vivi---The people on the freelands
or government lands are there because of lack of education and money. Yes they think that Ester has gone off the deep end after she lost her baby. She's digging in
the dirt all day--loco? Would they
let her burn up in a fire? I have
to have faith in humanity, even the
poor and downtrodden. Yes I think they would help in case of a fire.

Vivi---While I have your attention,
did you notice the Doris Marina shopping spree? There must have been 7/8 bags of things that had been purchased and Marina had to carry them all. Doris didn't even cary one. Que? And you think that Maricruz is rude and bossy to Junita? PLEASE! Who would you rather work for, Mari or Doris? I would choose Mari with no hesitation and not because she's pretty---they both are.

Everyone seems to be turned off by Maricruz's thought bubbles of venganza. I think that I am the only one that likes it. It's the theme of the movie and at least we know that Mari is still on track. In a way, it shows her "wild heart"
and I don't blame her in the least.
So go ahead Mari, look in the camera and let us know that you are still on target. I for one am with you all the way.

Kelly--I am really thinking about it. Maybe it is time that Awful-felia get's her name back. After that terrible EWWsebio died,Ofelia
seems to be getting better--we'll see.

When the IOU's are not paid off and
the rancho is in jeopardy, maybe Tav won't go to Simone but Lucifer and Miguel would. They are going to fight to keep Maricruz from getting their rancho that's for sure. There must be some interesting episodes ahead. The governor might be angry if Mari doesn't marry him. He could get back at her with a loan to Lucifer and Miguel.
the gringo


Gringo- When we start comparing the heroine to a villainess, then you know we're in trouble. :)

When I was recently at my high school reunion, my friends reminded me that I used to get a boy who had a crush on me to tie my shoelaces and carry my books on demand. Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh on Bossy Mari and Demanding Doris. ;-)


"When we start comparing the heroine to a villainess, then you know we're in trouble."

Very funny. Actually, at this point, I think that hanging out with Doris might be a lot more fun than being stuck with Maricruz. What a grouch she has become. She was reluctantly in Mexico so Octavio could see his daughter... why not take advantage of the trip and drop in on Solita and her unnamed son? At least Doris did a little clubbing and shopping.


Carlos---Are you helping out with the shows budget? You want to throw
in extra scenes, how much does that cost?
the gringo

Carlos: "My new project is Ester and Lina. This has the potential to be a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship." Totally agree...I feel sorry for Esther...she needs a hobby other than digging holes looking for water.

Gringo: "Are you helping out with the shows budget? You want to throw
in extra scenes, how much does that cost?" LMAO!!

It seems that they have the poor actors who play Solita and Tobi on contract for the entire run, and they're just hanging out in limbo. Since neither one of them has more than two outfits, I don't think it would have cost much to shoot a scene between them and Mari in D.F.

Carlos- Now that I think about it, Mari should have been jumping at the opportunity to see her nephew and sister by going to D.F., but all she could do was complain since her business is so important (but Raiza is perfectly capable of running it), and rushed to get back to the Island without even a quick visit to her family. Wow!

ViVi: Perhaps the insensitivity trait running rampant in La Isla has finally affect poor MA....too bad, money and revenge has changed MA

Think Maricruz was quick to get back to the casino while Octo wasn't flying.

Where was the NSTB? Is he in trouble with his airline employer? Nobody came by to say "how's it going." "Decided to take a hike, huh?"

And, why didn't Maricruz say the bebe was sick to get out of that trip.

Cannot imagine why Maricruz hasn't said why do you let your daughter treat you like that. I cannot imagine any parent on the planet putting up with her crap. Marry into that family? I think not.

Cece: thank you for a great recap of a somewhat dull episode.

Golawah: ITA about the Gov letting his daughter treat hem like she does. Really, what parent would actually put up with that? I really like the actress and I'm used to seeing her in nicey nice roles but she is doing a great job as a bruja. She will forever be SUD to me!

Remember in LQNPA how Danni (Doris) and Ana Paula, a/k/a Cupcake (MC/MA) were besties?? Both very good actresses that are playing such polar opposites now.

Carlos: I hope you are right about Ester and Lina. they really need each other since the men in their lives are such jackasses!!

LoriLoo, I had that EXACT thing thought about Danni/Ana and Doris/MA, and how these two actresses have gone from playing BFFs to mortal enemies... must be kind of fun for them ;) They're definitely rising to the challenge!

Thanks CeCe. Great job.
Gringo, I for one like the revenge theme and the character MC/MA. Though it's a little bit exaggerated. Just as I like the "Revenge" series too.
Anyway, I am biased towards the beautiful heroines and I wish them well and to be vindicated and happy at last.
My heart cries out to Esther. She should have somebody to console her. does she have family other than Luciafer?
I'm glad that Octavio sent Doris out for fear that her snide remarks might make MC leave with the his cute daughter.

It's sad to think that this story could have been written really well. They could have made the characters more believable. They could have made MC look dramatically different enough that even we could believe that Octavio didn't recognize her. And it wouldn't have been that hard to do. She could have cut her hair short and had her never wearing makeup when she was MC and then have her wear makeup as MA. People can look very different just wearing makeup. Enough that they could be unrecognizable.

They wanted to make MA be a man magnet, but they dropped the ball in this department too. They could have had a businessman interested in MA instead of an Emir. An Emir?A wealthy businessman would have been more believable. For me too, I wish they could have had a more handsome Governor play the part. The stodgy older man is simply a turnoff. They could have shown MA being sweet and kind to Teobaldo, then I would believe that he would fall for her. But instead, they never really showed their relationship much beyond a cursory working one, and barely had interactions.

Oblivio doesn't have to be such a dolt. They could have introduced him as a guy who liked to use pretty women as he pleased, and then showed a progression of him maturing and realizing too late that he was such a womanizer before and that he saw the errors of his ways.

The only one who I think is portrayed the way he should be is Miguel. A guy who is inept and lead by his very capable evil wife Lucia. The character of Lucia is ok in my book too since she's supposed to be very bad and I've seen enough shows where the bad people can easily convince those around them that they are good, but so bad that we all want revenge on her along with MC.


Since we are into renaming this TN, it should have been Corazón Vengativo. MA/MC please give it a rest for Lupita's sake.

Actually Lupita seems a sweet baby but I think she prefers to look at men rather than at women. She seems delighted with Octavio's face. Well who wouldn't be...

cathyx, I'm right there with you in your criticism of what we are being offered with this TN. While I'm being entertained as I watch, I can't help but imagine how very good, dare I say, even superior, this show could be with just a modicum of extra effort, attention to detail, and respect for the intelligence of the viewers.

Just for an obvious recent case in point... what was that plane crash and feeble rescue attempt all about? Did it advance the plot? Did it teach us anything new about any of the characters? Was it in anyway thought out or believably portrayed? And most importantly, was it even remotely interesting or entertaining?

There were clear, not to mention tried (tired?) and true elements that should have kept us riveted:

plane crash
lost pilot/galan injured and at risk
remote island
sacrificial offer by protaganista to facilitate rescue

And then what?

Pilot found by random hunters and shipped to city for medical care...

Ana Brenda Contreras may well echo the words of that CW song... I Shaved My Legs For This?

Well, all I have to say is...Next!


cathyx: I already like your version a thousand times better than what they came up with.

Anon: I dont mind the revenge theme but she doesnt have to remind us every second (we are not the entire cast of CI where they conveniently forget everything). Perhaps she says it so that she does not forget herself. I also wish there were more interesting things going on in her life..she could be concentrating on Solita, the other businesses, being a mom. Sigh....must not dwell on the could have been.

Sooo, now that Areceli is happily married to her pilot, Eddy, what becomes of Teo?

Now once again let me say that I still contend that Teo and Ángel may be different and distinct entities, but for the moment I'll concede that Ángel may the new improved Teo. With the wedding, is there any need for Teo? Will Ángel announce that he is the XTeo and openly pursue Maricruz? How will Areceli take that revelation? Eddy? Maricruz? Exmir Karim? Do any of them care? Do we?


I always ask my students to write their 6 words.

Mari's would be..."revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge.....revenge."

Doris's is, of course, " HEY, the govenor is my daddy."

Carlos, you make a good point about plot advancement. There are so many scenes that have no value in moving the show along. But I guess that's what they are using as filler to make the extra episodes.

It may come to pass to be important, but what was the point of Solita getting raped and having a baby? Eusebio is dead, no one seems to even know that he did it, and they don't even show Solita and her baby. We already knew he was a bad guy without the rape. It wasn't necessary at all.



I'll play...

Eduardo: "Great hair... all I'll ever need."

Lucía: "Ya see these eyes? I'm CRAZY!"

Miguel: "Could I have a drink first?"

Exmir Karim: "I should have stuck with camels."


MA was hellbent on getting back to her "work" at the casino, but what does she do when she gets home? She's "too stressed" to concentrate, so calls Raiza to handle the business 'cause she's staying home. And does she stay home to soothe her restless baby? Not on your life! "Juanita, you take care of her and settle her down. But I'll be here in case you need me. I'm not going in to work today." Really? What are you going to do if Juanita asks you to help with the baby? "Ay, Juanita, you do it ... after all, that's what I pay you to do!"

Awfelia does NOT deserve her name back. Ever. Sure, she's talking sense right now, but only because it's about "La Senorita Ester." She hasn't changed her attitude toward the "lower-class" persons (including JA). She knows everything that Lucia and Eusebio did, including the rape, and always went along with it, even looking smug about it in many cases. She always did and always will consider MC/MA and Solita to be "below" her. She still needs a big-time anvil!

Carlos...HAHAHA...I LOVED them all. Thank you for playing. I wish that I had some lovely parting gifts for you, but all I can offer is my gratitude for your participation. It's kind of like captioning screen caps, and you are a master at that. .I can't wait for your next recap of this ongoing saga of revenge...stupidity...and ADD. ------Susanlynn, sitting on the patio enjoying the breeze and the sun and looking sadly at the dried leaves that are already littering the backyard...goodbye summer...hello autumn

okay, okay..If I have to pick a favorite, it's got to be Miguel's "Could I have a drink first?" right on the money !!!!

Jose Antonio: I'm macho so my wife suffers.

Mariana: The governor's daughter is my pimp.


Simona "When in doubt... paint it beige."

Lupita: "Who's this strange lady holding me?"

Teo/Ángel: "Lost a hump to get humped"

Tobias: "At least come get your monkey."


Heehee...It's like eating potato chips. Once you start, it's hard to stop. That's what happened to me when I took the challenge (was it Judyb's ?) to write a haiku for LT. Love all your new submissions , but my fav is Tobias's plea.."At least come get your monkey." Fitting and justified. Rock on, Carlos. You are very good at this.

ofelia : "Yes, I'm awful..hey, where's Eusebio ?"

Raisa : " I have slowly become invisible...Boo,"

Ester...."Never appreciated indoor plumbing until now." "

Kid in Realango: "Wish they had shut that door."


theMonkey : "Am I still in this show ?"

finally (for me at least)

Octavio: "Duh! I thought she looked familiar."


Carola: "So how come nobody remembers me anymore?"

Excellent, Susanlynn.



She took the money and ran.

Congrats to OSU, I hope your QB is OK.

Baylor had a pretty good day.


I think the writers(using term loosely) throw in a lot of red herrings just in case they might want to use them later. This is full of them.

CeCe, Thanks for the great recap. I really think you're on to something with the amnesia-inducing water theory in Tamaulipas. It would explain so much….

Not only has Simone seemed to have forgotten what she knew about Luciafer's sins, she has forgotten that she was upset enough to go to the police chief to ask him to investigate the fire at Abuelo's jacal as arson.

Ester seems to have forgotten she was a "mean girl" right there with Lucia. Among other offenses, Ester played a major role in trying to humiliate Maricruz at the party on the ranch.

And, are we supposed to forget that it was strongly suggested that Ester either shot JA herself or hired someone (Eeewwsebio?) to shoot JA?

Oh! OH! I just realized….shooting a guy must be a courting technique in Tamaulipas!


Besides the newlyweds, Eduardo and Areceli, does anyone see any prospects at all for sex in the upcoming episodes? I was hoping to at least see some sort of intimate encounter between the Exmir and Maricruz, but nopis, apparently not. The Guv and Maricruz? We can hope I suppose. Doris and Octavio? He's rethinking that so I don't see it anytime soon.

This is a Mexican telenovela for goodness sakes... where is the SEX? Illicit? furtive? forbidden? Zip. Zero. Nada. No wonder some of us are getting restless.

Next!... and make it sex... porfis.


Cece thanks for your great recap.

Susanlynn & Carlos - your bios were hilarious.

I just came back from my hairdresser, and a I have had previous conversations with a woman who cuts hair there about TNs. I was watching Amor Bravio at the time. Today she asked me if I was watching any and I told her I was watching this one. She said she loves this one, and she wasn't being sarcastic. She really loves this one. I asked her if she was married to The Gringo. Just kidding of course, Gringo.

"I was hoping to at least see some sort of intimate encounter between.....The Guv and Maricruz? We can hope I suppose." Really, I mean REALLY, Carlos?



Not only is this TN ridiculous, we don't get eye candy or pseudo sex scenes. But I'm with Barbara, please no sex between The Gov and MA.


The Guv and Maricruz? Hey! Why not. That self-inflicted dye job took years off. I'm guessing that he has a body that goes with that hair.

Maybe dim the lights just a bit...


OMG Carlos! Now I need brain bleach!

Carlos, words of advice. Sometimes there is no amount of hair dye that can take off enough years to make any difference.

Oh gee, of course (uh hum) I wasn't thinking about the LARGE age difference. I just hate seeing MA toy with the Guv's feelings. Not nice at all.


Barbara and Vivi,

OK, OK, I think I see the problem you guys have with this... how about if he leaves his socks on?


Only if their black socks.


Drat! And here I was all set to head out to Walgreen's.


Barbara- I also have a problem with Mari toying with the Gov and blatantly lying about it to his face. He's never done anything bad to her, so he really doesn't deserve this. I would have blown my top long ago and given Mari a good talking to, if I were him. It's not just his daughter who he allows to walk all over him.


Maybe I'll pick up a pair of socks while I'm there.


After all the begging, arguing, and back and forth, it's pretty cruel of the writers not to show us even one sexy-time scene between Ara and Ed now that they are married.

Vivi, we didn't even get to see them leave to go on their honeymoon, let alone see them on their honeymoon. So I'm sure that there won't be any hanky panky shown, not even a bare chest, even though they are married now. They probably have 2 single beds too, just like 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'.

I actually think Lucia and MIguel are the most romantic couple in this show. Lucia seems to adore Miguel. And Miguel, when he's not being a weak, drunken clod, is very sweet and caring with Lucia.

Carlos, forget the socks. I'm sure you don't need them!


Vivi, Barbara, and cathyx,

I know they say that "there's no fool like an old fool" an I agree that the governor is something of an old fool. Believe me, he may be a fool, but he is not fooled. He knows what he wants, and if it means that he must agree to play the fool... entonces...

That hair dye was funny as well as poignant and evidence of some creativity on the part of somebody involved with this TN. It's sad that such attention to detail has not been devoted to the overall course of this TN. The scene in Octavio's room with Octavio, Simona, Doris, and Mariana was a flash of brilliant acting and direction. All that time spent hunting for Octavio was certainly more costly (gringo?) and a total waste.

I'm a little sad because I'm witnessing such wasted potential with this TN. Maybe if somehow the Guv could have sex with Simona...


Carlos and Susanlynn: Too funny with the one liners and spot on for all the characters. LOL.

As for the lack of sex scenes--> remember that this comes on at 4pm in mexico so its family friendly. The only other show I have seen in that time slot was CCEA (also by Mrs. Meija) and it was the same way.


I would have dropped this long ago if I was not recapping. I am much more interested in La Tempestad (which I had to drop since I couldnt handle two novelas with school).

The poorly written plot + wasted characters + all the could have beens make this hard to watch. That and there is no character development what so ever! It would be ok if these people grow and become smarter but no.

Never again will I start a TN from the Patio of High Expectations (perhaps only with Estrada novelas)! I need to come in with none or set the bar really really low.

Un Refugio Para el Amor was a 3pm tn, and although tame, had some nice love scenes between one of the older couples, nice romantic scenes between the younger couples, and some sexy-time scenes between one of the older men and his young mistress that we didn't want to see (well, maybe Carlos). Daytime tns can have romance and sexy-time, withoug being graphic or explicit.

I completely agree. The hair dye scene and the hospital scene were brilliant. The Octavio rescue was such a wasted opportunity.

Despite it all, I am enjoying CI and hope to do so for the second half as well.



Your recap rescued this episode for us. I was promised a monkey and signed up. You may have been expecting a masterpiece. This reminds me of my favorite scene from Casablanca:

Renault: "And what in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?"
Rick: "My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters."
Renault: "The waters? What waters? We're in the desert."
Rick: "I was misinformed.

We were misinformed. But I'm believing that with the team of recappers we have on board we can drag this thing kicking and screaming to the finish line.

Heck, it's over halfway done... maybe the producers, writers, and directors will join us in this effort. The actors are all doing their part already.

We always have the option to go nuclear and start ridiculing it...

Oh wait...


Vivi: Well there goes my early time theory. I have no idea why they why then.

Carlos:Lol! Did that actually happen. Too funny. Well you are correct in that the actors are doing there part. And occasional they are giving good material. The recappers and those who comment make this TN much more enjoyable. Plus I am curious to see how the writers will wrap this up in a nice little bow.

Carlos, if they brought back the monkey and found a little mate for him, we might get some hot, monkey sex scenes.

in the beginning, we did get some scenes of Oblivio deflowering his little savage . After that, she and the monkey occasionally got out of the elements and got to meet O in his room for a few afternoon delights.

It has been a long, dry spell, but I really do not care. These folks all seem pretty asexual to me., and besides I hate most of them , so really do not want them to have sex. This is a very weird novela compared to all the Boinking that goes on in some novelas like Amor Real. I guess all that thinking and planning revenge really dampens the libido....another reason that forgiving and forgetting is probably the best way to go. Hey, I forgive you because I am moving on with my life and Boinking people , so juarever.

Susanlynn- If thinking dampened the libido, then these characters should be having sex ALL the time! LOL!

But I agree with you. I really don't want to see most of these characters getting it on. Ester took the initiative to get some action with JA, and look where that left her...and us!

oh yes,I forgot that Ester and JackAss were getting busy for awhile.

it 'sbnot the thinking that dampens the libido , it's the thinking about revenge 24/7. Geez...let it go and have some fun, you dopes.


"...besides I hate most of them, so really do not want them to have sex."

and Vivi,

"I really don't want to see most of these characters getting it on."

Yikes! Things are even worse than I had imagined.

Perhaps if we clean up Miguel, an intimate dinner with Lucía, a competent babysitter, rose petals scattered about, a zillion candles flickering...

Nah... probably just remind everyone of Ramiro going up in flames.

Then again...


No, I have no interest in drunk, weak , pathetic Miguel and crazy Lucrazia doing the horizontal mambo ...yawn. The only thing that I might be interested in is maybe some hot hate sex between Oblivio and Mariwhoeveryouare.

Carlos and my other Caray amigos/as...I am anxious to read your own personal 6-word biographies .

Carlos: You are on a roll.

"Perhaps if we clean up Miguel, an intimate dinner with Lucía, a competent babysitter, rose petals scattered about, a zillion candles flickering...

Nah... probably just remind everyone of Ramiro going up in flames."

My first reaction was to laugh hysterically. Then I felt slightly guilty...RIP Ramiro.

CeCe said what I was thinking: "Carlos, you are on a roll"

This statement really cracked me up:
"We were misinformed. But I'm believing that with the team of recappers we have on board we can drag this thing kicking and screaming to the finish line."

Susanlynn: My 6 word bio for CI:
Two beautiful faces sucked me in.

I had such hopes for this TN and, as stated by several, it could have been top-notch. Now it's one big game board (TN bingo). We will drag it to the finish line, even at the risk of sustaining injuries.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Ok, here I come, checking in after a long while of not commenting.
After I came back from my vacation I found that I had no interest in watching 10 episodes worth of nonsense. So I chose the recaps, instead, they are ALWAYS the better choice and only now I'm trying to get re-accustomed to the actual show.

So, while you're all surely on the edge of your seats waiting for my Tuesday recap (sarcasm), I'm here to suggest another title instead of CI, too, one that I think captures both the way that plot has been moving along (it really, hasn't) and MC's never ending chats with herself.

THE VENGANZA MONOLOGUES - this is my title and I'm sticking with it until the bitter end.

Oh, and thank you to all the recappers for their truly wonderful work; and a special thank you to Vivi for filling in for me when I was happily away from Isla Dorada & Co.

Adriana- LOL! I love that title. Perfect!

welcome back, Adriana Noel. I like your idea for a new title. It is right on the mark. Well, time to go to work. Later, Gators.

Welcome back Adriana Noel,


perfect! (heh heh)

Susanlynn, my 6 word autobiography (I waited hoping it sounds a little less creepy in the daylight):

Hey, trust me...I'm a doctor



Thanks, Barbara, for reminding us of the specifics of Simona's fallout with Lucia. I thought that was what had happened - and magically swept under the rug after many episodes pass.

Also about Esther - totally different person. Makes no sense.

Oh well - same old.

Carlos.heh..heh..I .loved your 6_word biography....It is 3.00 in the afternoon, and it only sounded a little creepy.

The six words are terrific.

Cathyx---She really loves it. Is she married to the gringo? You really caught me off guard with that one. At least there is someone besides me that can look beyond the shows faults and see a great story. Just wait until Maricruz is in Octavio's arms. This novela will come out just fine

Vivi---brain bleach? that's a new one for me but it sure made me laugh.

Mari and the governor---YUCK!! Are you guys crazy?

Carlos---You finally got it right,
put Simona with the governor.

Boy! you guys are after sex---Ester
did and look what happened to her.
You guys are a riot.

The Venganza Monolgues? That made me laugh too.

For such a BAD novela, I can't wait for tonight, 5 1/2 hours to go
the gringo


Now let's see---For such a TERRIBLE
novela, we have so far---CI with over 100 weekend comments. Let's just say 100+ because there will be more.

QBA---30 weekend comments.

PEAM---33 weekend comments.

LT---67 weekend comments. Just a little over hahf of CI's and that's
without shirts, you know, all that macho skin. QUE???

Corazon Indomable ROCKS!!! and the numbers show it. YEAH!!!
the gringo


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