Friday, September 06, 2013

La Tempestad, Cap. 29, Thursday, Sept 5: Esthercita joins the family business.

Valdivia removes DamFab's oxygen mask and presses a pillow over his preternaturally beautiful face (Dam's, not Valdivia's).  "Die, my captain!"  Lara watches the show through the window, wishing he had brought some Jujubes.

Marina's two mommies stroll down the hospital hallway thinking they are on the way to becoming besties.  They join Rebeca and hunky José in the waiting area and learn that Marina has stepped out for a moment with Hernán.  Since that means Eusebia is alone with DamFab, Mercedes decides to check on her and see if she needs anything.

Lara spots Merce heading towards the ICU and he quickly taps on the glass to alert Valdivia who is still pressing on the Dam pillow.  Lara runs away and Valdivia ducks under Dam's bed.  Out in the hallway, Merce comes upon Eusebia sprawled on the floor, unconscious.  There are no doves hovering. This could be serious.

Meanwhile Beatriz is simpering to José and Rebeca that Hernán hasn't left Marina's side for a single minute; she hopes her daughter appreciates what he is doing for her.  [Shut up, Bea.]

Nan and Marina are at a table together and he is being all smarmy about how wonderful she is, how different from the other women he knows [who, by and large, charge by the hour].

When Mercedes runs off to summon Doc San Miguel, Valdivia takes the opportunity to slither out from under the bed and sidle away. 

Mercedes tells the doc that Eusebia has fainted.  He hastens to attend to her.

Marina thinks working with Nan is going to be a problem -- he will keep getting his hopes up and then getting them dashed -- so she has decided they should dissolve their partnership as soon as possible.  Nan furrows his brow.  Marina can't be serious!  He asks her for more time.  He couldn't bear it if she left him.

Eusebia comes to and says emphatically that she did not faint.  She explains that she was outside Dam's room praying when someone put something on her nose and mouth, something whose smell reminded her of hospitals.  "Ether!" guesses the doc.  Eusebia insists: she was not the target.  Someone wanted to hurt DamFab.  

Upon hearing this, Doc rushes off to check on Dam and then quickly returns with reassuring news: he is DamFine.

Delfina doesn't have to twist Mayuya's arm to convince her to bathe in  Esthercita's bathroom and change into one of Esthercita's dresses so the two can go to the hospital together.  After all, Mayuya is kinder to her than her own daughter was.  [Listen, honey, a rabid pit bull would be nicer than your daughter was.]

Marina and Hernán are back with the gang at the hospital.  When Marina says they have to find out who tried to hurt DamFab, Nan says she's jumping to conclusions without all the facts.  Mercedes shuts him down quickly:  It is obvious that someone attacked Eusebia to get to Dam.  José and Rebeca are all for calling the authorities.  Bagre, who has been listening silently, jumps in here and reminds them that would mean Fulgencio's involvement.  He says the crew will take turns guarding Dam in his room.  Marina also plans to stay at his bedside despite Bea's pleas that she go home to rest.  [Shut up, Bea].  Bagre smiles broadly at this.  Nan glowers in the background.

Marina, gowned and masked, enters DamFab's room.  And ladies and gentlemen, I kid you not -- She keeps her mask on!  On her mouth and nose, not on her neck! [Which is just one more reason why I love this show.]  She murmurs sweet nothings to him, promising to stay with him and protect him.

Marina rubs her back.  She has been at Dam's bedside all night and there have been no changes.   Bea comes along and tries to convince Marina to come home with her.  "Shut up, Bea," says Rebeca.  [Well, that's a loose translation.]  It is, of course, Bea who needs to go home and rest.  Quietly.  She and Rebeca leave the hospital.  José goes to join Mercedes in the waiting room.  

Eusebia takes the opportunity to have this crazy conversation with Marina:
Eusebia:  You really love Beatriz, don't you?
Marina:  Of course I do! She's my mother.
Eusebia:  It is an affection that goes beyond blood ties.  There are ties of affection that come from the heart and nothing and no one can break them.  That is the love that exists between you and Beatriz.
Marina:  Huh?
Eusebia:  Oh, don't mind me.

Okay.  Nan has been fake-smiling for a long while and it's time to kick the dog.  He is in his mansion on the sea and he is berating the evil but inept Valdivia and Lara.  "Imbéciles!" he screams.  They can't get anything right!  He should throw them to the sharks!

Exit two imbeciles and enter one Fulgencio in a chocolate brown shirt whose pleating enhances his bulk.  His irony seems intact, his grief either well-masked or forgotten.  Why is Nan in a snit?  Nan explains the flubbed murder.  And no, they can't try again because now the crew is guarding their captain.  "Those two are as inept as you -- you never do anything right!" fulminates Fulge.  Nan glares back.

Back in the hospital, Mercedes admits to José that there's something sketchy about Nan.  José tells her how aggressive Nan can be: once he got into a street fight with DamFab and actually ordered one of his men to shoot the captain.

Fulgencio pays a visit to Nereo to fill him in on the plans to get their business moving again.  Nereo informs him that "the priest's nephew" works for them now.

Indeed.  Laz is ambling down the street when Lara pulls up in a big bad black camioneta and orders him to get in.  There's a job that needs doing.  Laz refuses at first -- he needs to check on the captain.  But when he hears his ma hollering for him, he jumps right in and never looks back.

Fulge is furious.  He wants the kid out of the business.  Now.  No can do, says Nereo.  The kid has seen too much.  And the only way out of their business is feet first.

Merce gets a call from Alicia alerting her to a video made by the detective agency in Mexico.  It shows the girl she thinks is Magdalena -- though her face isn't clear -- rummaging through the trash bins.  Merce departs hastily for the city but not before embracing Marina warmly and blessing her.

Hernán, now wearing a long, floaty, fashion-forward scarf, begs for a word alone with Marina, who has made her way back to the ICU.  But the Eusebia-Bagre-Marina bloc won't separate so Nan is forced to speak in front of the others.  He begs her to continue their partnership for the sake of the fishery and the workers.  His feelings for her have nothing to do with it.  Nada.

Fulgencio is worried about the federal police combing through his business.  He figures he needs to be ready to get out of R-Lay-Dee in a hurry.  Hey -- what about the Pest's jewelry?  He can sell it and raise some cash.  He heads for Esthercita's room…

…and encounters Mayuya in a towel.  She plays the coquette and then suggests they drop their masks.  But instead, she drops her towel.  And a moment later she is lying underneath him and thought-bubbling:  "Esthercita, I hope you are twisting in hell seeing me end up with your daddy."

Hell?  Not yet.
The tide washes up on a remote beach.  We see a wooden table, a couple of simple chairs, some fruit.  Inside a rough cabana lies a girl in a flowered sundress.  Is it??? Can it be? Yes!!!  It's Esthercita!  Is she sleeping?  Or is she …

At the hospital, the meticulously masked Marina strokes DamFab's straggly locks and tells him he has to keep fighting.  Eusebia watches them through the window.  All the action, though, is in DamFab's head.  He dreams he is dancing in his wet white pants.  He and Marina (who is also in white) frolic at the sea, kissing and embracing and dancing in the surf.  They wade into the sea and the waves roll over them.

Marina stands on the shore and calls out:  Damián, por favor, ¡no te vayas, regresa!  (Please don't go, come back)

He struggles and the waves seem to overwhelm him.  Marina kneels at the shore.

Tranquilo, mi amor, says the real Marina, holding his hand, stroking his hair.  He speaks her name.  Marina.  He squeezes her hand.  He is coming back!  The doctor examines Dam and concurs -- Dam is starting to respond.  He's not sure how long it will take for him to regain full consciousness, but this is a wonderful sign.  Almost a miracle!

I wouldn't exactly call it afterglow.  Mayuya, having gotten what she wanted from Fulge, is starting to torture him by talking about the Pest.  But Delfina's knock on the door interrupts her.  Is Mayuya ready to go to the hospital?

Nereo fills in fellow scuzzball, Genaro, on the new route for moving the "merchandise."  Tonight they are back in business.

Mayuya tells Fulge she has to go with his wife right now but she'll see him that night for some more of that there Fulgy love.  Does he smile slightly?

Rebeca handily rebuffs Bea's attempts to push her into José's manly masculine arms by pointing out that the real love story is the one between Marina and DamFab.  Why Marina hasn't left his side (except for once to get coffee with Nan and then DamFab was almost smothered to death).  Well Bea isn't at all happy that Marina is sacrificing herself for That Man.  [Shut up Bea].   When is Bea going to accept that nothing can separate those two? asks Rebeca.

Brown-shirted Fulge arrives at the hospital, says he heard about the attack on Dam and announces that he will be installing a police guard.  Too late, Aunt Becky tells him.  The crew of La Tempestad is taking turns protecting their captain.  

The sailors can leave, says Fulge.  José disagrees: the sailors stay.  And now Comandante Robles, he of the noble, manicured brow, enters and chimes in:  "I agree.  The sailors stay."  Not only that, he personally is going to investigate the incident.

Fulge doesn't like the sound of that, but Robles won't be deterred.  Besides, he feels the federal authorities need to investigate all the tragic events that have happened here recently -- the pirate attacks; the arson at the fishery; the sailboat that was blown up; and now this recent attack on CapFab in the hospital.

Marina and Bagre spread the good news about DamFab's improvement.  Fulge seems less than enchanted.  He twists his neck as if he is in pain.

Nan takes the news about Dam rather well but has a harder time faking his delight at the news of the broadening federal investigation.  "It was about time," he manages to choke out.

Marina is back at Dam's bedside and once again, the action is in his mind.  He sees himself swimming under the wreckage of the sailboat, coming up for air and calling to Esthercita, and then diving under again in a futile attempt to find his shrewish spouse.  Then he is swimming alone.  He appears to go a great distance.  Finally, he drags himself up onto a rocky coast and sprawls, exhausted.  He prays that Esthercita has not died.

She hasn't.  (Though at some point she might wish she had.)  She is still in the cabana on the beach.  We hear her coughing.  Nereo's scuzzy companion, Genaro, sits at the table outside and tells the woman with him to get the girl to drink some water.  He has new merchandise on the way and doesn't want a corpse on his hands.

More Dam Memories:  Our hero staggers along the rocky shore.  He spears a fish.  [Does he cook it?]  He thinks of Marina who must, by now, think he is dead.  And he will be dead if he doesn't get out of there.  He starts to build a crude raft…

In the hospital, Marina's well-manicured hand strokes Dam's face.

Esthercita, filthy, bedraggled, and hurting, stumbles out of the cabana.  And guess what, gang?  She has AMNESIA!  She doesn't remember Genaro finding her, half-drowned.  She doesn't know her name or where she's from.  But Genaro recognizes her potential.  They can clean her up, dress her up and sell her for a nice piece of change.

More Dam Memories:  Dam drags the crude raft into the water, he paddles, he rests, he nears the shore.  He gets out and collapses on the sand.  Two little boys spot him.  Is he The Handsomest Drowned Man?

He wakes up in a hut where someone has been caring for him.  A curandera urges him to stay longer [well who wouldn't] but a kind man rows him back to R-Lay-Dee.  He drags himself along the beach and falls to his knees.

His head is spinning and ours are too.

The real DamFab sits up in bed and calls out "Marina!"  "I'm here, my love," she answers. "It's ok."  DamFab is conscious!  Eusebia and Bagre run in, followed by the doc.  But now Dam is getting very agitated and the doc hurriedly injects a sedative.

You can't win them all
Mercedes gets to her club in Mexico City in time to see one of her rescued ladies throw in the towel. [Or in this case, the apron].  Alicia reassures Mercedes -- there are some you just can't fix. (Árbol que crece torcido jamás su tronco endereza.)

Back in R-Lay-Dee, the doc explains that Dam is reliving several important life events and that is a good thing.  But they need to understand that he has a long recovery ahead of him.  Everyone agrees that he'll pull through because he is a strong man with a big heart -- just like his father, Michel Fabre!

Michel Fabre?  Bea recognizes the name.  Her late husband, Ariel, would mention him sometimes.  They were good friends though she herself never met Michel.

Let's see what is happening to the Amnestic Pest:
Genaro and his woman have cleaned her up and are marching her through the jungle in search of a buyer.  They are stopped by a weird-looking dude -- sort of an elf -- in a tan suit.  More worrying are the tipos with automatic weapons who flank him.  The Evil Elf checks out Esthercita -- teeth, limbs, front, back -- and likes what he sees.  He makes an offer.  Now both of Fulgencio's kids are in the family business.

If this isn't chutzpah, I don't know what is:
Mayuya, fresh from the bed of Fulge, storms into the ICU, slaps Marina, and calls her a slut.  Oso, who has taken over from Bagre, holds her back, but Mayuya keeps running her mouth, even telling Eusebia to shut up when that wise soul tries to intervene.  Mayuya orders Marina to leave DamFam and never come back!

The Evil Elf is in a big fancy house checking out new merchandise.  Walk.  Smile.  Sit down.  Cross your legs.  He assesses.

Another figure approaches and Evil Elf addresses him deferentially:  "Sir, it's an honor to be in your home."  Is anyone on the Patio surprised when we see his face?  It is Ernesto Contreras, the top devil in hell, and he wants a few girls to give as, oh, party favors.  The Elf -- and now we learn that his name is Macario -- is going to show him their latest arrival; he knows she won't give him any trouble.

The Amnestic Pest is led into the room.  The ugly wig is gone and her hair is pulled back revealing her lovely face. But the best thing about her is that she hardly ever speaks!  They have given her a magical name: Hada (fairy).*

[*Thank you, Elna June!]

Ernesto studies Hada closely, then kisses her hand.  She'll do very well with him, he tells her.

Mayuya fights off Oso, yelling and calling him names.  She breaks free and rushes back at Marina and Eusebia.  She ridicules Eusebia and her visions  -- she's just crazy.  Eusebia says quietly that she is seeing Mayuya's future at that very moment -- and if she knew what it was, she'd be terrified.

Marina stands her ground against the horrible shrieking Mayuya.  She asks Oso to get her out of there for DamFab's sake.  Mayuya bangs on the glass to the ICU and screams that Marina has no right to be there.  Oso finally hoists her over his shoulder.

DamFab raises his head from the pillow and opens his eyes. Oso sees this and is so startled that he sets down Mayuya.

"Mi amor," Dam says, recognizing Marina.  "Yes, it's me, Marina."  His eyes fill with tears.

Eusebia and Oso join Marina at his bedside while Mayuya watches through the glass.

Hernán orders the death of Comandante Robles
HadaPest will be living with Ernesto
Bea conspires with Nan to separate Marina and DamFab by pretending that her illness has worsened. [Seriously, Bea?]  


Good morning all!

I am so sorry this is so insanely long. I suspect this is two full episodes rolled into one. It started early and ran late.

Anyway, here's a chance for you to use those skimming and scanning techniques they taught you in junior high.

P.S. Fans of Elna June -- Fear not! Our brilliant friend will be covering Friday's episode so we can look forward to reading something especially Dam Fabulous this weekend.

I am going to read every word, Novelamaven because I love your style and wit. However,I must make a few quick in...YIKES...What an episode!!!!!

evidently, my theory that Pester was pulled from the savage sea by the Coast Guard/Mexican Navy was WAYYYYY off base. Washed up in the wrong place at the wrong time to the wrong folks...then sold into the family biz. I did not see that coming.

DamNearDrowned looked DamGood washed up on those rocks. Talk about a gift from the sea. I like to look for shells when I walk along the beach....DamBeached would have been quite a surprise.

And let's take a moment to appreciate DreamDam in the WET, WHITE PANTS reprisal as he frolicked with Marina the Good sea Sprite also all in white. We get it,...,the good guys WEAR WHITE.

MAyDay is craycray. I loved watching the scene play out through that big window in DamStillAsleep's hospital room. What a witch. And the bedroom scene with awFul-of-Himselfio was...ewwww...awful......oof

I think that was the first time I saw a character in a tn using an Ipad. Sometimes, they do not even have cellphones. Mercedes has embraced technology.

Sorry...Inhad to get that all out. !!!!

NovelaMaven: Rather than skimming, I read and savored every word of this full bodied, delectable summary.

How could you not love a recap that contains "preternaturally beautiful face" in the very first sentence? "I wouldn't exactly call it afterglow" and "amnestic pest" had me smiling away. This was wry and wonderful. Your conversation translations are always a treat.

Was pleased with the unexpected (for me) plot twist of Estercita losing her memory. Being sold into slavery made me cringe - hope this storyline does not extend too far.

I've not seen Laura Carmine before this but she looked amazingly beautiful when she was paraded out for Ernesto's viewing pleasure. What a shame she was rescued by such evil people who hurt rather than helped her.

Mayuya is a hellcat, isn't she? Without conscience, she is utterly fearless and ruthless. Her attack on Marina was something to behold. Her seduction of Fully - sickening.

Had to laugh how Marina remained fully gowned while ungowned Bagre and Eusebia manhandled Dam and his mask...

Susanlynn: "We get it,...,the good guys WEAR WHITE". Yes, those frolicking in the waves scenes were fun.

Could anyone detect that pattern in Hernan's scarf? It was so distracting, I couldn't take my eyes off it - and not in a good way.

Also, is the "Evil Elf" Coyote from FELS or is it simply wishful thinking on my part?

NovelaMaven, you have made my day!


I love all the detail NM since I missed the end of the episode last night. Great job!

So at least we got the flashbacks that explained the change of wardrobe for DamFine. And Ester, oh my, she of the new meek and mild has landed in the worst of all animal dens. We can now proceed to feel bad and root for our little sparkplug. (And I'm sorry--dude with the freaky sweat problem. Tell me that was a hair piece he wore otherwise I suspected a dead rat was taking a nap on his head. )

The whole Mayu scenarios were just moment of the night, Oso slinging her sorry butt over his shoulder and then promptly dropping her like a sack of rotten potatoes seeing DamFine waking up.

Kudos to Marina with the mask. I too was amazed, of course, noone else cared, but the girl always tries to do the right thing doesn't she? Now if Bea would stop shoving her at He-man. Proves Bea doesn't have the true instincts for Mar, but thank goodness Mercedes doesn't trust the dude. What would we do without her?

Good job, NovelaMaven! Wow, this episode was all over the place, but you put it together with great wit.

DamDelicious was DamDivine in WHITE PANTS. I was disappointed to see him all covered up in his coma. But, then we get the memories and he's wearing just enough to make us pant about the WHITE PANTS.

Marina doesn't have good instincts. Or maybe she just ignores them - even when they're screaming at her.

Marea Primavera


Excellent, NovelaMaven, your recaps always sparkle with brilliance.

What have they done to our Estercita? Noooo!

Coyote was creepy looking with all that hair. What is with these folks and their wigs? It's like the British courts, one must wear a ridiculous wig to perform.


Excellent job NovelaMaven!

Oh no! Poor Ester! I did not see that twist coming at all. In addition to Hernan eventually having a motive to kill Ernesto when he finds out he killed his parents, Fulgencio will also have a reason to put him on his hit list when he finds out the old devil turned his daughter into a prostitute.

I was glad to see that I was right, and a nice old lady found Dam on the beach and nursed him (always happens). Nice to know the continuity people were not falling down on the job with the wardrobe change. I'd like to thank the wardrobe people for the fantasy frolic in white pants.

Both Bea and Marina have terrible people instincts. Mercedes and Becky were giving Hernan all kinds of side eye, and both gave some subtle eye rolls when Bea was talking up Hernan's virtues. I will be very disappointed in her if she tries emotional blackmail on Marina.


NovMav, in the words of Toby el tigre

Cliche #42, amnesia, done

Ester/Ada/Pester looks fantastic. We have one more bad wig to dispose of.

Marcario really does look crazy/creepy.

NovelaMaven, I really enjoyed your recap and laughed at your comment of Hernan saying Marina was so different than other women he knows - who charge an hourly rate! So, so clever!
Thank y'all for all you do! I love this website due to everyone's efforts and entertaining differences.


I smiled at the title, chuckled at "no doves hovering", smirked at "who, by and large, charge by the hour, guffawed at "rabid pit bull" and "Shut up Bea", and I howled at "She keeps her mask on!" I just love starting my day with laughter. Thank you Novela Maven!

The recap didn't feel long, in fact it was more like a quick romp. What a fun read!

I don't know if they combined more than one episode, but it kind of felt like that whole bit about DamFab spearing a fish, building a raft, getting found etc. was jammed into this episode. The whole timeline felt wrong. It seemed like only a day or so had passed at R-Lay-Dee before he staggered back home, but his adventure must have taken days. Oh well, a minor beanie readjustment and I was back on track with the story.

Wow, I totally did NOT suspect the "amnestic pest" (brilliant!!)would end up in the family biz. Now that is some interesting telenovela justice.

I love how Tia Becky and Marina always roll their eyes when Bea tries to push Marina and Hernan together.

I agree with Vivi, if Bea tries to use her illness to get Marina to be with Hernan I will be very disappointed. So far she has been a very noble (albeit sometimes clueless) character.

NM, this was a great recap of a super long and action-packed episode. Thank you for your hard work and for starting my day off in such a grand fashion.

Sylvia- Remember the 4-combined into-one episode we got the other day was a combination of all those days Dam was away. That's why it only felt like he was away one day to us in Viewerville because we didn't watch a week's worth of episodes where everyone was searching for him, while he was swimming, fishing, building rafts, and getting rescued.

Thanks for the nice words, folks!

Even though this novela may use every cliché in the books (or on the Bingo cards), it still manages to surprise us, doesn't it? I sure didn't predict that sharp-tongued Esthercita would be turned into a zombie-like victim of her daddy's evil trade.

It occurs to me that in her last scene, Mayuya was throwing a PesterFit. The problem: she got all the Nasty right but missed the Comic and the Sexy. Ah well. If Eusebia is to be believed (and we KNOW she is), Mayuya's got some cosmic retribution coming her way.

Eusebia called Mayuya a serpent too, which is just the perfect way to describe this snake in the grass.

And another thing --

While I DID write:

He spears a fish. [Does he cook it?] He thinks of Marina who must, by now, think he is dead.

...I was not implying a causal connection between the beginning and end of the utterance. Do not fall into the old post hoc ergo propter hoc pitfall. (But I know you are all much too smart for that.)

NovelaMaven - fab recap. Some of my favorites:

“Nan has been fake-smiling for a long while and it's time to kick the dog.”

"A curandera urges him to stay longer [well who wouldn't]..."

Estercita is still dazed and confused, but I don't think amnesia changes personality so I hope her inner pest comes out so she can rescue herself.

Marcario is one weird dude. Not just the wig, but the makeup too.

Now I’ve got to think Fully cares something about his daughter, if not love at least a sense of ownership. His going along with murdering DamFab before finding out what happened to Estercita is just stupid.

Oh NM this was the perfect recap to have you "at the helm". Your wry way of making organized sense out of the craziness was much needed on this epi and you surely did not disappoint!

Some of my faves:

(Shut up, Bea) I know it's been said before but you used it in all the right places

"Esebia-Bagre-Marina bloc"

"Marina stays by his side (except for one quick break where she goes with Hernan and Dam is almost smothered with a pillow)"

"A curandera urges him to stay longer (well who wouldn't)"

You spin pure gold out of TN writing. And I loved your observations about Mayuya's chutzpah and Marina keeping her mask on. Thought the same thing.

ITA with all who think The Pest looked drop dead gorgeous sans wig. And let's hope she escapes this horrible fate without too much damage or DamGuilty will be stuck with her for life...

Thanks again, NM!


NovelaMaven, well I didn't but now that you've pointed it out...


OMG I didn't even recognize Evil Elf as the guy who played Coyote in FELS. He also played the detective Bruno Toledo in STuD and I remember a hot love scene between him and crazy Ivana; the dude's got an amazing water-polo-player type bod. He sure is a creepazoid in this show. I couldn't get past the horrible rug on his head.

ITA it was a great scene between Eusebia and Mayuya. I missed that Eusebia called Mayuya a serpent, and loved hearing that Mayuya has a terrifying future, a short one very likely. I'm sure her anvil will be big; she is such a two-faced, hypocritical skank.

Oh! Coyote, the scary bullet-headed guy in FELS? Like Sylvia, I completely missed that. Good thing we have Carlos and Diana aboard to help chart our course here. Yowza. What a difference a bad rug makes.

Which reminds me -- I think I'm going to ask Anita if she can line up some Facial Detector Devices for sale in The Storm Cellar™ since it is clear that some Patio denizens are going to need them, what with wigs on, wigs off...

I sure didn't recognize Tony Vela either. At one time he was a Chippendale type dancer. He has intriguing looks, NOT like Macario. What did they do to him besides the wig.
This must be a Mejia cliche also, Teo wears an awful one in CI. Both actors are bald.

Uh-oh, Eusebia KNOWS MAYUYA ...wouldn't want to be ya. !!!!

Also, We've been trying ShutUpBea for a loooong time , and our advice has not been heard, so maybe we should try . Bea-be-quiet.

And....come on Ester...think hard and get your feisty self back. I want to see Ernesto on the other nd of one of your world class Hissyfits. Come on, not zombie out on us. We need your help in bringing down those bad dudes. bleeeccchhh. You can do it. remember those ear splitting rants that are the PesterEster trademark.

Okay...the rainbowcolored pants were not enough of a sign that Herny is a tool...they had to make him wear that scarf. HEY...I think that I own that very same scarf !!!! ....small world.

NM thanks so much for this hilarious recap. Others have mentioned many of your gems and another favorite of mine was - "Listen, honey, a rabid pit bull would be nicer than your daughter was."

And like others I didn't expect the twist you mentioned in your title. I hope our poor pest isn't damaged further. While its perfect justice for Fully, Ester could be harmed.

Wow, Mayuya is working her way into the ranks of the male villains. She is crazy & evil and I believe she would kill if given the opportunity.

Add me to the list of those who will be disappointed in Bea if she manipulates her daughter. But she's been hot for Herny for a while so I'm not holding my breathe.

Ahhh...another Damfabulous recap by our DamSmartnWittyNovelaMaven.

I've been running around all day with semi-social engagements and now I can just be a blessed introvert again and enjoy the recaps and maybe even watch this on the computer before dinner guests show up and I have to sparkle again. Good times!

"Lara watches the show...wishing he had brought some Jujubes". Too cool. Tho' my choice would have been Junior Mints or Jordan Almonds.

"There are no doves hovering. This could be serious." Yep, this was clearly not the work of the Holy Spirit.

"...the other women he knows {who by and large, change by the hour}" Amen. Can't wait for sweet deluded little Marina to find THAT out.

And of course, that despicable "long, floaty, fashion-forward scarf". As Susanlynn implied, even if we'd just tuned in, we'd know IMMEDIATELY that Hernán was a finky little nogoodnik. No real man (cue Sweet William in a kayak) would wear something like that.

There were lots of other gems but honey, I gave out before you did. But I hope another commenter will mention them so I can savor them all over again.

Great stuff. And you do it week after week after week. (I still think you're writing a nationally syndicated humor column somewhere and just refuse to tell us.)

JudyB, once again you are making me blush.

Hey, wait a minute... You're not pulling a Hernán on me, are you? What color did you say your pants were?


Novela Maven:

What a stellar recap! As to the length, I think George Bernard Shaw (and others, I am sure) said it so well,

"I am sorry this letter is so long, I didn't have time to make it shorter."

Not only did you write a delightful and thorough recap, but you turned out this recap on a dime, in a moment, faster than a speeding bullet. It is witty, smart as hell, and super observant. Ah yes, the recap reflects the author, does it not?

Thank you so much for trading nights with me.

I will repeat my fav lines of the night, even if they have already been mentioned:

Re: Eusebia - "There are no doves hovering. This could be serious".

Re: Fulgencio - "Exit two imbeciles and enter one Fulgencio in a chocolate brown shirt whose pleating enhances his bulk. His irony seems intact, his grief either well-masked or forgotten".

Re: Hernan - "Hernán, now wearing a long, floaty, fashion-forward scarf, begs for a word alone with Marina, who has made her way back to the ICU".

LOL, amiga. I always love comments on fashion in telenovelas. Andre Leon Talley would be proud.

Fulgencio cannot be feeling much grief for the now-pathetic Pester as he makes his way into her room to STEAL her jewelry and, incidentally, have opportunistic sex with Ester's (not) BFF. I love Cesar, but they have made this character hideous.

As to Damian's turn on 'Survivor, Gulf of Mexico", I love this observation:

"A curandera urges him to stay longer [well who wouldn't]—"

THAT was LOL funny. As an aside, do all curanderas reside in beach side/waterside palapas? Is it a job requirement? Eusebia has a much more substantial beachfront home, but wonders.

Finally, the writers got me on the big change for Estercita/Ada. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Now you all know I want Estercita to be redeemed, and we know this will require her doing penance of some kind, but isn't being sold into slavery sort of overkill? As you all know, I am a (reluctant) fan of Ester, largely because of Laura Carmine's portrayal of the character. I am worried about poor Ester/Ada. Fully has a lot to answer for.

I could go on...but my time is limited.

Thank you so much, dear Novela Maven, for giving us this marvelous recap.

Elna June


Novela Maven, I enjoyed the episode and your recap. You make wonderful use of language. I laugh all the time. I especially enjoyed your subtly oblique shoutout to Gabriel Garcia Marquez with your phrase (and the title of one of his stories) The Handsomest Drowned Man!

Good on ya sandydoc! I knew that was familiar to me but I forgot to ask NM about it or look it up. You get an A+.

Ester has done NOTHING to deserve anything close to being sold into sex slavery (although so far the high class prostitute clothes and styling have been fab). I don't even really think she's done anything to deserve any punishment.

She had sex with Dam before Marina entered the picture, with no use of trickery. She picked some fights with Marina, who afterall, WAS secretly kissing her fiance here and there. And she's rude to her mama, but that's Delfina's fault for not nipping that in the bud when Estercita was 5. Her frankness and entertainment value make up for the brattiness and tantrums, in my mind.

EJ- If you knew handsome, shipwrecked men, needing medical attention regularly washed up ashore, wouldn't you set your little house down right on the beach if you were a curandera? ;-) Ada is the new Ester = A. Disaster ????

Elna June:

I am so very happy I could do this one small thing for you and even happier that you got a chuckle or two out of the proceedings.

"I am sorry this letter is so long, I didn't have time to make it shorter."

Hah! Perfect! (And it is so true -- the more time I have, the more I cut and pare. Ah well.)


I am thrilled you recognized the source of The Handsomest Drowned Man. The image came to mind immediately when those little boys approached our beautiful DamFab and thought he might be dead.

Cap'n Sylvia:

Almost gotcha! You can thank Sandydoc for saving you the Googling. But you still get points for spotting the Googleworthy.

There should be prizes, I think...

If you knew handsome, shipwrecked men, needing medical attention regularly washed up ashore, wouldn't you set your little house down right on the beach if you were a curandera?

Hell's bells, Vivi, I'd be setting our nets!


so true...A DamGift from the sea for sure. The best luck I've ever had as I wander along the ocean's edge was finding a very large conch shell.


Did I mention that today I am sporting pure white cotton curandera garb and am looking for beachfront property in Mexico? You don't think anyone will accuse me of having ulterior motives, do you?

Hee hee.



Thanks so much for this superb recap! Sorry to comment so late. Lost my internet due to faulty modem and had to replace it. All I wanted to say has already been said and I just wanted to thank you so much!

EJ- Ulterior motives? NO!!!! ;-)

I find Ester/Ada likable, unlike Doris on CI, who is worse than bratty, spoiled.

Variopinta..I agree. Ester wasvacspoiled brat, but Doris is even more spoiled and nastier. I'd you know that she is THE GOVENOR'S DAUGHTER. ?????

Susanlynn and Vario:

I wouldn't want to live with Esthercita -- or even share a table with her on the Patio. But from a safe distance, I understand her appeal. She is not only beautiful and funny, she shows glimpses of vulnerability now and then. I suspect there are some on the Patio -- trained professionals even -- who are rooting for her to triumph over the nominal heroine of the piece, Marina.

Now take Mayuya. Please. [snort]

But seriously folks, Mayuya is just toxic waste. Still, Susanlynn put it so poetically earlier today:

so MAYUYA ...
wouldn't want to be ya. !!!!



"...some on the Patio -- trained professionals even -- who are rooting for her to triumph over the nominal heroine..."

Guilty as charged.


Another vote for Estercita over Meh Marina. I don't know if you will see this comment, novelamaven,(cause I am so behind everyone, usually, watching this, and to make matters worse my work computer blocks my access..... which is probably a good thing) but this.was.masterful. !!! wow. absolutely, h.i.l.a.r.i.o.u.s!!!!!!!! LOVEd it. man.
thank you!

Wonderful recap, NovelaMaven! Thank you.

Mayuya and Fulgencio - Blech!! My eyes my eyes!! What I have I just seen??? What makes it even more disgusting is that they had sex in Esthercita's bed. Double Blech!!

Delfina - She's so naive and deluded. If only she knew the kind of person that she has let inside her home.

Mayuya - I loved her little tantrum at the hospital and being picked up by Oso to being put back down when DamFab woke up. Hilarious!

Esthercita - I feel so bad for her. She definitely did not deserve to be sold into salvery. I hope that she will be able to escape unharmed and come back even if it does mean that she will wreck havoc between Marina and DamFab.

Macario - That wig is so distracting!

Hernan - The scarf is distracting and has got to go along with the rainbow colored pants and the violin.

Loved this recap, NM! Impressive in all ways. You also made me happy that I missed the epi and thus, only had to read about Fulge and Mayuya in bed rather than besmirching my eyes with their encounter.

Sorry for Ester/Ada's ill fortune, but it makes an interesting storyline.

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