Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PEAM #130-9/9/13: Daddy Jesus Ruins His Beloved Daughter's Birthday Party!

I am sure Cheryl is having a lot of fun in Italy, so we will have our fun too!
Welcome to my first Monday recap subbing for Cheryl. Fasten your seatbelts, this will be a bumpy ride!
Recap By Pablo
How often do these people switch intros back and forth? I am getting dizzy!!

Interest has feet (el interés tiene pies)

Elías brings sweet bread to Chatita's house for breakfast but she has tamales of gallaga or guava or guayaba, I didn't understand, besides her selective amnesia, she has some kind of speech impairment. Later she said she has a lot of eggs, what in mexican slang means she is very courageous. The bigger the eggs, the bigger the courage!
Elías didn't actually want to have breakfast, but asks Chatita about Patricia and her feelings for him.
Chatita has found out Elías suffers the syndrome of ''Knight in shining armor'' rescuing damsels in distress.
Verónica is neurotic, Marisela is not happy with who she is, Marta is crazy, Patricia is a mess, do you really want to keep that pattern?

Mommie dearest

Vero hates wire hangers too, specially if they have not been disinfected with Lysol. She tries to tell Vale the reason why Jesús can not come to her BD party to no avail. As we all know, Vale is becoming her own mother and besides, at 7 she can not quite understand that a restriction order means that one person can not get close to another person. Maybe if her mother explains that using the dolls as a reference, but alas, one of the dolls has lost his head!

The second best thing, after rubbing in Valentina's face that her beloved father will not come to the party, is intercepting the necklace that Patricia sent back to Rogelio. Since her vanity is bigger than her hatred, she will keep the necklace and ignore that the gift was not meant for her, who cares if the piece of jewelry has bacteria!! It's  white gold and diamonds!! 

El libro sagrado de los seres de la luz

Xóchitl finds Ricardo reading a yellow book entitled ''Sacred Book of the Being of Light'' and almost gets  she-hulk because of her anger. He confesses that he went to the temple and received it as a gift from the main shepherdess.
His brain has been washed and now he will follow the Universe's harmony preaching. Xóchitl is very upset, and she is right, because Discua has no right to come back from India just to confess her eternal love for Ferny.
Discua has a xylophone in her butt (no wonder it's that BIG!)

Discua, who now winks with both eyes and has a marimba inside her butt for sound effects, decides to go see Fernando and tell him that everything was a mistake and that she has returned to claim what rightfully belongs to her.

First annoying/fake (not funny) moment

Jesús confronts Royer about the missing doll trying to choke him holding him by the arms because by the neck would have been too hurtful. Royer has one of those fantasy moments where he confesses he decapitated the doll but then he denies it. This looks like a very big deal about a rag doll, but according to Jesús, this is not any doll, this doll means a magic link between them because it was the first gift he gave her the first Christmas they spent together.
After being separated by a static Alma who doesn't know quite how to react, Jesús gets a call from Orión, where he's supposed to be BEFORE 8AM!! What time is it I ask myself, that everybody is already working at Avon? Did they sleep there? Jesús leaves limping and then cringes because he is feeling ''The pain''. Alma thinks: The pain, again?

Whether mid-february or mid-august, Cinthya and her fetish for fur coats

Verónica calls Cinthya to tell her about the necklace. I don't know why she should know that but they talk about it while supervising  the help fixing the BD party's balloons and catering comes out right. 1-2, 1-2, she orders.

Patricia's only appearance is when she is reliving her memories, when she kisses Elías dressed up as a ball.

I am super Jesús, I can do everything in a wink! With no sound!

A little bit after 8am Jesús arrives at Orión only to find Augusta very angry because she needs some 300 graphics and a bunch of documents and spreadsheets that had to be ready as soon as yesterday. Luckily for her, the more Jesús thinks about Valentina and the many problems around him, the faster he works, and he has corrected 298 graphics out of 300 hundred because the other two were right (phew!) and the rest is in a USB memory stick. I hope Augusta knows how to use it, or maybe she needs him to put it in?

BTW, Is Augusta the daughter or sister of Augusto? She looks kinda old!
Jesús proves one more time his powers, giving therapy to Augusta and having everything ready in seconds.
Another therapist in the making is Cinthya, who gives therapy to Vero in her spare time (all day).

Everything for my daughter!!

Random guy wants to buy the couple of dolls from the vendor, who says the price is 300 pesos for both, because she can not sell just one. He bargains but she says that these are the last two dolls in the whole state of NL. Is Jesús lucky or what? At least he got there on time because if he had arrived a minute late, he would not have found them!
Jesús tries to trick the guy with the long story short that started with a red bucket and that gained him access to board the plane before everybody else and in many other circumstances, but these people just want money, and he ends up paying 3,000 for the Aide. 2,000 for the seller and 1,000 for the guy who also took the queen.

I am not that innocent

When Discua arrives at Avon, she missed Fernando and Xóchitl by a nanosecond, because they were waiting for the elevator but got tired and left. When the elevator's doors open Discua is there in all her butt, I mean all her glory, and both security guys melt upon seeing her.
Alma sniffed her from her office and comes to see what does she want, and tell her about the wedding, the divorce, and the fake news that is now on the internet too. I thought the newspaper printed just one fake issue for Rogelio, but seems like they also posted the fake article on their website.
Outside, the Gossip league stick up their ears because the curiosity is too much but they only get to hear when Discua said: I am here Porque el amor manda, now, not before I left for India! Sorry, she was never in India!

Second annoying/fake (not funny) moment

The BD Party is in full swing when Chatita arrives. Both Valentina and Raimunda swear revenge on Rogelio and Cantú, and Rai threatens both with her best evil action to date. 
And speaking of rebelling against the law without thinking of the consequences, or defying it just to ''prove how big his love is'' Jesús goes to the party and annoys everybody except Valentina, Chatita and Elías. Verónica, Rogelio and Cantú quickly speed dial the police number and a few minutes later they scream: The lice is coming!
All this fuss was caused by Jesús' arrogance ignoring the law. Police handcuffed him, Valentina cries, Chatita cries, Alma cries, Vero laughs, Rogelio laughs, and all because he had the idea of showing up breaking the restriction order.
Vale will blow out the cake candles wishing to be with her father forever (I thought wishes should be kept secret- juárever)
And to add the cherry to the cake, while everybody is very distressed, Jesús asks: See what you did to my daughter? Really? He did it all himself! He shouldn't have been there in the first place!!

Tomorrow: Jesús dies in jail (we wish)



Thanks so much for this great recap!

Moronica needs to go. I can't stand this woman. Great way to ruin a birthday party. She could have turned a blind eye just this once, but she is all about herself and her selfishness and she just shut that party down.

Discua needs to give up. Ferny is married now and she knows it. Although, I am glad that Alma showed her that article about the "alleged fraud", I hope she finds some proof Royer did it and sues his butt for all his money. At least Alma now knows just how low Royer will go.

Poor Rico Suave, just doesn't have a clue. Maybe Discua will help him to find his way. He sure needs someone to.

I am so glad that Chatita and Elias made it to the Val's birthday party! She sure needed the support. Poor Val seeing her Papa Chucho arrested right before her eyes, so sad. I really hope that Rai and Val come up with something spectacular to get back at Royer with.

I don't like the previews with poor Chucho in la carcel and passed out from that stomach ailment. I wonder if he has an ulcer?

Judy B:

I wasn't able to comment late but I am so glad your kitty is doing better : )

Great recap Pablo. Funniest. Line. Ever: That Discua now "has a marimba inside her butt for sound effects". Gosh, I was wondering why it was so abnormally huge. Your theory is very sound.

I got carried away with the graphics. They're not 300 ''hundred'', just 300 or 3 hundred, LOL!! Anyway, I meant that Jesús can correct any number of graphics in no time, yeah right!

Pablo, thanks for the fantastic recap. You sure called it re. the bday party: Jesus did spoil it for Valentina. Did he not think Veronica would call the police? He is loosing it big time.


Pablo, as always a wonderful, comical recap.
Discua has a xylophone in her butt (no wonder it's that BIG)- hilarious
I'm still chuckling about the therapists-Jesus and Cynthia and the gossip league.
Seeing the children cry is not fun, but I can understand Jesus' desperation although I do not fully agree with it. Being arrested at a birthday party for breaking the law should not be in a child's memory. When Vero's anvil falls, it should be in the shape of a giant, muddy, ugly old shoe.

Thanks Pablo. I'm still laughing at the image of Discua's musical butt.

What a horrible birthday party for a little girl. So traumatic. Well, at least she has a new doll.

Funniest part of the episode was the face off between Rogue and Cantu and the two little girls.

Elias does have knight in shining armor syndrome, but so does Jesus, and he doesn't limit it to just the women he's dating. He tries to be everybody's knight.

Thanks Pablo. As always, just a hysterical retelling of the episode, which I have to admit, I only watch half-heartedly. I think I'm in...oh get on with it already mode.

In switching back at one point, did see the whole party game of "let's arrest the stupid father who showed up". Viper's cold reaction to her daughter's anguish was beyond the pale. I just can't abide this ongoing game of that woman and what it is doing to that child. I keep telling myself it's a show, but not helping.

And the whole stomach thing--c'mon, anyone in THAT much pain should have gone to the doctor. That's just ridiculous. so now it's turned into something probably more serious and yeah, poor Val will find out her father is now seriously ill in the hospital.

How many more episodes?


Daisynjay- It's even more ridiculous that while Jesus has been in all this pain, he has actually taken the time to go to the hospital three times to see to the crazy lady who kidnapped and nearly killed his kid. But no time to see about his own health!

Someone once said that the recaps were funnier than the episodes but I am finding out that the comments are way funnier than the recaps!!
I love them!

I saw the title and thought “that looks like a Pablo title, but it’s not Pablo’s night to recap.” Surprise!

Did Discua really say she was coming back to get what was hers? I get that she was tricked, but she never gave Fern a chance to explain things to her.

I also wondered why Vero called Cynthia. Maybe because Cynthia is the only person who hasn’t dumped her sorry a$$? Ooh, put the usual dollar signs to “mask” the bad word and realized it’s very apropos.

Loved Chatita and Elias dancing at the party and glad he didn’t bring Pato. I want them to get together eventually, but he does need some distance from her while she works out her probs. I do like that she’s thinking of him.

I’m glad Jesus showed up at Vale’s party. The person who ruined the party was Vero.

I really like this TN--unlike SOME people I could mention ;), but I’m about ready to give it a rest for awhile. I’m really tired of Vero’s reprehensible behavior toward Vale. It isn’t funny.


A Monday recap by Pablo! Thanks for all the humor.

I still like a lot of this show, but I'm sick of Vero. She can fall over a cliff any time. I do really enjoy the war of Rogue and Val. Now that's how you get a child involved in adult issues and keep it funny and not traumatic. I loved the scene of Rogue and Cantú facing off against the two little girls.

Is the restraining order really for an entire kilometer away? How is that supposed to work? They live in the same town! Are Chucho and Val each supposed to wear a magnet, with the same pole facing each other, so they will repel each other from a kilometer away? How are they supposed to know where the other is all the time?

I agree it was stupid of Chucho to go to the party, but Vero was the one who ruined it. How much money did she get in the divorce? She sure doesn't hold back on spending for someone with no income. A party like that must be way expensive.


I am with you about the kilometer. That is like a mile in equivalent. That means he probably won't see her that distance. Why didn't the judge just say, you can't see her? As far as the phone went, the judge I don't think, ever said he couldn't call Val.

Moronica is the most selfish person eva!! How much you wanna bet Royer paid for Val's B-Day party? Moronica, aided by Royer, just want their petty revenge and will stoop to new lows to get it.


I saw a preview on Hoy today, not saying what I saw, but you need to watch tonight, jus' sayin' ; )

I wonder how PEAM will play when it is cut and edited to its 15 hr. Dvd version for sale. It might actually be much better. I recently finished "Las tontas no van al cielo " in its 15 hr. Dvd edited form and really enjoyed it but can not even begin to imagine how it must have been with 100+ episodes. That would have been way too much for me. Sometimes shorter is way better if the plot/subplots are snoozers.


Thanks, Pablo. The plot-to-filler ratio of this episode was very lopsided, and the angst per minute rate was very high. I'm glad you survived all the shrieking.

I don't know if it's better or worse that Chucho went to the party. Valentina was already traumatized thinking he wasn't going to show up. If he hadn't shown up, that would have been bad enough. Was the joy of seeing him for a couple of minutes (and getting a new doll) enough to make up for seeing him arrested? I don't know. If she blames herself for this, then it's definitely worse for her... but if she blames her mother, then it might be Vero who ends up getting the worst of it!

I dunno. I keep hoping that Sanson will chase Vero and she'll cut herself and then die slowly of tetanus. That way she's done in by animals AND bacteria.

(Daisy, is that India in your picture? Did you by any chance run into Discua while you were there?)

Mads: Thanks for the heads up. I probably wouldn't have followed through with my temp boycott anyway. I like this TN too much. However, it really does upset me when that child is treated badly.

I hope Chucho took a lot of pictures of the ayudante doll this time, so when Rogue or Vero murders or kidnaps this one he can have a seamstress make a new one for less than 3000 pesos.

Daisy: where was your pic taken? My meditation teacher has been to India many times--in fact, she just returned from a five week spiritual visit just a few weeks ago. We meditate in the Hindu tradition.

I'd love to visit India, but must be honest and say I'd like to do the tourist thing as well as the spiritual. Would definitely have to visit Film City.

1 Valentina needs to know that in the real world people never get 100% what they want.

2 She has her whole life to be with Jesús after her mother is dead, why not wait?

3 Jesús is not what he preaches because he deliberately broke the law showing up to the party.

4 Verónica is also very wrong but she has always been like that and that doesn't surprise anybody anymore, Jesús should know better.

It's a good thing Val is pretty levelheaded. Not only does she have a nightmare sociopathic mother, she's also being spoiled rotten. First she got a giant mountain of fancy gifts for Christmas, and now again for her birthday. Maybe she can sell them all on ebay and buy herself a fake ID and a plane ticket to somewhere far away from Vero.

Love the headings Pablo. "Mommie dearest" seemed especially appropriate. Veronica is definitely the punitive type. Maybe she could give up the whole motherhood number and earn her living as a high-priced dominatrix. Lots of money doing what she really loves!--inflicting pain.

Her scenes with Valentina are not funny. But the standoffs with Rogelio still are. He has the ability to make you laugh no matter how outrageous he's acting.

Hmmmm...your suggestion on the USB memory stick. Interrrrresting. I suppose it could take their relationship to a new level. And yes, Augusta does seem to have a bit of mileage on her, but since we know she's a very driven lady, it makes sense.

I caught Chatita's assertion that she had "muchos huevos...er, blanquillos" but didn't know one of the meanings was to have a lot of courage. So thanks for that cultural information. Even though I won't be using the word "huevos" anytime soon. I understand "blanquillos" is the way to go, especially for foreigners.

Great recap. There's always a certain amount of hot sauce in a Pablo resumen. Stings every once in a while!

Well... the ''official'' word for eggs is ''huevos'' and this is the one that people use for double entendre and other non-meal related issues. Blanquillos is the word people use in the northern area of México. I guess that since they are pretending this is happening in Monterrey, they have to call them blanquillos instead of simply eggs.

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