Monday, September 16, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS, Week of September 16, 2013

Discuss among yourselves!

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Any date available for when Eugenio Siller's new Novela starts?


Well, I think my recapping days are over :( I leave for Honduras in a week and am completely booked between selling my house, selling my car, making all other arrangements, and then packing three months worth of stuff...

I intend to keep watching and commenting, I just can't put together recaps anymore. Even if no one is able to step in on a regular basis, I still want to be in on any discussion! I'm kind of hooked on this one...

Thanks for all the kind words of support and I hope to be able to contribute a recap once in a while once I get settled!

Your snarky, irrepressible recaps will be sorely missed, but I'm in awe that you have been able to keep recapping this long!
Wishing you very happy trails to your new home. Hope your kitty is doing better.
Hugs from all!
J in Oregon

Brief comments, Monday episode:
Tomas kicks Abue out of the house, she has nowhere to go; Estela refuses to go with her.
JM finds Isabel's "I quit" letter, drives to her house and asks her to come back.
Tomas gets drunk, leaves Mireya plantada for their date.
At Casa Perez, Loopita 'n Ruben show up to announce their engagement. Pedro says why is everyone is so happy about their engagement, and so dead set against him and Ignacia being together? Abue's arrival with suitcases breaks up the party; Ruben and Ignacia bail out. Gema is at the shelter, packing, and asking the shelter worker not to tell anyone anything about her. The next morning, back at Casa Perez, Gina, Marg and Abue are in the kitchen; once again, Pedro walks in on the tail end of a "secret" without actually hearing it. (Abue had asked whether Mariano knew that Gina was Pedro's mama). Back at the Mansion Villamayor, Tomas wakes up, recalls that he got drunk and stood Mireya up. He leaves to go mend his bridges with her. Meanwhile, Estela finds his little vial o' drugs in the kitchen and looks puzzled.... Mariano and Ignacia both arrive at the Perez' and gang up on Abue, demanding to know what Estela was holding over her head to blackmail her into going along with the tumor story.
This is pretty sparse--please fill in, everyone!
J in Oregon

MARIDO Monday - Part 1/2

I was doing stuff around the house while watching, so I might have gotten some things wrong - please correct where necessary/ if something needs to be added.

After Tony wears her out with his constant begging, Gris decides to gather her three kids and tell them what she decided to do with her money.
- The fact that she’s now rich won’t change her, she won’t stay in the house all day long and exercise being rich (like TC, for example) – she plans to continue working, she’ll open her own handymen business and hire people that she herself will train and she wants Quique to be in charge of the day to day management; YEY!
- She’ll help Amalia with her creams, buy her a space for a shop, hire girls to help her sell; YEY!
- She’ll help Tony AFTER he graduates FIRST IN HIS CLASS, by giving him the money to start his private practice –Tony’s smile vanishes when he realizes he’ll only touch some of his mother’s money if and when he finishes school; Double YEY!
Later on he whines to Pati about it, but she’s in total agreement with Gris; Tony thinks she doesn’t understand, because she’s rich, Pati reminds him she herself doesn’t have any money; her parents do.

Sol and her dancing band are practicing at the Posada and Manuel goes to menacingly watch her while hidden behind a tree. Ro sees him and gives him an idea: instead of being a chauffeur all his life, why not become Sol’s business manager – the girl can dance and sing, she has real talent and this will be a way for Manuel to get away from TC. At first Manuel doesn’t think much about this proposition, but then he realizes Ro might have a point and starts searching him for more information/ advice. Some funny scenes about Ro possibly being attracted by Manuel and vice-versa also play out, these two have great comedic timing together and I think Manuel might be redeemable, after all.
Talking about Ro’s idea – normally, I wouldn’t think this is too great, especially considering Manuel’s character, but this coming from Ro, things might turn out ok.

They don’t do much, Barbie goes after Max at his training. Barbosa tells her Max is pushing it too hard, Barbie finds Max asleep on a bench in the locker room, she gets scared, thinking he’d fainted, he pretends to have been resting (but we know he is still in pain).
At the Taco Bar Gabe and Clara talk about Gris’ decision to give Barbie the 5 Mill to stay away from Little Q. Gabe is surprised Gris would do this, Clara is shocked Barbie would accept the money.


MARIDO Monday - Part 2/2

After a brief chat with Rei about Pati and his suggestion that she could go visit her at the posada, early in the morning TC does just that. The problem is she finds Pati with Tony and she has another one of her crisis.
While Paloma phones Rei to tell him what’s going on (he doesn’t get scared until Paloma tells him Pati spent the night with Tony), TC asks Tony to leave the room and after he does, she and Pati start their usual screaming fest. Harsh words are said, mainly about Tony being a loser (that’s kind of true), even if his mom is now rich, Pati calls her mom loca again (and no matter how deserved the words, I still don’t like it when I hear Pati saying them).
Rei arrives at the Posada and meets Tony. He asks him what his intentions with his daughter are. If Tony gave an answer, I missed it.
Then Rei goes upstairs, but can’t get inside of Pati’s room, because the door is locked. Pati finally opens it after TC slaps her and asks for her dad’s help. She apologizes for not telling him about getting back together with Tony right away, TC tells him she found them together in bed. There is some talk about TC being loca, Pati says she didn’t really mean in, it was just her way to fight back.
Eventually Tony shows up, too, and he and Pati go to school, while Rei and TC are left behind, to continue fighting/ talking about Pati, their relationship, TC’s insanity issues.
She insists she’s not crazy and it is his fault that Pati got back together with Tony because he allowed her to live at the posada, he’s basically fed up with her mood swings and her way of being (Ro tries to intervene, but Rei quickly gets rid of him).
TC reminds Rei of what their daughter was doing in this mugroso place (Pati’s room at the Posada), he wishes she’d give him some love, too, not only sex, because he wants nothing more than just that.
Bottom line: we get a glimpse into their marriage - apparently, although he does love her, Rei is upset because he doesn’t feel like TC LOVES him the same way, she never surrenders to him completely, not even while they’re making love, there is some part of her that she always keeps hidden (what Rei can’t even begin to guess is that what she’s hiding are her murderous activities). Could she be able to make love to him right then and there, in a place she so obviously abhors? Of course she couldn’t, TC is at first shocked by the idea, but when she sees that Rei is indeed very mad (and disappointed and frustrated, and possibly, at the end of his rope), she agrees with it. But it’s too late for him, if they did it, it would only be because she agreed to it and once again they would be doing things her way (or something similar, they’re entire conversation went back and forth a lot, there are details I might have missed).

-Today we were spared of Gabe and Vanesa’s drooling over Gris and Rei
-No JP & Marcela sightings (together or apart) or Esther & Insemination talk
-“Jethro”, Quique’s alternative persona, didn’t make an appearance



Adriana- Despite being distracted while you watched, you got it all. Most of the episode was the mother-daughter/husband-wife fight in the posada anyway.

It’s really quite sad, because there is a lot of love for TC on both Pati and Rei’s part, but I think they have both just reached their breaking point. There is no way TC is going to get better, just worse. What will it take for Rei to finally divorce her? I don’t think he’s there yet. He may be falling out of love with her, but I think he will feel an obligation to stay with her and try to get her to agree to get help, until he sees/learns of her doing something truly terrible.

I’m glad Gris’s time spend thinking these last few days resulted in well thought out plans for the future of her business and her kids. The only rash decisions she’s made so far were buying the house across from TC, and paying Barbie off to leave (which I still don’t think will actually happen).

Manuel as Sol’s business manager??? OK. It might better his mood to get away from TC always belittling him. But I don’t see his mood being improved by seeing men ogling his daughter as she does her sexy dances on stage.



Oh,good grief. I thought these writers were above this, Inez faints & that means she is !pregnant!
Apparently they are men brainwashed from watching too many TNs. Why not have her run to the baño to throw up, that is realism.

Did I miss something? When did Santiago and Ines sleep together?


Great recap, Adriana! I especially liked your "LET'S COUNT OUR BLESSINGS" list. A day without Gabe and "Jethro" is definitely a plus.

I applaud Gris's not giving Tony any money right away. I'm glad she's giving him strong motivation to study hard, though I suspect neither she nor the writers have a clear idea of how difficult and how meaningless it is to be #1 in one's medical school class.


As far as I know, the only time Santiago and Ines were together in bed was after she drugged him and then stripped him. I doubt he'd be able to perform under those circumstances. My guess is that Ines is not pregnant but is following Humberto's instructions for what to do and say to make sure that Santiago marries her.


Amy - I'm so going to miss your amazing recaps, but glad to hear you'll be watching and commenting. I just love your clever wit and wordisms! Good luck with the packing, selling, moving, etc. Can you take Kitty with you?

J in O - a big thank you for your brief, but very succinct comments. Great job. I think you've covered all the important scenes.

When Estela found Nomas "little vial o' drugs" in the kitchen, she looked puzzled for a moment but then seemed to have an oh-my moment, as if she was mentally putting together the drugs and her fatigue.

I'm wondering if AA will realize that telling the grandkids the truth would actually be better for her relationship with them than having them continue to see her as a lying co-conspirator with Estela.

I'm also thinking that Mariano is going to figure out the truth about Gina's baby.

The Angel had a deer-in-the-headlights look when he heard Izzy might be under suspicion for the condo thefts.

Side note - it looks like Mireya has been wearing quite a nice collection of new clothes lately.



In the montage of time passing last week, Ines was shown arriving at Santi's bedroom just as he was coming out of the shower wearing only a towel. She jumped on him, and the two were lying on the bed. We didn't see anything else of that scene. However, even if he succumbed to her seduction, it is awfully quick for her to show any symptoms of pregnancy.



I was thinking Ines fainting had to do with her recurring memories which seem to be getting stronger,
but then again she is being coached by Humberto like was said,

I'm curious how the straight cop guy, her brother Pancho, is connected to these past events,

Vicente seemed different this time when he returned to the basement, more scared than anything, I really can't see him walking all the way down to the bottom of the stairs.

Interesting recording that Ivan made for Santa, why is he doing this again, he does seem a little conflicted, and I don't think he is getting a huge pile of cash like Santa plunked down for Santiago's new lawyer.

Carlos has to go, an maybe Patricio as well.



Juanita, Agreed. I think Ines' pregnancy is part of the plan to "trap" Santiago. I bet there is more to the plan.

Deb, Totally agree about Carlos. What a vicious vicious character. He has demonstrated two acts that I did not expect to see on TV that were so brutal. WOW!

I hate to say the same thing, but when did Paula turn stupid? She asks why her "new" amor has a toro tatooo, then days later lets the amor snoop through her papers when she is in another room and then tells him about her plan to seek vengeance AND that she is looking for someone named Toro (I think I got that right - I was doing several other things!). Did she lose a large piece of her brain in the last few days, or what?!


I like how Tomás left the vial of sedative near the tea cups.

Robot Word: valueme


Yes, Paula is somewhat stupid. But she HAS managed to a) switch files so the law firm lost a big case, b) transfer money so Samanda can pay her lawyer, and c) record Vicente so Sam can reveal to Bert, Barb and Dani that Fran has an affair with Vicente. So I give her some credit. Also, she revealed the vengeance plan to Ricardo, she wants an assassin to get revenge on the Canos. At first glance, one might think this revelation is terrible. But what if Ricardo goes along with her, and double crosses Bert? He's pretty stupid, too, is definitely a killer, so anything could happen.

I agree that Ines might not even be pregnant, it could all be part of Bert's plan. Bert sure lost it in front of the press. His wanting Santiago to pay for his crime because the motto of the firm is impartial justice rings hollow. Not only because we know it's fake, but also, how could he not support his family, when there's a presupposition of innocence, and no trial yet? I would think some clients might not like this rush to judgment.

It sounded to me as if Vicente said the person in the basement was un animal (as opposed to una animal), although I'm not positive. But that supports the Willy in the basement theory.

Yes, Carlos is scum. I'm sure he'll be able to cover up his killing of Transito.

It's so funny that Lisette is buying a dress for Vicky to impress her secret lover, when it's Lisette's own son!

I'm not surprised Ivan is helping Santa. He just knows she one of the good guys, and those Canos weren't very nice to him (Fran wanted a DNA test), so why not help Santa bug them?

Lucy was so funny shaking that dustbrush at Gaspar to get him to talk. But then he did, saying "George". Yes!

Hombre de M

Point well taken about Paula's smart movidas.... Maybe El Toro will turn on the Cano's - especially since Bert basically considers him an idiot! One detail question - I saw that Ivan planted the cameras so Santa could record the spy videos of Fran from her cell phone. What did Paula do to help out? I missed that.

This person in the basement is really crazy ... I don't understand where that is going at all. Willy? Somehow related to what happened to Ines? Am I getting that right? Now that is a crazy twist!



Mena, Santa saw from the video that Fran and Vicente had something going, but she needed proof, and they never said anything damaging enough. Certainly Vicente never did. Santa recorded Fran saying she missed Vicente (I think), and Paula, at the office, recorded Vicente talking to a client, saying I miss you, I want you back, I'll do anything for you. Then Ivan edited the two conversations to make it APPEAR that they were ONE, and that Fran and Vicente were talking about missing EACH OTHER! This tape was then sent to the family members. So it was a fake, but since Fran really DOES love Vicente, it should work!

As for the basement thing, we don't really know what's going on yet.


Thank you, Adriana, for the wonderful recap. I couldn't watch, due to football, so this was greatly appreciated.

Thanks Beth!
Yeah, I hadn't though about that, where does Mireyita get her clothing allowance?
By the way, it was interesting that Ignacia hesitantly asked Pedro how Mireya ended up in the wheelchair, but he didn't want to talk about it. He certainly should not be feeling guilty over what happened, and I'm surprised the writers haven't had a flashback to remind viewers that Mireya caused the accident.

Did anyone catch the first episode or two of "Bellas Calamidades" at lunchtime?
I'm hooked, the poor girl is already shacking up in a cemetary...

J in Oregon


TC must be made of stone! (which I guess is the main problem) That speech Rei gave would have got me, but I think the big dramatic speeches are one of the best parts of tn (when done well)


Where do I start? This was one of the most fun episodes in a long time. Ro and Manuel were adorable together. Ro is really growing on me, although I found him annoying at first. And I was just thinking that I'd like to see him doing more parenting of Vanessa (parent-child relationships are a big theme of this TN), and what do we get but a sweet breakfast scene?

But for me the real treat was so much Reinaldo. Again, where do I start? We get to see him wake up with his hair all mussed up. We get to see him all protective of Patty. And, even better, we get to see him furious. JS brings the fury so nicely. I hate to admit it--what does it say about me?--but I replayed that first scene of him waxing furious (while Patty and Antonio were still present) a few times.

And best of all we get that scene where Rei and TC are alone in Patty's bedroom. Good grief, to have that much passion wasted on a cartoon character such as TC! I wish they had flashbacks (shot with a gauzy filter or if necessary with younger actors) to help us imagine what he saw in her. I'll tell you honestly, I don't think JS is aging all that well. There's something about his face nowadays that is downright stiff (compare with any old scene from La Otra, for example). But he can still deliver the melodrama in a very attractive way. (Got to go back and watch that last scene in the posada one more time...)

Juan soler is looking pretty good for 47 in my book.


to J in Oregon: I'm watching Bella Calamidades. I like it. Just about everyone in it has been in another novela that I have watched.


Anon 7:18, Juan Soler is looking pretty good in my book as well. He's one of the main attractions that drew me to this novela and the main reason I'm continuing to watch it.

SANTA DIABLA, Martes, Part 1

A good day for the bad guys! Bert was sure smilin’, at least until the end of the episode.

Fran is confronted with the recording in which she and Vicente are declaring their mutual desire. But it’s a fake, she says. It’s my voice, yes, but I never had that conversation. And no, I’ve NEVER been unfaithful to your father (she tells Bert and Barb). Mentirosa! Anyway, Bert decides to have the recording analyzed to see if it’s really a fake. Strike one, Amanda!

Inés happily holds up her little pregnancy test kit to Santi in prison. Positivo, Precioso! He’s shocked of course, it can’t be, he was asleep. Oh yes, she coos. He demands a blood test, and other family members have to be there, too. Well, Bert has this covered, and sure enough, Inés has a blood test, she IS pregnant (unless it’s fixed), and Fran, Bert and Vicente are there to see it. Strike two, Amanda! She’s devastated when Bert gloats with the news.

Then the lawyer whom Bert hired calls Bert, saying hi, colleague, just wanted to tell you that your wife paid me to defend Santiago, and not tell you. What should I do? Bert tells him keep the money, and forget the case. He then confronts Santa, how COULD you steal money and go behind my back? He decides to imprison her in the house. Strike three, Amanda, and you’re OUT!

Or outSIDE, as Bert again drugs Amanda’s tea, and she wakes up in her jammies in the forest, AGAIN. She tells her Mom, I think I’m going nuts, help! (Strike four?)

Iván overhears Patricio talking to some guy on the phone, saying things like, don’t call me on this phone, I’m amazed about that, too, I’ll handle it. Very suspicious stuff. Especially since Iván also caught Pat the other day, trying to put Vicky’s locket in Pat’s pocket. Iván wants to sock it to Pat, or at least find out what he’s up to.

He also wants to consummate his love for Vicky. She’s very grateful about the locket, and they start to undress, but she stops him. Their love is impossible. She’s twice his age. He doesn’t care. She also had that other lover who jilted her years ago. He knows, but he’s not like that. Later, though, she tries on the pink off the shoulder dress that Lisette bought her. She even wear heels (making her taller than Iván). He likes what he sees. They go to a cabana that he’s found somewhere, and maybe this time’s the charm!
But she knows if Carlos finds out, he could kill them.

Ah, Carlos. What a scumbag. He tells Pancho he just arrived at the brothel, and they both “discover” Transito’s dead body. Except that she’s not dead. Pancho finds it strange that Carlos knows Transito so well, and also seems so worried about her. Carlos also secretly warns Transito not to talk, or he’ll finish the job. Out at the lake, the cops find the body of Rocío, the hooker Carlos killed earlier. Carlos again says all sort of things that Pancho finds strange. He wants the case closed. He threatens to fire Pancho. At the hospital, Carlos forbids Pancho from interrogating Transito, even though the doctor says she can talk a little. Carlos enters the hospital room, chokes Transito a little, warns her a little. But after he leaves, it looks as if Pancho’s going to go back in there anyway. Will Transito tell him anything? Chances are slim.


George continues to search for a way to kill Gaspar. He finds out from Begoña that Gaspar has diabetes, so he researches insulin on the internet. Bad George.

Arturo is totally not in the mood for ANYTHING Lisette wants to do, especially in the baby making department. He just leaves, and goes to see Mara. He loves her, can’t live without her. She says no, we have to stay apart. He then reminds her, isn’t this what we sort of planned, that I’d marry Lisette for the baby thing, but we could remain lovers? I’m not sure how she’ll respond. Speaking of Mara, among other wonderful things Carlos told to Transito was that although he was impotent with Transito, he’d be able to prove all his manhood when he gets it on with Mara, “even if he has to take her by force, and even if it KILLS her!”

Mara’s Mom Elisa goes to talk to the priest, saying you’ve got to help me stop Hortensia, she’s the most racist person I’ve met. The priest tells her about how a black cop shot Hortensia’s son, and that intensified her hatred of blacks. But, says Elisa, that’s odious, to hate an entire race which had nothing to do with that incident! The priest agrees. So, says Elisa, can you help me get Mara and Arturo back together? They do love each other. Sorry, says the priest, we have to respect the institution of matrimony.

Paula may not have been as clever as I thought. Ricardo says aren’t you scared of those killers? Paula laughs, are YOU scared? Not me. Hah! After some sex, with her still sleeping, Ricardo wakes up, picks up a pillow, and goes to smother her. But looking at that cute strawberry blonde lying there in that filmy negligee, he just can’t quite do it. He leaves, but not before swiping the folder which contains all the information about Willy’s trial. He takes it to the woods and burns it. Paula wakes up, is surprised her lover boy isn’t there, more surprised that the folder is gone! Maybe she’s going to finally realize that that Toro tattoo wasn’t just a bunch of bull!

We find out that Inés was in fact, pregnant before, although her Dad says it was just a dream. Of course, we also see the doctor in flashback telling Vicente the drugs he gave Inés will make her forget everything.

At the end of the episode, after countless smirks on Bert’s face, as he has so cleverly outfoxed Samanda in every way, they have a little argument upstairs, there’s no way she’ll be a prisoner in this house! They struggle on the steps, he grabs her, she pulls away, and down the stairs of doom she goes!!!!


I originally thought Maritza Rodriguez was totally over-acting in her portrayal of the neurotic Teresa Christina. But now I think she's nailing it! Her nerves, the crying, the preening, the mood changes, are brilliant! It's not easy to do a role where someone is coming apart, especially in a comedy, and I like what she's doing. The show is very amusing, and with the arrival of Gris's husband, things are REALLY getting wacky!


Sorry, guys, no recap from me today, I haven't had the time to watch the show. If anyone else would like to do it, please do, I've had a killer day.


Thanks so much, Hombre, for your excellent recap. Great play-by-play on Sam's strike out. This was a terrible night for her.

It seems to me that, with all the planning Bert's done with Ines, the pregnancy test result is fake. As usual Bert has arranged things to go his way. So I wonder if we're going to have a jailhouse, shotgun wedding.

The writers need to come up with something more compelling than Sam waking up in the pines again. I just laughed when I saw her lying there.

Maybe "Ricardo" has a few real feelings for Paula. We know he's a cold-blooded killer and could easily overpower her, so why didn't he just smother her?

Between Carlos and Patricio, I don't know who's worse. Carlos is truly murderous, and Patricio has some malevolent intent. His reaction to Vicky's mother's cameo tells me there is historical ill will in play.

Sam's trip down the stairs of doom may have taken care of the devil's spawn.



thanks so much Hombre,,

ah yes, a fake recording of Vicente/Francisca given to the guys that made the fake video of Willy, but at least it planted a seed of doubt, and everyone will be watching them,

so George is researching insulin, thanks Hombre I didn't catch that, but didn't Begona also say they were still using the sea salt, hmm, Gaspar got away from all of this by having his meals elsewhere, but I guess no more,

Ines with her happy news as everyone else frowns, and at Casa Cano, Santa on the stairs upon hearing, her legs started to buckle, oh my, should pregnant women ever use stairs,

is Humberto's knockout powder good for the baby, (or does it matter anymore), but on he goes with their child playing with the child of Ines/Santiago, then Santa's dream of Santiago telling her he no longer loves her, with a pregnant Ines hugging his side, ah yes, not a good day for Santa, will she be wide awake all night making sure she doesn't end up in the woods?

such a nice cabana Ivan has, (did they take the bus to get there), Santa must be paying him well, but will we see the Peeking Patricio outside of the window?



I see this is in "nueva etapa", hmm, the plot seems pretty well developed for a novela that is only on chapter 60, and the original writer is also doing Santa Diabla, we'll have to see where this goes,

btw, Diana Quijano (Gina) is also in Bella Calamidades, being shown mid day.



Bella Calamidades

this does look good, but bad timing for me, maybe I can catch some of the shows,

Rafael Orozco, el ídolo

this also started on Monday and is being shown just prior to Bella Calamidades, made by Caracol, something about the way people talk in the Colombian novelas as well as how they are filmed on location, I just love,,_el_ídolo


Battle of the Barbaras

Ive chose SANTA DIABLA over MARIDO EN ALQUILER though i still watch the latter from time to time. If anyone watches both which Barbara is more dispicable Cano or Gonzalez? Personally I think Gonzalez is more evil. Cano is just dumb imo.


I'll recap Tues episode. You probably won't see the recap until around 6:00 Eastern.

Hombre de M - Thanks for the clarification AND the terrific recap. I need your details!


Muchas gracias, Hombre. Loved your recap, complete with your smirky asides ("Bad George").

I know that telenovelas have their stock situations, but do we really need so many of them in one episode. Amanda gets drugged AGAIN? And AGAIN she winds up in the woods? And then she falls down the "stairs of doom," or, as I I think of it, Abortion Alley (ojalá).

I agree with Beth about Ines's pregnancy test being a fake. Let's remember that right before she claimed to be pregnant, she had another tutorial from Humberto about what she should do and say. Actually, I was hoping that when Santiago was asking for a blood test, what he had in mind was DNA testing of the fetus. I thought "Hmmm, isn't it too soon for that to be done?" I was disappointed to see that all he had in mind was a confirmed pregnancy test.


I have been trying to watch Bella Calamidades, but two hours a day is a lot for me to keep up with (and I will probably give Mentir para Vivir a try). Tía Marta is a witch-and-a-half! Is Lola related to the cemetary caretaker?


NovelaMan - re the Battle of the Barbaras. I'm watching both tns and have been irritated and entertained by both ladies.

Cano has had wealth, opportunity, education and is miserably unhappy with her life. She married an unscrupulous social climber and is regretting her choice of husband. She suffers from sexual addiction and is self-destructive. She neglects her daughter to the point of abuse, and the girl now has a drug addiction. She willfully and maliciously falsely accused an innocent man of sexually abusing her daughter and is greatly responsible for the situation which led to Willy's imprisonment and death (if he's dead).

Gonzalez is from a poor background with few opportunities for advancement offered to her. She married young and had a child, but abandoned her child and family when she fell in love with a celebrity fighter and affluent lifestyle. She is deeply self-centered, putting her own interests and desires above those of her young son. She does love her current husband and will do anything to keep him alive.

I believe B. Cano is more evil.


Bella Calamidades

Pablo the cementary caretaker is not related to Lola, but remembers her as a child and also her father.

I, too, don't have time to watch the full 2 hours but do enjoy seeing small parts as I do my housework. I did see it online originally when it first aired in Peru. I never understood why Telemundo never showed it in the USA at the time.


MARIDO martes 17 de septiembre Part 1

Reinaldo meets Paloma and Ro in the lobby of the posada. Ro asks him how "The Queen of the Nile" is. Reinaldo tells him to keep all that ancient Egypt stuff between him and TC and when he's around Reinaldo, knock it off! (YES!) He leaves and then TC comes downstairs and asks who called Reinaldo. Ro points to Paloma. TC starts to tell her off but Paloma warns her she will end up alone, without a husband or daughter. TC proclaims that when you're rich, you'll never be alone. She flounces out.

Antonio and Pati discuss The Slap Heard 'Round Miami. Pati remarks that her father loves her mother but sometimes he has to force himself. Antonio adds that it would take great force. She should have told Reinaldo that she and Antonio had reconciled. She decides to go to the restaurant and ask for his forgiveness. Meanwhile, Reinaldo asks Manuel to let him know if TC is going to do anything "crazy." TC comes out and says she prefers to ride home with her husband. Ro starts saying one of his Egyptisms and Reinaldo gives him the best look. After seeing Sol and telling her they will have a talk this evening, Manuel tells Ro to ride in the back seat. Ro prefers this since Manuel is the chauffeur.

On the way home TC says nothing good will come of Pati being involved with Antonio. She explains to Reinaldo that Pati called her "loca" and that's when she slapped her. TC doesn't like being told she has problems in front of everyone. She asks Reinaldo if it's true that he wants to help her and asks if he would love her even if she were out of her mind (desquiciada) and a murderer who gets rid of people who get in her way (estorbar, to block, to get in the way) no matter how…Reinaldo is so spooked he has to pull over. He asks her if she's capable of doing those thinks and she flashes back to the murders of her mother and the mafioso. She thinks from his reaction that he wouldn't love her. He says he wants to help her. She thinks he's the only one who thinks she's "off." He asks her if she's aware of how her moods change. She starts to cry and he holds her.

Jethro and Gabe discuss Babs. Gabe remarks that he's so passionate when he talks about her even though he hates her. "From hate to love…"

Max, Babs, and new trainer. FF>

Amalia wishes Doña Olga were here to see the new store she is going to open. Gris muses about how much a person's luck can change. Amalia leaves to go see Rafa at work. Gris lights a candle to la Santísima Virgen.

Right before the break we see a boat, "La milgrosa," sailing up a canal. On board is a man with very long hair and a long beard.

Reinaldo escorts TC into the house and they discuss her need of professional help. TC agrees to this but Viewerville knows it's lip service. After he leaves for work, TC starts to scream and violently pushes her family pictures on the floor. Ro and Manuel walk in and she tells them, "You have 1 hour to put this back the way it was. If you have to buy something, buy it. And if either of you tell anyone about what you saw you're both dead…as well as the person you told." Manuel looks pretty concerned but we know Ro is scared sh¡tless because he knows TC is a killer.


MARIDO martes 17 de septiembre Part 2

Iris warns Paloma that TC is not to be trusted and that she's dangerous. Paloma wants to know what secret Iris is holding over TC's head but Iris refuses to tell her.

Amalia arrives at Fashion Motors. Susana wonders how Amalia could go out with a guy like Rafa. Eduardo wonders why she is always thinking about Rafa. Susana says everyone has to watch out for Rafa. Eduardo is summoned to the showroom. A customer brought back his motorcycle that Eduardo had repaired and said it has the same problem as before. Eduardo examines the bike and discovers that the new parts he installed are not there–they have been replaced by used ones. Susana interrupts Rafa in mid-kiss and asks him to come out. Rafa accuses Eduardo of changing the parts but Eduardo produces a receipt for the new ones with Rafa's signature. The little weasel Leo comes up to him but Rafa dismisses him and say he'll talk to him later. Amalia comes out and observes Rafa's lack of people skills. Rafa virtually accuses Eduardo of stealing the new parts. To save face and a loyal customer Rafa decides to have new parts installed at no additional charge. Later in Rafa's office Amalia tells Rafa that he was very hard on Eduardo who seems like an honest man. He tells her not to worry her pretty little head about such things. BARF! I don't want Rafa anywhere near Amalia's business.

Cute scene between Ivan and Paloma which I won't recap here. FF>

Celeste tells Gris she would have been proud of the way she handled Manuel when he returned home.

Ro, Manuel, and Elsa are cleaning up and fixing the destruction in the living room. Manuel says he always knew she was nutty but she's getting worse every day. Elsa comments how no one can put up with TC–even her own daughter left home. Ro calls these statements blasphemy but does say that they need someone to control her wrath or the result for the three of them will be worse than the plagues of Egypt.

Pati apologizes to Reinaldo for not telling him about Antonio. He's willing to accept him as long as he loves her but Pati fears TC never will (right on girl!) Reinaldo says he's going to get help for TC. Pati says she went into psychology in order to understand her mother better. Ro is in TC's room. She says she going to get revenge on Griselda and needs him to find out when they are moving in.

Gris tells Celeste they are moving in one month.

Gigante, Elio, and ?Fernando are having some beers and discussing the upcoming volleyball game. They see a boat coming up the canal and we see a hint of a smile on Elio's face. ?Fernando recognizes the boat as belonging to Gris' husband José Salinas. He goes to tell Gris and brings her back with him. They look through binoculars at the man on the boat and discover that it's him. Gris yells, "What did I do to deserve this? Gone fishing for 15 years and he's now back!" Celeste thinks he'll have an explanation when they talk to him. Paloma calls Jethro and then Antonio; Jethro calls Amalia. None of them can believe it. Gris continues to wonder why she is being punished. The kids arrive. Jethro looks through the binoculars and confirms it's him. Paloma comments that it's so unbelievable that it's like a novela. They do that funny thing where the music stops. José disembarks and walks up to Gris. She yells that her ex has come back to make her life miserable. He corrects her: "I'm not your ex. I am still your husband."



Correction: the name of José Salinas' boat is "La milagrosa."

This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks, Sue, for the excellent recap. I loved "The Slap Heard 'Round Miami." And I agree--Rafa should have nothing to do with Amalia's business. Or with Amalia, for that matter! Last night's episode may help her begin to realize that.

Hmmm...just as Reinaldo is taking steps to distance himself from TC (though he probably isn't thinking in those terms...yet), Griselda is becoming more encumbered, now that Jose Salinas has returned. Should be interesing!


Excellent recap Sue. Thank you.

I was happy to see Rafa’s mask slip a bit in front of Amalia. She’s already noted he sounds too money focused, like Tony. Bit by bit, she’ll true his true colors.

Things should get quite interesting with Jose back in town. Poor Gris.



Thank you for stepping in, Sue, I have to give up on some of these recaps because I simply can't handle them anymore and this is not fair to the rest of you, either.

Vivi, poor Gris, indeed. Just when she thought her problems were over... I bet she wishes she was poor again if that meant never having to set eyes on Jose.


NovelaMan, I definitely pick Barbie from Marido as the lesser evil. She is is bad, yes, but she's shown some redeeming qualities (her love for little Q), while Barbara Cano is not only a bad mother, but also a sex predator and vicious liar - and I have a feeling her criminal behaviour is just starting.

MARIDO - Tuesday

Some return from the dead (Jose), some have deadly plans (TC) and others are simply dead stupid (Amalia)

Part 1

Esther is asked to choose the 2 donors for her future baby – the files contain all the required information about them, except their names (for privacy reasons); after making her picks, Esther gives Alba the files and leaves. And, what do you know, Esther chose exactly Guillermo’s sperm and Beatriz’ eggs – no surprise there. Here is another fail in this story, IMO – even if he died in a car accident, Alba’s brother had cancer a while back, that’s why he donated sperm in the first place. So his medical history has to have that information – why would Esther choose a donor like that? (Isn’t cancer hereditary in some cases, and if not, wouldn’t that still scare her a little?)

After she is done at the clinic, Esther goes to Fina Estampa, where a girl models some of the latest bathing suit designs. Everybody likes them, including JP – at least he is trying to keep his promise about not mixing business with their personal lives. But he is starting to be right about Esther not being able to do both things well, because she was really late for work. On the other hand, maybe if she had some help from hubby…

And a side note, we don’t like JP, but the actor is soooo fiiiineeeeeee… Today he totally rocked that grey outfit he was wearing.

And talking about him, he tries to have a discussion with TC about her possibly seeking psychiatric help, but she plays the Esther card, reminding him he’s not quite the best person to give marital advice now.

JP goes with this information to Reinaldo, explains that he couldn’t convince TC to seek help and he doesn’t feel like he has the moral right to interfere.

Vanesa didn’t waste the opportunity to fawn all over Rei once again. …FF›››

TC finds out that Gris is moving into the new house in a month. She tells Ro she can’t wait to have Gris right across the street (she’s planning something nefarious) and decides to throw a party where she’ll invite all the neighbors, except for Griselda and her family.

Susana starts to put the pieces together when it comes to Rafa, Leo and their sneaky business together. She realizes all the mottos with problems were delivered by Leo and decides to pay house calls to all their customers in order to realize what is really going on.


MARIDO - Tuesday

Part 2

And now about the main event of the night…

Beloved husband and father, Jose Salinas (played by Miguel Varoni, who still looks very fine, even with all that messy hair and big beard), has decided to reunite with his long forgotten family. He makes up an excuse about being trapped on a mysterious island for the last 15 years. The only one actually believing this crap is Amalia (who has gone from innocent and likable to stupid and annoying in a split second), while Gris is sure he only turned up now because of the lottery winning.

At the taco bar, Gabe and Clara discuss the situation – Gabe has the best lines of the day, calling Jose the “resucitado” and my personal favorite, “cadaver pirata” (Gabe is so good as a comic relief, more of that and none of the Gris lovin’, m’key?)

Jose wants to rejoin the family, Gris faints because of the impression (but not the impression of seeing him, exactly). Elio carries her home, with Paloma and Celeste joining the rest of the family back at the house. Rafa and Pati come, too, but they remain outside, chatting about the crazies that can happen even in the poorest families (I suggest they install a bench there, it looks like one will be needed).

Gris wakes up from her fainting and asks Jose to leave her house. Gabe, ever the busy body, comes to offer his help and Gris decides, right then and there, to accept being his girlfriend, and more than that, his wife. This is an obvious ploy to get Jose off her back, but everybody seems to have drunk from the telenovela stupidity juice today, because Celeste goes as far as to congratulate her, while everybody else is more or less pleasantly surprised (and you can all imagine that Gabe is about to piss himself of so much love).

Jose tries to remind Gris that they are still married, so what’s this story about her having a novio, but she explains that when he didn’t come back home, there was a rescue party searching for him for a week; after a while a judge ratified Gris’ new situation as a widow and declared Jose dead (how long does it take in the State for that to happen, is it 7 years?)

So Gris asks the scumbag to leave her house again, so Jose decides to play the kids trick, giving them the fake “lovable father in need of support” eyes and asking them to decide if they want him in his life or not (not that he actually cares. They have a brief brotherly reunion, where Quique is the only one that makes sense about not allowing the resucitado back in their lives, while Amalia whines that she never had a daddy and she wants one (I told you she’s turning very stupid) and Tony seems to be on Amalia’s side (this would be the perfect time for him to think with his money hungry brain – more family members = less money for him, even if Gris would never give Jose a dime).

Downstairs Gris is very upset with all that is happening, while Paloma and Celeste try to comfort her.
Elio and Jose talk about their secret stuff and we find out that Elio us Jose’s son, too. Gris asks Elio to leave the house, which he does.

And Q, Tony and Amalia come back with their decision.


Great recap Adriana! If you need to cut back on the recaps, you have every right to. No need to apologize. Are there specific days that you will be able to do it? All the other days, anyone one of us can just in with a low-fat recap, or a more complete one.

ITA about the “kids” acting stupid. I was so annoyed that they got final say in whether their father could move back into the house. First off, they are not little children. They understand, based on what Gris and all her friends have said for the last 15 years, that Jose was a lousy husband and father. Quique probably even vividly remembers this, as he was old enough to understand what was going on. No one who knew the guy believes his story of being lost on an island for the last 15 years—they know he’s a scam artist. The kids see how upset his presence is making their mother—the woman who raised and supported them all on her own. Yet, they would consider torturing her, by making her live in the same house with this man she hates, simply because THEY want a father?! They should all put their own money together, and put him up in a cheap motel, and go visit him there.


SANTA DIABLA, Miércoles, Part 1

Bert is shocked that Samanda went down the stairs of doom, and barks out orders to Begoña, call for help, now! After Sam is rushed to the hospital (Bert looking concerned), Lucy shows up with her usual griping, but Begoña doesn’t want to hear it, I’ve got to leave for a life or death emergency, now!

At the hospital, as some have predicted, Sam DOES lose the baby. The doctor tells her nothing, instead telling her husband only. Great. He also tells Bert that Sam had mescaline in her system, a drug that “can cause you to see things which aren’t there”. Let’s not get into the fact that mescaline is initially somewhat of a stimulant, and Sam fell asleep, this must be telenovela mescaline, which makes you fall asleep, have a nutty dream, and not remember anything about being carried into the forest. Of course, Bert doesn’t tell Sam that, he tells her she’s got to watch that sleepwalking.

Vicente had visited Santiago in prison, telling him that he knows about the murder of the druglord’s wife. So here’s the deal. Marry Inés, and I’ll get you out of jail. Santi starts to cry. Begoña visits him, says Sam was pushed down the steps by Bert, and Bert is so dangerous, you’ve got to stay away from Santa forever. Especially if Santa loses her baby. In the hospital, Sam, despite having lost her baby, apparently has no bruises, no broken bones, no concussion, and slips out of the hospital to visit Santi. She tells him she couldn’t be without him, she loves him so much, and she lost the baby. But what about Inés, did you get the results from the pregnancy test? Santi cries some more. Inés and Vicente show up, Inés waving the results of the test. Positivo! Santi gulps a few times, and trying to stop his endless tears, tells Sam they have to split forever, for her own good (I think at this point the others weren’t actually there yet). Sam sort of thinks it’s because of Inés, and when Vicente shows up, and Santi (still crying like a baby) says I agree to marry Inés, Sam’s worst fears are “confirmed”. Inés has a bit of good cheer, though, telling Santi with the baby gone, it’s one less thing to worry about, and telling Sam, I feel your pain, I lost a baby once, too! Vicente is quick to point out the girl lives in a make believe world.

The priest tells Horti to come to church, where she’s confronted by Elisa. Elisa tells her their children love each other, but Horti slaps her (getting her back for the slap the other day), insults her royally, and stalks out. Elisa says this means WAR. Horti also insults Mara in the café, while Bert is there, and isn’t impressed when Bert says Mara is professional, what’s the problem? Horti tries to talk some “sense” into Art, but somehow, he’s not buying her racist stuff either.


Bert gets the news from an investigator, it’s confirmed, the Fran/Vicente recording IS a fake. Barb doesn’t know this yet, still thinks Fran’s unfaithful, but Fran says she’ll find out. George stealthily walks past them, and in his room, he opens a little white bag, taking out needles and insulin. Uh oh.

Lucy is tired of her ill treatment as a maid, so she goes up to Fran, saying I want a raise, or else I quit! Fran says thanks, there’s the door. I accept your resignation! As we all have a big chuckle, Lucy stomps out, wasn’t expecting this, so she goes to Pancho to complain.

Pancho hasn’t been idle. He had tried to interrogate the beaten and bloody Transito, just asking for a name, who did this? But Transito is scared sh*tless, won’t talk. Pancho is back at the station, looking at the evidence, when Lucy enters saying, we can get married now, I know you only broke up with me ‘cause I was a maid, but I’m not, so let’s do it. Pancho says the maid thing didn’t matter at all, she just doesn’t get it. Then he has a brainstorm. Lucy, he says, you need a job, right? I need an assistant. How’d you like to work for me? All you have to do is get a job at the Trebol D’oro (the brothel). Lucy says, what, be a prostitute?!! But maybe she’ll go along with this, to get info, and we know she can probably avoid the actual sex, being the strong willed young girl she is :)

Yes, Vicky and Iván have sex at the cabana. It’s very beautiful for both of them. Unfortunately, Patricio WAS following, and bursts in. Oooops. Without giving many reasons (except “knowledge is power”), he threatens to tell Carlos unless they stop seeing each other, right now. And Iván has to move out of the boarding house. Vicky tearfully agrees, although Iván wants to fight this. Later, with Iván still watching, Pat says HE loves Vicky, and tries to kiss her. Ick!

Since Sam lost the baby, Vicente asks Bert if he in fact cares for Sam. No way, says Bert. And I found out she faked the recording of you and Fran, trying to show you had an affair. Can you believe that? But, Vicente, it’s clear Amanda is still going with her revenge plan, and now the gloves are off, I’m going full steam ahead with MY plan, okay?

Samanda is, too. Since Santiago seems to be a lost cause, the only thing remaining for her is REVENGE!


Superb recap, Adriana! I strongly agree with your comments about Amalia, who frankly has never been one of my favorites. And I loved your remark about the need for a bench outside the house.

Vivi, I too was irritated that the kids might ignore the feelings of the mother who has raised and loved them. But given how little regard I've had for Jethro and Antonio and increasingly little for Amalia, I guess I'm not surprised. Though Gris has been so level-headed before, I hope she will simply say NO if the kids say he should stay.


Another marvellous recap, Hombre. Many thanks. I was struck by how much the scene at Santiago's cell resembled the dream Samanda had about Santiago telling her he loved Inés, not her, and is going to marry her, with Inés present to gloat. I don't think Santiago tells Samanda that he loves Inés in the jailhouse scene, but there's much that's similar.

I see the telenovela conventions are being maintained: the staircase of doom does indeed make Samanda lost the baby, and characters who want privacy never seem to think of locking the door (Ivan and Victoria). Oh well, at least they were able to have a few key moments before Patricio barged in.

I really like the character of Ivan and the actor who is playing him. Apparently his name is Alberich Bormann (the name sounds German, but he was born 31 years ago in Mexico). In the novela he's 18, I think--young enough to be my grandson if I and my child started young--but I confess that that doesn't stop me from finding him attractive.

SANTA: Excellent recap, Hombre! I watched the episode while I was making and eating breakfast so I didn't really notice Santi's tears - good!!

The stairs of doom do their job again and as you said, didn't even leave a bruise.

The doctor told Bert that he would have to notify the police that Samanda tested positive for a dangerous controlled substance. With his connections to the corrupt cop, I guess Bert can make that go away if he wants to.

I like Ivan, too, Juanita.

After dragging Horti to the church, the priest didn't do a very good job in making her have a civil discussion with Elisa. It was the same old insults and name calling.

Does poor Willy jr have to go live with Santi and Ines when they get married. The kid will be mute for life.


Thank you for the recap, Adriana, great job!

I think Susana is taking a risk playing junior detective to trap Rafa. She also wants Eduardo to help her, and he's not so willing.

Good point about how Tony should do the math, more money for him if Jose leaves. But I doubt he will.

I also agree about Ester choosing the sperm from a guy who had cancer. But the whole situation is strange. I don't even see why Alba says Beatriz can't get pregnant with her egg and her deceased husband's sperm. Why not? What if she were already pregnant and he died, is that really so different?

So Elio is Jose's son. Hard to tell how old he is, but I think he's older than Amalia, so Jose may have been fooling around on Gris back then.

Gabe is so funny, thinking he's got it made with Gris. Drinks on the house!


May have been fooling around on Gris? It's a certainty. One of the things Gris said about him long ago is that he was always cheating on her.

Elio looks to be Quique's age.


Tks so much Hombre, great recap

This TN has so many twists. The writers like messing with our minds.
So now I'm wondering if Humberto really is the villain, all is not what it appears. Could be Vicente & Fran are behind all this.
That said, there are holes in my theory
H had Will Sr killed - or did he? We think he is the one in Vicente's cellar
H keeps drugging Santa
H framed Santiago
Is H involved in the human trafficking?

It seems Will Sr impregnated Inez


Hombre de M - Geezzz! Great recap and what an story. Everyone has multiple "faces" and those are only the ones we have seen so far. This Willy story line is creeping me out ... And is Ines really pregnant? Or, are they waiting for her to marry Santiago and then get real live pregnant? Samanda got mescaline? TN mescaline-LOL. Previews look pretty exciting too and it's not even Friday.


Sheesh, I just got caught up with Mon-Wed episodes! Observations:

Gema's getting integrated into the main plot with her job as obrera... I'm kind of interested in the new direction her character is taking and am enjoying seeing her spunk again! Her meeting with Isabel, and Izzy's offer of a room for rent, and Angel's facial expressions in the background at the obra all promise some interesting plot developments ahead (I hope!).

*Shaking my head* Oh, Ignacia. What a bone-headed move, jumping the gun on Oleg's supposed resignation and promoting the boyfriend!! She lost some serious "Professional Points" with that one. I know realism and tns don't go together, but "I overheard you were thinking about resigning, so here's your generous bonus check, and my boyfriend is taking your place" is so far off the real-world radar I just set my beanie on fire.

JM has a hunky cop friend (wasn't this guy a cop in one or two other tns?)... sigh.

Tomas has been giving Estela tranquilizers for wild animals. This made me laugh hysterically, but I'm not quite sure why.

Mireya and Tomas... this is gonna be fun to watch. Both fascinated with each other, both trying to be the alpha. Will Tomas be the next person to find out about wheelchair-gate, opening up the opportunity for more blackmail? I'm sensing some room-trashing make-out sessions in the future.

Pobrecito de Neto. Things just aren't going well for him, and QTH is up with these letters from the civil court?

So glad we're moving in to a new etapa, I'm so ready.


I didn't watch tue or wed's episode, so many thanks to the recappers! Ya'll are awesome for whatever ya'll are able to post :) I'm a bit late, but Utah, I totally agree about that speech that Rei made, it was a pretty damn good speech. Also agree with you Hombre, at first I wasn't sure about TC's character, but her over the top crazy is a good way to portray how keeping this dark secret has affected her.

Adriana, "more family members= less money for him" had me cracking up haha. Tony seems like he would totally think that. Finally get to watch tonight, so can't wait to see the thought-dead husband.


Wow miss two episodes and you miss a lot! I never saw Gema working in the obra or moving in with Izzy's family as a future plot line. Should be entertaining. I'm also liking her getting her spunk back too, when she was with that other guy, she was losing her likeability for me. I know it must not be easy for Izzy with the family she has, so even though I don't dislike her, I'm not a fan either. Hopefully some of Gema's feisty attitude will rub off on her.

I saw a bit of Iggy announcing the new management and it looked super awkward. I'm kind of surprised that Pedro went along with it. Poor Neto, he must be super pissed, this must not be great for their already iffy friendship. He did not eagerly cute though when he asked for the job.

I don't know what's going on with Gina or Marge but I can't believe that they let Iggy/Pedro be gf/bf when they think they're related!! Marge is sooooo selfish.......

J in Oregon, tks for the Mon. recap & Amy, appreciate all the great recaps you were able to do!

Question: did someone else see mireya not on the wheelchair???




thanks Amy!
I really love the spin you put on things,

say, on Neto's court stuff, did he say something about the flowers he steals from some lady's yard, that he brings for his girl friends, (or did I get this all wrong).



NovelaMan, B.Cano isnt dumb seeing as she suspects George is trying to hurt her father.


Soooo disappointed in Amalia. She looked like the only one of Gris' kids that had her head on straight. She seems so close to her mother that it doesn't make sense for me that she wants José to stick around. I know she never knew him but I'm sure Gris had filled her in.


Last night when Gema appeared at the obra looking for work I thought, "Gee the writers could have spared us the whole story line with the dumb car wash if they had introduced Gema at this point." She would have been integrated with the characters right away. While living at Isabel's she could tell her about El Duro and then he could be connected via Angel. Viewerville wouldn't have had to watch a story line that seemed like its own novela.

"Wheelchair-gate"! AnotherAmy this is why we love reading your recaps/comments so much!
Yes Deb, Neto was anguishing guiltily over stealing some flowers. Maybe he should just open the letter?
BTW, I think when Oleg was mumbling about his work history, etc, he said something about "when he worked for the papa de Don Tomas".Hmmm....
And okay, why would Pedro's mom not just roll over Marg's objections and tell Pedro that she is his mom? Loopita is starting to look like the only woman with a backbone out of that lot.
J in Oregon



Sue, I thought exactly the same thing about the whole car wash plot with Gema... that was ???? minutes of my life I'll never get back. Thank goodness she's back on track though...

J, if I had a nickel for every time I was begging Gina to blurt out the truth to Pedro, I'd have a whole hell of a lot of nickels!! I don't get why Gina hasn't steamrolled Marge already.


jlk, a while ago Mireya was found out by the friendly neighborhood priest, who is apparently bound to silence by the tn version of confessional privilege...

Just a heads up. It looks like MTV tr3s is adding some recent Azteca novelas to their lineup, good as Azteca America is very spotty in regards to airing product from Azteca Mexico.

They started airing PASION MORENA 3 weeks ago at 6pm ET. It's the Mexican adapation of YAGO, PASION MORENA, and stars Paola Nunez, Victor Gonzalez and Anette Michel.

And they are airing commercials for BELLEZAS INDOMABLES due to start at 7pm ET on September 30. It stars Claudia Alvarez (right now being evil on PORQUE EL AMOR MANDA) and Yahir, with Betty Monroe and Ana Belena; and Tomos Goros from LA PATRONA as the bad guy.

They have already been airing for a while at 11 pm ET the very successful Colombian novela PEDRO EL ESCAMOSO from 2001 starring Miguel Varoni. Don't know how far along they are on it, but it is an endless one, over 300 episodes.

SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 32)
part 1

*at the jail
Santiago breaks, says he will marry Ines,
he tells Santa to go,
Ines is having a happy day,
Vicente smiles with his eyes,

Santa, as she stumbles along, comes upon Humberto,
why are you here? he asks,
the drugs, the fall, the loss of the baby, the loss of Santiago, Santa is...
she says get me out of here Santiago, clinging to him,
Humberto, I am Humberto,

*at Casa Cano,
George hides his newly bought insulin, as Barbara comes looking for him,
if you have a problem with our marriage George, why don't you just leave,
Daniela watches them fight,
back in her room, tears in her eyes,
she slides down the closed door to the floor,

*at Hortensia's
Hortensia gets on Arturo for moping around,
wow, he really lays in to her, the short version goes like this,

*at Mara's
Mara tells Elisa about Hortensia and throwing her out of the Cafe,
is Humberto your business partner, Elisa asks,
she then leaves, (but where is she going)

*at Victoria's
Victoria is fixing dinner, Ivan comes into the kitchen to tell her goodbye,
but Carlos comes home,
and Patricio appears for dinner,

*at Casa Cano
Humberto arrives with Amanda, he announces to all that she lost the baby,
Barbara is sympathetic, and helps Amanda to her room,
Humberto tells Francisca, the recording of Francisca/Vicente, was completely false,
it stops Amanda in her tracks, as she listens,
do you have something to say, Humberto asks her,

*the club
Pancho brings Lucy to the Golden Clover, soon to be the undercover Lucy,
(as if she could be discreet about anything),
and introduces her to the ladies, she will just be waiting tables,
(I would think all of the girls would be afraid of anything police, after Carlos' Rocio speech-and-slash, but they didn't seem to be)

*dinner at Victoria's
Ivan doesn't eat, Victoria is traumatized, Carlos notices, Patricio explains,
(stark terror would describe the quiet in the room)
Patricio is the secret admirer, he asks for Victoria's hand,
as unemotional as anyone could say it, Victoria goes, yo amo Patricio, Carlos smiles,
Ivan is up and leaves to go pack, Carlos follows,
Carlos wants to thank him, Ivan with tears in his eyes isn't saying much, and leaves,
later he arrives at Hortensia's to live with his mom, no, no says Hortensia,

*at Paula's
Ricardo is back, Paula is upset that he just up and left the other night,
no phone number, no address, and where is the file on Willy,
he's not too good with the answers,
she asks him to leave,
he pulls his gun,
didn't what we had together mean anything to you, she asks,
it was about staying close to your enemies, he finally replies,
enemies? (as the gears start turning),
Toro (Willy's killer) + Toro (the tattoo) = Toro (the guy holding a gun on her)
Ricardo takes time to chamber a round into his gun,
Paula lets him have it in the eyes with her orange juice,
and runs outside,
he follows, yelling, shooting into the air, what?
as Paula hides behind a fence, we hear sirens, Ricardo takes off,


SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 32)
part 2

*at Casa Cano
Begoña visits Santa in her room,
Santa has lost everything, she just wants to run,
Begoña steers her back to the revenge, and puts the smartphone in her hand,
downstairs Vicente and Ines have arrived earlier and announced the wedding,
they talk about getting Santiago out of jail, Vicente insists he is in charge of that,
Ines pesters Humberto, as he stalls,
you know he is innocent, she says,
Francisca has retired to her room, Vicente soon follows,
not here, she says,
he kisses her,
Santa watches on her smartphone, look at this Begoña,
as we listen, they are more than lovers, they have had a child together,
Santiago? no, so... Humberto or Barbara, they speculate,

Francisca leaves her room, Vicente follows later, straightening his tie,
at the bottom of the stairs he is met with the eyes of Gaspar,
Barbara is wheeling him to dinner,

as everyone moves on, Vicente gets on Humberto again about the pre-nup,
who seems to be dragging his feet,
are you going to finish her off, or do you have feelings for her,
no answer,
if Gaspar dies Amanda gets the inheritance,
Gaspar is not going to die, Humberto says with certainty,

ring, ring,
Humberto goes off to take the call,
it's Ricardo, he needs money so he can disappear,

Pancho visits Transito in the hospital,
relax he tells her,
he just wants her ok to have Lucy working at the club undercover,
Transito is anything but relaxed,

*the club
Carlos brings Patricio to his favorite club,
he doesn't want Patricio sleeping with Victoria till after they are married,
(I think this will be ok with Victoria as well),
Lucy sees Carlos and hides, like only she can't,
he sees her,

*at Casa Cano
a cheerful Ines comes to Amanda's room for some girl chat,
now that things are moving along I don't want to even get a hint of you near Santiago,
"or I will kill you",

Humberto arrives at a parking garage to meet Ricardo,
(hmm, why isn't he driving his signature white corvette with the red interior),
after some small talk,
Humberto shoots Ricardo straight through the heart...


This comment has been removed by the author.

MARIDO Thursday - Part 1

Quique wants Jose to leave.
Amalia wants Jose to stay.
Tony, for the first time in his life, does the right thing and agrees that since this is his mother’s house and she wants Jose gone, then he wants the guy gone, too.
Relieved by the decision, Gris asks Jose to get lost several times. Jose won’t budge, though, so Gris kindly reminds him how horrible their life together was, how he always left her with no money for the kids’ food, while he went partying with women and booze – not that any of this matters too much for Amalia, she keeps hanging from daddy’s neck, like he’s her source of water in the desert.
When Jose sees that nothing else works, he decides it’s time to faint, and so he does. Amalia and Tony jump to the rescue, Gris has no other choice but call an ambulance. Quique stays home with Little Q, but the rest of them leave, with Gris cursing her bad luck and Jose Salinas all the way through the hospital.
Once there, Tony goes with Jose inside, in search of one of his college professors, who might help. Gris and Amalia are left waiting, with Amalia reproaching Gris that she’d want nothing more than for her father to die (Yeah, so what?).

Back home Q is tucking in his son, looking at the picture he has under the pillow. At the same time Barbie can’t sleep, remembering what her son told her about Q having her picture around the house. Hmm…..

The doctor arrives to tell Gris, Tony and Amalia that Jose is suffering from high blood pressure (that’s what he said, right?) and needs rest. They leave him to spend the night in the hospital, and get back home.

Vanesa doesn’t waste the opportunity to annoy us with her Rei stalking this episode, either. This time, besides telling him how perfect he is, she also asks if he ever looked at another woman besides his wife. Rei promptly remembers seeing Gris bathe in the sea, but is woken up from his day dream by Pati, who dropped by to tell him all about Jose coming back from the dead.
Rei is shocked to hear it, he thought Gris was a widow and he gets sad (jealous) when Pati tells him Gris fainted, thinking it was a happy faint. Pati explains him Gris threw Jose out of the house, which makes him suspiciously happy, but not for long – Pati also adds that Gris doesn’t plan to be alone, she and Gabe are together.
Rei can’t believe Gris would go out with a guy like that, but he tries to pretend in front of Pati. She can see that he’s upset, he blames it on the expensive tomatoes…. During most of their talk, Simon is somewhere in the background, looking at them, but I’m not sure if he’s just trying to hear the discussion (because he knows that something crazy is always happening in Rei’s life), or he’s eyeing Pati (I prefer this option, but I have no proof that the writers would ever want to go there).
Pati and Rei’s talk is interrupted by Tony, who calls Pati to ask for a ride from the hospital back to the posada. She promptly leaves to get him – I know they are in love, but Pati turning into Tony’s personal chauffeur is not too romantic.

Manuel tells Sol about being her manager, investing in her career. She can’t believe her ears at first, but then, she’s very happy. When Celeste arrives home, she is very surprised, too, but they all toast for the new partnership – even Manuel gives in to the happy family moment – there might be hope for him, after all.


MARIDO Thursday - Part 2

Esther comes home - after successfully working alongside JP the entire day, now she wants to talk about their situation. But, as always, he refuses, says he’s tired, they can talk in the morning. Then he adds that he’ll spend the night on the couch, which makes Esther sad. She calls Beatriz, telling her how strange she feels in her own home – she wants her baby to be born here, but with JP at her side. Beatriz suggests that JP should be the one to leave, and advices Esther to settle things with her husband once and for all.
In the living room, JP receives a phone call from Marcela, but he quickly gets rid of her. Marcela realizes that Esther is there and he’s sleeping on the couch – TC overhears part of the conversation, warns Marcela that JP is not the kind of man that would ever marry a woman like her.

At home, Amalia tries to convince Gris that her precious father needs them.
Remember when I didn’t like Pati calling her VERY CRAZY mother loca? Well, Amalia does it, too, and I like it even less, especially since it’s sooo uncalled for, rude and bratty. And she doesn’t stop there: Amalia also thinks that Gris is used to doing things her way and that she has to accept that sometimes things don’t turn out how one would like (yeah, little girl, teach your single mother, who raised three kids on her own, while doing a man’s job, that life is hard – ugh!). I do give Amalia credit for being the only one who realizes that Gris only pretended to want Gabe, but that’s about it. Gris says she’s sorry that she won the lottery, ever since then only bad things have happened.

Finally fed up with the chat, Gris asks both Amalia and Q to go to sleep. She’s about to do just that, too, when Gabe shows up with an engagement ring (a family heirloom, as he explained Clara at the taco bar).
Gabe proposes, Gris realizes the mess she created with her lie and explains him that it was all a ploy to keep Jose away. Gabe is completely destroyed, he thinks Gris made fun of him, used him, made him look ridiculous in front of everybody. The scene makes me feel sorry for Gabe ONLY because the actor pulls it off extremely well, but aside from that:
- Hasn’t Gris rejected him a million times before (like she pointed out herself tonight)?
- How in the world didn’t he find it suspicious that she’d say yes exactly when her evil husband came back from the dead?
- Who asked him to tell half of Miami about his “engagement”?

Anyway, Gris apologizes a million times for lying to him, but Gabe’s heart is broken, it looks like this time he finally listened to her words and understood her rejection. One can only hope…
He leaves to get drunk and cry for his bad luck, while Fernando tries to get him to go home. One more drink, two more drinks…he ends up passed out by the pool and is found by Fernando and Elio the next morning, They throw him into the water to wake him up, while back at the taco bar, all the usual customers are upset that the place is still closed, while Clara does her best to keep them calm, wondering whatever happened to Gabe.

Pati and Tony wake up together, blissfully happy (meh!). She has an early class, wants to leave, he wants her to stay in bed with him…. FF ….
Finally, Pati leaves, but downstairs Paloma invites her to have breakfast, some vitamins... Pati can’t stay, she’s already “late” – Paloma, with her special powers, hints that Pati might be “late”, indeed, as in pregnant. Pati rejects the idea, but the possibility gives her a brief pause – so it won’t be Amalia, the poor, innocent girl, getting pregnant, but Pati, the rich, better educated, MEDICINE student, might be carrying a baby.

Just as this is happening, TC and Rei talk about Pati and the danger of being around Tony (oh, TC, if you only knew…). Also, with all these people around them breaking up (like JP and Esther), she needs the reassurance that Rei still loves her.



Vivi, my schedule is kind of messed up, so the best solution would be to just settle on two days of recaps, and maybe let someone else take care of the two days that are left open (since Sue is recapping Fridays).
So I think I'll stick with Mondays and Tuesdays, so that everyone else who might want to write knows what days are available.

The truth is when I was recapping PASSION PROHIBIDA 4 days a week, I was so passionate about it, literally on the edge of my seat every day. With Marido, as much as I like the story, it's not the same thing - and besides, I was so much more available during PP then I am now.

Thanks for understanding!


RG, the best tn in Mexico right now is, without a doubt, Vivir a Destiempo, with Edith Gonzales and Humberto Zurita. It airs on TV Azteca, I try to watch it once in a while on line, but I mostly try to stay up to date, because I don't have the time for it.

If they ever decide to air it on MTV, do give it a chance, it is truly amazing!


Thank you for the recap, Deb!

I think now it's safe to say that Humber is evil.
Paula was very lucky to be able to escape, especially after showing such a huge lapse in judgement with Ricardo (and blatant stupidity, I might add).

Patricio is ever so creepy. Lol at Carlos' request of no nooky before marriage - it's not like Victoria was dieing to be with Pat, anyway.


Tks so much deb

Everything I said about Humberto maybe not being a villain, forget it.

I don't get it about the prenup or Amanda getting the inheritance???
Why would she get the inheritance & not Gaspar's wife & children?
Are we supposed to understand yet?

Santa Diabla:

For about two minutes Arturo gained my sympathy when he put Hortensia on blast. That's about ninety seconds more than he had at the start of the show, so it's progress...

Bert...what the hell, Bert? Ricardo needed killing anyway, but you killing him just takes all the joy out of it.

And a big que que what? to whatever the heck is up with Amanda possibly inheriting G-Cano's whatever. I obviously missed something, because that doesn't make any damn sense. He's still the only Cano not in on the whole Big Willy thing, right?

Addendum: Vicente apparently said to Bert that Amanda would simply "have access to the family fortune" as his wife without the missing pre-nup. That actually makes sense.


Great recap, Deb! Thank you.

I loved Paula's orange juice defense. We now know another reason why we should drink some every day (just in case a killer with a bull tattoo pulls a gun on us).

I liked how Hortensia said to Art, what's wrong with Ivan, a grown man shouldn't be living with his mother! (forgetting her OWN son). She doesn't want that "bastardo" living under her roof.

I agree with Bill C., if Gaspar dies, Bert would probably inherit, and if Santa is married to him w/o a prenup, she may have some rights to his money, as a wife, in case of divorce.

Carlos said at one point, I just don't understand women. Amen!

Lucy's undercover job may have lasted only 2 minutes. BTW, Pancho told the other girls she's Transito's niece.

I sure hope Santa can record the video of Fran and Vicente kissing and saying they have a child. We know she can record audio, but the video would be better. She did tell her Mom they'd find just the right time to use it.


Thanks, deb, for your super and super fast recap. Humberto may not have driven his usual (and easily identifiable) car to get to his meeting with Ricardo, but he did shoot him with his (Humberto's) own gun. In all the cop shows I've seen, that's a no-no if you want to get away with the crime.

I enjoyed your comment about Lucy's inability to be discreet. I wonder how she will weasel out of Carlos's having seen her. Hmmm...perhaps she won't.

Well, Arturo finally lit into his mother. Too bad he didn't do that 20 years ago. I did enjoy the irony of Hortensia's saying TO ARTURO that Ivan was old enough not to have to live with his mother.

I'm glad to see that Ricardo didn't succeed in shooting Paula (did he think he had done so, and that she was now in heaven? Why else did he shoot into the sky?).


thanks all for your comments!

on the inheritance, I kind of simplified that for the summary, but I suppose it would be the wife's portion of Humberto's share,

some things to note on that are,

it seems there is a significant amount of the Cano family fortune still tied up with Gaspar, as George hopes to remedy,

getting any of that inheritance away from the Cano family is part of the venganza girls plan,

apparently Humberto did tear up the pre-nup for a night of sex with Santa, knowing full well who she was,
(ah yes, remember the days when Santa would drug Humberto)

I would guess that a portion of this inheritance would involve the G-Cano law firm, of which Vicente is a partner, but Vicente does seem to be overly concerned here.



Thanks very much, Adriana, for this recap and all the others you've been doing. I'm glad you've decided to cut back on the number of days you'll commit to this. I really like your recaps, and I'd hate to see you burn out.

My irritation meter was going wild last night--every time Amalia opened her mouth. She definitely supplanted Gabe as fingernails on the blackboard for me.

I agree that the actor playing Gabe did a very compelling job last night, but even if he hadn't, I'd have felt sorry for Gabe. I was uncomfortable from the moment Gris told him she'd be his novia. Gabe and Quique have been the two characters I've found most annoying, but last night I applauded Quique's vote that his father not stay and felt VERY sorry for Gabe at Griselda's insensitive treatment of him. It's true that she had discouraged him many times before, but all that was wiped out when she agreed to be his novia, and not just privately but in front of a number of other people.


Thanks for the great recap, Adriana!

I agree about Gabe. He said why did you make a fool of me in front of everyone, but he sort of made a fool of himself, too. I also agree he may finally get it, now, that she just wants to be friends.

That's funny that Paloma has those powers. Yes, Pati must be expecting. Once again, not a word about birth control.

I wonder if Fernando is going to find out Elio's secret. He seems to be a little suspicious of him. But maybe, since they need Elio for the volleyball team, Fer would keep it quiet. When IS that big match gonna be, anyway?

The high pressure illness seems to be very prevalent on telenovelas. If you're a young woman and you faint - pregnant. A man or an older woman - pressure. It's so easy, I don't even see why Tony NEEDS to go to med school!


Deb and Hombre, thanks so much for your recaps this week. I'm catching up on the past 3 days and can't believe how much I missed.

Santi marrying Ines, Vicky marrying Pat, Carlos seeing Lucy at the Golden Clover. Yuck! Yuck! and Yuck!

Actually, Gaspar and George both may not know about the Willy incarceration and "murder". If George really doesn't know and finds out, he could muck up Bert and Vicente's plans for Sam and Gaspar's money.

I don't think Santa will show videos or pictures of Vicente and Fran. It would become obvious where the cameras in Fran's bedroom are, and the police would be able to get Ivan's fingerprints. Federal offense for the poor kid.

We've known how evil Bert is for awhile, but now we see how willing he is to get his own hands dirty.


Adriana and Sue - thank you for your great recaps the past few days. They're helping me stay current with the story.

Manuel's rehabilitation seems too quick and too easy. Maybe the writers are wrapping this part of the story up.

Pati embarazada? OMG! TC will really go berserk.

I'm not clear on Jose's status. The court declared him dead, but was Gris' marriage also dissolved?

Amalia, bless her heart, is so misdirected and naive. Her wake up call with Rafa and Jose is going to hit her like a class 5 tornado.


That makes sense, Santa would have access to Humberto's portion of the inheritance w/o the prenup. However she married under a false name AND apparently Humberto planned to kill her. Seems Vicente knows all.

Can't believe Paula was so stupid.

Ricardo did deserve what he got but Humberto did get him to murder 2 o 3 people. Remember when Hum said there was only one left, we knew Hum would have to be the one to kill him. Hum is too smart to use a gun registered to himself.

And now Inez is a mean girl not just a flake.

Sure keeps you guessing & interested.


if anyone is interested,
I went back and looked at Olegario's bonus check that he hasn't cashed,
it was for $25,000 from Anthens Co.
drawn on the Clever Bank, 8-28-13



from Athens Co.


I'm not sure marrying under a false name disqualifies Santa from the money. Humberto married a person, not a name, the woman he shares his life with (and once, his bed). Maybe she's guilty of a crime (and he's guilty of many!), but she might still have rights. At least under telenovela law :)

I agree that Santa probably won't use the video, mainly because she wants to see more videos. I'm not worried about Ivan's fingerprints. a) Santa could wipe it down for fingerprints, or b) they could remove the cameras before springing the tape.


Thanks for the recap, Adriana!

What is with these big expensive houses with so few bedrooms? La maison Palmer only has one guest room, and JP and Ester's house only has ONE BEDROOM? (Where did Patty sleep the night she stayed over at her uncle's, by the way?)

Incidentally, the one thing that turns me off JP and Ester as a couple (besides every episode after the first five or so) is the art in their place. Am I seeing right and is that a gigantic photo of the two of them, nude or semi-nude, in their living room?

I'd say Amalia is currently winning the competition for the most annoying of Griselda's children. (I don't suppose I can talk anyone into using the Ellie Mae nickname for her, since she's now acting just as brainless as her Beverly Hillbillies counterpart?)

I liked the non-TN way that Griselda immediately told Gabe that the engagement was never on, but I do agree that it was completely unbelievable that he would think it was for real.

And, since you can't have a TN without unplanned pregnancies, I am happy that it's Patty who is pregnant. That breaks another TN cliche, I think--can someone name another TN in which a likeable rich girl who is not the major heroine had to deal with an unexpected pregnancy?


You got it, UtahDesert! "Ellie Mae" it is beginning tonight.

Beth you wrote that "She (Barbara Gonzalez) is deeply self-centered, putting her own interests and desires above those of her young son."
I felt Barbie Cano was the same way with her daughter.


For anyone watching some or all of this novela, I love the TN rules on hair. The heroine has been living in a dog kennel for some weeks without bathing and people have remarked on how she smells but her long (of course) hair, while unstyled and wild, is nevertheless shiny and clean. If she really wasn't washing it, it would be a matted mess.

Bellas Calamidades
Jean--I am watching this when I come home for lunch so I miss the first and the last ten minutes. I love Pablo and his dog! Still trying to sort out the two families, are they feuding neighbors?
What the heck is the demented old guy doing, looking for a "suffering soul"...doe he know Lola is in the cemetery, or is he just nuts?
J in Oregon

SANTA DIABLA... Friday (epi 33)
part 1

Humberto drags Ricardo's body over to his car,

*casa cano
Ines, after warning Santa away from Santiago, gets cheerful again,
offers her sympathies to Santa for losing the baby and leaves,
Santa follows,
were you pregnant before, who was the father,
they go back into Santa's room, Santa keeps asking,
and Ines flashbacks,
she was sitting on her bed, a phone chat with her ?? boyfriend,
that doctor arrives, with help, and they sedate her,
next she is in an operating room, tied down, being anesthetized,
(the memories are painful)
Ines is up and rushes out of the room, passing Humberto in the hallway,
what did you do, Humberto asks Santa,
oh nothing,
Humberto has brought up some bedtime tea from Begona,
she drinks it,

*trebol de oro
is that Lucy, Carlos wonders, sees her again, yes,
Patricio asks, a problem?
oh no, and they begin to enjoy the women,

Pancho tells Transito the plan,
Lucy will work at the club as your niece, waiting tables, ok?
Transito gives in, she says she doesn't want any more girls harmed,
Carlos doesn't know and we won't tell him, ok?, says Pancho,

Elisa asks about Arturo's brother,
Mara doesn't know much, why do you ask?
I have a plan, Elisa says,

Lisette is happy, her son is now living there and her man is waiting for her in bed,
she undresses,
Arturo looks up from his book, yawn,
and she crawls onto the bed, pushes the book away, pulls off his shirt,
kisses him slow,
then faster,
more passionately, moving down his chest,
Arturo comes alive, flips her on her back, and the sex is on,

*casa cano
a stressed out Paula arrives at the kitchen door, grabs on to Begona,
the chauffeur, Ricardo, killed Willy, he tried to kill me,
they hug,
later Begona tells her about Francisca and Vicente,

Carlos questions Pancho about his novia Lucy at the club,
Pancho distances himself, she's not my novia,
she's out of work, the niece of the owner, maybe she got a job there,

Patricio checks to see that Victoria is busy in the kitchen,
then searches her room,
finds her mother's cameo, and pockets it,

*casa cano
Humberto is ready for work,
passes Begona in the hall with breakfast for Amanda,
Amanda is not here, she's disappeared again,

we see Santa wake up in the woods, she keeps hearing willy, "mama",
tries to find him, "mama", he is covered in blood, she screams
and she awakes for real in the woods,
as she stands, she sees the dead body of Ricardo next to where she was laying,
and steps on something with her bare feet, she picks it up,
it is a gun, she drops it and runs.


SANTA DIABLA... Friday (epi 33)
part 2

it's daytime at the club and all are cleaning,
except Lucy,
(she fits in with this place like she fits in everywhere else,
and I'm trying to imagine a place where she would fit in)
does she discover that everyone is afraid to go outside of the club?

Humberto and Francisca visit Santiago,
Humberto acts like he has no plans of ever letting Santiago out,

Elisa visits Pancho, asks about Arturo's brother,
Carlos overhears Mara's name mentioned, and takes her to his office,
(and butters her up)
there was a video, but it's been archived, he gives her his card,

Ivan returns to the house, Patricio answers the door
he goes to his room to get a toolkit he forgot, Patricio has moved his stuff into the room,
my room was so small, now I have your room,
and your girl,
Patricio bullies him but Ivan doesn't back down,
gets his toolkit and leaves,

*casa cano
Begona is sitting on the couch with willy,
she flashes back to when she was cleaning Santa/Willy's house,
Willy comes on to her,
Santa's not here and willy is asleep,
back in the present, Begona feels guilt.
Francisca, dressed real nice, is off to see a friend,

Vicente has made some backroom deals,
calls Ines, Santiago will be out today,
Ines is excited about making wedding plans,
Humberto overhears,
he is upset that Vicente is getting Santiago out with out telling him,
your daughter is more important?
Vicente gets upset too, and leaves,
Paula is outside and follows him,

(I had a hard time following what Ivan was saying)
but he talks a nurse out of the kidney donor list,
and sees Patricio is not on it,
(but would a blackmarket kidney donor be on this list)

Santa arrives barefoot in her pj's, tells the Padre she is going crazy,
she killed a guy,
gets the Padre's attention,

Carlos comes to release Santiago,
Santiago says he has had some time to think,
who could have made the passport and had access to my room, but you Carlos,
free and outside in the sun, Santiago sees the beautiful Santa waiting for him,
he smiles, all is well again,
did you just call me Amanda, Ines asks him, (her hair is straighter, combed more like Santa's)
he rubs his eyes,

Elisa visits Arturo, asks about the video of his brother's death,
she wants a copy,

Vicente arrives and meets Francisca in a room,
there is a knock at the door, room service, a cart is wheeled in,
later we see it is Paula leaving the room, in a wig, and hotel uniform,
she has poured two Champagnes, and put some powder in both,
she smiles,
we see Francisca and Vicente toast their love and their child,
bottoms up...



I haven't seen the show, yet and I wasn't going to spoile myslef, but your recaps are so entertaining, I couldn't help myself.
Your style works so well with this crazy tn, a bomb drop in every other scene... Well done!

My God, Humber is machiavellian, now Santa believes she killed a man.
I still love him, though.

Did I read that right: Bigg Willy made a pass at Begona?? That's why she is so determined to revenge his death, she's not a grieving mother-in-law, she's a grieving lover.... God, this is so messed up!
But I guess they had to make Willy bad so that when (if) he turns out alive, Santa will have no reasons to stay with him once the whole truth is discovered.

This is turning into such a campy tale... I'm enjoying it very much, and not exactly because of the protagonistas. Actually, they could be gone tomorrow and I wouldn't mind... actually, that might be wrong, I'm having so much fun seeing Humber torment them both.


MARIDO viernes 20 de septiembre Part 1

Reinaldo and TC are arguing about what to do about Pati. Reinaldo asks Marcela for her opinion and she says that if they interfere it will only push her towards the forbidden fruit. Reinaldo agrees and leaves for work. TC demands that Marcela pack her bags and leave.

Susana is talking to someone on the phone about going into Rafa's computer. Rafa comes up to her and asks where Eduardo is. "He went to pay a bill." "Well he better be back soon because he already has a warning." He goes into his office. Susana tells the person on the phone that Rafa will never suspect she got into his computer. We see Rafa look at his computer. He knows something is up.

Celeste goes over to Gris' and tells her about Manuel's plan to become Sol's agent. Gris thinks he's just going to exploit her but it's her life. They leave for the hospital to go see José.

Eduardo is beginning his detective work with a Fashion Motors customer. He discovers the used parts in the bike and calls Susana. She tells him to hurry up and get back there because Rafa is looking for him and she had to make up an excuse. Rafa comes out of his office and asks why is computer is on. "Have you been using it?" She says he probably left with Ellie Mae and didn't realize he left it on. Ellie Mae comes in and says that has happened before. Rafa admits he forgot and Susana says he she couldn't get into his computer without the password.

Gris demands the truth from José about what happened and where he's been all this time. "You can deceive Ellie Mae because she's weak and trusting but can't deceive me." He says that he was in a storm. Of course she doesn't believe him. She's determined to get the truth out of him. He pretends to be more sick than he really is but she's not buying it and tells him that he is only suffering from dehydration and high blood pressure. He wants to know if he's going to recover at their house. Gris clenches her fist. The "whistly" music was cute at first but like "Desnudo estoy" it's getting on my last nerve.

Marcela has all her bags out in the driveway and she's trying to convince Manuel to put them in the trunk of TC's car. TC comes out and orders Manuel to leave them there. TC gets into the car and leaves. Marcela, TC is now your enemy. This is not a good thing. But Marcela is going to make TC pay. She wants to find out what Iris knows. She asks Ro, who is surprised that she got his name right, where Paloma's posada is.

JP and Ester fight about who is staying in the house. FF>

Eduardo, Susana, and another worker whose name I don't know are putting 2 and 2 together and getting 4: New bikes have old parts, Rafa signed for the new parts, and Leo is in on the delivery of each of these bikes. They spy Leo going into Fashion Motors and Susana says, "Leave him to me." Leo interrupts Rafa and Ellie Mae. I swear this guy doesn't do any work. After she leaves Leo asks Rafa for some work because he's going out with a rich girl and he needs money to impress her. Rafa has something for him…

Marcela goes to the posada and asks to speak to Antonio. She tells him that TC is trying to ruin his relationship with Pati. "No sh¡t Sherlock." OK he doesn't say that he says, "And I thought she was planning the wedding" or something to that effect. She offers to tell him about TC's big secret. She admits she doesn't know exactly what it is but she knows that Iris is holding something big over her head. She advises Antonio to find out what the secret is because it's the only way to stop TC from trying to break them up.


MARIDO viernes 20 de septiembre Part 2

Pati is nervous re: Paloma's prediction. But then she says she doesn't believe in such things.

Paloma gives Gabe some tea. He laments that he'll never achieve his dream of finding his soulmate. Paloma suggests that the soulmate may be another woman and he just hasn't met her yet. Gabe says he and Gris would have been "G y G" but it's more likely to be "G y R."

Gris relents and tells Ellie Mae that José can stay at the house while he recuperates but as soon as he is better he is out the door. Gris, watch José milk this for all it's worth.

Rafa gives Leo a new assignment but he doesn't tell Viewerville what it is. Outside Susana confronts Leo and informs him she knows all about Rafa's scam of changing new parts for used. She tells him she has proof and that he could go back to jail. At first Leo denies it but then begs her not call Ivan or the police. "I know Rafa is the brains behind all this. So come clean or I call the police."

Max asks Babs where she's going. She says for a walk but Max knows better: she's going to Kikito's school. Max doesn't like her plan of using her son to extort money from Gris. She says it's already a done deal and she will soon have 5 million in cash in her hands. Max says they will both go the school to say goodbye to Kikito forever. He wants to see if Babs is capable of cutting the umbilical cord.

Fernando snoops around José's boat and discovers that it's not the original "La milagrosa." At the hospital Elio (I guess that's his real name because José calls him that) and José agree that it's dangerous for Fernando to be anywhere near the boat. Too late! José wonders why everyone in the world lies. José you're the biggest liar of all. Elio informs him that Gris is not really engaged to Gabe and that she made the whole thing up so he would leave her alone. "Grisi, Grisi," he sighs. Get another nickname for her–it reminds me of "greasy" which is what your hair is.

Outside the restaurant Gabe approaches Reinaldo. He tells him that Destiny has ordained that he will wind up with Gris. Reinaldo says he's a married man and he wouldn't cheat on TC. He goes on to say how much he admires Gris for the way she saved her family…and he looks a bit misty-eyed. Gabe reiterates that Gris' future is with him.

Gris informs Jethro that "el señor José" will be staying there until he is better. Jethro asks if they are running a hospice and then makes a comment about giving money to that scheming…Gris stops him from talking that way in front of his son. The phone rings. It's Clara who tells Jethro that Gabe didn't show up for work and Tacos Bar is in chaos. Jethro says he will be there and Gris is going with him.

Inside Gourmet Palmer Reinaldo says he sorry that Gris made up an engagement but understands why she did it. Gabe says it was a dream come true for him. He's loved her ever since he met her. But she doesn't feel the same way for Gabe. Again Reinaldo states he's a married man but Gabe says he's not happily married. Gabe knows there is something between Reinaldo and Gris and advises him to go for it or he will regret it the rest of his life. I love the word Gabe uses to describe José: mequetrefe, "good for nothing." It rolls off the tongue. (TC also used that word to describe Antonio.)

MARIDO viernes 20 de septiembre Part 3

Susana again threatens Leo with jail. He decides to save his own skin and agrees to rat on Rafa. Susana and Eduardo can't wait until Ivan finds out about this. Why do I have the feeling Rafa will worm his way out of this somehow?

At the beach Ivan asks Paloma for a massage. She happily but nervously obliges.

Ellie Mae brings Kikito to school. Max and Babs are there and he says this is her opportunity to say goodbye to her son. Kikito sees Babs and yells "¡Mamá!" She runs away with Max after her. Ellie Mae tells him to go inside and forget about seeing her.

A crowd is waiting to get into Tacos Bar. Gris and Jethro come to save the day.

TC arrives at Fina Estampa to talk to JP about his future. He is in a meeting and she has the nerve to tell everyone they can leave. She suggests that he and Ester separate. Ester can live in their house and JP can occupy the now vacant guest room Chez Palmer. Anything to keep Tía Iris out, eh TC?

Iris complains about the food at the posada and Antonio tells her there's a place not far from there that sells the gourmet food she so craves. He offers to get her some. Iris is suspicious and says food is not free. "You want something." "I want to know what secret you have that makes TC so afraid of you." Iris refuses to tell so she is admitting there is a secret. Antonio discusses this with Daniel and he knows who can help: Mario.

Gris is behind the counter helping out when Gabe comes in. He asks her what she's doing there. "Clara called and said the place was closed so Jethro and I came to help." Gabe tells her he doesn't want her help and he doesn't want anything form her. Gris looks sad. I guess it will be a while before they can be friends.


Thanks, Deb, for another superb recap!

Yes, Big Willy was BAD! We see him coming on to Begonia, and maybe he was also cheating on Santa with Ines! I agree, Adriana, if he now turns out to be alive, Santa has a reason to pick Santiago over Willy.

The show is so funny, everybody's got plans against everyone else. And that telenovela powder reserve is sure getting a lot of action. George, Bert, Santa, Ines, now Paula, have all put powder in people's drinks. And not one of the victims even seems to recognize he or she was drugged! But WE know :)

So, after Bert made it seem as if Santi would be in jail for life, Vicente makes one call, says there's really no extradition, and Santiago is released! Okaaaay.

Elisa may have a plan, but it may involve working with Bert and/or Carlos. She didn't really seem to fully appreciate Mara's fear/disgust of Carlos, and is just trying for revenge against Hortensia.

Paula was cute in her room service outfit.

Vicente and Bert are supposed to be working together, but they have vastly different goals, and that's good for the "good guys".

We still don't have much of a clue as to Patricio. Why does he want the cameo? Despite the fact that black market donations aren't listed, I tend to believe that Patricio did NOT donate his kidney to Carlos, and just made that up to get close to Victoria.

This novela just gets weirder and weirder. Big Willy makes a pass at Begoña? So maybe he's some kind of Lothario who goes after any woman. Based on Ines' memory of her phone conversation before Daddy made her have an abortion, she and Willy were on affectionate terms. But Willy apparently did not respond to Bárbara's advances, at least according to George's video. Very strange.

It's a good thing that Samanda wears regular pjs instead of the skimpy nighwear most telenovela women wear. Imagine running around the woods in semi-transparent nightie. We may switch to having Samanda in prison instead of Santi. Why do people in novelas always pick up the gun at a crime scene?


Hi J in Oregon- glad you are watching at least some of this novela. I watch it when I'm home at lunch, too and then the rest after work.

Apparently, the two families, the Machados and the Galeanos were very close until the two husbands were killed in some kind of accident. It's not clear what happened except that the two husbands went somewhere together.

The old guy, Aquiles, knows that Lola is back in town - he saw her - and suspects that she is hiding in the cemetery.

The whole "alma in pena," "soul in torment" hysteria in the village is very funny. It wouldn't seem to be that hard to lock up the cemetery at night.

I though Lola was going to be someone who brought bad luck to people but so far the only person who seems to have really bad luck is her.


I forgot to thank you for your great recap, Deb.

So Vicente and Francisa make a toast to their "hijo." If you are referring to a particular child, you use the correct gender of the noun, which means that the child has to be Bert since it can't be Santiago (incest with Ines) and it can't be Bárbara (wrong gender). That is, unless there is another child that we don't know about and that wasn't raised in Francisca's house.

Here's a crazy thought. Suppose their child was Big Willy? That would explain why Vicente forced Ines to have an abortion (child of incest) and why Vicente seemingly prevented Willy from being killed in prison. It would aldo explain why Big Willy looks so much like Santi. It doesn't explain why Vicente conspired with Bert to send Big Willy to prison. And you would have to assume that Francisca doesn't know about any of this. Maybe she has been told that her son with Vicente is living abroad or something. This is probably completely wrong but interesting.


Great recap, deb. Thanks very much! In earlier episodes, I doubted that Inés and Willy really had something going, because Willy was supposedly so wonderful (according to Santa) and because Inés was/is such a flake. But last night, with Begoña's recollection of Willy coming on to her, I've clearly had to reconsider. And so I suppose the theory of Big Willy alive in Vicente's basement isn't quite so far-fateched as it seemed to me at first, though still a little more than I'm able to accept.

Jean, I'm intrigued by your speculation that perhaps Big Willy is the child of Vicente and Francisca. It would explain a lot, though, as you note, it wouldn't explain why Vicente would conspire with Humberto to send Big Willy to prison. Though I suppose that he (Vicente) might have thought that that was the only way to keep Inés and her brother apart.

This novela becomes weirder and weirder by the day.

SANTA: If Big Willy were Francisca & Vicente's son, then Willy Jr really is Fran's grandchild, which is the sort of crazy thing you might expect from the writers and would explain her rather peculiar attraction to the kid.


Thanks very much, Sue, for your excellent recap. I found my mind wandering more and more as I was watching this novela last night, so your recap was especially needed and helpful. Thanks, too, for mequetrefe--my dictionary translated it as whippersnapper, a word that doesn't seem nearly as appropriate as good-for-nothing. (Does anyone under the age of 90 use the word whippersnapper any more?)

I'm glad to see Susana succeeding in getting the goods on Rafa. I'd like to think that Amalia will really begin to see him clearly now, though since she doesn't see much else clearly, I'm not holding my breath.

I found the scene between Gabe and Reinaldo simultaneously moving and unbelievable.

I do wonder who Gabe will wind up with. Last night, I began to wonder whether it would be Paloma, but Iván seems more likely.

Speaking of Gabe, I wonder whether Jose Salinas will perform a Gabe-like transformation and get rid of all that greasy hair and beard.

So Pati is pregnant. What a disappointment. I hate it when people like Paloma are shown to have supernatural powers of divination that work. I'm also disappointed when highly-educated, well-informed characters fail to use birth control. I wonder whether her mother's staircase of doom will be called upon to do its work (a la Amanda in Santa Diabla).



Tks to our savior deb for clearing up stuff!

Weird is right!

I never did understand why Begoña would be so anxious to avenge her son-in-law, & now it makes even less sense.

That sly Humberto evidently killed Ricardo with Amanda's gun. I knew he was too clever to use his own gun.

Glad Paula is getting her groove back, she will not be fooled again.
Fran & Vin will be in the papers when the hotel calls 911. ¡escándalo!

Santa calls Humberto Santiago.
Santiago calls Inez Amanda.
Octavio's recognition disorder from CI is catching.

Is there one decent person in this TN? Maybe Gaspar, but he is about to go to the other side.

Looks like Willy Sr deserves to be in the cellar, creepy.

I agree that they could replace every actor in this & I would probably like them better, except for Carlos Ponce, he is doing a fantastic job. I think I will probably like the actor playing Will Sr., he does creepy well.
So the plots are carrying this TN, not the actors. I doubt anyone is watching Tempestad for the story.

Shouldn't over-think this, but if Will Sr is such a mujeriego, why would he turn down the beauteous Barbara? Then again, we wouldn't have the main plot.
I don't recall a TN where the side plots are as interesting as the main one, like Santa Diabla.

1st time I've seen Carlos Ponce.


Another thought, Humberto knows all, does he have a camera on Amanda?

Bella Calamidades
Thanks for the fill-in, Jean. I will keep watching this, I love the strong female characters so far.

At last! Wheelchair-Gate is revealed...sort of. And Sedante-Gate is out in the open too, it seems. What is Tomas going to do about Estela now?
And poor Invis-abel, she finally tells JM how she feels about him, but he is busy worrying about his feelings for Ignacia, I think.
I didn't like the way Oleg was asking Neto to watch over Mireya, almost as if he expected not to be around in future...
And, Gema better get in the habit of not stripping down where people may wander in, both at her rental room and at work.
J in Oregon


Good Morning NovelaMan,
In our continuing comparison of the two Barbara's, you wrote… "I felt Barbie Cano was the same way with her daughter" (deeply self-centered, putting her own interests and desires above those of her young son).
I completely agree with you. The two Barbs are terrible, neglectful mothers who rarely have time for their children. It's interesting that Gonzalez is so protective of Max and Cano is protective of Gaspar (men who provide for them).



Deb, another amazing recap. I love how you catch everything that happened so poetically - and succinctly. This was a wild episode, and you nailed it.

Lucy doesn't engage her brain before she speaks, so she could be in real trouble with Carlos if she tells him something different from what Transito tells him.

Patricio says Vicky's mother's cameo is his. Makes me wonder if there is some strange relationship between Vicky's mother and Patricio's family.

Ivan can be charmingly persuasive, getting the nurse to show him the kidney donor list. Patricio probably isn't the donor.

Santa in the pines - again! Having hallucinations with Ricardo and the gun. Bert wants Santa to suffer, so maybe he wants her in jail - or the manicomio.

Willy coming on to Begona - surprised me. He really is a scumbag. Now I'm convinced he's in Vicente's basement, probably chained to the wall (shades of Patrona).

Who got the video of his Felipe's death for Horti? Bert?



So much happened on last night's epi I will be doing a recap later today.


Great recap, Sue! I also agree with all your comments, such as "Grisi", and the fact that Susana's plan may fail (and SHE or Eduardo could be blamed). It seems too early in the show for Rafa to be found out (but I hope he is).

It's funny how lots of people have referred to Jose's "super long beard", when actually the beard isn't so long, it's mainly the hair. The actor, Miguel Varoni, had super short hair in La Casa de al Lado. Then he had medium, wild hair as a narco in Corazon Valiente. Now he has long, curly grey hair, and it might be his real hair (probably not, who knows?). But I also would not be a bit surprised if he "cleans up" and cuts it.

Juanita, I also don't like it when novela characters have those super powers of divination that work. But I guess it's just one of the many telenovela "conventions" we're stuck with (like stairs of doom, knockout powder, eavesdropping in full view, I think once we listed them, and there are lots!).


wow, thanks so much everyone for your wonderful support,

Willy sure did turn creepy in the flashback with Begona,
(did they do it),
but now I wonder if he did it with Barbara,
and the scenes we saw were a misinterpretation of him rejecting her.



thanks so much Sue!

I thought Rafa had a look of getting wise to the junior detectives, and was working on a plan.

I guess it won't be long before someone calls Jose, Jeb, but it might have to wait till they are a family again, (never), and I don't think he likes the beard, scratch, scratch.

I don't think Griselda likes Jose's nickname for her either, Grisi, it looked like she cringed when he called her that,

it was interesting to watch Griselda take charge at the taco bar, getting everyone lined up and in order and getting the food delivered, she really is good at this,

so Gabriel has the same prescience as TC, that Reinaldo and Griselda are destined to be together, it was nice of him to open that door for Reinaldo, although I don't think that would matter, I've had that prescience as well.



The recap was great and clearly took a lot of effort--there was a lot going on today--so I hope I'm not stepping on the recapper's shoes by doing this, but I absolutely loved the Reinaldo-Gabriel scenes today. With slightly different dialogue these scenes could have come out nicely slashy (or Hoyay, if you prefer that term), especially with Simon in his butchy motorcycle gear showing up in the end, but of course the real dialogue is dreamy enough.

So here's a detailed summary of the first scene between Gabriel and Reinaldo:

Gabriel accosts Reinaldo outside the restaurant to announce that he believes that our destinies are already written, and that the name of the man who will make Griselda happy is already written in her future.

Reinaldo does a soap-opera-ish cryptic reaction because a commercial pause is coming up, but when we return to the scene he is saying that he doesn't understand.

Gabriel: "What I have to say is very important. Because I see that you look at Griselda 'con ojos de perro azul'"

We may not understand, but Rei clearly does, because he immediately deflects by smilingly suggesting that Gabriel is drunk.

Gabriel insists that instead he is in the throes of a hangover that has brought him to recognize the truth, the complete truth, and nothing less than the truth. "The truth is that destiny has decided that you are the man who can make Griselda Carrasco happy."

Reinaldo points out that the last news that he had heard from his daughter was that Gabriel and Griselda were engaged, and asks what has happened that Gabriel is now saying this.

Gabriel instead explains how he knew Griselda was the love of his life from the moment he said hello to her. Griselda herself, he says, with her children, with her stubbornness, with her temper.

Reinaldo is listening with such intensity and agreement that he has to shake himself out of it to ask, so?

"So nothing. Then you appeared on the scene, and for the first time ever I was jealous." (Oh, this could be so nicely tilted just a little bit akilter to produce some slash.)

As Gabriel continues, Reinaldo collects himself and interrupts to point out that he is a married man and that he is incapable of betraying Teresa Cristina.

Gabriel speaks for the audience, impatiently saying, "Blah, blah, blah." He goes on, "We're men here, aren't we? Keep that for your wife and your family."

And now he asks: "Can you really tell me you feel nothing when you see that woman? She's like the sun that lights up all it passes over."

And now Reinaldo takes over for him, with sincerity and fervor: "She is a sun. A sun and the sea together. She's the moon that burns up the night and makes you realize, strongly, that a true female levels everything in her path. How she dresses isn't important, much less what her job is--no, she makes you understand that a true woman is capable of doing anything if she just keeps going forward. That is my Griselda!"

The music that was building during this speech suddenly stops, as if it embarrassed itself, and Reinaldo, who has embarrassed himself, asks pardon. Gabriel makes an embarrassed cough and says that he came to tell Reinaldo that Reinaldo's destiny is at the side of this woman and that Reinaldo is the only man who can convince her to embrace life and be happy.


And here's Gabriel and Reinaldo's second scene:
The next time we see them
Gabriel is sitting at a table in Palmer Gourmet, as Rei brings over coffee and sits down to join him. Rei is saying that he's sorry about what Gabriel went through, but he understands what Griselda did, that she was scared when that guy showed up and so she invented the engagement in order to get out of it.

Gabriel agrees: "So it seems. But this invention was a dream turned real for me. I was blind and didn't realize that Griselda was asking me for help." (I really liked Gabriel during both these scenes with Reinaldo. He was taking responsibility, he was being noble and self-sacrificing--yes, in an unrealistic and TN way, but that's why we watch.)

Reinaldo comments, in a perhaps inappropriately hopeful and cheerful manner, that Gabriel seems to have given up on his pursuit of Griselda.

Gabriel agrees, and says that this morning it's all very clear to him. Reinaldo wants to know what this clarity consists of. (And all through this conversation it's clear what his interest is, and what he wants the answers to be, even though he protests whenever Gabriel states it plainly.)

Gabriel explains that for years, from the first day she was left alone, Griselda went around as if she were denying she was a woman, in spite of Gabriel trying to talk her out of it. Rei points out that she's not alone any more now that her husband is back, but Gabriel makes short work out of this, making clear that her husband is a bastard who doesn't deserve her, who made her life miserable. "And this is why I came to see you."

Reinaldo has a very specifically noncommittal look on his face, listening, close-lipped, making sure that he's not going to say anything that might keep him from hearing what he's hoping to hear.

Gabriel continues: "Listen, Reinaldo. I need for Griselda to be happy even if it's not with me. You can make her happy."

Rei takes that in for a couple of beats before he has to protest: "But you know very well that I'm a married man."

Gabriel cuts him off. "I'm not an idiot, Reinaldo. I know that you feel something for Griselda."

Reinaldo tries to tell him not to say that, but Gabriel cuts him off again and tells him not to protest. More importantly, he adds "Griselda feels something for you as well."

At this, Rei's eyes light up and he leans forward: "You think so?"

And now Gabriel has had enough: "I've done what I came to do. I'm going. I'm getting out of the way. I'm out it, Reinaldo. Don't miss the chance to love the most marvelous woman I've known in my life. Don't miss it or you're going to regret it." His last words as he gets up from the table and leaves, words I have trouble interpreting: "Esto. Lo mas normal."


I thought the same thing as Jean- Willy might be the mystery child of Fran and Vicente. It explains why Vicente kept him alive but not why Willy Sr. would be chained in the basement. Unless Vicente is just a sadist. But since Fran has such affection for Santi, he might be the one except for the forced wedding with Ines. And if Humberto is the love child, shouldn't Fran like him best? Flip a coin, right?

I think Willy's affair with his mother-in-law explains why Begonia wants vengeance- for her lover. What will Santa do when she finds out she risked her and her sons life for this cad and her lying mother? She needs to be able to beat everyone near her, except the kid of course. Then she and the child should get the heck out of this awful place. Maybe Mara's mom could adopt her?



Utah, I LOVED your interpretation of the scene between Reinaldo and Gabriel, you didn't miss a beat.
Maybe you'd like to do some of the recaps, Wednesdays and Thursdays are wide open.
I agree with you that the kind of selfless gesture that Gabe did - not only giving up on Gris, but also telling Rei to go after her because she is a catch - is only possible in a tn, but that only tells us what a good man Gabe really is.

He needs someone of his own, but who? I don't think Paloma is it, she's smitten with Ivan. Clara maybe? After Q leaves her for Barbie (not spoiling anything, I'm just sure this will happen).
Or someone from the other side, like, maybe Marcela? She's after JP, but I she'd never say no to a good roll in the hay. Or, how about Beatriz - she needs a guy, too, once the grieving is over. She and Gabe can commiserate over lost loves.


UtahDesert, what a marvellously detailed account of the very moving scene between Gabe and Reinaldo! Muchísimas gracias. Yes, I suppose it doesn't matter that it's somewhat unbelievable; as you say, that's part of the appeal of the telenovela world.

One question: What does "ojos de perro azul" mean? Neither "eyes of a blue dog" nor "blue eyes of a dog" makes much sense to me, so I assume there's another, less literal meaning. ???


Jean, great idea!! Willy being Fran and Vicente's love child - WOW! That would make so much sense in this tn. We already suspect that Ivan is actually Arturo's child (hating her own grandchild might take Horty to the early grave she so richly deserves).
Santiago sure isn't, except if Ines is adopted (and is actually Victoria's daughter, like someone else already speculated).

Let's see, is there someone else whose paternity they can change just to mess with us? Little Willy is Big Willy's son, because Santa is the honest protagonista, but everybody else should be fair game right now.

And about Patricio - there is one tn rule that says that even the most isolated character end up related to almost everybody else, so who knows? Maybe Patricio is George's brother, or Gonzalo's nephew, or an old lover of Mara's mother...with this tn anything is possible.

The problem with me recapping is that I'm on a later time cycle, since I watch the episodes at best a day later, on line. I know I'm being a free-rider, but for the time being I can't.

Meanwhile, more comments. Does anyone else get Fernando, Victor, and Elio confused? When I stop to think about it, or when they're all standing together, I can tell them apart, but they seem like such similar types. And I wish that scummy Elio (because anyone working with Jose is scummy) was not by far the best looking of them. Actually, that's how I tell him apart from the others. At least twice now I've caught myself thinking something like, hey, Victor's really better looking than I thought he was; they need to find a good love interest for him...oops, no, that's Elio, damn it.


Juanita, "Ojos de perro azul" is a a book written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez - there are actually more stories, one of them having this title. It's kind of hard to explain, but in the context where Gabriel from the tn used it, I think it has to do with Reinaldo's confusion.


Utah, don't worry about the recaps, I for one understand very well, because I watch later then the rest, too, on line; the different time zone (I am earlier) helps me win some of the time back, though.
Just keep the comments coming, you always give great insights.

I can tell the guys apart, but I can't remember their names. There is another guy, Victor's friend, how do they call him?


"ojos de perro azul"

Apparently means to be the leader, to be out front. Found it on WordReference

It is a song by Ruben Blades & a book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez


I have absolutely no objections to anyone expanding the recap to include a scene they really loved. I liked those scenes too but this morning I could only include the highlights due to time constraints.


Right now I'm recapping Friday's episode because a lot of interesting things happened. If there's a scene that you want to expand upon, go for it. I loved Oleg's discovery.

Isn't Patricio there to get revenge on Victria for some wrong that happened to his family? Maybe Victoria's long lost love is Patricio's bro. Patricio's revenge should probably be aimed at Carlos, who probably offed him.


wow, thanks so much UtahDesert,
I really miss the details of the conversations, and this was so well done.

I too am curious about "blue eyed dog".


Santa Diabla:

Big Willy macking on Begona and apparently being somehow involved with Ines way back in the I said about a similarly screwed-up aspect of El Señor de los Cielos: oh, Telemundo. You just had to get all Trapped in the Closet with this too, didn't you? Maybe he was a reformed sex addict or something...


I've been reading all the comments, and what great ideas people are having. I just thought of something else: Does Bert know about the prisoner in Vicente's basement. For a while I just assumed he did, now I'm thinking he doesn't know.

What a wild ride we're on!


ojos de perro azul

Many thanks, Variopinta. However, I'm puzzled, since was the first place I turned to, and I didn't find any entry either for "ojos de perro azul" nor for just "perro azul." How did you find it--and in which section of

After not finding in it, I Googled it, but all that I learned is that it's the title of a book of short stories by Gabriel Garcia Márquez (and the title of one of the stories) and also a song by Ruben Blades. But none of that gave me a sense of what it means, aside from Eyes of a Blue Dog (which is, not surprisingly, the title of the English translation). So I'm very pleased to have the additional info you've provided, but I'd love to know where in WR you found it.

ojos de perro azul

I googled it

not much on it


Sue, wonderful recap. Loved it. And thanks for the new word (for me, at least): "mequetrefe". Perfect for José - and Elio and a few others.

And Utah - thank you for the detailed recall of the Gabe & Rei talk. So heartfelt for Gabe, and cautiously hopeful for Rei.

I couldn't believe that Gris would let José stay at her house. You're 100% correct, Sue; he'll be the beach bum who came to dinner. You know he'll have another "spell" every time "Grisi" tells him to find someplace else to live.

Well, I was so wrong about Susana. She not only isn't hot for Rafa, but she's going to see him behind bars. And Leo, the weak link, is going to help her put him there.

José and Elio are great comic relief. I love watching these two. Their discussion about how other people are such liars was delightful

Adriana - Gabe and Bea are an intriguing combination but getting them together may be a story in itself.

Best line of the night: Jethro asks Gris if they are running a hospice.


SANTA, Thanks for the recap especially because the TN storyline is really twisting and turning upside down. Hmmm I was considering the theories by all the commenters. Here is one more possibility .... Santiago is the love child and Ines' parentage is up in the air. Fran is just way to enamored with Santiago and even Vince said to Bert that Santiago was a good kid. The pair of them toasted to their love child as if they had warmies for the "kid". That would be why Vince had no intention of keeping Santiago I jail. Also, maybe Will had an evil twin? Maybe Carlos had a love child with a hooker and the "kid" was the donor and "pat" is the cover -in exchange for Sis in marriage? Maybe Inez' dad is in the basement? hmmm. Crazy hypotheses, I know ... But I found myself considering all the possibilities ... I really do have a life.. LOL!


I don't understand Griselda's dilema about Jose staying or not in the house. She will soon be moving to her mansion, Jose and Amalia can stay and bond in the house.

Jose did arange for Griselda to live there rentfree with the so called "chino." More than likely it's his house anyway.


Rafael Orozco, el ídolo

this is a Caracol produced 2012/2013 novela that was made and shown in Colombia, (after "Escobar, el patrón del mal"). I'm not watching this but I put it on in the mornings (just before Bella Calamidades) and it keeps drawing me in.

an example of a side story from Friday,
a girl, Clara, that Rafael likes is being stalked by an obsessed older fat guy, he has found where she lives and has come for her, her father tries to stop him, but the stalker draws a gun, beats him down and drags the girl to his car, the father reappears with a gun of his own, they have a standoff, the stalker with his gun to the girl's head, the father shoots the stalker in the shoulder, knocking him back, the girl escapes, the stalker raises his gun, the father shoots him in the leg, he drops, bleeding profusely, the father gets the gun away, then tries to save his life, he asks his daughter for help, she comes over and kicks the guy in the chest, ouch!, but then agrees to drive the car to the hospital while the father tries to control the bleeding...

at the hospital the tough looking, prim and proper police arrive to question the father,
the stalker thanks the father for saving his life, now he can try again for the girl,
the father shakes his head,

Rafael shows up after doing his music thing to see the girl at home, but sees the blood instead,
ahh, and the way these two are drawn together,
but keep missing the connections,
if only we could help them...

the accents, the music, the locations, the real life people, this is pretty good...

ah, and I see "Maritza Rodríguez" (yes, that one, TC in Marido) in the cast list, as Martha, antagonist,
"it's her sad beauty that draws her attention to Orozco".
(2 pics),_el_ídolo



In case anyone cares, here's my description of the good looking minor characters which somewhat resemble each other.

Fernando: Curly, swept back hair, beautiful eyes and lashes (almost girl-like), clean shaven. He doesn't seem to have any girlfriend, is sort of the ringleader of the mean guys at the beach
Elio: Straighter hair, also swept back, but messy, unshaven, Jose's son
Victor (the lifeguard): straight hair, usually wet and combed back, big teeth, grins a lot, likes Penny (so he's Leo's rival)
Gigante: Not as good looking, lighter colored hair, the most muscles, seems a little dumb, also no girlfriend, although Diosa did go out with him once

Gigante is the one I don't get confused with the other three. Victor I like, especially ever since he was a stand-up guy and made Leo give the dogs back, even though doing so cast suspicion on him himself. Fernando I dislike now that he's doing TC's dirty work, from beating up Antonio to hiding the mafioso's body. I'd love it if Elio turned out to be likeable, but so far there's indication he will be.

DYO viernes 20 de septiembre Part 1

JM asks Estela where she got the vial of sedative (recall strong enough to calm a horse and fatal if taken in large quantities). She declines to tell him and shoos him out the door. Those little cogs in her brain are turning.

Mireya wants to know what Tomás sees in her. He says she's a beautiful woman and he likes beautiful women. She only came to find out if he will help her get to Pedro. He's got a couple hours so why not go out somewhere. She warns him if he's not going to help her with Pedro then don't show up in her neighborhood because he has no business there. Although she denies it he tries to get her to admit that she likes him and is dying to accept his invitations. She leaves and Tomás says with a grin, "I like that woman."

Pedro and Ignacia are arguing about what happened with Neto. Ignacia says that now he's the project foreman he has to maintain discipline. Pedro thinks that all the workers hate him because they think he took Oleg's job away from him. Reuben is in the office and didn't know that Oleg no longer works there. Pedro asks Reuben to keep his mouth shut about that. Lupita arrives and invites them to the engagement dinner. Pedro says he's not sure he can go with school and all and Ignacia isn't sure she can make it either. The happy couple says they had better be there or certain family ties will be severed.

Uh oh. Oleg is in a casino. He watches a guy win at slots. And then he runs into Abuela who is taking a break from poker. Both make up the excuse that they are waiting for friends. (Really? Is it so horrible to be seen in a casino?) She shows him how to use a slot machine though she pretends that she doesn't really know what she is talking about. Beginner's luck: he wins on the first try. She tells him that the more you bet the better payout you get. "And they accept credit cards, debit cards, cash, checks." "Checks?" At that point her companion from the poker game sees her and she hurries off but asks him not to tell anyone he saw her there. He must have cashed his check because soon we see him at another game and his beginner's luck is growing. He has a few people behind him egging him on to bet it all. He does…and he loses. $35,000. (His check was $25,000 and he must have won $10,000.)

The evil nurse at the nursing home calls Tomás to inform him that his father is no longer responding to the sedative and is beginning to wake up. She doesn't know what to do to keep him sedated. He orders her to do whatever it takes but by no means is he to regain consciousness.

Neto goes to see Mireya and proclaims that he's a free man: he quit his job. "I was bored with it and with taking orders, especially from those bosses. Look on the bright side. I can open my own business and be my own boss." "You are an idiot." Viewerville agrees. She asks him where he will get the money to start a business and if he even knows how to run one. He doesn't know how to answer that. But he tells her he loves her. "You are so stupid! Men are either unfaithful, liars, or stupid." She wheels out of the room.

Ignacia signs the divorce papers in the presence of her attorney, who will mail them to Tomás for his signature. Ignacia wants to deliver the papers herself so he can see her when she regains her dignity. The attorney advises her that she won't get one cent from Tomás. Ignacia is independently well-off and doesn't need his money. The attorney asks about Estela. Ignacia says she will handle that herself. If Tomás wants to throw her out then she will rent a place for her where she can live comfortably and be away from his influence.

DYO viernes 20 de septiembre Part 2

Oleg walks around East L.A. looking like a sad sack. This tends to happen when you bet all of your money and then lose.

Lupita is sick of all the family problems. Reuben assures her the dinner will be fine and says there's something bigger to consider right now. He tells Mariano that he was right. Neto confirmed that Tomás and Mireya are together.

Neto walks around the neighborhood looking like a sad sack. This tends to happen when you quit your job and you don't have another lined up. He remembers Mireya's words from a while ago. "¡Bruto!"
He tells himself he needs to find a job. He hears a loud voice and follows it back to Marge's. Gina is on the phone with her attorney in London. He has invested her money in the stock market (la bolsa, lit. "purse") and she is afraid that the value of the stock will fall and she'll lose all her money. Neto asks to use her tablet so he can look for a job. Gina invites him to the family dinner because…he's part of the family. This gives him the warm fuzzies.

JM returns to his office complaining that he tries to help others and everyone seems to overlook him. Isabel tells him that he's important to her and walks out.

And now a scene that all DYO aficionados have been waiting for (and it doesn't happen at the end of the episode):
Mireya, standing with her back to the door, is speaking on the phone with her uncle. She doesn't hear Oleg come in. When she gets off the phone she senses
someone is there before she turns around and sees Oleg. [The following is not an exact translation.]

"You're standing up. You can walk."
"I swear I can explain."
"How long have you been able to walk?"
"One day I stood up."
"But when? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Do you know what you've done to me? You've stabbed me in the back! You betrayed me! I always thought we were a team!"
"We aren't a team. I'm your daughter and you're my father. It's not a soccer match."
"You're right! I've been a bad father. I didn't know how to bring you up. I gave in to all your whims. I overprotected you. All this to fill the void left by your mother. And in the middle of all this I forgot to teach you what values are."
"No. Don't say that! I do have values. Don't treat me like one of your workers. I need you to listen to me. I have feelings. I'm not a monster. I swear."
"I never thought you could do something like this to me."
"I didn't say anything because…"
"Because why? Tell me! Your explanation had better make sense. Do you know every night since your mother died I cried for you? I swore nothing bad would ever happen to you. Until that horrible day I almost lost you. I almost died thinking you left me. But you survived and every day I asked the Virgin Mary to help you recuperate."
"Forgive me Papá. It's only been a couple days since I could walk."
"What mistake did I make with you? I turned you into a selfish, impulsive person, capable of playing with other people's feelings."
"No Papá. I swear I was going to tell you. Forgive me. I was waiting until I was better, more stable. I wanted to make sure it wasn't temporary."
"You don't get up from a wheelchair only to sit down in it again."
"I promise I'll tell everyone I can walk. Let me tell them when I'm ready. I need some time to get used to this. Please don't tell anyone I can walk yet. Not even Doña Margarita and especially not Pedro. Let me tell him myself."


DYO viernes 20 de septiembre Part 3

Marge knocks at the door and Mireya gets back in the chair. She invites Oleg and Mireya to the family dinner. I'm not sure why she would invite Mireya since Pedro is going to be there. Oleg tries to make an excuse for not going but she says she expects them to be there.

Gema is changing in the locker room. They need to provide her with her own space because anyone can walk into the locker room. Like Pedro. She starts complaining about the attitudes of her co-workers. Pedro informs her that he is the foreman. He asks her who hired her. "Ignacia Santamaria."

El Duro is at the strip club chewing out his henchmen because they lost track of Gema. "Find her!"

Marge and Gina are rushing around trying to get everything ready for the dinner. Pedro comes home from his first day of class. Marge wants him to check something in the oven. He's put out that she doesn't want to hear about his class just now. Oleg arrives with the wine. One bottle for about 5-6 people. I'm not counting Lupita. Abuela looks at him knowingly. The happy couple arrive with Mariano who knows to bring at least two bottles of champagne. Reuben informs Pedro that Ignacia is not coming.

Estela is making dinner. She remembers what JM told her about the vial. Tomás comes home and calls for her. She comes out but doesn't say a word while he asks what's new. Then she tells him dinner is ready and goes back into the kitchen. He's suspicious and wonders why she is acting this way. She serves him his dinner. Tomás wants to know what's up with her. He knows her better than anyone and can even guess that right now she's plotting something against him. The doorbell rings. It's JM who's worried about the vial of sedative. She tries to get rid of him saying they'll talk tomorrow. "What sedative?" asks Tomás. "Nothing." Estela goes back to the other room. He asks JM about the sedative and JM tells him it's nothing that concerns him. He leaves.

Marge calls for a toast to the happy couple and asks Oleg to say a few words. Pedro says that not everyone is here yet. Marge thinks he means Neto but he means Ignacia. Just then who should arrive but…Ignacia. And a couple minutes later, Neto, who greets his boss, Pedro. Gina corrects him. "No, Oleg is your boss. Why did you call Pedro your boss?" Neto corrects himself. Gina announces that she is paying for Lupita's wedding. Surprisingly, Pedro doesn't object. Lupita has always dreamed of getting married in a huge church, wearing a long white gown with a long veil. "Like Thalia's?" adds Marge. The look on Reuben's face says he doesn't agree. He wants something simpler. Lupita continues: "And I want to ride in a limo." Reuben channels his inner Estela and thinks all this is so very "naco." Gina says that all the decisions are up to the bride. What she wants she will have. Reuben questions why he's there. Lupita asks how many guests he plans to invite. "Only a few. Family and close friends." "But if we're getting married in a big church we'll need lots of guests to fill it up." "I don't even know that many people. I'd be happy getting married at City Hall at 10 in the morning."

Oleg asks Neto to look out for Mireya. He says he has things that he has to do but doesn't elaborate.

Estela asks Tomás what she did to deserve his treatment of her. "You were poisoning me. You acted all concerned, bringing me poisoned tea on a regular basis until I couldn't stand up or keep my eyes open. You were killing me little by little. You were afraid I'd open my mouth [about Karina]?" "I'd never do harm to the woman I love." He grabs her and kisses her.



Do you remember the Mary Tyler Moore Show from the 70s? One of the running gags was that Mary always threw terrible parties. The tradition continues on DYO.

Sue455, thanks for the comprehensive recap, it covered everything and was much appreciated!
Yes, I agree: Perez parties are usually a flop: people arrive, argue, and leave. Meanwhile, something bad is up with Oleg, I have a presentimiento.
Ignacia showed bad judgement when she appointed her novio as the new boss. When Pedro was hired, there were already at least two other foreman-types with seniority working there under Oleg. They should be crying foul too, just like Neto.
J in Oregon



First, Sue, thanks for the terrific recap. You covered everything, and I really appreciate the Oleg-Mireya dialogue. And second, your MTM note brings back hilarious memories of that show. Mary's parties were so notoriously bad that no one wanted to go to them and looked for ways to avoid them.

I felt so sad for Oleg - yesterday was a terrible day for him. He obviously was very uncomfortable continuing to lie to Marge about his employment status and "going to work". Then he lost the $35,000 at the casino. And worst of all, he came upon his evil, b!tchy, ambulatory daughter, which must have been the cruelest blow. I worry about his safety and those things he told Neto he has to do.

I was annoyed that Pedro, upon seeing a half-dressed Gema in the trailer, just stood there gawking at her. He made no attempt to alert her to cover up nor did he turn sideways. Until there are separate accommodations for females, the men need to be respectful of her right to privacy.

Estela must have a death wish. Even after JM gave her the info on the special tn sedative-poison, she stayed in Nomas' house. Nomas can probably get a cut rate on a double, shared room for his father and Estela at the nursing home.



OK, I've thought about this most of the afternoon. What if Willy is Santi's missing, "dead" twin. The writers had no reason to mention a twin early in the story, except to have him/her somehow advance the story later on. We know nothing about Willy and Paula's parents and family. Maybe Willy was adopted by Paula's parents. I have no idea why Fran or Gaspar would give up one twin, saying it died, and keep the other, but it does happen in tn-land.

Also, if Willy knew he was related to Barbara, it could explain why he would not have sex with her.

As someone said earlier in the week, we're probably way over-thinking this.



Thank you so much Adriana, Sue, and UtahDesert for the recaps and scene details over the last two episodes.

I also don’t care how unrealistic the conversation between Gabe and Rei was, it was wonderful, and I’m so glad that Gabe is finally moving on. It won’t be so easy for Rei to move on because TC will NOT let him go so easily (she’ll attempt to kill him, Gris, or both of them first), even after Rei gets past his guilt about wanting to leave her.

Breanna- The house belongs to Chino, not Jose. He was a friend of Jose’s that went missing just before Jose did. I bet they were in on some shady scheme together. And even though Gris is about to move into a new house, that’s not for another month. A month is a long time to live with someone you hate. Also enough time for him to con his children and grandchild into believing he’s legit.

Gosh, I am so tired of JP and Ester having the same argument. I was grateful to TC for offering that JP move in with her. At least that will shake things up a bit.



As for surprise pregnancies for rich women, not the poor virgins--- most recently Amores Verdaderos had TWO surprise pregnancies for two rich women, one in her 40s and the other in her mid-30s. Neither of the main two young female characters (one rich, one poor) became pregnant. The virginal poor girl never even had sex. Just this week on Porque el Amor Manda, the rich 30-something heroine became pregnant. But since she’s wealthy, a career woman, and in a stable relationship, it was no biggie.



thank you so much Sue!
this is such a great little show,
thanks for making the time for a recap, especially after doing a detailed one for Marido,

and so nice of you to put in the Olegario/Mireya dialogue, after he sees her standing,
I don't really follow the conversations well, but love knowing what was said,

uff, Olegario did have a bad day,
(does Los Angeles have casinos)
I keep waiting for Ignacia to grab him and say "You are My foreman, I want to see you first thing tomorrow on the job, Period", or, she could even create a supervisors position for him over the workers to save face for all,

we need him around for his connection with Tomas' dad,

but it's like Olegario said, he has his pride, and it's leading him down this dark alley,
now with a knife in his back from Mireya.

I thought Loopita wanted a carriage,
so where will they find a church load of people,

and I thought Neto might ask Gina for an investment in his new business,
now if only he had one.



Yay, Sue!! Thanks so much for your recap!

Just finished watching Friday's, and HOOOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAY!! Mireya is OUTED! Poor Olegario though... this was the cherry on his day-from-hell sundae (although admittedly he brought part of it on himself by going all-in at the casino...). I loved how he just blustered right past her "I only started walking a couple days ago" excuse... but he looked so pathetic in his sad-sack trudging (great word Sue!).

I, too, was a little disturbed at the tone of his little talk with Neto, asking him to take care of Mireya. I don't like this ONE. BIT.

Estela, you do not discover you're being slowly poisoned and then confront your poisoner (who is prone to violent rages) when you are alone with him in his big creepy house (which has a creepy serial killer kitchen). Estela Estupida. Say hi to Karina for us.

Gema in the locker room, (Girl, please!) you'd think she'd have the sense to change somewhere a little more private... being the only lady with a locker in the room. Or at least the sense not to stand there in her bra tossing her hair around with a stupid grin on her face before getting dressed (that really annoyed me, and I generally like this character). Yes, Pedro was a dolt for gawking too, but then how else would we brutas catch on to the Iggy-rival foreshadowing?

Poor Neto. But that's kind of what happens when you miss a dose of your ADHD meds, guey. You get all emotional and impulsive and quit your job, and then the moody biotch you're in love with calls you an idiot and you realize you're up sh** creek. Yeah, kind of your fault, but your sad puppy face still gets to me.

Lupita wants a big fluffy wedding with a carriage, Ruben wants a judge. How much you want to bet they're going to break up over this (for at least 10 minutes anyway)?

Oh, Invis-abel. Be patient. We've still got a good hundred episodes and a possible JM/Iggy distraction to get through, but you'll get him at the (very) end, I'm sure. I do like how he was having his little pity party, "no one ever misses me or thinks about me", and she confronts him with "You have me," but then "Shame you're the last person to realize it..." and walks out. Chew on THAT, J-Mopey.

There seems to be an interesting El Duro Bermuda Triangle of Death forming at Casa Garcia, with The Rat being recruited to keep an eye on Angel, who happens to be living with Gema...

That look Tomas gave the camera over Estela's shoulder while he was kissing her... I'm pretty sure it made my soul freeze.

Yessss, AnotherAmy---Mireya is outed, but she's not actually outta the wheelchair. And in order to keep up the charade, Oleg can't tell anyone...I hope the writers are not going to throw him under the bus.
Several characters are now in the ElDuro Triangle. Whatever happened to Candy? They found a few of her things but not her. Also, isn't Gema the legal owner of that car wash business? What about her income from that and all the employees who worked there? I hate these little loose ends.
J in Oregon

AnotherAmy: still laughing about "I'm pretty sure it made my soul freeze"!
I do think Fabian Rios is in his element with this evil character.


Yes, thank you, Lupita wants a carriage. I got distracted and then I heard Gina mention a limo. Carriage makes much more "naco" sense.

I'm somewhat confused about what happened at the obra with Oleg. Oleg was to move away with Marge. So I thought he resigned. Ignacia in a dumb-a$$ move replaces him with Pedro over others that have more seniority. So Oleg is out of a job. He changes his mind about moving and he is still out of a job. Yet I'm reading in the captions that "lo despidieron," "he was fired." And now he is pretending to still have a job. Please clarify. I probably dozed off and missed something. It wouldn't be the first time.


Vivi, when it comes to tns, all women are expected to end up pregnant unwillingly - it's just the rule.

The comparison came from our speculations, when Amalia first slept with Rafa, that she would end up pregnant because she is an innocent poor girl - but as it turns out she was smarter than Pati in this particular case (because when it comes to choosing their men, they are exactly the same - gullible and blind).

Sue455, Oleg was speaking to Neto about is intention to resign and Ignacia overheard. She jumped the gun, in her eagerness to have something good for Pedro come out of Oleg's "resignation". So when Ignacia offered Oleg the bonus check and said "goodbye and good luck", he said "Who said I was resigning?" And she said, oh, Neto told me you are resigning, so here you go, see ya! Oleg tried to say "I need to talk to you about this" but someone else came in just then and he ended up leaving, shaking his head. So sad.
J in Oregon


as the world turns....
so many unanswered questions,

will Santa even get a chance to change her pajamas,
before she wakes up in the woods, yet again,

or will she find herself warming Santiago's bed,
in the jail cell he just left,

will Elisa and Carlos join forces,
to fight racial inequality,

will Arturo ever hold out on sex for more than a minute,
and will Barbara last another day without it,

will anyone remember to feed the thing in the basement,

will Daniela ever show up with a friend, a dealer, a stranger, anyone,

will willy ever find a better acting job,

will Victoria have to wait in the long Marrero line for a pregnancy tests,

will someone lend Ivan some of that white powder,
so he can check Patricio for a kidney scar,

will George ever get to finish reading that page on diabetics,

will Gaspar even bother to say GEORGE, again,

will Lucy win the hearts and minds of the girls at Trebol de Oro,

will Francisca and Vicente have 'knock-out' sex.



another wonderful post,
you always add a whole new level to this story for me,
with your comments,
love it,



Loved your questions, deb!

Telemundo rumors

"Dama y Obrero" ---> "La Impostora"
written by Sebastián Arrau ("El rostro de la venganza")
Lisette Morelos ("Aurora")
Sebastián Zurita
Christian Bach ("La Patrona")
Begoña Narváez (the crazy Barbara in "Rosa Diamante")

"Marido en Alquiler" ---> "Almas Perdidas"
a remake of the Telemundo's telenovela, "El Cuerpo del Deseo of 2005",
but, the main character will be a women, not a man
Aracely Arámbula ("La Patrona")
Carla Hernández ("Rosa Diamante")

I could see no new information on,
Eugenio Siller's new novela "Reina de Corazones"

more info here,


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