Thursday, October 10, 2013

Breaking news! Brain injury reported in a Narvaez family member, details below! Wed 10/09/2013

Ah yes, you read that right, we started last nights episode with Simona riding up on her horse and seeing her husband and his ex-wife sharing a small kiss, he was just kissing her forehead but this was more than our dear Simona could deal with so she took off on her horse and suffered an accident. 

Octavio and Maricruz both become alarmed and worry that Simona could be injured and that the baby she's expecting might be in danger-well, let me just say that maybe they should of thought about that before they started whatever the hell it is they have going on with each other, I mean seriously, Octavio is married, Maricruz claims to hate him, so why not just part ways? Never mind, if I think about this too much my head hurts.

So apparently Simona has gone missing and a search party is set up to locate her, Maricruz stays behind and frets, Santa and Perico urge her to go to bed but she refuses, it seems like our girl is feeling a little bit of guilt over Simona catching her and Octavio together, again, should of thought about this before she started going after a married man.

In the woods the search party finds Simona who has fallen of her horse and is out cold, Octavio comes on the scene and tries to carry her to get her back to the ranch, because when someone suffers an accident and injures their head and neck the best thing to do is to not call a doctor and to move the accident victim and risk further injury, thinking about it maybe Octavio really wants Simona to die. Thankfully someone suggests that they make a stretcher for her and move her that way, folks keep in mind that this happened at night, and the next thing we know it's day time and Simona is back at the ranch with Octavio and Ofelia looking after her while waiting for the doctor. 

Okay, let's try to work this out. Simona, who is pregnant falls off a horse, and instead of taking her to the nearest clinic or hospital these idiots take her home to wait for a doctor! Just how stupid are these people? I mean we know that Octavio is challenged but this just takes stupid to a whole new level. Simona finally wakes up and man is she in a bad mood, I guess I'd be grouchy too if I fell of my horse because I caught my husband with his ex. She orders Octavio to leave the room and he does, cause folks he is finally going to go look for a doctor! 

Meanwhile Maricruz is waking up and her first thoughts are of Simona, she wonders if she's okay and hopes that nothing has happened to her. Just then Jose Antonio, who I wish would fall on a pointy stick and die, walks in and Maricruz asks him to get her an update on the Simona situation, Jose calls the ranch and finds out all the gossip. He tells MC that Simona was in an accident and is in bad shape, it looks like she cracked her head open! MC looks horrified and JA questions why she's so worried, did she have something to do with the accident? MC tells him to shut up and runs up the stairs. 

Later, the new lawyer (or is he the new police chief?) visits both Miguel and MC, he asks Miguel what happened to cause Simona's accident and Miguel says that she had a hissy fit and ran after her husband, no one could talk her out of it and well accidents happen. After talking to Miguel the lawyer guy goes to visit MC, he wants to know what happened with Simona and viewerville wants to know why this guy cares so much, surely there are more productive things he could doing.

The lawyer and MC go back and forth, he says that Simona was upset because her husband was in the company of another woman, and MC asks him why he is at her home questioning her when he knows that Octavio was at the swamp lands and in his office, and what happened to simona was an accident. The man says that the truth always comes to light and both my sister and I wondered what the whole point of this was, so what if the accident was caused because MC and Octavio were together, what is he going to do? Put her in jail for being a hussy?

In the hospital the doctor tells Octavio that Simona has suffered a bad injury to her head and that her brain suffered some damage- dude, the brains of all the women that come near Octavio suffer damage! The good news is that she should be okay, the baby will have to be delivered via C-section but that was always going to be the case because Simona has some sort of deformity that would have made it impossible to give birth the good old fashioned way. 

We are then taken to the operating room where Simona gives birth to a healthy baby boy who has a set of lungs on him, the poor thing cries like there's no tomorrow and we all feel his pain, we too would be crying the second we realized what kind of family we had bee born into. Poor kid, he is a boy and a Narvaez, which means that he might have a shot at half a bran cell, two if he gets lucky.

Octavio is informed that he has a baby boy and that he is good and healthy, but that he will remain in the hospital for a month because he was born a month sooner than he should have been. Octavio goes to see Simona and tells her the good news, I'm surprised she is happy to hear the baby is ok because when she was at the ranch she said she wanted the baby to die, I think someone should worry that this woman might be a little off, who wishes their baby dead just because the father is a jerk? 

Anyhoo, Octavio tells Simona that she will live to be a hundred years old because he will never leave her side-oh man, she is so dead. Octavio wants to go home and leaves Ofelia with Simona, and I'm actually surprised, Ofelia might be a b*tch but she is loyal! Which is more than we can say of Octavio. MC, then shows up at the hospital and asks for news on Simona, she is told that both Simona and the baby are okay and oh my god why is the nurse giving information on a patient to someone that just walked in off the street? My brain went "boom" when I heard that.

Just then Octavio walks in and tells MC that they can't see each other any more-eh, it's a little too late for that don't you think? A few seconds later Miguel makes his way into the hospital and he is not happy to see MC there, he goes off on her and Octavio finally steps in and tells Miguel to stop picking on MC. 

Ummm, I would so be on team Miguel if not for the fact that earlier in the episode we saw him thinking that it might be a good thing if Simona died, if she did Octavio would go back to his wild ways and he could take over the ranch, he could once again be a land owner! Someone should remind him that he did a piss poor job with his prior ranch and that perhaps he should find a new profession.

I don't know how much time has passed but next thing we know we see Ester and her ass of a husband in their house, she's in bed telling him that she feels poorly and asks to be taken to the hospital, he tells her that he has no time to take her and to get herself to the doctor. she tells him she is worried about the baby and he tells her the women of the realgengo all have kids without needing help, hell some of them even have ten kids! 

Finally the fool leaves and goes to ask MC for the truck to drive Ester to the hospital, MC tells hi that if ester is in bad shape he should go to find help, she will go stay with ester while he finds a doctor, JA actually has to be told to hurry by MC before he moves, gee i can so feel the love he has for his wife!

 An open letter to Jose Antonio,

Dear Jose Antonio, 

Stop being an ass, this is your wife, your human wife! She is not a dog, she can't just give birth on her own, remember how well things turned out when she gave birth to your first baby? Yeah, we remember too! Also, although I've never given birth I'm told that it hurts like hell, so how about you get your wife some medical care, she's not asking for much, just a doctor and perhaps some pain medication. Now, we all know you are a thief and have zero morals but damn at least try to help your wife, she is giving birth to your spawn after all!

PS: I sooo hope you don't survive till the end of this. Yeah, I said it!



Join us tomorrow when Simona learns a harsh truth from Octavio and Ester gives birth!


?????? That's what I have to say about this episode.

Great summation, Eli. So much nonsense, I mean no sense.

Waiting 24 hours to decide to take Simona to the hospital No sense.

Who is this idiot licenciado and why wouldn't MC just tell him to butt out and bug off? He said he was asking questions because he wanted to know about his competition, and MC should have said that he is not in the running. No sense.

I loved the scene of Miguel rifling through Simona's papers and then sits back happy in the knowledge that she's richer than he imagined.

JA ignoring his screaming wife? Oy.No sense.

Eli, you sure "hit it on the head" (bad pun I know) with "the brains of all women coming near Octavio suffer." I also loved your letter to JA. This telenovela could serve as a PSA for all women to not try to talk/coerce men into marrying them.

What a scumbag Miguel is daydreaming about Simona dying and all of the money that would be left to Octavio and how he Miguel would spend it!

One thing for Octavio in his own audible thoughts is that he did recognize that he did have a weak character. There is something to be said for being self aware. Another thing for Octavio over Miguel is that Octavio knows how to make a living. I guess I am starting to like him more and more as the others around him become more morally corrupt. Also, I liked that Maricruz was so concerned about Esther in the face of JA's indifference.

All in all, a pretty satisfying episode.



Terrific recap! I loved the letter at the end. I lurk here off and on, I watch off and on too.

The new Lic. is Morales the Mayor of the town, he is sort of like the Governator, bowled over by MC. He is the one that authorized the water the other night for the people of Realingo after MC asked him to. He is slimy, worse than the Governator, I must say.

Miguel is just so crude, obnoxious, money hungry, I have been thinking this week, besides him trying to fill Simona's head with dreck, he was trying to find some way for her to have an accident. He remarked the other night, if she died, Tav would be in the money!

At least for the moment, MariAle has canned the venganza monologues.

JA is garbage and I hope he ends up in a big heap at the end of this TN. He deserves one huge anvil. Poor Ester. I hope her bebe lives this time, despite who the bebe daddy is!

I really hate Romero, that he copypast this part with the baby of Simona. This baby is absolutely unnecessary to the story. Or I cant see the way this baby will play some important role. But now because of this baby I want Simona be alive at the end. We all know, that protagonists will end up together. It will be enough for the boy to know, that his father never loved his mother. If in the end they will kill Simona, I even can imagine how Maricruz and Octavio will rise him together. What they will say to him when he will grown up? That his father had only one cell and that is why he married his mother. Dios mio.
And I can feel sorry for Simona. I also think that Octavio and MC shouldn't act that way, but no sympathy for Simona. She shouldn't married a person, who in love with other girl. And being pregnant she should stay at home even if she knew for sure that her husband in bed with Maricruz.
Thanks Madelaine. Now I knew who is Morales. But where was he in the first part of the story? And where is our old inspector?


Maybe the actor got another role, he is a popular character actor, as is the one playing Morales now. The one playing Morales is also in the new TN MPV at 10 pm.

Oh Eli I love your open letter to JA! I seriously hope he doesn't make it to the end either.

Did Tav say to MC at the hospital that he couldn't live without her? Or was he telling MC he couldn't live without Simona? Or is my Spanish caption reading just bad?

Miguel has some nerve laying into MC when he himself can think of nothing but taking over her money. Sneaking into her room to look through her private papers...I hope she lives just so she can throw him out.. and Tav, the cheating hubby!! She may have turned to the dark side but Tav's love for MC is no excuse for cheating on his wife.

These must be the two most worthless brothers in all of TV history!

"Okay, let's try to work this out. Simona, who is pregnant falls off a horse, and instead of taking her to the nearest clinic or hospital these idiots take her home to wait for a doctor! Just how stupid are these people? I mean we know that Octavio is challenged but this just takes stupid to a whole new level."

Oh my, in just a few words Eli, you have encapsulated the idiocy of this telenovela, and the frustration all of us (well, most of us) are feeling with these doofus characters.

Wishing José Antonio would "just fall on a pointy stick and die". Awesome. I could wish that for a few others as well.

And your open letter to Ester's ass of a husband....excellent. When you're cranky, you're wonderful Eli. Thanks.

Thanks Eli---Some interesting things going on last night and you brought understanding to them..

Poor Maricruz, with all the problems she has, loosing more than half of her fortune, trying to help the poor people, trying to find out who and how someone is stealing from her and now she has the towns crooked lawyer after her. How much more can poor Mari take?

Jack Ass has become much more than just a jack ass, he is going completely over to the dark side. His wife is having labor pains and he doesn't even want to call a doctor? I know that he has never really loved Ester but he has gone way to far. Is death waiting for him? His stolen money won't help him then.

Miguel going thru $imona's papers to find out how much of her money he or Octavio can get was just terrible. Another one that has gone over to the dark side.

I can't wait for tonight to find out where the $imona/Octavio partnership is going to go. I don't think that she will be so willing to forgive him again--but she did say that love or no love,
only death will separate her from Octavio. I wonder if she is ready to change her mind or will she somehow team up with the crooked lawyer to fight Maricruz ant take over Mari's rancho?

One good thing that may come tonight. Mari went to help Ester in her time of need, could this start a new bond of friendship between them? It could be.
the gringo


Thanks for all the kind words, sorry for the typos, I had to do this recap at work because my internet at home is iffy, I hate Time Warner cable, HATE!

Thanks for an emotion packed recap. I feel your frustation.

Where oh where is Twinsebio? Twice he said to Lina's dad (I forget his name) 'an eye for an eye...' so I don't think getting the money was enough. He wants revenge and the only way is to take Miguel out.

During the program, after a long commercial break we're shown different scenes and the names of the actors. Kind of like credits but in the middle of the program.

Anyway, did anyone see a new character who looks like he might be a love interest for MC?
The only time I've seen him was in Soy Tu Duena.


Even if Mari delivered the baby safely herself and saved Ester, Ester would not start a friendship with her. As poor as she is right now, Ester STILL considers herself way above MariCruz in "social standing" - still calls her "salvaje" and still feels that simply having money doesn't automatically give you class. This is definitely true of the JackAss, but Mari's father was NOT a salvaje, she came from a grand family - and yet, the writers have never used that fact (always referring to her as "salvaje" and "mujer de casino" in the mouths of those that want to tear her down. Not to mention - Lucia, Miguel, Ester, Simona, Octavio, even Doris - all came "from money" and NONE of them have any class!

Great recap Eli. Believe me, I share your peevishness.

I'm loving Morales. This guy is such a creep that he is a perfect fit for this show at this point. None of his business? Hey, who cares? He makes Maricruz squirm... she shoulda married the Luv Guv when she had the chance.

Poor Octavio, he's not even very good at being a cheatin' husband. Exactly how much extra-marital sex has he actually had?


Great work, Eli.

It is characteristic of telenovelas to use a protagonist's background or past against him/her. Old money can't handle threats from below. The idea that Maricruz was a Lost Princess discovered by her father, The King, and fast-tracked to claim her rightful position in the world is something they can't accept.

What I can't accept is the loss of her brain cells leading to this situation.

As for Simona's actions, they make no sense. That baby -- whether she really wanted it or not -- is her noose around Octavio's cojones. While it wouldn't cause him to abandon Maricruz' baby it would keep him with Simona... at least until she gets bitchy enough to send him packing.

Miguel is a total sociopath for wishing Simona dead. He seems to forget that her estate would belong to Octavio who should not be inclined to trust him to run the property into the ground as he had done before.

We can pick this telenovela apart all day, and that's one of the reasons it's fun to watch. Octavio should have been happy that the ranch was sold. That's what he wanted in the beginning and what caused him to marry Maricruz.

Anyway, as a temporarily (I hope) unemployed government contractor with extra time on my hands, this morning I did a little research into the safety of riding while pregnant. Apparently, lots of women continue riding. Some stop riding when the baby is large enough to have grown past the protective bone structure. Others quit when it becomes uncomfortable, and others switch to an English saddle when the Western saddle makes riding uncomfortable. Some only ride horses that are older and very trustworthy. (I read one heartwarming account of a horse that refused to go faster than a walk when his rider was pregnant, had a hurt back, or was a child.)

With my free time, I went to Zumba today and the regular teacher ran off to a doctor's appointment. The replacement teacher was pregnant, with a due date of December 24. She started out very, very slowly, but by the end, was leaping into the air at least two feet off the ground. Turns out she's the Jeannie behind the JeannieFit hip hop fitness program.

New character is
Sergio Goyri as Álvaro Cifuentes, an engineer

Madelaine, may be you are right. But anyway, they changed pueblo, Simona's house, characters etc. I wonder, or they had bad memory or we good.
Goyri as a new galan for Mari? Dios mio. Why they always give her galans which could be her father. There were no free actors? In Marimar this character was played by young Colunga. Feel the difference.

They aren't done adding people. Can't say it'll make the show better (probably not) but we'll have some new people to make fun of (I assume).


Eli, that was one fantastic recap you wrote. And the open letter to JackAss was the perfect cherry on top. Too funny.

Eli, thanks very much.
Anon-5:06 pm- Exactly my sentiments. Even that awful Awfelia has the same attitude towards MC and thinks she is way above the savage's class.
I don't consider the last kissing scene seen by Snobona as cheating. They were thrown together in a scene where MC was in admiration for the activist/humanitarian Octavio and was just being grateful to him and so allowed him to give her a kiss on the forehead. It's just too bad timing that the jealous Snobona saw it.

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