Wednesday, October 02, 2013

CI #101: In Which Jose A Suffers Multiple Personality Disorder; Tav Proves He’s Still All Beefcake and No Brass; Simona Turns Her Rancho into Fort Knox; and Twinsebio Puts Plan B into Play

Unfortunately, gang, last night's broadcast down here was butchered by damaged cable/problem satellites? and thus I had garbled video, mostly no sound and lots of unintelligible CC's for 2/3 of the show.  Finally all three parts are up.  Enjoy.  Cursed be Comcast and all its future iterations!!!

Parte 1~~

Lo del Pasado: 

Octavio swears he has a conscience and tells Miguel from his sickbed that he’d be a bastard to cheat on Simona with Maricruz after the way she repeatedly and roundly rejected his attempts at reconciliation.  No, he opines, they’ll grow old and gray before they’ll ever be able to talk civilly to each other again.  MC, on the other hand is forced to admit to herself that this venganza thing is not as great as she thought.  She’s got an itch that only Tav can scratch and she’s ready to play passive pussycat and purr, if only she could…. 

Jose Antonio has decided to reverse tack and stop being MC’s loyal lapdog; he’ll start treating Esther (his own personal lapdog) with some well-deserved respect from now on.  Esther notes a change in the surly slug she’s now married to now that he’s promised her his days of acting like a dirt poor, ignorant campesino are over.  He’s going to treat her right, feed her right (so maybe this time their baby won’t starve to death in the womb?) and they’ll live in something other than a shack. He will see that they won’t lack for anything!  Esther secretly suspects that JA finally realizes he’s sick and tired of being MC’s doormat.

Lo Del Nuevo:

MC notes JA’s late to work and when she asks him why he’s late they quibble about the fact that he’s put preggers de Esther’s well being ahead of hers and the Realengo riff and raff.  She offers by way of apology to kill two birds with one stone and says that since time’s short they can go into town together to buy what each of them needs.  He balks at the idea.  Nope, his family and HIS house come first, especially now that she’s pregnant. MC can’t believe he cares for Esther that much.  He has to treat somebody like Esther, a rich gal who gave up everything to live at his groveling level should be treated, with kid gloves and given the best of the best.  MC says chuck the inferiority complex, little bro.  it doesn’t suit you!  And dump the attitude, while you’re at it.  Why are you such a gritch all of a sudden? What have I done to you, anyway? 

It’s like Jose Antonio has cloned himself and JA2.0 is this nasty, snarky, lazy, evil, envious, plotting, sociopath-et-ic twin brother who’s taken possession of the real JA practically overnight.  No more Meesteer Nice Guy!!  JA2.0 has decided that stops right there and then! He’ll take advantage of Maricruz and her milliones de pesos in any way he can.  

That night, across the way at Salmona’s, Miguel and Tav are chatting in the guest bedroom again about Tav’s finally getting back to work on the ranch when he gets the okay from the doc in a couple more days.  Migui’s not sure he can convince Salmona, he says, not to insist on coming in to give Tav a g’night kiss now that the doc’s told her he’s no longer contagious.  Tav squirms and says, “for the baby’s sake” tell her nada till he’s totally back to his old self.  Migui says he’ll do what he can and leaves.  The minute Migui’s gone, Tav sneaks out of bed, opens the window and stares longingly towards Rancho El Abuelo.  (You sly devil, Tav!) 

At the same time, MC is home eating dinner, later than usual, and getting a lecture from Santa on how much money she’s spent on the Realengo rabble.  “--You’re going to go broke and you’ve got a daughter to think of!”  MC says well, she’s committed and has no choice now.  She can’t back out. Her daughter has a roof over her head and MC has other businesses besides the ranch. Besides, Santa needs to take a look at what life in Realengo’s really like.  She couldn’t deny them if she saw.  Santa goes for the coffee.  MC thinks JA’s filled Santa’s head with silly ideas.  She takes a moment to wonder what’s gotten into Jose Antonio that he’s constantly griping at her about spending money, and especially on the people from Realengo. 

Back in Tav’s sickroom, our sly flyboy is at the window wishin’ and hopin’ for another secret rendezvous with Maricruz.   Tav short circuits at the thought that she might actually get serious with another man.  He fidgets with his wedding band, that inimical reminder of the diamond encrusted doggie collar Salmona’s got around his neck, while pondering the future possibility that a lonesome, unattached MC may eventually seek safety and security in the arms of another hombre. He decides she is pretty self-sufficient and he’ll keep an eye on her to make sure there’s zero competition.  He smiles.  Yep, this dog in a golden manger idea is full of possibilities…..

As for MC, she’s dying to have a chance to see Tav again, herself.  She knows Salmona has him locked in a golden cage.  To heck with it!  She’s outahere!  A few minutes later she’s climbing through his bedroom window for a couple of lip locks and cuddly bear-hugs from the pec-meister.  Tav and she smooch and cuddle and exchange “mi amor’s”.  Oh, she says, she just came to see if he was doing all right since the window was open.  “—No.  You really do love me!  Don’t lie!  That’s why you really came to see me!”  She smooths her hair and gets ready to leave.  He pulls her back.  “--Hey, come back here.  Wait!  You have got to stop coming here like this!  It’s crazy!”  He can send a message with somebody or he can write her if she’d like.  Fine, she says.  Tav warns her it’s too dangerous for her to come around now.  She tells him he’s just scared because Simona could find out and he’d lose his golden doggy bowl.  He scolds her gently for wounding him like that; he knows she didn’t come there to do that.  She insists she was just passing by.  He says right.  You went out of your way 2 km and appeared in my window.  He chuckles and then kisses her gratefully.  She can’t resist him.  (I know, I know.  Who could?)

Suddenly there’s a knock on the door and El Beefcake suddenly becomes Meesteer Mincemeat.  Tav folds like a wet peso and begs her to leave. (Viewerville suffers momentary flashbacks of former dorm room antics and/or harried high-schooler hanky panky.  Qué totally déclassé, Tav.)  Maricruz calls him a coward and refuses to leave.  But it could be Simona!  Tough nutz!  Whoever!   She refuses again and threatens to open the door herself if he won’t.  Let Salmona see her in his bedroom!!  He gets miffed and those huge brown puppy dog eyes get that hurt and scared look. (You go, girl!)   

Meanwhile, across the way, Santa and Girl Nanny worry about MC’s being out of the house so late at night.  Santa though has an idea where she is and says, ah Maricruz knows the area like the back of her hand. 

It turns out to be Migui checking to see that his bro takes his medicine.  He’s worried Tav might forget.  MC and he smile at each other flirtatiously as he pegs her to the door in between a perfect pair of biceps.  He takes in a whiff of her perfume, smiles conspiratorially, and then yells through the door it’s all been taken care of.  (Go. To. Bed. Miguel!) Yeah, Migui turns around to leave, but he’s not quite sure that MC hasn’t actually been back for another sneak peek ‘n peck that night.

Salmona tells Ofelia she’s at least comforted by the thought that with Tav sick in bed at least he wasn’t out and about running into both Nut-acha and Wild-woman MariCruz, falling victim to their feminine, husband-stealing wiles.  The likes of Maricruz would have been bragging and braying about it to her and anyone else who’d be forced to listen if she’d been by. Yep, while he’s been laid up, she has successfully kept that savage from getting anywhere near him!  Ofelia’s nose, a little browner than usual, agrees and says the savage wouldn’t dare!

Upstairs, Tav offers to walk MC to the main road because it’s so late.  She tells him she knows the area like the back of her hand, even raced through it in the dark for years barefoot and all.  Not a problem.  He’s supposed to be in bed, recuperating, anyway.  He insists there are a lot of strangers roaming the place now, people she’s allowed onto the place.  She insists they’re poor but honest people and won’t do anything bad.  She starts to leave, but he wants her to stay.  He still has his misgivings.  She says no and sneaks back out the window alone anyway.  He sighs once she’s gone and thinks to himself that it’s just as well.  She’s bad news for him.  She’s harming him by coming there.

Offal  suggests that Salmona put up an extra armed guard around the hacienda with specific orders to make sure MC isn’t allowed onto their property.  Salmona worries that Tav will get angry if she goes to that extreme with his child’s mother.  Take the bull by the horns, says Awfelia!  Attack her before she knows what’s what!  (Is there a hope you’ll kick the bucket sooner than later Salmona?  You got lucky with Diptheria—this time!)  Salmona takes Awfelia’s advice and the place turns into an armed fortress. 

MC arrives home safe and sound. All’s well—for now.

~~~~end parte 1~~~~

Parte 2

The next morning, Salmona tries giving Tav a good morning mouthmeld while he’s reading the morning paper, but he balks and declares she can’t get close to him yet.  She is mighty miffed but holds her tongue.  She decides to coax and cajole him instead of griping.  “—How long are you going to keep punishing me, my looooooove?”  Come on, Simona, he says, it’s for the baaaaaaaby.

In the kitchen, Miguel tells Offal that although Tav is up and about the house and the yard and not contagious now, it will be a couple of days before he’s back out and about.  In the meantime, the doors/gates to the ranch are to be locked to La Salvaje ése!   

In Realengo, JA comes back to the shack from the market and brings back a store load of food for his preggers wife, Esther, so she’ll be able to eat well—like a capataz’s wife should.   He mentions how Maricruz is spending money like there’s no tomorrow on strangers from Realengo and says he’s going to take advantage of that; Esther reminds him MC’s doing all of that just to impress Octavio cuz she’s still in love with him.  He plans on keeping a good share of that money for himself, he tells her.  Esther isn’t quite sure how to take that news, but she tells him she’s ready to move onto the land MC’s given now.  Why the change of heart?  Because she believes now that JA’s finally begun to love her and it’s the only way they’ll have the house she’s always wanted.

Salmona declares sweetly that he’s putting her into a glass cage (I think); he says she’s exaggerating.  She sweetly disagrees and says one feels like that, especially when one suspects somebody of stealing a loved one away.  He tells her she’s imagining things.  Nobody’s going to steal away the love he feels for her(—that’s cuz it’s only the platonic/ sibling type.)

Back at Rancho El Abuelo, JA2.0 makes another appearance. He tells Maricruz rather snippy like that he’s a bit late today because of personal matters, but so what.  Is he supposed to report to her and account for every minute or what?  She asks what’s eating him.  Did she say something or do something that’s got his goat or what.  JA2.0 says he’s decided to build his house on the grounds there as well and figures since she’s so eager to throw it all away on the dirty mob from Realengo, she might as well throw some of it away on him, too.  Then he abruptly asks for her to cede him his own land as a trusted employee.  Why since he’s got full range there, she questions.  He says it’s all hers, and reminds her he’s just another employee.  He’d like to build his new house on his own land.  Heck, he’s supposed to be like a brother to her, right?  So let him have the land and the house free of charge.  (Unfortunately JA2.0 is going about it the wrong way.  I mean, if he’s going to steal and whine and wheedle goodies from deep pockets de Maricruz, the fool should at least try being a bit subtler with his subterfuge, ya know?)  No, that land and the house on the land will be used by the current ranch manager [capataz], she tells him.  If he leaves then it will be occupied by whoever takes his place as Capataz.  

She finally lights into him for the snide remarks and churlish attitude.  Well, Esther doesn’t snub his affections--not like other women he knows, he broadly hints.  She gives him the old saw that the heart can’t be forced in matters of luhhhv.  Anyway, he’d better get it straight that he is like a little brother to her and she’s given him a huge pass up to now because of it, but he better not get too big for his little bro britches cuz unless he’s forgotten, she’s still his boss and she won’t allow it, no matter how much affection she has for him and the friendship they’ve had throughout!!

Back at Salmona’s, she asks Migui if MC really has so much money she can afford to cede land and buy all those houses for all of Realengo’s rabble. Seems Salmona is frightened the hubby she purchased will be easily wooed away by a younger, sexier rich b1tch. “--That’s a fortune!”  (Ah, Salmona!  Live by the big buck, die by the big buck.)  He says he doubts  MC’s got the kind of money she’s spending.  He suspects she’ll be broke in no time.  “—Yeah, but I wonder who this braggadocio is supposed to impress.”  “—Maricruz is simply some crazy woman!!  That’s all!”  Tav walks in on this conversation and yells back that MC has a heart of gold and is extremely generous.  She’s a very decent person!  Salmona snarls and sniffs, but says nothing more.

MC says she will allow for good quality materials and a nice place, but that’s as far as she’ll go.  She’s had enough of the attitude.  In fact, she’ll tell him where the house is going to be built and how and if he doesn’t like it then lump it.  There won’t be a house built.  Got it, buster?  That’s my final word on the matter!  She storms out of the hacienda, leaving JA2.0 with steam curling out of all available bodily orifices.  

Salmona apologizes sweetly for not hearing him come in.  “—Obviously.”  She sweetly offers him some refreshments.  He says no thanks and promises Miguel that the next morning he’s going into town to talk with a lawyer about his case.  Salmona suggests Migui should go with him but Tav says it would be too dangerous to risk being seen until they know from the lawyer whether he’d be arrested or not.   Miguel admits to having a new lease on life now and wanting to fight for his freedom and for the right to raise his son free of fear and doubts.  Tav and Sim are totally down with that.  She offers to pay for whatever training and such Miguel needs to begin over again.  He thanks her, sending a zinger Tav’s way.  “--Simona, you’re the most generous, grand woman in the world—not like others we might know who destroy with their hatred!”  Tav gives his bro the wary evil eye.

Maricruz is anxious to baptize Lupita and wants to give her a real baptism party celebration.  The only problem is that she doesn’t know a soul around there, let alone anybody else with children.  She’s reminded of the bad impression she left with all of Lucia and Miguel’s friends.  She’d like to have a chance to show them all how she’s changed.  (Good luck with that.  Let’s make sure to invite the Ripley’s reporter while you’re at it.)

end parte 2


Parte 3~~~

Esther tells Blind Girl she’s going to ask her daddy to let her stay with JA in their new house.  She’ll have lots of nice things.  BG isn’t so sure Amador will allow it.  Esther says he’ll know it’s best to let her be wherever she’ll be safe and well fed.  BG as well as much of Viewerville has its doubts that Daddy, let alone JA2.0 will have BG’s well-being as a priority.  Esther, we feel, is definitely projecting a lot of wishful thinking.

JA2.0 argue over MC’s crazy idea to have a baptism party for Lupita.  He tells her she’s not a member of the area’s high society; those were all Lucia’s friends and they’ll only snub her.  They remember her the way she was.  Best not to chance it.

Nazario and Amador are in cahoots together planning how to extort money from Miguel Narvaez’s SIL, La Sra. Simona. He’s got a great plan says Twinsebio and agrees to give him a cut of the “proceeds”.   It burns his butt that Miguel Narvaez goes strutting around the place like nothing’s happened while his twin brother’s death goes unpunished.

Meanwhile, Tav’s ready to take the reins again, but his first trip out has got to be with Salmona.  He tells her it’ll be short and sweet.  The truck's rough and he doesn’t want the baby to get the brunt of the bad struts.  Yeah, well she thinks he still needs to convalesce.  What does she want, he asks her, to keep him locked in this hacienda for the rest of his life?  (Yes, in a word. And safely away from either Nutasha or MariCross’s sexy, husband-thieving clutches!)  “--Why, no of course not, mi amor!”  They head out.  

MC is defiant about inviting all of high-society and swears they’ll come and their kids will intermingle with the poor ones and there will be sweetness and light as she walks on water and turns water into wine.  J.A.2.0 will be eating crow.  And now they’ll have to leave to inspect how Realengo-ites’ construction is coming along.  No can do, says JA2.0.  He’s got to see about building his own house before his baby’s born.  Ok, hermanito.  Go ahead.  She lets him win this go ’round.

Meanwhile, Tav shows her the boundaries of her ranch and El Abuelo’s.  Realengo’s five hectares are straight down thataway, right? Yeah, but he’s not taking her there.  She’s curious to see “the sights”.  Nope.  He’s not going down there.  No need to.

JA2.0 says he needs money for his materials.  He wants a NICE house. She says charge it without blinking a  pretty eyelash.  Whatever you need.  Hey, but why such concern?  He wants a very nice house.  Yeah, ok, he deserves it, but nix the nasty attitude from now on, ok, hermanito?   She leaves and he sneaks a peak at her figures.  Either she has more money than Dios or she’s eager to piss it all away.  Might as well take advantage.  “--No more meesteer nize guy!”

That night MC can’t stand not knowing what’s what with Octavio.  So, she tries another late night rendezvous but stops short once she sees the armed guards all over Fort Salmona. She’s sure that was Miguel’s doing. That won’t stop her.  If she can’t get in to see him there then she is certain she’ll run into him out in the fields somewhere.

Next morning, Tav is anxious to hit the bricks again; he’s not going to be around for either breakfast or lunch—maybe not even din-din.  This upsets would-be jailer Salmona.  (At least Tav gave her a smooch on the mouth this time.)  She asks if he’s planning to check out New Realengo’s construction.  Nope.  He’s not.  However, he does.  Why not?  She’s authorized it.  Who knows who’ll be there, right??????  Sure enough, he turns to leave and suddenly hears Maricruz’s voice.  She crosses over to him and asks what brings him to those parts?  (As if she didn’t know…..) 

Welpers, Miguel does join Salmona for breakfast.  She admits Tav acts like he’s escaping from a cage whenever he leaves.  Migui makes excuses.  She admits then wishing she’d bought the ranch back for him early on.  Why does that Wild-woman have to be nearby?????  He tells her perhaps she’ll be forced to sell one of these days and she may have the chance to buy it then!  ¡Ojala!  She’s spending like a madwoman.  Could happen, he says.  Sim says she doesn’t like to think bad of anyone, but she makes an exception when it comes to MariCross Olivarez!

MC and Tav flirt a moment but then, just as she starts to ask him about personal family stuff, who should pop up like a crap centavo but Slut-asha.  Am I interrupting, she asks innocently?  (Of course you are.  Don’t you always?) Tav gets a whiff of the jealous female pheromone and can’t help smiling to himself.   

Natasha popped up at the most inconvenient time for Maricruz who is trying to sweep her out of her road.  “—Yeah, you are interrupting.  Might as well continue on your way because you haven’t lost a thing around here.”  Tav takes full advantage.  “Tsk. Tsk. Maricruz!”  She’s there looking for JA.  “--Sorry, not here.  So you can leave now.”   Well then, can she have a few minutes alone with Tav to chat?  "--Nope.  No since he’s here, where I have to be; and while I am around I must protect my ex-husband from incoming from a sexual predator.  Anything else?”  Tav giggles like a giddy schoolboy and says he’ll leave the two of them in harpie harmony, cuz he’s gotta get going anyway. MC says, no, I’m coming with you.  "--I told you I had something to discuss.”  Slutasha guffaws and asks if she’s witnessing an extramarital sexual relationship here or what.”  Tav looks at her like ‘fess up lover girl.  Slutacha’s got you pegged!

Salmona and Migui build repurchased haciendas in the sky.  Sim says she’ll make MC an offer she can’t refuse then and buy the rancho back for Miguel.  He’s lovin’ the idea!  He’d sell his soul to the Devil to manage that, he assures her.  She assures him that she’d willingly give half her fortune to make the woman disappear from their lives!

Back at New Realengo Field Operations, MC shoots back that no, little painter-wannabe, not all women are like you.”  Ice smile zingers blast away from MC’s eyeballs but Slutasha evades them handily.  “--No, some are worse!!”  (Viewerville figures Slutasha’s been to this rodeo before…..)  Tav tells Slutty he’s gotta go for reals.  “--Oh, if you only knew how men like you attract me….”  “--Well, more reason the two of us shouldn’t see each other again.”  “--For my good or yours?” “—My wife’s.”  Doesn’t bother her a bit, admits Slutasha.  Him it does. (And we all know why, right class?) “--You lose, then.”  MC pulls him away finally.  Slutty tells her he’s all MC’s for now.  She looks at Tav and says seductively, “-- I’ll see you a bit later…..”  MC asks her if she doesn’t have enough with JA.  Oh, JA’s the main course, but Octavio…mmmmm…he’s the dessert!  MC calls her shameless and drags Tav off with her finally.  Slutasha laughs that you’d think his wife would know better—and that she probably does!  “--Oh, man! His poor wife!!”

MC and Tav start driving down the road.  A few miles down she tells him about the baptism party and he refuses to come! How can he refuse to be a part of his child’s life, especially now that she lives so close to him.  He guffaws and can’t believe he heard her say that.  Hey, that was then and this is now, buddy!  Your kid needs her daddy!  Salmona would never approve of it, he argues. Don’t play games like this now.  MC has full custody, so why does he need to be there anyway, he asks her.  The baby’s way too small to know whether he’s been there or not, let alone to form any sort of emotional link with him.  It’s as if he’s totally pushed Lupita out of his mind now that he’s got another child on the way, she spits back at him angrily.  Simona’s millions mean more to him than his little daughter? (It seems she’s got Tav totally pegged.) These little encounters are not in their best interest, he reminds her.  Awwww, all right.  He’ll think about it!

Almador drops by with Twinsebio’s blackmail message for Simona: Give Nazario 300,000 pesos and he won’t turn Miguel into the police for murder. in fact, if he should happen to be arrested anyway, he’ll even write a letter declaring Migui was in his right to shoot his brother dead because Ewwie was trying to rape his wife Lucia (even though he wasn’t there to actually see a thing). He can talk to her husband then and make the arrangements through him.  Come back here tomorrow after noon.  Simona thinks the money is a pittance so why not?  This will prove to the courts that Miguel had a valid reason for killing that despicable piece of scum and it will be one more reason for Octavio to be ever grateful to me!

Back in the boonies, Tav swears that he owes a great deal to Salmona and wouldn’t dream of cheating on her, despite the fact that yes, he thinks of being with Maricruz instead of her all day long.  MC jumps out of the truck and warns him he’d better show up or else!   “—You’ve been warned!”  She races off and leaves him wondering what he can do to get out of another MariCross fiasco-rama.


Looking forward to it Jardinera. Has anyone else seen the Denny's commercial in Spanish with the JA actor. Saw it last night on Telemundo and had to do a double take, and then laughed out loud.

Looking forward to your recap, Jardinera.

Custody hearing tomorrow....requesting your good vibrations to support daughter. Gracias.

Off to work now. See you all later.

I do my recap from the Univision post of the episode. They usually have it up early the next morning and there are cc's too.

Yes, Vivi...noticed that a while ago. He looks like cozy as a father of a family. The ads run on Univision also.

Susanlynn...Good vibes))))) from me also. And hoping for a change of heart on the part of your daughter's ex. That he will get clean, get straight and do the right thing.

Susanlynn- Sending good vibes, prayers, and hugs your way!!

Good luck Susanlynn for you and your daughter in your custody fight
Praying that the judge will do what's right and all will work out
the gringo

I saw the commercial with JA during CI or right after. Me and my Mom looked at each other and exclaimed--JA!

Good luck Susanlynn!

Did anyone else remember MEPS when Maricruz came climbing through that window?


CathyX thanks for sharing about the Univision cc's. That would have been great to know when I was recapping. LOL.


Susanlynn: Good vibrations emanating from the SW of FL, amiga!

First half's up guys! Thanks CathyX for the heads up!

Back to the grind. --Oh how I miss a good cheroot and a bit of bacchanalian beverage at times like these.....

So glad that that Miguel's killing of Eusebio has not been so easily and conveniently forgotten.

Thank you for the great recap, Jardinera. Loved "sneak peek n' peck".


I saw the JA commercial also. I didn't catch what they were advertising though.

Cable problems? Wow! I thought that cable was more reliable than satellite. I hope that my cable connection doesn't go down.

Thank you Jardinera---Only part 1 and I have almost a full page of morning snark laughs. You're on a roll. Is this the SUPER RESULT when cable goes down?

Our sly flyboy. WOW! I almost forgot that Tav was once a flyboy now that he is a big rancher.

She's ready to play passave pussycat and purr, if only she could. I say---Oh yes, she can purr
long and sweet when she wants to.

Tav's diamond encrusted doggie collar---and Tav's golden doggie bowl. LOL

El beefcake Miguel?
Nut-acha and the wild woman.

A great part 1, Jardinera, I can't wait for part 2.
the gringo

Yish! I missed all this last night? Darn, she says with a chuckle.

I love how they just flip a switch and these characters become totally different people. Can't believe what you recapped about JA.

I agree that Simona is becoming beyond annoying. Lucia had a fun sort of evil streak to her and Doris was campy nuts. Simona is just...Simona. Sort of one-note MEH as a villianness.

Looking forward to Part II and what other mind-numbing events have occurred.


tu Gringo/Jarifa; glad you got a smile or two out of the first bit. I did writing about all this nonsense!
Parte 2 is up and 3's on deck.

Such a distinctive style Jardinera. Fabulous way of writing you have.

I got too annoyed with this last night to watch more than a few minutes, so I think I'm just going to follow the recaps for a while.

I cannot count the number of times in the last two weeks that someone has questioned exactly how much money Maricruz has and that perhaps, given her spending pattern, she will go broke. I doubt if she even knows how much she has. With the number of episodes left, it's possible that she will be seriously low in funds. But I predict that since she gave deeds to the land to the poor folk and that there is silver and gold underground, anyone who owns land will be rich in the end, including Maricruz.

Thanks, amigos! Hope you enjoy the rest of what I finally got up there. Like I said, Cursed be Comcast and all its damnable iterations!!!!

Also, sorry for the typo's. I raced this up. I'm correcting things now. Uggh!

What a treat, Jardinera. I rather enjoyed last night's episode but your retelling of it is so much better. Jilarious Jarinera stuff. I do, however, admit that the visual image you painted:

"She storms out of the hacienda, leaving JA2.0 with steam curling out of all available bodily orifices."

made me wince slightly.

My favorite scene was the little verbal tug-of-war between Maricruz and Natasha in front of Octavio. I guess Maricruz was making up for having missed out on the high school experience.


JudyB: You scaredycat! Come on! It always gets scarey before the last five minutes of the finale. You're no fun on rollercoaster rides, either, I bet! LOL!
DaisynJay: If you get a chance, stream it on Uni's Uvideo! It's worth it!
Carlos: I was thinking of worse, but it wouldn't do to make this site XXX, now would it?

Hi again Jardinera---Too bad you had to curse Comcast. As I said before I thought that cable was very reliable. I was under the impression that satellite service was the one to often go out due to weather disruptions---well maybe I'm wrong. I have Charter cable for
for my internet and so far, so good

I'm glad that Maricruz set JA straight last night. Boy, his attitude has sure changed. I wonder if he is going to eventually
snap out of it or is he going to turn into a villan. If it's the latter, where does that leave school teacher Ester after Mari builds the new school?

Jardinera---I really laughed when I read---She is frightened the hubby she purchased will be wooed away by a younger rich Bitch? Yes, $imona should worry because you never know which way One Cell will go. Which way is the wind blowing today?

At least One Cell stood up for Mari and said that she had a heart of gold.
the gringo

Hilarious recap, Jardinera.

@Anonymous, 2:28: I hate to break it to you - in Mexico "oil and mineral rights" are deemed "national patrimony" and cannot be privately owned. So, if you own land in Mexico and they find oil or minerals under it, it's a BAD thing for you as the landowner, not a good thing.

Jardinera...If by that do you mean I have a death grip on the safety handle, eyes closed and a silent scream going the whole time....oh yeah, guilty as charged. Roller coasters no way José! You have me totally pegged, amiga.

LatinaMD: Glad you enjoyed the read. thanks for clarifying the Mexican position on natural mineral rights vs. private property rights. Would that work the same for rich folks? I remember Simona saying what a shame Lucia and the guys wouldn't be able to take advantage of the huge gold find since they'd sold out and left the area.

I'm thinking MC has plenty of other businesses. If she's a spendthrift now, it will be because JA2.0 screws her over instead of looking out for her interests like she hired him to do. On the other hand it's for all the right reasons and the padre will no doubt send an SOS upstairs and MC will not be bankrupt forever. The tn gods couldn't allow it once she regrets her venganza IMHO.

Gringo: I get so disgusted with Maricruz running after Tav that way! He's weak-willed and has even admitted it to people. Money means more to him than personal pride and as for MC, she's not told him he's never lost his flying license or his reputation--part of her continued venganza I suppose--and the need to keep him close.

JudyB: LOL! Me too! Can't stand the things anymore.


Thanks for the very funny recap Jardinera. I always love all of your nicknames for everyone. Except every time I read Salmona, I read Salmonella, haha.

So it seems we can have 2 drinking games going on right now. Every time someone mentions MC running out of money and every time Simona says she would die before she lets another woman have Octavio we drink. Both were mentioned in this episode.

I thought JA was offered his own piece of land to build a house on Simona's property and he turned it down because he wanted to be his own man and buy whatever he has. Now he tells MC that he wants her to give him the land. This show is very consistent in it's inconsistencies.

Also, I thought that the realengo property was privately owned and the owners offered the people a bit of money as they kicked them off. I recapped that episode. Does the government then get to turn around and confiscate all the minerals that are found on the property? What incentive would the owners have to kick anyone off then?

Jardinera, sorry for your cable problems, but you produced another masterpiece. Funny recap and mo' better than the actual events.

I guess with a lack of villains, the background puppeteers decided to flip a switch on JA and make him turn evil. I swear there's a big pot of "plot devices" and someone just scoops out a handful and throws it at the wall to see if it sticks.

Susanlynn, I hope things went well at the custody hearing.

Forgot to mention, someone named Saga posted a very funny Shakespeare version of the first window scene with Tav and MC over on the Telenovela World forum. There's a link to that forum at the bottom of the CC sidebar.

Jardinera, the other parts of your recap were just as entertaining as the first!
There are just so many gifted writers on this blog masquerading as recappers!


Jardinera---part 3 was just as good as parts 1 and 2. You didn't loose your touch as the day wore on

$imona has her hands full keeping One Cell away from Nutasha and Maricruz, that's for sure.

He wants a nice house. She says charge it without blinking a pretty eyelash.

Viewerville figuers Slutasha's been to this rodeo before.

Cant wait to see how the $imona/Miguel blackmail will turn out. One thing that was evedent last night, $imona didn't like having that "Realengo trash" in her house last night. What will happen to Miguel tonight?

Cathyx---It's not inconsistency, JA
just wants to stick it to/take advantage of Maricruz right now so he has changed his mind about the land.
the gringo

Cathyx: Salmonella works great, also!! LOL!

La Paloma: thanks for the heads up about Saga. That thing was a hoot! She's prime for a skit on The Soup or whatever passes for decent SNL stuff these days.
Gringo: I'm anxious to see what Migui gets up to myself. I hope everybody underestimated MC and I would love to see Sim and him become lovers and get caught in bed together.

On the other hand, Simona's death would make Tav a very rich man and then he could finally be MC's spineless principe azul once more and solve any money problems MC may have if Dios doesn't see fit to finance her any longer.

Jardinera- I'm just about to dive into the recap, so I'll comment on it soon.

I didn't see the last episode, but I'm watching tonight's episode as I write this. I had to express my WTF?! at hearing the argument between Tav and Mari in the car. Surely, the writers mixed up the lines. Tav, who for months of episodes fought to have access to his daughter, not doesn't want it because it would bother Simona. And Mari, who fought even harder to keep Tav away from their daughter AND said that her daughter only needed her, is now telling Tav their daughter needs him and he must go to her party?! Que?


Vivi: Yep! My thoughts exactamente!

Thanks to all the recappers, since I'm following this one almost exclusively by recaps now, and if I didn't have this lovely and witty community at Caray, Caray I wouldn't be following it at all.

Wonderful recap Jardinera! Mari and Tav are getting quite comical in their love you-hate you; push away-pull-in; fight-kiss; see-saw; borderline extra-marital affair; schizophrenic relationship.

I'm laughing all the way to part three. Thanks to you Jardinera.
We are all in agreement that these men are all bipolars or what!!! Oh the inconsistencies.
Susanlynn good luck and prayers for your custody battle. It seems you very well understand how it is with the parents of Lupita. OMgosh, If I were MC I would really be so hurt of Octavio doesn't show up for his daughter's 1st bday. Where is his heart. And Octavio doesn't seem to have b.... to tell his wife, I am going to my only daughter's First BDay and there is nothing you can do about it.
I am also worried about the forecasting of MC going poor again but hoping for the realization of Snobona's prediction of her own death.
I am beginning to lose hope about a friendship to happen between Esther and MC. Now Mc needs to put up an ad for the schoolteacher of Realengo.
As for my mantra, Awfellia can go to hell.


@La Paloma - Actually, Jackass, er, Jose Antonio was a villain in every single version of this novela; they softened him up a bit in the Marimar version, but they just made him extra evil in this one. That's why I disliked him from the very beginning of C.I. Maybe because I knew what was coming, I just didn't get why any viewers thought he was so great at the beginning.

@Cathyx - I mentioned in one of my recaps (it was either #80 or #90, I forget) that Realengo doesn't mean "freelands", as some translated it, but rather "King's lands", meaning they are owned by the government. Maybe someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think private companies are permitted to exploit mineral rights under special contracts with the government. In C.I. it's a private company searching for the gold, but they went through the government to get the exploitation rights, so the guy trying to pay off the Realengo squatters was actually a government official; they didn't make that clear in the first episode he appeared, but I hope it's not a spoiler to say that will become clear soon.

As for minerals found on private land, well let's wait and see how that plays out on C.I.; any characters saying they can get rich if there's gold on their land (or former lands) is just expressing his or her ignorance of the law.

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