Thursday, October 31, 2013

CI Capítulo 123 – Thur., 10-31-13. -- Maricruz and Octavio Face Off in the Battle for Lupita: Round 1 Concludes, Alliances Emerge, and Simona Suffers Collateral Damage.

            Battlefield bulletins and reports are included in this recap. Many scenes are combined to reduce whiplash and/or ennui. Feel free to add more detail in comments. 

           If we missed the previous episode, Ester lets Padre Julian (and viewerville) know that Octavio kidnapped Lupita from her home with Maricruz.  We also see Ester crying and praying that MC will get her child back. After all, MC helped save Ester and her son during his birth; now Ester repents of any evil deeds she committed against MC.

Bulletin #1   Aggrieved mother MC, accompanied by local official Morales, enters Simona’s and Tav’s home to demand the return of her daughter. Stalled by their refusal, MC pulls out her big ammo—Simona will pay for this dastardly deed and it won’t be long: she’s a dying woman!  MC will Reveal All to Simona, including Tav’s planned desertion, if they don’t return Lupita. Mig buckles and tells Tav to return the child, so a teary Tav brings a droopy Lupi downstairs and delivers her to MC’s eager arms.

Bulletin #2  Simona is suffering flak injuries from MC’ broadside. She insists Tav explain things—why didn’t he let MC talk? Tav says MC was just making up stuff and Simona should “trust him.” (We’ve heard that one before.)  Tav thinks MC is playing dirty by trying to blackmail him. He later assures Mig that he’s over the MC sickness and he’ll take back his daughter.

Bulletin #3  Simona Update  The Lady of the Manor is still pursuing the truth, this time with Miguel. She demands the truth and swears on her son that she won’t let Tav know that Mig gave her the real story. (He’s so good at playing both ends against the middle. It’s a wonder he hasn’t slipped in his puddle of slime.) He confirms that Tav and MC were going to leave town, but stayed due to Simona’s worsening condition.

            Simona begs for more.  Mig plays coy, but finally gives in from “loyalty and gratitude.” (Those few still watching in Viewerville are snorting and howling at his hypocrisy.) He says she’s dying…from an inoperable brain tumor…she’ll die slowly. Does Tav know this? Well, yes, he does. Simona confronts this news, gazing into the fresh hell her life has become.

Team Maricruz Report   Back at their home base, members of Team Maricruz regroup and refresh for another day:

  • The lovely leader thanks Morales for his help, cuddles Lupi, and listens to a warning that she should be vigilant against new attacks from Team Tav.
  •    Alvaro arrives back at the ranch and hears an update on the battle. He’s enlisted for the duration. If only he were engaged to MC, he’d have the right to confront Tav hombre a hombre, mano a mano, etc.

  • Solita and Perico stroll blissfully near the pool. Some unknown but powerful force has erased any negative thoughts from Perico’s mind. Using a form of sign language, he tells Solita they should get married and have a baby. She happily agrees. She already has one child, but Perico thinks they should have one together. In fact, he’d like both a boy and a girl.  (I have no words eloquent enough to comment on this inane proposal.)

Cultural News from the Civilian Front   Natrasha and Padre Julian are admiring her painting of “The Baptism.” It’s the only painting she’ll send to the New York exhibit. Padre thinks she’s not happy with all aspects of her life (probably the selfish and slutty ones). She envies talent, which the padre says is a gift from God. If she perseveres, her dreams will come true.

Bulletin #4  Oblivio Consults a Trusted Adviser   Tav is outside, carrying on a serious conversation with his horse. He recounts MC’ raid on their house. No visible interest on the part of the horse. He needs to give Simona a good life and forget MC. He can visit Lupi without having major conflicts. There are no specific assignments for the horse in this plan.

Bulletin #5  Simona Consults a Trusted Adviser   Simona talks again with Miguel. She wonders why Tav married her if he still loved MC. Her son will be an orphan, but she could die happily if she knew MC wasn’t around. She will enlist in the battle against MC and help Tav recover Lupi, mainly because it will hurt Maricruz.  She’ll also try to recover from her terminal illness.

Report on Shifting and Shifty Alliances--the Old Money/Nouveau Riche Couple 
            Ester vists Ofelia, trying to discover what JA and Miguel are plotting. Does it involve MC’ daughter? She hears an avidly gossiping Ofe say that MC told Simona some truthy stuff and blackmailed Tav in the process. Ester thinks there’s something odd about Miguel these days. (We’ve been thinking that for some time.) She tells Ofe that MC is a great person who helps people. (A major shift from some recent hatred on her part.)

            Miguel meets JA in a field and inquires if he still wants to be rich?  If he’s willing to kidnap Lupita and deliver her to Tav, he can make a bundle. JA considers the offer. In a later visit to MC, he learns that she’s still considering marrying Alvaro as protection for her family.  He says she can count on him for help, but then he rides the orchard and thinks maybe he should take Mig’s offer.  He knows MC will never care for him for realz.

Bulletin #6  Miguel Outlines the Clever Plan to Octavio   Mig tells Tav his idea to involve JA in another Lupita kidnapping. Tav doesn’t think JA would hurt MC, but Mig is sure JA would sell his soul to the devil for money. (Wait…wait…wasn’t the devil involved in that posing for Natrasha deal?) Mig asks his bro, “Are you in?” Tav gazes stupidly at his brother, but finally agrees. Simona will have to front the needed 40,000 (pesos? not sure) fee for JA.  Mig will have to ask her for the money, ‘cuz Tav is too ashamed.

Bulletin #7  Maricruz plays with Lupita and hopes her enemies never try to take Lupi again. (We know this foreshadowing means that, of course, they will try again.  See clever plan above.)

Report on Octavio and Simona Considering Their Somewhat Shaky Future
            Tav is sitting on the lawn (the horse is not involved this time) thinking. (Always a laborious process, bless his heart.)  “I have to get my daughter back.  Am I making a mistake? This is driving me crazy!”  (Oh chulo, it’s driving us crazy too.)

            The wretched couple consider the plan. Tav notes that a kidnapping will be both scandalous and illegal. Simona thinks he’s a coward. She wants MC out of the way. He has rights as a father. She doesn’t think she’ll have any more children. Tav wants a better future for his daughter, but he’s not sure what future is best. An intense Simona tells him to “Snap out of it!” and not to let MC dictate to him. This time, no one will get Lupita back. On this somewhat chilling note, we end the episode.

Previews   Nothing in particular, or a jumble of stuff that I didn’t write down. 


Happy Halloween to all! Watching Miguel costumed as a mastermind was pretty scary to me. And we slog on toward our eventual happy ending.

La Paloma:

Thanks so much for this inspired bulletin type recap. It was indeed dispatches from the front!

I am so sick of GreedyMig, where is his anvil. Hated the way he smirked when telling Simona, why, yes m'dear you are dying deal with it! What an A$$. I'm not the fan of $imona but she shouldn't have found out this way.

As far as GreedyMig's brilliant plan of JA kidnapping Lupita, I hope all and sundry are caught trying it and end up in la carcel. JA and GreedyMig in particular. They are way overdue.

I am liking the new Ester. I think she won't go back to being the way she was. Maybe she'll rat out JA and GreedyMig's plan.

Thanks again La Paloma!

La Paloma, I loved your battlefield recap. The theme sure matched the action.

Madelaine, I agree with your take on Esther. I think she is the only hope Maricruz has in thwarting Miguel and JA in the stupid kidnapping plan.


Oh La got one scary episode didn't you? My mind is still reeling from the utter stupidity of these plots. Wow...they paid the monkeys and RatPack for this stuff?

Latrasha needs to leave and take her lame paintings with her. There have been dumb characters in this....she takes the cake. Worthless. Must of known someone who wrote her in.

And yes, that oh so romantic proposal. When I saw him talking baby, I wanted to hurl. Our poor Solita.

This tug of war over Lupita is ridiculous. Have to admit, Tav is great with her and she didn't seem to mind being with dad. Like there is no way to work this out like adults? Oh, sorry, I should know better than to ask that. And then the solution is to have JA plain kidnap her..then what? Think this through much guys?

Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that all the men in this area have been drinking the water for too long. Tav may be pretty, but gees...


Thanks for the excellent recap! My cable was out so I missed the episode.

Can Mig and JA sink any lower? Will Simona get her heart back now that she knows she is dying? Will Esther stay on MC's side if Simona or Mig show her JA's letter to MC? I'm not so sure.

I'm just glad for once something went MC's way and she got back Lupita. It was also nice to see she had friends backing her up, even if they were basically all men that are in love with her. A gal sometimes needs a harem herself!

thanks, LaPaloma.

That poor horse that had to listen to Oblivio wants you all to know that he is NOT responsible for the steaming pile that is this novela.

Suddenly Perico is back on track as Solita's savior. Yikes. I would rather see her with trustworthy! kind Tobias.

I need something really dreadful to happen to JA and Miguel. I need Oblivio to NOT end up with Mari. Pretty is as pretty does. Besides, pretty fades but dumb can go on and on and on. Buy a vowel.

La Paloma...this recap was better than the episode deserved. Great structure, wonderful wit. You're writing for the wrong team, lady!

"Many scenes are combined to reduce whiplash and/or ennui."

What a delicious sentence. Yea Lord, I am suffering whiplash and ennui, big-time. And I love how we're now learning that professional slut/phony artiste is actually just a disillusioned damsel who hasn't found a man to truly love her. Maybe we can fix her up with the ingeniero after Maricruz finally breaks his heart and runs off, again, with Octavio. (not a spoiler. I have no idea where this is going and don't care)

Excellent recap though, LP, well-written and smart.

A BIG thank you La Paloma for a great recap of a GREAT show that gets GREATER and GREATER each and every day. --- Your Bulletin #4 had me laughing. Oblivio consults a trusted adviser, his horse. And your Bulletin #5 was also good. $imona consults her trusted adviser
Miguel. If she only knew the real Miguel he wouldn't be the trusted one.

WOW!!! What a SUPER SHOW last night
Momma Mari takes the fight to $imona's guarded fortress and unloads a big barrage against all three of her enemies---Tav backs down. HOW IS THAT FOR A SELFISH, UNLOVING, UNCARING, UNFIT MOTHER??

Little Lupita has been rescued which brings up something that I have been thinking for a long time.
I don't think that the little girl that plays Lupita is a very good actress. I know that she is very young, just a child but I have noticed that she shows almost no emotion during any situation be it either good or bad---almost expressionless. Yes she has the hair that matches Mari's early look
but other than that I think that she falls short. I mean when you see a little, very young Anahi, what a bundle of emotion but Lupita is almost emotionless.---Any comments?

Daisynjay thinks that there may be something in the water that has affected Tav---maybe, he has sure gone off the tracks for now. Another kidnapping? What is he thinking? I thought that everything was going to be, well wonderful after Momma Mari got Lupita back but I knew that dark clouds are still gathering when I saw the smile on $imona's face at the end of the show last night. Miguel and $imona just won't give up. I'm glad that Ester has seen the light. It's about time that Maricruz gets some more help---I can't wait to see what will cause One Cell to see the light as Ester has. Can't wait for tonight.
the gringo

Thanks La Paloma for the excellent recap.

Gringo, I love your enthusiasm regarding the show. I can't wait until tonight's episode either. However, I have a commitment this evening and will have to wait until tomorrow.

I am really interested to see how things play out with Jose Antonio & Esther. Will they play for the same team or will they be divided? Jose Antonio better keep his greedy hands off of Lupita. I think he might make out better blackmailing Miguel & Simona regarding their scheme. But I guess at this point I can't expect that from him.


One point I forgot, was the "inane"
La Paloma's apt description)baby conversation between Perico and Solita. I hope this isn't foreshadowing.


Gringo, I agree with you about the Lupita actress. I almost said something in the recap, but decided not to.

I don't know that she's a bad actress. My feeling is she's so young that she's not very "directable". I also think she's distracted by the camera crew and whoever else on the set. She always seems to be paying more attention to something we can't see and not interacting very well with her co-actors in the scene.

She's cute as can be, but just not that animated with her "family" on screen.

After el "FIN" of the tn, after MariCruz and Oblivio are together to live happily ever after (No spoiler, but it's a tn), a future conversation between these two might be:
MC: I think I'll ask Santa to make her delicious pot roast for dinner.
TAV: Yes, that's great, I love that. But I'm not so sure I will enjoy that.
MC: Of course you'll enjoy it, it's your favorite.
TAV: You're right, I'm looking forward to it.
MC: But maybe you're tired of it.
TAV: You're right, I might be tired of it, but then again ...
MC: Let's not talk about that, so did we decide which cow to buy?
TAV: I thought it was a bull.
MC: No, remember, you said you wanted the cow instead?
TAV: You're right, I definitely want the cow.
MC: Although the bull may make us more money.
TAV: You're right, let's get the bull!

Thanks for this nifty recap, Paloma. My favorite observation:

"Tav is ... thinking. (Always a laborious process, bless his heart.)"

Poor Alvaro, Maricruz basically emasculated him when she told him not to worry, she was able to take care of the situation very well without his help, "Thank you very much."

For all her bravado, she basically took advantage of the guys panting to be gain her approval in order to accomplish her goal. Maricruz is very clever as a manipulative taker. "There's a good boy... a flash of dimple for you, I'll call you the next time I need you, Run along now."

For all the pregnancies these folks have foisted on us, they certainly don't seem to know what to do with the resultant children. Who could know how good a little actress Lupita might be? What have they given her to do? Here, comb momma's hair while she whines and complains about your daddy. Bless her heart, she looks drugged half the time. I ask again... Benadryl?

Watching Simona's interaction with Lupita made me think about Un Gancho al Corazón and the turbulent (at times even violent) relationship between Coni and Dani. As cringe-worthy as it was, one could see the trust required between the two actresses to make it work. I think there's the potential for the same sort of magic here, but unfortunately I believe that Lupita is being utilized more as a prop than as an actress... as are the other kids with maybe the exception of Lina and that cheeky little boy.


I think, that MC one of the best mothers that I saw in novelas. She was great with little Lupita and now she is a great mother.
About the girl. an actress who played Juanita said, that the girl was very shy. And I think, that sometimes she was tired. For example, the last scene with the girl was filmed in the night, in 4AM. They all were tired and she is only a girl. And I'm almost sure, that she was asked to be very quite. Because they hadn't a lot of time to repeat episodes and she could spoilt them. She was really good when director gave her real tasks. But it wasn't very often.
And for me after kidnapping Octavio was dead. I want to know, in previous versions he also kidnap his girl or not? Because this part was cut from Marimar. How could Natalie and Romero made from octavio the worse galan ever? I'm afraid, that they could make him even worse.

Great work.

Not only is that child not doing anything, she doesn't look a thing like either of her parents. They've done far batter casting jobs before this.

@La Paloma - I was howling with laughter while reading your whole recap. I especially loved Bulletin #4's line "No visible interest on the part of the horse." I agree with JudyB that your first line was an absolute gem.

La Paloma, that was great!!!
I am not sure whether this episode or the previous one where there was a conversation between Migreedy and $imona which I had a blast laughing. It's when $imona was saying she didn't want to have Lupita in her house all her life and MIgreedy turned his back and laughing slyly doing thought bubble to not to worry she won't live long enough to let this happen.
I also thought that what MC really need is a really true and loyal BFF to talk to and confide and share her problems. Like that of Camila and Vivi of Amor Bravio. I was thinking maybe it was Ester but I got disappointed when she showed her hatred of her. But now seems she is repenting and it might be possible for them to connect.


La Paloma- I love how you structured this recap. You somehow made sense out of the nonsensical.

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