Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #116, 10/22/13 Solita’s sorrows

Beware, gang, this will be the shortest recap in history, but there is not much to say about this episode except:

Solita decided to starve to death because Perico Perro dumped her.
Mari waited for Alvaro to bail her out of her stupidity.
Tav got the brainy idea to give Mari back the money she paid for the Narvaez Ranch.
Simona agreed to have Esther and JA move at her ranch.
New characters showed up.

That’s it, that’s all that happened. Now you can all go about your day, drink your morning coffee, concentrate on work, enjoy your lunch break...
No? You say you want more? There really isn’t much more to add, but if you insist….

(All the scenes are severely reorganized, so you can make some sense out of what actually happened).

At Rancho La Simona, Tav and Miguel are wondering how long it will be before Simona kicks the bucket. (This is an actual talk they’re having, with phrases like: “I wonder how long Simona will live” being uttered.)
Tav can’t ask Mari to wait for him until he became a widow, he’d rather die as well and Miguel can take care of the ranch. Not that Migreedy (thanks, Eli) is too opposed to the last part…

Simona suspects that all this attention from Tav’s part can only mean that something is very wrong with her health (what a lovely marriage this is, when the husband treats you like he actually cares about you it must mean that something terribly wrong is going on, he can’t be acting like that out of… I don’t know… love and care). Simona also seems upset because he thinks she’s a hysteric! How dare he, she’s the calmest person in the world… when she’s not flipping out constantly.

Esther comes to visit Simona and asks her for help. Simona sees Esther as part of the family, of course she can stay at the ranch. They turn to bad-mouthing Mari – Esther knows Mari helped her baby live, but she can’t forgive her for what happened with Lucia (because in Corazon Indomable’s world, cousin trumps baby and it’s not like Esther already buried a child and knows exactly how that must feel like).
When Tav joins them, he finds out that even JA will come live with them – sure, he’s not in their league, but Esther chose him so that gives him a better standing in Simona’s eyes.
Her grandiloquence speeches are really starting to get to me – she is rich, but she’s just a rancher and Viewerville knows from all the telenovela watching that being a rancher is the norm in Mexico, after being poor and dirt poor.
When Esther gives JA the good news, she also tells him that he won’t be in charge anymore, he’ll only be a peon. JA doesn’t seem to be too worried about it, he’ll manage.

Migreedy doesn’t mind JA, either, even if Tav reminds him of all the harm he caused Mari and how much he changed. Simona is sure Mari lost all her money because the tenants didn’t want to pay for something that the Realengo people got for free.

Desperate for Mari’s fate and becoming every day chummier with the bottle of whiskey, Tav asks Migreedy if he ever knew their lands had gold in them before selling. Of course Migreedy had no clue, and besides Mari only bought them for her revenge. (I agree with him on this one, had she known the truth, she might have still bought the ranch because she was so blinded by hate. And in retrospect, that was one of her few actual vengeful, well measured actions – she plotted Mig’s downfall very well and this is turning out to be her downfall, too.)
Tav thinks they should give Mari the money she paid because people might think they knew about the gold and tricked her into making a bad deal. Migreedy thinks this is crazy, Simona will never agree, but Tav goes to talk to her all the same.
Simona doesn’t exactly say: “Over my dead body!” but wouldn’t that be appropriate under the circumstances?
Tav is so turned off by Simona’s cruelty, he’s afraid he might do something stupid (heh, like that would be a stretch). Now he knows why her fortune is so big, because she’s greedy and inconsiderate and cold.

After forgetting that Solita even existed for tens of episodes, today the monkeys in charge were all about her at Rancho el Abuelo.

Mari and Santa talk about the fact that it’s probably better that Perico Perro doesn’t know who abused Solita, he’d want to do something insane.
Allow me to doubt this, though, because Perro’s love for Solita is no more. While she desperately waits for him at home and refuses to eat, he’s at the river, bathing and smooching with Natrasha. She wants to paint him again, this time getting out of the water with her.
When he finally gets back home, Santa scolds him for making Solita suffer, but Perro has his priorities straight: he prefers Natrasha, because she’s a real woman, not a mute, like Solita.
He feels so strongly about this, that he even dares to tell it to Solita’s face when she comes to kiss him. I’m hoping she couldn’t read his lips this once, but the devastation in her eyes tells me otherwise.
Later on, Santa once again drills Perro about making Solita suffer. But he says he doesn’t love her, he can’t be his boyfriend anymore; besides, he doesn’t have the money to get married to her, the best solution is to start avoiding her. Atta boy!

Santa tells Mari about Solita’s pain and the fact that Perro left her for Natrasha. Mari is upset, but what can they do? They can’t force Perro to love her. She’ll talk to him, but she knows the situation can’t be solved, Solita should get over him and concentrate on baby Nameless. Besides, Perro has no money for marriage and she can’t help them, either. 

When she goes to talk to Perro, she finds him at the river, with Natrasha, who is painting him again. She tells him that his behavior is hurting Solita very much, so he needs to talk to her. Perro tells her that he has no money to take care of Solita and her son.

While dealing with Solita’s love problems, Mari also has the time to worry about Alvaro not being in touch; she trusts him, he’s an honest man, and probably what he has to do is proving to be more difficult than expected. And, sure enough, Alvaro is talking with a couple of guys and they all reject whatever it is that he’s proposing them.
Later he explains to Padre Julian that they need to fight the expropriation by using the legal system, going to trail with it and that he’ll do everything he can to help Mari. And one of these days, he’ll even ask her to marry him.

Apparently Lupita is sad, so Mari tries to comfort her, acknowledging the fact that her bad decisions brought them to the situation they’re in now, when they have to depend on Alvaro to save them. It’s not true that God helps the poor, no Sir, Mari concludes, and I get the feeling she’s still not completely getting the fact that she is to blame for this whole mess.  

JA lets her know that he and Esther are moving to Simona’s ranch. Mari is sad that he has to leave, but she wishes him luck and allows him to take whatever it is that he wants to take from the ranch. He looks like he almost feels sorry for the situation, but he keeps a straight face when he says that he did the best he could to help her, but he has to take care of his family now. Mari is the one to encourage him more, assuring him that she’ll bounce back, like she always does…. I tend to agree with her on this one, she’s proved to be a lot smarter at getting over the difficulties life threw at her than enjoying the good stuff that she had going on at one time or another.

In other news: A woman we haven’t seen before (or I haven’t, but my watching has been flimsy at best) has been taking care of a man in a wheelchair from the moment he called her to come join him, a long time ago. Before that, she lived a miserable life, he thinks she should always be grateful to him for helping her, especially since, when he dies, she’ll inherit all his money.
The woman doesn’t want the old man’s death, but she can’t wait to regain her freedom and be reunited with her mute daughter!!!


Adriana, I loved the name "Perico Perro". Thanks for the great recap.

It was annoying that everyone was on Perico's case because Solita didn't want to eat and was starving herself because of his rejection of her. She didn't look close to death to me. On one hand Maricruz says you can't make anyone love anyone but then is out making Perico feel guilty. Ask Simona and Esther about coercing men into a relationship.

That said, help for Solita may be on the horizon.


Actually Adriana, your short version worked just fine, but your additional detail was fantastic. I giggled over "he’s afraid he might do something stupid (heh, like that would be a stretch). " Heck, that should have been the title of this TN "Something Stupid". All anyone knows how to do.

But after first feeling frustrated over the appearance of new characters, realized we are actually getting some answers to a long ago plot line. My personal preference here....old crouch geezer kicks the bucket, mumsy inherits, finds Solita and gives her all the money. Solita takes little Nameless #1, Moctavio and buys Don's mansion, hires back Tobias and tells everyone, in her first ability to have everyone understand her, to take a flying leap. She's outta there!

(And maybe since all the adults would rather die than be without their "true loves", the anvils can fall and Solita can move them all to the mansion too and Uncle Tobias and she finally give them names and attention.)



OMG!! I didn't see that one coming, but I only have one brain cell left after 116 of these shows. So Solita also comes from money! Of course she does.

Thanks Adriana. I'm with Daisynjay, you're summary could have been enough.

Excellent recap Adriana. I jumped back into this last night by watching the episode (didn’t bother to watch the ones I missed). You all were right. Not much has changed, although we've gotten a few new characters.

There is some light on the horizon with Simona's imminent death. Yay! I'm not being mean. She's been asking for this anvil with all the MANY times she baited DEATH by saying she'd rather die than give Tav up to another woman, etc.

Once again Mari in contemplating marrying a man old enough to be her father, for "protection and to have a father for Lupita." OK. Juaéver!

We finally see Solita's long lost mommy, who is some kind of concubine/indentured servant to an old, evil rich dude. Is he Solita's daddy? If not, who is? I would have been a bit more sympathetic had it turned out she had been a teen mom, but she looks old enough to be Solita's grandma, so she should have had more sense/experience than to abandon her deaf baby by the side of the road, not know if the dingoes would eat her, no matter how much pressure old Lucifer put on her to leave with him to be his kept woman/servant.


Daisy, you made me laugh with your name suggestion for the tn - "Something stupid" works very well.

Vivi, I didn( travel anywhere in the last couple of weeks, but that didn't make me watch more than what I aboslutely had to for the recaps. This tn can't end soon enough...
I forgot to add something to my comment to you over on Telemundo, so I'm doing it here - I'm too lazy to go back there now: binge watching is the best, especially with tns. I did this with Amor Bravio during a time when I was at home, alone, most of the time. I was in such a frenzy all the time, knowing I have so much more to see and loving every minute of it. Oh, the good old days...

Thank you, Adriana, for continuing to bite the bullet and bring us an excellent recap.

Gee, Solitams long lost mother. is there hope that we may someday see dear Tobias again ? Daisynjay, I liked your storyline.

Okay, I just read an interesting idea in an article on happiness in the local newspaper that stated that some people see the glass as half full, some as half empty....and others notice a pitcher sitting right there next to their glass. These folks need to wake up and look for the pitcher.

We are in Oz with folks who need a brain, a heart, some courage...or all three. The munchkins are the invisible children . Is there a wizard...Alvaro ? ...who might provide answers to problems. Mari click your ruby boots together while saying "There's no place like home",,,,,oh are already home and about to be homeless.

Susanlynn, your story of the glass and the pitcher is quite inspiring, I'll keep it in mind.
I think Mari is entitled to a little "poor me" attitude after the mess she got herslef into, but I don't agree with the way she chooses to solve her problems - by marrying a rich, older man.
If she really wanted a father for Lupita, she would have accepted Tav's suggestion to start from scratch. But her venganza blinded her and now she has to suffer. I, for one, don't feel the least bit sorry for her.

"Simona doesn’t exactly say: “Over my dead body!” but wouldn’t that be appropriate under the circumstances?"

Oh my, love your black humor. And also the following quip about Octavio being afraid of doing something stupid "(like that would be a stretch!)"

Tried to watch this last night but gave up halfway through. Just. Too. Annoying. When vacuuming seems a better choice than watching TV, you know you're in trouble.

Adriana, I must say I absolutely loved your short version. And I remember the esmas.recaps were only a sentence long. So your "short version" was actually quite lengthy and informative compared to those.

Today is an interesting one in central Ohio. WE HAVE SNOW! Since I love snow, I'm really thrilled but I know it won't last. Still, a beautiful way to start the morning. And now to make some hearty vegetable soup.

I noticed that Mari said something to Santa about being alone as she always has been, and having to fend for herself as she always has. She's whined about this a few times, but I actually can't remember a time when Mari was ever alone with no support. First she had her gramps and her sister; then she had Santa, Maria and JackAss; then she had Serafina; then she had Don Ale, Justa, and Tobias; then she had Teo, Juanita, and even Raiza (eventually) and the Love Gov; she once again has her sister, Santa, and Galan #7 (or 8?). When?! When has she ever been alone and without the support of friends or family? Does she mean those two days she was in jail?

Vivi in DC, she was always surraunded by people, but it is not the same as to have support. I also think, that she hasnt. May be only few monthes when her dad was alive.
As for me, it's her great promles - she has no support. I can repeat it again, but she hasn't noone, who will be by her side always. All the people around her always sing the same old song: you are wrong, you made mistake so on and on. Ok, Solita and Lupita are speachless. For example, Octavio is always with his brother and on his side. Even against MC. Because Miguel is his family. MC is alone.

Alegria- I don’t see it. Mari has always had at least one good person in her corner at every point in her life. I think her whining about "being alone" bugs me because this is a pet peeve of mine in real life. No one does anything alone. No one pulls themselves up by their own bootstraps alone. Everyone, if we really take the time to think about it, has had people along the way who took a chance on us, helped us to the next step in either small or big ways, or extended a kind gesture. Mari chooses convenient times to forget all those people and all those moments. But then she will suddenly remember (when the plot suits) that she DID have people helping and supporting her, like last night when she made JA feel guilty by reminding him of how he used to bring her and her family food when they most needed it.

Vivi in DC, hmmm. Once again I cant agree. Her grandfather prefered her to be as an animal than to send her father a mail. Octavio married her to get revenge on his family, JA even then tried to separate her and Octavio. Santa and Maria were not realy helpful. Ok, Tobias and her dad were really by her side. Than some good people were near her and someone even now with her, but she hasn't family and close friends. Not because she decided so, because this is life. Not every good person close to you can be supportive to you. May be she feels support from JA and Santa, but it's only because she didn't know how many things they hide from her. So they are not so good close persons.
So in this they she is alone. No real friends. and those whom she loves the most, hurt her the most.

Adriana Noel:

Fab recap! I liked your name for Perico too.

I think when Mari means alone, she may be thinking without Tav she can't function, so to speak. Also she feels abandoned because of never knowing her Papa was out there, after her Mama died and Romero never told her either. I think this still weighs on her.


I agree with you, she always has had wonderful people to help her out, except for the time she was in jail, and even then the cop helped her out. As far as JA goes, I am glad she guilted him, especially after he robbed her blind, and tried to assault Solita. He should be riddled with guilt.

While I admire, imagine that, what Tav is trying to do for MC, I think in the long run Simona won't go for that. She just wants MC gone, and maybe she will go along with it, who knows.

I wish Santa would just tell MC what JA** did to Solita. Why is she keeping her mouth shut?

So Solita's Mama is revealed at last. Looking forward to why she left her daughter on the side of the road too and why she couldn't find a way to take better care of her.

Adriana, thanks for gritting your teeth and creating a recap for us. I had to choose between watching this and taking a friend to the drugstore. Glad I chose the friend instead.

And here we thought we had a viable match for Solita in Perico. I guess we hope for her mother to come and help her out soon. She's not getting much help from MC.

A good line about Tav: "he’s afraid he might do something stupid (heh, like that would be a stretch). "

Susanlynn, thanks for sharing the concept of the pitcher next to the half-filled glass.

Thanks Adriana Noel, Your concise version was really quite adequate but I really did enjoy the expanded version. Excellent.

So Solita's mom is about to show up? Looks like another whiny excuse-filled lady loser to me. Abandoned your deaf daughter? Oh yeah, I'm eager to hear your sad story.

Well what a disappointment the little Parakeet boy is.

I'd just as soon that Maricruz skip that mandated 15 min. of quality time with Lupita. Has anyone heard her say anything cheerful to the little girl. I say buy the kid a pony and shut up about your personal problems.

I miss Doris so very much.

Vivi, I saw a preview for the upcoming new show that has Verónica Jaspeada... I didn't recognize her at first and it doesn't look like she's gonna be anything like our favorite ditz.


No one person is going to give you everything you need at the time you need it. It's up to you to build on what they can provide you. Her gramps was terrible about education and general ambition. But he was great at providing unconditional love and affection, as is her sister. That's a LOT more than many people get in this lifetime.

Solita and Maria were not rich and able to provide her with luxuries. But when she needed it, they provided comfort, affection, protection, advice (which Mari ignored) and food. JA (before he became jackass) also provided a listening ear and supportive friendship. The cop provided a contact in Mexico City. Serafina provided a roof over her head and food, affection, care for her sister, and a connection to work in the city. And once she was under Don Ale's roof, without even knowing she was his daughter, he took on the role of father, teacher, and protector for Mari and her sister. All of these gestures were real and true, and much more than most people ever get in a lifetime. Mari should be grateful for all these people God/life put on her path just when she most needed them.


Ooh Carlos! What's the name of the new tn? Well, I didn't expect her to repeat her lovable role as Ximena. Was there ever a more memorable fresa?

Carlos- Did you get my e-mail? I'm not sure if I got you on the distribution list?


I meant to write Santa and Maria, not Solita and Maria...

Vivi, the name of the new show is Lo Que La Vida Me Robo and I'm guessing that it'll be replacing PEAM. I was watching the promo and thought, Hey I've seen her somewhere before, and after rewinding a couple of times it dawned on me... Ximena!... but not a way in the world that Ximena would ever go out looking like that.

Yes, I got your Email and I'm envious... wow, someplace where folks actually use their turn signals. Just the opposite of here in Texas where folks freely use the horns but the turn indicators only sparingly.


Judy B, I have family in central Ohio. They live in Newark. Are you near there?

For all you AMOR REAL fans, LO QUE LA VIDA ME ROBO is the modern-day version of Bodas de Odio and Amor Real. But keep in mind that LQLVMR is produced by Angelli Nesma, not Carla Estrada, so caveat emptor. It can't be worse than what Lartilleux did to C.I. though.

So Simona will accept the JackAss, even though he isn't of "their class," simply because Ester chose him? So what is Octavio, chopped liver? He chose MariCruz. Did anyone accept her? Anyone? Hello? Didn't think so.

Ugh, Perrico really is a dog! Booo, hiss!!!

Anon 12:54:00, great point!


Thank you Adriana---Yes, I want MORE and was especially glad. So now I know why $imona is rich, it's because she's greedy, inconsiderate and cold.

Great, just great. Now Ester and Jack Ass are moving in at $imona's rancho. Isn't their beautiful home enough for them? What else could go wrong?

La Paloma---Thanks for gritting your teeth. Oh please!!! Hey! the World Series is on. For me, it's CI all the way.

Adriana---She made a bad decision for not forgiving One Cell and re-marring him. So there is no sorrow from you. All your decisions in life have been correct right?

Alegria---I totally agree with you.
Maricruz is alone and was for most of her life. She had gramps and for a short time her father. Yes she had people around her that helped her from time to time but those people were never close. Mari has been pretty much alone.

Madelaine---I repeat, yes some people helped her from time to time
but very few were really by her side through thick and thin. Overall, she has been pretty much alone.

Carlos---You won't have to worry about "POOR" little unloved, Lupita for much longer. Child Protective Services have been called. Lupita will soon be taken away from her UN-FIT mother and will be thrown into a Foster Home run by the state where she will get even less love and care. Oh! And they don't have pony's in state run Foster Care Homes.

So Solita's mother will soon inherit a large sum of money. Does that mean that an operation for Solita's speech and hearing is not far off?
the gringo

Vivi in DC, in my country we say, that a being a good person is not a profession. So in MC case it was not enough to be simply a good person close to her. She asked her grandfather to write to her father. Her father could help her. What did he do? Nothing. Ok, with him she was a happy salvajita, but may be she could be happy rich girl with her father? Or why did he didn't say, that she was pregnant? He preferred not to say. And when he at last decided to say this to Octavio it was late. Did Santa ever try to help MC with education? Ok, she gave her few good advices. So what? Now she decided to keep all the secrets. Great, it is better for MC to think, that JA is her brother. It's better to have enemies then such a great friends. JA was always against octavio. When Ewsabio said to him that he can win the girl, he decided that it is not so bad idea. And that costed MC a happy marriage.
Not every good person can be your good friend. MC is alone.

CathyX...yes, I'm quite close to Newark. I live in Columbus, so Newark and Granville are just a hop and a skip away (with a car of course).

JA isn't a good friend now (because the writers chose to give him a personality transplant), but he was back then. I think this is a glass half empty/half full argument with no resolution. I just can't abide by whining and not seeing the good things in life, even if there are bad things. That's called LIFE. Mari has never lacked for people in her life. It was her decision not to convert some of those people into good friends, and I would argue that many of them WERE good friends. But if she doesn't see them that way, well...then there you are. These are choices she made.


"Adriana...All your decisions in life have been correct right?"

Well... she did decide to start watching this... sooo...


Carlos, and recap it, but we're in the same boat, so that doesn't say a lot about our decision making either.


Sadly... I know...


Carlos, Cathy, I guess we can all agree that when it comes to choosing CI, we feel like a bunch of losers.

Gringo, I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, I'm sure of it, but this is a telenovela, a silly escape from reality... don't take our complaints so seriously, that's practically all we ever do, but we're still here, right? And we'll be here until the bitter end.

HA..I am getting a kick out of this thread of comments. Today in speaking class, my students gave speeches about important decisions that they made. not be too hard on yourself about this decision. After all, you were told that there would be a monkey. As they say in baseball : " You win some; you lose some; some are rained out, but you have to get dressed for all of them."

....and sometimes, the monkey disappears.


and these days, every so often I get a glimpse of that monkey, an I swear, the little bastard is smirking at me.


How many more episodes are there of this? I almost can't wait for the replacement.

Urban, it has a total of 160 episodes. So about 6-7 weeks left...

yes, Carlos..I am pretty sure that monkey was smirking at you. I could swear that Alvaro winked at me. ...but I might have dozed off for a minute and dreamed that.

Posting late but wanted to let you know Adriana how much I enjoyed your recap. As others have mentioned, your short version would have been fine but your details with commentary are quite fun. Thanks for taking one for the team.

I agree with you Alegria and Gringo. How many episodes had passed and we were discussing why even the viewers were not supporting the Heroine of this tn.

I felt bad for her. The ones that really were a support for her were her gramps and Don Ale and she really misses them everyday.

Didn't I mention that I noted that episode were JA and Santita were negative aura for her. Where Santita who should be hugging her during those miserable scenes were giving her negative advices. Why,even Awfelia(she can go to hell)would shine over Santita when it comes to that word-support for her Simona.
So on with "the Perils of Pauline" with the coming of Solita's parents.


NO, Carlos, ,DO NOT summon up DOOOORRRIIISSSS! I was worried about the actress's health during her last appearance, so stressful. I hope she was able to film her scenes in one take!

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