Wednesday, October 23, 2013

La Tempestad Cap #62. 10.22.13. Shall We Dance? Shall We Go To London? Yes To The Dance; Yes To London Oh Wait NeverMind I'm Staying With DamFine.

Cut Scenes In This Color

The Feds: Robles and Guerrero have made made advances in their investigations. Robles found out Pester is Ernie's widow. Robles sends Guerrero to do a Pester interrogation and find out all Pester knows about Ernie. Guerrero has been investigating Ursula's attempted rape. The only one who he spotted umm shall we say ass whooped is Nereo who gave his version. Guerrero set up a little date over at the station with Nereo and his "alibis". 

It turns out Nereo's "alibis" are Dumb and Dumber aka Valdivia and Lara. Valdivia, Lara, and Nereo tell Guerrero they were playing dominos while chugging the booze. Lara was drunk and beat Nereo. This is all a lie of course. 

Over at the local breakfast joint in the capital: DamYouLookOhSoFineEvenWhenEating is munching on an Egg McMuffin and some french fries. (Damn you Uni for cutting this scene) His DamMind is elsewhere. Claudio is with him and yapping to him about the crew needing to come to the capital. The crew needs to learn how ships are built. DamFab will call his crew and have them come ASAP. Claudio realizes DamFab is DamAbsent. DamAbsent can't forget his problems with Marina. At the mention of Marina, Claudio comments on Marina's beauty. He now understands why DamFab is soooo in luvvv with Miss Marina. For DamFab it is not all about the physical. He loves Marina because of how she makes him feel. Awww. DamFab mentions being pissed off at seeing Marina with Hernan. Claudio calls him out on his jealously and being back to his old habits. It is something DamFab can't prevent and has tried to control himself but things get complicated. DamFab is afraid of losing Marina. Claudio tries to convince DamFab to not let his anger cloud his reason. 

Pester hires Consuelo, the seamstress, as Baby Michel's new nanny. Nanny Consuelo can begin tonight. Pester hands Baby Michel to Consuelo and tells her to take him over to her place. Pester has stuff to do and she'll come pick him up later. 

Mercedes, Claudio, and Marina arrive at The Hotel Party. Hernan is pleased to see them. Hernan has a little surprise for Marina. It turns out Hernan hired Susana (the maid who was raped and Marina defended) as the head maid of the hotel. Marina thanks Hernan. Aww it was the least Hernan could do after Marina fought so hard against that injustice. Blech... 

Pester is thrilled to be rid of Baby Michel. Her happiness is cut short when Guerrero shows up and wants to have a chat with her. He knows she's Ernie's widow. If Pester refuses to chat with him then he can legally make her chat with him and even accuse Pester of being Ernie's accomplice. 

Some skank named Zully flirts with Hernan in front of Marina. He tries to get rid of Zully. When Zully finally leaves Hernan apologizes to Marina as if she gives a damn that another woman is flirting with him. Hernan tells Marina that she is the only woman who he is interested in....blech! 

DamLookingSoFineInThatGreenShirt arrives at his new apartment. His new job at the shipyard has brought many good changes to his life. He never imagined living in a place like this. It is worth it to advance himself for his son. He'd love to share his triumphs with Marina. He thinks Claudio is right and he has to quit being an animal and trust Marina more. He has to show Marina that it is worth it to fight for their love. 

Marina wants to leave. Hernan convinces her to stay and have a little dance with him. Marina the fool gives in and dances with the slimeball. Claudio smells a rat when it comes to Hernan. He thinks people like Hernan always hide things. He advises Mercedes to defend Marina from Hernan. 

The Pester interrogation doesn't reveal much. Pester tells Guerrero she had amnesia and married Ernie using another name. She never knew about his dirty business (or at least not that one that Guerrero wants to know about). But she did see men coming and going from the house. Guerrero mentions that men like Ernie usually have a trusted employee who knows all about the movements of their boss. Pester believes that man must be Blas. Pester will cooperate with the cops and give a description of Blas so she does not find herself involved in Ernie's crimes. Robles eavesdrops on the conversation. 

Fully spots Pester talking with Guerrero. He wonders what Pester is talking to the Feds about. He hopes Pester isn't telling him anything or else he'll have to kill another Fed. 

Foolish Marina continues to dance with the slimeball. She wants to leave before the dance is over but Hernan convinces her to stay until the end of the dance. DamFine crashes The Hotel Party and sees Marina dancing with Hernan. He's not liking what he sees. He tries to enter The Hotel Party but is stopped by security. Without an invite he can't be allowed to enter. (Not to mention he's not dressed properly although he is looking mighty fine in that green shirt) DamFine won't stay long. He just wants to have a chat with Marina. Security Guard grabs him by the arm twice to stop him although DamFab had asked not to be touched. DamViolent snaps and punches security guard out. A DamScandal ensues. DamViolent is grabbed by other security guards and is being forced to leave. Marina wonders what's up. Hernan who realized DamPartyCrasher crashed the party tells her that it must be some drunk. Mercedes and Claudio realizing DamFine is being taken out by force rush over to where the commotion is. Claudio demands DamFine be freed. DamFree is freed. Claudio and Mercedes ask him to calm the heck down. DamFine will calm down only because they asked him too. He leaves. Mercedes asks Claudio to go after him. Claudio does this. 

Fully wants to know what Peter told the Fed. Pester tells him she told him nada. This same question and answer goes on for a while until Fully loses his patience and slaps Pester right across the face. Pester tells Fully she talked to the Fed about her marriage to Ernie. Of course she did not give herself away. She tells Fully that if he ever hits her again she does not know if she'll continue to keep quiet about what she knows after all she was a just victim who had amnesia. 

Mercedes tells Marina and Hernan about the DamScandal including DamFine being forced to leave rather violently by Hernan's gorillas. Marina gets pissed and wants to leave. Hernan explains that had he know DamPartyCrasher was coming he would have let him in. Marina and Mercedes leave. Hernan grabs two glasses of booze and makes a toast to himself. 

Marina wants to speak with DamFine but Mercedes does not think it is the right time. DamPissed was umm really pissed and it could be worse if she tries to talk to him now. Marina feels guilty. And she should because her foolishness caused all this. Mercedes does not want to justify DamRight buuuut she understands DamFine's anger at seeing Marina and Hernan dancing so close together. Marina is tired of telling DamFab that there is nothing between Hernan and her. And The Patio is tired of seeing you letting Hernan be all up in your personal space. Mercedes feels Hernan pressures Marina too much and Marina gives in. Mercedes says DamFine reacts on instinct. Mercedes says DamBrute is a brute but with a DamBigHeart. Mercedes tries to calm Marina down. 

DamPissed is umm pissed. He can't be calm knowing his woman is out there with that slimeball. Claudio doesn't want DamFab to make Marina feel watched and untrusted by him. Marina chose DamFab and DamFab should believe her and control himself. Claudio reminds him about Othello. DamFab tries to control himself but in his world there are limits. He can't be so civilized as to let the woman he loves be hugged by a man who accosts her all the damn time. What is his is his and no one else's. Period. DamFab trusts Marina but he does not trust Hernan. DamFab says Hernan is like the Big Bad Wolf on the prowl and ready to attack. That's why he can't stand that his woman lets him convince her. Claudio tells DamFab that Marina felt committed to dance with Hernan. What commitment can she possibly have with Hernan that is stronger than the one I have with Pester? He mentions how there is a child in the middle of the commitment he has with Pester. Claudio doesn't think DamFab is being fair. Claudio tells DamFab that Marina was only being kind and he shouldn't be condemning her so harshly. Claudio goes on again about DamFab not letting his anger cloud his reason. 

(Note to Claudio: Let the poor man show his emotions. It'll be worse if he keeps it all inside....never thought I'd say this but: ShutUpClaudio) 

Hernan is hammared and wants to go out to celebrate that things are going his way with the man of the horrible wig. Macario and Hernan make a toast. 

Marina and DamJealous talk on the phone. Marina calls him out on his jealously. He tells her that he didn't like seeing her dancing with Hernan. Marina says it was just a dance. Marina and DamJealous agree to talk the following day when they are more calm. Their talk will decide it all. Dun Dun Dun. 

Mercedes and Valentin teach Magda some table manners. Valentin and Magda exchange glances. Awww..

Before this scene there was another scene where they said Magda would soon be leaving rehab. Magda and Valentin were gazing at each other. Aww... 

(Me Thinks Valentin Got The Better Twin. Poor DamFab) 

Our two lovebirds admit they can't live without each other. Marina brings up The Pester Situation. DamFab won't let The Pester Situation affect them. He's in the process of a divorce. Marina brings up his jealously. He denies being jealous. She doesn't think he trusts her. He does trust her but he does not trust Hernan. She is his woman and not Hernan's. Marina tells DamFab that he can't take away her freedom. She has to work and her relationship with Hernan is umm strictly business. (Ok if it were strictly business then why the hell do you let Hernan be all up in your personal space? Explain that) DamFab tells Marina that she knows damn well that Hernan's intentions with her are not business related. Well, Marina's intentions with Hernan are business related. She has a mother to support. DamFab tells her that her work is at the packing plant. Marina thinks she and DamFab should give each other time to think things through. DamFab agrees. 

Hernan finds out three of Mercedes' companies are on strike. Earlier Hernan had called up someone and caused this. 

DamFab and Claudio talk. It is time for the crew to come to the capital. Claudio will set up an appointment with the architect building the shipyard so DamFab can watch and learn. Claudio informs DamFab about having an office at the shipyard. DamSeaMan isn't thrilled about having an office but Claudio knowing DamSeaMan is a man of the sea will have a window put in his office so DamSeaMan can look out at the sea. DamFab comments on all the changes in his life.

Pester helps the Feds draw up The Blas Sketch. Feds are after Blas now. 

Mercedes wants to mortgage her nightclub upon finding out about the strike at her companies. Marina finds out and wants to help Mercedes. 

Hernan visits Marina. Marina is going back to R-Laydee. Marina rejects his job offer. Her job is at the packing plant. He has another offer for her - Will you come to London with me? Apparently, he has some big hotel related meeting over there. It could be a good opportunity for Marina. Blah blah blah. Trip will only be two or three days. The trip is that same day. Hernan tries to guilt trip her to go. In the end, Marina the idiot accepts to go on the trip with the slimeball. She does make it clear though that it is strictly business and he agrees. He leaves and Marina wonders what she'll do about DamFab. Marina. You. Are. An. Idiot. 

DamFab calls Pester wanting to know about Baby Michel. As usual, Pester is a pest and wants to talk about their relationship. DamFab only wants to talk about his son. DamFab tells Pester he'll stay in the capital a little longer because he has job commitment with Claudio. Pester gets pissed at him and hangs up. Pester tells Baby Michel that Daddy Damian doesn't care about them and only cares about Marina. 

Nanny Consuelo takes care of a crying Baby Michel while Pester reads a magazine. Pester wants Consuelo to tell everyone what an amazing mother she is or else. 

Earlier Pester had asked Consuelo to refer to her as Señorita. 

Marina tells DamFab about her London trip with the slimeball. DamPissed is pissed. He tells her to do what she wants with her life. 

DamFab shows up at the airport. Hernan is like oh snap. DamFab tells Marina that Hernan is dangerous. He can't tell her more but wants her to trust him. He gives her an ultimatum. If she leaves she'll end what they have. 

Fully tells ShutUpRosy off for almost causing JazLu to have a miscarriage. It is mentioned that Lazaro is Fully's son. JazLu overhears the entire conversation. 

Fully found out about ShutUpRosy almost causing JazLu's miscarriage when he overheard a conversation between the town beyotch and Consuelo.

Padre Tomas is back at home. He's still all wrapped up in bandages and looks like a mummy. Lazaro arrives home dressed in uniform.

Marina decides to stay with DamFab. She goes over to him. He smiles at her with that DamBeautifulSmile of his and they share a sweet embrace. Hernan is pissed off. Ha! 

Fully can help Lazaro and JazLu have their own home. Lazaro rejects the offer. He won't accept anything more from Fully until he finds out why Fully is helping him so much. 

Lazaro tells JazLu about his encounter with Fully. JazLu wants Lazaro to be nice with Fully. 

Hernan is pissed off. Macario tries to calm him down. Hernan has a thirst for vengeance. 

Marina tells Rebeca that she didn't want to leave because she didn't want to be far from DamOhSoFine. Our two lovebirds are back together. It is time for Marina to go back to R-Laydee. DamDaddy will be going to R-Laydee too to see Baby Michel. 

Macario tells Hernan that what Hernan feels for Marina is not love but an obsession. Hernan grabs Macario by the lapels and tells him that no one understands how he feels. 

Familia Reverte says their goodbyes to Mercedes. Marina asks for Mercedes' blessing. Mercedes gives it to her. 

Hernan arrives home. He doesn't want anybody to know he's back in town. 

Bea tells Rebeca that she feels her time is up in this world. Rebeca tells Bea to have patience until she sees the results of the new treatment Doc Gonzalez gave her. Bea feels she will die soon. Now that Bea is convinced that she will die soon she has to do something that can't wait. 

DamFab visits Baby Michel. Baby Michel is asleep. Pester wants to talk now that he's here. DamFab tells her he came for his son and not for her. He tells her that she'll never have him by her side. Pester threatens to keep him from seeing Baby Michel. He tells her that she can't do that. He can follow Jose's advice. He brings up how she went missing and then came back with lots of jewelry saying that her baby was kidnapped. He can accuse her of psychologically damaging him because she's not letting him see his child. All the while the divorce is still in process. 

Rebeca is sad because of Bea. Jose comforts her.

Marina wants to be alone with DamOhSoFine. DamOhSoFine with the help of the crew prepared a surprise for her. 

Ursula dances and sings on stage at La Guacamaya. Fully is drooling over her and tells himself that thank God Ursula is only her political niece and not blood niece. Pervert...

La Tempestad has been decorated like a Christmas Tree. Marina has her arms wrapped around DamFine. He asks her if she's ready to escape with him and she tells him that she is. They kiss. They get on the ship. They kiss some more. A romantic dinner has been prepared but they do everything but actually eat. They kiss some more. DamRomantic covers Marina's eyes. He has a surprise for her. The surprise is that there are a million roses that have been shaped into a square with a heart inside on deck. Marina loves this. He wants to toast for their love. He tells her that she's gorgeous and the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world. He tells her that he wants her. He tells her that he loves her. She loves him more. They sit on top of the roses and kiss some more. They really get into it and DamFab unbuttons a button from Marina's blouse. They kiss some more... 

AVANCES: Pester and Marina have a confrontation; Pester threatens not to let DamFab see Baby Michel; And Bea tells Marina she's not her bio mom. 


Recap is up! Sorry for it being so late.

You are a champ Mauricio. No need to apologize since you're really doing two or three recaps in one.

I never get tired of the Damisms! Never! Favorite this time:

Mercedes says DamBrute is a brute but with a DamBigHeart.

But loved every single Dam... and really appreciate that you took the time to put in the deleted scenes.


DamFabulous Recap! Don't apologize your recaps are always very detailed and a wonderful read. Your craft takes time ; )

Who would have evah thought Macario would be the voice of reason??? He is so right! Herny is obsessed with Marina.

Glad Jaz/Lu overheard that convo with Fully and SHUTUPROSY. For once I wish Laz had taken up on Fully's offer to get Jaz/Lu out of there. I wish Candy could have told Laz about Jaz/Lu and what SHUTUPROSY did to her.

Too bad they didn't show the grilling of Nereo.

Why is Marina not listening to DamFine about Herny? Why isn't Mercedes? Do they have blocks in their brains? I remember Mercy telling Bea a while back that Herny was not what he seemed to be and a bad guy. Did she forget?

Loving the Commandante listening to all the pertinent stuff. What a great cop! It's about time we had a smart one. It's been way too long.

Herny has a hissy fit more and more doesn't he? Carlos, maybe those terraniums aren't really safe ; )

Did those herbs give Bea insight on when she is going to shall I say, kick the bucket? I wish she'd live in the moment like she has been and enjoy herself while she has the time. I can't wait to see how she tells Marina she isn't her bio Mama.

When will Mercy talk to Marina and tell her who she really is and when will she tell Mags she has a twin sister? I can't wait for that reveal. Should be interesting.

As for Pester, can't stand her. Using that bebe for her own gain, like DamFine would evah love her and stay with her. In her dreams. I hope DamFine winds up with that bebe permanently. As someone mentioned the other day, DamFine could be like Rodrigo from Destilando Amor and raise the bebe as his own.

Thank you so much Mauricio for this great and DamFab recap.

Oh this is just DamFabulous, Mauricio!

A few of my faves:

"never thought I'd say this but: ShutUpClaudio"

"(Me Thinks Valentin Got The Better Twin. Poor DamFab)"

"And The Patio is tired of seeing you letting Hernan be all up in your personal space."

"Marina. You. Are. An. Idiot."

"Hernan grabs two glasses of booze and makes a toast to himself."*

…*Which is a just as well because now that the bromance between Hernán and Macario is over, Hernán will be doing a lot of his drinking alone.

What a magnificent job you did pulling this all together and telling us the parts we missed. You rock!

Mauricio - thanks so much for the DamFine recap, and including the deleted scenes.

JudyB - I too don't get tired of all the Damisms. so entertaining.

Estúpida Marina is all I can say when it comes to Hernan. Thank heavens though she didn't go to London w/him.

DamFab..... still sighing.....


Mauricio: This was more than worth waiting for. Like Judy, I love the "Damisms" and the title was perfect. You did a masterful job. Noting the important events that were cut was so helpful.

"Me Thinks Valentin Got The Better Twin. Poor DamFab" "and she should be because her foolishness caused all this", and "ShutUpClaudio" were among my favorites.

Hernan finding and hiring Susan was ingenious. I hate to give him credit, but it was an inspired idea. As Macario pointed out however, Hernan's obsession with Marina is transparent and has clouded whatever judgment he possessed. Loved the fact he was forced to skulk back, returning home to hide after his London plans fell flat.

Am heartened by Claudio's presence which is commanding. Now that Hernan has set the wheels in motion for Mercedes' financial ruin, she will need a powerful (and wealthy) ally. His harping on Dam to trust Marina did get a tad annoying, but Dam did need that reminder to put it in prespective. His appearing at the airport but being calm in delivering his ultimatum to Marina was a good approach. Thank heavens she regained her senses and went with him.

Jose was so comforting to Becky last night...

Wonder if Fully might consider killing Ester if he thought she betrayed him? She is playing a dangerous job. Little does she know she not only has him to worry about but Ernesto as well...

JazLu learned a huge secret. She's so sweet but I hope that she realizes this powerful information might be her only chance to keep Rosy's abuse at bay.

Glad the Commandante is "on" to Nereo. He can't be incarcerated quickly enough for me.

Mauricio, splendidly detailed as always. Gracias.


Oh, and forgot to mention how slimy Fully is too! Ewwww is all I can say, I think though, that Ursully would make short work of him.

Madelaine, NovelaMaven and shallowgal, our comments crossed. I see we enjoyed many of Mauricio's great lines and are relieved to see Marian has "snapped out of it!" although I agree Madelaine, "blocks in their brains" may well explain it. ;)

NovelaMaven, "now that the bromance between Hernán and Macario is over, Hernán will be doing a lot of his drinking alone". Yes, so true! Still chuckling.


So are we safe now? Are we past the point where Marina has to act like a moron?

Does anyone else think that Ursula will use her little gun against Fulgencio himself when he tries to put the moves on her?

Triunfo del Amor veterans: Remember WL with the two babies, his own and that of the villains? It is an image that Mejía liked so much, he thought he'd use it again here. (Which suggests that Esthercita won't be around at the end to argue about custody rights.)


Madelaine: Yes, was Fully really leering at Ursula on stage? That was beyond creepy and totally disgusting. Blech.



"Am heartened by Claudio's presence which is commanding. Now that Hernan has set the wheels in motion for Mercedes' financial ruin, she will need a powerful (and wealthy) ally."

Yes indeed. I'm always fascinated at the way great fortunes are acquired, threatened and lost in these capitalist fairytales. I'd hate to see Mercedes having to downsize. Who, after all, would hire Alicia?

[Hey, I'm sure we all noticed that the maid, Susana, came back as a different actress. I think we're ok with shape-shifting the Soraya's and Susana's; but if DamFab suddenly morphs into Gabriel Soto or something, I'm jumping ship.]


You were asking about Carla Estrada the other day. She isn't doing TN's now, but she IS doing a parody of her "Amor Real" and a couple of her other ones on "Hoy", the daytime show on from noon to 2pm Eastern Time. It is funny as anything and is shown every Thursday in the 1 to 2pm hour of "Hoy".

Mauricio, thank you for a great recap without vulgarity. I really enjoyed it.

Absolutely fabulous recap, Mauricio!

So much to comment on, but I have to run out. Just have to say I totally agree with you that Valentin may have the better twin. Although Marina sort of redeemed herself by not going to London, she is still really dumb when it comes to Hernan and really sending mixed messages in allowing him to get so physically close to her.


Mauricio - Terrific recap. You are a prince for including all the omitted scenes. Enjoyed all your jabs against Marina and even Claudio.

Glad Marina came to her senses. But if she hadn't been silly enough to almost board the airplane with Hernan, I would've missed out on the delight of seeing that royally pissed off look on Hernan's face as she left with Dam. Sweet!

Maybe it's cause I like his taste in women's clothes or his telling Hernan like it is about his Marina obsession, but Marcario seemed to have trimmed and better fit the wig to his face last night. I'm still thinking he has potential.

Feeling bad for Delfina. Rotten husband AND daughter AND niece. Come to think of it, her friend Rosaria is rotten too. But I know Dam would let her remain grandmother no matter what.

Mauricio- Thank you for going above and beyond to recap the complete episodes for us. You're amazing!

I fell asleep before this came on last night, and I will likely not go back and watch the episodes I missed. But I see in the comments that you pulled out the Jose Beck scenes, including ones that were cut, and put them on Daily Motion. I WILL be checking those out in the coming days. Muchas gracias Mauricio!

Wow! I really cannot believe how stupid Marina is being about Hernan. Regardless of whatever issues she has about Damian's wife returning from the dead, why is she letting a man she has see cross the line with her again, and again, insert himself into every aspect of her life? It makes no sense!

Plus, has she told Dam that she's pregnant yet? It doesn't seem so. Why?! Frigging Hernan knows she's pregnant. And she and Damian are supposedly going to give their relationship a chance. The girl needs a few slaps upside the head to reboot her hard drive.

I'm glad it looks like Mags is finding love and sobriety.

Good morning Mauricio, and thank you for the DamMarvelous recap. You never disappoint and you are always worth waiting for.

My favorite lines have already been mentioned, but I did laugh at: Marina. You. Are. An. Idiot.

However, I don't believe I have EVER seen anyone look as dazzling in the dreaded houndstooth pattern pants as Marina. Wow.

SO glad (and surprised) she did not go to London. Yay!!

Niecie, I would love it if Delfina survives to be Michelito's sweet grandmami. I'll bet DamSweet would even let her live with them so she could help care for her nieto. He and Delfina have always had a nice relationship.

I LOVE the idea of Fully getting shot by his own gun. Oh let it be so.

"The girl needs a few slaps upside the head to reboot her hard drive". Excellent!

Welcome back Vivi! You've been greatly missed.



FYI. Silvia Navarro and a few of the guys from La Tepestad will be touring Mexico in a Sam Shepard play starting November. The play is “Locos de Amor”, SN and Ivan Sanchez (Hernan) are the protagonists, and Alejandro Ibarra (Bagre) and Franky Martín (Lolo) are the supporting characters.

Here is the poster of SN and IS:

Here is the poster with all four:

Here they are just hanging out:

Article on the play:


Thanks Vivi! Love the pics of all them smiling and being their real selves. Sounds like a great revue.

Sylvia- It does look like the four of them are having fun together. It must be a nice change of pace from filming a tn, although the touring schedule looks pretty brutal and they will apparently bring it to D.F. for a longer run after the holidays. This is the schedule:

Mauricio, it has all been said. Thank you for the DamFabulous, DamSpectacular, DamPieceofLiterary Work. I like everyone else appreciate the fact that you recapped two episodes that made total sense of the one that we watched. Why are we being punished and not getting the full DamAffect!
Vivi- you took the words off of my page- :-) Marina is tired but DamFab's jealousy but not of Hernan's persistence. Que the heck!!
I am soo glad that DamFab and Marina reconciled properly.
BTW- I loved the title too.

I notice poor Macario keeps having to wipe the sweat off his face. Must be that insanely thick and hot wig he has to wear, lol.

I thoroughly enjoyed Fully's ogling of Ursula. Really dude? So blatant? Cesar just keeps getting better and better in this. I could have done without him slapping Ester, but that will only make the pies in his pie cart that much sweeter.

Mauricio, you are so awesome for including the deleted scenes. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. It is greatly appreciated.

I agree with everyone else about the Damisms. My favorite was 'DamYouLookOhSoFineEvenWhenEating'. And boy do I like Egg McMuffins!

Happy to see that Marina finally came to her senses. Although that does not mean that she won't be manipulated by Hernan again. Let's not forget that the novella isn't over yet. I hope that Marina tells DamGoodDady that he's gonna be well a daddy soon. I don't want that to be an obstacle between them.

Looks like this "skank named Zully" might have an impact in the storyline. Maybe she will be one of the characters to spill the beans on Hernan. She looks like the type of person that will not keep her mouth shut. Let's hope.

Out of time...Hasta manana.

Mauricio you are a gem!!! I can't imagine how much time that must have taken to recap Unis version alongside the unedited version but what a gift! Thank you.

All my faves have been said (shutupclaudio was hilarious) but I loved especially your reference to the patio being sick of Marina. I was drafting my post in my head which started with "I hate Marina" but then she pulled that suitcase of the conveyor belt and seemed to revert back to happy, nice Marina.

Love every scene with Mags and her rehab novio.

Thanks a million Mauricio. We are the lucky recipients of your genius.


Thanks for this peerless recap, Mauricio, and thanks ever so much for the deleted parts.

"Marina. You. Are. An. Idiot."

pretty much says it for me.

I wondered if Michel was even there when Damián went by to visit? Estercita told him that he was asleep and then ushered him out.

Wow, a bed of rose petals on the deck... no pressure there, huh? And in the morning the crew can just hose off the deck and good to go.


Word of the Moment: Lobo

Last week, Claudio referred to himself as un lobo lampareado (whatever the hell we decided THAT means)

Last night, Claudio warned Dam that Hernán was a predatory WOLF and to watch his back.

And Mercedes advised Marina to accept Dam's untamed side since he is, at heart, a SEA WOLF.


But I always wonder about this stuff. Are the writers pulling our collective leg? Or is it unconscious, kind of like the way we on the Patio start to echo each other? And after a while, it's hard to remember whether you just thought of something or you're repeating something EJ said three weeks ago…hmm.

Mauricio...thanks for another snappy recap and especially for filling in the missing pieces. I loved the title. YES.

I was surprised but happy that Marina came to her senses and did not get on that plane with Herny.

Mag is in rehab, but it looks like Tia Becky and Herny are drinking more and more. Uh oh.

Woweewow. I've got to say that Ursullied can really move it! move it. Tio noticed, too....bleeeccchhh.

Madelaine..Thank you for the info about Carla Estrada. I am disappointed that she is no longer doing telenovelas. Hers were my favorites.Que lastima.


Ahhhhhh yes,...that bed of roses. Insert a big sigh right here. I think that every woman deserves a bed of roses at least once in her life. ....susanlynn, still waiting

Mauricio once again you are the man. Thanks for the recap and so much thanks for watching what we missed b/c Uni seems to hate those of us who are viewing this tn. And, as others, have noted, please don't apologize for posting late.

Hi Vivi, thanks for the links for SN's new play.

Gracias Amigos, I've been away for months and only just dropped in last week. In true telenovela style, I was able to catch up in only 2 epis. Love the commentary. I'm so grateful for the 9PM EST slot after slogging thru a 10-o'clock show last spring on the other network. At my age, you have to set limits.

Anyhoo, thanks Mauricio. You are a total genius. Gracias por including the missing scenes. It's incomprehensible otherwise.

"Fully is drooling over her and tells himself that thank God Ursula is only her political niece and not blood niece. Pervert..." This seems to be a César Évora staple these days. Yuck!

Vivi in DC "The girl needs a few slaps upside the head to reboot her hard drive." LOL!!!

Cap'n Sylvia "I don't believe I have EVER seen anyone look as dazzling in the dreaded houndstooth pattern pants as Marina. Wow." I so totally agree.

NvMv "Are the writers pulling our collective leg?" You crack me up.

Did anyone else think the police sketch of "Blas" looked awfully much like César Évora? That Pestercita is nothing but trouble.

Love and thanks to you all. Glad to be back
Agnes in NJ

Mauricio, thanks to your effort and time, I have a coherent story and understand what the characters really mean and what happened in between. I am with you, why did they cut beautiful, essential Damian scenes?

Random thoughts:
Mauricio of the Wig - almost human. It takes a heart to know the difference between love and obsession.

Claudio - I'd buy your advice if you yourself were in a long-term happy committed relationship. Just sayin'

Herny gives me a disjointed feeling of almost knowing right from wrong but actively choosing to do the wrong things. Almost kind, almost sensitive, almost caring, until the horrible monster breaks through when he is alone.

Marina is on my sh*t list indefinitely.

Counting down to the end. More Maggie please!

Hi, Mauricio:
Thank you so much for this recap.It is amazing that you took the time to fill in the blanks; it is so much work.

NM: ' Are we past the point where Marina has to act like a moron?'

Oh, no, my friend. Marina only has a teeny tiny potion of her brain that is active right now. Perhaps the rest of the grey matter is being siphoned off in the activity of building a DAMFINEDAUGHTERSON. I still stubbornly claim my feminist rights: Maybe this is a Damdaughter.

Ester's tender care of BabyMichel will not be rewarded, I fear. OK, I know that Ester is a pest, but doesn't she kinda get an anvil pass for having been sold into slavery to a psychopath? Also,did she not say that BabyMichel was Ernesto's kid?


Call me confused.

Sorry to be so late to the party and to have missed yesterday. Thanks, Gloria, for your recap of Monday. Nice work.


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