Friday, October 04, 2013

Corazon Indomable Cap. 103 – 10/3/13 -- MariCruz’ Party Plans Are Stomped Flat By a Real Party Pooper

The Condensed Version
            With the family (Solita, monkey Chango, nameless nephew with the unfortunate resemblance to Ewwsebio) back at Rancho Abuelo, it’s time for a celebration. MariCruz is planning a baptism for Lupita and wants it to be a fabulous social event. 
            (I’m puzzled—Lupita is a year old, yet I don’t recall seeing her eat any solid food. It’s always a bottle. Also, I’ve never seen her crawling or attempting to stand or walk. She’s always in a crib or someone’s arms. I guess some developmental stuff happens off-camera.  Also, shouldn’t nameless nephew be baptized so he has a name, or is he forever anonymous?)
            Enough quibbling. MariCruz’ efforts in behalf of the party have a ripple effect, in that:
Tav and MC have an accidental meeting at the only toy store in town and it flows into an illicit luncheon make out session; Solita meets a handsome young man and sparks fly for a potential romance; a betrayal by Jose Antonio turns the party into a disaster (unless a recovery happens in the next episode).
            While these events are centered at MC’ hacienda, some familiar themes play out at Rancho Simona and the Realengo settlement.  Miguel is still waiting to regain his freedom from justice. Simona is still waiting for her husband to get with the program.  MariCruz is waiting for her feudal village new neighborhood development to open for business. Aaand, those are the bare bones.  Some semi-juicy details follow below.

Scenes Seen Previously
            Miguel and Simona, JA and Ester have conversations in their respective homes. Miguel tries to soothe the apprehensive Simona.  JA reports that Solita is home with her baby, whom Ester thinks must have been fathered by some city slicker. Not so, JA says. It was a local loser, but he’s dead now. (Hmmm…who could that be?) JA has ambitions for himself and his son, to be rich like the landowners here.  Tav arrives home late, with Simona checking his shirt for tell-tale tokens of off-site female entrapment.

The Yearning and Burning of the Disconnected Lovers Keeps Smoldering
            Simona sits alone at the table, feeling betrayed. She thought Tav’s dissipated life was over when they married, but this isn’t just a fling! It’s that devil, MariCruz Olivares!
            Tav stands outside in the courtyard, remembering his chance encounter with MC when she suggested lunch.  He’s wearing a goofy smile and a “Dang, I’m good!” expression as he mentally replays the long kisses they had for dessert. Then, the angel on his right shoulder punches the devil on his left shoulder, and he says “No puede ser. I’m not going to do it.”
            While Juanita and Solita wrangle boxes of party stuff, MC and Santa are on the couch with the two babies. Strangely, MC tells Santa she doesn’t want any dinner. Must have been that long and extra-satisfying lunch she shared with Tav. She goes to bed (nice satin pajamas), smiling at her memories of the kisses. She thinks Simona must have known, although she’s in love like a teenager with Octavio.

And Yearning and Smoldering Some More
            When Tav comes in, he asks a visibly upset Simona what can he do?  She suggests coming home early, without lipstick and woman’s hair on his shirt. He makes a lame explanation of his lunch encounter with an “old friend” but insists it wasn’t MC.  He’s her everything.  He’ll be there for her. Simona feels encouraged to perch on his lap and say she believes him—she has to believe him. (A little desperate, no?)
            JA adds his bit to the swirling mix. He used to dream of MC, but now she’s like a stranger. He needs to be on her level to attract her.
            We next see MC and Tav musing in their separate beds, although we’re missing the usual split screen presentation. MC thinks that by his side, she owned the world but now she’s empty handed.  Her heart is dry and she feels very lonely.  Tav is thinking how different his little savage is from his wife and how he hopes she comes to him in his dreams. (There’s a request for a restless night.)

Action Outside the Hot Zone
            Navario and Anselmo (Lina’s dad) are drinking and plotting in the woods at night. Navario will get his payoff and will give Anselmo a small cut for being the messenger to the Narvaez. Then Navario will still take his vengeance on Miguel. Doesn’t matter if his brother deserved to die, he was still a bro (and Nav probably feels like offing somebody.)
            Rancho Simona overseer comes to visit JA, proposing some type of skullduggery (details obscured by family conversation, fill in if you know).
            Tav and Navario (next day) confirm their appointment to visit the lawyer and enter Nav’s testimony. Once that’s done, the money will change hands. Tav can never repay Simona and he was so reckless (with his little savage).

Party Preparations Proceed in Lavish Style
            The next morning, JA reports to the hacienda, where MC expounds her reasoning behind the party. She wants her child to know the other children and she should know the other ranchers. In fact, she should have visited them individually when she moved in. (True dat.) She’s not sure if she should also invite the Realengo kids—JA is horrified at the idea—because they deserve some fun, too. Anyway, JA’s task is to deliver the invitations to all the ranchos. (In most TNs, they’re always delivering the party invitations just a day or two in advance—another puzzle.)  MC thanks JA for his help with a pat on the cheek as she leaves the room. He caresses that spot with a bemused look on his face.
            No sign of the monkey, but Solita finally (!) gets a scene. She’s outside cutting flowers when Perico (young, attractive staff guy) drives the pickup to the door.  It’s loaded with pinatas and a smiling Solita inspects them. The joven asks if she likes them and is puzzled with no response. He asks again and she smiles, extending her hand. MC comes out and explains her sister’s deaf-mute condition.
            MC and Padre Julian discuss party plans while visiting the diphtheria child’s mother. He thinks the ranchers wouldn’t want their kids and the poor children mingling. She agrees to have a second party. Padre wonders if shoes and useful things wouldn’t be better gifts, but MC insists that kids need fun, toys, and parties. He will show up for the 4 pm baptism and says “This girl would make the devil dance!” She has projects for their parents and all will be sunshine, roses, and lollypops.

Urgent Bulletin!! Brain Cell in Operation! Octavio Thinks!!
            Tav is walking the lawn and THINKING! He loves MC, but he’s obligated to Simona.  He can’t keep going with MC on the side, he has to get away from her.  Later, he and Miguel talk about Miguel’s plan to work and repay Simona for his expenses.  Miguel says he’ll always miss Lucia, but he wants to rebuild his life. The possibility of buying back the Narvaez ranch is mentioned, if MC should overextend her finances. Tav mentions the celebration for his daughter’s baptism and how he must get away to avoid the event.       
The Hacienda Has Never Looked This Festive, Even in Lucia’s Heyday
            When MC returns, all the stair and bridge railing are lined with alternate pink and white balloons. Solita and Perico are hanging the pierced paper decorations outside, where they share another moment when they touch hands and smile meaningfully.  The pinatas are also outside, along with the tables for refreshments and cake.
            MariCruz has no way of knowing that all this effort may be in vain. JA, riding out with the invitations, made a command decision. It’s not convenient for MC to connect with the other ranchers.  By isolating her, JA can succeed in attracting her and/or stealing from her.  He tears up the invitations, burns them, and rubs the ashes into the ground with his boot.
            As preparations wind down, the ladies are ready to dress for the party.  MC asks Santa how Solita seems to her? She never learned who raped Solita, but she would like to take matters into her own hands (as usual). Maybe she should take a careful look at her nameless nephew, picture him with a beard and an evil laugh?

Party Time Arrives, But Not the Guests
            MariCruz is on the patio with her sister, the two babies, and the hacienda staff. She’s wearing her hair in a lovely braided coronet arrangement and sporting a slinky snakeskin print gown. (Where was this gown when villagers in STuD were calling Valentina La Vibora?) It’s past time to begin, but there are no guests. JA comes striding in and MC demands a yes or no answer—did he deliver the invitations?  He claims he did, but fear of the Realengo scum or anger at her high handed actions is keeping them away.
            JA says it’s a pity all that preparation was for nothing. MariCruz, stirred to action, says no, they’ll have a party anyway.  She tells Mattias, Perico, and JA to go immediately and bring in the Realengo kids. The party will go on!
            One lone guest is riding through the orchard, trying to decide if he’ll attend. Tav feels the pull of his daughter’s baptism, but finally decides he can’t risk seeing MC again. All through the credits, we have a running montage of Tav and MC love scenes, which makes me wonder if we won’t have any kisses for a while.

I’m sorry,  I forgot to take notes on the previews and they slipped by me.        


La Paloma, the tone of this recap is just right and very entertaining. Also enjoyed the STuD Valentina comment. Thanks.

I couldn't believe it when MIGUEL asked Octavio where he was going. No peace for the wandering Octavio. Not even in his dreams . . .

JA is such a snake in the grass. I hope Maricruz is on to him soon before he does her some real damage.At least she sounded suspicious when she asked him if he had delivered the invitations.



About Lupita. I adore this little girl, but the fact is that they had older girl
It's not a spoiler, because it should be the episode #94. But they decided not to change the girl. I don't know why.
And I hate JA. He is the worst then all the villains. MC thinks, that he is her brother. How could here???? I cant imagine MC pain, when she will find out the truth.

Your recap was perfect La Paloma. Truthfully there wasn't too much new last night, so you hit the right notes and facts.

The big, new moment was meeting what I'm sure is Solita's future squeeze. Bless her. Still wish they would ditch the pig tails, but hey he doesn't seem to mind. Our sweetie needs some happiness. I'm still miffed however that Tobias seems to have taken a powder from our story.

I agree on the kiddies. I'm been wondering why we aren't really seeing a sensible age progression here. Miguelito seems about right, but both Solita's and MC's kids seem too young. Even the one time they aren't lugged around by someone, Solita out in the yard, they weren't even sitting up. I'm also getting a chuckle out of the fact that MC's little one seems to fuss more and more when around mumsy...she wants her some hunky daddy time methinks.

All this constant mention of MC spending too much has to be for some future plot point. They had to have someone mention it about 5-6 times last night. I get all she is doing for everyone, but so far I'm not seeing millions slipping through her fingers and she must have inherited that much plus sold off the casino...maybe we just adjust the beanie for this.

I just don't get this whole JA transformation and turning evil. I guess we're supposed to think he's some spurned lover wanting revenge? Juarever...


Thanks for this crisp and tidy recap, Paloma. Very funny as well. I think my favorite line is:

"Maybe she should take a careful look at her nameless nephew, picture him with a beard and an evil laugh?"

I wish you could see the image that conjures up for me. At this point I think I'll be disappointed if they finally decide to name the little tyke.

I also enjoyed:

"MariCruz is waiting for her feudal village new neighborhood development to open for business.

Spot on.


Thanks for the recap!

I hope JackAss gets trampled by his horse!

Best part of the episode was when Solita met Perico. He thought she was smiling hard at him but then walked right by to the party stuff. The look on his face was priceless. How cute a couple will they make!

I'm not really looking for an answer because I think I already understand, but why hasn't Maricruz spent some of her fortune getting some help for Solita? I don't see that she's progressed much at all.


Thanks La Paloma, I hope that MC keeps pulling Octavio in her direction. That's the only fun part of this show.
JA's attitude and change make no sense, but I guess that fits in perfectly with everything else. I'm certain we are going to have a bankrupt or near bankrupt MC soon.
Why didn't Santa tell MC her suspicions of Solita's rapist? What's the point of keeping if from her? Again, it makes no sense.
What is the guy from Simona's ranch going to propose to JA? Ugh.

Carlos, didn't MC say she was going to look into an operation to restore Solita's hearing? Another story line dropped by these idiot writers.

Carlos, sometimes I wonder about MC. Her concern about Solita and the other people she has under her care seems to come and go as the whim hits her.I think we're suppose to get that she has concern since we get those rare scenes where she is studying sign language or talking to Solita on the phone before they came back to the ranch. I guess vengeance is a full time job. That's why I get miffed that Solita still appears no different and yes, there is some progress with her sign language which was more the result of the local teacher and Tobias she had back at the mansion. I guess her lessons went the way of Tobias now.

And along that score...just once...once...I would love to see MC change a diaper or give that little girl a bath...something that shows she does more than hold her a couple times a day(with no toy or teddy...gees, give her a teddy!!) and shove an occasional bottle at her while she rambles on. I get the heroine must be free to do what she needs to move the plot, but it still comes off as being a part-time mom when it suits her. Not well written or directed at all. Ok--rant done.


Fabulous recap, La Paloma. You had so many great lines.

@Carvivlie: I just now saw the question you left for me in the comments for the episode 102 recap re: government's taking of private land. I'm not too familiar with Mexican eminent domain law, but what I've gathered is that it's similar to U.S. eminent domain law in two ways: (i) the government can take land from a private owner to give it to another private owner for economic development purposes, and (ii) though they are obligated to make "just compensation", in practice they rarely do so.

@LatinaINMD: Thanks for the response! I don't know how far her ranch is from the Realengo lands but you would think if there are minerals close, they would logically be on her land too.

A BIG thank you La Paloma---You had a great line with, the angel on his right shoulder punches the angel on his left shoulder. Another good one was---Brain cell in operation! Octavio thinks!!

I agree with Jarifa, that JA is now a real snake. I'm getting to where I can't stand him. What a back stabber.

Alegria is right too. Maricruz is going to be deeply hurt when she finds out the truth about JA. She made him her ranch foreman and is building a house for him and Ester and this is how he repays her? Yes,
JA has turned into a real snake. Wouldn't it be great if Mari went out riding with her horse and found what is left of the party invitations?

If Maricruz is going broke, she hasn't shown it yet. I still say that after $imona dies and Oblivio is won over, the combined ranches will make one "rancho grande."

There have been many comments about Mari's high/low skirts. It has been mentioned that she should be wearing pants and a blouse. NO,NO, NO. Why? Well for many reasons. Just think. Although $imona has a beautifully furnished house, she has always been a Plain
Jane. OK, she got a new hairdo and got the mole removed but that's as far as it went. She is still very plain in appearance with little to no class. Maricruz on the otherhand
is full of class and quite stylish.
Her lessons from Tobias paid off well. Mari's high/low skirts are very classy and fashionable. Add some great tops and a pair of western boots along with beautiful hair styling and you have "The Goddess of Mexico" at Rancho Abuelo
If Maricrus started wearing pants and a blouse, it would bring her down to $imona's level. And besides
If Mari switched to pants, Carlos and I wouldn't be able to admire her beautiful thighs when she is out riding. All kidding aside, the skirts are a great new hashion.

I can't wait to see how Mari turns failure into success at the party tonight. She probably will get the ninos from Realengo and end up having a great time.
the gringo


thanks, Paloma. I am so happy that Solita seems to be headed toward a sweet romance with a handsome hombre. She deserves some happiness. But YIKES, poor baby Nameless if he resembles horrid Ewwwsebio. What a challenge for a sweet babe. Ewwwbaby.

Having grown up on a farm, I can guarantee that wearing those long high low skirts that Mari has such a penchant for is a really bad idea. And to think that we mocked Lucrazia's maxi dresses. At least Lucrazia seemed to stay indoors most of the time. Mari is always riding her horse or tramping through the fields and dirt roads. Who is doing the laundry ? ..probably poor Santa. With all the horses around, mud is the least of the problems those skirts are collecting.

I can't mock Lucia's maxi dresses because my Kentucky friend with a cattle farm wears maxi dresses around the house. She says she's comfortable, yet dressed if someone comes to the door. But when she's riding or in the barn, she's in jeans.

As for Maricruz's latest fashion, she's exposing a lot of skin. Don't they have mosquitoes, horseflies, chiggers, and ticks in Mexico?

Aleta---Mosquitoes, horseflies, chiggers and ticks? LOL Yes, I guess that Mari would be exposed. I have noticed that in several outdoor scenes, the actors and actresses have been swatting at bugs. I guess that it's tough being a goddess and not being allowed to wear jeans.
the gringo

Lots of good points raised in the comments about Mari's parenting practices, bare skin exposed to bugs, etc. Since this is a TN, it seems that MC is only skimming the Sea of Reality, riding on a boat (or jet ski) named Vengeance. And it's full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes or other obstacles.

As far as fashion is concerned, I was perfectly satisfied with the outfits Maricruz was wearing when we first met her. Get a can of Off if the bugs are bothersome.


You had a killer title, amiga! The snark was fairly dripping and muy funny. Here are some of my favs:

"Then, the angel on his right shoulder punches the devil on his left shoulder"

"...he hopes she comes to him in his dreams. (There’s a request for a restless night.)" Aaaackkkk!!! LOL!"

"Urgent Bulletin!! Brain Cell in Operation! Octavio Thinks!!"

"Maybe she should take a careful look at her nameless nephew, picture him with a beard and an evil laugh?" ITSA!!

Why oh why hasn't Santa felt the need to meniont her suspicions to MC regarding Solita's rapist/baby-daddy?

Miguel's got a lot to lose if Salmona gets angry with Tav and finally throws him to the dogs..... However, she's the one who told Tav that she knew he loved MC/MA and was willing to maintain a platonic relationship once they got hitched. She saw him mackin' on MC in the field the day the divorce was finalized. She still married him! So, I'm inclined to think she's only got one or two more working braincells than he does.

Right Carlos, I thought she was fine in her early peasant dresses. But I must say again that a goddess
looks good in anything. I just hope that she doesn't go down to $imona's level, I mean pants every day---she is much to pretty for that. Well peasant dresses or a fashonista, I wouldn't complain either way.
the gringo

gringo, I live here in Texas, and believe me, tight jeans is not a bad look.


Carlos: Jeans are not a bad look, but they're damned hot!

As for the bugs, yep, you and I were tracking on that one. The cast and crew should be doing that anyway IMNSHO for comfort sake if nothing else. It beats bear grease all to heck.

Well at least they brought in someone for Solita to hang out with. I like this boy. He seems like someone who would go to the trouble of learning sign language to communicate with someone he loves, unlike a certain sister...

Lupita is a year old already? Times flies when you're having, um, fun?


Kelly, Lupita isn't a year old yet. This is a party for her baptism, I inadvertently said it was her birthday party in yesterday's recap, but I have since fixed it.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks LaPaloma.
I just hate how they are turning JA to be a horrible villain. I really do. It's bad enough that Miguel is so loathsome and now we have JA. What can I say.
As for my mantra....Awfelia can go to hell. And add Esther and Simona.


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