Saturday, October 05, 2013

La Tempestad, cap. 50, Friday, October 4: Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Life goes on, bra

Madre Eusebia has gone to the light, as Mercedes reminds us.  It is clear that her shocking departure from this earthly plane will have repercussions for those she left behind (whether they know it or not).  There is a carpe diem vibe in the air.  Seize the day.

Hernán? He's unconcerned about the death of an old woman.  He has his own problems.  He's irritated at Ernesto's peremptory summons to the fortress in Mexico.  He obeys but with reluctance:
Ya me estás cansando, don Ernesto, ya me estás cansando.
(Now I'm really getting tired of you, don E.  Literally: You are tiring me.)

Ursula Horribilis?  Bereavement is an excuse to get close to Damián.

The others -- the crew, the townspeople, the Guacamaya folks, Mercedes -- really do extend their comfort and support to DamBereft.   

Murderous Fulgencio is there too, of course.  Mercedes catches his eye and shoots him a look of pure loathing.

In the end, Dam takes Marina's hand as each stands on either side of Eusebia's grave.  The theme song swells.  And we know that Hernán is yesterday's sushi.

Hard-eyed Magdalena is tired of being stuck in the house.  Alicia tries to persuade her to stay home until Mercedes gets back.  Nothing doing.  Mags bolts.

The space that Eusebia once filled with so much life is now occupied with the symbols of her death -- the candles, the crucifix, the flowers.  Marina and Bagre accompany their friend Damián to his now desolate home.  He needs time alone, he tells them.  He and Marina hug.  

It is not that Beatriz is insensitive to Damián's pain.  She is just concerned that Marina will have problems with Hernán if he finds out she is with Dam.  Although Bea has to admit, she tells Rebeca, that she didn't like the way Hernán talked to Marina

[There is a small clamor on the Patio -- Whoa!  Hernán has crossed the Bea-Brain Barrier!  TempeTippeeTequila cups are raised in celebration!]

Marina has discovered a part of Hernán that is not to her liking, says Becky.  Bea needs to stop kidding herself about a wedding that isn't going to happen.  And she needs to back off and not interfere with her daughter's happiness.

Mags has made her way back to her old territory on the streets.  
She meets up with Doll and whines that Mercedes is making her start at the bottom of the ladder.  She has Doll's old job in the club!  Hey, maybe the two of them could figure out some angle together?  With just a little bit of nudging, Doll convinces Mags to go to the local pulquería with her…  
[Pulque is a traditional alcoholic drink made from fermented agave.]

Fulgencio intrudes on Mercedes as she stands at Michel Fabre's grave, communing with her lost love. 

He hates that he still loves her.  She just regular hates him.

She repeats her accusation: he killed Michel Fabre because he saw him as his rival. Sadly, she has never been able to prove this. 

But she does have proof of another of his crimes.   There are documents showing he embezzled money out of the empacadora years ago -- he did it to impress Delfina's family so they'd accept him.  

Where are these documents?  In a safe place.  Fulge will get to see them when he is finally tried for his crimes and sent to jail!  

Robles on the job
While walking back from the cemetery, Lázaro slips away from Candy and Jaz to give a few pesos to the poor soul lying at the side of the path.  The poor soul is Robles undercover, of course.  Laz gives him the latest on the stolen women.  From now on, it won't be easy getting information since Laz isn't working for the bad guys anymore.  And he's not going to do anything that would put Jaz at risk, especially now that he and Jaz are getting married…

…though not if ShutUpRosy has anything to say about it.  She'll never accept that sinner as her son's partner.  Never.

Marina is back at home snuggling with Bea, and trying to sort out her feelings.  Bea is still putting her thumb on Hernán's side of the scale, reminding her that whatever his intentions, Dam hurt her profoundly.

Mercedes arrives unexpectedly.  She wanted to say hello before heading back to Mexico.  Bea tries to enlist her in the Hernán Defense League (of which she and Hernán himself are currently the sole members).  But Mercedes resists the pitch.  Instead, she advises Bea to let Dam and Marina make their own decisions.

Not The Big One. Bah.
Fulgencio gets back home and replays his conversation with Mercedes. Where could  those damn proofs be?  

Delfina needles Fulge a little -- why was Mercedes giving him the stinkeye at the cemetery?  She noticed the same thing at Dam's trial.  What gives?

Fulge clutches his left arm and tells her to stifle herself, Edith, and leave him alone.  He gets up and climbs the steps to the foyer. Suddenly he clutches his arm again and falls heavily to the floor.

[Is he dead? pipes up a hopeful chorus of voices on the Patio.]

For this bastard, they call an ambulance.

Candy and Becky soak up the happy energy of La Guacamaya and do some brain-storming: Marina and Dam may need a little push to get together, maybe a trip to some magical place…

In the hospital 
Ursula pretends to give a damn about Delfina and Fulge.  What a bore (qué flojera) it is to waste her time like this when she could be with DamHot.  Though Hernán's not too shabby…

The doc has good news for Delfina.  Yes, Fulge had a heart attack -- it was probably brought on by stress [two recent murders take their toll on a person] -- but because he was treated promptly, he will be fine. 

Are You My Mother?  You are?  Crap.
Lázaro's uncle, the local priest, is delighted to hear that Laz and Jaz want to get married; he promises he'll talk to ShutUpRosy and win her over to their side.

Anyone on the Patio could have told the good padre he was running a fool's errand.  ShutUpRosy shuts him down.  She is horrified at what such a marriage would do to the family's reputation.  The padre reminds his sister that she herself is the only one in town who judges others. 

Hernán arrives at Fort Contreras (aka Ernesto's house) where his mentor greets him with a suitcase loaded with cash.  It is his engagement gift.  Shame he couldn't get to the party.  Ernesto has come to appreciate Hernán, he tells him.  Hernán arranges his face in a grimace approximating a smile and thinks:
Maldito viejo, me hace venir para esta estupidez y mientras Marina puede estar con Damián.
(Damn old man, he makes me come for this stupidity and meanwhile Marina may be with Dam)…

…which she is.  With Dam, I mean.  She is kneeling in the church with the golden light when she notices that Dam is kneeling beside her.  They are both there to pray for Eusebia.  Marina starts to say that now that they are each going their separate way, Dam with Ursula, she with Hernán…  Scrrrriiiiiiiiiitch.

Did she say Ursula?  Who said he was with Ursula?  She's just a friend.  And by the way, he notices she's not wearing the Rock of Gibraltar.

She can't spend her life with a man she doesn't love.  Oh my. 

She is afraid of having her heart broken again.  Oh my.  

The theme song swells.  The two are alone, bathed in the golden light.

Hernán, you are last week's sushi.

Busted in the Pulquería
Magdalena feels like having a drink.  Someone hands her a huge mug of pulque.  But before she can take a sip of the viscous stuff, a goldenHeartedWhore intervenes:  No, Magdalena!  You're not gonna start drinking again!

"What right do you have to tell me what to do?" retorts the truculent twin.

"Maybe GoldenHeart has no authority here, but I do!" says Mercedes, making a dramatic arrival on the scene.  She leads her dour daughter out of the pulquería, warning Doll to stay away from Mags.

Magdalena is offended at the idea of being watched and controlled.  Mercedes says she wasn't being watched.  It's just that Soraya saw her and called Alicia and... blah blah blah.   Anyway, one day Mags will understand that Mercedes is trying to help her become a good woman.  "It's a little late for that," says Mags with a sneer.  But she'll go along with Mercedes for now as long as she is not locked in.

The Haunting of Fulgencio   
Murderer!  You are damned!
The eyes of the dead holy woman open and fix on Fulgencio.
You are damned!
No hospital, no barrier, no armed guard, no dutiful spouse -- nothing can protect him now.

Hernán's world is falling apart; but he thinks all he needs is a little SuperGlue.
Marina has made a decision.  She phones Hernán and tells him it is over.  He refuses to believe it, of course.  He is on his way back to R-Lay-Dee right now so they can talk about it.

He stops to warn the hugely pregnant Hada to be ready to go back to R-Lay-Dee when he gives her the word. He'll let her know when the time is right for her to be reunited with her husband.  With Damián. 

Oho! Ernesto is watching his wife and his protegé in intimate colloquy*.  He wonders how long these two have been so close -- they almost look like they are in cahoots.  Bras, a butler who looks like he has done it even if he didn't do it this particular time, says they've been cozy for the last few months.
[*Sorry.  I've been reading Henry James lately and sometimes I just can't help myself.]

In R-Lay-Dee, Candy offers the solace of her friendship to Damián; and she cheers him on to fight to win back Marina's love.

How did Hernán get back so fast?
Who knows?  But he is in Marina's office telling her it would be madness (una locura) to break their engagement.  She doesn't love him?  Give it time -- she'll learn to love him.

This line may have worked before Her Boyfriend was Back but now Hernán is in Trouble.  She hands him his ring.  He grabs her insistently: 

You're mine!  You belong to me!

Marina tells him he's hurting her.  He ignores her.  Finally she shouts:
¡No me puedes obligar a estar contigo!
(You can't force me to be with you!)

He backs off now and tries to apologize, pleading that he acted out of desperation.  But it's too late: 
I'm sorry but this can't continue.

She leaves him alone in the office with only his rejected ring, his pink shirt and his burgundy foulard artfully folded in his breast pocket to comfort him.

Why did she buy so many shares?
Mercedes gets an unwelcome phone call.  Her broker informs her that the stock she bought has crashed and she will take a huge loss. It will affect her other investments and her businesses.  Ay ay ay.

¿Felices y juntos para siempre?
We know it's too soon.  But let's enjoy the moment...

Marina goes to the Orchid Cave, drawn there by…an irresistible longing?  She misses Damián, she says aloud.  She can't live without him.

As luck would have it, she doesn't have to.  Because he too has been drawn to the cave.  

They are ready to set aside the mistakes of the past.  Says Damián:

Con una palabra tuya, voy a luchar contra lo que sea…

(Here the theme song swells)

…para recuperarte.
(Just say the word and I'll fight against anything or anyone to win you back).

Marina answers sweetly:
No tienes que recuperar lo que siempre ha sido tuyo, Damián.
(You don't have to win back what has always belonged to you, Damián.)

The lovers have been standing apart.  Dam's hands are in his pockets.  But when they resolve to leave the past behind and go forward together, he steps toward her and gently caresses her hair.  They won't make the same mistakes again.

She falls against his chiseled chest, and as their lips touch, she succumbs to the embrace of his manly masculine arms.

Hoy tengo ganas de ti
Hoy tengo ganas de ti   

Avances:  Hernan breaks a lot of stuff and schemes to resurrect Esthercita.


Wanted to thank everyone in our CarayCaray community for all those virtual hugs and kind thoughts. This is such a safe and comforting place to be when times are tough. Please know how much I treasure you all.

I'm going to calling hours this afternoon and am in touch with my friend facing her son's cancer...but this morning it's laundry and Novela Maven's wicked humor as my break from sorrow.

A few of the quips that made me laugh in spite of my dour mood:

Hernán is yesterday's sushi
Hard-eyed Magdalena (the actress is doing a fine job of playing the different twins I think)
[Bea] putting her thumb on Hernán's side of the scale
truculent twin

NovelaMaven, you are such a clever wordsmith. And your writing has the power to lift me temporarily out of myself (thank goodness because I really really did need a break from JudyB and her whinging about life)

Thanks amiga mia...and thank all of you who send me loving thoughts and kindly hugs...they really do help.

PS Also love the Beatles title. I'm sure Mads will too.


This recap is a jewel, it sparkles and shines with wit. Thank you!

Yeah, they call an ambulance for Fully, who knew? Well, he is the Mayor of RLayDee after all, snort! His haunting is well deserved, I must say! I really liked how Mercy confronted him with the "evidence" so to speak. It's good to see him sweat.

Pervy Ernie looked so jealous and now he knows that Herny and Hada/Ester have been talking. I hope he doesn't take it out on Hada. She is really ready to pop.

Continue to love the Commandante. He is very clever. I'm sure he'll find a way to get the goods on Nereo, Herny and Fully.

Poor Mercy and her stock losses, but then again she didn't lose it all, so I think she will recoup her losses, she is a resourceful woman, and woe to Pervy Ernie when she finds out this was due to him.

ShutupRosy and Bea would make great friends wouldn't they? They just both don't get it.

Don't get me started on Herny. He thinks he "owns" Marina? I am so glad she broke that off. The touchy grabby, your mine, so is his true self. I'm actually glad she saw him in his true form. Now maybe she will give him a wide berth. Herny really isn't as smart as he thinks he is. I think if he does manage to have Hada/Ester come back to RLayDee it will blow up in his face. The Padre had that marriage annulled. DamWantsToBeFree could easily get an express divorce if she shows up without her even knowing.

Loving DamDelicious and Marina together. It's about time, but there are still so many obstacles. Ursy being one, Herny, ShutupBea, etc. I hope they can surmount them all, but this is a TN after all. Thank goodness for Tia Becky and Candy.

Mags is still sullen, but at least she didn't take that drink. Hopefully as she works more she'll come around. I have to say I think XN is really bringing it. Mags and Marina are so very different. This role is something for a first timer.

Thanks so much again NovelaMaven!


I knew I forgot to mention the title! I do love it : )

NovelaMaven -- Wonderful recap! Thank you.

Some, but not all, of my favorite lines:

"Bea tries to enlist her in the Hernán Defense League (of which she and Hernán himself are currently the sole members)."

So true! Bea is the ONLY one who is on Team Hernan. I'm so glad Mercedes is on Team DamFab along with Candy, Rebeca, Jose, Olinto, etc.

"For this bastard, they call an ambulance."

Completely agree. Fully did not deserve an ambulance.

"Yes, Fulge had a heart attack -- it was probably brought on by stress [two recent murders take their toll on a person] -- but because he was treated promptly, he will be fine."

This made me laugh out loud the most along with

"Bras, a butler who looks like he has done it even if he didn't do it this particular time, says they've been cozy for the last few months.
[*Sorry. I've been reading Henry James lately and sometimes I just can't help myself.]"

"She leaves him alone in the office with only his rejected ring, his pink shirt and his burgundy foulard artfully folded in his jacket pocket to comfort him."


Yeah, got to watch two nights in a row!NM this was a masterpiece of detail and snark. Relaxing with the coffee and this recap was a perfect way to start the day. (I was careful to put down the coffee as I read through!)

This had to be my favorite: "Hernán, you are last week's sushi."

I have to say, I thought for a minute there after Marina left he took the whole break up a little too calmly. I expected him to throw the ring, wipe off her desk...something. Well, those previews renewed my faith in our dear PinkPants and a room will be destroyed. Cleaning crew at the ready.

Is it wrong of me that I wish Bea would go into some sort of spiral that would just shut her mouth for awhile. Her constant nagging about accepting Hernan...gees woman, he's so great, you marry him. Thank the heavens for Becks.

I'm so going to enjoy the guilt-ridden haunting of Fulgy. I know Cesar will pull this off. The question will be what it may drive him to do or become. And then Pester may show, and from that glint in her eye, it looks to be the Pester we know and learned to love...yikes.

And right about that time, my guess is we get the rotten apple twin to come into town. I hate the idea of a switch, that is such a cliché, and how Mags can pull that off can only be if Mercedes is also out of the picture as well. And of course, whiny sis will fall for PinkPants...
What a potential for a mess of a stew.

Off to babysit my nephews today. The 5 year old with spina bifada always inspires me with his sense of humor, smarts and determination. I've been whining about a bad work week,so an afternoon and evening with him should put me back into perspective of what challenge is really like.


NovelaMaven,loved seeing your acerbic wit in play, shining a spotlight on the denizens of R-Lay-Dee.
There were many great lines, but these struck my fancy:
"He hates that he still loves her. She just regular hates him."

"Ernesto is watching his wife and his protegé in intimate colloquy*" (Makes me want to pull out some Henry James and go at it.)

"and his burgundy foulard artfully folded in his jacket pocket to comfort him." (Reminds me of whats-his-name in MEPs and his fine silk scarves.)


Novela Maven, this is a spectacular recap. I savored every word. I won't list ALL my favorite quotes, way too many, but I did laugh heartily at:

"Whoa! Hernán has crossed the Bea-Brain Barrier! TempeTippeeTequila cups are raised in celebration!" Amen to that sistah! (Bea-Brain? Gotta add that one to my IttyBittyDitty Bag.)

When Fully told her to "stifle herself, Edith". That show is an American classic.

"For this bastard, they call an ambulance."

Hernan and his burgundy foulard being "last week's sushi"

And "We know it's too soon. But let's enjoy the moment..."

I hope Mercedes doesn't let Alicia hold the proof of Fulge's crimes.

I think there must be some kind of time tunnel between R-Lay-Dee and the DF.

Those were some big mugs of pulque. I know the stuff is not necessarily very alcoholic, but still. Viscous describes that stuff perfectly.

Thanks NM, you have such an amazing way with words. Currently reading James? Well no wonder. Portrait of a Lady was always one of my favorites.

Oh, and such a perfect title.

Judy, I'm glad to hear you were able to escape your sadness for a little while this morning. Sometimes these recaps are the best medicine and Novela Maven is one heckuva Florence Nightingale.

Daisynjay, so glad you have been able to join us on the patio. Your sweet words about your nephew are truly inspiring.


Good morning, amigos!

I will be out most of the day but wanted to say a quick hello and a few thank yous first.

I'm glad if this silly recap gave you a chuckle or two. "Whinging about life" you say? Anything but that. You are a brave and extraordinarily kind soul who faces life head on. Thank you for your generous comment.

It is so cool that you are getting into this show with us. Some episodes may be better than others but on the whole, it's a fun way to take an evening Spanish class.

Thank you for your kind words. And thank you for putting things in perspective for us. Enjoy your little nephews!

Leave it to you to come up with the perfect word to describe Magdalena: sullen. In my mind, that is automatically followed by the word "adolescent." And that's it! Magdalena never had a chance to be a girl; now she is going through a rocky adolescence. I'm going to try to think of her like that for now and save my nerfazos for the fiends who really deserve them.

Thank you so much. Kind words from a fellow recapper always mean a lot. And yes, Team Hernán is vanishingly small. You almost feel sorry for the guy...

...well the operative word here is "almost." :)

La Paloma,
I'm delighted that you decided to stop by. (I am a big fan of yours, you know, though I don't comment on CI because I lost the thread of that one long long ago.) And yes, pull out some Henry James and just read a few lines out loud. (Maybe between telenovelas. As a sort of palate cleanser.)

Aw shucks, Sylvia,
"I hope Mercedes doesn't let Alicia hold the proof of Fulge's crimes."
Now THAT cracked me up!

You're welcome to carry Bea-Brain in your IttyBittyDitty Bag. [But we are about as likely to cross the Bea-Brain Barrier as I am to swim to Cuba, with or without a shark cage.]

la la la la life goes on...

I posted a comment early yesterday morning but thereafter, was unable to get back and view that particular page. I am still not able to access it - it looks like there are some strange fonts appearing on that particular recap so when you click on it, only the title appears.

I am giving this long explanation as I can't view your comment (or anything) from yesterday Judy. I just left you a voice mail and want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Will read the recap now.



"Hernan is yesterday's su-shi"...sing it to the "Hoy tengo ganas a ti" refrain and you have a Caray Caray original song. Thank you Joyce, for this gem of a phrase contained in this 18k gold recap.

JudyB is right about your talent with words, my friend. I realize that I am repeating the praise of others but some of my favorite phrases were:

——Hard-eyed Magdalena is tired of being stuck in the house.

I like Ximena as Mags way better than I like her as mousy Marina.

——[There is a small clamor on the Patio -- Whoa! Hernán has crossed the Bea-Brain Barrier!

OMG. I LOL. I giggled. The Bea-brain barrier is a classic Caryism. She is such a bird brain. Actually, many birds are smarter than Bea, I am sure. Hee hee hee.

—TempeTippeeTequila cups are raised in celebration!]

I need a TempeTippeeTequila cup, STAT. Anita, we must have these in the Storm Cellar.

—Is he dead? pipes up a hopeful chorus of voices on the Patio.]
For this bastard, they call an ambulance.

Once again, the snark-o-meter red lines. Once again, I cross my legs and LOL.

—She leaves him alone in the office with only his rejected ring, his pink shirt and his burgundy foulard artfully folded in his breast pocket to comfort him.

Thanks, dear Maven, for giving me the gift of laughter today. I needed it.

Elna June


NovelaMaven: Extraordinary (as always). Sweet nectar for the mind and soul.

Most have been mentioned, but these great lines bear repeating: "And we know that Hernán is yesterday's sushi", "TempeTippeeTequila cups are raised in celebration!],"Bras, a butler who looks like he has done it even if he didn't do it this particular time" and "She leaves him alone in the office with only his rejected ring, his pink shirt and his burgundy foulard". Excellent!

Hernan apparantly forgot the essential ingrediant to having confidential conversations-privacy. With the ubiquitous Macario and the obsessive Ernesto about, did he really think he could plot unobserved? Madelaine, I share your concern that Ernesto may take this out on Hada...

daisy, I am also looking forward to the tormenting of Fully - Cesar will do it masterful justice. I hope you enjoy your time with your nephew and that you have a better work week coming up.

Like Judy, loved the title. Coincidentally, a new cafe opening up near me, the Ob-la-da. Some things are simply classics.

Just heard from Judy and have conveyed my heartfelt sympathy and support...

NovelaMaven, thank you for another wonderful recap,


Cap'n Sylvia -- "I hope Mercedes doesn't let Alicia hold the proof of Fulge's crimes." also had me cracking up. You are so right. Alicia can never ever again be trusted with important documents.

I was so worried about Magda drinking again but was so glad the GoldHeartedWhore came to the rescue and brought along Mercedes, who made it back to the capital so fast, but just time in time to stop Magda from chugging the booze again.

Loved the DamReconcillation with Marina and DamFab. Who knows how long this will last but I agree that we should just enjoy the moment. I loved the kiss at the end.

Correction -- but just in time to stop Magda from chugging the booze again.


Novela Maven, what an eloquent masterpiece, thank you.
I'm happy about the damreconciliation but it's still early in this novela.
All of your asides had me laughing out loud. My favorite
Tempetippeetequila cups...
Magdalena and Mercedes' relationship is slowing strengthening whether Magdalena likes it or not.
I hope that Marina can stay strong and weather the next storm.
Thanks for the shutupbea and shutrosy comments. Gosh they are both so annoying!!!
Mauricio- I love the "suxtobeyouhernan"

Thank you for another great recap, Novela Maven.
I loved:
“Bea tries to enlist her in the Hernán Defense League (of which she and Hernán himself are currently the sole members)” and “still putting her thumb on Hernán's side of the scale”, and “For this bastard, they call an ambulance”—classic! AND-don’t forget, the “Bea-brain barrier.”

Ay, Bea is so fooled by Hernan’s Eddie Haskell Syndrome. Wish she could have seen that scene with Hernan trying to force her to...whatever he was forcing her to do.

Elna June: “Hernan is yesterday’s su-shi” sang to “Hoy tengo ganas a ti”-so funny.


Elna June,
I was able to read your comment earlier but not reply to it. And so it was that I spent a good part of the afternoon singing softly:

HerNAN is yesTERday's suSHI
HerNAN is yesTERday's suSHI

Did I really need to add this eccentricity to my growing list? And people wonder why I am so cranky. Harumph.

TempeTippeTequila cups have been on the shelves of The Storm Cellar™ for several weeks, you know. We began carrying them after Carlos expressed some concern about Martini stability on yachts.

P.S I don't advise using them for pulque unless you are looking to get your spout clogged up. Besides, pulque is so thick, it isn't technically a liquid at all. I'm not even sure you need a cup for it.

I am so glad you got a laugh out of this, my friend.


Thank you so much for your gracious words. I especially enjoyed this comment:

"Hernan apparently forgot the essential ingredient to having confidential conversations-privacy."

Yes! There's a lot of that going around on telenovelas, isn't there? I don't know if Hada will have to pay for los platos rotos -- it's troubling to think about -- but for sure, Ernesto isn't going to let the matter drop.

Hi TJ,

Thanks for the nice words.

Truth in recapping: This thing is a verbal collage that freely borrows from the clever things my fellow recappers have written and all of you have contributed in the comments. I stole ShutUpBea from Mauricio, and I pilfered ShutUpRosy from Cap'n Sylvia.

As for the cups, see above. :D

Thanks so much for your kind comment. So I'm not alone in being hooked on Elna June's new lyric, huh?

I stole ShutUpRosy from someone else too. Mauricio I think but it could have been someone else.

Cap'n and NovelaMaven -- If I remember correctly it was Mads who came up with ShutUpRosy.

So we stole "ShutUpRosy" from Mads? Hah! We are a larcenous bunch!

[Hey, there aren't any lawyers around, are there? Whew.)

And while I'm coming clean, I'll add that I stole "Ursula Horribilis" and "R-Lay-Dee" from EJ; "chiseled chest" from Gloria; and "manly muscular arms" from Mauricio.

Team motto: You write it, we'll steal it!

Also I am planning to use Mads's "Ick Alert" at the first opportunity.


I love our new motto! We must post it over the bar in the patio.

I have already plagiarized ICK Alert with great success. It's very handy.

NovelaMaven - Terrific recap. My favorites have already been called out, but here's one more: "...tells her to stifle herself, Edith." Thanks for the translations and the lowdown on pulque.

No matter what trick Hernan may pull with Estericita/Hada, Marina has now seen enough of the real Hernan to never think again about marrying him. But I don't even want to think about Bea's reaction if Estercita/Hada shows up in town.

Ursula's thought-bubble about doing both Damian and Hernan was a hoot. Very smooth on her part to play "just friends" with Damian.

NovelaMaven - what more can I add that hasn't been said, except a heartfelt thank you, for yet another fine recap. I learned something new today.... pulque.

So glad DamFineFab and Marina are back together; both in matching white at that. I really missed them.

I too am impressed with XN's Mags. Please, please, please..... I hope she's not the predictable tn twin.


To My Fellow Recappers:

You may borrow, steal or plagiarize my sayings anytime. I don't mind one bit ; )

Thanks, Novelamaven, for yet another funny, insightful recap.

Well, we had a busy day yesterday. After dance class, the whole family made the hourlong trip to an amusement park for a couple hours of rides and fun in unseasonably warm weather in the 80s. We carried the little girls up to bed about 8.30pm before making our weary way home. I was able to stay awake long enough to read NM's excellent recap and all the interesting comments.

I think that Eusebia's spirit has not left the building or abandoned this tn . She will continue to support DamSugarpie and his honeybunch while haunting AWFulPerson until he receives his just reward. She will also continue to inspire us. As the Navaho say, " To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."

Now, I am off for lunch with dear friends. Have a good day, all.

P.s. Loved all the lever lines, but I must mention one of my favs..."her boyfriends back and Hernie is in trouble." Now that Hernie's mask has started to slip , Sleeping beauty has finally awakened and seen the face if evil.

Niecie -- I loved Ursula's thoughtbuble about wanting both DamFab and Hernan too. Ursula likes them refined and wild. I just hope she focuses more on refined Hernan and leaves DamWild alone.

I'm impressed with XN's Magdalena too. She is so different from Marina. I too hope they don't go the typical route with the twin storyline.


"Ursula's thought-bubble about doing both Damian and Hernan was a hoot."

It was! As Mauricio said, she likes them both "refined [Hernán] and wild [DamFine]."

The irony, of course, is that while DamAspirational was doing the Bard of Avon, Hernán was doing the Whores of Babylon. While DamValiant was taking hits, Hernán was putting out hits.

[On the other hand, Ursula is more concerned with style than substance. I doubt if she'd change her thinking about which is which even if could see the action from the omniscient perspective of the Patio.]


I also liked seeing Dam and Marina in white again. I think that, where our main characters are concerned, color is never accidental here.

"I too am impressed with XN's Mags. Please, please, please..... I hope she's not the predictable tn twin."

I guess we can expect at least a little mischief at first, a little playing with mistaken identities. But wouldn't it be great if Mags became Mercedes's secret weapon against the bad guys? If she used her street smarts to see through Hernán and outsmart Ernesto in order to protect her ma?

Hi Susanlynn:

Glad you enjoyed the recap. And so glad you had fun with the family yesterday. Mr. Maven and I spent the day checking out the colors of the trees in the north woods -- not quite at peak yet but still golden and gorgeous. [This is the old fart's idea of an amusement park!]

"Eusebia's spirit has not left the building."

No. But we'll still miss her going about her homely chores. And let's hope someone remembers to feed that poor skinny burro.

About Ernesto, the other night I remembered that Ernesto knows Marina and Marina knows the scum that Ernesto is. Had Ernesto gone to the engagement party things would have been really good. Not only because of that but also because Ernesto would have taken a very preggers EstherHada with him. I'm not sure if that is what Hernan wanted or if he had a brain fart and didn't think that EstherHada could show up at the engagement party too.

I also remembered the other night that Dr. Gonzalez knows Marina. Yet he did not think it was strange that there is another girl who looks exactly like Marina. That is beanie tightening moment.

NM--Loved your recap, they're always filled with surprises, just like a DamFine Christmas package wrapped up in a pink shirt and burgundy foulard. (OTOH, I'd rather have the package wrapped up in WWP.)

All my favorite quips have already been selected by others. Great minds run on the same tracks.

JudyB--Belated hugs and calming thoughts.

Susanlynn--Glad you had a wonderful day. May everything turn out for the best for your family.

Eusebia--What a send-off. Glad you will still be around in spirit to annoy the hell out of Fully.

Bea--Wish you had been there to see how your precious Hernan behaved with someone he's supposed to love and protect. Please keep your Bea-Brain engaged.

The Patio--Wasn't it fortunate we were all visiting La Cueva together and got to witness that Kiss. And they thought they were alone-HA.

Mercedes--You still have your daughters, the House, the Nightclub and lots of friends. Consider yourself RICH. What's a little money when you have all that AND your health. OTOH, I might look into your broker's background.

Ursilis--Keep your eyes trained on Herman. He's much more your type (minus the zippered bosom).

Fulgencio--I pray you don't follow your doctor's advice.

Magdalena--Listen to your mother. Sooner or later you'll be having fun deceiving good people and bad that they are seeing double.

ShutupRosy--Shut Up

Padre--Talk to your Dios; right now you are talking to the hand.

Damian and Marina--You look fabulous in white. Mar: I'd lose the aqua satchel, though. Small and elegant suits you better.

Hada/Pestercita--Watch your back AND your front. Your about to lose that package you are carrying around.

Hernan--You are last week's sushi.



"... I remembered that Ernesto knows Marina and Marina knows the scum that Ernesto is."

I was thinking that too. A Marina-Ernesto confrontation would have (you should excuse the expression) blown Hernán out of the water. As for the possibility that he might have brought along Hadacita -- oy vey!

Dr. Gonzales -- is he the nice guy taking care of Mags? Was he also Bea's doctor? If he is the person I'm thinking of, I would guess that Mercedes has told him her sad story. She seems to have shared the saga of the twins with lots of folks in the city.

¡Hola Anita!

"(OTOH, I'd rather have the package wrapped up in WWP.)"

Indeed. And who would not?

"Padre--Talk to your Dios; right now you are talking to the hand."

You are cracking me up today, lady!

I'm happy you enjoyed the recap.

NovelaMaven -- Yes. Dr. Gonzalez is the doctor taking care of Magda. He is also Bea's doctor. I call him The Only Doctor In Mexico City. It would make sense that Mercedes would have had to tell him her story since he should have thought it was strange that Magda looks exactly like Marina.


Notice: La Tempestad Extra - Confidencial, Issue #1 is up.

Enjoy the leftovers from earlier episodes--except for, "Hernan, you are last week's sushi."

Anita -- Thank you. Going to read it now.

'Hernan is yesterday's Su-shi.."
Hello, all, I am still humming the NM original song for Caray Caray. It's quite a catchy little number, isn't it?

Mauricio and NM:
Please remind me of how Marina and Ernesto know one another. I do not remember that.

Did you spot any birdies for the life list in the North woods? Autumn is my favorite time of year. I have never been in Wisconsin in the fall, but I have been in the wooded lakes areas of Minnesota in October. It was breathtaking.

If we are talking 'truth in recapping' it will be hard to remember just who used a phrase first.

I first remember the 'Shut. Up. X.' being used by Kat, La Diva del Desierto, in about 2008 or 2009. Perhaps it was for MEPS? No se.

Anita: Did you read 'The Professor and the Madman'? It was a wonderful non-fiction book describing the early days of research for the OED. It would take someone with your attention to detail to use the Oxford method of identifying the first time a clever phrase—instead of a word—was used by a recapper.


NM thank you so much for this wonderful recap. Most of your lines I enjoyed have been mentioned but like Judy your work made me smile.

I also like your suggestion for Mags being used or using her skills for good and take down Ernesto. It would continue his ultimate downfall and be poignant b/c he stole her from Mercy. I'm also hoping now that Ester/Hada realizes what he is, she will play a part in his demise as well.

Like others I am going to enjoy this probably brief reunion of our couple. I really can't wait until Bea finds out the degree of Herny's wretchedness and ShutUp Rosy's hypocrisy gets exposed.

And the fall of Ernesto. Who will take him down - so many possibilities? Even though Fully is in the hospital, he could actually be dangerous when he finds out Herny knew where Ester was and she married Ernie. The good thing about the number of baddies is that none of the good guys need get their hands dirty.

How could I forget? Yes! The Only Doctor In Mexico City (TODIMC). Thank you!

"The good thing about the number of baddies is that none of the good guys need get their hands dirty."

Boy oh boy, I hope you're right. And thanks for stopping by. I appreciate the kind words.

Elna June:
My life list consists of Chinese restaurants in Northern Wisconsin that you could imagine being in the Bronx or Mexico City or Chicago (though not, of course, in China). So yes, in that sense I did add a fine specimen to my list when we were in Rhinelander.

[Speaking of things autumnal (my favorite season too), I have just learned that the German word for autumn is Herbst. That seems so wrong, doesn't it?]

The Professor and the Madman? I love that book!
If anyone here does the Sunday Times puzzles, the anagram today is on a related subject (I won't say more for fear of spoiling it for you.)

And speaking of madness and dictionaries, I am reminded of a wonderful term:

hapax legomenon
It is from Greek and it means literally "one time + reading", that is, it refers to a word or term that occurs only one time in the recorded body of a language.

Really, what's not to love?

EJ -- Before Marina moved to R-Laydee she worked at a hotel. She was the manager I believe. Ernesto raped one of the maids. Maid told Marina and Marina took action calling the cops and filing a police report against Ernesto. Ernesto was arrested but was later released when the maid dropped the charges. It was that incident that led Marina to quit her job at the hotel when the other executives at the hotel wanted her to back down on filing the police report against their best customer Ernesto.

EJ--Yes, I seemed to recall right away that I had read the Professor and the Madman. Just to be sure I checked on-line and read a few pages. Could not remember it. Then, scrolling a bit further down, it did come back to me. I'm probably due for a second read, if I'm to keep up with this crowd.


Novela Maven, "DamAspirational was doing the Bard of Avon, Hernán was doing the Whores of Babylon". Oh my, and the hits just keep coming!

Thanks, Mauricio. I have wormholes in my memory. Thank heavens I have friends to help fill in the holes.

NM: I love your life list of cheap and cheerful Chinese restaurants. My sisters and I (plus a couple of crazy friends) have several life lists, including my favorite, "The Tourist Hall of Shame". Of course, just to keep everybody honest, you have to bag a photo of the candidate for the Tourist Hall of Shame. Reportage is NOT good enough.



Susanlynn - love love "DamSugarpie"

"Eusebia's spirit has not left the building."
And, maybe even better, Monica Miguel can now concentrate full time on directing and giving this tn her special touch!

Next time Rosario screams at Lazaro about Jaz he should yell back, "Oh yeah, then, who's my daddy?"

I seem to remember that "Shutuprosy" in this current group of Uni tns came from one of the recappers from CI who used it to SHUTUPDORIS! Whoever first used it for Rosario actually gave props to the shutupdoris person at the time.

Even though Bea didn't see how Hernan reacted to and manhandled Marina when she broke it off with him, she will find out. Marina, in her quest to always tell the truth and not to keep secrets, will definitely tell her mom and aunt all about it.

Anon -- "Next time Rosario screams at Lazaro about Jaz he should yell back, "Oh yeah, then, who's my daddy?"

That would be awesome if he were to do that. I'd love to see it.

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