Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #6 Mon 10/14/13 While some have to settle into their new lives, others don’t know how to get rid of their old ones…

Villa el Descanso Eterno
It’s night time in San Carlos and Lucina and Raquel invited the guy who helped them fake Oriana’s passport for another round of Forgers Anonymous. He believes Real Ines’ fingerprints were used for Fake Ines’ new passport. But he doesn’t think the driver’s license prints will be checked for a match with the ones in the passport. Get it? Good.
Raquel and Lucina agree with him, but that Oriana is such a paranoid, she should just make a fake driver’s license and relax.
And talking about Ori, has Lucina asked her if the new family knows Ricardo Sanchez Bretton? Raquel inquires.  

Casa Madrina/Abuela
While Alina is asleep, Oriana is trying to learn how to write her new signature, for when she has to fake-sign her new credit cards… Lucina calls just then to let her know the fingerprints from the passport belong to Ines.
So, what do I do with the driver’s license? Ori asks in a panic.
Make up something, what else? Lucina offers a very good suggestion (not really); but her shrug informs Viewerville that what she really means to say is: “Do I have to do all the illicit work for you?”
Oriana complains about the mess they got her into, but Lucina would like a thank you, instead, for helping her stay out of jail. Before they begin to fight, Raquel asks for the phone just to tell Oriana the exact same thing as Lucina did and to urge her to use her smarts to solve the problem. Oh, and by the way, does your new family know Ricardo? Raquel remembers to ask.
Oh, yes, Oriana replies, and that’s another problem, he’s Paloma’s godson and he’s always here, nosing around, taking me to walks around the city and gazing at me lovingly – ok, I might’ve made up the gazing part, but Viewerville can pretend I didn’t, because Raquel’s reply works best with my imagination: she warns her best friend to stay away from Ricardo because he is HER man and if Ori crosses the line with him, she (Raquel) might spill the beans, reveal the whole truth.
Ori threatens to do it first and hangs up, hurrying to Alina, who’s talking in her sleep or something… And here is how the besties become rivals…Just give it time! 

Back at the villa, Lucina can’t believe that Raquel dared to tell something like that to Oriana – only because she had an acoston (romp in the hay) with the guy. No, no, Raquel denies, they only did it once because there was no time for more, but if Oriana, the mosca muerta (hypocrite, someone who pretends to be all innocent, but really isn’t) dares to step on her territory… She doesn’t continue, but we all get what she’s taking about, Raquel is slowly showing her villana claws.
Lucina thinks that the last thing on Oriana’s mind right now is having a man, but Raquel believes that Ori could use him to solve all her problems. And it’s not like she killed his father, it was the little girl.
After Raquel leaves, Lucian sees Felipe, who has been listening to the whole conversation. She asks him if he believes Alina killed Gabriel – Felipe doesn’t think so, a .44 caliber is a very heavy gun for a little girl. So was it Oriana who shot him, then, Lucina wonders – she had no reasons to do it. How about if Felipe, who has some military training (how convenient) inspected the gun?
I’m thinking, since the villa is doing so bad tourism wise, why not open a morgue and a CSI type lab, the business would be soaring and Lucina obviously has all the necessary contacts to pull it off.

The next morning Ballistic Technician Felipe and The Director of the San Carlos CSI Division, Lucina, talk about their most recent case – Expert Felipe’s verdict: the gun used to commit the crime can’t be the same as the one they have, because this one is smaller then the one the press mentioned, it’s a .22 caliber. Felipe thinks Manolo, the ACTUAL cop, should know about it, this is the proof that neither Oriana nor Alina shot Gabriel.
No, Sir, Lucina disagrees, Manolo would think they planted the gun just to help Oriana. So they better keep quiet about the whole thing, not even Raquel can know.
What is Lucina’s angle in all this? Until now I just thought she was trying to help in her own twisted way, but could she have another reason? If there was ever a moment for some thought-bubbles, this would be it, but we get none of that from Lucina.

In Hermosillo, Ricardo comes to visit Paloma, who asked him for a favor that surely has to do with her grand-daughter. He assures her he has no problems doing whatever it is that he was asked to do, just as Oriana comes to tell Paloma that she signed the credit cards.
Paloma kind of has the celestina (matchmaker) look, while gazing at Ricardo and Oriana, but she hides it well for now.
Apparently what Ricardo is supposed to do is take Ines and buy her a new car, but Ines doesn’t want one, because years ago she had an accident and she’s been afraid of cars ever since. Was the accident your fault? Ricardo sweetly asks, but Viewerville can see his grey cells are in high alert (and isn’t it a pleasure to have a galan with a functioning brain?).
Paloma doesn’t want to pressure her grand-daughter, it’s not like they don’t have a chauffer, Jorge, who can escort her whenever she needs to go somewhere.
(See, Oriana, problem solved, Lucina would be proud!)
After Oriana leaves, Ricardo thinks she’s a little odd, but Paloma defends her, the girl is still trying to get used to all of them.
She says goodbye to Ricardo and then goes to her room and calls Santos, the detective. He’s out of town, so Paloma leaves a message – she needs to see him as soon as he’s back.
Ha, I didn’t see this coming! Could Paloma, with all her need for her grand-daughter to be alive, be suspicious all the same?

At Ricardo's house, he and tia Fidelia talk about Ines; tia thinks Paloma will throw a party for Ines to be introduced to everybody in their social circle. Ricardo has no clue about this, but thinks that Ines is a simple girl, who appears to be a good person, too. 
Enter Sebas to ask if Ines is guapa (beautiful), and Ricardo has to agree with this. He doesn’t know her age, but she does have a small daughter…and no, he knows nothing about her husband… (But I’m thinking he must know there was one at some point, since Oriana was still wearing her wedding rings during their tour of the city.)
So, how about Sebas, will he continue his studies?
Lol, Sebas almost says, when will dad’s affairs be in order? Ricardo thinks soon enough, Lila is coming to Hermosillo.
Having found out all that he cares about – the money, Sebas leaves. Fidelia thinks Ricardo should do something about Sebas, but what is he supposed to do? Of one thing he’s sure, though: as soon as Sebas gets his hands on their father’s money, he’ll waste it on clubs and girls.

Outside, Sebas passes by Benigno, which he completely ignores. Ricardo is right behind him, though, and is upset when Benigno-Maligno calls Sebas his grand-son. Why did he come, he knows he’s not supposed to.
Well, apparently, the doctor changed Maria’s medicine and the new ones are more expensive. Ricardo asks for the prescription, but Maligno forgot it home. Ricardo doesn’t believe him, though (good boy!) no matter how much Maligno swears on his Diosito Santo.
Ricardo is getting fed up with him (who wouldn’t?), so Maligno reminds him he has no choice: if he stops the cash cow, he’ll tell his grandson the entire truth, ask him for money – HHAHHA, like Sebas would ever give a damn! Really, Maligno, I thought you were smarter than that. 
But the threat seems to work on Ricardo, because he takes out his wallet and gives the slime some money.
I just now noticed that the proud grandpa has a beer in his hand – and I know the perfect place to enjoy one's beer - may I suggest he visit Villa el Descanso Eterno in San Carlos? People have been known to disappear/ go to a better place after visiting that place, I’d love for him to have a similar fate.  

Next, Ricardo is at the Gym and talks about the whole Maligno situation with Padre Black Undershirt, during a friendly boxing training; Padre Sleeveless advises him to tell Sebas the whole truth (so he knows about Maria, then he’s not one of the aggressors, right?), but Ricardo is afraid (afraid of what, ruining their great relationship?) – he thinks he shouldn’t have listened to his parents and he should have married Maria.
Padre Sweaty Muscles insists Ricardo should tell Sebas the truth, in time he’ll get used to the idea and he might use a big epiphany like this to get his head straight.

Alina is very happy because Oriana got her a little dog (kind of like a Chihuahua, but bigger), one that was abandoned by its last owners.
Enter Mad-hilde, to warn that dogs are not aloud in the house, no matter how much Alina tries to explain that her Abuela already gave her permission – dogs are dirty, they pee all over the place and they smell. Oriana says she’ll clean up after the dog, but that doesn’t faze Madhilde at all. So Oriana does the best she can under the circumstances, deciding to ignore Madhilde, and asks Jorge, the driver who’s carrying the stuff they bought for the dog, to accompany her and Alina to the little girl’s bedroom.
“No lo voy a permitir! Perros en MI casa?! …Faltaba mas…” (I won’t allow dogs in MY house. That’s the last thing we need), Madhilde screeches, but nobody pays any attention to her.

Padre Plaid in Pink Stripes is now talking about Sebas with Paloma. She doesn’t think the boy would take the news about his real parents too well, either. He’s nothing like Cesar, for example, who is calmer and more reasonable.
Enter Madhilde to complain about the dog, but Paloma quickly shuts her up. Whatever Lina wants, Lina will get, things won’t be like before, Ines and Lina have as many rights as all the other people living in the house and Madhilde better treat Ines nice, or else….
Madhilde swallows her bitterness and goes to fetch Ines, at Paloma’s request.
After she leaves, Paloma wonders if Ines was arrogant with Madhilde (like Madhilde pretended in her tirade), she’d like to know about her life after she left the brothel, but she doesn’t dare to ask.

Oriana is in Alina’s room, advising her to take good care of the doggy, when Jorge comes with the news that Paloma wants to talk to her.  

Paloma and Padre Plants are watering some fern looking green stuff (literally, he’s watering them, while she’s showing him how), when Oriana joins them.
The old lady introduces her to Mariano, a priest, but also a friend.
Paloma asked Ines to come so they can talk about Mariano’s propositions for places where Lina could go to school. Padrecito finally drags himself away from the plants and starts talking about the girl’s education. Oriana is very proud to let them know that Lina is very smart, she can read, write, etc… Padre asks if the girl attended a kindergarten, Oriana suspiciously says she taught her at home – but why would she hide this, when they all know Lina was in school when Paloma found them? Ricardo even took care of her papers. Padre and Paloma exchange a look…

Madhilde is complaining to her husband about that advenediza (arivist, presuming, conceited), but he advices her to learn to deal with it. Of course she won’t, No Sir, that would only make things easier for the two intruders. Ruben lets her whine about it and leaves – the expression on his face lets Viewerville know that he’s near the end of his rope.
He meets Oriana, Alina and the dog, Tito. He’s trying so hard to be friendly with the animal and the little girl, he kind of gives me the hypocrite vibe.
After Oriana and Alina leave, Madhilde, who witnessed the whole love fest between hubby and dog, calls him an ass-kisser, but Ruben warns her to behave, because now she has not one, but three patronas and if Ines or Lina decide to complain to Paloma about her, the four of them (Cesar and Fabiola included) will be thrown out, in the street. They need to get used to their new life, find ways to compromise. Madhilde doesn’t think Paloma would ever dare to throw them out, but Ruben seems so sure of this, she starts to worry, too.

Alina goes to play with the dog in the garden, while Oriana lovingly watches over them.

Aresti-Bretton Factory
It’s a new day and Paloma takes Oriana to the company. Ricardo and Piero welcome them – Viewerville notices that Ricardo isn’t the type of executive who thinks wearing a tie at work is necessary (the few loose buttons that make chest gazing possible, but leave enough for the imagination are always the better solution; thank you, Show!). Piero is the victim of the same fashion habits, but David Zepeda can rock a vest like nobody’s business, while Fabian Robles’ jacket is quite plain. (We wouldn’t want the best friend to be more handsome then the prota, right?)
Oriana and Piero are introduced.

In Ricardo’s office, Paloma tells him she brought Ines over to tell her about the factory and what they do – with Lina at school, she wishes to work. Ricardo wants to know what field she’s interested in, but Paloma thinks it’s better if she learned about the whole factory, first.
Ricardo is more than happy to show her around, Oriana’s giddy, somewhat restless face is a sign that she’s either still nervous about pretending to be another person or she’s excited to see Ricardo. (I choose to pick option number two – because I can.)
With all due respect, your grad-daughter is beautiful! Piero says when he’s left alone with Paloma.  Hands off, Piero, she’s taken!

Montage of the inside of the factory, some huge spools of thread, jeans being sewed by sewing machines and other big factory equipments – Ricardo is explaining stuff to Oriana, she listens carefully, loves the activity, they’re very close and chummy, looking nice together, both elegant and good-looking.
At the end he asks what area interests her most, so she decides to go with what she knows best: numbers. Does she know about stuff like budgets, accounting, computers? Ricardo asks. Sure she knows computers, she lives in this century! Oriana sets him straight.
He seems fascinated, I hope down the line he doesn’t believe she wanted to work in the Financial Department just so she can steal money easier.

The Blue House
Later, with Piero, Ricardo expresses what an enigma Ines is for him, but already showing a cara de tonto enamorado. Piero agrees that Ines is quite special, he’s even thinking about hitting on her.
Wait a minute, Ricardo objects, aren’t you still married? Nope, I just signed the divorce papers yesterday, I’m free as a bird, Piero announces. But if you like her, too, I’ll step aside.
Ricardo is conflicted, though, her attitude with him is so strange. Today at the factory she was very happy, she asked a lot of pertinent questions, but then, all of a sudden, she became tense, watchful. He plans to talk to madrina because some of her background doesn’t really fit with her personality – she is supposed to be an orphan girl, he doesn’t think whoever took care of her helped her go to the University, but yet, she says she’s skilled enough.
As Ricardo makes this ever so insightful analysis of Ines’ education, Piero draws the only obvious conclusion: Ricardo likes her, isn’t that right?
No, what’s that all about, Ricardo laughs, throwing a blue pillow at his friend, like you’d expect any teenager with a surging crush to react.

In San Carlos Raquel tells Lucina that she wants to go to Guaymas, search for clients. Nobody comes to the villa, anymore, the few tourists who do show up stay a couple of days and then leave. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a hotel business in Guaymas, she thinks, change their lives.
Yeah, but we don’t have the money, Lucina objects.
Maybe we could sell the villa and ask Oriana to cover the difference, Raquel has the bright idea. Lucina has thought about this, too, after all, they helped Oriana become a millionaire, but why Guaymas? Could it be because Ricardo leaves nearby, in Hermosillo? (Then why not just go to Hermo???) Lucina reminds her that Ricardo left them thinking that Oriana killed his dad and they are protecting her, so that should be kind of a buzz kill for their future romance, right?
Well, yes, that’s why Raquel wants to visit Oriana, find out how things are going (and expose her to more of Ricardo’s suspicions, I might add).

It’s a new day in Hermosillo and Paloma once again is calling for Detective Santos and asking for his new cell number.
Ricardo comes knocking (does this guy live here?), says he thinks about hiring Ines in the Accounting Dept and asks Paloma to tell him all she knows about Ines because there are things about her that don’t add up.

Sebas and Fabiola meet in town, he boasts about not going to school anymore, having a brand new life and all the freedom in the world, now that his father is dead (poor idiot!). And talking about that, he really liked her at the funeral, she’s quite beautiful. She seems impressed by his crap, but she can’t accept his coffee invitation for now, because her mom is waiting for her.
The whole scene is being watched from afar by Piero and Antonio (this is the guy’s name, right?). Piero has remorse for what they did to Maria and the way Ricardo had to take the fall for it (BINGO! Mystery solved!), but Antonio couldn’t care less – in his opinion everyone (meaning him) came out winning. Yeah, but Sebas could be my son or yours, Piero points out. No matter, he is better off having Gabriel and his wife as parents, Antonio insists. 

Back with Ricardo and Paloma, he explains that he only wants to know more about Ines so that he can understand her better. He knows about Palomita’s death, but what happened with Ines after her mother died?
Paloma tells the whole story about Ines living in a brothel until she was 16, working as a prostitute and disappearing after an abortion. But Ricardo doesn’t think the Ines they know could be like that, she obviously has an education, is well mannered.
Well, yes, as it turns out  that’s why Paloma wants Santos to investigate what happened with her after she disappeared, maybe some good people took her in and helped her. And yes, it would be easier to ask her directly, but she doesn’t want Ines to feel any shame or run off with Lina. Ricardo is sworn the secrecy, but he still doesn’t think this Ines has anything to do with the description they have of her.
Paloma gets restless, assures him that even if Ines were a savage, she’d still help her because she’s to blame for all that Ines went through (knowing how Real Ines turned out, Viewerville can only feel sorry for Paloma).

Madhilde spies from the balcony a moment, as Ricardo goes into the garden to talk to Oriana (who is looking over Alina and Tito). Just as Madhilde leaves, the talk downstairs gets more interesting.
Ricardo asks Oriana where she lived before they found her in Guaymas. Well, she was living in Monterrey with her husband or partner (that’s the way Ricardo asks and she doesn’t specify if it’s one or the other). Ricardo would like to be her friend, she can confide in him. Oriana says she’s happy now, calm, even if in the past she had her problems, like any other person. She’s just having a difficult time adjusting to her new life, to having a rich grandma and all this luxury she’s not used to.
Alina shows up to talk about Tito and Ricardo starts playing with the dog.

Later on, in the gym with Padre Boxer, Ricardo says that he never met this particular kind of prostitute, although he’s had his share of promiscuous women (Attaboy!). Padre thinks he shouldn’t judge, the fact that Ines used to have that existence doesn’t mean that she couldn’t have changed and decided to lead a better life.
But why so interested? That is not normal, do still think she might be Oriana Caligaris, your father’s assassin? Padre asks the million pesos question.
Ricardo is not sure, the detective said that Ines and the villa owners had minimal interaction during her stay there, and yet, they talked on the phone after. So, why doesn’t Ricardo just ask Ines about it?
The answer is easy, he’s afraid of what she might answer, he’s afraid that she’s an impostor.
He admits to his friend that he likes Ines a lot and he doesn’t want to fall in love with her. Because she used to be a prostitute, Padre asks? A prostitute or an assassin, Ricardo points out, no sane man would ever fall for such a woman.
Yeah, but the heart has its own ways, wisely says Padre Dr. Phil.

Oriana is alone in her room, remembering her last fight with Jose Luis, at the airport and how she told him he’s dead for her. Her worried face changes to a smiley one, as she remembers one of the talks she had with Ricardo during their Hermosillo tour and his earlier offer to see him as a friend.  

Alina and Paloma chat about Tito, the travieso (naughty) dog for a while. Then Paloma starts questioning Alina about the life she and her mom supposedly had in Monterrey (sneaky!!) – Mom said that you were very good in school, do you take your smarts from your mom or your dad? What was dad’s job? Were you very little when he died?
“Todavia soy chiquita” (I’m still very little) Alina promptly answers – she has a very cautious attitude throughout all this questioning, she really is a smart kid.
But Paloma pushes further, asking Alina if she remembers the dad’s name, making her  cry. Finally realizing that she’s hurting the little girl, Paloma stops and hugs her.

A new day arrives – Alina’s first day of school. Oriana and Padre Plaid accompany her, Alina wouldn’t like to part from her mom, but Oriana promises to be there to pick her up. Alina hopes she’ll have a math class, Padre thinks this is a first, a little girl looking forward to that.

At the factory, a lawyer and a notary explain to Ricardo, Sebas, Lila and Slimy Bert that since Gabriel died without a will, the repartition of his fortune has to be made according to the law: each of them will get the third part of his belongings (the house in Tijuana and the 20% shares at the factory). Lila isn’t happy with this, she lives in the house, where is she supposed to go if she doesn’t have complete ownership? Besides, she should get more, she was the wife, Gabriel’s support all these years. Ricardo makes an effort not to roll his eyes, while Sebas thinks that since his dad had all his fortune before marrying her, she should be happy with what she gets; and they should sell everything and divide it by three. On his part, Ricardo suggests that she could sell her part of the factory shares and use the money to  buy off the 2 thirds of the house that don’t belong to her.
Lila isn’t happy with either solution, though. The lawyer thinks she could sell her part of the house and buy a nice apartment – Bert agrees with this option, it’s not like she has a choice.

Later, at a restaurant, Lila is whining, while Bert is trying to convince her she should sell the house in Tijuana and come here, the change would be good and HE could keep an eye on her shares.
Lila seems sure that if she had had the time she would have been able to convince Gabriel to leave her all the fortune, but Bert has no such dreams: Gabriel would have left everything to his sons, maybe even to Lucina. So, finish this shot of tequila and stop complaining.

Back at the house, Sebas talks trash about Lila, so Ricardo asks him to have more respect for their father’s wife. Fidelia tries to calm them down, but Sebas couldn’t care less about what Ricardo says – he only wants his money and his part of the shares and Ricardo can go to Hell.
After Sebas leaves, Fidelia wonders if maybe the brat might be loco de la cabesa (crazy); Ricardo sighs.

Maligno just now arrived home after staying the entire night outside (probably spending Ricardo’s money). The woman taking care of Maria tells him his daughter ran out again, where could she be? Maligno thinks she should have called Ricardo, it’s his mujer, after all, right? And takes another sip of his cheap looking beer.  

At the factory, Ricardo and Piero talk about Sebas possibly inheriting his mom’s illness. He never had the epilepsy attacks that Maria gets, but Maria has other health problems, also.
The secretary interrupts them to announce that Maligno is on the line and Ricardo hurries to Maligno’s house when he hears Maria ran away. Piero offers to come with him.
Once they arrive, Maligno tells them it’s not the first time she runs (it’s the first time Ricardo knows anything about it, though).

Paloma talks with Santos, she wants to know more about Ines’ life. She doesn’t think she’ll open up to her, especially with a past like hers. Santos decides to go search in Monterrey, but it will take time.

Maria is flirting with a guy, when Ricardo and the others find her. Maligno wants to slap her, Piero stops him just in time. Maligno whines that he can’t control her anymore, she needs a change, Ricardo needs to take her at his house.

Ricardo and Oriana on a yacht, gazing at one another
Ricardo tells Paloma he likes Ines A LOT
Ricardo tells Padre Mariano the only explanation he finds for Ines being so unlike a prostitute is that she’s really Oriana Caligaris.


Adriana Noel, wow! Thank you for the incredibly thorough and entertaining recap.

I love your little inferences that Villa el Descanso is some sort of Bates Hotel..."since the villa is doing so bad tourism wise, why not open a morgue and a CSI type lab" and the even funnier "may I suggest he visit Villa el Descanso Eterno in San Carlos?" So funny!

OK, so now we know that Pierro and Antonio both took advantage of Maria. I'm surprised we got that clarified for us so early in the game.

Kudos to you for keeping all the characters straight. I fear I'm still perpetually confused by all the people coming in and out of the scenes.

Great title, pretty much sums it up. Thanks!

Glad you liked it, Sylvia!
It's hard to keep all the names straight, that's true, but when in doubt, I use Wikipedia :)

Adriana Noel, this was just super! There is SO much going on that I can't believe I am watching what appears to be a well written TN.

Ricky has a BRAIN! Little Lina is precious. I wondered when she would hit a breaking point and she hit her first one, but what recovery on the part of the kid!

Tito...I love the name of that little dog! Tito El Bambino. :))

Gotta say that our Poor Richard/Ricardo has some "interesting" friends. Just wait until he gets to the truth of the Maria story.

So far, it seems like all of the characters have importance and add depth to the story. I just can't believe it!

Ruben bears watching.

Thank you so much for a wonderfully detailed recap, Adriana Noel!!


Adriana Noel:

Thanks so much for this marvelous recap. I like the little asides too : )

I just knew that the gun that Lina had in her hands was a .22. It's too bad Lucina didn't take that gun to the cops. The cop should know immediately this isn't the murder weapon. Different caliber bullet.

I am liking how Ricardo is suspicious and Oriana is liking him and is cautious. Ricardo is very close to the truth about who Oriana is as far as Oriana not being Ines.

That determining of the assets was great insight. So no one gets what they want. Especially the "grieving" widow, her brother and the snotty Sebas.

Mad-Hilde needs to shut up, her house indeed, NOT. Why are they living there, her and Rueben and the kids? I bet Mad-Hilde wouldn't know how to manage money either. She'd spend it like Sebas. I like both their kids though.

I am really liking this one. Good flow of the story. Thanks again Adriana Noel!

Adriana Noel - Great recap. My favorite: "The next morning Ballistic Technician Felipe and The Director of the San Carlos CSI Division, Lucina, talk about their most recent case..."

Glad the paternity is at least narrowed down. It bugged me to think that Padre Plaid might've been the culprit. What awful "friends" Ricardo has. But Piero at least seems repentant and to care how Sebastian turns out.

Paloma and Alina were lovely together. Two actresses at both ends of the age spectrum doing fine work.

So because Ines' mom was a prostitute, Ines is expected to be uncouth? Excuse me? That and his earlier remark about Sebas possibly freaking out cause his mom is the daughter of a lowly gardener make me think Ricardo needs to be knocked down a peg. Hopefully the murderess, gold smuggler, and impostor is just the woman to do it.


Adriana, so much work you've done with this. But it's all important details, so thank you so much for putting in the time and effort. I loved all your new names for the padre, depending on what he was wearing or doing. My favorite was padre Dr. Phil,lol.

Wow, what a butt hugging skirt Oriana had on at the factory. Yikes!
I loves Raquel's 'Keep your hands off my man, he's mine!' It reminds me of our fights over Cristian de la Fuente with Amor Bravio.
I choked up when Paloma was grilling Lina. When she started to cry, I did too. So much pressure to lie for such a little girl. I'm glad that she just didn't say anything.
I can see where Ricardo would question Ines's education. If she grew up in a brothel until she was 16, it would be hard to believe that she came out of it so much better. Not that it's impossible, but if one is already suspicious, it would certainly add to the suspicion. I wonder if he will investigate what Oriana Caligaris looks like? Since he knows her name, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a picture of her.



It's funny isn't it the parallel with Daniel from AB, how they were looking for a pic of him and the Scooby Gang thwarted their efforts, I wonder if Raquel and Lucina can do the same?

Thanks for this most excellent recap of what is now my favorite TN. Nicely done.

I think that we all pretty much realized that the shooter couldn't have been little Lina. I so hope that Lucina or Raquel shares that bit of information with Oriana(I think this is a rather unfortunate name)/Inez. Shoulda listened to the kid when she pleaded, "I didn't do anything!"

Anyone remember swooning over Chema in CME? So how're you liking Berto?


Berto = Blech

Adriana - great recap. Thanks for all the details.

I just watched it this morning, wondering who the heck raped Maria and thinking I'd missed something when BAM! Piero and Antonio speak about it. Some friends. I bet it'll turn out Antonio is Sebas' dad cuz he's the least likeable of the two, even though they BOTH raped her. Freaks!

And what's with Padrecito and those shirts. Any priest I've ever known always wore the black shirt w/the collar. If they're in civvies, they don't wear the collar. Is it different in Mexico? (my priest occasionally wears a Dodger shirt sans the collar)

Love that little Lina -- oh my when those tears came on!! She's won my heart as did Tito.

This TN is really shaping up. I find myself looking forward to watching. Thanks again, Adriana.


Thanks for pointing that out about Berto, Carlos. I thought he looked familiar. And he's with Lina who was his older lover too, how funny.

Gracias AN,bueno recap
If they had used their brains in the beginning, we wouldn't have a novela. The gun wasn't fired, Alina & Oriana had no gun powder on their hands. They are all in a mess now, false testimony, obstructing, etc, etc.

Oh well, here we are & at least Ricardo & Paloma aren't dunces, like a certain idiota over at CI.

A little DNA would be in order for Sebastian. Ricardo doesn't know for sure that he did the deed, he can't remember. The kid looks more like Antonio.

Some really good kid actors lately, Valentina in PEAM & this little girl are fantastic. Loved the little red head in Abysmal de Pasión.

Oriana Caligaris looks just like the picture on the wall of Inez' mother, makes you wonder. We haven't heard anything about Oriana's parents.

I just don't like Ferdinando Valencia, Berto.
I watched CME on DVD & they cut many parts. I don't remember Chema, Antonio had about 3 scenes. I was reading the recaps as I watched & it was really butchered.

Variopinta, what idiota from CI are you talking about? Seriously I need to know which one do you mean, since there are so many... :)

Paquita, from all my tn watching experience I can definitely say that priests always wear black or a shade of gray. Really, any color would be more appropriate than the plaid fabric, whenever he's in a scene I always pay more attention to his wardrobe than what is going on.
Lina is a cutie and the little actress is really good!

Cathy, Raquel sure forgot the no strings attached part about her acoston with Ricardo ( I love the word acoston, it sounds so decadent)
I'm thinking Ricardo could at least google her name and go from there - maybe hire Santos himself.

Madeleine, good point about AB and fake Daniel. It;s surprising Lucina hasn't thought about this until now...but give her time.

Niecie, you make a good point about Ricardo being very judgmental, especially about Maria being a gardener's daughter. Prostitutes will forever be stigmatized in my opinion, even reformed ones, but what is wrong with a girl with humble beginnings. I do think he was mostly thinking about Sebas' reaction, but he still came off as bad.

Fatima, I agree that we should keep an eye on Ruben - today he showed the first signs of a backbone and not in a good way, in my opinion.

Variopinta, Bert looks really disgusting, I agree with you - just to think that we might get to see him daily if he comes to "take care" of his sister's stocks....Blech, indeed.

Just the other day I mentioned the huge resemblance between Palomita and Oriana - we do know Ori was born in Mexico and she could be adopted. Maybe Palomita had twins and her friends only kept one and gave the other to an adoption agency or something...
Anything is possible.

Well, it never occurred to me that Oriana could actually be related to Paloma, but the picture resemblance must be there for a reason.

Adriana Noel thank you for the wornderful recap!

I agree with those who think Ricardo is a bit judgemental. I think Zepeda works that part of the character well.

I love Ferdinando Valencia. He is a chameleon. One of the few novela actors that can transform himself from character to character and make you see only the character and not himself. I didn't think of him with this weekend's discussion about typecasting but he is a true example that being a character actor is possible in telenovela. From sweet Chema in CME to the horrible Saúl in LFDD to vain Renato in PESE to creepy Berto here.


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