Casa de Paloma
Lila and Oriana share a little Mommy and Me time before
bedtime. Lina's had a dream about Papa –
she misses him. Oriana reminds her
Papa's no longer with us and says her dream may be Papa trying to tell her to
be a good little girl. During her prayers, Lina gives thanks for all they have
and asks God to tell her Papito he was the best Papi in the whole world and
they both miss him very much. Before
leaving her, Oriana takes Jose Luis' picture and places it between the pages of
a coloring book with the blue dolphin on the cover. (file that away, everyone, I'm sure it will
come up again)
Bar Bolo
Piero and Antonio discuss the subject of Sebastian over some
drinks. Piero is convinced Sebas is not
Ricky's son. He feels bad every time
Ricky speaks of Maria. Besides, Ricky
was so drunk there was no way he could have done the Dirty Deed. Scum Bag Antonio thinks otherwise. Maria was certainly no virgin and she seemed
to have plenty of “flight hours” (horas
de vuelo) – scum. How do they know
she hadn't slept with someone else the day before? He's sick and tired with Piero constantly
bringing it up (sacar a colación). Piero repeats he's bothered that Ricky's been
stuck with this problem. He brings up
the possibility of an ADN test! Antonio
wants to pass on that but Piero insists.
This would put their minds at ease.
Antonio wants nothing to do with that and wonder why, all of a sudden,
is Piero so bothered by this. Piero
explains it's because the sh!t has hit the ol' fan and he”s never seen Ricky so
bad off. “Well he'll just have to get
over it,” says Antonio. “It's a bit late
in the game for you to be all hot and bothered over it and try to put all the
pieces in place. If, as you say, it was
so difficult for the boy to find out about his true father, imagine how much
harder still it would be if you arrive with yet another story. What do you want? You want him to go crazy? cut open his veins? Shoot himself? What?
You need to chill and leave the past in the past. Drink your beer and relax.”
Morning arrives in
Padre, dressed in full Padre regalia for a change, is
celebrating Mass. Oriana is in
attendance and is deep in bubble thought about how her life made a 180 turn in
the blink of an eye – actually in a moment, a breath (soplo). She doesn't like
living in this anguish. She's
overwhelmed (agobiar) There are times she'd just like to flee and
lose herself. If only she were alone –
but she has Lina, her Alina.
Casa de Paloma
Ruben is on his way to a game of golf and MadHilde is
irritated that he seems to take everything so calmly. Why, she didn't get a moment's rest all
night! “That's precisely why – because
I'm tired of you talking about the same thing over and over!” Ruben says.
“Ricky was a young man and young men make mistakes.” Maddie:
“Well, there are mistakes, and there are mistakes. Having a child with some loca is some little
mistake.” He begs her not to say
anything to their children. She agrees
but thinks Cesar at least should be told so he knows the type of man Ricky
really is. He idolizes Ricky as
irreproachable (intachable), a
superhero. He should be able to take
Ricky's story as a warning not to make the same mistakes. Ruben can't believe she would think Cesar
could do such a thing – doesn't she know her own son? All she knows is there are bad
influences. Precisely, says Ruben, and
that's why you should keep your trap shut!
El Jefe Ricky arrives to find el Señor Martin waiting for him. He hands Ricky the power of attorney document
Lila has signed.
Elsewhere, Sebastian walks into Antonio's office (daddy #2)
wearing a pair of sherbet green jeans.
He's come for the check from the sale of his shares. Antonio hands it over and asks what Sebas
plans to do with the money – investment? Interest earning account? Nope – Sebastian isn't interested in any of
that. Antonio gets him to sign the check
and then recommends that he go straight to the bank to deposit the check, lest
something bad happen to him. “Do you
think I'm stupid (tarado) or
something?” asks Sebastian. (if the
green jeans fit......)
Oh lordy, those jeans look even greener in natural light. He meets Oriana outside. He shares his immediate plans with her: a car, some clothes (please), an apartment. He's staying with a friend but there are 2
other roommates so...... She asks if he spoke w/Ricky and he warns her not to
speak to him about that imbecil. She
amiably suggests they keep in touch but Sebastian rudely knocks that idea down,
saying she'd only go back to Ricky with the chisme. She insists on giving him her cell phone in
the event he needs a friend to talk to.
Sebastian replies he'd rather have a lover. Ugh – what nerve! Oriana wisely ignores this last remark and tells
him to call her.
In Ricky's office Berto, asks about the frequency of stock
payouts. He's obviously not interested
in business, preferring instead to check out the picture frames and the rest of
Ricky's office. Ricky confirms he'll be
working with Piero, Director Comercial for the factory. Berto sees this as nothing more than a go-fer
position. Take it or leave it, says
Ricky. Guess Berto will take it. He asks about the salary and he walks out of
the office with Piero, obviously disgusted with the salary Ricky has
proposed. Piero promises to speak to him
about it – it's just that Ricky's in a bad mood right now. Piero is impactado to learn that Berto is
fully aware that Ricky is Sebastian's babyDaddy and that the babyMama is a
MamaLoca. Sebastian told him and he was
not happy (Estaba hasta las manitas).
Ricky visits Oriana in her office. She's idle – there's no work for her. He tells her she can choose whatever work
appeals to her. She tells him not to mind
her, she's in a funk. He understands. They speak of Sebastian. She tells him to give Seba some time. He can't see him coming around. He now has the cash from the sale of his
shares and soon he'll have the money from his mother's trust fund. He's always been lazy (vago) and irresponsible.
He's worried Sebastian will lose his way. Oriana observes this may be why Sebastian
resents him – Ricky's never trusted him.
Ricky acknowledges this may be true but what can he do now to win him? She tells him again to give him time. Ricky switches the tables very deftly (or
not) and wonders if he needs to give her time as well. She replies in the affirmative. But what about his feelings, don't they
count? He never thought he'd be impacted
so greatly when Sebastian learned the truth.
(ok, having trouble following this train of thought) Deep down, he always wanted Seba to know the
truth. Throughout this ordeal, he's
learned one thing – sooner or later the truth will come to light. They stare intently into each other’s
eyes. He's interrupted by a call from
Padre in Black who suggests a dinner at Ricky's for the three of them.
Casa de Paloma
Paloma, Raquel, Lina, and Tito play in the garden when Lucina
arrives. “oops!” says Raquel, “I forgot to tell you she was
arriving today.” Paloma, gracious as
ever, says it doesn't matter. Lucina is
ever so grateful to Paloma for what she's done for them. (I love Lucina’s down to earth attitude.) Paloma seems to take an immediate liking to
Oriana meets with Padre de los Plaid Shirts. She asks again if he's told Ricky the Big
Secret. He assures her he's said nothing
– she should be the one to tell him.
Why? So he can throw me in jail?
So he can turn me in? He explains
there are circumstances that supposedly show that neither she nor Lina shot
Gabriel. She's the only one who was
there with him. Oriana eyes water up and
says she doesn't think Ricky would ever believe her. Padre reminds her she had no motive. She's not sure, she sees mistrust and doubt
in Ricky's eyes. He won't believe her
until he finds the true culprit. In the
meantime, she'll be in jail. And what
about Lina? And Paloma – what will she
tell her about her true granddaughter – that they found her drugged and drowned
on the beach? Padre is sure Ricky loves
her and will protect her. “Yeah, until
he finds out I'm Oriana. His love will
then turn into hatred and he'll want to avenge his father’s death. You know what? I regret having told you everything.” Padre Plaid reminds her that the truth shall
set her free! “Not always” she says, as
she leaves the gym.
Casa de Paloma
Oriana comes home to find a classic car out front being
washed. Jorge tells her it belongs to
Paloma. They don't use it anymore since
the SUV is more logical for carrying the wheelchair. They only bring out the old car to maintain
it and wash it – I'm filing this away along with the blue dolphin coloring
Oriana finds Lina playing with Tito in the garden. Lina excitedly tells her that Lucina showed
up with
lots of gifts! Oriana
is summoned to Paloma's room, still reeling at the news of Lucina's
She apologizes to Paloma for Lucina's arrival. Paloma tells her it's no trouble and besides,
she likes her. She likes seeing new
faces. She shows Oriana a copy of her
new will. She explains she's put the
shares purchased from Sebas in Madhilde's family's name. She's also left a legacy for Mad’s
children. She's not leaving anything for
Ricky because he doesn't need it. Ricky
had always wanted to buy her out but she never did because she always had the
hope of finding Ines' mother. Now it's
up to NewInes to sell her share to Ricky, if she wishes. Oriana is overwhelmed (abrumar = another word
for overwhelmed) by Paloma's kindness and generosity. Paloma says Ines and Lina have given her back
her life and are the most important thing in her life. She notices something's up with Ines. She knows Ines is in love with Ricky but
something is holding her back. What is
it? Is Lina's father still alive? Oriana tells her she just found out he's
dead. She's sad because he was Lina's
father and they once loved each other.
Paloma shares that she loved Ines' grandfather although he was a
terrible man. She nursed him when he
became ill. She thanked God when he died
not only because it ended his suffering
but also because she now had the freedom to find her daughter.
In their bedroom, Lucina tells Raquel it's time they stop
taking advantage of these people. They have the money and tomorrow they'll
check out the new property. Then they'll
move out ASAP.. Raquel is sure Lucina
will love it aaaannnd they have their new huesped: Berto.
Ugh, Lucina doesn't like him. A
client is a client says Raquel. Besides,
she doesn't want to leave this house so soon. She's worried Oriana is stealing
Ricky away from her – she saw them kissing!
She (Raquel) saw him first, she kissed him first......Lucina thinks
Raquel is out of the picture if Oriana and Ricky are in love. She's gotta know when to fold 'em. But I slept with him, whines Raquel. That doesn't mean anything, says Lucina. Besides she can't compete with Oriana – she's
a rich heiress now. Thanks to us, says
Raquel. I told Oriana Ricky was mine and
I warned her not to sweet-talk him (engatusar). But did she listen? Nooooo.
I’ll tell you one thing, if she doesn't leave him alone, I'm likely to
soltar toda la sopa!!! Lucina warns her
she'd better not. I she crazy? If she says anything, they're also in hot
water cuz they are the ones who started this whole thing. Raquel quickly points the finger to her
partner: it was you! She pleads with Lucina to back her up on
this. Lucina tries to reason with her
and make her understand that when a man is hot after a woman, he won't notice
anyone else; Raquel should know this
since she's no white palomita! Lucina
says she will help her but not to act stupidly (cometer burradas). She'll be
with her but reminds Raquel that she'd better not mess with her.
It's bedtime for Lina again.
Oriana is busy writing a “letter”.
She tells Lina a secret – they're going on a vacation and they're
leaving right away...on a vacation. No
need to say good bye to Paloma or anyone, she's already taken care of it. Once Lina's out of the room, Oriana
continues her letter. What's she up to?
Bungalow Azul
Padre Blue Plaid fits right in at the Blue Palace. Ricky's suspicious about this impromptu
dinner. Padre figures it would be a good
opportunity to get Ines to open up.
Ricky's confused. She's so
strange. He's told her everything about
himself and she's even met Maria. There
are times he thinks she's Oriana and at other times that she's Ines. Padre doesn't see the dilemma. If she's Oriana, he can call the police. If she's Ines, he can forgive her past. Ricky says he'd never do that (call the police). If she were to tell him she's Oriana and told
him how everything went down the day his father died, she could help him
discover the identity of the murderer.
He's can't believe she killed his father. They're interrupted by Ricky's butler and
they stop talking.
Casa de Paloma
Oriana instructs Martin to take their suitcases to the
garage. She's not going anywhere;
they're packed with old clothes that she's planning to donate to charity. Martin's not stupid and he's very suspicious
but he takes the suitcases down anyway.
Lina comes running in and Oriana tells her to get Tito and take him to
the garage. Should she come across
anyone, she's not to tell them anything – they can't invite everyone on their
vacay, so no one is to know they're leaving.
That dog's gonna give them away, I just know it. Lina passes through the parlor with Tito,
telling Nadia the maid they are off on an adventure. Oriana slips her letter under Abuela's door.
Ah! She stakes the
classic car and sits Lina inside (great – no car seats and no seat belts in
those old jalopies). Jorge surprises
her, astonished that she's taking the car when she's never driven. He insists on going but she talks him out of
it, asking him not to say a word to anyone.
They're just going around the block (dar la vuelta a la manzana).
And they're off! Jorge's really
Back at el Bungalow Azul, Ricky calls Ines – she still hasn't
shown up. But of course she doesn't
answer. She's parked the car and tells
Lina they're going to take the bus (with a dog?) Lina's becoming a bit of a broblem – she
doesn't like the bus but Oriana quickly convinces her. Oriana still doesn't
answer the phone
Ricky next calls Paloma's house and asks Nadia to speak to
Jorge who was supposed to take Ines to Ricky's.
Jorge gets on the phone and spills the frijoles that she took off in the
classic car. She's been gone an hour
now. Ricky asks Nadia to check Ines'
closet for missing clothes. Nadia
reports that both closets are empty and even Tito's food is gone. Ricky doesn't think it's a good idea to call
the police at Padre's urging. He assures
Nadia he'll take care of everything and asks her not to say anything.
Ricky demands to know what Padre knows. Padre suelta la sopa! He had a long talk with Ines. She needed someone to talk to. He asked her to tell Ricky everything. “Only
she didn't and now she's escaped!” says a highly agitated Ricky. “She's Oriana isn't she?” Padre assures him she didn't kill his
father. They've discussed this already. “I know perfectly well what we've discussed”
shouts Ricky! Does the Padre have any idea
how this will impact Paloma? After so
many years searching for her granddaughter? The frustration and the guilt over
not having done enough to help her daughter?
Padre repeats he thought she would tell him. Well, you thought wrong! Let's go!!!
They walk out, with Padre pleading with Ricky not to call the
Rocky and Lucy
Lucina is going on and on about how much she's enjoyed
herself. She's impressed with the
Camargo kids. Raquel completely agrees
but notes that MadHilde has them on a short lease, not to mention her
husband! Lucina notes how Maddie gave
them dagger eyes (ojos de pistola=pistol
eyes) whenever Ruben turned his attention to them. If looks could kill! Lucina jokes that since there is no love lost
between her and Maddie, she's going to continue flirting with Ruben if only to
cause that vieja to collapse. Hahahahaha
Lucina wonders why Oriana didn't join them for dinner. Raquel tells her Oriana's turned into a
snob. She reminds Lucina that Oriana
slapped her, after all they've done for her!
She figures Oriana would want nothing more than for both of them to
disappear from her life forever. Raquel
can only hope that things go wrong for Oriana and that it's worse for her than
for them.
Bus Terminal
Padre and Ricky ask around if anyone's seen Oriana and
Lina. Ricky remembers to mention Tito –
oh yes, they took the number 36 to Mexico City.
He gives them details on the route.
Padre and Ricky are worried about how they'll break the news to
Paloma. Ricky spies the classic car just
Switch to the #36 bus en route to Mexico – Lina is fast
asleep, Oriana is deep in thought, and Tito gazes out the window, deep in puppy
thoughts “gee no one asked me if I
wanted to go on this aventura. Humans!”
Casa de Paloma
Ricky calls Jorge and instructs him to go pick up the car at
the bus terminal.
Ricky and Padre block the bus' path. The driver tells them they got off at El Puente
de Santiago. The chase continues zzzzzzzzzzz
They track her down to Hotel Cuatro Vientos in a little town,
Puente de Santigao, I'm sure. Ricky
pounds on the door. He tells Padre he
plans to drag her back to Hermosillo before Paloma finds out they're gone. He talks himself into the hotel and gets to
their room. Oriana finally opens the
Ricky lays into her.
How can she do this to an old lady who thought she had found her long
lost granddaughter! An old lady who thought she was the happiest woman on
earth! “Thought? So Padre Plaid told you
everything!” shouts Oriana. Ricky tells
her Padre didn't have to, it wasn't hard to put all the pieces together. She vehemently swears she didn't do
anything! She suddenly found herself
trapped in this web of lies. She soon
accepted her role out of fear. Fear from
Colombia, fear over what happened to his father, which she still doesn't
understand how it happened. She never
felt comfortable at Paloma's house. That's the truth. She didn't deserve Paloma's kindness. When Ricky accuses her of being cold hearted,
she explains she left Paloma a letter explaining everything. Ruh-roh!
Oh no! Avances show a
distraught Paloma and then she’s on the floor!
Oh, I really liked this character.
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@ 2:39 AM

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