Friday, October 18, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #9 Thu 10/17/13 Preguntar para Angustiar

Ricardo explains to Inés about Maria, at least as far as he knows.  Maria has epilepsy and some type of mental retardation.  Inés doesn't like the idea of leaving Maria with her dad, but Ricardo doesn't want to have her institutionalized.

Paloma fills Padre Plaid in on what Inés told him about Lina's father.  He thinks she might talk to a man of the cloth…tartan though it may be.  Paloma wants her to be happy and she feels guilty about what Inés has suffered.

Inés is wondering why Ricardo told her about Maria.  'Cause he likes you, duh!  He pleads for her to realize their kiss was for realz, but Inés denies it.  Ricardo tells her that he wanted her to know about Maria because he wants her to trust him.  Inés gets defensive and says he's just trying to get her to admit she's someone else, like maybe the woman who killed his father.  She starts to leave, but Ricardo won't let her and insists that if they can't get it on, at least they can be friends.  He figures she never had a lot of friends before, growing up as an orphan.  He tries to coax her to tell him about her life of ho-ing by saying he did his own stupid stuff, as she's now seen, but Inés can't be forthcoming about that since she has no idea that's supposed to be her past.  Raquel and Whatsisface (Matilde's husband) come in to the same restaurant where Inés is with Ricardo and start chatting about the lovely house they saw that would be just perfect for the new boutique hotel.

Ricardo takes Inés home, since it's too late go back to work.  He says goodbye to his godmother and reminds Inés they have a conversation to finish.  Ruben and Raquel are right on their heels and Raquel takes the opportunity to talk about the house for sale and how terrible it is that she doesn't have the money to buy it.  Raquel and Ruben go inside the house, while Inés and Paloma stay outside.  Inés tells her that Ricardo took her to meet Maria.  Fabiola and Lina are out shopping with the driver.  Paloma is practically pushing Inés at Ricardo and brings up those "mistakes" that "all" young people make.

Matilde bitches at Ruben for taking Raquel out to look at properties and then taking her to lunch at such an expensive place.  Ruben tells her that at lunch they ran into Ricardo and Inés.  Matilde gets excited and tells him about what she overheard Paloma saying on the phone.  Matilde is salivating at the thought that maybe Inés has a criminal record, or was involved in something shady, or maybe she's sick!  Oh, that Matilde, always looking on the bright side.

Fabiola and Lina enjoy some ice cream in the town square.  Sebastian comes up and starts talking to them.  He claims he was out looking for Fabiola.  Damn, is there any woman he doesn't hit on?  Lina has good enough taste to say she doesn't like him.

Raquel calls Lucina to chatter to her about the "perfect" house they found.  What they'll get for the sale of the hotel won't be enough to buy the place.  Lucina begs her to please not put too much pressure on Inés or they'll all hang.  Raquel tells her if she wants to nicely put the screws to Inés, she'd better get there and do it quick!

Inés goes to her bedroom and pulls out the jade stone, remembering Ricardo saying that their kiss was real…it was real, damnit!  Raquel comes a'knockin' to bitch her out for not staying away from Ricardo.  She then asks for 8 million (pesos, I assume) to buy the new hotel.  Inés tells her to sit her addled self down and tell her everything she knows about the real Inés Valdivia.  The only thing Raquel tells her of any interest is that she was a drug addict who died.  She says it was Lucina who talked to the PI, so she probably knows more.  Raquel finally says that she really doesn't know if Inés was a ho, but she sure did look like one.  Inés is appalled and thinks this must be the reason Ricardo kept asking her all those questions.

Ricardo calls Manolo to ask if he's found Oriana, but of course, Manolo hasn't.  Ricardo then asks if Manolo by any chance knows anything about Inés Valdivia, but of course, he doesn't. 

Manolo heads right on over to Villa el Descanso to pump Lucina for info.  Over beers, he tells Lucina that Ricardo was asking questions about an Inés Valdivia.  She avoids letting him look at the guest book by saying they've sold the place and she's already packed it.  He's sorry to see her go and she flirtily tells him he's welcome at the new place any time he wants…as long as he pays.

Inés goes to Padre Plaid's church to thought bubble to Dios about how she doesn't know jack about the real Inés and needs some help figuring out what kind of mess she's gotten herself into.  Padre Plaid offers to hear her confession, but Inés says she'd rather have some help and advice.  She figures he's a decent guy and she doesn't need the protection of the seal of the confessional to talk to him.  Padre Plaid takes her down to his gym/rec room/office and Inés begs him to tell her what Paloma and Ricardo know about her.

A man in a suit talks to a man in a t-shirt about handing over a check to pay for the Villa el Descanso.  Suit man tells T-shirt man to give her the check and then hang a sign that says "Closed for Remodeling."  Here's my guess--this is Oriana's definitely not dead hubby making use of his ill-gotten gains.

Padre Plaid tells Inés everything except the "ho-ing" part, but after she begs him, he finally tells her about that and her miscarriage.  She's upset and he's confused.  He asks her if she lost her memory or if she isn't really Inés Valdivia.  Instead of answering him, Inés goes running out of the church.

Ricardo finds out from Cesar that Inés didn't show up for work.  He calls Paloma, who's busy picking out some jewelry to give Inés.  Paloma doesn't think she's feeling well since she didn't have dinner with them.  The maid comes in to leave some towels and when Paloma asks her, she says Inés wasn't in her room when the maid went in earlier to clean.  They end their call and Marilu comes into Ricardo's office.  To chat.  Cause that's what people like to do at work.  In the middle of their workday.  When they're working.  She wants to take him to lunch, but he begs off, saying he's busy and besides, they broke up already, so what's the point.  She laughs it off, but begs him to be friends with benefits.  Ricardo says that didn't work before.  Paloma calls him back to tell him that Inés isn't anywhere in the house and no one knows where she went.  Paloma is worried, but Ricardo tells her not to worry.  Marilu just has to know what the conversation was about and figures out that Ricardo has a thing for Inés.  He hustles her out of his office, which she handles with a big smile and a swish of her hips.

Now the maid and Matilde are all worried about where the heck Inés has gotten off to.  Raquel tries to tell Paloma this is the same way Inés behaved at the hotel--taking off in the morning and not coming back until late.  Raquel calls Lucina and she thinks maybe Ricardo found out the truth and confronted Inés, so she went on the run.  She also tells her about Manolo sniffing around.  Lucina tells Raquel all they can do is pray that Inés doesn't open her big mouth and spill all the beans.

Marilu goes home to her aunt's and whines that Ricardo ignored her.  And he was rude, too.  Pout, pout.  He was too busy being preoccupied about Inés leaving the house without telling anyone.  Sebastian comes in and fills them in on the little he knows about Inés and their(?) aunt tells them that Inés' mother was kicked out of the house for getting involved with some loser.

Lina is home from school, but Inés still isn't home.  Paloma tells her that Inés went shopping.  Lina goes to take the dog out and Paloma shoos Matilde out of the room so she can talk to Ricardo on the phone.  He blames himself for pressuring her with too many questions.  Paloma says as long as Lina is there, there's nothing to worry about--Inés isn't going to leave her.

Inés is walking through a park when she's attacked by a couple of shady guys.  She's saved by a Doberman named León who chases the guys off.  OK, and his owner, I suppose.   León's owner takes her to a clinic where she's pressured by him and a nurse to stay for exams and then press charges.  Inés borrows mystery guy's cell phone to call the house.  She claims she ran into some friends and they were just hanging out.  She refuses to say where she is so that Jorge can pick her up.  Padre Plaid takes the phone and tries to ask where she is, but she won't tell him either.  Mystery guy's dog is out in the car.  The nurse comes back to take Inés in to see the doctor.

Paloma seems pissed, since Inés doesn't have friends there, as far as she knows.  Ricardo checks the number on the cell phone and calls it.  He gets Mystery Man, who won't give out his name.  He's perfectly willing to tell Ricardo the truth about what happened, though.

Ricardo and Padre Plaid show up at the clinic and meet Leonardo Olvera, aka Mystery Man, who already knew Padre Plaid.  The doctor comes out to let them know Inés doesn't have any serious injuries, but they can't talk to her since she's talking to the cops right now.  Ricardo is worried that she was sexually assaulted, but Leonardo knows she wasn't since he saw the whole attack. Padre Plaid pulls rank as a man of the plaid…I mean, the cloth…and insists on speaking to Inés as soon as the cops are done.  Ricardo is pissed and Padre Plaid admits that he talked to Inés earlier and thinks that their conversation upset her, which is why she didn't go home.  Ricardo goes back to his completely implausible (except that we're in Telenovelaland so he's totally right) theory that she's not really Inés but Oriana.  Padre Plaid tells him to quit acting like a caveman and let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  And then he punches Ricardo on the arm to emphasize that.  Cause Padre Plaid's hardcore, y'all.  When he fights sin, he, like really fights.  Forget "ten Hail Marys and an Our Father" for penance…you're going toe-to-toe with the Priestly Pugilist in Plaid!

Raquel takes a call from Ricardo, with the whole rest of the house listening in, and Matilde, that heifer, is once again salivating as Raquel asks "Was she raped?!"  I swear, she looked disappointed to find out that no, she was just assaulted.  There's a special place in hell, Matilde.  A special place.  Cesar offers to take Raquel to see her.  Matilde tries to frame this as Inés' fault for being out late, alone…maybe waiting for someone…maybe a man…or maybe looking for a man.  Fabiola rolls her eyes at her mother so hard they might get stuck facing the back of her head.

Lina is worried that her mom's not home and Paloma tries to console her.  She tells Lina that her mom fell and is in the hospital getting her scrapes all cleaned up, but she's fine.  Lina wants to go see her, but Paloma says they probably won't let them in.  Better to wait for Ricardo and Padre Plaid to bring her home.

Padre Plaid comes to Inés' hospital room.  He assures her that he didn't tell Ricardo what they talked about. "But you shouldn't have left like that!  This is a quiet town, but there's always something wanting to take advantage of a woman."  Padre Plaid begs her to open up to him.  "You're not Inés.  You're Oriana Caligaris."  Oriana breaks down and admits her real identity, but she swears neither she nor her daughter killed Gabriel.  She talks to him about how she didn't want to lie and she felt bad about telling her daughter that her father was dead.  She says if it was just her, she would have gone to the police, but she couldn't stand the thought of her daughter getting shipped off to an orphanage while the cops take their sweet time figuring out she's innocent.  She tells him she didn't want to play along and that she tried to tell herself she was bringing happiness to Paloma.  She tells him that Inés died of an overdose and asks him if he thinks she should tell Paloma everything.

Tomorrow: Raquel does her damnedest to get her hooks into Ricardo.


Ah, that Matilde, she's so easy to dislike! And what is with those bells?

I vote Ricardo gets Maria out of that house, and if he doesn't want to put her in an institution, put her in a nice house somewhere with round-the-clock nurses and quit giving her daddy money for beer.

La Diva, thank you for the snappy and informative recap. As usual, they cram a lot of conversation and action into each episode, so I appreciate your thoroughness and humor.

So many funny lines, but I think the "Priestly Pugilist in Plaid" gave me the biggest laugh.

I LOVE the guy who saved Ines. He played the incredibly hot plumber in Una Familia Con Suerte. Sigh.

And Matilde's bells? I'm thinking she's like the cat who got belled. Except that people still don't hear her coming which is weird.

Great recap. Thank you!

5 Ft. - Thank you for the smart and sharp recap.

So nice to meet the rescuer. I haven't seen him before. So he was in Una Familia con Suerte.

Matilde -- as all have said, so easy to dislike.

DS is doing a good job of moving from suspicion to love . .. and back again. Padre looks considerably older than Ricardo, but age matching is never a strong suit in movelas.

Latina, you are funny! I like your tone...your style.



You know how I know a TN is good-even the recaps leave me with bated breath. And this recap did. Loved the priestly puglist in plaid bit. Also, Matilde reminds me of the crazy-in-love-with-her-impotent- patient the psychiatrist Ines from La Patrona. It's not the same actress, though. Matilde just looks like the older version of that actress.

I'm not surprised Oriana confessed to the priest. She needed to get it off her chest and since he's a priest, per TN rules, he can't say anything to Ric or anyone else. I'm also not surprised that Ric told Orianez-I don't like Orines because it means 'you pee' or the plural for urine-about Maria and Sebas-he also wanted to tell someone outside his family about it. Plus, he's trying to build trust with Ines and that's a good way to do it.

5Ft, you NEVER disappoint!! Thank you so much, however, you neglected to let us in on your latest theatrical happenings. :)

So, Padre Plaid got it right, but was he really right or was he just taking a chance with his identity question for Orines? And, I wonder, did Orines think twice about her reply or was her need to get the horrible lie off her chest so great that the truth just had to come out? I need to see this section again.

Not that it matters, just a question I am asking myself, really. I think the weight of the lie was too much for Orines. Now that it is out, I hope she can think more clearly. She will need all of her wits about her. Raquel and Lucina are a little too smooth with the lies, excuses, and deception. Raquel is not going to quietly go away. Orines needs to be on her toes, especially if her scumbag husband is now on the scene.

Gotta hand it to the padre!

Thank you so much, 5FT!


Is Oriana's confession to Father Fist protected under the confessional?

Raquel is too Froot Loops for me. You offer yourself up as sex relief for a man, spend a few minutes with him then pack up and move to his town and warning other women away?

I'd like to see Raquel go up against Marilu. There's a catfight waiting to happen because Marilu won't scare as easily as Oriana.

Anon207, I was wondering that myself, but it was so informal that I have to think that the Plaid One will say it was not protected. Good point, 207.

Agree with you re the Marilu/Raquel match up. I actually hope it happens only so that Raquel leaves Orines alone for a bit. Orines needs a bit of a breather.


Terrific, 5ft. I loved the padre nickname Priestly Pugilist in Plaid too. That poor guy has more nicknames than any TN character I've ever met.

So it seems that since the cat will be out of the bag this early about Oriana's real identity, the main plot going forward will be the fight over Ricardo's love, there are at least 3 ladies fighting over him, the mystery of who killed what's his name, and getting Oriana off the hook for the stuff that happened in Columbia. Oh, and the return of Oriana's husband, if it really was him buying the villa.

Tia Fidelia...

Tia Fidelia is Ricky's mom's sister.

Marilu is not Tia Fidelia's daughter.

Tia Fidelia is single.

The only way Marilu could be Fidelia's niece but NOT Ricky's first cousin is if Fidelia & Ricky's Mom were half sisters (sharing the same dad but not the same mom).

Fidelia could have another sibling by her mother and that sibling spawned Marilu.

That way Marilu could be Fidelia's niece but not Ricardo's cousin.

I'm with you Anon207 about Raquel. She's stalker material. And I don't like how she is acting with Oriana, who is supposed to be her best friend. She's acting like she hates her. And if she does and it's because of Ricardo, then that shows even more what a fruit loop she is since she only spent one night with him. No guy can be that good one time, lol.

"Priestly Pugilist in Plaid"
HAHAHA - the nicknames for this saintly character will never end.

This story moves so fast - now Padre knows the long before someone else finds out, also?

J desde NYC, I agree with you that Oriana needed someone to talk to, but she did NOT say it in confession, so it's up to Padre to decide if he shares her secret or not.

I don't think the mysterious man on the phone is Jose Luis, it didn't look like him, his voice was also different - besides, JL is on the run as far as we know.
Maybe it's someone from Lucina's past, this way we can find out more about her - she's already distancing herself from Raquel and her type of crazy - I think that down the line she and Oriana could even be friends for real, sans Raquel.

Anon207, I thought about Fidelia and Marilu, too... she could also be her niece from her husband's side, if Fidelia was ever married.

Kat thanks so much for the recap. Please let us know about your latest happenings. Add me to the list of those who loved PPP - Priestly Pugilist in Plaid.

I think mystery guy was JL. They tried to change his voice but it sounded like Diego to me.

Matilde is easy to dislike but the disappointment on her face when Oriana wasn't raped was horrible.

Yes Rachel is a complete stalker. And she'll get totally crazy once she hears Pretty Ricky (I love that name Cynderella) confess his love for her.

Thanks Anon207 for listing your thoughts on Tia Fidelia.

Somehow I don't think Fidelia was ever married. Mad Hilda was giving her the serious stink eye at the funeral so I'm wondering if Ruben & Fidelia were ever an item (or, if Ruben ever had a crush on Fidelia). Mad Hilda was fussing at Ruben for taking Raquel out, too.

Mad Hilda seems like the type who thinks every other woman is a threat.

For Mad Hilda to be Paloma's niece, Paloma must have had a sibling somewhere. Why didn't that sibling leave Mad Hilda any money?

Anon207, I don't remember who, maybe Ricardo and Oriana, talked a few days ago about the reason Madhilde and all her fam are with Paloma - I guess he said something like because she felt guilty? About what, I don't know.
Also, Paloma has money because of her husband, but she might not have come from a rich family.

Thanks for all the comments! Let me see if I can answer some questions. And I apologize in advance, a lot of things may have been discussed in previous recaps and comments to those recaps, I just haven't had the chance to keep up with them...which sucks because I keep making that one of my goals. Anyway, one thing at a time--let me start with just keeping up with the conversation on my own recaps!

Theater stuff--The Mighty Vandals is going on the road to Miami, AZ, home of the original Vandals next weekend. We're looking for a karaoke venue for Saturday night :D We're also performing The Mighty Vandals again in Phoenix at the Herberger on November 2. The photographer got some great pictures at the dress rehearsal earlier this month and you can see those here. Don't worry...I didn't really wear those shorts for the show...we just had a wardrobe issue that night!

The mystery man buying the hotel--I know it was just the briefest flash of the hair curling behind his ear, but that's what made me think it was Jose Luis.

Last night, Paloma and Mathilde talked about Mathilde's family a little bit. Ruben apparently started a business that failed, and Paloma took them in. What he's doing now and why they're still freeloading is beyond me!

Thanks for yet another most excellent recap, Kat.

So far this TN has been such a treat. I adore Raquel, and I'm getting such a kick out of Lucina, Matilde, little Lina, and Tito. It's especially fun watching Matilde bond with Tito.


Carlos, ditto on living the actress playing Lina. Iirc her name is Ana Paula Rodriguez. My two favorite scenes with her so far are when she says to Oriana after meeting Abuela Palo a for the first time 'Why didn't you tell me you had a grandmother.' And Oriana answers in this dead pan voice saying 'I didn't know I had one.' I loved that scene because it combined childhood innocence and adult maturity, which Lina is good at.

I also loved when abuela Paloma was questioning her about her dad and Lina said, ' I'm still very little.' She was pretending to be this innocent stupid little girl, but she knew the question was a trap to get her to say something that would expose her and her
mother's identity, but the pressure is too much for her as a little girl so she does start crying like an innocent little girl. Great balancing act by that actress.

I was wondering why the descriptions called Raquel the antagonist. She and Lucina seemed perfectly nice, if a little shady, to me. But so much for that. Seems a little risky though for her to threaten Orinez. If she gets caught then so does Raquel and there goes her chances with Ricardo.

But at long as we get to see Leonardo and the doberman again, it's all good.


5Ft, thank you for the update on your theatre stuff. Really enjoyed your photos. :)


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