Friday, October 18, 2013

CI # 113 -- Thurs. 10/17/13 -- Tonight’s Melodrama: MariCruz, the Plucky Rancherita

Allà en el rancho grande,
Allà donde vivia,
Habia una rancherita
Que alegre me decia,
Que alegre me decia.
            MariCruz is speaking with the smitten Mayor Morales, telling him she will fight the land takeover and plans to file a class action lawsuit.  He won’t intervene because he admires her.  When he tries kissing her hand, she pulls it away and leaves.  Although she’s beautiful and smart, he smirks and tells himself that everything has its price. (Dream on, slimeball. If the Emir couldn’t pull it off, neither can you.)  

           Alvaro, the engineer (aka Old Caterpillar Face), confesses to Padre Julian he has a personal motive in his sympathy for the displaced peasants. He’s in love with MariCruz and hopes the padre will speak in his behalf. He’s an upright guy who can provide references if needed. (If you need that much help, your case may be hopeless.)

            Miguel uses his vast knowledge of women to advise Octavio that Simona knows he loves MC more than his wife.  (We’re surprised he’s not working on a best seller to share his expertise.)

Our Plucky (but Unlucky) Heroine Fights to Save the Ranch
            The hardworking accountant tells Santa he really, really needs to see MC, but she’s never home.  He hopes the tenants will help her save the ranch and let her know how badly JA has cheated and betrayed her. She doesn’t deserve her bad luck.

Other Neighborhood Women Have Their Own Drama
            Simona screams out to Ofelia that she can’t see anything! The men rush in to see what the hysterics are about: she tells them “I’m blind!” Tav tells her to open her eyes (good thought process, Tav!) and she can see him. She was looking in the mirror when everything blurred and went blank. They’ll go to the eye doctor, Tav insists. Mig, the human behavior expert, thinks it’s obviously psychosomatic and curable if Tav would only fly right.

            Natrasha paces her house in a state of discontent. How dare JA stand her up! Nana asks why she isn’t painting, but the artist knows the servant knows it’s a love problem, not an artistic one.  (Not that many of us care so much. Fast forward.)

            Simona’s results from the doctor show:  80% impaired vision in the left eye, no cause found, no brain injury found.  The damage is permanent, although Tav asks the Doc to conceal this from Simona.   Doc suggests she see a neurologist.

            Trasha goes looking for JA and demands to know if he is tired of her. No, but he has a load of new problems. The beautiful artist is stroking and poking JA with a slender stick during this scene, emphasizing her power over him. (Some of us would like to take a much bigger stick to the jackass.) If he doesn’t show for their Saturday date, she’ll come to his house to find him! 

Young Love Is Like a Burning Fire (and Needs a Chaperone)  
            MariCruz and Santa stand outdoors, watching Solita and Perico talking and flirting. Santa thinks Solita’s life has been very hard and wonders if her mother might appear one day. (A word to the wise—sounds like foreshadowing of a visit from Mama.) MC has business elsewhere and tells Santa to look after the young lovers.  Santa agrees, giving us the line about the fire of young love.

            Santa goes on to share her wisdom with MC (maybe she should write a book as well.)  She shouldn’t defy fate, but she did, going after what she wanted. Something divides MC and Tav—it’s a mystery of life. MC says she saw Tav first and has the right to him. Something attracts her, yet pulls her away. Santa tells her not to waste time, as the years pass and soon she’ll be all wrinkled (blah blah, gobbledygook, etc.) So carpe diem, MariCruz!

Domestic Drama and Dinner
            Ofelia is helping Simona apply eye drops, which will help recover her vision (if the placebo effect works). Octavio’s love is the best cure (so her love is truly blind then).  She’s sure to recover once MC is gone.  At the dinner table, Simona tells Miguel she will swallow her jealousy and behave well. She’s sworn it on her son’s innocent head! (Now we’re on record that she actually spent a few minutes with the baby.)

            Later, Tav tells his brother there will be no vision recovery for Simona, since the doctor believes something is seriously wrong. Tav will stay with her through her ordeal. He couldn’t leave her alone. He’s thinking of his wife, while Miguel is thinking where they would go if something happens to their sugar mama.

            At the other hacienda, the other woman is playing with Lupi on the bed before Santa takes over. MamiMari is going to give engineer Alvaro Cifuentes a chance and is dressed for dinner with him. (Lovely soft coral dress with a vertical ruffle and only a hint of hi-lo skirt.)  She’s entertaining at home and greets her suitor and his wingman, Padre Julian. (Adult love must require a chaperone as well.) She says this will all be positive, with no sad or painful conversation.  She asks the engineer if he’s not risking a lot to help her? Well, it’s only a job and it’s worth it to see gratitude from eyes like hers.  Wine and smiles follow, with Alvaro toasting a beautiful woman and the day her met her.

            Tav, riding and yearning, says his only choice is to stay with Simona. Yet how can he get MC out of his heart? Can he forget her? No, he can’t!  “I have to resist ,” he says, “and stay true to Simona.” MC tells Santa she felt like a woman again, that someone was interested in her as a woman (as opposed to a moneybags or enemy, I guess). And Alvaro made her feel interested in him. (Good work, Padre!)

A Little Ride, a Little Walk, a Little Conversation
            The next day, Alvaro is riding with MC to the waterfall, passing a jealous JA on the way.  The brothers Narvaez are walking a field (or pasture, since cows share the ground with them) and discussing news of the day.  A cranky JA goes home to tell Ester MC has changed—she’s acting happy and excited. Ester thinks she’ll marry the engineer or at least take him for a lover. Miguel shares the gossip with Tav that MC has a new boyfriend.

            Alvaro likes the countryside, the meals and the company. His happiness is reflected in his personal theme music for the ride, a jaunty banda refrain. MC invites him back to the house for a meal—stew and tequila. She inquires why is he single?  Simply, he hasn’t found the woman of his dreams. She thinks marriage is very serious and you should be willing to spend the rest of your life with that person. And now let’s go get that tequila, she suggests. (A cry echoed across Viewerville, probably. We need something strong to wash the cheesiness away.)

            Gossip is also a burning fire raging in the neighborhood. Mig thinks it’s nonsense that the engineer saw MC and fell madly in love. Now she’s behaving like a giddy teenager. Tav thinks his brother is slandering MC and she’s not that lighthearted. If she marries, he wants it to be to a good step-father for Lupita. Ester warns JA not to stick his neck out for MC or any woman. She won’t end up with him, no matter what his pretensions are!  The brothers agree not to argue over the wild girl. Tav is sure she couldn’t have a new boyfriend. Just in case, he’s going to check things out.

Tav Saw It with His Own Eyes and Still Couldn’t Believe It
            MC and Alvaro are seated at the table, drinking coffee (it looks like—no tequila in evidence?) and deep in laughter and conversation. Tav knocks at the door but Santa tells him to wait, MC is busy eating.  When MC turns around and sees him, she also tells him to wait. The frustrated former husband wonders why he came, but thinks of his responsibility for his daughter. He can’t believe MC kept him waiting.  His beloved MC greets him in a few moments, apologizes for the delay, and welcomes him.  The two rivals give each other a hard stare, sizing each other up.

Next Episode
            Oblivio and Alvaro shake hands in a time-tested trial of manly strength.


Since I burned my beanie some time back, it's not there to help endure the wacko stuff we see. There's so much flipping and twisting around in our plot now that I feel a cervical collar is in order.



The absolute perfect word for this show right now. La Paloma you did such a masterful job and I loved your little comments throughout. I have such a dose of sadness every time Sergio shows on screen that he is so wasted in this TN.

Anyone else notice in the TRasha scene that when they pulled out for a shot of her whole studio, the picture of a woman was fuzzed out. Assuming it was a selfie and a possible nude? Gees, we miss all the interesting self.

Basically these episodes are just becoming Blah Blah Blah with the same hysterical moments by Simona ( yeah let's see how long her calmness last), Miguel still not being productive, JA being a jerk and MC flirting. Thrilling.


Thanks for the great recap with "Natrasha" and "jaunty banda refrain". I also loved the quote from "Alla en el rancho grande" and the description of Maricruz as "plucky"
That really fits her.

The actual episode was one big yawn. We need less "musings of Octavio" on horseback or whatever and more action. We are stuck in a rut on the rancho.


As far as I remember, almost everybody wanted to escape from Isla to rancho. Dreams come true :)))

Good morning la worked hard to make an enjoyable, coherent recap out of another night of gobbledy-gook,so we all thank you, I'm sure.

The "burning fire" theme was a good one, old ashes smoldering all over the place, and new brush fires starting, although I agree, Sergio is wasted in this bland, vanilla love story so far.

(Dream on, slimeball. If the Emir couldn’t pull it off, neither can you.) was one of my favorite observations, plus your musings on whether Miguel or Santita should write best-sellers on their Life and Love advice.

But best of all:
"We need something strong [tequila] to wash the cheesiness away."

I sometimes wonder if the actors arrive to work, see their daily scripts and mutter, "God no, not again!" Hopefully the on-set camaraderie makes up for the goofy production otherwise. As did your wonderful recap.

Miguel thinks that Mari is behaving like "a giddy teenager., What. what? Que. Pot meet kettle. Miguel, you need to get a job and leave your extended adolescence .

Machoman and Mari roaming over hill and dale on their handsome steeds was interesting. At least we got to see some beautiful farmland.

When The Big O and Mig were strolling through the pasture with the herd, I was so hoping that they would both step in a cowpie.

What a nifty recap, Paloma. Well done.

Let's see, we don't care enough about Solita to find out who raped her, to develop some type of skill to communicate with her, to dress her fashionably, nor even name her child, but we're presented with the prospect of meeting her mother all of a sudden? Where the heck is that coming from?

I just don't see the chemistry between Maricruz and Cifuentes. Maybe instead of pursuing her romantically, he should think about adopting her. At least he won't be needing to tint his hair. Maybe he'll buy a couple of new hats. I recommend Texas Hatters.

I'm not even going to speculate about what is actually wrong with Simona. The ophthalmologist's babblings made absolutely no sense to me.

José Antonio makes a great skulker, doesn't he?

Name the kid!


Carlos, what kid? We have 3 unnamed boys

Alegria, of course you are right and I thought of that right after I posted my comment. My main concern at the moment is Solita's son since he'll be starting school soon and will need a name to enroll with.

Name the children!


La Paloma, thank you for the funny recap.

It would be quite a dig at Maricruz for Simona to name her son "Octavio," so I'm surprised she hasn't thought of it. Simona wouldn't know that Maricruz named her monkey after Octavio.

How many decent males have we seen in this TN? Only a few. I count Don Ale, Don Ramiro, Tobias, the padre, and the accountant. And maybe the guy who tried to kill the emir. And the monkey, of course.

These telenovelas generate really big money. I just got off of the Corazon Indomable Wikipedia page and saw the large number of countries around the world that are showing it. The only spoilers on the page might be the titles of the episodes. Quite interesting. This goes way beyond the Spanish speaking world.


Carlos---I'm growing weary. I hope that this will be over soon as we are not going to agree on this and that's OK. But I have to try to clear up some of my thoughts from yesterday. Yes I know that rapes usually start out fully clothed but you kept using the word rape and this was not a rape. I still say that the rape, attempted rape,
attack, assault or whatever you want to call it was technicality over as soon as Miguel rode up and shouted. Miguel had rage as he should have had. How many times must I say that Miguel was a bigger
and stronger man than EWWsebio. He could have easily taken him down.
But--- if Miguel for some reason felt inadequate in his fighting ability, he had a club to help him,
EWWsebio had nothing. Miguel instead decided to play GOD and take a life. I played the rerun many times. It's hard to tell exactly from what direction or angle the shot came from but there was no blood on the face or forehead indicating that the shot came from behind but it doesn't matter. The fact still is that Miguel chose murder by shooting an unarmed man. Carlos, I'll say it again---we are not going to agree and that's OK. I will still enjoy your recaps and send praise your way when praise is due.
One last thing---My wish is that no woman or child would ever be raped but I also must say that we can't murder everyone that does a bad deed. I am a strong advocate of strict punishment for crime. Rehabilitation, a second chance, yes but after the crime has been paid for. I have been in churches and have seen and talked to ex gang
members that have done terrible things in their lives but have turned around--miracle? Some of those ex gang bangers have devoted the rest of their lives to doing good and helping others. Those people would have never been able to do that if they had known Miguel

Now on to yesterdays episode.
the gringo

Okay, , three unnamed boys. Let's get the job done and pick some names. How about Curly. Moe , and Larry? Or from the Bob Newhart Show, Larry, Daryl, and Daryl. No..okay,...How about the Pep Boys (garage guys) Manny, Moe, and Jack ? No? Okay, okay...., how about my best friends' husbands' names ....Dan, Jack, and Steve ? No? How about my three uncles, Artie, Eddie, and Harry ? No? How about my three nephews...Bill, Greg, and Carl? No?? How about my three cousins, David, Drew and Skipper? No? How about my first three beaus...David, Johnny, and All? No? How about the three tallest Beatles??? John, George, and Paul ? No?.. How about the three guys in my speaking class..Oscar, Romio, and Harsh ? No? How about my three favorite characters from Alborada ...Luis, Marcos, and Cristobal ? No. How about three famous explorers ..Christopher, Vasco, and Americus ? How about our male commenters/recappers, Carlos, Mauricio, Gringo? No? Okay...I tried...your turn.

Why is Simona hanging on to thieve two freeloaders? With her money (?) she could buy a man who showed a tad bit of respect and pretended to love her. Or if she is lucky someone who genuinely cared for her. Ester dump the JuanA. Maricurz send Solita for some medical help with her hearing or lack of. Natasha, go back to Mexico where your "talents" might be more appreciated. And for the love of pete, Maricuz, , ring up the Emir and have him buy up the neighboring ranchos and deal with him later. I am sure you can scheme some money out o him and then drop him. Octavio, you will never get your stuff together, perhaps you and Miguel could share on the little houses Maricruz has built. All seems so logical And to the troupe of moneys who write this stuff, think about it.

La Paloma---Thank you, you sure did a great job. I loved your "plucky heroine" or "plucky Maricruz." That's a new one for me and I really, really like it--it fits.----I also liked your comparison of the slender stick and the bigger one that Jack Ass needs. Your line that adult love requires a chaperone as well made me laugh. You really nailed last night's episode.

So it looks like old mustache is chasing the young goddess. Well what man in his right mind wouldn't? Ok, let's see. Old mustache uses hair color, needs viagria and if he want's to chase the young beauties, it won't be long before he will need to be making appoints for Botox treatments. Now where does that leave Tav?

Old mustache is going to help Maricruz save her rancho. Now let's take a look at this. When it come down to people verses gold, gold always wins. Yes, I know, this is a novela.

Anonymous yesterday said---PEAM 49
and MPV 11 QUE? PEAM usually scores low and MPV has been scoring high. What happened?

I can't wait for tonight. An old guy secure in life and probably with money verses a young restless guy unsecure in life and with no or little money. This could get interesting.
the gringo

the gringo

My dear Patiopeeps, I apologize for the typos on my post. I really should get glasses. Let me tell you about the stupid thing I did a couple of days ago. I received a free offer from EHarmony and decided to give it whirl. Scanned thru the gentleman listed and decided to send a couple of them a note. One man was pictured with a sweet little dog. I type a note saying who cute the dog was, how much it reminded me of my dog, yada yada, yada. Off the note went. Decided to take another look at his photo, .....this man was holding a baby. Yikes, Typed a fast apology, and immediately closed my account with EHarmony. i see no Señor in my future very soon.

Not so fast gringo, I went back and re-watched the video yet again and at no point did I see or hear Miguel shout out nor did at anytime did Eusebio indicate that he heard any shout or indicate that he was ceasing to proceed with the rape in progress.

As to a disparity in size and strength, though while I'll concede height advantage to Miguel, I'm not so sure about weight. Strength-wise I'd be inclined to give the edge to Eusebio based on what we know about the day to day activities of both. A ranch hand (even a small one) would likely have a strength advantage over a frou-froued layabout. I also suspect that Eusebio is the more experienced fighter.

I reiterate... rifles are weapons for shooting... they are not intended or constructed for use as clubs.

Just a reminder that this poor murder victim was guilty of child-rape, arson, murder (remember the abuelo, Ramiro?) and ongoing theft.

Perhaps instead of rape we should coin the term abusus interuptus.

One curious thing I noticed in my latest viewing of the video: Miguel was standing on the ground as took aim and shot Eusebio, who fell back in a closeup and then we got a view of Miguel... dismounting his horse with the rifle... hmmmm.

One last thing, gringo, you do keep in mind that this is just a telenovela and these are just fictional characters... right?


EmeraldRose- That's hysterical! If I were a man, I'd ask you out just for this. It's certainly better than anything happening on this show.


emeraldrose, I'm choking on a muffin and falling out of my chair. That is hilarious.


I am not taking sides here in any way. In the event of a rape, I support any means of stopping it. However, regarding the use of a rifle. I grew up with guys who hunted. They routinely took them along on romantic walks through the countryside just in case they ran across a groundhog . I am pretty sure that these same guys would not have hesitated using a rifle as a club. I was once with a friend who used a rifle (which he just happened to have in his car trunk..not uncommon around here back in the day) to pump up the jack to change a flat tire . Just saying'

I just love reading the much better than the show itself.

Susanlynn: How about "See No Evil", "Hear No Evil" and "Speak No Evil".

Emeraldrose--that's hysterical!!


Ever since I was a small child I've loved the names: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They sound almost Biblical.


EmeraldRose, loved you Eharmony story.
Lots of good name suggestions for the three nameless boys. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego sound Biblical 'cause they are. I doubt we'll ever be allowed to know, since the careless parents probably call all of them hijo or niño at home.

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