Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #8 Wed 10/16/13 Sebastian gets busy throwing dogs (you have to read the whole thing to understand)

Ricardo asks Sebas what he'll do with his shares – is he planning to sell them?  SabeNada doesn't know.  With his share of the sale of the house plus his mother's trust fund, oof, what a life he'll have!  Ricardo warns him to consider this money won't last forever (buzzkill).  SabeNada wonders sarcastically if Ricardo wants him to invest in the factory. Ricardo suggests he would make a good profit if he did.  SabeNada tells him if it were anyone else, he might, but since it's Ricardo, well, no – ain't gonna do it.  Ricardo tries to speak calmly with him.  It really doesn't matter to him if he invests in the company.  But he does want to know why SabeNada dislikes him so much.  Sabe responds that Ricardo has been bossing him around all his life, trying to run his life in order to turn him into a puppet (monigote).  Ricardo tries to explain he's never.....but SabeNada refuses to listen to the same old song (cantaleta).  Ricardo was always the favorite son.  If his mother left everything to Ricardo and he got stuck with a miserable trust (fideicomiso) it must've been because Ricardo nagged and nagged her to leave everything to him (Ricardo).  Ricardo assures him he did no such thing.  He sincerely (de corazon) apologizes if he was too strict with him or if he made any mistakes.  Too late, says SabeNada.  Ricardo continues to reach out, saying he would like nothing more if they could talk as friends.  He'd like to hear about his projects, his friends, his girlfriends.  SabeNada tells him he has no interest in sharing anything with him because he could care less about his opinion.  And one more thing, he wants a car.  He's tired of walking or taking taxis.  He had to sell his car to survive when Ricardo cut off his allowance.  Ricardo stupidly, IMHO, says he'll speak to the accountant and have him assign a car designated for the executives at the firm.  Oh heck no, SabeNada doesn't want one of those carcachas (old crock/jalopy).  He stalks off and Ricardo can only shake his head. 

Casa de Paloma

SabeNada visits w/Paloma.  She offers him a seat but he prefers to take a ride in her wheelchair.  He asks if she was planning to sell her shares to his brother.  She admits she was planning to but that was before the arrival of Ines and Lina.  He tells her he wants to sell her his shares but only if she promises not to sell them to Ricardo.  Paloma wonders why he's so angry with Ricardo who only loves him and worries about him.  SabeNada doesn't believe that for a minute.  According to him, it's all an act. The only thing Ricardo wants is to boss him around and dominate him. Paloma suggests Ricardo wants to educate him.  SabeNada says that's what parents are for.  Well, if she's not interested in his shares....She stops him from leaving and agrees to buy them rather than see them sold to a stranger.

Arista Breton

Piero is talking business but Ricardo isn't listening.  He's deep in thought.  Cesar joins them and Ricardo asks about Ines. Cesar tells Ricardo that Ines is doing well in her accountant duties.  She's very intelligent and told him she had studied mathematics and accounting.  Ricardo's confused because he thought she hadn't finished “la prepa”.  This surprises Cesar because she found an error from a few weeks ago.  She had wanted to review the previous month's statements in order to understand the business.  He's impressed at how knowledgeable she is. 

Casa de Paloma

SabeNada leaves Paloma's room a grinnin' and a whistlin'.  MadHilde watches him suspiciously and immediately interrogates the old lady as to the purpose for his visit.  She doesn't believe her when Paloma says he just came by for a visit.  Paloma explains Sabe came by to sell her his dad's shares of the business and she agreed to buy them.  MadHilda wonders why he didn't sell them to his bro.  Paloma hasn't the slightest idea but figures it's between the brothers.  Now MadHilde comes to the reason for her visit.  She's very grateful to Paloma because she provided her family with a home (posada) when Ruben's business went bad.  Paloma explains she loves MadHile’s children and they’re family after all.  MadHilde cuts an apple with a very sharp knife, which makes me really nervous, as she wonders out loud that now that Paloma's granddaughter is in the house, will things change?  Paloma says this won't change how she feels about MadHilde and her family.  MadHilde continues her train of thought, what will happen to her family when Paloma leaves everything to her granddaughter?  Paloma assures her Ines will not leave them out in the cold.  MadHilde: but what if she marries and her husband doesn't take kindly to caring for strangers?  She pleads with Paloma to leave those shares that Sabe is selling in their name, to give them some peace of mind, some dignity.

Aresti Breton

Ricardo gets a call from Paloma asking him to come by – she needs to speak with him face to face

Casa de Paloma

Ruben thinks Madhilde's plan to get her hands on Sabe’s shares is farfetched.  He's sure that as soon as Paloma is gone, they may as well pack their bags, especially after what she, MadHilde, did to the dog.  MadHilde's sure her aunt will not disappoint her.  After all, she's been like a servant to her all these years.  Ruben feels they were well compensated.  They lived well, the kids were educated.....  Mad's not satisfied.  She has to think of the future.  The worst that can happen is that Paloma will say no and that's that.  Ruben chimes in that Paloma will surely tell Ines who will not agree, especially after the way Mad treated her daughter, Lina.  Mad's sure she'll think of something else.  She suggests Ruben also put on his thinking cap.  He doesn't seem too comfortable with the idea of coming up with a plan of his own.   Seems as thought thinking hurts his noggin.

Ricardo and Paloma discuss Sabe’s offer.  Paloma asks his opinion of putting those shares in MadHilde's name.  He figures they’re hers to do with as she wishes.  Paloma considers she should discuss it with Ines.  She tells him what Mad said about Ines possibly remarrying and leaving them out in the cold.  Ricardo suggests she leave them something in her will (dejar un legado).  Paloma thinks this is a good idea.  He jokes with her this means Paloma will never sell him her share.  Paloma had considered that in the past but that was before Ines appeared on the scene.  The talk turns to Ines and how intelligent she is.  Ricardo shares what Cesar told him about Ines' studies.  Paloma is surprised because she was also under the impression that Ines had only gone to “la prepa”.   Paloma figures that when Ines escaped that “life” she found a patron (mecenes) who helped her reform (regenerar) herself and most likely supported her in her studies.  Ricardo wonders if said patron might be the father of her child.  Paloma tells Ricardo that she's contracted Santos to investigate Ines' life from when she left Ciudad Juarez until he traced her to that hotel.

They're interrupted by the maid who tells them a young lady has come calling for Ines.  Hmmm, wonder who that could be?  Why it's Raquel Ledesma – Ricardo has a ruh-roh look on his face – he explains she’s a co-owner of the hotel where his father was murdered.  Enter Raquel who's so “surprised” to see Ricardo there.  What a small world.  She's introduced to Paloma who's pleased as punch to meet a friend of Ines.  Raquel downplays their friendship, saying they only met at the hotel for a few days.  She knew Ines was staying here and decided to come by for a visit.  She announces she and her partner are planning to move their business.  Lina comes by just then and runs to “Tia Raquel”, so happy to see her.  Ricardo just takes this all in.  Ines is less than pleased to see Raquel.  Over lemonade, Raquel explains the hotel has fallen on hard times since the murder and she had the idea that perhaps they should relocate.  Ruben suggests they open “boutique hotel” – they're all the rage.  Raquel asks if they know of a cheap hotel where she can stay while in town.  Paloma won't hear of it and offers a room to Raquel.  She's very grateful to Raquel and her friend for helping her find her granddaughter.  Ricardo is very suspicious, MadHilde is bothered as usual, and Oriana is very nervous. 

The Parish Gym

Ricardo tells Padre Rocky he's none too happy with the appearance of Raquel and much less that she'll be staying with Paloma.  Well, Padre Rocky thinks Ricardo is seeing Moros con Tranchetes (Moors with knives)– he's suspicious of everything.  Ricardo's convinced the friendship between Raquel and Ines is superficial even though Lina called her “Tia Raquel”  Padre Rocky suggests he speak frankly with Ines but to keep in mind the DNA test was positive.  In addition, if he's interested in her but shares his doubts about her, she'll end up hating him.  Rocky has things to do – conversation over.

Casa Berton

Marilu asks Tia Fidelia if Ricardo has a gf.  She only went to the U.S. because he broke it off between them.  She thought he'd come looking for her but that didn't happen.  She tells Tia she still lurves him – what can she do?  Fidelia would like nothing more than for them to be together because she's her niece but she's got to fight her own battle.  Sabe walks in, charming her and invites her out.  I see trouble with these two. 

Casa de Paloma

Oriana corners Raquel.  QTH is she doing here!!  Raquel tells her like it is.  They're ruined and it's all Oriana's fault because she killed Don Gabriel!  Thanks to them, she now lives in a mansion with a grandmother who adores her while she and Lucina have no choice but to sell their hotel.  Here comes the blackmail:  Either Oriana helps them with what they need to relocate, or they tell “abuelita” the truth.  Oriana is impactada.

Bar Bolo

Sabe can't believe she's still in love with Ricardo and she's figured out the brothers don't get along.  Sabe doesn't understand why she's surprised.  Ricardo is bossy, unpleasant (antipatico) and fair warning (ojo) he must be cold as ice in bed.  He makes a move on her but she pushes him away.  She disagrees about his assessment of Ricardo, saying he's a great catch (partidazo).  Well, Sabe thinks he's a partidazo cuz he just inherited his father's shares and in a few days he'll get his trust from his mother.  She doesn't take him seriously and wonders why he's bringing this up.  He suggests they can be “intimate” friends.  She laughs at him, saying she could be mistaken for his mother.  He suggests that's the thing to do nowadays.  Besides, he likes her.  She frankly tells him she's not interested.  He assumes this means she intends to continue begging after Ricardo.  She doesn't see it that way and offers that they can have a beautiful friendship.  His ego is deflated. 

Casa Paloma

Oriana is furious.  How can Raquel say this to her when this whole mess was their (Raquel and Lucina) idea!  Raquel feels it was done to help her and now it's payback time.  Oriana:  Help me?  Do you have any idea the hell I'm living?  The constant fear that I'll be found out?  Raquel figures nothing's happened as yet and she's living here like a queen.  Oriana's sure Ricardo's suspicious.  It's not so much what he's said but he's always watching her and asking questions:  where did she live? Where did she study? Is Alina's father still alive?  Raquel:  That's normal.  It's just that you're paranoid (paranoica).  And if he's checking you out, it's likely you're checking him out as well.  Don't be a hypocrite (mustia)!   You must be flirting with him (echando los perros; literal: throwing the dogs [HAHA]).  Oriana scoffs at the idea of flirting with anyone, as distressed (angustia) as she is. Raquel tells her to chill, there's no danger of anyone finding out anything.  But she'd better not make the mistake of getting involved with Ricardo.  Raquel likes him and they've already done the nasty.  He was so happy, he sent her flowers the next day.  Oriana is shocked to hear this.  Oh yeah, says Raquel, it happened in Guaymas when we were staying in the same hotel.  Now, about that money......  Oriana tells her she has no intention of asking Paloma for money.  She suggests Raquel stop with the threats, because if she (Oriana) falls, so will Raquel and Lucina.  What do you think of that, sistah?? 

At dinner, Raquel continues to share her story of financial ruin.  Ruben opines that the financial crisis is worldwide.  But here in Hermosillo, she'll find it's quite different. It's more tranquil and it's got its merits.  Raquel likes the idea of a boutique hotel.  Ruben offers to help her if she'd like.  MadHilde almost jumps out of her skin at this suggestion and tries to change the subject and even brings up that Gabriel was killed at Raquel's hotel.  Oriana tries to escape this turn in the conversation by saying she needs to put Lina to bed but Fabiola insists on taking her up.  Sweet exchange:  Paloma wishes Lina a good night and that she'll dream with the angels (sueñes con los angelitos).  Lina counters by saying it would be better to dream with the puppies (con los perritos).  She's just too cute!  Speaking of dogs, Madhilde is like one with a bone – she wonders what happened when Gabriel was killed.  They all found it so strange.  Raquel and Oriana are very uncomfortable and Raquel explains no one really knows how it happened.  She confirms Ruben's understanding that it was a woman who shot him.  But she disappeared after the shooting.  The shooting then resulted in their loss of clientele.  MadHilde understands how that could happen.  Why would anyone want to stay at a hotel where the guests are killed off?  Paloma insists they change the subject, especially since she cared for Ricardo's father.  Paloma leaves the table and Oriana accompanies her.  MadHilde won't let it go and asks Raquel more questions:  was that woman involved with Gabriel? Raquel tells her she doesn't know.  She acknowledges she was her friend but they hadn't seen each other in years.  MadHilde now asks if the friend had a child. 

In Paloma's room, she tells Oriana that she doesn't like it when they discuss Gabriel's death, it's too morbid.  He may have had his faults but he was a good man.  Ricardo loved his father.  They didn't see each other often because Lila couldn't stand him but they still found some time to speak to each other, especially where the business was concerned.  Paloma asks Oriana to tell her about her husband.  She figures they never married because Lina's surname is Ines' maiden name.  She wonders if he was the one who didn't want to get married, is that why they separated?  Oriana hesitantly tells her it was because he did something illegal (indebido).  Paloma encourages her to speak openly, she loves her dearly and would understand anything she has to say.  Oriana begins to cry, saying it was very painful.  He ruined her life.  She really doesn't want to speak about it.  Paloma understands.  She just wants Ines to be happy.  It doesn't matter what happened in her past.  She wants Ines to understand she loves her unconditionally.  Ines is like the sun of her life.  Oriana cries that she doesn't deserve Paloma's love. 

Later, Oriana comes to Alina's bed to kiss her goodnight.  She thought bubbles in prayer:  how will I ever tell her the truth, that her granddaughter is dead.  I'm not really harming anyone.  I'm giving some happiness to a kind, loving woman.  God knows she's not interested in her money.  When He calls her to His side, she and Alina will disappear. 

The next morning, Oriana begins breakfast alone but then Raquel shows up.  Oriana tells her about her job and Raquel cautions her that people may find it odd that Ines, with no education, would excel at accounting.  Why, she was a hippie chilapastrosa (Mexican slang for poorly dressed) and a pig.  Oriana realizes Raquel knows more about Ines than she's let on.  She insists Raquel tell her what she knows.  But.....Alina comes in, dressed for school, and they leave.  Raquel makes herself at home and rings for the maid.  She gets a call from Lucina who's been waiting anxiously for Raquel's call.  She asks after Oriana and Raquel tells her she's doing ok for herself, living like a princess in a castle and even has a chofer!  Lucina's happy for her.  She's not surprised Oriana balked at helping them financially, figuring Raquel didn't ask too kindly.  Raquel is envious that Oriana is living in luxury.  If not for them, she'd be in jail in either Mexico or Colombia.  Oh, and guess who she ran into? Ricardo!  Yes! He just happens to be the abuela's godson....and she's sure Oriana is echando los perros at Ricardo!  Lucina is exasperated with Raquel:  I'm so sure, with things being the way they are, that Oriana would be flirting with anyone.  She tells Raquel stop talking nonsense (burradas) and listen.  They have someone who's interested in buying the hotel.  If she can close the deal, she'll join Raquel ASAP.  Raquel lies and says she was invited to stay, not mentioning she practically invited herself.  Whatever, Lucina cautions her not to pressure Oriana too much or she may spill the soup (soltar la sopa [tee-hee]).  They must be tactful, lest they both end up in jail.

Ruben completes his morning toilette while MadHilde makes the bed.  She yaks on about how busy she'll be today – she has to hire more help because of all the people in the house.  She asks why he's getting all gussied up.  He explains he's planning to take Raquel to Sylvia Castañon's agency who will help her find what she needs. She is Ines' friend after all.  MadHilde's not too sure about that.  She's noticed things.  Like how Ines hardly spoke at dinner and that's because she didn't like the idea of Raquel staying on.  She notices everything... like his cologne. She tells him to be very careful about getting too chummy with Raquel.  She didn't take a liking to her at all.  Ruben asks the obvious question:  Well, who do you like?

MadHilde next comes to Paloma's room with her apple. (Why does this make me think of the evil Stepmother in Snow White – is she poisoning her?)  She asks Paloma if she's changed her mind about the shares and is angered to learn Paloma discussed it w/Ines.  The phone rings and MadHilde almost trips over herself in her rush to answer the phone.  She knows then that it's Santos calling.  She leaves, but not before reminding Paloma to eat her apple.  BWAHAHA!  Anyway, Santos has called in to report that the brothel was closed due to drug activity.  He did find Ines' birth certificate with the father's name Valdivia and mother's name Aresti.  He also found Paloma's (Ines' mother) death certificate.  He did find the cemetery but (EEEEEWWWWW) after some time, the remains are exhumed and thrown who knows where. MadHilde is eavesdropping as Paloma asks him to take his investigation to Monterrey where Ines lived and supposedly studied.  He should check out any schoolmates, teachers, etc., anyone who can help them find out who helped overcome her terrible past.  MadHilde hears the maid coming and sneaks away in the nick of time.

Aresti Breton

Cesar is talking with Oriana about Gabriel's death again.  He was surprised to hear she was there when Gabriel was murdered.  He heard there was a woman involved and  how they think it was her daughter who may  have shot him accidentally.  He takes a call from Ricardo who asks Oriana to come to his office.

Ricardo is on the phone with Marilu who's really trying to get him to go out with her.  He begs off, saying he's really busy.  He cuts her off when Oriana arrives.  He asks how she's getting on at work.  He brings up her studies.  She doesn't deny it but says she'd never worked in accounting before.  He brings up the subject of her salary.  She doesn't want a salary (what?).  She explains that with Lina in school all day, she needs something to keep her busy and not idle at home.  He brings up her friend Raquel but she denies they're friends.  She was at her hotel a few days, that's all.  He suggests he knows they've stayed in touch.  She gets angry and wants to know what it is he wants to know.  Since she's met him, he’s been suspicious (desconfiado).  He hasn't let up on the questions.  She wonders if he thinks she's his father's assassin since the suspect also has a young daughter.  Or is it that he's angry that Paloma has found her long lost granddaughter, and therefore nudging him out of inheriting the company for himself.  Ooooh, good move, Oriana!  She tells him she and her daughter are only there to make an old lady happy.  The day she dies, she and her daughter will leave – without taking a single penny of the inheritance!  She leaves without uttering another word!  You go girl!!

We next see our brave girl at the company's gate, crying her eyes out.

Ricardo looks for her.  Cesar tells him she never returned after going to his office and even left her purse behind.  Ricardo grabs her purse and leaves word to tell Ines that he'll wait for her in the parking lot.  Ricardo catches up with Jorge (chofer) and instructs him to go pickup Lina.  He'll take care of getting Ines home. 

Oriana returns to find her purse gone and is told Ricardo is waiting for her.

Ricardo has received another call from Benigno who says Maria has escaped again, saying she's nothing but a ramera, escaping to go after men.  Ricardo promises he'll be there soon but in the meantime they should go look for her.  Oriana arrives just then and grabs her purse from Ricardo – how dare he take her purse!!!  Ricardo tries to say their conversation was not over.  It is for me, she says.  Besides, I need to go for my daughter.  She tells him he's no one to be giving orders for her when he tells her he made arrangements for Lina.  Ricardo gets all vulnerable and, with tears in his eyes, tells her he has this problem and would like very much if she would come with him.  He explains he needs to go find Maria, mother to Sebastian, his son!  Oriana's all, “What? QTH?” He tells her this is a weight he's carried for many years.  His parents took responsibility for him.  Paloma and Mariano know about it as do his longtime friends Piero and Antonio (yeah, with friends like that......).  They also got drunk the night it happened.  She wonders, as I do, why he would tell her.  He hardly knows her.  Benigno is busy getting his drunk on when Ricardo and Oriana show up.  He tells them they found Maria at some knick knack store, surely thinking of stealing something, the mañosa (cunning).   To top it off, she refused to take her meds.

They go inside and Maria is sitting there with her dolls.  She complains Ricardo doesn't come to visit often enough.  Ricardo scolds her for running off.  Elvira, the caregiver, explains she takes Maria with her when she goes grocery shopping but Maria always manages to run off.  Benigno suggests they use a dog leash, the swine.  Ricardo gets her to take her meds. 


*Will Ricardo profess his lurve for the lovely Oriana/Ines?
*Will Oriana/Ines confess to Padre Tartan?  Or is she just fishing for info?


I loved it when Oriana got in Ricardo's face about all his suspicions! Never mind that he's right, but I loved it nonetheless.

I had to tweak my brand new beanie a bit when Ricardo, out of nowhere, confessed about his babymama to Oriana.

Marilu and SabeNada are going to be fun along with Lucina and Raquel!

Great stuff.

I must have missed something but who is MadHilda to Paloma that she should expect an inheritance from her? Personally I think her definition of dignity is screwed up as well.

Ricardo's dark secret will come back to bite him on the tuchas in several ways. Sebastian is a nasty spoiled brat and the whole thing with Maria is creepy in the extreme. If I were Oriana I'd run.


Great recap, Paquita. Well done.

I'm really enjoying this show. Clearly I needn't have worried about Raquel being too sweet and lovable, but doesn't she bring out the best in whatever she decides to wear?

I wasn't expecting Ricky to share his secret quite so soon.

Matilde is such a treat to watch. I wonder if she has any new adventures planned for little Tito?


Paquita, I really want to thank you for the Spanish lessons you interspersed in the midst of yet another great recap. I love your writing style!

Way to go Orines!!! I also like it that she gives Raquel some push back, too.

Little Ricky really has his hands full with the ladies, doesn't he? Marilu, Raquel, Maria, and Orines (who is NOT a handful). What is the poor lad to do?

Oh, Paquita, your "SabeNada" was perfecto for that miserable Sebastian. On the basis of SabeNada's ugly attitude and ugly ways, I am betting that it's not Piero who is the dad, but the other dude, Antonio. Is that his name, Antonio? Anyway, the one dude who really didn't care that Ricky has been "stuck" with looking after Maria.

I know this is so far down the road, but I can't wait for SabeNada to find out who his real dad is and for Little Ricky to find out who his friends really are.

So many juicy story lines! I have died and gone to heaven.

Thank you so much, Paquita!!



Thanks Paquita, I always love your writing style. It's easy to read and flows just right.

Matilde is the niece of Paloma, I think. So since she's family, she's in line to inherit something from Paloma, especially if Ines weren't in the picture.

So the Raquel's claws have come out. She plays a great bitchy rival. This actress knows how to do it. We saw it in Abismo.

Marilu and Ricardo are first cousins? And she's got romantic feelings for him. Hmm.

Now, about the different characters and the actors who portray them. I've watched enough now to assess them in their roles.
I think that the actress who plays Ines is a bit to motherly looking for the sexy woman role she's playing. It's a bit of a stretch that Piero would also think she's hot.
I love the woman playing Madhilde. She's doing a great job being just what she is, a nasty pushy woman who wants her way and will do whatever it takes to get it. I loved it when she raced to answer the phone before Paloma could so she could know who is calling.
I actually like Ruben. He might be a wet noodle, but he's a nice wet noodle who only wants to get along and be friendly.
The actor playing Sebastian is also doing a dynamite job. He is perfect for the role and he's playing him perfectly. He knows how to make us all think he's annoying and spoiled, and uses people to get what he wants.
The woman playing Paloma is a terrific actress. She has such a realistic manner about her in her acting.

So Ines didn't know she was supposed to have such a sordid background. Now she will have to think fast to explain why she is educated and refined. And she'll have to explain why there is no evidence of her attending any school in Monterrey.

Thank you Paquita, this is a stupendous recap. I appreciate all the detail and your funny comments.

Love "Padre Rocky" and "Padre Tartan".

Ricardo takes Ines to meet Maria and tells her his secret? Yuk, that kind of puts a gothic twist to things. I wonder what Manderley is in Spanish? Or Mrs. Danvers? Oh wait, Mrs. Danvers...that would be Matilde wouldn't it?
Thanks Paquita!

Paquita - Terrific recap. Thanks for the bonus vocab.

Since Ricardo thinks Ines has a sordid past that she has overcome to become a classy lady, I can see where he'd feel he could share his own secret shame.


Oriana made a big mistake in brushing off Raquel. She should be helping those two ladies out, because they did a lot for her and she has done nothing in return, and she has open credit cards and more money than she knows what to do with coming her way. Take the girl out to lunch and a shopping spree, for goodness sake!! Not that I could stand a millionth Pretty Woman scene (wasn't that movie last century?)

Maria story is very creepy. Um, when Ricardo says, Sebas is my son and Maria is his mother, doesn't that mean...? And couldn't he find a more professional facility for her?

I am asking too many questions here, so I think I should stop ;)

Capn Syvlia -- I was thinking more along the lines of Jane Eyre, with the mad 1st wife in the attic; but there's no Mrs. Danvers at Thornfield Hall.

Someone on an earlier post asked about kissing cousins. It's established that Tia Fidelia is single, que no? I was thinking Marilu might be her niece on her husband's side but I don't recall a Mr. Fidelia mentioned. So that would make Ricardo and Marilu first cousins? Do we know who her parents are?

I really like Altair Jarabo (Raquel). She plays the bitchy characters so well and seems to be typecast into this role. I've never seen her play a "nice" girl. Will she ever play the protaganista?

The storylines are moving along pretty fast, as they do at the beginning of the TN's so I think Oriana's Big Lie is going to be unraveled before we get to the middle of this TN.

As for SabeNada, what a total jerk but I really like his storyline. The kind of character I love to hate.

Paquita, yep, it's more like Jane Eyre. Good call. (They are both great novels though with heaps of the creep factor thrown in.)

If the Descanso en Paz ladies had kept out of it, Oriana wouldn't be in this mess. Alina didn't fire the gun, neither did Oriana, no gun powder on either one. The gun wasn't even fired & I believe a different caliber than the one that killed Gabe. Oriana, being so frightened let herself be manipulated. Not saying L&R did it out of meanness, but they lied, hid the evidence. So they are in real trouble too. Raquel better keep her mouth shut.

Thank you, Paquita. I am watching late the next day, so a bit behind. But I love the recaps and all the great vocab you have shared in yours. I am enjoying this one, lots of intrigue, some of which is indeed a bit creepy. Mayrin/Oriana/Ines is so pretty and cultured and lovely -- but she can let loose and let people have it. A good thing under the circumstances.

Paquita thanks so much for this recap. Your asides were hilarious. Ricky's son is a hot mess and loved your nickname.

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