Thursday, October 17, 2013

Corazon Indomable #112 So many Galans, not enough MC to go around.

I guess Solita is now sick. It breaks Perito's heart to see her that way. Perito can't decide if he loves Solita or not. He runs it by MC. Maybe he loves the painter? She asks if he wants to be with the painter in sickness and in health til death do they part. He's not sure. The painter was never sick when they were getting it on. MC says that if he finds out he doesn't love Solita, she wants him to leave her alone.

Miguel is unsuccessful in convincing Octavio to grovel back to Simona.

Galan #6, I can't remember his name, s stewing over what to do about the situation with MC. He talks it over with his coworker. Coworker asks if he just wants to impress MC by helping.

Simona now can not see at all out of her left eye. She thought bubbles that no one will know about it. Not even a doctor, I guess.

Galan #6 comes to visit MC. He tells her that he couldn't sleep for thinking about her and the situation. He wants her to hire a lawyer to fight for I don't know what. I thought she didn't have a choice to leave. This doesn't make sense to me.

Awfulia checks in on a crying Simona. She wipes away her running mascara. It takes a long time because she wears so much. Awf tells her that Octavio has been asking about her but Simona doesn't believe her. If he cared about her he wouldn't make her so angry. She sounds like your typical wife beater to me. And she blames MC for her problems, of course. She then goes into a monolog that she will not permit Octavio to have her. Simona wants his love and she must have it. I guess all of this will happen after the divorce that she has asked for. Awf, always the voice of reason, tries to calm her down. She needs to live for her new child. Simona says she doesn't care about the baby, she only cares about Octavio. I guess we aren't ever going to see Simona with her 15 minutes of quality time with her baby anytime soon. Awf is awfully sickened by Simona's attitude. Simona wants to know what Octavio is doing while she is feeling sorry for herself in her room. Awf says that paces, he eats, and once she saw him pick his nose. Well that does it. The fight is on. She will get him back or she will die trying. She says this twice, so I think they want us to get the hint.

#6 is working his best to convince MC to hire a lawyer and fight. He is willing to fight with her along with the realengo people. She said he will lose his job if he does that, but he doesn't care. She and the cause are worth it. Barf. Why does he want to help her? He's doing it so she feels safe. Barf some more. She's never had anyone to offer her support before. How quickly she forgets the man who left her his entire fortune that she squandered away. She tries her hardest to talk him down from helping her, Super Mari has disappeared and hopeless Mari is taking her place, but he won't let her. She thanks him and he says no need, he is doing it for her and her wonderfulness. Can I serve him some wine with this cheese? After he leaves, she wonders about his marital status. Any woman would be lucky to have such a pillar for a husband.

JA is visiting Simona to talk business. He wants to move to their ranch, and work there since MC is having a downfall. Makes no sense alert! I thought he owned his house he built. Why would he need to move to Simona's ranch. Simona wants to know why he wants to move to her ranch, he can't steal from her like he did from MC. He didn't steal, he just took some of her money she was wasting. She asks if MC and Octavio are lovers. He actually tells the truth, and says no, she doesn't sleep around, and they are not lovers. Then why did she catch them kissing? If MC wanted him, she could have had him at Isla Dorado. She bought the ranch because her daughter is a Narvaez and to get back at Miguel. I must say, I can't believe that after stealing from MC left and right that he's being upfront and honest about her now.

Santa tells MC that Solita's fever is down. MC is happy at the news and says Solita should be better in a few months. Huh??? I must have missed an episode or 2 where Solita got sick with something serious, I have no idea what they are talking about. Solita will only take her meds if Perito gives them to her. They show Perito trying to give them to her but since Solita is feeling better from her mystery illness, she is feeling quite rammy and grabs a kiss instead. Meanwhile, Santa and MC are talking about Solita and Perito's future. Will he accept her child from another man? Some species kill the babies from other males. Will Perito? If Perito loves Solita, then he will accept him. Then all of a sudden, Super Mari comes back for a visit and tells Santa to get her horse ready. She wants to visit the tenants and fight for what's hers.

Santa brings a tray of food to Solita, but she doesn't want to eat. Perito says he'll try to get her to eat and formerly sane Santa gives him advice to hold Solita's nose, force her mouth open and shove the food in. Wow. I didn't make that up. Solita doesn't want to eat, but the monkey in the background sure does. He's jumping and waving his arms to get Perito to give it to him.

MC comes across her first tenant. Why hasn't he paid? No harvest, no money. Well, does he want to live on the streets then? She gives him a pep talk about joining together to fight the injustice and flashes her magic dimples. He's in, and he'll tell everyone else he sees. That was easy. She then goes off to spread the magic of the dimples to other tenants.

Simona adds to the business deal with JA. He can come work for her after MC's demise, but until he does, she wants him to spy on Octavio and MC, stop whatever hanky panky they do and report to her what happens. And she'll pay him handsomely for it. They shake. Octavio sees JA leaving and asks what he's doing there. Visiting, or something. Octavio tells him that he suspects JA is stealing from MC and he's on to him. Octavio warns him that he better be good because he will have to answer to Octavio. JA goes home to tell Ester that Simona wants him to spy on Octavio.

#6 must have moved in to MC's ranch because he's still there when she arrives back home. She informs him that she's talked to the tenants and they're willing to help. They smile and say nice things to each other.

It's lunchtime and Awfulia tells Miguel and Octavio that Simona does't feel well and won't be joining them. A compassionate Octavio gets mad and wonders what her problem is this time, and orders Awf to go get her or he's moving out now. Huh! Miguel chastises Octavio, saying what a saint Simona is and he should appreciate her. Simona overhears and thanks him for the kind words. She sits, Miguel leaves, they bicker, she tells him that she thinks she's going blind after she told all of us that she didn't want Octavio to know, and then gets up and leaves. Gotta love this show.

JA thought bubbles that he's going to have to leave Narvaez ranch soon now that MC has talked to all the tenants. How does he know she did this??? I guess that's another show I missed. She's bound to find out from them that he's stealing the rent from her. His maid, I mean Ester, brings a cup of coffee to him. He tells her that they will be leaving soon.

#6 is waiting in the lawyer's office with the padre. Don't know why the padre is there, don't ask why. #6 says to the padre that he has a plan cooked up, don't know why or what that's about, I've learned not to ask. They go off to talk. #6 confides to the padre that he's normally not a caring man, wouldn't fight for poor people of people down on their luck, but in this case, he's willing to do it because he's in love.

JA tries to convince MC to give up. They argue. She says no.

Now Octavio is visiting Simona in her bed all nice nice. This must be their schtick. Fight then makeup. He wants her to see a doctor, but she just wants to die, or leave the ranch with him the baby noname #2.

MC pays a visit to engeniero galan#5. Can't remember his name either. He's busy working on kicking her off of her land, so he has little time to talk. She tells him the plan to get signatures of everyone and file a lawsuit. She hopes he goes along with it. Nows the time to flash the magic dimples, MC.


Love your comment about Simona wearing too much mascara!!

The magic dimples ensnare all men within 10 feet! I wish I had half her suitors and she seems completely oblivious.

One eyed Simona now has two eyed JackAss spying for desperate and pathetic. I blame the makeover. If she had never gotten the makeover, Octavio, I don't think, would have married her and she wouldn't have turned into this demon.

Great job cathyx, very well done. You really made me smile with:

"I guess we aren't ever going to see Simona with her 15 minutes of quality time with her baby anytime soon."

I'm guessing not as well.

Poor José Antonio. I guess Maricruz is the only one who isn't aware that he is stealing from her. I'm happy to see him panicky over the fact that she's talking to the people.


Carvivle, I think the key thing was that mole. It must have been some sort of benevolent parasite that was controlling her causing her to be a pleasantly benign creature and its removal unleashed the malevolent mind hidden within.


Were the previous versions of this story as ridiculous?

Thanks, cathyx, for the marvy recap!

The monkey is still doing his job.
What else we ask for?


Ah CathyX...sounds like this was indeed a frustrating episode. Your "I've learned not to ask" said it all. But here are some other phrases that just tickled me....

"unsuccessful in convincing Octavio to grovel back to Simona"

[Simona removing her eye makeup] "she wears so much, it takes a long time"

"makes no sense alert!" and finally

"the magic of dimples"

Yes, by this time, we're all wishing we had them!

Although frustrated by the episodes, it IS fun to see the monkey frolicking around again. Thanks for the gritted teeth recap CathyX. Enjoyed it. (and totally missed the episode)


@UA - they were a bit silly, but they ended LONG before they got this ridiculous. La Venganza was only about 60 episodes, and Marimar was only 80 episodes.

@cathyx - Great recap; loved your dry humor. But I should point out that I believe that number #5 is number #6 and #6 is #7, as follows:

1. Octavio
2. Jose Antonio
3. Teo
4. Karim
5. Governor
6. Dude who thinks he is a god
7. Dude with caterpillar mustache

....and this novela still has 50 hours left in it. How many more galanes smitten with MC do you think there will be before it ends?

Carvivlie, true, the makeover did start this mess. If she were still ugly, Octavio never would have married her. It's so shallow, but true.

Carlos, maybe now she will believe that JA is stealing from her. But I doubt it.

Jarifa and Judy B. The monkey always makes the show a little bit better.

Latina, I didn't think of adding JA, but I should have.

Carlos---Sometimes you make me laugh and smile all day long and at other times you drive me half crazy. I didn't want to get into this again but since it came up yesterday, I must. --- You got it right the first time when you said,
"attempted rape." I have to say that both parties were FULLY CLOTHED. Yes, it was an attempted rape but---in all actuality, it ended or was over as soon as Miguel rode up and shouted. I stated before that Miguel was a larger and stronger man than EWWsebio and could have beat him in a fight "while protecting his wife." Also Miguel had his rifle which he could have used "very effectively" as a club. A whack or two, and it would have been over, his wife would have been "protected." Instead, Miguel chose to play God and become judge, jury and executioner on an "unarmed" man. Cathyx asked if muggers should be shot? You replied, yes. If the mugger is unarmed you said that you would not shed any tears. I ask what about thieves, It would save a lot of corn and potatoes as well as the cost of courts, trials and juries. Vigilante justice will teach them. Oh! That's been tried in the past and it didn't work.
the gringo

Thanks Cathyx, for taking one for the team.

Usually in novelas there is one dude lusting after the leading lady and providing competition for the galan. However, this show just keeps adding more and more guys who are smitten by Magicmari. Who will be the next victim of those dazzling dimples and the high low skirts ? Was the padre looking a little too interested ? Will Parakeet give up on sweet Solita and trashy Natasha and be drawn by Mari's magnetism?'s a long line, Padre and Parakeet, and right now Machoman seems to be gaining Mari's interest.

Ah yes, the makeover. If anyone offers you a free makeover, it might be best to just say "no." it's all fun and games being beautiful and well dressed until someone loses an eye or gets a throbbing headache. Do you think Simona misses the good old days of being quiet and plain and mousy...and not crazy and cranky and jealous and negative and depressed and hateful ??? don't hate her because she's beautiful, but feel free to hate her because she is a nasty downer.

Thanks Susanlynn. I agree, what's wrong with Perito and the Padre? She's definitely flashed those magic dimples their way a time of two.

Does anyone know what the law is in Mexico regarding mineral rights? If you have gold/silver on your land can the government or a private mining company throw you off and seize your house with minimal compensation? Or is this just a writer's script?

The death of Lucia and getting the man of her childhood dreams - is the main makeover of Simona. I dont think that she changed. She was always selfish, but we can't see no chances to see it. Octavio once said, that Simona is really cruel when it comes to the business. And I'm sure that always was. And by the way. she was the best friend of Lucia. What else can I add?
And I'm sure, that for Octavio her looks wasn't important when he decided to marry her. He wanted a quite life with his saint old friend Simona. So why not enjoy this life now?

Alegria, I'm with you on Simona. Anyone who could know what Lucia did, much less turn her in, and still be friends with her is not a good person. She was just not in the show that much at the beginning for us to see how ugly she is on the inside. But I do disagree with you about her looks not being important to Octavio. I don't think he would have even considered marrying her when she was homely looking. He is a shallow man, after all. He admits he married her for her money.

Thank you Cathyx---Loved it, Well I always say that don't I? However,
it's true. I really liked---She then goes off to spread the magic of dimples to other tenants.

Who was Mari talking to, he was a young guy and alone out working in a field I guess on Mari's property?
Maricruz was on her horse.

Carvivlie---One eyed $imona and two
eyed Jack Ass had me laughing.

Cathyx---I guess that $imona's baby
will never get the 15 minutes that MC is obligated to give Lupita. And besides Carlos said yesterday that $imona has a freakin' headache

LatinaMD from yesterday---Yes, Ana Brenda said it. She can't go on tv and say that she's perfect but--us guys know that goddesses are.

One Cell is gonna have some competition from an old mustache. Does old mustache #7 use Viagra?
the gringo


Anticipating these episodes (since I saw the Mexico broadcast) I mentioned a few weeks ago that in Mexico oil and minerals are considered the "patrimony" of the whole nation. In other words, the government owns them. Here's a quick primer (in English) on mineral law in Mexico, for anyone interested:

Oh, btw, just to be clear, I am NOT rewatching these ridiculous episodes on Univision, except for the ones I committed to recap. Despite the writing and editing glitches, I enjoyed the first 80 episodes and did rewatch them on Univision, but from Octavio's silly plane accident onward, I just didn't care to watch any more of these ridiculous episodes.

Gringo, does the old mustache use viagra? Not sure, but he definitely uses hair color for men.

The young guy in the field was a tenant on her farm. I didn't catch his name.

Makes no sense alert!


Don't you fall down if you lose sight in one eye until you get used to it? Anyhow, what is the point of not telling anyone? Dumtavio swinging wildly from macho man at the dinner table, to cuddly guy sitting on the bed made no sense either. On the other hand, Simona is doing the typical love-hate, spurn-cling dance when you finally understand that someone is never going to love you. But didn't she say she knew that in the airport waiting area, and it was okay with her? I guess that happens in real life, too.

cathyx, Octavio asked about marriage in the hospital. It was Simona who said "no". It was Simona who thought that she is not good enough for him. When she got that make over, she started to think that she is not so bad or even more. Now she has not only money, but also a beauty. Octavio has only looks. That is why now she thinks, that she is his duena. For Octavio her looks wasn't important. He only was looking for peace. And for what he should need a pretty Simona if she always stays at home. Or where he should show her? And I'm also sure, that he married to Simona mainly to end his relationship with MC. A great mistake.


"I have to say that both parties were FULLY CLOTHED."

Wow, why didn't I notice that? Heck that makes it all very different.

At some point, unless interrupted in some way, most attempted rapes progress to completed rape. Can you recall a little girl named Solita? Suppose the intended victim had been Maricruz?

"Also Miguel had his rifle which he could have used "very effectively" as a club. "

Rifles are not manufactured for use as clubs. Use the tool for it's intended purpose I always say... Miguel did just that and it was very effective.

I suppose that you could argue that because of Miguel's insensitivity and over-reaction that the noname boy was deprived of his father. Maybe someone should check with Solita to see how she feels about that.

Unfortunately in this world there are some men (and possibly a few women as well) who need killin'. Eusebio was one of those.



Oh, Oh ...
CI - 22 comments
MPV - 11 comments
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PEAM - 49 comments
Oh, nooooo

Cathyx, thanks as always. Love this thing about Simona.
It's funny, I was watching this morning a tn called "El Privilegio Amor" or something. There is a lady friend of the heroine who for some reason was not pretty (along side with a young Sabine Moussier)and I dislike very much because of her negative aura.
Then I suddenly recognized her as SIMONA!!!!I checked the credits and sure enough that was her!!!! Her attitude and character is being channeled here.OMG.
From the very beginning, I knew that something was wrong about the mousy Simona. And it bothered me that she never gave an ounce of support for the poor wife of her beloved Octavio.
I watched 2 episodes at the same time so I am confused which one showed us- that it is Simona who has no real motherly love for her own flesh and blood son and not MC as most viewers think.

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