Saturday, October 26, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #164: The Odors of October

Julio and Marisela drag Richi back to his place and try to get him cleaned up and fed. He's still wallowing in self-pity, but Mari is very solicitous and makes him a nice steak. He's even less attractive than usual and Julio flat-out tells him he smells like wet dog, so it must be love.

Paty congratulates Roger on how he faced down Killeronica. He confesses to her that the crazy witch has something on him: a tape recording of his illicit business activities. Que que not-so-casual what? And it wasn't only Nick Donavon, either: he admits had dealings with...Ury Petrovsky. Paty is muy impactada: "The Ury Petrovsky THAT NEARLY KILLED MY AMIGUI?" "I just wanted Alma and Jesus separated," Roger whimpers, "And it got out of hand! I'm a delinquent! I should be the one in jail, not Almita..." He seems to be working up to turn himself in. I hope Paty's ready to be a single parent.

The pediatrician tells Jesus and Chatita that little Luisa has a throat infection, and that sort of thing can be very dangerous in a child this age. Jesus must not believe him, because he seems remarkably calm for a first-time baby daddy. (Well, he's already proven that he knows way more than Chatita or Minerva.) They take the temperature in her little ear, give her a couple prescriptions, and Chatita puts an alcohol-soaked cotton ball in her belly-button. I'm not sure if that's a folk remedy or what, but it looks kinda fun.

Astudillo visits Alma in prison and slips her a family photo and some cash for her new friend. Miracle of miracles, Alma has remembered something about that fateful night: a "funny smell" in the car. Astudillo is pole-axed. A funny smell! OMG! What can it mean??? Better run off and tell Jesus.

Alma pays off the resident thug, who tells her that's fine for a first installment, and spends the rest of the night whining to her insomniac bunkie. She fondles the picture and has kissy-face flashbacks and cries and wonders if she'll ever see her baby again. Oh, and there's a soppy love letter from Jesus who just saw her, like, twenty minutes ago. Then the roomie starts nattering on about breast milk and just when I think I might have to grab a bucket of my own she switches to a very satisfying story about her ex's last moments -- you know, the one she killed, when he was begging for forgiveness and all. Whew. Estrogen poisoning narrowly averted.

Vero pays off the thugs and tells them to make themselves scarce, but the short one implies that she might not have seen the last of him. He says she'll never know when he might "cruzar her camino" again. If he really wants to be scary, he needs to take some acting lessons from mala-suerte guy in the Allstate commercial.

Jesus calls Delia and tells her about the funny smell. Can they get Alma's car out of impound and give it the official funny-smell test? Delia reminds him that it's not her jurisdiction, but he tells her the baby has a fever and that does it. She'll take care of it first thing in the morning.

Apparently there's nothing like trumped-up murder charges to bring on the romantic memories. Jesus reads a letter from Alma, imagines her there with him, and tells her, I dunno, a bunch of romantic stuff. We're both looking at the same moon, blah blah blah yawn. 

Julio and Aida are having another go at it. They're at her apartment and her Mom has gone home to Tampico and the door is locked and NOTHING IS GOING TO INTERRUPT THEM THIS TIME. They start tearing off their clothes while standing on opposite sides of the room, which is an interesting approach, but eventually they make it to the couch, whereupon Julio trips over an electrical cord, which yanks out of the wall socket and bursts into flames. Aida grinches that now it's dark, as if that's some kind of impediment to romance, and they decide to get out the toolbox and try to fix the faceplate. They act silly with the flashlight and eventually electrocute themselves. Electrocuted Julio is very funny. Fortunately they survive, but of course they don't have enough energy left to get their swerve on.

Jesus checks Luisita's temperature the Chatita way, by giving her a kiss on the head. She winds up a microscopic noogiefist and clocks him one. Attagirl!

Roger has suddenly discovered that babies poop, and it smells bad. He talks Paty into diaper duty. She is of course super-competent at it but reminds Rog that he owes her BIG. Fortunately she's willing to take it in trade. He makes a vague gesture in the general area of her near-fatal stab wound and asks if it's okay, but naturally the only doctor in Monterrey was chosen on the basis of his skill in getting his patients back in the saddle, so yeah, totally. I love the way everybody parks their infants right in the bedroom. I imagine Fernandito's pretty cute but he's always covered up by the subtitles, so I've never actually seen him.

Delia and the official police funnysmellologist have been all through Alma's car and found nothing, but Super Jesus says what about the air-conditioning? You know, air, smells, all that? And sure enough, there's some kind of object in there that doesn't belong. What can it mean??? (I think we're all going to have to chip in and hire some cheerleaders to spell out C-H-L-O-R-O-F-O-R-M for these poor saps.)

Richi finally gets cleaned up and falls all over himself apologizing to Maricela. She says they've both made mistakes, they've both put it behind them, and now it's time for them to be pobres enamorados together. They kiss passionately. Vicki walks in and sees them and, in her first class act, walks out again. Mari asks Rich if he slept with Vicki, and he says yes. Right here in this bed? "Yes, but it meant nothing -- I love you and only you." They get back down to business, but she won't go near the bed -- at the scene cut, it looks like they're headed for the ottoman. Somebody's going to have a backache tomorrow.


Blue Lass, this was the funniest recap. I loved your comment about Fernandito being hidden by the subtitles. Too true - sometimes I wish I could see what's happening underneath them.

And Julio does do electrocution really well! Between that and his dancing, he's got moves.


Blue Lass, what a fun and funny recap. I loved the comment about the mala suerte guy and Delia the"funnysmellologist." At least Alma has some cash on her now to wheel and deal in the big house.


Great recap Blue Lass.

I thought Alma blew all her cash in one payment? It seems like she may be spending enough time in prison to learn something new. It gives me the willies.

I do like her cellmate.

Very funny Blue Lass. Especially loved your description of the unusual (and ill-fated) courtship dance of Julio Aida.

Again, no time to watch, but always savor the recaps.

And the title?...unforgettable m'dear!

OT: La Reina Del Sur starts November 11at 9:00 PM.

Great recap Blue! So it looks like Rogue may be headed to the big house too, if he confesses his crimes.

I'm glad Alma was able to get some cash to pay off the prison bully. How tall is this bully anyway? Can Alma use her height to her advantage?

Thank you, Blue Lass for a recap that was far more entertaining than the episode. Your title was excellent!!
I can understand Pablo's distaste for Chatita, because she is such an alarmist. As an experienced mother, why couldn't she help with Luisa's fever before calling Jesus in panic. Ricardo should kiss the ground that Marisela walks on for still wanting to have anything to do with him.
I'm sure that Alma's stay in jail will be cut short, thanks to Detective Jesus.

Blue Lass your humor continues to improve even as this tn continues to go off the rails. Great title.

Thanks for the encouragement, amiguis. We have to take our fun where we can, don't we?

Ugh! Ricardo is sooo ugly ... and a jerk to boot. After the way he acted toward everybody, they should all turn their backs on him, especially Marisela. What is it about him that made her fall for him? He's got neither looks, charm, personality, intellect, or money! Oh, that's right, he likes tacos (although he turned up his honking big nose at them during his short-lived rich phase).

Anon 5:59, the same actor was in Amorcito Corazon, and he played such a sweet, classy, romantic guy we all LOVED him. But I agree that he hasn't had much to work with here...and he's way better looking with a beard. ;)

Marisela loves the way Ricardo can quote romantic phrases. I'd love to see him with a beard and his hair down! Now that he's had his come uppence he no longer gives me the creeps and kind of makes me laugh ;-)


Thanks so much for this most fab recap! Loved your humor and the title rocks!

The funniest part for me was Pato changing little Ferny's diaper, it was too cute. She is really becoming attached to that little bebe.

I too liked Julio and Aida electric boogaloo, too funny! They are so cute. Makes you wonder if they will have have the chance of doing the deed. They haven't had much luck, thus far.

Chucho can do just about anything can't he? Now he is being a detective but he is smarter than Suarez I think. Delia taught him well.

I too wanted some one more like the mala suerte guy from the Allstate commericals for a henchie. The tall guy that stabbed Pato is a creepy guy, I must say. He reminds me of that Jaws guy from a Bond movie.

Thanks again Blue for your wonderful humor : )

Thank you Blue! Kind of an uneventful episode to be so close to ultimos, yes? Ah well, maybe you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, but at least you can make a really funny one! "Estrogen poisoning narrowly averted" - yeah, but it was close.

Also loved "Delia reminds him that it's not her jurisdiction, but he tells her the baby has a fever and that does it."

Julio and Aida - not sure what was the big rush to repair the electrical outlet. They were probably going to shut off the lights eventually anyhow.

I think the shorter thug, the one who didn't leave Vero right away, said something about deserving more money for some kind of apparatus. That's probably the stinky sleepbomb they found in Alma's car.

Speaking of which, I was amazed that the peritos didn't think to check the ventilation system on Alma's car. Good thing they had Chucho there to advise them!

Blue: so funny. Here are a few of my fav lines:

“I'm not sure if that's a folk remedy or what, but it looks kinda fun.”

“She winds up a microscopic noogiefist and clocks him one. Attagirl!”

“I imagine Fernandito's pretty cute but he's always covered up by the subtitles, so I've never actually seen him.”

For the moment, I’m just watching the last 10 minutes of each ep, then reading the recap and catching up later. I hate those innocent in jail plotlines. They scare me. Once Alma is sprung, I’ll start watching in real time.

Pretty incompetent henchmen if they left the chloroform thingy in the car. I’d think it would be a no brainer to remove it after the deed was done.

Looking forward to starting La Reina del Sur. I’m also liking the previews for the TN that replaces PEAM. I’m not a big Angelique Boyer fan, but I’m excited to see this Sebastian guy everyone likes.

Shouldn’t we be in Ultimas Capitulos by now?


Thanks, Blue Lass! I always love your commentary, even when the episode bores me. Maybe especially when the show is dull.

Aida should be afraid to live in a place where the wiring is so bad that a fire immediately starts when a cord is jerked out of the outlet. Yikes. Not sure I get their particular flavor...they want to do it in bright light, and undress while staring at each other from across the room? Well, okay; to each their own.

I think jail will be good for Alma. She has a nice cellmate. Maybe she'll learn a few new things. Although it's got to be especially miserable to be in prison a week or so postpartum.

My favorite part was when Luisita decked Chucho.


Thanks Blue Lass! Your "funnysmellologist" has me rolling. It's fun to say too. Funnysmellologist funnysmellologist funnysmellologist. OK, maybe more fun to say than to write.

P.S. I like your intriguing title. I couldn't wait to read the recap. Did it have to do with Luisita? With Ricardo? With Alma? Heck, all that and more!

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