Saturday, October 26, 2013
Friday 10/25/13 Capitulo 119 Corazón Indomable ♥ I'll Have A Shot Of Whatever Octavio Is Drinking
After her recent encounter with God's vicar, Padre Julián, Natasha is nursing a sore shoulder. Nana applies an icepack as Natasha recounts how just the touch of his hand forced her to kneel before him. Who woulda thought the little guy would be so strong?
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"Ouch! Who Woulda Guessed That Little Runt Of A Priest'd Be So Strong?" |
Nana asks,
She tells her that she touched his face.
Nana asks,
She wanted to provoke an emotional response.
Nana asks,
Well in order to have something interesting to paint but the anger he expressed wasn't exactly the response she was looking for. She was thinking more along the lines of anguish, desperation, fear... the usual.
Need I say it one more time? Nana asks (feel free to say it with her),
"Well, if I want the painting called "The Temptation of a Priest," he would have to express what a good priest would feel on the threshold of a freakin' huge sin."
Nana's distressed with her ward but doesn't seem very surprised.
Downstairs at Simona's ranch, Octavio discusses his plan with Miguel. Miguel has doubts. Octavio has already decided and if it doesn't suit Simona, then heck, he'll go off somewheres else, just he and Lupita. (And probably police and private detectives hot on your trail.) Maybe you'd better pour yourself another drink and think this out a little better.
Natasha expands a bit more on her epic painting. She will be sprawled out at the feet of the tormented priest in all her voluptuous sinful glory... a detail to be added later of course. Padre Julián will find out that part if he happens to see the painting displayed at an exposition.
Octavio expounds on his plan to rescue his daughter from the bad influences of that hussy Maricruz and her engineer friend. Miguel advises that he proceed with caution. I say go for it, this TN needs some excitement.
Nana is thinking that a sweet picture of a caring priest doing priestly stuff, but Natasha has her heart set on something a little more scandalous. She wants some fame out of this.
Miguel goes upstairs and tries to sell Simona on Octavio's harebrained scheme to take his daughter away from Maricruz. He counsels,
"Don't you comprehend that it would be marvelous that this woman lose her daughter? It would be a tremendous punishment to Maricruz Olivares' pride. This would be genuine revenge."
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"And If That Doesn't Work We'll Tickle Her With A Feather." |
She seems to be warming to the idea.
. Little Shadrach (I've taken it upon myself to name Solita's son) is running freely across an open field as Solita pouts in the shade of an oak. Maricruz is nearby. I've heard that she's off her food but she still looks plump and robust to me. Padre Julián strolls up and asks how she's doing (DON'T YOU KNOW SHE CAN"T HEAR YOU, PADRE?) and then spouts some trite religious cliche about help and consolation. He says since she can't have Perico she should accept with resignation that she not going to see him again... or something like that. Maricruz explains that Solita's deaf (hey, I tried to tell him) and doesn't understand big words (or little one either, Maricruz) like resignation.
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"You Farted. Don't Try To Deny It." |
Well heck, why didn't someone say so sooner? Then the padre'll just hunt up that scamp, Perico and make him understand. Maricruz warns that Perico is the padre's enemy now over the Natasha thing. The padre scoffs. He has bigger enemies for breakfast every morning.Maricruz tries to comfort Solita.
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"Don't Fret Honey, We'll
Get You Another Parakeet." |
I don't know this lady but she climbs up some stairs and tells a picture of The Virgin of Guadalupe that she has been dreaming about her daughter lately and asks for help recovering her deaf and mute daughter that she she abandoned so long ago.
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"Virgincita, Help Me, I Seem To Have Misplaced My Deaf Mute Daughter" |
Hey, wait just a cotton-pickin' minute... you don't suppose?... could it be?...
Apparently she's been waiting for some rich guy she hooked up with to die so she'll have the money and the freedom to go to her village and hunt for her daughter. Hey lady, surely you're not asking the Holy Virgin to help with ...?
The rich guy is grumpy and in a wheelchair. We aren't told which came first... grumpy? or wheelchair?
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"Dang! Texans Lost Another Game." |
In any event, it appears that he's on to Nilda, the sad lady who somehow misplaced her deaf-mute daughter some years ago and now feels that the daughter needs her. Sitting in his wheelchair in a rather nice courtyard, he's certain (rightly so it appears) that she is plotting against him. He frantically shouts for her to come tend to him,
"Nilda! Where are you? Nilda! Come here right now!"
And wow, his wheelchair is motorized. He deftly wheels it around to show us. Cool. And lest we forget her name he continues shouting,
Perico is also beneath a tree. He dozes but is awakened by a daymare.
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"Drat! These Jockey Briefs Are Pinching." |
He dreamed of a deceased Solita in a white box filled with flowers, and if that's not scary enough here comes Padre Julián strolling up with plans to guiltify him. He begins with a stern glare.
Looks as though Simona has gotten on board Octavio's nutty plan to take Lupita from Maricruz and bring her to live with them. She tell Ofelia that Octavio's daughter will soon be joining them there in the house.
Word travels fast, the accountant tells Santa that he's gotten wind of Octavio's plan but he tells Santa that they must wait for proof before informing Maricruz. They briefly discuss the ailing Solita, the disappointing unreliable Perico, and how men in general (with of course the exception of the accountant himself) are jerks.
Ofelia thinks it will not be easy to take away Maricruz's daughter, but Simona (don't forget, her thought processes may be impaired by the brain tumor) thinks it's a great way to get revenge. Ofelia has seen Maricruz in action and warns Simona that it is not wise to mess with Maricruz. Simona also tells Ofelia that Maricruz has been getting it on with José Antonio, but Ofelia is certain that this is untrue. Ofelia thinks the whole idea is not a good one. She would never even think of provoking Maricruz in this manner.
Perico is about to bolt but Padre wants to talk and uses those powerfully persuasive hand to sit Perico down. With a grip like that, maybe the padre should consider a career in Lucha Libre. Imagine, El Vengador de Dios. They trade scowls. Padre is ahead on points.
At home Ester brings José Antonio a drink. He begins to tell her of his current plans. He tells her to sit and listen.
Maricruz descends the stairs to join Alvaro. They're going to take Solita to see the doctor. They shouldn't have bothered. here's Perico. They inform him that they are taking her to the hospital. Perico, with his superior medical instincts thinks this is a bad idea.
"She'll die there."
At this moment a shyish Solita descends the stairs with Santa, spies Perico, moves toward him and collapses in his arms.
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Either Kiss Her Or Feed Her |
He scoops her up and takes her to the sofa. Alvaro fans her with his hat. No kidding, he fans her with his hat.
After a commercial break they revive her. Perico points to his mouth which in Solita-speak either suggests that she eat or he is offering her a kiss. Alvaro and Maricruz exchange knowing looks. Who knew that this youngster who has survived abandonment, a neglectful grandfather, a rape, a fire of her home in which she nearly perished, a rather disinterested adoptive sister, and a difficult childbirth, would now be such a fragile flower whose very life rests in the hands of this inept, ingenuous, capricious bumpkin?
In his office, Mayor Morales receives a disturbing call. Vargas comes in and he tells him that the call was an order to go ahead and kick the squatters out of their homes before compensating them.
Perico is gesturing to Solita and Alvaro observes that they understand each other because the language of love is universal. Santa brings a bowl of soup and miraculously she accepts the nourishment he offers her.
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"And The Chunks Are Nourishing Bits Of Squirrel." |
He even shares a bite. He ain't afraid of no germs. I'd say problem solved... Next! but Alvaro still insists that they take her to the doctor for a checkup.
Morales frets over the order to kick out the squatters. He may even resign or ask for a transfer before carrying out such a distasteful duty.
At Rancho Abuelo we're already back from the doctor. Good news! Nothing serious. Follow the doctor's orders, a lot of rest (what the heck has she been doing anyway?), some good food, good lovin' (I added that part) and in a few months she'll be good as new. of course she'll need a new room with windows and pure air (has she been living in the basement?). Santa will look after her since it looks like we'll be staying at the ranch awhile and of course Perico will stay on as her novio. So what could possibly go wrong?
Valdés, Mr. Mean with the mining company has received unsettling correspondance from the Riquelme lawfirm notifying him of the lawsuit that Maricruz, Alvaro, and the Realengo folks have brought against his company. He talks to Señor Riquelme by phone.
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"Congratulations! You've Been Selected To Go On A Cruise." |
Alvaro, Perico, Solita, and Maricruz meet in the drawing room. Perico's there to help and they tell him that the doctor has said that with proper care Solita should recover from her non-contagious, not so serious, mysterious illness. Prico's participation is key. he kisses Solita's hand and escorts her upstairs. Maricruz observes that Perico truly loves Solita. Oh yeah? Wasn't it just yesterday that he had chosen Natasha and was going to swim naked with her and heaven knows what else? Alvero takes this moment to declare,
"Like I love you."
Oh yes, well timed, cowboy.
Meanwhile Octavio is on the veranda, sitting and sipping and moping, his latest pastime.
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Well...It's Five O'Clock Somewhere." |
He wonders what Maricruz is up to.
Well, she's with Alvaro who's feebly proposing. He tell her that he is not rich (not to mention that he's as bland as unseasoned grits) but he has a career and would be a good dad for her daughter. He insists that he can make her learn to love him and to forget Octavio.
Riquelme explains to Valdés that this is very serious and that he and his company don't file lawsuits they expect to lose.
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"Sooo...What Are You Wearing?" |
Perhaps Mr. Valdés and the mining company would like to discuss an agreement to pay a fair settlement to his clients. The folks he represents have nothing to lose.
Natasha is in her studio complaining that the priest is late for his appointment to pose for her. A deal is a deal. Maybe she should hunt up Perico. Nana whines that this is a bad idea and Natasha might wind up being punished.
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"Bippity Boppity Boo!" |
Woooo... Natasha's worried... well, maybe not so much.
Ding dong!
"Here he is! Go open the door, Nana."
After commercials, Alvaro is still pleading his case. Borrring. She wants more time. She looks at him sadly. Sorry Alvaro, no Maricruz for you. She doesn't even dimple him.
Octavio is still drinking. He is joined by Miguel They exchange unpleasantries, with Miguel, of all people, pointing out that Octavio is allowing his obsession with Maricruz turn him into an alcoholic.
Padre Julián is ushered into the lioness' den by Nana. Natasha tells him that she was about to go looking for Perico. He responds cryptically,
If you only knew, child."
They have different ideas about how the painting should be. He thinks it should be something respectful, devout, and inspiring. As we know, her idea differs slightly. His suggested title,
"Temptaton. A Priest Tempted By Eve."
He figits. Artistic differences. We'll get back to these crazy kids in a bit.
More brotherly bonding with Octavio finally requesting that Miguel leave him in peace. Miguel leaves and Octavio muses,
"It's true, I need to drink in order to try to forget her. Forget her. Forget you."
Alvaro won't give it up,
"Maricruz, I love you, please try to love me too."
She'd like nothing better than to forget Octavio and fall in love again. She even smiles weakly and dimples a bit.
He takes that as a definite maybe, grabs her hand and kisses it and the tuba plays. Now she looks worried... I think it's the tuba.
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"Sorry Al, It Won't Work. Every Time You're Near I Hear A Frickin' Tuba." |
Commercials. Hang on guys, we're almost done here for today.
You know? I like Sergio Goyri better as a needy bad guy than a needy good guy. He's becoming a little pathetic here. There's more tuba as he looks... ummm... hopeful?
Natasha continues her conversation with the padre.
Maricruz emphasizes to Alvaro that she needs more time.
Padre Julián ends up telling a now pensive Natasha that she's a pretty work of nature, she's flattered, and guess what? We're going to do this flippin' painting his way. Score a victory for the Lord's wiry little luchador.
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"OK Padre, Let's Get Crackin'" |
She bites the head off of a tube of paint, he picks up his cassock, and they get busy.
Miguel is walkin' and talkin' with José Antonio. He wants to convince someone that José Antonio had sex with Maricruz.
Octavio shows up unannounced at Rancho Abuelo just as Maricruz is coming down the stairs, he wants to talk, seriously."
Miguel explains his clever plan. He wants a letter to arrive in Octavio's hands. Maricruz doesn't need to know about it. He'll pay fifty thousand pesos for it,
"How does that sound?"
Maricruz was about to go out but she can wait a bit. She's going out with her engineer. They briefly discuss her current love life (if she's not in love right now, perhaps she soon will be) He doesn't want to delay her. He has a proposition.
José Antonio thinks that's a lotta money for a letter. (see, José Antonio? Those readin' and writin' lessons Ester gave you are paying off big time.) He'll do it. Now listen closely to the rest of this conversation as Miguel says,
"Ah, You'll need to put a cancelled postage stamp on this letter as if it had been received."
"Caray, well, that makes it not so easy."
"But not impossible. It's the only way of demonstrating to Octavio that it's not a lie. I'll give you three thousand pesos more to grease the palm of whoever you can get to stamp the letter."
"I'll find a way to do that."
"Perfect, can you have the letter ready next week?"
"Before if possible."
Now are they over thinking this or am I? Just how difficult could it be to just mail a letter? What am I missing here?
Let's wrap this up with Octavio's proposition. As he's pitching it, Alvaro walks up but pauses at the doorway and overhears the proposal,
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"I Was Told There Would Be A Monkey." |
"Maricruz, I know that you're experiencing difficulties and no doubt that you may have to resort to whatever means in order to resolve your situation and the truth is that our daughter is going to be an impediment to your being able to maneuver as you'll need. Right? Do you want me to explain?
"No what are you trying to say?"
"That you need to be alone to manage things better and I'm able to care for Lupita and attend to her as she deserves. Therefore give her to me right now and I'll take her to live with me."
Labels: Indomable
Actually this episode wasn't so bad. I'm intrigued. Octavio thinks that Maricruz wil hand Lupita over just like that?
I wonder if he realizes how many men Alvaro has killed with less provocation in previous TNs?
Would that Pablo had recapped this episode.
I wonder if Octavio's latest scheme is from one of the previous versions or something the monkeys added? And we do need to see a monkey in the very near future.
Poor Sergio. I may have to actually watch him in order to see him playing a pathetic character.
You are the man! I am working on the La Temp recap and had to stop to take a break and I couldn't even get thru your whole recap without laughing my tush off. I have to say, those screencaps and the little snarky comments you make are the bomb! Thanks so much for your always marvelous, wonderful, snarky recap! Now on to the rest!
I was thinking that usually Sergio would be carrying a whip and would be using it on obnoxious Oblivio regularly. I would also like him to be using it on that slug Miguel and Jackass. Also, ordinarily, Sergio would be rolling around in the hay with a randy character like our Natrasha.
As for Natrasha, I especially enjoyed her using her teeth to remove the cap from the paint tube....just to underscore for those of us that may have missed the point that she is not only artistic...but also a wild child. By the way, what is the point of having Natrasha in this novela ???
I always love your captioned photos, Carlos. My fav this time was "Soooo..what are you wearing?, ROFLMAO.
The scene of Miguel conspiring with the witless jackAss was interesting. When Miguel opened up his very flat wallet, I thought I saw a moth fly out. Hmmmm..where does that lazy gossip get the cash to put in that wallet ? Does Simona give him an allowance for being a good boy? ...certainly not for doing any chores around the house or rancho..lazy layabout. Can you tell that I do not like the guy ?
As for big O turning to the bottle...are we surprised? No. I do covet that beautiful veranda which the brothers seem to have taken over as a sort of clubhouse where they can drink and whine and scheme. Losers.
I am still looking for a hero to emerge from this mess. I thought it might be Alvaro, but I agree with Carlos hat Sergio makes a better villain than a good guy. Alvaro seems to be sort of a wimpy , tired, lackluster good guy.
By the way, I think I added a couple of more captioned photos as you were commenting.
Karen, it's painful watching Sergio Goyri in this. Maybe after hearing Octavio's proposal, he'll pounce on him and cut off an ear... for old times sake.
Madelaine, this season has not been good to our Texans. However, my Baylor Bears are more than making up for it for me. The game against Kansas is on right now and it's in the second quarter. Take a look at the final score tomorrow.
Susanlynn, that was my favorite captioned photo as well. Sometimes I'm able to make myself laugh... that is one of those.
Carlos, I loved this recap! LOL @ "Who knew that this youngster who has survived abandonment, a neglectful grandfather, a rape, a fire of her home in which she nearly perished, a rather disinterested adoptive sister, and a difficult childbirth, would now be such a fragile flower whose very life rests in the hands of this inept, ingenuous, capricious bumpkin?"
Ay, Solita! Why didn't you get an extreme makeover when Maricruz did? Pigtails be gone! No wonder Perico is confused.
Susanlynn, I too want to know what the point is in having Natrasha in this novels. Everything about her irks my nerves.
Is anybody wondering if Little Nameless Boy has gone missing? I'm worried about him because they showed an aerial view of a giant sinkhole. I can think of a few characters that I'd like to see fall into a sinkhole, but Little Nameless Boy is not one of them.
Caryn, I'm so glad that you joined us here. Even when the show drags, we manage to have some fun. I was happy to see Natasha when she showed up, but she has really become a pain in the butt.
Aleta, Did you miss that I named Solita's nameless son Shadrach? I keep wondering why they keep showing us that gaping hole. The Houston Oilers are now the Tennessee Titans. We've had the Houston Texans for several years now. We had such high hopes when the season began. I'd love to hear your Texas accent. I've always thought that we Texans don't have accents.
I've enjoyed the Padre's sidebar adventure as a spiritual warrior. Liked "padre should consider a career in Lucha Libre. Imagine, El Vengador de Dios"
With Perico as "this inept, ingenuous, capricious bumpkin", it didn't take much for him to flip back to being Solita's novio.
I've also had time to consider Solita's self-induced starvation. It almost seems a passive-agressive way to communicate her needs, since on one bothered to continue her education in sign language or writing. A dramatic and decisive method to gain attention.
Also love Shadrach as the name for Solita's son. It seems to fit him, somehow.
I was impressed that Padre J. used his wits and persuasive power to paint a word picture for Natrasha, enough to convince her to do things his way. Plus, flattery works wonders with her.
Ay, Alvaro! Agree with "he's as bland as unseasoned grits" and "I like Sergio Goyri better as a needy bad guy than a needy good guy."
I hope no one will accuse me of hubris if I recall my statement of a few days back: Sergio Goyri seems to have more focus when he’s menacing someone as a bad guy. He’s sort of a cardboard cutout here.
Susanlynn, I agree--the veranda makes a delightful clubhouse for the freeloading brothers. And, Simona seems to leave them alone out there.
Carlos, all the photos and captions were delightful, as usual. "And The Chunks Are Nourishing Bits Of Squirrel." and "I Was Told There Would Be A Monkey." were my favorites. The squirrel one reminded me of Brunswick Stew, which may include squirrel in a "traditional" recipe.
(When I moved to NC decades ago, a kindly couple gave me a quart jar of homemade Brunswick stew. I was spooning it into a pan when a chicken foot came out of the jar. That sorta killed any enthusiasm I had for the gift.)
Kudos to all the other recappers I may have not acknowledged lately. I've been busier than usual. But I have kept up with all the recaps.
I must say, though, I'm not looking forward to recapping #120 because it means I have to actually rewatch it. blech
@Caryn - welcome to Caray, Caray. Glad you are enjoying it here. Oh, btw, I hope it's not a spoiler to say that you and Susanlynn will eventually get your answer to the "what is the point of having Natasha" question. A lame answer, but an answer nonetheless.
I still find that I can't work up the ethusiasm to watch the show anymore. But why do I need to, when you put out marvelous recaps like this one, with pics included. The only new characters I have yet to see are older No-Name (aka Solita's son, aka Shadrack), and Tav Jr.
I really hope Alvaro stops being boring and takes charge of these idiots. We know Sergio G. can really bring it, if they let him.
Vivi, don't you have to watch at least one show every 2 weeks to do your recap? If you don't, please tell me how you do it.
Isn't it obvious that when your love theme music is the same music they played when Maria did her antics that you will NEVER have anything but a friendship with that person?
Don't they put dates on the mail stamp? It would be obvious that it wasn't an old letter.
Wow, one bad dream, emphasize dream, and Perico makes a 180 on his feelings for Solita. He wants a childish wife who wears pigtails and wants to be fed by him in order to eat.
ViVi...I gave up trying to watch this show consistently. I no longer feel guilty. I keep up with the recaps, then watch when it is my turn.
Does anyone know the end date of this show? I wish they would combine the episodes to put us out of misery soon but that means 2 hours of no plot and brainless actions to watch in one sitting...I wouldn't do that to you guys :)
"They exchange unpleasantries."
Spellcheck is trying to tell me that's wrong, but NO! it's oh so right, and oh so funny.
"Who knew that this youngster who has survived abandonment, a neglectful grandfather, a rape, a fire of her home in which she nearly perished, a rather disinterested adoptive sister, and a difficult childbirth, would now be such a fragile flower whose very life rests in the hands of this inept, ingenuous, capricious bumpkin?"
Yeah, pretty scary to think that her life rests in Perico's decidedly unpredictable hands, but whatever.
Carlos, your Baylor Bears must have been awesome yesterday. OSU had a few shining moments also. But we were playing Penn State, not Alabama, so who knows?
Like all the rest of you, praying that Sergio has a personality 180 like everybody else and rips through this story laying waste any number of people in good Goyri style.
emeraldrose, I must admit that even though I enjoy la Musica Banda in small doses, I find it almost jarring to couple that bouncy tuba (which for me conjures up an image of a chunky Tinkerbell) with a romantic, and (even worse) pure-hearted Sergio Goyri. If this romance proceeds, will the romantic scene be set with flickering kerosene lanterns (in lieu of candles) and a cot covered with corn shucks (instead of a bed littered with rose petals)?
Paloma, I'm still chuckling over:
"I don’t know whether to puke or go blind!"
from your recap of Thursday's episode. So apt. The squirrel bits recall memories of my childhood. My grandfather would murder a bunch of squirrels from time to time (he had a little single shot 22 rifle which was specifically a squirrel rifle) and my grandmother would fry them up. I's been years and years since I've enjoyed me any good squirrel. I suspect the Lovely Linda would be horrified if I presented her with a pile of squirrel corpses to fry. As I recall, tastes like chicken.
I'm fortunate to be in such a talented group of recappers.
Latina, maybe tomorrow's episode will give you the opportunity to be the one to inform us of why the heck whiny lady on the stairs abandoned Solita so many years ago and has just now decided to see what's become of her. Something to look forward to... I'm almost envious... almost...
Vivi, maybe Alvaro is secretly carving an image of Maricruz as he struggles to keep his violent lustful longings in check.
cathyx, I'm so puzzled about the letter thing. A stamp and a postmark? That'll convince Octavio that José Antonio is having sex with Maricruz? Whom will the letter be to? And why would a guy who probably struggles to sign his name be writing a letter in the first place?
CeCe, I hope your exams are going well. I calculate that at worst I have four more episodes to recap and I'm hoping that an awards show or maybe a soccer game will knock off one of those.
As for me, I make the three phonemic distinctions that the Wikipedia article talks about, and I have a rhotic accent. I pronounce "pen" and "pin" alike, but I don't pronounce "cot" and "caught" the same, though. (I don't understand a lot of that linguistics talk, so I couldn't say if I do the other things or not.)
As for the grammar distinctions, I don't say any of that except for the plural verbal "s" (as in "blessings" or "findings"). When I was younger, I did say "y'all" a lot. Now I tend to say "you" and look from one person to another.
I generally ignore those little Spellcheck alarms although I sometimes wonder what my adored high school English teacher, Miss Agnes Ann McKinley, would have to say about unpleasantries. It would certainly make her twitch. She emphasized that children are reared, cattle are raised, and she almost totally forbade !, So I can only imagine and repent.
Baylor is doing rather well. So far in our worst game this season we won by 10 points. And generally the first team sits out the second half of games. We play Oklahoma next Saturday so we'll see.
Caryn---I was happy to hear that you were hooked on CI, I was hooked
from day one. I just love it but as
you can tell, there's not many of us--just one or two besides you and me. Most of the comments that you have been reading are very negative. When will it end? Blah, Blah, Blah.
How about an extension? That's what I say.
I have noticed that when I come up a good argument/explanation for one or two of the many complaints, it gets so quiet that one can hear crickets chirping.---Example. Monkey writers??? Tav changes his mind from day to day, that's just so ridiculous. I worked with a man just like Tav, possibly worse. I don't want to give his name because he was a good man with a heart of gold but like Tav, he just couldn't make up his mind most of the time. This guy would go back and forth sometimes two or three times a day. We never knew which decision that he would stick with. Also because he had a heart of gold, he was always making promises that he couldn't keep but we got used to it. We knew he meant well. He did things without asking permission because he just wanted to help with something or someone. I think the boss kept him on just because he felt sorry for him and also---he did work hard. A Tav clone? Maybe and there wasn't even a monkey writer around.
Perico---he's wishy-washy. Yes you could say that---that is, before the padre straightened him out.
Susanlynn--Caryn Every novela has secondary characters that don't seem to fit in or are a waste of time. In LQNPA it was the husband and wife that ran the little store.
The bloggers named it the Plop N Shop. We get tired or annoyed with secondary characters but without them complaints start to come in as to why there is no one new in the show. Latina says there's a reason and I believe her. Remember
Natrasha carries a pistol, who in the future will she use it on?
the gringo
I'm glad that I was able to finally get a recap up. So, are you excited about Solita's mom finally deciding to check up on the deaf-mute daughter she abandoned years ago? I'm curious as to why she's just now getting around to it and whether or not she'll need to knock off grumpy to pursue her quest.
Vivi pretty well spoke for me in addressing you friend's similarity to Octavio. Of course during CME Vivi and others were able to embrace the main galan, Jerónimo, while I couldn't stand the guy. Opinions do vary which is one of the reasons that Caray Caray can be such fun. I even suspect that you might be disappointed if we were to agree with you more.
One troubling thing for me today is the great deal of approval here over my caption about the Texans losing, one might even think... Nah, everyone loves the Houston Texans.
Hmmmmm - seems there is a plot afoot to "frame" Marcruz as having JA as her lover, and thus make her an unfit parent. Plus the gossip that Alvaro is Iiving in her house, when I thought he had been given another house on the ranch. That was how I thought Octavio was going to pull off custody - but they deliver it in dribs and drabs, and it somehow seems more Simona's scheme than Tav's.
I loved Awfelia giving Simona the dire warning about trying to pull that stunt of taking away Mari's child. She was arguing against it from moral grounds as well as warning about reprisal.
I quite enjoyed Tav's hint of a 5-o'clock shadow. He might look great with a beard.
I'm really looking forward to this letter thing. When Ester see's it (surely the writers won't skip that opportunity) I wonder how she'll react?
Maricruz an unfit mother? Outrageous! Who'd ever believe such a thing?
Audrey, the scheme to take Lupita away doesn't have to make sense since nothing in this show does anyway.
Carlos---I have no idea why Solita's mother abandoned her but like you I am curious. I guess that we will find out soon.
So as of last Friday Mari is going to be set up and framed as a
"loose woman" so that Tav can take Lupita away from her. Well we all know that Maricruz is SOOOOOO UNLOVING, SOOOOOO UNCARING towards little Lupita. Instead of running
out in the field with little Shadrach, Mari kept Lupita locked in her room. Obviously Mary is an UNFIT mother and should have Lupita taken away from her---but Tav had better hurry because the Child Welfare Services have already been called and there is a loooooooong list of complaints that have been filed on behalf of poor suffering little Lupita. The only reason that Lupita hasn't already been taken away from her terrible "unloving, unfit mother"
is because Child Protective Services is so backed up with a huge caseload that they just haven't had time to get out there and "RESCUE" Lupita from the terrible conditions that she is being forced to live in. HURRY TAV,
time is of the essence.
the gringo
I was actually a little shocked this week with Padre's storyline. I haven't seen that many telenovelas but I didn't think I would see an attempted seduction of a priest followed by accusations to said priest of girlfriend stealing and sexual indiscretions. I guess Padre is not only a strong little runt but must give off some priestly hawt vibes too. Maybe it's those powerful hands.
In MC's world, your ex knows you're having lunch in a restaurant with some guy before you've even been served and your accountant knows that your rights as a mother are about to be challenged within minutes of the plan being hatched on another ranch. Impressive.
This week we saw two characters we thought were likably (likeably?) immutable change as well. Santa went from being a wise counselor to someone withholding information about JackAss' assault on Solita and Solita actually became aggravating.
" Nilda, the sad lady who somehow misplaced her deaf-mute daughter some years ago and now feels that the daughter needs her. " The operative word is "now"….. NOW? Really?!
Alvaro is too old for Mari but he seems to be the only man present as suitable husband material in this entire novel. He's a little lovesick and his "frickin' tuba" music is unbearable but he seems like an earnestly upright and good guy. At least so far.
If Lupita goes to live with Tav, will Simona let her have a pony?
Gringo, "When will it end? Blah, Blah, Blah. How about an extension? That's what I say." LOL! Your comments are always delightful.
Vida2, I always see your comments at the day's end. They are like frosting on the cake.
Caryn, welcome. Let me add my encouragement that you stick around.
Thanks to all the recappers for your time and dedication!
" feels that the daughter needs her. " The operative word is "now"….. NOW? Really?!"
My thoughts exactly. Maybe there's an extended delay on the call of the blood in that part of Mexico. I do hope that she comes up with some devious plot to dispose of that grump in the wheelchair.
I don't think anyone here would want for Octavio to actually succeed in taking custody of little Lupita. For one thing, it's too much fun to gently ridicule Maricruz's marginal mothering skills.
Susanlynn - LOL @ "I do not want anyone to give Lupita a pony. Remember Bonnie Blue in Gone with the Wind." Yes, I remember and agree - no pony!
three days to wait [Saturday, Sunday and all of Monday] to find out what will happen next. Tav is now trying to take Lupita away from Mari while Old Mustache hears everything from the doorway. What's going to happen there? Also,
it looks like the Miguel and Jack Ass plan is about to unfold. Natrasha and the priest, where is that going to take us? And we have Solita's mother wanting to reunite with her daughter. Is there any way that Maricruz can save her rancho and the homes that she built for the people of Relango?
There is so much going on---as I said, I can't wait.
the gringo
Ultimas Semanas? No way, too early. There are 2 more months of this show to go yet. If they have the show on the holidays and don't miss an episode, then it will be the end very of this year. Dec. 27th.
the gringo
Special thanks to Carlos for the great picture of Sergio in his black hat.
Gringo, you are not alone. I'm in it for the long haul. I would like to see all the adults fall into the big sink hole leaving MC and Tav to ride off into the sunset with a wagon load of children (named & unnamed) with Tobias at the reins. I didn't include Solita cause her long lost mother would have taken her away by then.
Also, Soy Tu Duena would be a good TN if you want to see Sergio play a real bad guy.
the gringo
I'm so glad that you made it by and that you are hanging in there with us. I love the way you see this wrapping up. I'm a little more invested in Solita, however. How about Nazario turning out to be a really good guy, winning Solita over and marrying her and adopting his brother's son. OK, I see a few flaws in this, but the genetics are right.
I see Natasha taking Holy Vows and becoming a nun and I see Perico managing a Taco Bell.
You all should remember, that in marimar there ware 74 episodes. As far as I remember they moved to the rancho in the episode #69. So I even dont want to imagine what tea Romero smoked if he made from 5 episodes already more then 20.
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