Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fri 10/11/13 Corazón Indomable cap 109 Simona Shares Her Headache

This yawner of an episode begins with a Octavio quarreling with Miguel over Miguel's incredible lack of compassion for others... Next!

Maricruz continues on her mission to run out of money as soon as possible by handing out wads of cash to the stragglers of Realengo. She thrives on being adored by the simple folk.

Maricruz Purchases A Playmate For Lupita

After handing out the last stack of bills she quarrels about it with José Antonio. He tells her,

"You're going to end up in the street and no one will even extend a hand."

"If so, it's God's will."

Miguel and Octavio are now quarreling about Maricruz and Simona... anybody care?

Maricruz is home spending her required 15 min. of quality time with Lupita as Juanita looks on. (Cute kid) She is brushing Lupita's unmanageable curly mane and searching for nits.
"Now Tell The Nice Folks How Much You Love Your Mama... Or Else..."

They discuss Lupita's new brother. Maricruz hopes that he takes after Simona.

Yikes! We join Simona in the hospital... scary. No makeup, a curious headband, and very grumpy... Yikes!

That's It, Simona, Just Head Toward The Light

She scolds Octavio for leaving her alone in the hospital. Looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else, he explains that he was needed at the ranch because of peasant unrest over their expulsion from Realengo... hey, Miguel needed him there to help protect the ranch (plus he needed to look in on Maricruz...he neglects mentioning this part).

Back at Rancho Abuelo Juanita is telling Maricruz that she shoulda stayed married to Octavio once and for all and then the little girl would have had a daddy. Maricruz stubbornly and stupidly replies,

"No no, my girl doesn't need him... she has me and that's more than enough  to give her everything she'll need in this life."

Then, seeing that Juanita seems a bit hurt, adds that Juanita is important too, but of course she, Maricruz is the mama.

Simona seems to want to quarrel about where Octavio has been. He lies and tells her that he was at the house the whole time and then goes for coffee.
In he hall the nurse stops him and tells him that the kid is doing so well (out of the incubator for over 4 hours without a problem) that he can go home much sooner than anticipated. He's delighted. He gets the coffee and returns to share the good news with Simona. She seems happy and even smiles.

Looks as though Solita is becoming something of a silent stalker. She is standing at the front entrance and as Perico ambles by, pounces on him like a kitten on a parakeet. He tells her that he was on his way to see a girl. Seeing that hopeful gleam in her eyes, he asks her if she is in love with him and she smiles and nods yes. A kiss.

Back at the hospital the conversation between Octavio and Simona has turned to (need I say it?)... Maricruz. He reminds her that she is his daughter's mom and besides since they're neighbors they're bound to run into one another from time to time. She tells him he'll have to change.

"Why? Because you bought me? Because you bought my freedom and own me or what?"

Perico steals another kiss and runs away leaving Solita looking perplexed.

"WTF "

She tearfully goes inside and begins a very strange conversation with Maricruz. At first they play charades with Solita pointing to her mouth.

"And Now I've Got A Mouth Full Of Feathers."

Back at the hospital Octavio complains that Simona always insists on having her way. She doesn't deny it.

Back at the ranch we're still playing charades. Maricruz establishes that a kiss was somehow involved,

"Who? Who was it?"

She determines that it was Perico... he kissed Solita and ran away. He kissed her and she liked it. He kissed her and she is in love with him.

 Maricruz hugs her and says,

"To be in love is one of the most beautiful feelings a woman can have and I'm happy that you experienced that beautiful and unique feeling."

Back at the hospital Simona has shifted her position. Now she decides that Octavio is in charge. Whatever he decides about the ranch is OK with her.

"How about if I want to give away some of the land, Simona?"

Hah! Good one Octavio.

"Are you crazy or are you joking?"

"I'm joking, Simona, of course I'm joking."

She beams.

Natasha takes

OK, now pay attention closely because I think what follows demonstrates why we are so frustrated with this show. Remember Maricruz's last words to Solita?

"To be in love is one of the most beautiful feelings a woman can have and I'm happy that you experienced that beautiful and unique feeling."

Well she goes on:

"I know what you're feeling now. You're desiring to kiss him, have him hug you... I see it in your eyes."

Solita is glowing at this moment.

Buzzkill alert!

Maricruz continues,

"Solita, you have to control yourself and you have to let go of your impossible love. You have to renounce him because surely Perico doesn't love you. They don't love us, men don't love us."

Solita looks devastated. Maricruz stands and crosses her arms and continues,

"Men only use us."

Thanks for those wise words, Maricruz.

... and that my friends is why this TN just goes on and on and on...

The happy couple arrive home from the hospital with the newest Narváez and as they walk in are welcomed by Ofelia. Simona hands the kid off to Ofelia and tells her to take him and hide him in is room. She sits and worries that she doesn't have any medication for the headaches. Octavio assures her that the neurologist said there's no reason for any more headaches. Hey, can you believe this? We go directly to commercial without a single mention of youknowwho.

Back at Rancho Abuelo, José Antonio has an announcement for Maricruz. 100 of her cows were rustled from down by the river. Now that's news that'll ruin a day for any rancher.

a break from painting a shirtless José Antonio. He struts. They chat. They grope. They kiss.

Miguel welcomes Simona home. Octavio goes to change clothes and Miguel gets crackin' at poisoning Simona's mind. He tells her that Octavio is something of a hero... of course he was defending that wild girl...

Maricruz and José Antonio discuss the stolen cattle. Looks like those poor folks might be blamed. Maricruz hopes the rustlers are captured soon. So does José Antonio... yes, sure he does.

That's The Idea,  Now Pull The Trigger

Miguel tells Simona that because of the risk posed by the removal of the remaining residents of Realengo, Octavio went to protect Maricruz. He asks her not to mention that he told her this.

José Antonio and Maricruz discuss ranch finances. He scolds her for her generosity and she confides that she is near bankruptcy. 

Simona asks Miguel for advice. He suggests a long trip with Octavio. He tells her that Octavio can't help it. He's just a man after all and is hopelessly attracted to that wild girl.

Maricruz is happy that she's helping folks even if things turn out badly for her.

Octavio is heading out as Simona complains that he just got home.

The accountant and Santa discuss the stolen cattle. He thinks that José Antonio is responsible. So do we.

Octavio has lots of ranch stuff to look after... he's in charge. Simona tells him that they have people for that. She suggests that maybe there's another reason he's anxious to go out... maybe to meet with that wild girl.

Santa and the accountant both suspect José Antonio but doubt that Maricruz would believe them. She would really be upset if they accuse him and it turns out that he's innocent.

As Simona chews on Octavio about Maricruz, Miguel rushes in with news of the stolen cattle. Now this brings a genuine smile to Simona's face.

Santa and the accountant decide that it's best to bide their time.

Octavio, Miguel, and Simona discuss the cattle theft. Octavio thinks it was an inside job. Simona thinks it might be good for Maricruz to get married. Miguel mentions that Licenciado Morales is interested in her and could be her protector. Simona offers,

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time that Maricruz Oliveres took a lover."

Octavio scowls, then leaves.

Octavio arrives at Rancho Abuelo to offer support for Maricruz. He tells her that he thinks it was one of her people who stole the cattle. She asks,


This time down by the river, José Anyonio and Natasha are on another break. Both are clothed this time but he is on top of her... in a friendly sort of way.

And Then He Heads For Third Base

He thinks that they should go for a swim in the river... nude. Hey, why not? It's probably a hot day.

Octavio says that they need to find out who, 100 cows is a lot of cattle. She doesn't want the Realengo people blamed. He doesn't either.  Then, out of the blue, he tells her she should get married. She tells him to get out. Before he goes he requests that if she has to sell the ranch, please sell it to him.

After commercial, she is livid and accuses him of having come by just to ask her this and in so many words she tells him,


Simona and Miguel are having a conversation about (who else?) Octavio and Maricruz. Now Miguel is trying to reassure Simona that Octavio is merely concerned about how this cattle rustling thing is affecting them and their ranch. She should trust Octavio. Now he says,

"Ay, Simona, every day your jealousy becomes worse."

She even agrees. She only wants a normal life without jealousy. We can see that another killer headache is coming on as she rubs her temple.

Look folks, I'm just reporting what is happening. I can't help it if there's not consistency in these people's points of view from scene to scene.

In front of a mirror Maricruz takes a moment to shore up her hatred and distrust of everything and everyone Narváez.

"Sipis, You've Still Got It."

She is sure that Octavio's only concern in coming was to convince her to sell them the ranch but although she may have to sell, it will never be to them.

Simona's headache is so bad that it feels as though her eyes will pop out. (Oh please Dear Lord, let that happen. What a great photo-op that would be.) She needs an injection. She sends Miguel off to find Octavio.

Meanwhile the priest has come to visit Maricruz.

"Tastes Like Chicken."

He hopes she won't blame those poor folks in the colony or the few people from Realengo who were kicked out. She assures him that the thought never crossed hr mind.

José Antonio must have finished him nude swim because now he is dropping off some money for Ester to spend on their newborn. She notes that he sure seems to have lots of money these days.

Maricruz and the priest continue there little chat. She asks,

"Where will all those people go, Padre?"

"Don't ask, my child, I don't want to worry you."

She looks worried.

Octavio visits Ester and notes that she seems to be living well and then accuses her husband of stealing the cattle.

At this same time, Maricruz is meeting with the accountant who confirms that like Octavio, he thinks that someone working for her is responsible for the cattle theft.

Octavio warns Ester that he will be watching José Antonio closely in order to protect Maricruz,

"...another theft like that of the 100 cows and I will move heaven and earth  in order to discover the thief."

AS Octavio is riding along, Miguel drives up and tells him of Simona's new headache.

Simona suffers and wails that she needs an injection.

Miguel gives Octavio the prescription for the pain medicine and they swap transportation. Miguel mounts the horse Octavio was riding as Octavio drives off in the SUV.

"And how will we learn who it is?"

Maricruz asks the accountant.

He tells her that he knows. It is her foreman, José Antonio.

She protests that she recognizes that he has changed but asserts that José Antonio has always been loyal and has given good advice. Then she launches into a tirade about how she may have to sell the ranch but it will never be to the Narváez bunch.

Octavio arrives back at the ranch with the medication for Simona's headache. As he prepares the injection she rails at him that it is all his fault and that she simply can't live with this anxiety, this uncertainty, and this jealousy.

Now this is amusing, he actually asks her with a straight face,

"Jealousy? Over what?"


Maricruz muses and agonizes over the poor folks as the padre walks away in the distance. She won't be able to help them if she no longer has the means... really?

Octavio admits that was visiting Maricruz because of the robbery of the cattle and tells her that he thinks it was one of her people... as if Simona might actually care. He hurries with the preparation,

"Now I'm going to inject you, Simona, and you are going to STFU and sleep."

OK, I added a little bit there.

He tells her that he will stay and watch over her. She squalls...


Thank goodness this episode is over... Now where is that Tequila?



Sorry you had to recap such an awful epi. Same jealousy storyline replayed again and again.

Where did the smart girl from the cruise ship go? How many times must she be told JA is stealing?!!!!


Thanks Carvivle,

Sorta make you miss Doris and her daddy, doesn't it?


So funny Carlos

Broke me up "That's The Idea, Now Pull The Trigger"

I never thought I could possibly say that a TN is worse than FELS, at least FELS had Capricho.


Thanks for taking one for the team, Carlos. This show can't end soon enough for me.

MC has been told several times from several people that JA is stealing from her and she still refuses to believe her.

Telling Solita that being in love is the best thing in the world, but it's the worst thing in the world too. Got it.

JA cheating on Ester is par for the course. Hate him.

Octavio not sure what Simona is jealous about. Again, par for the course.

I loved all the photo captions,so funny :)

Wasn't Ester supposed to be eternally grateful to Maricruz for saving her and her baby's life? I notice she has edged her Realengo tank tops in SOLID GOLD now, making the most of the what she knows is money stolen from MC.

I don't accept the storyline that MC is so attached to JA that she does not recognise he is stealing. She was so quick to see it at the casino. I am happy that she has traded her venganza for providing food lodging and money to the poor. Brava, Maricruz (or whatever you want to be called now). If you weren't so obviously spending most of your time shopping and coiffing, I would believe you.

It's also unbelievable how Miguel changes so fast. He's a good actor, it's just odd how his changes are so extreme and unexplained.

Thanks Variopinta and cathyx,

Variopinta, and just when I was thinking... at least it can't get any worse... Compared to this FELS was a masterpiece.

cathyx, and not even a monkey sighting. I wonder what the folks in Mexico who are enjoying this TN so much are drinking?


"Simona's headache is so bad that it feels as though her eyes will pop out. (Oh please Dear Lord, let that happen. What a great photo-op that would be.)"

You're cracking me up, Carlos. That and:

"Now I'm going to inject you, Simona, and you are going to STFU and sleep."

OK, I added a little bit there."

Just sublime!

And of course the captions...who doesn't love 'em? I'm amazed that you can always figure out how to work in a "tastes like chicken" no matter what the episode!

Although I understand Simona's jealousy of her wandering husband all too well, I wish she'd put some energy into caring for her newborn rather than trying to change the unchangeable. Such a waste of time and effort. Ester seems to have made the wiser choice in coping with her light-legged spouse.

Carlos, you had a bummer of an episode, but your wicked humor saved it. Are you surprised that all these lay people give injections so casually?-- Mercedes on la Tempestad and Octavio on Corazón Salvaje. Do they all get that practical nursing training in high school? Jeez.

Anyway, great to add a great big injection of Carlos humor to a beautiful day in central Ohio.

Thanks daniela and Judy,


"If you weren't so obviously spending most of your time shopping and coiffing, I would believe you."

Heh heh.

Judy, it's pretty here today as well... at least so far. Isn't the new Lupita a cutie at least? Bless her heart, her hair is like my daughter's.


Carlos, thanks for giving me a smile. The show reminds me of the marry-go-round I was just on at the amusement park..without the merry part. Like Simona, I think many of us are getting headaches. These folks all deserve each other. Yuck

It is a beautiful day here, too...sunny, clear, and 70. After spending the morning at breakfast with friends followed by shopping for a new frig at Sears and a family owned appliance store that hub and I often give our business to, I am trying to catch up on chores. We still have not bought a frig because we wanted to check the dimensions, but it looks like we will go with something from the family owned business. Judyb..I had to giggle a bit when I was looking at the almond colored GE. We might go with that one because it was similar to our dead fancy bells and whistles. it just keeps the food cold.

JackAss really seems to think that he is king of the hill now that he is stealing from one chick and Boinking another. WHATAMAN. Splendor In the grass and skinny is good. I hope that karma takes a big bite out of that loser.
Well, back to chores and maybe a walk in the nice weather.

I did see the mono climbing out a window a few days ago, but then I might have been hallucinating from overindulging, trying to deal with this mierda. Carlos, this is not the time to chg avatars.
Pobre mono said, get me outta here & back to Africa or Detroit or anywhere but here.

Oh yeah, new Lupita is here because old Lupita crawled away as fast as her little knees could carry her. She didn't even cry, didn't want Majia to find her.

Carlos, my first-born had masses of ringlets like yours, and little Lupita. Alas, now she has it ironed on a regular basis to make it look sleek and straight.

Susanlynn...sounds like you're going to be making a wise almond choice. Fridges, in general, are marvelously simple. My vexatious new washing machine gives me so many choices I'm ready to develop a Simona-sized headache.

Looking at Simona with the gauze headband and no makeup, it looked like the makeover was over. What a difference a ton of eyeliner and mascara makes.

Judyb...When my very old Maytag dryer finally passed away, I ordered one of those very complicated washer and dryer sets from sears. Then, I read scary reviews from dissatisfied customers, so I cancelled and bought a Speed Queen washer and dryer from the small! family owned store. I have been very happy with them. I've decided not to go with stainless steel for the frig..debating between black and almond (which is evidently disappearing). Change is hard. I need simple.

Thanks Susanlynn,
I'm sooo looking forward to José Antonio getting his. However, I don't think that Maricruz would believe he is guilty even if she's shown video of him loading the cattle trucks himself.



You are a master! This recap is superb and marvelous, Thank You!

I too agree about JA. I think he stole those cattle too, and hey maybe there will be a stampede and that's how he'll meet his end. Hooves make excellent anvils ; )

I feel for Maricruz but she really is in self denial. She needs to woman up and get rid of JA and try to save the ranch for her sister Solita and her daughter Lupita.

Loved your caption under all the Simona captures. She is having wicked mood swings. I still think there must be some injury up there.

Tav at least is trying to have Mari's back. Too bad she doesn't see it that way.

Oh, and I hope the imagined cattle stampede involves Miguel too. He never really took care of his own cattle when he had them, jus' sayin' ; )

The doctor mentioned to the nurse that Simona may have a blood clot, they were going to run some tests for it. Knowing the writers, they probably forgot to follow through with that.

Thanks Madelaine,

a stampede? Perfect.

"Hooves make excellent anvils..."

Indeed they do and I'd also be more than happy if Miguel is included.


Thanks Carlos for taking "such a terrible" episode, well not such a terrible episode for me.

Cathyx can't wait for this one to get over, well, I'll cancel out your vote because I can't wait to see it extended.

Carlos---Spending her "required" 15
minutes of quality time. Sounds sarcastic. 1st. it was Maricruz doesn't care about anyone but herself. All she cares about is vengeance. Well that was proven wrong. Vengeance is over and she has become Saint Mari to the poor.
Next, she was a bad mother that didn't love her daughter. So when she spends some time with Lupita,
it's only her "required 15 minutes." Maybe we should have a Bash Mari Week, and after that week is over, maybe we could think of some positive things to say about her.

Maricruz says all the "wrong things"---"men only use us." It's easy to understand why Mari said that and feels that way. Now let's
see---Octavio loved her and then abandoned her. Karim tried to kidnap her for a sex slave and the Love Gov. only wanted her body. So yes, she might say that and tell Solita to be careful of men. It's very easy to understand.

Daniela---When has Mari been out shopping and coiffing lately?

Carvivlie---Where did that smart girl from the cruise ship go? It's very hard accept that your close and trusted friend is stealing from
you. I hope that JA get's caught soon. It would be a complete tragedy if Mari looses her beautiful Rancho because of him.
the gringo


Your recap was much more interesting than the show has been. I wish some of the script writers had your sense of humor. Maybe then, I would be more interested it. So sad, it started off so great, even my kids wanted to watch it (with some editing). Now, they leave the room when it is on.

Oh gringo
All in the universe is well, if you hadn't been here for your Maricruz, I would have been so disappointed.
What are your favorite TN's in addition to this one?

Maricruz has been hanging around Oblivio too long, her brain cells are disappearing. JAss's wife tells MC he is stealing from her. Did MC check his house & all his stuff? How much does she pay him?

Classic Carlos. You took total schlock and made a silk purse out of this mind-numbing episode.

Anyone want to line up behind me to just slap MC silly over that conversation with Solita? And nice to know she would rather have her daughter poor and living in a shack as long as she has her as a mother than put a lid on how much she's handing out to the area folks. She's the heroine, she's the heroine...take that shot of Tequila, again, she's the heroine, she's the heroine...

And I'm so sorry for this...I think TN's sometimes bring out our worst feelings, but if we have to keep watching Simona grab her head, yell and keep spouting the MC hatred, can we just drop her anvil now? And Miguel feeding on her anxiety knowing she's ill...real Mr. Nice guy. Line his anvil up too.

Miss Doris and her father?...heck I wish we could swap the whole gang and location and go back to the Isla and let Solita get her Tobias back.


Thanks gringo, Anon, and Daisynjay.

gringo, your enthusiasm for this TN and Maricruz in particular makes me smile. I know that you must realize that we recappers, in addition to detailing what happened in the episode, also want to entertain you guys and stimulate conversation here. You're comments demonstrate that I'm at least having some success in stimulating conversation. Like Variopinta, I'd be interested to learn which TNs that you have previously enjoyed.


"So sad, it started off so great..."

A lament shared by most of us here. So much potential and talent squandered...


"Simona...can we just drop her anvil now?"

Maybe she can be collateral damage from Madelaine's stampede that takes out José Antonio and Miguel.


Well, what I found really strange about Maricruz' conversation with Solita was that she turned her back to her for the last part. Maybe Solita can now read lips but she certainly can't read backs! so we may assume she didn't "hear" the cynical "they just use us" part.

Now who is the heck is the muchacha that Perico is going to see? leaving our Solita dazed and disappointed.

Variopinta--To answer your question
I would have to say that my favorite novella besides this one would have to be Un Refugio Para El
Amor with Zuria Vega and Gabriel Soto. I loved it immensely and almost went into depression when it was over. I liked everything about that show, the story, the cast and even Luciana's little mountain town San Francisco El Alto
It was so picturesque and made me want to visit there.
Right behind that one, a very close third, I loved La Que No Podia Amar with Ana Brenda and Jorge Salinas. Rogelio, a mean and bitter man because of life's hard knocks was slowly transformed by Ana Paula's sweet love. How could anyone not love that one?
I also really liked Un Familia Con Suarte. Who wouldn't laugh at the crazy shenanigans of Poncho Lopez?
I went to see the live stage version when it came to LA. The live show was great with most of the original cast. The crowd cheered loudly when Sherlyn came out with her accordion and sang the theme song Poncho Lopez--I loved it and will always remember it.
Also---I will always have a warm spot for my very first novela, Clase 406. I caught it on a weekend only rerun. I had missed about the first fourth of the show
but was very excited when I found it. I was crazy about RBD at the time, still am, and Clase 406 had four of RBD's six members in it so I had to watch it. Even though I don't understand Spanish and didn't know about English recaps at the time, I still loved it from the first day I saw it.
Variopinta, I hope this answers your question.
the gringo

OK---Time for a little discussion.
I thought that it was interesting that both Octavio and Miguel was talking about peasant unrest. What peasant unrest? Mari gave them all a big handful of money. Of course Miguel will tell $imona that--Hire
more guards, the peasants are running wild!

OH! $imona without eyeliner. She needs it.

Wrong size babies---There's been a lot of talk that the babies don't match as they were born about the same time. PLEASE PEOPLE, Televisa
ran short of babies in the baby pool this week, they're doing the best they can. Use your imagination

A lot of talk about a cattle stampede and JA. Yes that would be fitting for him but I am wondering
what Natrasha will do with the gun that she carries? Both JA and Miguel are making a play for her,
will one of them get shot sometime in the future? I don't think that she is packing heat for no reason.
At some point, I think she's going to use it, but on who?

It looks like a new guy is about to come on the scene. Could he be a friend that will help Maricruz keep/save the rancho and help her fight against her enemies?
the gringo

gringo, you point out that Natasha carries that little pistol and wonder if it might figure into coming events... how about José Antonio? Not only is he toting a rather imposing pistol, he has actually pulled it out and pointed it (cocked) at one of Maricruz's tenants leaving no doubt in my mind that he is perfectly willing to use it.

Ordinarily I'd be thrilled to see Sergio added to the cast, but the way that actors as well as plot devices have been regularly misused, I'm not really expecting to see a significant improvement in the show. I hope I'm wrong. At least he may bring a little much needed testosterone into the mix.

Maricruz has been disappointing in so many ways, but I think the the thing that disturbs me the most is her absolute neglect of Solita. Her communication skills seem minimal at best. There's no evidence of any education. I'm curious to see her eat. I wonder if she has even learned to manage a knife and fork. What does she do all day, lurk about hoping to steal a kiss from Perico?

Why wasn't her child, the little no name boy included in the baptismal festivities. Why don't we see the two kids playing together? Certainly he must have a name but why haven't we learned it by now?

And since I'm complaining, what about Tobias? He was don Alejandro's right hand man, friend and confidant for all those years, he was key in Maricruz's transformation, and we weren't even given an opportunity to say goodbye, much less learn what has become of him?


I thought the scene with Maricruz holding little Lupita and brushing her hair was visually touching and very sweet. It was especially cute as Lupita intently brushed a strand of her mama's hair. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the little tyke interacts with that child-charmer Octavio.


Carlos, I'm with you on baby noname. Why on earth haven't they given him a name? I know Solita's a minor character, her son even more so, but at least give him a name. And it's ludicrous that it's important for Lupita to have a baptism but then completely ignore her own nephew's baptism at the same time.

What drives me crazy with this TN is that they completely drop plots and characters that once were so important as if they never even existed. Important happenings too that we had many discussions and wonderings about, only to have them never brought up again.

Plots left hanging:
Teo and his transformation
Solita's rape
Solita running into Twinsebio
Miguel being wanted by the police
Simona's possible aneurysm



Gringo...thanks for mentioning Un Refugio Para El Amor as your favorite. I was absolutely captivated by that one. And will never, ever forget the ending. Just stunning.

I forgot about the letter Twinsebio wrote to get Miguel off. And we never got to hear Awfulia give testimony against Eusebio.

Uhoh, Gringo, what's happening. There are more comments for Mentir Para Vivir than CI. Does that mean it's a better TN?

cathyx, in the instances where situations have been resolved it's rarely been satisfying. The search for the missing pilot (Octavio) for example... some random hunters found him and he was shipped to Mexico... Next!


Once again I hope it is not a spoiler to say, that there are a lot of episodes that were cut. And to the end there will be more and more of them. I know this, because they show some episodes in avances, Sometimes they put fotos on facebook or actors posted the fotos. So I cant say, that it's all about monkey writers. Some of them worked with scissors.
The big problem with this novela, as for me, that they worked too hard to end filming on the 31 of august. The last episode was shown in Mexico a week ago. So when it comes to the real episodes day to day they had so many episodes, that they could add more then a 20 episodes, I think. So they cut, cut and cut. And sometimes I dont think that they cut the most unimportant things. In the beginning of the story they didn't work so ahead. That is why the story was more logical.

Alegria, I'm not quite understanding. I wasn't aware that episodes had been cut. Can you give us some idea of things that were cut? Were the portions cut seen in Mexico? I thought that we are pretty much seeing what they saw.


Carlos, that's another thing that is maddening about this show. The big reveals are small and insignificant.

No, episodes are the same. But in Mexico in episodes almost always were avances. And for every episode was a mini-avance. And very often they shown some important scene in the avance, but in the episode we saw nothing. I already told about the episode when Octavio was ill. They cut all his dream, but they shown part of this scene in avance. Or they put fotos on the official facebook and there we can see episodes that didn't see. I brought fotos with little "midle" Lupita. Sometimes actors put fotos in twitter in some location or say something in interview end then we didn't see nothing. I know all this because i was interested in this novela and has a good memory. They cut a lot of scenes.

I just got back from a short shopping stint in beautiful downtown Glendale. I was at a busy section near the very famous Porto's Bakery on Brand Blvd. There were some people near the corner standing there talking. One young mother had a young baby and was holding her baby just exactly the way that Maricruz held Lupita and was criticized for it. You know, Maricruz was holding lupita like she was a sack of potatoes. When I noticed, it was all that I could do to keep from laughing out loud on the street. No one minded not even the baby but Maricruz??? I immediately thought of the CI blog. I'm still smiling as I'm typing.

Cathyx---Yes there are some loose ends. Some of those hanging plots may come up again sometime in the future. However my guess is that if all of those hanging plots were left in, the length of the novela would have to have been increased by twenty or more episodes.

CathyX---Mentir Para Vivir is new,
so yes it will draw a large crowd.
Also it has some nice eye candy for the ladies in David Zepeda.

JudyB--Un Refugio was unforgettable
in so many ways. I loved the simple but beautiful pueblo wedding and the lunch/dinner mountain top reception. I would have loved to have been there. Don Aquiles was a hoot, who could ever forget him?
the gringo

Just in case anyone is puzzled by the caption under the photo of Solita pointing to her mouth to indicate that she was kissed:

"And Now I've Got A Mouth Full Of Feathers."

Perico in Spanish means parakeet.

By the way, el Perico was the name of my very favorite TN villain ever who appeared in the otherwise rather forgettable TN, Mujer de Madera.


I'm sorry you have to explain your clever play on words. That must take all the fun out of it, lol.

Carlos, I loved your captions. As for the feathers, I didn't know the word for parakeet but I knew it was a bird after watching Maricruz play charades with Solita.

I also wonder why the makers of this TN can't bother to have the actors memorize a couple of sentences in sign language. It looked like they were doing a little at the beginning with Solita and Tobias, but then abandoned it.

I found this interesting article about Mexican Sign Language on Wikipedia, and it says that Mexican Sign Language isn't much like Spanish.

My supervisor at my first job after college knew American Sign Language (he had adopted his stepdaughters, one of whom was deaf), and I was able to watch him sign a bit. He told me that very few fathers of deaf children ever learned to sign. The mothers did, but not the fathers.

But we can't fault Maricruz or those fathers too much for not learning sign language. Many of us know how difficult it is to learn another language as an adult.

Question for Carlos or other:
In the photo of MC looking in the mirror, who or what is Sipis?


Back from a week in Arizona, where CI aired at 4:00 p.m. instead of in the evening as it is here. CI is getting too disjointed to make sense of, but still enjoy it very much. Will watch until the bitter end. An afternoon nap and CI was pure bliss after shopping and gas station gourmet Mexican food. We found a restaurant tat served Ropa Vieja, a real treat.

Did anyone catch Sabado Gigantico (spelling?) , was that Daniel Arenas with short hair and scruffy beard? Just flipping past it and thought that was him. Was too tired from flight and traffic to focus in.


What is FELS and was it worse than "El Talisman"? To me, that's the worst novela I've seen so far.

Why didn't Maricruz bring Tobias back to the ranch when she brought Solita? Even though he didn't have a major part on the show I still like him.

I'm also a fan of "Un Refugio Para Amor" and have the DVD.

I used to like Jose Antonio when the show started but now he's such a d-bag that I can't stand him. Hopefully Maricruz will get her head out of the sand and realize that JA is not the friend he used to be.

emeraldrose, actors from CI now free from novela and from vacation, so they can visit Uni. Ana Brenda Daniel, Rene and Elazabeth Alvarez visited a lot of programs last week.

Thanks, Carlos, I missed most of this one and the reacap was sure needed. The captions were priceless!


All this talk of Refugio makes me sad. Really enjoyed that one, especially the scenery, the artwork and everything Patricio.

Carlos, I agree on the impending entrance of Sergio. I was so excited to see him coming on board, but with so few episodes, not sure who or what he winds up being. And I'm sure they will waste his talents with some inane plot. But he will be a welcome face.


Britishcomedyfan, FELS is Fuego en la Sangre, which is the third version of the story of the Reyes brothers. Same producer. Writing problems as well, but not so bad as to have the story not make any sense at all. At least it had a top-notch cast and good incidental music.

This one isn't making sense anymore.

Carlos, this recap makes more sense than the episode.

Carlos, Thanks for the great recap. And, as usual, the pictures were wonderful too. The ones of Simona were perfect.

I think I am going to refrain from any comment where the story is going this week. So far my track record has been abysmal. Early on I thought JA and Solita would be a good couple. Then I thought the relationship between MC and JA was working as a loving, friendly bickering brother/sister kind of thing and last week I defended MC for not speaking to her accountant right before the party---but I did think she would be dealing with it before more months had passed. Wrong!

I actually prefer MC deciding to give away what money she has left rather than letting the money obliviously slip away. At least she made a conscious decision to do it, consequences be damned.

MC looked great this week in both red dresses. When that lawyer guy came to her house and propositioned her, her appearance in red made his jaw drop to the ground. That scene gave me a chuckle.

MollyC, "sipis" is a slang word for "sí" , meaning "yes" or "OK"



Thanks Aleta,

As I've already mentioned, I'm really disturbed with the way Solita has been handled in this TN. It appears to me that she has been neglected. Her rape has not been investigated and as far as I can tell, her rapist was never identified, and yet she roams freely about the ranch. I know that Santa and Ofelia are rather certain that Eusebio fathered noname boy.


Barbara answered you question, The first time I heard sipis was from Ximina, an adorable, ditzy, fresa in Un Gancho al Corazón. Some similar slang terms are nopis: no or nope, and porfis: please (por favor).


Thanks, emeraldrose,

I'm so glad that you are still enjoying this. I'm hopeful that we'll have some enjoyable stuff this week.


did you read the recaps here during El Talismán? We had a blast with that show. I still think it was intentionally made the way it turned out.

Thanks, Jarifa,

I'm glad that you enjoyed the recap and the photocaptions.



"Carlos, this recap makes more sense than the episode."

Uh... thanks... I think.


Thanks, Barbara,

I have to agree, Maricruz looked stunning in red. I have to admit that I really enjoyed watching Morales make a pitch... as if...


It's Monday morning but I wish that it was evening already. As usual I am so excited, can't wait, can't wait for tonight. There is so much going on. Mari is teetering
on the verge of bankruptcy. Will she loose the beautiful rancho or will a miracle happen to allow her to keep it? Will the new character to the story help her fight her enemies? Will One Cell find out how JA is robbing Maricruz and put a stop to it? As Carlos pointed out and we all saw, JA also carries
heat and could become very dangerous if he is found out or threatened. Pistol packin' Natrasha
is dangerous. Will she be using her little helper soon and on who?
Will Tav be talked into a long vacation to get him out of town so that the evil people can work their evil? And where will the new budding Solita romance lead? Will Tobias or any of the Isla Dorada people pay Mari a surprise visit? So many things to think about. As I said, I can't wait for tonight.
the gringo

I'm a little late but wanted to express my thanks for another great recap. Carlos, you post the best pictures and come up with very humorous captions.

I for one am looking forward to Sergio G. joining the cast. That man wouldn't have to say a word - he is so handsome! Granted the only TN I've seen him in was Soy Tu Duena and he played one mean SOB so I'm looking forward to seeing how he's been cast in this one.


Thanks Dorothy,

I'm delighted that you're still with us in this. If Sergio Goyri is being cast as a good guy then I see serious competition ahead for Octavio. S G has a marvelous collection of hats... I've already seen a couple of them in the avances. He seems to have an affinity for Charlie One Horse hats... look for the horseshoe branded on the crown.


I have only seen Sergio play crazy, bad villains. However, he is an attractive guy, so seeing him play a good guy would be nice for a change.

Gringo..when I read you comment, I thought of my mother. She always used to tell me, "Don't wish time away."

Carlos, you have made my day! I was taken by that horseshoe logo when I first saw it on Soy Tu Duena and spent an entire morning trying to find out what company it was. My son prefers western style clothes and I thought I could get him a hat.

I gave up thinking it was probably a Mexican brand I wouldn't be able to get.

Who knew that here on Caray,Caray! I would find my answer.

Dorothy, I'm glad I could help. In STuD he wore one of the straw Charlie One Horse models that comes with a fake bullet hole in the crown. I have one of those and cracked up when I saw him wearing one with a bullet hole.


Carlos, I'm way behind with a comment, but I wanted to say I really enjoyed your recap. As always, the screen caps with their captions were just hilarious.

Our new Lupita is a real cutie, but she seems more interested in looking at the camera and crew than her mommy Maricruz. Maybe Tav will capture her interest.

Still cheering for MariCruz, but so many characters have become truly unpleasant. Looking forward to Sergio Goyri as new guy in the neighborhood.

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