Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #125, Monday, November 4, 2013 “The Agony of REPEAT” aka “The Second Kidnapping of Lupita Narvaez Mendoza”

Recap by LatinaInMD

Phew, done.  I cannot believe I just survived a “repeat” viewing of this abysmal episode.  And since I am a glutton for punishment, along with the rest of Viewerville (at least those still subjecting themselves to this torture), here I go again, with a “repeat” of the low points (sorry, no such thing as a highlight here).  (I have the strange sensation that I am repeating the first title above from some previous recap, but it was to be expected with all the repetition we get from the monkey writers.)

We begin where we left off, with a “repeat” of Sickmona assuring GreedyMig that Oblivio will do her will, because she “dominates” him; as she confidently strides off, GreedyMig is left wondering what she is up to and now decides it’s best if Oblivio refuses to do her bidding.

At Rancho El Abuelo (“REA”) all seems ready for the big wedding party, where MC will do her best to blow what little money she has left for someone who has never lifted a finger to help her.  Alvaro, the priest, and MC stand around the living room as if there’s no place to sit, with Lupita in MC’s arms, looking awake but rather bored – the child must be channeling Viewerville’s mood.  JackAss shows up and asks if he can hold Lupita, grabbing her from MC’s arms before she can say a word.

Back at Rancho La Simona (“RLS”), we get a repeat helping of BSC Sickmona, who is now reproaching Oblivio for the fact that their son will be left orphaned by his mother.  (Make that by his father too, since Oblivio is already dead to me and the rest of Viewerville.  Might as well be dead to his son too.)  Sickmona then moves on to reproaching Oblivio for his lifelong indifference towards her.  The monkey writers got even lazier this episode, so instead of writing new useless filler scenes, they gave us a “repeat” helping of flashbacks, to remind us that Simona was once a sweet, bland, but fairly sane girl, who made the big mistake of trying to help out the “sorry excuse for a human being” she always loved.

In the last episode, Santa thought bubbled her suspicions about JackAss, but that didn’t stop her from now divulging to him the minutest details about the timing of the wedding; that should help him carry out his villanous plans; nice going, Santa.

Back to Sickmona and more flashbacks, capped off with yet another accusation flung at Oblivio:  “You were the snake I kept warm on my chest, and that snake bit me.”  (Lord.  Seriously, who writes this stuff?)  As absurd as this all sounds, Oblivio not only bit, he swallowed.  He found her words so touching and eloquent that he couldn’t resist the overwhelming impulse to declare to her:  “I will do ABSOLUTELY everything you want me to do, Simona.”

Back at party central, Perico shows up all cleaned up, in a rather oversized suit, but looking mighty tasty to Solita, who clearly can’t wait to bed him.  This is more than obvious to Alvaro and the priest, with Alvaro pointing out to the priest (who nods in agreement) that he suspects the priest will soon “have to” marry those two as well.

Sickmona continues to blame MC for her tumor and we get more useless flashbacks, capped with yet another declaration:  “I will not die without getting vengeance!!!!”  (Sneaky writers – trying to recycle MC’s venganza monologues with Sickmona now.  What, you thought we wouldn’t notice?)

As if this novela isn’t already sexist enough, we are subjected to some locker room chatter between Vargas (who is about to wed) and Licenciado what’s-his-name (galan #6? – who apparently is married) talking about the latter being attracted to many women, NOT including his wife.

Back to Sickmona, who is taking BSC to a whole new level.  “I’m the boss!!” she tells Oblivio.  “I want you to make MC suffer, make her die with anguish thinking that her daughter is in danger of death.”  Oblivio feebly shakes his head side to side.  I can’t tell if he is refusing or if he is simply expressing his disbelief.  Perhaps it’s just the effect of his single brain-cell bouncing back and forth inside his empty head.

At REA, Santa is in MC’s bedroom helping the bride-to-be with final preparations when the accountant suddenly barges in.  After she chastises him for seeing the bride before the wedding (uh, Santa, that’s only a rule for the groom not for all men), Santa and the accountant try to feign enthusiasm for a party and a wedding that neither they nor Viewerville care about.  Moving on.

And now we get confirmation that the side-by-side bobbing of Oblivio’s head was caused by the bouncing single brain-cell.  He is now with GreedyMig, informing him that somehow Simona knows she will die, though he has no idea how she found out (take a guess, Sherlock).  He adds that her words had a profound effect on him.  “She moved me, moved my soul.  I will do EVERYTHING she wants me to do.  Lupita will go where SHE wants HER to go.”  Soul?  What Soul?!!  Everything?!  I invite Oblivio to re-read the immediately preceding quote, where Simona demanded that he make MC suffer and die with anguish.  Got that, Oblivio?  You are deader than dead.  No amount of galan pixie-dust can revive you now.

We return briefly to REA, where thankfully Viewerville was spared most of the wedding ceremony.  We cut back to Oblivio still chatting with GreedyMig about the “repeat” kidnapping of Lupita, with him digging his own grave deeper and deeper with each new word he utters.  Back at REA, JackAss stands in the background of the party scene, looking around for the most opportune moment to make his move.

Back at RLS, Oblivio takes one final swig of his drink and heads off to REA to do the deed.  Simona watches him through her bedroom window and hopes he won’t change his mind.  Suddenly she gets dizzy and stumbles.

Back at REA, Juanita contemplates a soundly asleep Lupita and thought bubbles how happy and “sure” she is that Lupita won’t wake up.  (That must have taken an extra dose or two of Benadryl.)

And back again at RLS, where Simona continues to stumble across her room.  She goes through her little ridiculous exercise to figure out if she is going blind or not.  (How hard can it be to figure it out?  Either you are or you are not blind.  It’s not rocket science.)

Now we get Alvaro’s lame attempt at humor, suggesting to MC that they do as newlyweds and “run off” while the party is still raging.  She laughs “oh, Alvaro”, and we get the sense that she is laughing “at him” rather than with him.  But at least briefly, she seems happy and without a care in the world.  (How dare she, say the monkey writers?  That won’t do, so we’ll soon put a stop to this “happy” nonsense.)

Juanita kisses sleeping Lupita and sneaks out of the room.  Meanwhile, Octavio is already outside hiding behind some bushes, like the juvenile he is, just waiting for JackAss to give him the signal he needs to go in and grab Lupita.  Inside REA, both the accountant and the priest note JA’s nervousness, but as usual, there is no follow-through; neither one says a word about it to anyone else.  Juanita comes up to these two and announces to them (conveniently within JA’s earshot) that Lupita is soundly asleep.  Now we have to assume that JA is Flash Gordon, because in a matter of seconds he supposedly went out and gave the green light to Oblivio (or so I assume, since we never saw them connect), then while Oblivio sneaks into Lupita’s bedroom, JA is back in the living room trying to distract everyone by proposing a toast to the bride and groom.  He then turns to MC and reminds her that he is still “the poor, naïve peasant” who always loved her and still does.  Alvaro comes by and swoops MC away, breaking JA’s “magical” moment (NOT!!!) and leaving him to bitterly thought-bubble:  “so sorry, MC, that you are about to suffer.”

Mere seconds later, we now find ourselves in JA’s home, where Oblivio took Lupita to hide her from her mother. Esther reproaches him for taking the child away from her mother and says she wants no part of it.  He reasons that he is “saving” his daughter from the same fate that MC suffered and that she will soon suffer again, as she “rolls around the world” without any protection.  (huh, wasn’t all this brought on by his jealousy over the fact that she might marry Alvaro?  I guess he and his tuba will be rolling around the world too if he marries MC.)  Esther says she “understands” him, but that’s not the kind of “punishment” she “had in mind” for MC.

Juanita enters Lupita’s bedroom and discovers she is gone; she runs downstairs (where the party apparently is long over, since none of the extras remain on set) and screams:  “They took her again!!!”  MC is oddly calm (cue for Carlos and others to accuse MC of not being a caring mother.)  I’ll give MC the benefit of the doubt this time and attribute her calm reaction to simple shock.

Back in his own home, JA informs Octavio that MC appears ready to accept Alvaro’s marriage proposal.  (Cut back to REA, where MC is finally reacting like a normal mama bear, BSC and bawling about her stolen child.)  Octavio quickly exits the scene and we get a “repeat” of JA and Esther arguing about his decision to keep Lupita there.  Sadly, Esther has no real say in the matter and JackAss imposes his will.  The child stays in the house!!!!

Now we get one of the most absurd scenes, with MC and the priest discussing the “nuances” of family law.  Sorry, there are no “nuances”, you silly priest.  MC reminds him that Octavio agreed to termination of his parental rights; we get this lame answer from the priest:  “I know, but he must think he has rights.”  Well, there you go, so much for “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.  Apparently, it is the perfect excuse for the monkey writers.

Octavio returns to RLS and informs Sickmona that the deed is done; she rejoices and informs him that she ordered the dogs to be set loose for good measure.  But, but, he mutters, I don’t want to hurt MC.  In fact, I want her to know that I have Lupita; I just don’t want her to know where I have her.  (Monkey writers forgot to insert here a BSC Sickmona smacking him silly and reminding him that he did this at HER will, because SHE commanded him to do it and make MC suffer.  Remember, Oblivio?)

Meanwhile, the silly priest continues with the silliness, suggesting that MC simply calm down and go to sleep.  (Yes, go gently into that slumber MC, while your child is in the hands of a nitwit, his BSC wife and his greedy bro.)

Now Oblivio is assuring Sickmona that he only wants to “save my daughter, not hurt Maricruz.”  “That’s why I stole her,” he adds “and the law authorizes me to do it.”   

Now we have a BSC Maricruz.  She is seriously PO’d, and she swears that Oblivio has no idea what he is exposing himselt to.  She refuses to wait a minute longer to go find her little girl.

And yet another “repeat” of JackAss (in silk PJs, no less) and Esther arguing; she tells him what we’ve known for some time, that he is the worst man ever.  She then asks if he is doing all this to MC because he is jealous about Alvaro.  No, he says, he is not the least bit concerned about Alvaro.  He knows she still loves Oblivio, but he figures that with this happening MC and Oblivio are doomed to be apart forever.  THAT is why he was so happy to help.

Back at REA, Santa, Juanita and the accountant ponder what must have happened.  Santa gets the “brilliant” idea that there was an accomplice.  But there is no point to this scene, as Viewerville knows well that nothing will come of it, because they always keep their mouths shut when they should speak up.

Back at RLS, Sickmona and Oblivio continue chatting in the living room, when they suddenly hear dogs barking.  She is beside herself with glee and heads to her room beaming; Oblivio the coward begs GreedyMig to go to the front gate and to tell MC to go to the courts for recourse.  He adds:  “But tell her the truth, that I have Lupita, so she won’t suffer too much.”  (Well, how thoughtful of him.  Not.)

Esther and JackAss. “Repeat” the umpteenth argument. 

Oblivio and GreedyMig.  “Repeat” the umpteenth back-and-forth.

MC, Alvaro and the priest are at the main gate to RLS.  The priest does all the talking, demanding to see Oblivio.  MC demands that they open the gate.  After some arguing between them and the guards, GreedyMig comes out and calmly opens the gate.  Instead of storming the place, MC and her two-man army just stand there, with MC heaving in distress, but frozen in place.  Very odd.

Right around here the monkey writers get the brilliant idea to throw in a scene with Nilda and Abelardo, lest we forget they exist.  Nilda comes up to him with a suitcase and announces that she is leaving.   (Meanwhile, GreedyMig does as Oblivio requested and informs MC that Oblivio indeed has Lupita.)  Abelardo asks Nilda if she managed to steal from him; she says no, she simply sold some of her clothes and got enough money to leave.  He tells her she is not as dumb as he thought, but warns her that if she leaves he will cut her out of his will.

GreedyMig tells them Lupita is not there, and neither is his brother.  He can’t tell them where they are because he doesn’t know it.  MC demands the return of her child.  The priest reminds GreedyMig that the mother has rights to her child simply because of the child’s age.  GreedMig claims that Oblivio knows well “his rights and duties”, given that the girl’s child is living an “indecorous life”.  MC tries to make him shake in his boots by reminding him that she is a “good enemy” – just remember how I made your wife eat mud.  Oh yeah, that has him shaking in his boots.  NOT!!!

Nilda tells Abelardo she can no longer wait.  He accuses her of planning to run off with another man, because that is the only reason a woman would be willing to leave everything else behind, even his fortune.  No, she says, I’m not running off with a man.  I’m going to reunite with my daughter.  Cara impactadisima de Abelardo.

Miguel tells MC that she doesn’t have the morals to be able to do anything to them.  Alvaro makes a lame attempt to reason with him.  MC is ready to pounce on GreedyMig, but the silly priest deprives Viewerville of a good smackdown by holding her back.  All we get is another dose of MC in hysterics, as GreedyMig steps back into the grounds of RLS and the gate is locked again.

Back to Nilda and Abelardo.  She apparently told him her whole back story while Viewerville was out of ear shot, so we’ll have to keep guessing how and why she abandoned her poor deaf-mute baby.  He appears sympathetic.  He even confesses to her that he married her partly because he felt sorry for her and partly to spite his family.  Oddly, despite the way he has treated her, she apparently thought he “rescued” her from her lowlife and married her out of love for her.  He tells her he intended to take her to the most exclusive social settings, but not before telling everyone the life he pulled her out of.  (Lovely.  Sympathetic one second, a total jerk the next.  Just like the rest of the men in this novela.)  It’s too bad his paralysis got in the way of his plans, he notes bitterly.

GreedyMig reports back to Oblivio.  We are now supposed to believe that Oblivio cares about how MC is doing.  Big bro tells him, “You can imagine.  All I have to say is that in just a few moments she paid me back for several years of mistreatment.”  “Poor thing,” says Oblivio, seeming concerned, at least until big bro informs him that she was accompanied by BOTH the priest and her suitor Alvaro.  “What?!  She dared bring the engineer?!”  “It seems she brought him to infuse fear in us.”  “Cynical woman,” says Oblivio barely containing his fury.  He adds that MC won’t give up so easily.  “So we should expect the worst from her.  The worst, Miguel.”  “Yes, but I assure you this time that the cat has no claws.”  “That’s fine, Miguel.  Let her marry the engineer and have more children.  But the one with my blood will not go through the world with a mother without morals.  Now it’s definite.  Maricruz Olivares will NEVER recover her daughter.  NEVER.”  (And, to further mock those of us still watching this nonsense, we get with the closing credits the song begging forgiveness for all the hurt he has caused her.)


Thanks for the fabulous recap, Latina! So much angst and drama with no real results.

So now they start adding lots of flashbacks in case someone just started watching.

I think I enjoyed the wardrobe revue as much as anything. Perico's suit really was size sloppy large, wasn't it? I liked MC' wedding outfit, with the lace patchwork jacket. JA in silk pajamas was just absurd! Loved it and would have added his big black hat. How come we never saw Octavio and Eduardo in silk pj's?

Sorry, my brain is sleep deprived. The kidnapping was a real result. The kerfluffle following it didn't change anything.

Latina, great recap, funny and entertaining, like this show stopped being a long time ago.

I'm recapping the next episode, so I felt the obligation to watch this one, too.
The biggest waste of my time ever since the last episode I watched, 2 weeks ago.

Octavio is deader than dead to me, too.
Having said that and trying to keep in mind that this is a telenovela, have you all noticed that the protagonistas had no reconciliation, ever since they first broke up in episode 15, I guess??
They sneaked in 3 or 4 kisses in the last 100 episodes, but that does not a romance make.
They've taken Tav so far, I'm sure nobody really wants no love scenes anymore, but still, I don't get this - all tn couples have at least one brief reconciliation, in order to keep the fans involved.
I can't believe they are wasting such great chemistry - I don't feel that MC and Tav are a real couple, I don't see any angsty love, just idiocy, hate and more idiocy.
Such a waste...

My sympathies and gratitude La Paloma. Missed this one totally last night. To say I'm not the least nit sorry now after reading your wonderful recap goes without saying. There are some things you just some things you shouldn't do after a hard day at work like watching something that could just make your brain implode.

And someone said a few episodes back that things may get worse? my,my,my,my,my....


oops sorry for the errors--on the Kindle and it has a mind of it's own this morning....or it has been taken over by the RatPack...


I just saw the fabulously funny title and had to comment immediately on that. It was definitely a trying episodio. Dear writers, we are stuck in a rut and it's affecting our gut. --Anyway, I see no saving grace to Oblivio. He is no galan--just another pretty face.

Latina, thanks for the wonderful recap of a not so wonderful episode. The goofiest scene was JA in the tacky pj's. I guess I am still waiting for something new to actually happen to move this plot along. We are stuck in the mud!


Thanks for your comments, everyone.

@Daisynjay - Not "may get worse"; it WILL get worse. Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get more ridiculous.....

Daisynjay, I only posted what Latina wrote, but thanks for hanging in there with us.

Oh, I know this isn't the La Tempestad thread, but may I just say how shocking it was to see last night Univision announcing the finale of that little gem for November 15th. Que que?! It lasted 5 1/2 months in Mexico, and that's after they significantly trimmed it. Here it started at the end of July, which means it will have been only 3 1/2 months on air on Univision by the time it ends. Univision managed to cut a full two months (36%) of La Tempestad, but it couldn't do us the favor with C.I. ugh!!!!!

Great recap!

Why don't they just rename this Novela to Sociopaths insufferable.


Latina, DITTO about La Tempestad and CI - not fair that we have to suffer through all this crap, while a significantly better story gets butchered like this.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I have said twice that Octavio is deader than dead to me but now, I am bringing it to the last level. He is DEADEST OF ALL THE DEAD.
I was flabbergasted when he said that MC's behavior was inappropriate to raise his daughter!!!That's right, she was wrong and inappropriate to let him kiss her openly (with Simona seeing them). What about him, married and all, kissing MC all the time. I should say, they should live together, two inappropriate parents for Lupita. NOT!!!! He is deadest of all the Dead.
And Latina, thanks. You are totally right. I have said that MC is a masochist and that all these sad characters are sadists created by the writers. We are indeed masochists and enjoy the repeat punishment that are given to us and will be given to us until the very end. I meant "we" who still continue to watch this sorry tn night after night. Wher's my binkie?!!!!



This fantastic recap was so much better than the epi. Thank you so much!

I seem to only be watching now for the anvils to come. I hope DEAD TO ME Tav gets a miniature one. It would knock some sense into him. I have come to the conclusion that he has NO BRAIN CELLS. I'm wondering if that brain tumor is catching. Really, he is sooo stupid. I still can't believe he thinks MC is "immoral" really?????

I was hoping Ester would wait until JackA** was asleep and then take Lupita back to her Mama.

We've had enough of the suffering MC, how about a suffering DEAD TO ME Tav until this TN ends.

LatinaInMD, it is all about ratings. CI is a boom even in USA.
Look here http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/top10s.html Choose the "among hispanics" and you'll see. It is a mistery for me, but I can understand UNI. The can't cut sooo popular show.

Octavio for me is dead also. But I believe in writers. TI'm sure, they could make him even more dead. It is nor a spoiler.

I know, Alegria. I sat through the entire Mexico broadcast too. I know what's coming. I just don't watch the nightly Univision broadcast anymore, except when I have to recap. Hence the "agony of repeat" I went through re-watching last night's horrendous episode.

Excellent Latina. You not only captured the events of last night with wonderful wit but also managed to reflect our great affection for this show.

My favorite last night was Padre Julián suggesting that Maricruz go get some sleep because Lupita should be just fine since she's most likely been kidnapped by her father.

I'm slightly less worried about Lupita knowing that Ester is looking after her. Maybe she'll even find a way to tame those unruly locks.

Wasn't that a pretty bride? Way to go Vargas.


"Not "may get worse"; it WILL get worse. Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get more ridiculous..."

Oh lord, I think I have a headache coming on....

And sorry Latina! Loved the recap and boy do we feel your pain.

So with all these TN's ending soon, even PEAM has it's day coming sooner than later, wonder we get at this slot. I so pray it isn't the Victoria Ruffo one...the fates couldn't be that cruel for me to ruin the 7:00 pm (EST) slot for me two TN's in a row.


Thanks for the recap Latina and enduring the "agony of repeat."

I am sad for DA who plays Tav b/c he was so much fun in Amorcito Corazon and now he's playing one of the worst galans ever.

I must admit like Mads, I'm just waiting on anvils for most of these characters and curious to see how the writers will bring MC and Tav together. Perhaps they will both get lobotomies so they won't remember their cruelty. Unfortunate the audience knows the insanity all to well.

" with Lupita in MC’s arms, looking awake but rather bored – the child must be channeling Viewerville’s mood."

Now there's a great resumé or our reaction, indeed (the exception being our beloved Gringo, of course)

Loved that sentence, as well as the "perhaps it's just the effect of his single brain cell bouncing back and forth inside his empty head."

I've only been watching telenovelas for the last 6 years, but I've never seen one go off the rails like this one has. Yes, Cuidado con el Angel got ridiculous with Wm Levy developing a multitude of medical skills overnight (I think there was also a weird scene of someone giving birth without removing her blue jeans) but this is just STRANGE.

Maricruz is still beautiful. So is Octavio. And as Adriana pointed out, why can't we have a steamy reconciliation or two? since these gorgeous folks have so much chemistry together.

Instead, she's dimpling at milk-toast Alvaro, and he's submitting to BSC Simona. No fun at all!

But I enjoyed your I'm-getting-a-migraine recap Latina. Thanks for hanging in there, because I could not stomach more than 30 minutes of this last night, español-learning be damned!

A bit off topic. Does anyone watch "Hoy"? It comes on at noon. Anyhow, the hosts of that show can't stand this TN either. I laugh when they show the promos cause one of the hosts Hector Sandarti(he was Nelson on Dinero), does the coo coo sign and says it too every time they show a scene with Sickmona, lol. If you haven't caught the show, watch it sometime. The previews for CI come on about 1:00pm or so.

Thank you LatinainMD---You had a lot of good zingers in today's recap. --- Perhaps it's just the effect of his single brain cell bouncing back and fourth inside his empty head was a good one and true but I still have faith that at some point, One Cell will actually start to function on two cells again and who knows, when he get's back together with Maricruz, and finally realizes his past mistakes, Mari might be able to straighten him out and actually may be able to get some of his dormant brain cells functioning again.

The child must be channeling viewerville's mood. Yes, none of us wanted to see Lupita kidnapped again. Oblivio thinks that even though he gave away his parental rights, that somehow, he still has them. I wonder what Mari will do now? What part is Ester going to play in all of this? Will she call Mari and tell her? I don't think so---they have to keep Lupita long enough to work on her hair.

Jack ASS played it smart, he was only the lookout, something that will be hard to prove. "I wasn't involved, no, not me."

Comments on JA's silk pajamas. Ridiculous? No, I don't think so.
It matches his character, the way he might think---I'm not a peon anymore, I can now wear "silk pajamas" just like the big shots do. This just might be his line of thinking now that the money is flowing in.

#1---#1---#1---#1---Sorry Caray Mates. Corazon Indomable is #1. Go ahead and SUFFER!!! Have another tequila Carlos, I won't be needing one. I just hope that Maricruz doesn't suffer too much before she can get "untamable" back. She so cute. Some day some man is going to love that
"untamable" hair.

While most of you are "SUFFERING"
I am filled with anticipation
waiting for the action tonight as
Maricruz once again has to fight for her beloved daughter. That
"terrible unfit mother" will go through the gates of hell [rancho $imona] if she has to, to get Lupita back. Must see TV tonight.
the gringo

Wow, Gringo. I can only say your friends and family must feel blessed (seriously, not tongue-in-cheek) to have such a loyal friend/relative. I bet you have loads of life-long friends! Awesome. If you can be this loyal to a TN when (practically) everyone else has abandoned and/or ridiculed it, I can imagine what those around you experience. Cheers (I'll drink to that)!

A lurker

Hi gringo. This show may have progressed even beyond Tequila. I may have to pick up some aguardiente and just stick a straw in the bottle.


LatinaInMD, i mean that it's a strange situation, when almost no one like novela, but it has great rating. How is it be possible?
it's a guilty pleasure or que?

Dear Lord, how many more episodes do we have to endure? How is it getting "great ratings"?!? Only recappers should watch; the rest should just read the recaps. Maybe that will lower the ratings and UNI will start slashing the episodes to put us out of our boredom.

Thank you for the recap of another "must miss show"! I swear the only reason this show is still getting good ratings is because we all know it is going to end soon, and like finishing everything on your plate, we all must suffer through this lima bean of a show.

Late to the party, but I did want to thank LatinainMD for biting the bullet and watching the show so that she could recrap the crap. I was surfing between DWTS and the Voice, so I only surfed into this hit mess once in awhile. I can hardly stand to look at these people anymore...especially goofily grinning Miguilty and JackAss. Silk pjs? Really? Simona at least has the excuse of a brain tumor. I know someone about her age with a brain tumor who developed anger issues. She also had trouble remembering words. She would want to say "pen" but would say "ink" instead. So..Simona has an excuse for being an awful BSC harpy with no common sense or empathy.

I am ready for the anvils to start. I am tired of all these people, and I feel very sorry for all the children who are being subjected to the craziness and cruelty and stupidity. What waste of time and talent.

Carvivlie..."this lima bean of a show"!!!!!! Excellent. I might have said "turnip" but actually I like turnips.

JudyB, lima beans were my all time most hated food as a child, still can't stand them, but I was forced to clean my plate and would just stuff them into my cheeks and wait it out. I feel like I'm waiting it out with this show!

Ah well, if it's the most hated food we were forced to finish as a child, then CI is cream of mushroom soup for me! Hands down.

I would call the show a Brussels sprout because I like baby Lima beans and turnips. My dad grew giant turnips ,and my mother always served whipped turnips for Thanksgiving. thanks for that pleasant memory, Judyb.

@susanlynn - "recrap the crap"?! lmao.

Oh, and if CI is like our least favprite food, then I say....,,peaches.

It's spinach for me...oh, how I hate thy taste...

I love peaches, and I can tolerate spinach. I love most fruit and vegetables...except Brussels sprouts. .

I cannot take ownership of "recrap." A past novela was so bad that one of our beloved, hardworking recappers finally coined the term in place of the usual "recap., I cannot remember which novela or which recapper. Maybe Vivi or someone else with a good memory knows the answer.

I'm back. Just to let Judy B. know that I noticed that the birthing attire was that horrible jeans in Cuidado, but note that Esther was also wearing a pants for quite a long time at the hut when she gave birth to her first baby. I was yelling take off that darn pants!!!
Gringo, I am only ranting, but I do have my binkie and I still love MC anyways, so I too wait eagerly for this tn every night. I have not abandoned it like I did Que Bonito Amor and the lame, award winning Corona de Lagrimas.

Ah Vida2....glad to know there's another gal who fondly remembers the miracle of the Blue Jeans Birth. There's was a movie called Legend of the Traveling Jeans wasn't there. Well, we have our own legend.

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