Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #21 Mon 11/4/13 Break-up revisited

Manolo, the cop, drives Jose Luis to a hotel; JL asks for Lucina’s number, she left some boxes behind at the villa.
After all that beer drinking, Manolo surely has Lucina on speed dial, right? He gives JL the phone number.

Madhilde is nagging Ruben about the possibility that Mariano convinced Cesar to become a missionary. If their son continues with this madness, she plans to throw him out of the house, see what a sacrificed life really means.
Lucina interrupts Maddy, casually asking what this latest fight is all about. Ruben tells her about Cesar’s plans, she doesn’t see what the big deal is. She’s going to her hotel – Casa Bonita Hotel Boutique (don’t like the name); Ruben offers to join her.

On the phone with Fidelia, Paloma apologizes for Maddy’s behavior. She’d like to see her, and Fidelia shouldn’t worry, because Maddy has been warned to behave.

Santos is back from Monterey, and visiting Paloma - he doesn’t have any new information about Ines’s past, but he did find a man in the sleazy part of the city, who might have known Ines about 3 years before; they can’t be sure it was their Ines, though, the description resembles her, but the man never knew her last name. Paloma hopes that maybe it wasn’t her.

With Madhilde eavesdropping now, Santos continues by saying that he did find out something interesting about Ines’ mom, Palomita. Apparently, Santos found (or ran into, I didn't get the exact detail) Ines’ dad at the cantina the man owns and he told him that he’d left Palomita because she got pregnant by another man, the one who got her to drink and use drugs, too.  Paloma is impactada, refuses to believe this.

Oriana and Marilu talk about Marilu’s work attributions. Marilu feels she needs to tell Oriana about her past relationship with Ricardo, but Oriana is not worried about it, she already knew; besides, she and Ricardo already broke up.
Just then, Berto comes to see Oriana and meets Marilu. When he is alone with Oriana, he says he only wanted to find out if Paloma was ok, wonders if he could visit her. Then he inquires about Ines’ wedding with Ricardo. His greasy hair alone is enough of a turn off, snooping around about someone’s private life won’t win him any sympathy votes.

At Casa Bonita, Lucina is telling Felipe, his wife and another woman she employed that for now she doesn’t plan to hire more people. Raquel arrives, too, she’s tired, she had a lot of hotel related errands to run around town, she’s in no mood to be scolded by Lucina.

Ricardo took Maria to the doctor again. She doesn’t feel like cooperating, but Ricardo manages to convince her to stay put enough time so that he can talk with the doctor in private. The diagnosis: Maria suffers from a chemical imbalance, which is causing all the moods swings. If they add the violent environment her father had her in and the recent house change – they need to be patient for now, the doctor will prescribe her some anxiolytics to control her behaviour, they are less aggressive then they once were, even if they can still have side effects.

Lucina is sharing the Cesar chisme with Raquel, thinking that even if it doesn’t concern them, a good gossip is still a good gossip. The conversation goes something like this (I did take some liberties with the actual dialogue, because, you know, translating is hard):

Lucina: Cesar is becoming a priest, he heard God’s calling and he’s going to Africa to feed the poor.
Raquel: No, he’s not. He’s no priest material. I can tell, I’ve known him in the biblical sense.  
Lucina: Que que what? Como te atreviste? Que desberguenza! (How dare you? You’re shameless) You're such a slut!
Raquel: I sleep with whoever I want and will have me. Don’t forget your own past. (Caras impactadas around Viewerville)
Lucina: Yes, but I changed, just like 2-Nes supposedly did and True-Nes never had the chance to. Now I earn a decent living. You little hussy, first Ricardo, now Cesar, what do you plan to accomplish?
Raquel (to herself): And you don’t even know about Sebas./ (to Lucina): Jealous much?
Lucina: Girl, please! Just don’t bring your “dates” to the hotel, will you?
Raquel: I won’t! And you butt out!

Ricardo asks Marilu to tell Oriana that he’s there to see her.
He came to tell Oriana he took Maria to the doctor’s, but that’s the last thing on his mind.

Ricardo (with big, puppy dog eyes): Do you still care for me? I can’t forget you, I know we have problems, but we can work things out together.
Oriana: My problems are too difficult to deal with, there is nothing you can do about them.
Ricardo: I can’t let you go, I waited all my life for a woman like you, if it’s necessary, I’ll follow you like a dog all the time, until you take me back. You’re duena de mi cuerpo, mi mente, mi alma, mis huesos, Te amo. (Ricardo hasn’t skipped anatomy class, basically he says that she owns him).
They kiss.
Ricardo (looking very vulnerable): I’m gonna drown if you leave me. Me muero por hacerte el amor, eres mi vida. (I’m dying to make love to you, you’re my life.)
Oriana shuts him up with another kiss, as a bunch of people watch them through the huge, round window. I bet some walls would have come in handy right about now.

Ruben and Padre wonder how come Cesar made the decision to become a missionary. Mathilde is desperate because of it, but Mariano thinks there is nothing they can do about it. Ruben doesn’t consider it a bad thing, but it’s so sudden, and isn’t missionary life dangerous? Not necessarily, Padre explains, what is important is Cesar’s need to be free of his mom. Let him decide on his own.

Back with Ricardo and Oriana, he closes the blinds. At long last, some privacy, after the entire executive staff of Aresti-Bretton has seen them swap spit for the duration on an entire love declaration.
Ricardo hugs Oriana – she tries to remind him all the problems she has – the list is quite long: the contraband, Gabe’s killing, the fake identity. Yeah, but we’re in love, Ricardo actually says. 
What if I end up in jail? Oriana tries to fight back.
Ricardo has a solution for that, too: We’ll hire a good lawyer, we can explain you didn’t sign any of those documents in Colombia – you couldn’t have signed them by mistake, you’re too smart for that. And we can tell Paloma the whole Ines story, she’ll probably protect you, too. Let’s allow the lawyers to help us. Let me be with you…
He’s crying, really laying it all out there – I must admit I’m impressed. I don’t even like-like David Zepeda, but after the whole possesion of the huesos declaration,  I’m more than willing to sail with him into the sunset.
But Oriana is the protagonista, not a telenovela crazed recapper, she has integrity, she doesn’t want to mess his life,  she’s also very scared and confused, so she still says no and opens the door for him to leave.
He stops a little bit on the threshold, he looks completely broken, if this doesn’t convince her… Nope, her answer is still no.
When she’s finally alone, she breaks down crying.

Fidelia has come to visit Paloma, but first she meets Madhilde.
They have a brief face off – they throw jabs at one another, it's quite funny, actually.

Ruben is telling Lucina he would have liked Cesar to give him grandchildren, he knows he can still have them from Fabiola, but Cesar is his SON . Excuse me, Ruben, while I mentally slap you.
Gotta love Lucina’s come back, though:
Los hijos de me hija, mis nietos seran (My daughter’s children will be my grandchildren)
Los hijos de my hijo, solo Dios sabra.  (My son’s children, only God knows)

Ruben is mostly worried because of Mathilde’s reaction to the whole situation.
Lucina decides to tell him Gabriel’s story: his first wife was a domineering woman, after he got a divorce (I thought Ricardo’s mom died), he married another good for nothing creature. Then they met in San Carlos, he found a refuge in her, they had a little something years ago but then they became friends, who shared their problems.
Well, that’s exactly what Ruben wants and Lucina is more than willing to be a friend, but only that.

Fidelia is visiting Paloma and proving to be not much of an improvement on Mathilde. Marilu, who now works for Ines, was with her when Ines received a letter. Marilu saw the letter on the floor, Ines almost fainted after she read it, she left running. Could someone be blackmailing her?
Once she’s done with not minding her own business, Fidelia starts whining about the nightmare she’s living, having Maria in the house – she’s sick, has no control, no education, she’s a savage – Fidelia is afraid for her life.
Paloma, kind soul that she is, thinks that Maria is a poor girl, who needs love, if Fidelia makes an effort, things will improve.

Ricardo is pissed with everyone, fights with the accountant about some documents. Marilu knows what is wrong with him, he broke up with Ines.  
Berto invites Marilu to lunch. They talk about Ricardo being upset because of the break-up. She tells him about the anonimo, too. Chatty girl, our Marilu!

Ines comes home from her part time executive position. What is wrong, why so sad? Paloma asks.
I broke up with Ricardo, Oriana explains. It was a mutual decision
Paloma is saddened by the news, she’s known Ricardo ever since he was a baby, she was sure they were gonna make it.
And what about that letter Ines received? Paloma admits she knows this from Fidelia, via Marilu. Was it an anonimo?
Yes, they threatened to reveal my past as a you know what, Oriana quickly makes up an explanation. And asked for 5 Million. But she doesn't want to give them the money.  She shouldn’t have come to stay with Paloma in the first place.
No, don’t say that, I’ve only been this happy when your mom was born, poor Paloma tries to cheer up Ines.

What follows is the strangest montage that contains a lot of the scenes we’ve already seen, but some huge spoilers, too. What is that all about??? Anyone else got to see them?

JL calls Lucina, tells her he wants to book a room in her new hotel, he gives the name of Francisco.

Cesar is telling Ricardo about his plans, Ricardo is supportive. Paloma calls, asks Ricardo to come see her at night. She knows he broke up with Ines and she’s worried about the anonimo. Ricardo discreetly asks what did the anonimo say and finds out Oriana’s little lie.  

Maddy is upset that Ruben stayed out so much. He went to talk with Mariano (and chat with Lucina - which he doesn't add); but they can’t change Cesar’s mind, they’re not his owners, he’s a grown man.
Maddy calls Ruben a coward who doesn’t confront the problems. Ruben insists he won’t help her manipulate Cesar.
Lucina and Raquel listen to the fight. Raquel can’t wait to leave this house. Lucina is worried about the anonimo, but Raquel doesn’t care, Oriana has enough money to pay.

Back to Maddy and Ruben, now in their room: she listened on Santos’ talk with Paloma – Ines comes from an ugly life: she’s an illegitimate daughter, her mother cheated on her father. Maybe that’s not Ines’ fault, but she has the bad seed in her blood, Palomita was a drug addict, she drank, maybe she even became a prostitute; Ines grew up in that environment, she surely did the same. Maddy can’t allow her to inherit all of Paloma's money, they have to stop her.

Later with Cesar, Madhilde seems calmer, she says that she feels very bad after their last talk, but how can she make him understand he’s about to ruin his life? Cesar insists this is not a whim, and he’s very happy with his decision.
But Maddy always dreamed of him becoming a successful business man, not a poor missionary. She calls him an ingrate, Paloma gave them all those shares, and he also had a better position at the factory now, why throw all that away? 
Cesar doesn’t care about any of it, though, so Maddy disowns him as a son and asks him to leave the house, with the clothes on his back, nothing more, and nothing less.
Lucina comes to ask what is going on, she gives Cesar the address of her hotel (yey for Raquel!)
Maddy is furious, calls Lucina una vieja metiche (nosy hag); Lucina doesn’t hold back, either, calling Maddy a mala madre (bad mom).

Paloma is with Ricardo, she’s telling him that Ines is very scared, and she can’t stand to see her in so much pain, after all that she’s already been through. Ricardo makes up the words of the supposed letter, the one Oriana invented for Paloma and he supposedly also read. There was no mention of where the money should be taken. Also, he’s sure that if they pay once, the blackmailers will ask for more money – Paloma doesn’t care about that, Ines’ happiness is more important.
Ricardo says he'll investigate to find out who sent the letter.  
Then Paloma asks about the break-up.
It had nothing to do with Ines’ past and Ricardo still loves her. She wanted to end things because of all these problems, because she doesn’t want to involve him in her issues. Ines has her own ideas and scruples; Ricardo doesn’t care about the past, but Ines does. 

I didn't see a preview, maybe someonec can fill in that part, if something important was shown.
In the meantime, here is today's question:

If Jose Luis comes to live at the new hotel, what do you think will happen, and in which order:

1. he sleeps with Raquel, he finds out where Oriana is, he starts to cause her even more problems
2. he finds out where Oriana is, he starts to cause her even more problems, he doesn't sleep with Raquel
3. he sleeps with Raquel, he finds out where Oriana is, he starts to cause her even more problems with Raquel's help
4. something else entirely (what?)


Tks Adriana Noel

One thing for sure, Raquel will jump Jose Luis' huesos in a New York minute.

Thanks Adriana! For today's quiz I answer is (c) b/c Raquel loves jumping men she barely knows. And I laughed when you said you'd be willing to sail off with Pretty Ricky based on his declaration of love.

Matty was particularly horrible tonight w/her continued plotting and her actions towards her son. Her anvil can't come soon enough for me.

Please note this is all speculation: So based on what Santos told us/Paloma, Palomita had another baby and I think we all know that she is Oriana. I wonder if Paloma will need blood and Oriana is the only one who can donate b/c otherwise it doesn't seem Oriana will find out about her past.

Though Fidelia (and Marilu) is just a gossip, I am disturbed at how most people who are NOT living w/Maria ask her to be patient. If a mentally unbalanced person attacked me where I live, s/he would need to be moved to a nice facility where trained nurses and doctors could care for him/her.

Thanks Adriana!! I choose # 3 in "what happens next". Racquel is both a slut and jealous of Oriana/Ines. Ric broke my heart last night. We felt his pain and frustration. I would've said to hell with everything and given in. What normal woman can say no to that. Adriana,your comment about Ines not been a crazed telenovela recaper was funny. Ruben and his wife are a trip! their son wants to serve his maker and they are freaking out. shows just how demonic Madhilde is. Wonder what their reaction would be if he became a drug lord.
Maria's behavior is strange.She keeps a secret from Ric because Sab asked her to. As far as we know she is clueless as to his identity. So why lie to the only person who treats her well. She also knows he didn't "make love" her. That makes her very calculating.
I love the way this TN is progressing quickly. A whole lot of nonsense is done away with. Awesome!!!


Karen, from what I understood, Ines is supposed to be Palomita's bastard child, not another baby she had, such as Oriana.
I'd have to go back and watch the scene again, but I was sure Santos was talking about the only nieta Paloma knows.

Your theory would go well with our overall impression about Oriana maybe being Paloma's nieta, too.

Thanks Adriana, I don't have time to watch the show today so I had only time for reading the recap. Now I wish I could watch the emotional scene with Ricardo.

I chuckled when Madhilde kicked out Cesar. He was leaving anyway, so big deal.

I hope Ric doesn't do the typical and get drunk and sleep with Raquel.

For the quiz, I vote for c. But I already suspect Raquel or sending the anonimo letter. When the letter was shown to her, she seemed to know what was in the letter without even reading it. And today she says that Oriana has enough money to cover the bribe, so she didn't care about it.


Adriana thanks for the clarification. I thought b/c Santos said that Ines's father left Palomita b/c another man impregnated Palomita. So I leapt to the conclusion that this implied second child is Oriana.

Excellent, Adriana and very funny. I also especially appreciated this line:

"I don’t even like-like David Zepeda, but after the whole possesion of the huesos declaration, I’m more than willing to sail with him into the sunset."

For some reason I especially enjoyed Lucina getting right into Matilde's face and snapping,

"Bad Mom!"

At first I felt let down... That's it? That's the best you can come up with?... but then I realized... succinct perfection.


Ricardo is a sex addict. :D

Carlos, I thought Lucina's come back - Mala Madre - was pricelss. So simple, so effective, so TRUE!

Cathy, I hadn't thought about Ric sleeping with Raquel ... that can totally happen, but I hope he does it later down the line, it would be a shame for him to destroy his beautiful declaration to Oriana by doing something so stupid
I'm sorry you didn't get to see the show, DZ was at his very best as a galan, in my opinion. That Oriana woman has to be made of stone!

I fell asleep and didn't get to watch the episode. I wished I could have seen those puppy dog eyes. Oriana is dead to me.

Thanks for the recap, Adriana.


I'm even MORE sympathetic to Matilda after last night's episode. Think of how she has been affected by all the lies. Phoniana's lies have kicked her out of the will and out of granny's graces. The blond bimbo's possible sex with her son (whether she did or did not sleep w/ him is questionable) has caused him to have a crisis of conscience and seek a religious life. The shooting of Ricardo's father precipitated Sebastian to leave school, come home, become a playboy and now try to get into Fabioloa's pants. And the buxom hotelier is now making the moves on her husband. ALL my sympathy is w/ Matilda.

BTW, Matilda is NOT a mala madre. She's raised two great children! How many has the buxom hotelier raised?

Whew. Having trouble telling whether Anon 9:09 is serious, just playing devils advocate, or just being provocative for the sake of stirring controversy, about Mathilde. For indeed, somehow, two decent kids do seem to be emerging from her dominion. Troubled to be sure, but fundamentally good people. Could there really be something positive to say about mama Mathilde?

Adriana Noel, good luck with the novel in a month. I believe my niece is also scribbling away (ok typing, really) as part of the same contest? Challenge? Project? or at least a similar one. third year, i think. I know she has used it to sort of "shock" herself into getting stuff into some sort of tangible form. Left to her own devices the ideas and characters and such seem to circulate and evolve in her head, but only snippets ever make it to paper. I think the organized "event," with its time limit, helps her to accept that what she produces under that pressure can't be perfect so she gives herself permission to actually write.

3? JL sleeps with Raquel, he believes that Oriana instructed R and L to deny she was at the hotel, R goes along with that and advises him that O moved on before word of his "death" arrived, and he is further embittered, seeing the "daddy died" cover story as evidence of a plan to keep Alina from him, forever.
Chris in FL

Chris in FL, thanks for commenting, I don't think I've seen you before, but I'm rather new, too.

I guess your niece is doing the same contest as I am, National Novel Writing Month; yes, it's challenging and forces you to write, no matter what. It's a very good exercise, keeps you from second guessing your work too much.

JL will surely cause a stirr when he arrives in Hermosillo. Can't wait!

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