Saturday, November 30, 2013

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #9- 11/29/13: Tantita Pena (She Suffers)

Ahoy, Amigis! The title of this recap is taken from a song by Alejandro Fernandez. Please enjoy the link Tantita Pena 

Gracie sends Dimwit to Ale's to make sure he shows up at Pedro's shinding. Make something up if he isn't wanting to go Gracie opines. Speaking of Gracie we are opening a new table on the Patio called, "The Tasteful Fashion Police". Cap'n Sylvia and Doris are the first ones there ; ) We will be critiquing Gracie's unfortunate taste in clothes, but especially the shoes. Speaking of shoes here is another link for your listening pleasure In These Shoes

Pedro's Shinding:
As Nadia, Pedro's wife, plays the "Moonlight Sonata", Gracie and Lottie are in the corner talking about her piano playing. Lottie thinks she's good Gracie, meh, not so much. Speaking of Gracie, did she just roll out of bed, she looks like she's got the "Bed Head". Product suggestions anyone? Seems Pedro likes showing Nadia off, but he's nowhere in sight, he's talking politics in his office with who knows who according to Gracie. Lottie remarks how Ale just walked in and he is devouring Monse with his eyes. Oh, la la, say oooo la, la Y'all! There are some smoldering looks between Monse and Ale. Monse is moving toward Ale and Lottie thinks this is a bad idea. She should let Ale come to her. Gracie is all for Monse taking the lead. Monse greets Ale and the look between them a little flirtatious a bit shy, and says she'd like to talk to him, but not there. She takes his hand and he clutches her hand and off they go. Gracie is over the moon thinking Lottie gave Monse some good advice.

Ale and Monse are by the pool and she wants to know all about Esmeralda. Who is she, what were you doing with her, etc. Ale explains how he met her, her sad story and she's just a friend. Ale thinks Monse is jealous, as a matter of fact, he'd be jealous too if he saw her talking to another man. She isn't jealous she insists, just curious cause her brother was also talking to Esme. Ale still thinks she's jealous as she walks off, back to the partay. Nosy Gracie has just come out to find out how that little talk went. O. M. Gee, what is that hideous piece of Fru Fru on that dress???? Oh, my eyes, my eyes. Gracie wants to know if he is going back to his hacienda. He isn't sure now. I wonder why????

In Pedro's office, they aren't talking politics they are talking about JL (Jose Luis) its the Police Chief, Capitan Robeldo, and Pedro talking about the gun not having JL's prints on it, but it is Bruno Gamboa's gun. The Capitan will ensure he handles this case with the utmost descretion. The Capitan is going to transfer JL to Mexico City to stand trial there, but it must be on the down low. Of course, Pedro offers his complete cooperation and the Police Department with the Navy. Capitan Robeldo leaves and The Police Chief and Pedro are just sorry that they couldn't get to JL first. They could have used him. Pedro tells the Police Chief to go talk to him and if he won't help them, kill him. Hmmmm...... Pedro is soooo dirty! Pedro runs into Ale and is glad he could make it to the partay. Pedro hopes this makes up for the last time that he saw Ale. No worries, part of the job.

The Navy Brig:
Poor JL is sitting in his cell, food half eaten, and with his naked eye is having a flashback of Monse on the beach. He's thinking of that money Monse gave him and how willing she was to leave him, and that her parents might not accept him. Monse he says as he wonders why she hasn't been to see him.

Pedro's Shinding Continued:
Monse wants a word with Dimuseless but not there. They are interrupted by Adolfo (Ferdinando Valencia) looking badly messy with that hair; he too has the bed head. Anyways he just got back and seems to be a friend to Dimwitless. Addy (Adolfo) thinks Monse looks great. So what is up with Dimmy? Same old, same old.

Lottie and Gracie wander and chat. Gracie is happy that Ale is coming to dinner, and Lottie finally tells Gracie she talked kindly to Monse and that probably did the trick. Lottie notices Addy with Dimbulb and asks who he is. Gracie tells her it's Nadia's brother, Addy, just back from Brazil. Oh, the crazy one, opines Lottie, and will make Dimuseless worse. Gracie tells her to shut it! Not gonna happen.

Addy thinks Monse is muy sexy and says she'd be more so if she danced the samba and he wants to teach her how. Monse so don't wanna. Nadia to the rescue. She tells Addy to pipe down, wouldn't want to upset Pedro, Addy tells her to chillax, and wants to dance with her. She puts the kibosh on that. Now Addy wants to have a drink and drags Monse off while Dimcan'tkeepup, grabs a drink, and Ale and goes and follows them. Seems Addy is a partayer. He did alot of that in Brazil. Monse wants to know what he studied in Brazil, apparently he was going to school there. Anatomy he says, women's that is and puts the moves on Monse. Ale is right there to stop him. Addy gets indignant as he's known Monse since they were little ones. Ale is not amused and Dimusefulforonce, drags Addy off and Monse thanks him. Monse and Ale have a bit of wine and he tells her about the dinner invitation for tomorrow evening. She's okay with that.

Pedro and Nadia are talking to Gracie. Well, Nadia is. She regrets that Lauro couldn't make it. Gracie sucks up and says everyone voted for Pedro to become the Mayor. Lottie pipes up she didn't. Gotta love Lottie. She went with her hunches and voted for the other guy. Pedro says it's okay but looks like he swallowed something bad.

Monse again corners Dimbro and asks him about Ale and Esmeralda. Monse is determined to get to the bottom of this "relationship" that Esme had with JL. Monse wants to know if Dimdumb had anything to do with Esme. She explains about seeing Ale with Esme at that cafe and wants to know more. Dimwitless is in a panic. Swears he doesn't "know" her. Nadia comes to take Monse off. Addy and Dimdumb decide to blow the partay, it's boring and they are off to a place Dimmy knows.

The Strip Joint:
Esme is busy working the pole as a fascinated Refugio looks on. He is sure likin' what he is seeing. In walk a loud Dimdumb and Addy. Addy is liking what he's seeing too. Dimdumb says he'll introduce Addy to Esme once she's done. They order a bottle of champagne and Addy can't beleive Monse would leave Sebas for some Navy guy, what's his name again, oh, yeah, JL and no chisme about that. Refugio is listening with a keen ear. Addy insults Monse and says if Dimwit doesn't keep an eye on Monse, she'll end up here dancing. Dimwit seems to think Monse is brainless, she has no talent! Well, Dimwit spills the beans about how a word from his Motha to the Capitan got JL locked up. Refugio is really pithed when he hears this! He pays his tab and leaves.

Esme is in her dressing room when Dumb and Dumber show up. They both have come to threaten poor Esme. She isn't to say anything about that deal she had with Dimdumb. If she does Addy can make sure the place is shut down and she ends up in the dirty carcel. He is the Mayor's brother-in-law after all. After they go, Esme is muy scared.

Lauro's House:
Gracie is bragging about the creme de la creme he missed at that partay last evening. She even saw the Capitan and the Capitan remarked how glad he was that Lauro is getting better. Oh, and by the way did Dimbulb go see the Capitan about getting back into the Navy? Oh sure, he'll be doing Admin work. Oh, and by the way, Ale was making googley eyes at Monse, he's in love with her! Lauro wants to know how Monse feels about Ale. She seems to like him, alot! As a matter of fact she wants Ale to come to dinner this evening. Lauro is happy, cause he is liking Ale, and Gracie sure lurrrvvves him.

Gracie corners Monse and wants to have a chat. Gracie pushes the point that Ale has a spark in his eyes when he sees her, if Monse would only fall for him, all their problemas would go away. Monse isn't down with that, she just cannot marry a man she doesn't love. She feels nothing for Ale. Gracie starts in again, how JL used Monse, got her money and took off. Monse beleives there must be some kind of explanation. Gracie doesn't think so, she thinks JL is just a gigolo and used Monse. Monse and her shapeless shift depart. Lottie comes and tells Gracie to lay off Monse. Gracie says she will once Monse comes out of the Church holding Ale's hand.

Out in the jardin (garden) Lottie comes upon a crying Monse. Monse feels like an idiot, JL fooled her so, but on the other hand, she still loves him so. On second thought, he never had the avacadoes to talk to her Papa. Her Moms was right. JL just used Monse. Monse feels like she is dying inside. Lottie tells her not to let this bad experience taint her feelings for love. Sometimes love is right in front of us and we don't see it. Monse cries.

Navy Brig:
Refugio is on a misson to see JL. The guard refuses to let him. Refugio tells the guard that he knows the whole story from the Capitan himself and to stand aside. The guard says he will have to clear Refugio with Lt. Avellaneda. Yes, Carlos, Lt Avellaneda is the dear Tobias from CI. The guard and Refugio fight and Refugio knocks out the guard, takes his keys and unlocks JL's cell. JL is so happy to see him, he's desperate. Refugio tells him this whole plan was cooked up by Monse's family and drags JL from his cell. Time to escape and JL is worried how they are gonna do that. Refugio will find a way. They take off.

The Church In Town:
Monse is coming out of the Church looking around. Gracie follows her and tells her if she is looking for that Cabo, forget about it, cause he's long gone. Besides they should be getting something to make Ale's eyes fall out of his head, well, not that, but close. Monse isn't up for that, and goes leaving Gracie fuming. Juvie (Juventino) comes upon Gracie and asks if that is Gracie's daughter? He would do anything for her! Yewwwwwww!

Navy Brig:
Capitan Robeldo and Lt Avellaneda discover JL is gone from his cell and escaped. The Lt can't beleive it, he was locked up good and tight and there was even a guard. Well as we were fond of saying in the Navy, shit rolls downhill and the Lt is in the hot seat. He was the one responsible for ensuring that JL stayed in custody and will have to face the consequences. JL must be found. The Lt swears JL will not make it off the Naval Base.

The Bar:
Addy and Dimwit are having a couple three drinks and Dimuseless wants to borrow 30,000 pesos. Addy doesn't have that. See Addy's 'rents found out instead of studying in Brazil, Addy was partaying all that moola away, that's why he's back in Agua Azul. He isnt' made for work same as Dimbulb. Well, why not play some poker, Dimmy still good at it, oh sure. Salud!

The Church:
Why doesn't lightening strike these two I wonder? Juvie is still talking to Gracie. He wants cash money instead of jewelry. Gracie tells him that she is very close friends with his boss Ale and not to be stalking, er looking for her, or else she'll tell Ale that Juvie is trying to extort money from her. He threatens her and tells her that the most that can happen is he loses his job, but Gracie on the other hand, what if they found out she hastened Benny to the grave, and he wants the cash cause her daughter sure is cute. Yewwwwww!!! She warns him to stay away from Monse or else!

The Navy Brig:
The Lt orders his seamen to take the downed guard to Sick Bay (infirmary), as the alarm is going off. The Lt orders the rest of his men to search for JL and he wants him dead or alive and JL better not be getting off the Base, understood? The men salute him and off they go. Meanwhile, JL and Refugio have not left the Bldg (Building). They have no way out now that the alarms are going off. JL has a great idea. He wants Refugio to hit him, then cuff him and that let's Refugio off the hook for helping him try to escape. Refugio really doesn't want to, but does and cuffs JL. In the meantime, the Lt is being briefed by his men about how JL has escaped, they can't find him. The Lt is outraged I tell you! Caramba! they are useless. Here comes Refugio with a cuffed JL. That LT is so happy to see JL, Refugio tells him he "caught JL" trying to escape. The LT congrats Refugio for catching JL and JL is thrown into his cell, still cuffed. Refugio pops tall (salutes) the LT.

Monse's Room:
Gracie comes in to see what Monse is wearing. Doesn't like the outfit at all! What is Gracie talking about? Can you see what I see? Gracie's outfit is heinous to say the least. So much depends on how Monse presents herself this evening. Monse won't sell herself. She wants Monse to wear something like what attracted JL to her. As a matter of fact, Gracie will go to the closet and pick something out. Monse cries. She picks an orangey, red number, and takes her hair and loosens it and fluffs it up, like bed head! Speaking of bed head, Gracie sure hasn't changed her hair style, except now it looks like a rat's nest. Anyhoo, Gracie tells Monsie to hurry, Ale will be there any minute. And fix the makeup. Gracie goes.

The Dinner Commences:
Lottie lets Ale in and he is greeted by Lauro and Gracie. They are happy he made it for dinner. And Monse? She so didn't know what to wear she was sooo excited! She is still getting ready. Monse makes her grand entrance down the staircase. They all turn to see her and Ale looks most pleased!

The Navy Brig:
JL makes a statment saying he offered the guard money to let him out. JL sort of tells the story of what happened with Refugio but makes the guard the guilty one. The guard asked him to hit him, so no suspicion would come upon the guard. The guard says JL lies. The guard said, some other Cabo came and said he had permission from the Capitan himself to see JL and when the guard didn't permit it, the other Cabo decked him. The LT asks who is the other Cabo. The guard doesn't know, so JL and the guard call each other liars. The LT tells them to shut it! The guard is suspended from duty, dismissed! The LT tells JL his security will now be stepped up. As long as JL is there on the LT's watch he will not escape again. JL saluted the LT and tells him Yes, sir!

The Dinner:
Ale is really liking the dinner, and the company, cause he is seated right next to Monse. Gracie gives Monse all the credit. She organized the menu and even cooked. She gets the recipes from Lottie. Monse makes a heck of an apple tart. She makes it better than Lottie.

Naval Base:
Refugio is popping tall in the LT's office. Seems Refugio will now be in charge of JL's security. He is being transferred to Mexico City soon, to stand trial and Refugio is ordered to make sure JL does not escape again. Refugio ensures he will not. The LT can count on him. Later, Refugio goes to the brig to see JL and is all bidness with him and then he grins. He tells a surprised JL he is now in charge of his custody. JL is worried what is gonna happen to Refugio once they find out what really happened. Well, unless the other guard identifies Refugio he is home free. He lets JL know about his transfer to Mexico City with noone finding out. Refugio tells him this will take place in a couple three days. JL is just floored. He is very thankful for all Refugio has done for him. Refugio says he owes his life to JL. He will help him escape again during the transfer. JL reminds him he will have to give up the military life too, cause Refugio will be in a heap of trouble. He wants Refugio to go tell Monse what is happening, not to let any of her family see him and to be ready to leave Agua Azul as soon as he escapes. Refugio is on that right now!

The Poker Game:
Addy has arranged a poker game with three other men. He escorts them into where Dimbulb is waiting. There is no limit on the bets and Dimwit starts out with 1,000 peso bet. After a couple hands Dimmydumb is all in. Well there is one guy that is still in. That will be 10,000 pesos, if you please. Guy comes right up with it. Guy wants Dimbulb to come up with a 10,000 pesos too. Dimmy says he'll have to take his word, cause he doesn't have it on him. Addy is looking worried. Dimmy's hand is all nines and Kings. Dimmy thinks he's won. Not so fast from the older guy. Seems the guy has the winning hand, not Dimmy. Dimmy knows he is up the creek without a paddle! Dimwit wants a rematch, no can do from the other guy, unless Dimmy pays up. Well, if the guy will do a rematch, Dimwit ensures his future BIL will pay the bill, ya know Alejandro Almonte. They guy agrees to the rematch.

After Dinner:
Everyone is relaxing in the salon, with their coffee, and Lottie excuses herself to go off to bed. Ale thanks her for the dinner. Lauro asks Ale how he got along with Benny. Well, not too well. He used his workers for his own greed and didn't treat them well. Gracie is making an ugly face. Oh, Lauro agrees with him, Gracie not so much. Lauro could have learned so much from ole Benny. Chuckle, Chuckle, guffaw, snort! Ale comes to Lauro's defense. He'd rather be like Lauro, honest and loyal. Qualities that can't be bought. Monse is impressed and agrees with Ale. Ale wants to have the workers benefit for working for him. Monse tells him how about a school, education is important, while Gracie sneers, Ale is very impressed and agrees with her. Lauro also agrees, and Ale is now liking her idea. As a matter of fact Ale will get right on the school implementation! Monse is very pleased while Gracie is ya basta! The subject is sooo borrrring! Lauro is going off to bed, he's still a mite weak from that attack, so Gracie is going to tuck him in and tells Ale to stay and finish his coffee and hey go out to the jardin with Monse. Lauro tells Ale to make himself at home. When is he going back to the hacienda? Well, for now he isnt' sure, as he gives Monse a really searching look. Gracie and Lauro go off.

Monse and Ale go into the jardin and Ale remarks it is soo hard to find a woman like Monse. He compliments Monse on her beauty, but not only that, on her intelligence. Right back at cha says Monse. She is impressed with Ale. Not a lot of men like him either, to treat his workers fairly. Only her Papa is like that. He'd like to be the first she gets to know, as a matter of fact he wants to get to know every.thing. about her. For now, though, he moves closer and goes in for the kiss. They tentively kiss and it is sweet and wonderful. They stop and gaze into each other's eyes with a look of amazement, as Refugio hiding behind a tree, sees all! End of Epi.


Refugio tells JL what he saw Monse doing.

Ale asks Monse to be his novia.

Tune in Este Lunes, and Ms Urban Anthropologist will tell you all about it!


Good Morning Y'all:

Hope Y'all had a great Thanksgiving. I put up a lil earworm for you to enjoy while I ready this recap for Y'all to read ; )

Madeline: Thank you for the link to Alejandro's video. He is muy guapo and the sond was lovely. His partner looked very much like
Joana Benedek (who I think is stunning).

Looking forward to what I know will be a sensational recap. "The Tasteful Fashion Police" must surely mean we won't be discussing anything Graciela is wearing, correct? ;) Now, this will be fun.


The song was lovely.



Yes, that is Johanna Benedek. I really liked her in "Dinero" and it was a surprise to see her in that video : )

So that was her! Thanks Madelaine! I liked her in Destilando Amor - she hasn't changed a bit.



That is one of my favorite videos of him. I was at his concert last week and it was excellent.

As is this novela so far. Will comment later when the recap is up; have to go out for a little bit.

Mads- Looking forward to the recap later.

I'm just now watching Thursday's episode and catching up. I have to pause to say (evil) job well done to Gracie and Dim! They did an excellent job of setting JL up, and breaking Monse's heart and messing with her head. All without hardly breaking a sweat. Now, they just need to get Monse and Ale to the altar, which might be much harder.

Love seeing Margarita M. again. I enjoy seeing her playing evil, spoiled, or good. Even good, her characters always bring some spice.

Good Afternoon Y'all:

The recap is up. Please enjoy : )


I so agree with you about what Gracie and Dimwit have done without breaking a sweat. I'm liking MM too. I liked her best in La Verdad Oculta.

Hey Urban:

I blame you for my fandom of Alejandro Fernandez : ) I now have his collection of music and on my wish list is to see him in concert. I'm so jealous you got to see him ; )

Thanks, Mads. In Amor Real, the actor who played Estéve in MEPS played the Adolfo part. He was an opera singer and the brother's BFF.

Madelaine, I met Alejandro in 2004 when my company's client sponsored his concert tour. He is every bit as hot as he looks in that video! He also kisses his female fans (standard operating procedure with Latin male singers; I've also met Pablo Montero, Marco Antonio Solis, and Victor Manuelle).

Last week was his first concert in NYC in about 5 years. The audience was 80% female. No surprise.

Back to our story...

If I were a character in this tale I'd advise Alejandro to fly, not run, as far away from the Mendozas as possible. After the stunt Dimwit pulled today he should just out him as a useless loser and call in the debts. Monserrat should just take care of her dad until the end and run without looking back.

BTW, is anyone else having trouble understanding Pedro when he's talking? I don't have subtitle capability so I wonder if it's my TV.

Thanks for this Madelaine. Very well done and very entertaining.

Though I really don't want to see him succeed in doing anyone any harm, I'm getting a kick out of Juventino's menace. He and Graciela are such a hoot to watch as each tries to out-intimidate the other.

Wow, Adolfo is pulling double duty for us as Berto on MPV. Difficult to say at this point which is the more sleazy or icky. They both make me want to wash my hands.

My two favorite scenes were Juventino expressing his appreciation for Graciela's pretty daughter and Carlota reassuring Pedro that she didn't vote for him.


Madelaine - Terrific recap. Thanks for doing this on a holiday weekend! My favorite Dims: Dimuseless and Dimbulb. "Oh, la la, say oooo la, la Y'all! - lol

What great timing Refugio has. He shows up just as Monse and Alejandro touch lips. Is it too much to ask that Refugio still stick around and tell Monse what happened to JL? My guess is "yes."

So Graciela didn't think Monse's first dress was alluring enough, but I liked that black dress and her hair up. I wouldn't blame Monse if she gets married right away just to be rid of Graciela.

Interesting that Monse is all up with education for Ale's poor workers, but hasn't pursued higher education herself as a child of privilege.

Mads, thank you for the videos, ear worms, and the terrific recap. It was a very interesting episode and your peppy recap sounds like you were having fun with it.

Carlos, I was surprised and delighted to see Ferdinando Valencia pop up as Dimwit's friend. I had to drop off of MPV due to time constraints, but now I get to enjoy this awesome scum bucket in this one. Hooray!

I, too, thought Lottie's cheerful "I didn't vote for you!" was one of the evening's highlights. Although knowing Pedro as we do, and his tendency to "kill them, they are worth nothing", I am now a bit concerned for her.

I had to laugh when the "party" scene opened. What a freakin' BORE!! I wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes. And poor Nadia was playing Beethoven as if it was a funeral dirge.

Urban A, we have commented before about Pedro's way of speaking. I think he is trying to do an accent, and someone else noted he speaks without moving his lips. In short, he is very difficult to understand.

By the way, your job sounds very interesting. How fantastic that you got to see Alejandro. He is such a babe! I'm jealous.

Thanks again Mads! And a special thanks for your Navy insights. I had never before heard "pops tall"; it's such a great description and term.


Thanks for the recap. It was delightfully delicious on this Saturday afternoon at work! Your writing is so easy to read. Some of my favorite lines were:

- "Lottie remarks how Alr just walked in and he is devouring Monse with his eyes. Oh, la la, say oooo la, la Y'all."

- "O.M.Gee, what is that hideous piece of Fru Fru on that dress???? Oh, my eyes, my eyes."

I loved that "The Tasteful Fashion Police" was out in full force. I have to say that Gracie's outfits are sub-par, but her hair is the worst. ITA, she had "Bed Head". She needs an intervention and fast. I'm almost starting to feel sorry for her, NOT!

Dimibrow is such a loser, and apparently hangs out with losers too. Now with his friend Adolfo back in town, it seems as though they will be causing a lot of problems for Monse, Ale and Nadia. Dimibrow has no shame gambling with his supposed future brother-in-law's money. He's like school in the summertime-No Class!

I feel bad for JL. An innocent man in jail, with everything against him. I really thought he was going to escape last night. I just hope that in his 2nd attempt to escape, they (JL & Refugio) don't get hurt or killed.

I love that Lottie stands up for what she believes in. I thought it was awesome that she told Pedro that she didn't vote for him. I LOL! Good for her.

UA - ITA, it is hard to understand what Pedro is saying sometimes. I don't think it's your TV. I noticed a few episodes ago that he barely opens his mouth to talk. I think that is causing the misunderstanding in his dialogue, not your TV. Just my opinion.

I am loving the chemistry between Ale and Montse. The hand holding and that kiss at the end of the epi. I wasn't expecting that kiss. What a way to end the week! And did everyone notice that Montse did not shy away from that kiss. Muy caliente!

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Niece, great observation about Monse.

I learned something about education in Mexico while I was down there earlier this year. Apparently for children to go to public school they must speak Spanish. There are many areas where families speak an indigenous language only, hence their children do not speak Spanish. Some schools are taught only in Spanish, and some are taught half in Spanish and half in another language which might include Tzotzil or Tzeltal. However over 2 million people speak only Nahuatl or Yucatec Maya (and there are other indigenous languages too, so millions of people in total), so the children cannot attend public school unless they learn Spanish. I only know this because a lot of the gringos who cruise down in Mexico regularly hold fund-raising rallies and regattas to support local schools that teach the children Spanish so they can attend public school.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation. It occurred to me that maybe Monse's school idea was this sort of thing.


BTW, I am so jealous that you met Alejandro Fernandez in person. He is a Hottie! I've seen him in concert and it was awesome!

That's right! It was Aunty Ann who noted Pedro's paralyzed mouth.

Hey Mads, you just knew Doris and I would be the first ones at The Tasteful Fashion Police table. My verdict on both of Monse's dinner dress choices...two thumbs up on the black lacy number AND the shorter red one. I actually thought the black was sexier, but she looked magnificent in both.

Cap'n Sylvia - Thanks for the info on children that speak only an indigenous language and the barrier to their education in public schools. I had no idea. I hope Monse pursues helping this cause or something similar, in addition to making mad love with Alejandro.

Thank you Mads! Fabulous recap and very informative.

Can we add Montsy to the list of fashion violators? I know we were spoiled with Marinas hair, makeup and wardrobe, but QTH with Montsys 3 inch roots growing out of her brassy blonde hair? It will take more than a floral bobby pin to make her look sweet and innocent with that hair and painted on make up.

I just love Ale and how smitten he is with Montserrat. I wish I liked JL and/or Montserrat more.

Did I catch that Pedro insisted Nadia learn piano? He's a textbook control freak.

Thanks again, Mads!


Katy, I thought I heard that too, that Pedro made Nadia learn to play piano. She played it as if her heart was breaking, poor sad Nadia.

Unfortunately my internet has been out all day and I'm about to leave the library, so I'll just be here on the patio, silently enjoying the banter. (Unless the brainy Mr. Sharkbait manages to fix our connection.)

Fabulous job with the recap, Mads. You got a good episode with some forward movement for Monse-Ale.

I loved Monse's green dress. Demure in front and sexy in the back. Gracie scolded Carly for not getting Monse a sexier, more cleavage bearing, dress. She really is treating Monse like a hooker. What a mother.

Is it too much to ask for Refugio to pass on the info to Monse, and to not tell JL about the kiss? I mean, let's focus on the task at hand. He knows her family and the Navy are lying to Monse and she thinks JL took off and left her.

This isn't super important, but Monse wasn't asking Dim about Esmeralda. She was asking Dim to cover for her lie, in case Ale were to ask Dim about also knowing Esmeralda. Monse has no idea that Dim does in fact know Esmeralda.


Mads-thank you for the recap ! I am now two episodes behind and they are Must See TV so I can see Graci's crimes of fashion.


Madelaine, beautifully written as always. So many wonderful lines: "Monse so don't wanna",Addy tells her to chillax", "Pedro says it's okay but looks like he swallowed something bad","Dimbro" and "Monse and her shapeless shift depart", among others.

Also, I hadn't heard “pops tall” -thank you for the explanation.

Ale has misinterpreted Monse's interest as well, interest, while, at the beginnoing of the party, she is simply information gathering and being charmingly polite. It is quite sad that she doesn't know where JL is or what he has gone through. Vivi, I suspect Refugio will surely relay everything he saw to JL, including the kiss. Off topic, Carlos, the actor, is looking quite fetching here. I don't care for slicked back hair, but it works on him here (he usually has "bed head" himself in most TNs).

ITA with Carlos and Sylvia that Lottie's cheerful assertion she didn't vote for Pedro was a highlight. She never just comes across as catty, just cheerfully forthright.

Can't believe Dimwit has gotten in yet more gambling debt. A little premature to think Ale will bale him out. Addy is certainly adding fuel to the fire, something Dimwit doesn't need as he can get in trouble very easily on his own.

Madelaine, thank you. This was clever and creative. A real treat.


Madelaine, thanks for bringing the fun and the snark to a tired day! I kept thinking I would stay away from this one, but the evil characters are too delightful to resist.

@Vivi: ita about the green dress at the party. I also loved the tangerine one she wore at the beginning and the red/orange last night. I just want her to steer clear of all those step team tops (thanks, Gloria) and the flesh tones. And Gracie tousling her daughters' hair to make her look sexier was beyond creepy.

Like everyone else, I love Carlotta. I also love Victor (is that Ales right hand man?). Maria would be lucky to get him but I'm hoping he gets someone better.


To Graciela, Monserrrrrrrrat isn't a daughter; she's merchandise. And now she's for sale.

I don't think Monserrat is yet aware of the true depth of her mother's greed and entitlement. It will be a great episode to come when she has that revelation.

Thanks, Madeline. Just finished the episode and recap, will check comments later. Montse should've taken another shower after her Mom sized her up for the auction block and mussed her hair. Gracie seems to have the same attitude toward her daughter as Alejandro's late father had towards the workers on his plantation. And Dimwit claiming his brother-in-law to be will back his gambling debts. What a contemptible pair!

Love the expressive yet restrained looks Alejandro gives Montse: his passion is boiling subtly just beneath the surface. Should be entertaining to watch him win Montse over though his humanitarian views have already started the process and that kiss was a promise that he has passion as well as principles.


Mads--Wonderful recap, as always. A Pops Tall to you, busy lady. Surprised you recognized Moonlight Sonata. I've never heard it played quite like that before. Definitely a novice at the keyboard.

Note to Susanlynn--in case you didn't see the end of comments on Thursday's *would* bring up dimisms. Now I feel compelled to start making lists again.

I would love to start a consignment boutique of Graciela's Tasteful Fashions (guaranteed to have been worn only once) and Jewelry. Interesting that after all these years of our Caray retail endeavours (since CME, at any rate), Univision has finally decided to co-opt our idea for a telenovela-related outlet. Did anyone else get their e-mail announcing "Te Presentamos Boutique Univision." I guess they've been trolling Caray for ideas.

Back to Robo. It *was* a sweet kiss. I had to rewind and watch it again--no tongue twisting. It's just what I'd expect from a gentleman. Something makes me think Monse *is* toying with Alejo, but it shouldn't be long before he realizes that she's no easy conquest and that Mumsie has been mis-advertising the merchandise.

Thanks so much, Mads, for this excellent recap. And yes, "pops tall" is a terrific expression and one that I had never heard.

What I'm most enjoying so far is the writing. The references and set-ups from one scene to the next and one episode to the next actually CONNECT.

Montse and Carlota stroll along the malecón and Montse spots Alejo with Esmeralda. Montse says nothing but…

At the party Montse corners Alejo and wearing her most charming smile, questions him about Esmeralda.

Alejo, with his innocent answer that she is a woman with a sad story -- she loved a man, he promised to marry her and then he left her -- unwittingly confirms that Esme was telling the truth.

BTW, Sylvia and Katy, I think what Carlota said to Graciela was that Nadia didn't want to play the piano [at the party], but Pedro insisted that she do so. And then he didn't even stick around to listen!

"Is it too much to ask for Refugio to pass on the info to Monse, and to not tell JL about the kiss?"

Uh, yeah. Or as Nikki might say:
O sea, consiguete un mapa y ubícate

Thanks for the background about public education and language. There are barriers we don't even stop to think about, aren't there?

NM, thank you for the clarification on Nadia's piano playing.

Anita, how amusing that Uni is finally using our boutique idea. The only surprise is that they haven't done it sooner. I'm sure they won't offer wares as unique as ours though. Gigantic belt buckles anyone?

I know, I know. Wishful thinking that Refugio would stick to what's important-- getting the truth to Monse, and keeping JL focused on getting out of this situation. *sigh* Not that I'm rooting for JL, since I want Monse to fall for Ale, but I don't want the guy to experience any more heartache either.

Who knows, Sylvia -- maybe you and Katy are right and poor Nadia spent her honeymoon having her knuckles rapped by a demanding but remarkable piano teacher. We are in a place where all things are possible.

About Carlota and her amusing (and childish) tendency to blurt out whatever crosses her mind --

I liked the look of disappointment on her face when Graciela gave all the credit for the meal to Montserrat. But that time, she recovered quickly and seemed to remember that she was supposed to be one of the grownups.

NovelaMaven- I heard what you heard. Pedro asked (demanded) that Nadia play at the party, and then didn't even stick around to listen but instead locked himself in his study to do "business." I didn't hear that he was the one who made her learn how to play.

Nadia should probably be grateful that Pedro isn't interested in consummating their marriage. This is not a guy who would be tender and loving in the bedroom.

Vivi and NM, what you heard makes way more sense. Nadia would have to be some sort of prodigy to learn to play that well in the span of a relationship. Unless it was a very long courtship, which I doubt because Pedro has obviously fooled Nadia about his true self. Yes, a$$hats do fool smart women all the time, but they can't keep up the charade for TOO long a time. But here I am analyzing a telenovela as if it should make sense. Silly moi.

Oof, Vivi, good point about Pedro. I am not getting a good visual here. (Must think of something else. Puppies. Cute little puppies. Birdies.)

A little late to the patio but thanks Madelaine for your very funny recap. I loved all the Dimisms (especially Dimbulb) and side commentary.

I have never seen a novela with Sergio...does he always sound like that? Im amazed he can talk so, barely moving his mouth. Pedro is a jerk but I am still intrigued in his relationship with Nadia. As scary as he seems I want her to stand up to him more and put him in his place.

That was very bold of DimDim to assume that Alejandro will pay his debts (married to his sister or not). What world is he living in! His buddy Aldofo does not help matters much either.

I didnt think Monse was toying with Alejandro. She does know how to play nice when she wants information but when that was over, it was like she was awkward again. It was nice that she was warming up to Ale at the end of the dinner and I am surprised she let him kiss her...let the sparks fly!

Thanks, NM and Vivi, for setting the record straight. I've played Moonlight Sonata and while it's not the hardest piece in the book, it's certainly not something a beginner would start with!

Vivi, ITA with you about Pedro in the bedroom. Let's hope we never have to witness that!

Anita: "Graciela's Tasteful Fashions" Guaranteed to have only been worn once! LOLOL! :)



I didn't think Montse was toying with Alejandro either. Yes, she was playing him to get the information she wanted about Esmeralda when they were at the party.

But things changed at dinner when Alejo talked about his ideals. For the first time, Montse saw him as something other than THE MAN MY MOTHER IS FOISTING ON ME.


Yes, the slow movement of the Moonlight Sonata (which I think is quite beautiful) is not exactly The Twinkle Variations. (EF Benson uses it for comic effect in his Lucia books -- the character always stops after the (relatively easy) first movement because she is apparently too overcome with emotion to proceed.)

Pedro=Fulgencio Salazar, minus the smarmy charm. I suspect we won't see Sergio's comic potential here at all.

I wonder what his business will turn out to be? Plain old extorsion? Trafficking in…what?

At first I thought he would turn out to be a closeted gay. But now I suspect he meets his needs with women like Esmeralda…exactly like Esmeralda.

Anyone else think he will turn out to OWN La Escondida?

Good Afternoon Y'all and thanks so much for your kind words.


Wow! To have met Alejandro! You lucky duck!
It isn't your TV about Pedro. He is very hard to understand. It's like his jaw is wired together or something.


Gracie and Juvie are a hoot together. I liked their one-up-manship. Too funny. What I don't like about Juvie was the veiled threat he made about Monse.


I too like Monse's first outfit very classy and I liked her French chignon. Gracie wanted her to dress like a strumpet with cleavage. I agree about Monse's education too. She is very smart.


I too am loving Lottie. Woman that speaks her mind for a change. I love the way she comforts Monse especially and lays into Gracie.
I too like Addy the scumbucket and that hair! It should be degreased and let the curls flow.


Gracie's clothing screams "Extreme Makeover Where Are You"? Plus, her hair needs that makeover too. I have never seen such a rat's nest.



Thanks about the info on the schooling in Mexico. Now I see why Monse and Ale's idea about the school is so great.


It was Urban that met Alejandro, not me : ) I wish : )


So agree with you about Monse's fashion choices, she looked great in both. I have an eye for fashion, I don't like trends. I like classic and vintage clothing. My Mama, may she rest in peace, was terrific on the sewing machine, along with my Aunts. They could look at a Chanel and viola they could copy it to the last detail and you'd never know it wasn't the orginal. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit that gene. I can't baste a hem, but I can baste a turkey : ) As far as the fashion table I am sitting there too : )


We were spoiled by Marina weren't we, and also Tia Becky. I do believe though, that the hair color is actually the true hair color of the actress.


Thanks for the clarification on Monse and Dimmy. Sometimes it goes by so fast I don't catch everything : )


I so agree with what you said about Monse and JL. Too sad. Also liked your comment about Refugio, I too am liking him in this TN and his hair does look great here : )

La Paloma:

I am so glad you are joining us. These villians are delicious aren't they?


Can't wait till you get a look at the outfit Gracie was wearing when she went into see what Monse was wearing. What was that??? My eyes, my eyes!!!!!!


Yes, Victor is Ale's right hand man. Not a spoiler, but wouldn't it be great if Lottie and Vic hooked up? I think they'd be a hoot!


Yes, it will be great when Monse comes to the realization of what her mama really is. I want to see Monse tell her off and then some.


So agree with you about the shower that Monse should have taken. I hated the mussing of the hair part. Monse has great hair, anyway she wears it.


I really was surprised I recognized the piece, I think I did because it was being played so slowly and I asked Mr. Mads to confirm ; ) He knows classical pieces more than I do. I don't think Monse is toying with Ale, more like she's playing along and being surprised by Ale. They are wonderful together and I can't wait to see the moment Monse realizes, not a spoiler, she is falling for Ale.


I have to admit that every time I hear the Moonlight Sonata I want to sing the lyrics to "Schroeder" from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.


I so agree with all you said, and thanks for the clarification about the piano playing. Poor Nadia's heart so isn't into it. It seems that Pedro only married Nadia to show off her beauty and talents. Nadia was great at schmoozing at that party wasn't she? Perfect politicians wife is what Pedro was looking for when he married her, I'm thinking.


I'm with you about Refugio telling Monse before running back to JL. The poor man is suffering so. I blame his lack of avacadoes though, for want of Monse his case is lost. He should have popped tall to the Admiral and stated his intentions, when he had the chance in the first week, as the Admiral handed him the wine, he should have spoken up. For once Gracie and Dimmy weren't there to stop him.


So agree with you about Dimmy and his "presumption" that Ale will pay his gambling debts. If I were Ale I wouldn't pay them and as a matter of fact, I'd make him work them off on the hacienda!


Our comments crossed about Ale and Monse. I agree with what you said. I too think Pedro is up to no good. He is a lot like Fully, but without the emotions. Fully had them at least for his children. Pedro seems to have none at all, he isn't even kind to his own wife, and I agree about his "needs" too. I just hope it isn't Esme , I'm hoping its someone else. I'm sure he slaps them around too. I too wonder what his bidnesses are and I too think he may own La Escondida.

Great idea, Cece! DimBulb is overdue to learn what it is to work. I'm sure he shudders at the very thought.

Vivi, I completely agree with you about Pedro. I'm sure he read Sex Lives of the Great Dictators thinking it was a manual.

I will retract the "toying with Alejo" comment. Monse does have good manners and knows how to play nice, when to keep her mouth closed, when to cry, when to accept a kiss.....

Now to Nadia and Pedro. It's interesting that Nadia has said several times she fell in love and loves her husband and doesn't understand his treatment of her. There seems to be a 10+ age difference between them (as with Ramon and Pilar in AR), if she is about Montse's age and Pedro is already an established politician.

There had to have been something about him to attract her. Viewerville thought nothing of the age difference in AR because we assumed that she, like Matilde, had an arranged marriage. Pilar already had a 4 or 5 year old son, so Ramon did not stay out of their bedroom.

This situation makes it a little harder to believe in the 21st C. Surely Nadia and Montse chatted incessantly about their crushes and love interests. Nadia would surely have known something about Pedro before she married him. Oh, well, it's only a minor beanie adjustment. The story is going great.


I love the way you think about Pedro and Nadia. I was thinking the same thing about why she married Pedro, see my comment above about why I think Pedro married Nadia. It seems she knew nothing about him. Maybe he kissed her a couple of times. I think she is truly in love with Pedro so agree and the chats she must have had with Monse were "wondering" convos I'm thinking. Wonder what happens on the honeymoon..... that type of thing. Even though Monse has now "done the deed" with JL, I'm thinking Nadia is still a virgin. I wonder if, in the future, Nadia and Monse will have a frank chat. Just an idea.

Yeah. I am wondering about them, too. I suspect that something like Monse's situation happened to Nadia; he's got dinero and prestige and her parents liked the idea. He's also not so much older than she is so we'd question her decision to marry him and he's not bad-looking.

However, he's got issues we can barely imagine, so I think there's a major skeleton in the closet. Maybe he was abused as a child?

I think it was Madelaine who suggest that DimDim needs to get off his lazy butt and work. I second that idea. Somehow I think that Ale has it bad for Monse and will do anything for pay her brothers debts. I really do hope Ale puts his foot down in the beginning because Gracie and DimDim will clean his pockets with their spending habits.

It seems that Nadia truly fell for Pedro which makes it seem like she knew him on some level prior to their marriage. Like others have mentioned...maybe he just wanted a trophy wife who will further his political goals. Hopefully we will find out more about their backstory.


Mads thanks for your recap. I enjoyed your musical reference and fashion comments.

So many great comments thus far...
The writers did a great job further demonstrating the selfishness of Gracie in her stupid remarks when Ale and Monse were talking. If she wants Monse to think she is not being manipulated, then Gracie needs Monse to connect w/Ale and they were connecting. Then the mother-as-pimp pours cold water on their discussion by saying its boring. Perhaps she was trying to make an opportunity for Ale/Mon to rally around but I don't think Gracie is that smart.

As Diana mentioned, poor Ale is a goner and his feelings are making him misjudge Monse. I hope he does not pay for presumptuous Dimwit gambling debts.

I agree. Considering that this is now set in the 21st century he needs to demand that DimBulb go to GA. He should state that he will pay for that but not for any gambling debts.

I have to agree that Pedro is hard to understand. Everyone else in this novela speaks so clearly I had not had to use Caray Caray to decode the conversations. Then in this episode, I couldn't figure out what Pedro was saying and I dropped in on the recaps. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and will be a frequent visitor in the future. I have seen Sergio in other novelas and I don't rememer the speech problem being so bad than.

Dear Mads, Sorry I'm so late in commenting, but I throughly enjoyed reading your re-cap on the subway this morning. So funny with some great observations--Dimusefulforonce, had me cracking up, and I loved how you described the very sweet scene in the garden between Ale and Monse. It was nice to see some romance between them. I hope we get some more--sigh! Thanks for this great and very well-written re-cap.

Turns out I was three episodes behind (ack!) so I FFWDed thru all of them and only slowed down for the fashion crawl.

I am will HAVE TO watch this show, if for nothing more than Graciela's wardrobe.

Oh, my eyes!!! (ref: Mads) I really needed some Visine relief after that (Xmas) Elf-off-the-shelf number with red, green, and the faux white fur trim along the hem, on Wednesday night's episode. Gaaaah! She looked like a walking Xmas tree.

Loved the pair of tarty ankle boots on Graci, with five-inch spiked heels, worn with the Bad Xmas Elf dress.

I adored her evening wear, especially the (Wed. or Thurs. ep) outfit with the burgundy red off the shoulder top, cream/ivory long skirt, and chunky floral clusters of rhinestones/diamonds. Graci wears the chunky jewelry very well.

The silver breastplate necklace. Oh my eyes! But it works, IMHO. I think she used that so light reflecting off it would blind the police and everyone else. Therefore, they wouldn't see the dishonest gleam in her eyes.

The red skanky evening gown looked more like something from the négligée department.
Maybe this was the same night her hair was all down, nothing pinned up. Graci was definitely channeling Carmina Bouvier and only lacked the orange makeup.

I liked that pale green & white shapeless dress that Montse wore. Can't explain why, but it was refreshing and easy on the eyes.
(WAY better than those lace doilies and Daisy Dukes in her last telenovela)

And loved the dark brown & black outfit for more evening entertainment. .

All those long dresses covered her other footwear. I feel cheated.


Good Morning Y'all


I too don't think Gracie is that smart ; ) She is a pimp, isn't she? What irks me about her so much is that she always gives Dimmy a pass. I can't for the life of me, understand why she doesn't think Dimmy is a waste of space. She already knows he's murdered Bruno. She covered for him for that one, but she can't cover for him forever.


Welcome to Caray Caray and please do drop in often. I have seen this actor that plays Pedro, in a couple of TNs before, he was never hard to understand before. We have all been discussing what is up with that. Maybe in the future, he'll annunciate better.


You can comment as late as you like : ) I always enjoy reading your comments!


Gracie's fashion sense has gone off the rails, no? The "My Eyes" I got from a movie I watched sometime ago. I loved that line so much I remembered it and use it whenever I get the chance like here for Gracie's Fashion Nonsense! Her outfits are just hideous. And that hair, don't get me started ; ) I just want to get out the Keratin Treatment and a comb and go to town on that hair! In the promos for this TN her hair was actually straight and flowed nicely. Now it looks like the squirrels have taken up residence : )

The way that Sergio seems to be playing Pedro is as a man always on the verge of an outburst/violence, who's just managing to hold his violent side in. He's always gritting his teeth when he talks, like he's seething with anger. What the heck is making this guy so angry?

I hope Sergio did lots of mouth and jaw exercises while playing this character. All that talking with a clenched jaw must have hurt after a while.


Madelaine, I completely understand what is going on with Graciela. She envies her daughter's youth, beauty, intelligence, and prospects. Her own are past and she feels cheated. She takes this out on Monserrat. She also hopes to share her misery with her in any way she can.

She can always feel superior to Dimwit. That is his value to her.

Don't ask how I know this.


Thanks for putting up a fine recap. This is really nice work. These set-up episodes are filled with info and you got every bit. Nice work.

I am finally done with Holiday obligations and just now getting to comment. Whew. Love the lively discussions on this recap.

I am hereby joining the fashion police table on the Patio. You know I have a weakness for commenting on fashion, interior design and other superficial elements of our TNs. Smile.

Carlos, I agree with you about Adolfo. S-M-A-R-M-Y.

UA and all who cannot understand Pedro, he speaks like he just had dental implants. I do not get it. Sendel normally has no problem opening his mouth. So, no, it is certainly not you.

Sylvia: I loved you info about children in Mexico being required to speak Spanish in school. Wow. Does that disadvantage the indigenous folks, or what?

Aunty Ann: Like you, I feel bad for Jose Luis, but the character is a born victim, no? Sincere but not too bright. The escape attempt was ill advised and now he is lying about the poor guy who was guarding him. Bad idea, JL. It is fun to see Carlos de la Mota with his hair slicked back for once. I guess there are already too many touselled heads in the show already.

La Paloma, Selfishly speaking, I am delighted you are getting drawn in to the TN—then we get the benefit of your incisive wit. Yeah!

Novela Maven: I, too, am enjoying the writing in this TN. Plus, the actors! I just love the crew. As usual, I like the supporting folks more than the leads, but Rulli is bringing it and Boyer is crying no more than usual. Absolutely she and Rulli have great chemistry.

I noticed this too—'Alejo, with his innocent answer that she is a woman with a sad story -- she loved a man, he promised to marry her and then he left her -- unwittingly confirms that Esme was telling the truth.'

For a moment that seemed very sad to me, sort of like mis-communications in real life.

Mads: I am confused about some of the military/municipal authorities and I hope you can help me clarify.

1. Was Pedro just elected a territorial/regional governor or just a local mayor of Agua Azul?

2. El Capitan Robledo—is he the head of the Military Police at the base?
Is he the local municipal police chief?
How far do his powers extend?
Is he just cooperating with Pedro or does he actually work for him in some (corrupt) way?
3. Help me understand the naval/marine base. I am so ignorant of these things. Do you know how this works in Mexico? I so appreciate your clarification on all matters Naval. Like Novela Maven, I loved the phrase, "pops tall". Gracias, amiga.

Urban, Your comment about Graciela is very powerful. Wow.

Elna June


Elna June:

I looked up Municipal President when I was recapping LT, ya know when Fully was Municipal President of RLayDee. The Municipal President in Mexico, is essentially the Mayor of the Municipality. They evidentially wield a lot of power, it seems.

Capitan Robledo is the Capitan of the Naval Base. He sits in judgement of his inferiors, in court cases. He is not a Police Chief, but the enforcer of all Military Law on the Base. The actual head of the Brig is LT. Avenandella. It seems he is in charge of the Brig, so hence it is his responsibility to ensure that the prisoners stay where they are supposed to be. This is the case in most Militaries all over the world.

The Police Chief of Agua Azul was the other man in the office, no name for him yet. He was in the office with Pedro and Capitan Robledo. In cases where an active duty military person commits a crime off the Military Base, the Civilian Police are to take charge of the suspect, but sometimes the Civilians cede to the Military and let the Military handle the charges. It depends largely on the crime. For murder though, especially since the crime was committed off the Base, the Civilians are in charge. The Military are only holding JL until his Command transfers him to Mexico City to stand trial. Evidentially this is the jurisdiction the trial will be held in. Maybe Agua Azul is too small for this trial to be held. There is generally cooperation between the Military and The Civilian Police forces. It is rare these days when there isn't cooperation.

I don't know for sure if Capitan Robledo is dirty or not. He did help out Gracie, but he is cooperating with Pedro, but the Capitan did mention that the gun didn't have JL's fingerprints on it. Just the fact they found the money and that gun was enough to arrest JL though. I really hope that the truth comes out about JL not committing this crime.

Doris--Glad you are going to stay with Lo Que. You are now our Self-Appointed Gracie's Tasteful Fashions Editor-in-Chief.

How is Angelique's last name pronounced?

She was born in France, so I would expect "Boyer" to be pronounced like the actor Charles Boyer pronounces Boyer (phonetically "Boy-ay").

However, on the Univision web site, they had a news interview with her and the announcer didn't use that pronunciation.

Mads: You got the juices going! LOL! Fab recap!


"smoldering looks between Monse and Ale" - Yessss!!! Finally some real scintillating scene-sizzlin'! About time, too! I haven't seen such since "Teresa" and that's why I'm so glad to see AB and SR heating up the screen together again. The two of them can actually act and when they're together it's like....ssspfttt..hisssssss!!! Even the handholding scene was hawt! Yowza!

Loved the riffs on Dimitrio also, dearie.

Point needing clarification: "what if they found out she hastened Benny to the grave"--I heard that, also, but it didn't make sense since she hadn't seen the old grouch for decades. So, is Juvi threatening to cause a slanderous clamorous escándalo or what??? Inquiring minds want to know....

She could have paid something to Juventino to help hasten his death. I wouldn't put it past her.

There is going to be hell to pay when that comes to light.

Jardinera and Urban
Department of Clarification

Maybe this comment I made a few days ago will help:

As for Gracie's crimes, let's not forget that in episode 3 we found out she had hired Juventino to hasten Don Benjamín's death, expecting that she would make out like a bandit in his will.

Juventino did SOMETHING to speed his boss into the next world and he expected Graciela to pay him. Since Don B fooled her and left all his money to that bastardo, she had to pay him off with a gold bracelet -- the same gold bracelet Juventino was trying to foist off on Dominga last night.

[We can guess the bracelet was originally a gift from Don B -- he apparently was a man who always paid what he owed for services rendered.]

In other words, Gracie has already taken a life!

Also I suspect that Graciela's long-time dalliance with Benjamín ended not that long ago. Everyone in his haciendo knows her as that woman.

In Amor Real, Matilde's mother had not ever had an affair, as far as I remember. So this Graci/Juventino/Ale's father is a new twist on the tale, no?

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