Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #27 Tue 11/12/13 You Mess with Her, You Mess with Me! Capische?

Aresti Breton, Ricky’s Office:  Lila and Berto have shown up unannounced.  Lila would like to recommend a new investor group that wants to partner with Aresti Breton in South America and Europe.  Francisco Castro is her contact’s name.  Upon hearing that name, Oriana practically jumps out of her skin.  Ricky immediately agrees and says that they want to introduce Mr. Castro to the board.  Oriana also thinks it’s a good idea, but she wants to consult with Paloma first.  Oriana asks for the name of the company.  Where are their accounts?  Berto says that they have a lot of accounts in the Cayman Islands.  All Rich people have accounts in the Cayman Islands.  Ricky abruptly ends the meeting.  After the siblings leave, Oriana tells Ricky that Francisco Castro was the name of the man who was in the restaurant.  She’s certain that Francisco is really Jose Luis.  If Francisco Castro invests, the money is dirty.  Ricky says that may be the case, but it’s better to keep your enemies close to you. They will do whatever Paloma says.  Oriana says that Paloma will do whatever Ricky says, so that does not comfort her.

Hotel Courtyard-Not the Casa Bonita:  Lila tells Francisco that Ricardo is interested and wants to meet with him; he is pleased.  Lila leaves Berto and Francisco alone.  Berto tells Francisco that Oriana freaked out when she heard his name.  Berto wants to know why a bizillionaire comes to town wanting to invest in Aresti Breton.  Why did Oriana freak?  Francisco first demands that Berto admit that he killed Gabriel and blamed it on Oriana.  Berto leaps to his feet and vehemently denies it.  He is soon dwarfed when Francisco rises from his chair.  The two have a screaming match in the middle of the courtyard.  Francisco uses his crazy face and tells Berto that he knows where he eats, where he lives and when he takes a dump.  If he is messing with “Inez”, Berto is messing with him!  Unlike Inez, he will kill Berto!  Does Lila know that Berto is blaming her for the murder?  Deflated, Berto falls back into his chair.  Francisco says that he can give him riches, but he has to admit what he did.  That’s the only way.  Franciso says that he knows that Inez is a good woman who would never kill anyone. 

Hotel-Lila’s Room:  Berto tries to tell his sister that they should not do business with Francisco.  She disagrees.  The shares belong to her and she wants to make money on this deal. 

Mansion de Paloma Courtyard:  Matilde brings Paloma some refreshments in the courtyard.  Paloma butts all up into Matilde’s business with Fabiola.  She tells Matilde to let Fabiola be a teenager and hang out with people her age or get to steppin’.  Matilde says she’s out.  Fabiola is her daughter and none of Paloma’s business. 

Church Gym:  Ricky and Mariano, the priest, are boxing.  Once again, Mariano, who secretly envies Oriana’s love of his sparring partner, goes for Ricky’s face with a Rocky Balboa -like vengeance.  Naive Ricky, who believes that they are still simply “shadow boxing”, laughs it off when the jealous Mariano turns aggressive and punches him in the head.  Ricky wants Mariano to hire Oriana as a teacher.  It seems that her husband, an internationally wanted gold smuggler is stalking her and his daughter.  Oriana believes that the criminal will stop at nothing to kidnap her child and she wants her child safe.  Damn the other children at the school!  Mariano, who also appears unconcerned about potentially attracting a crazed kidnapping stalker to the school by hiring his obsession, asks if “Inez” has a degree.  The school will want to see her credentials before she teaches the other children and puts them in grave danger. 

Paloma’s Quarters:  Instead of breaking out the bubbly, Oriana finds Paloma moping in her bedroom because Matilde is moving out.  Paloma explains that Matilde got offended after she butted her big nose into Matilde’s child rearing methods.  Matilde didn’t like being given an ultimatum and she’s leaving and taking her kid with her.  Orinez goes off to speak with Matilde. 

After spending time in her room alone, Matilde has had time to think and regrets saying that she will leave.  Praying that someone will come in and save her from the fate of having to move out and support herself, Matilde has paced herself into packing one item every ten minutes.  If this keeps up, she can draw this out and stay for another year or two.  Surely, Paloma will drop dead by then.  She looks towards the door.  Dammit, there are two items in the suitcase, and no one has shown up to stop her yet!  Knowing that she will soon leave the lap of luxury, she sits on her bed and sobs.  Finally, a knock at the door!  It’s her arch enemy, Inez, but at this point, she’s desperate and she will accept “please don’t goes” from anyone. 

Inez asks her not to leave for Paloma’s sake.  Relieved, but still feigning anger, Matilde allows “Inez” to convince her not to leave.  Matilde tells Oriana to tell Lucina to keep her mitts off of that sexy beast, Ruben.  He says that he will divorce her over Lucina.

Crazyville:  Manic Mary puts a whoopin’ on both Elvira and Berniece.  She wants to speak to Sebastian right now!  She wants Elvira to get his phone number from Fedelia.  Elvira says that Fedelia doesn’t have it, but Maria says that’s a lie.  She takes off running for the living room.  Once there, she grabs Fedelia by the hair and demands the telephone number.  Marilu and Berniece pull opposite ways in order to separate them.  Marilu tells Maria that she will give her the number.  Maria grabs Marilu’s hand and they leave the room.

Aresti Breton:  Ricky tells Pierro that Oriana is certain that Francisco Castro is really Jose Luis.  He asks how the lawyer is progressing in Columbia.  Piero says that the lawyer is having a lot of problems getting a look at the Oriana’s signature on the bank statements.  Piero thinks that they should have the lawyer petition for the marriage certificate so that they can compare the signatures of Jose Luis and Oriana.  Piero asks about Sebastian and Maria.  Ricky tells him that he can’t figure out the secret that Maria has with Sebastian.  Piero says that it might just be a sick woman’s fantasy.  Ricky hasn’t seen Sebastian since he visited Sebastian’s house and told him that he wasn’t welcome at the Blue bungalow anymore.  Piero asks Ricky for Sebastian’s address.  Piero would like to kill him and silence him forever visit him and find out what he knows help patch things up between him and Ricky

Crazyville:  Back in her bedroom, Maria realizes that Marilu has lied to her.  She picks up a pillow and attacks “the liar”.  Meanwhile, Ricardo returns from work and hears Maria putting a beat down on Marilu.  Instead of immediately running towards the bedroom, Ricky stops to ask Elvira (who is hiding in the living room, drinking vodka and updating her resume) what the hell is going on.  Elvira tells him that Maria has taken the bullet train to Bonkers Town and attacked Fedelia.  Ricardo marches into Maria’s bedroom.  Maria accuses Marilu of trying to kill her.  Marilu tells Ricardo that Maria is a menace.  Ricardo tells Marilu to leave; he will handle it.  Maria wants to talk to Sebastian about the secret.  Ricky tries to bargain with her.  He wants a secret with her too.  She’s game.  OK, then their secret will be the secret that she has with Sebastian.  She won’t do it.  She asked Sebastian if she could share the secret with Ricky and he got mad.  Berniece appears.  Ricky asks how his aunt is doing and tells Berniece to give Maria the Xanax.  Maria protests, but Ricky says that if she doesn’t take her medicine, she won’t get to talk to anyone at all.  Sebastian was right, she tells him.  You are bad.  Ricky is shocked.

Later, the doctor tells Ricky to lock Maria up.  Fedelia adds that Maria is very dangerous and she is very afraid of her.  Lock her up in the deepest of dungeons and throw away the key TODAY!  Ricky walks to the doctor out.  

In the courtyard, Ricky wants to know if anyone can prevent him from putting Maria away.  Can her anyone stop him?  How about her father?  The doctor tells Ricky that the authorities will eventually lock her up.  Ricky tells the doctor that he has doubts that Sebastian shares his DNA.  Duh, says the doctor.  Get a DNA test!

Mansion de Paloma Courtyard:  Lucina and Raquel have returned for their stuff.  Lucina greets Oriana warmly, but Raquel iggs her and goes into the house.  Lucina asks about the blackmailer.  Oriana says that Ricky took care of it and doesn’t tell her more.  She then tells Lucina that Matilde says that Ruben is leaving her for Lucina.  Oriana asks if Lucina has the hots for that sexy beast, Ruben.  Lucina says her feelings are not important and says Matilde is lying to get attention.  There is nothing going on between her and Ruben. 

Later in the Paloma’s bedroom, Oriana tells Paloma that she’s managed to convince Matilde not to leave.  Paloma is happy.  Paloma goes on to say that she thinks Sebastian is a bum and not good for Fabiola.  She will speak with Sebastian about leaving her grandniece alone. 

The Houses of Blues:  Ricky wants to know if Piero sent the lawyer the email about the signatures.  Ricky tells Piero that he’s gonna have Maria committed to an insane asylum. 

Mansion Oriana’s Bedroom:  Jose Luis calls Oriana.  When she picks up, he asks her how she’s been.  I’ve missed you, he says.  She objects to him calling her endearments.  He says that he was forced to betray his family.  She scoffs.  Rhodalina comes in and asks who she’s talking to.  She lies and says that some guy from the office is on the phone.  He wants to meet with her.  She says that they have nothing to discuss, but agrees to meet with him after her brings up Rhodalina.  Jose offers to pick her up.  Hell no!

Later, Ricky calls Raquel to wish her good night.  He would have called sooner, but he was dealing with some Maria drama.  Oriana doesn’t mention that Jose Luis called and says that she’s tired.

Matilde and Ruben’s Bedroom:  Ruben tells Matilde that there’s been nothing but a spark of hot animalistic sexual tension between him and Lucina.  For some reason, that doesn't make her feel any better.  He wants his family, not Lucina.  Matilde makes him promise not to see Lucina again.  He promises, but Matilde doesn’t believe him. 

Catholic School:  The next morning, Jose drives Rhodalina to school.  Oriana walks her to the entrance and kisses her goodbye. 

Aresti Breton:  Piero tells Antonio that Ricky wants him at the Francisco Castro board meeting.  Antonio wants to have Francisco investigated at the Chamber of Commerce.  He will ask a lot of questions.  Antonio is still pissed about not being sent to Columbia. 

Doll Hovel:  Ricky pays Benigno the hush money and tells him that Maria has become violent.  The doctor is recommending that she be locked away in a high security insane asylum.  He will sign the papers, but Benigno wants more cash.  Ricky’s not budging.  He says that Maria can move back in with Benigno.  Benigno says no, he’s gotta a woman now.  Ricky asks Benigno if Sebastian is his kid.  Benigno reminds Ricky that he was found with Maria lying half-naked beside him.  Ricky says that there are tests that he can take.  Benigno ain’t happy. 
Restaurant:  Jose Luis opens the cab door for Oriana when she arrives at the restaurant.  He calls her name and removes his sunglasses, hoping for a warm or happy reunion.  Instead, he gets a cold blast.  They go into the restaurant, where we find that he has rented out the entire restaurant for her.  He wants her back, but she can’t stand him.  He wants to know why?  Is it Ricardo Sanchez Breton?  Um, yeah and the fact that you framed me for a crime that you committed!


Thank you, Cynderella, loved your snark!

"The school will want to see her credentials before she teaches the other children and puts them in grave danger." - priceless!

"that sexy beast Ruben" - LOL - sexy, indeed, not even Ricardo has caused two women to fight over him yet.

Great job Cyn! You had me laughing throughout.

Berto has now been threatened by both of the men who love Orinez, to leave her alone. I hope this has convinced him to keep his mouth shut and his hands off. It was so funny how JL called b.s. on his claims that he had a fling with Orinez. He knows Ori would NEVER sink that low. Hell, even Raquel hasn't sunk that low. :)

Looking forward to seeing more of the talk between Ori and JL. They didn't have much time to talk before he hustled her and Lina out of Colombia, so I think it's good for both of them to get things off their chests. I don't think it will change Ori's mind about him at all. I agreed with everything she said.

Ricky- Mariano and the doctor have now both told you to get a DNA test. Get a DNA test!

I was glad to hear Paloma in this episode and the last episode say that Sebastian is no good, and no good for Fabi. It's not that she's pushing Mati to let Fabi go out with Sebas, but that Fabi should be allowed to hang out with kids her own age, instead of locked up in the house all the time.

I agree that Paloma is butting into Mati's biz, but from what I have seen and know, this is not unusual in a latin household. She is the matriarch of the family, they live in her house, she has the right to express her opinion, and even the adults with children in her house are supposed to respectfully listen to her advice (they don't have to take it though).

I laughed when Mati was scolding herself for saying she was going to move out. She doesn't want to leave the lap of luxury. Notice that Paloma’s first thought is that she would miss Mati and her family; while Mati was more concerned about missing the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.


Belated thank yous to our Adriana Noel for our Monday recap! I really enjoy your style, Adriana. :)

Cynderella, you just kill me with your weekly recaps. So glad to have finally found someone else with my goofy, off the wall sense of humor. I can't stop laughing at all of these great asides. :)

Vivi in DC, ITA (please put that in bold face type!) with your last "compare and contrast" sentence re La Loca Matilde and Paloma. RIGHT ON!!!!

You know, the one thing that has bothered me throughout this story is that Maria should have NEVER been allowed to stay with Fidelia. It's bothered me that Ricky has been SO SLOW to see the harm she has caused. Yes, the woman is ill. Yes, the woman needs help. Ricky has not helped her by simply paying off that FILTHY beggar Benigno.

If Maria had been hospitalized a long time ago, she might not be in the state she is in now. Maria upsets me, but I know it is not her fault. Still, this could have been addressed so long ago.

Geez. What in the world was Ricky thinking by allowing Maria to stay with Fidelia?!?

Last thought: I wonder why Raquel never made a move for the filthy, foul smelling Berto (that alone is NOT an excuse). Raquel knows her multitude of men. What did she know about Berto and when did she know it? Viewerville wants to know. :)

Cynderella, thank you again for putting a huge smile on my face to start the day (and a long one it will be).


Cynderella - Great recap. You pack a lot in so smoothly. My favorite: “Mariano, who also appears unconcerned about potentially attracting a crazed kidnapping stalker to the school by hiring his obsession, asks if “Inez” has a degree.” lol

Love that JL lit into Berto's lying about Inez. But now Berto knows JL and Inez have a connection.

I hope Oriana gives JL a chance to cough up the details. How long was he smuggling? Why'd he put the $$$ in her account? It won’t make a difference – I’d just like to know. She's got every right to cut him out of her life, but I feel for Alina. The little girl has a right to know her popa is alive.

Berto and Lila are great together. So funny when he waved his hands in exasperation with her and just walked out. He's sleaze, but I felt his pain in dealing with his blockhead sister.

I Was chuckling through the whole thing. LOL funny description of Madhilde's dragging out her packing.

Finally El Médico and Ric have the long-awaited DNA discussion. (DZ is getting good doing those "DUH!" expressions.)


Damn! I finally know why Diego Olivera has lost his masculine good looks: it's those disgusting eyebrow waxes the light in the loafters make-up artistes at Looneyvision have been talking their actors into. First Fernando, then I noticed Alejandro Ruiz and now DO. shees! It's the physical equivalent of a memory wipe!

Adriana I was late reading last night since I missed half the show and had to catch up, but I loved your title--So friggin funny and appropriate, too!

Gorgeous recap Cyndarella, but your favourite star was not too much on the screen: RhodaLina. I love it, when you wrote about the lil'girl.

Poor Elvira, she got a big slap on her ears (I might be a wicked troll, but I laughed) ...and your lines in the bracket: hiding in the living room etc. :D :D
Poor Fidelia, she has to go too hairdresser and Poor Maria, she might go to a sanatorium, bad world. Poor everybody, who lives in that big house.
Ricardo neglected the problem.

And the scene of day: Oriana's Big Meeting with Jose Luis. Here was the moment, where I liked MV, and I realized she is a good actress, and the scene is not over, it is continuing tomorrow. The scene, where in my eyes MV "ate" DO, she was musc more dominant than his husband.


Cynderella thanks so much for your recap and the many laughs you provided starting w/your title.

Vivi - ITA and was relieved that Paloma has a clue about Sebas. Fabi has no sense of good/bad from being so sheltered and her mother will not share her wild past in order to let Fabi know what to do.

Fatima - Yes, yes, and yes about Maria. I am also so disturbed how causally Ricky allows her to stay w/Fidelia in spite of the 1st attack. And he knows Ben the louse does nothing for Maria but take the money. The writers have made Ricky really dense here. I understand not wanting to put someone in a mental institution but Maria has demonstrated on several occasions she is a danger to herself and others.

Adriana - thanks for your recap. I kept laughing at your CI reference.

Thanks for another hilarious recap, Cynderella. Lots of funny lines, but I especially enjoyed:

"Ricky stops to ask Elvira (who is hiding in the living room, drinking vodka and updating her resume)..."

I've never been a big fan of the actor playing Berto, but I find him so fascinating in this role. Raquel, Lucina, Matide, and Sebastian are also faves... and of course the evil but cute little Rhodalina. Thanks, Cynderella, for opening my eyes to her overly precious treachery.


Cynderella, so funny as usual, I laughed at your description of the scene where Matilde packs her suitcase. I was thinking the same thing. That, and how much Matilde looks like Spock.

Darn you Jardinera, now I have to go back and watch to see JL's eyebrows. I didn't notice anything unusual about them.

Do we think that Ruben can stay away from Lucinda? Lucinda didn't answer when asked if she was interested in him. Those two have some chemistry, so even though he's not allowed to go to the hotel, they can have lunch together, no?

Jose Luis was quite surprised by Oriana's reaction to him wanting to get back together. That fact tells just what kind of guy he is. He doesn't really think he did anything wrong, and even if he did, he should still be forgiven. What a jerk.

Gracias, Cynderella. I too enjoyed your description of Matilde's packing. I guess when she was done with that she was going to slowly take each box out to the front of the house and build a fort!

Yeah, I'm not sure how many times JL is going to have to be told that opening an account full of dirty money under your wife's name without her knowledge and/or consent is a no-no.

I wonder why Ricky is so reluctant to just go ahead with the DNA test with Sebastian. It's almost like he's afraid to find out for sure what he already suspects/knows deep down.

Well, the silver lining to being down and out with a virus for three days is that I'm all caught up on MPV (except last night's; I had to go to bed early). I don't know why I didn't take it up sooner. It's really good! And I'm enjoying the recaps and comments even more.

I like how people in this show are smart and figure things out. It's so refreshing. Even that brat Sebas immediately grokked to what had happened with Maria. He's actually a really interesting and compelling character to me. Sure, he's a twit, but he shows signs of underlying humanity. I hope he will be redeemed.

Cesar is my favorite, and I hope he gets a good well-developed storyline. I'm still not quite over how he was killed off as Alex on UFCS.

Lucina seems looney tunes to me, the way she's always laughing for no reason, but I suppose for Ruben that is far preferable to his lemon-faced harpy wife. I don't think Madhilde should have been invited to the party, and I don't think Rube should have declined to go with out her. I think he should hitch up his pants, find a way to support himself, and divorce her. ASAP. Also, I think Mad needs a sharper knife and a cooking class. She does the worst job of cutting apples I have ever seen.

I love the blue bunga-bungalow. I think the color is perfect.

Yay! Julia is on board. I was home with a bug today too, Julia. Seems to be going around.

Welcome Julia! Being at home sick last January got me to watching Univision rerunning 'Abrazame my Fuerte' during it's, which led me to watching 'La Patrona', my favorite novela ever. So yeah, sickness leads to novela watching...QED! Lol

I'm a it surprised at all the common sense people in this novela, especially the protags, use. Ricardo, with exception to the whole Maria/Sebas affair, uses common'sense, trusts and supports his mujer. I loved the trap they set for Bert. Plus, Orianez uses common sense and always is thinking one step ahead about how things can go bad. I'm wondering why they don't just go to Manolo and explain the whole story to him since having the shooting victim's family believing Oriana isn't the killer would help unwind the mess quicker.

I continue to be appalled by Ricardo's (care) of Maria. She lived in a filthy hovel, with a disgusting drunk. A manicomio would at least have been clean & they would know how to care for her.
Very bad story line for our supposed hero. He allows her to move into a home with Fidelia & attack her & anyone else that is a problem at the time.
He yells at her with inappropriate threats.

Makes me angry.

I am irritated by the way Ricardo has been supporting Maria, too. A nice clean secure residential treatment facility would be WAY better than that nasty house with nasty Maligno. Even if she's surrounded by other mentally ill people, which Ricardo seems to think would be horrifying, I think it would be better. Surely there would be a few other semi-functional ones and maybe she could actually make a few real friends who consider her a peer rather than just a nuisance.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

OK, I understand Ricky's weird thing about Maria. Help me out Vivi, because you are great at analyzing things. I suck, but I will try.

OK, so I think that his father, Benigno and Maria got to him young. It's almost like he's been brainwashed. His father didn't protect him, his father just made him take responsibility so the family wouldn't be embarrassed. He's basically had to take abuse about Maria since he was in his teens. He doesn't know anything else. It's like he's frozen as a 17 year old who didn't know what to do. He did what he was told and he doesn't know that he can change it. Now that his father is gone and he's the patriarch, I think he's waking up. Slowly, but he's getting there.

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond, I was at work.

Cyn- Sounds like a great analysis to me. Ricky definitely reacts to the Maria situation like the 18 year old he was when the whole thing went down, and the adults around him made bad choices for him. It's like he's paralyzed.


Great analysis of the Ricky/Maria situation. Ricardo is a thinking galan, but the Maria situation is the only one where he doesn't think because he has so much baggage-guilt, self-loathing, confusion-about it. Also,when he tries to think clearly about the night he supposedly slept with Maria, other people keep on telling him that even though he was drunk-tomado- he could've impregnated her. So, Ric is a bit paralyzed about the situation.

I also think him having Maria at the house with Fedelia was as much a favor to Sebas out of guilt than malice towards Maria or Fedelia. I think it's also meant to show the audience what a good guy Ric is because he did everything he could to not get rid of Maria. I'm guessing Mexican aslyums are pretty rough and Ric having her at the main house with Fedelia was meant to show he has tried in good faith to help her even though she isn't his responsibility. He had a nurse for her at the doll hovel, brought her to his house, had her see w Dr to change her, eds and nothing has worked. When he sends her way, we see he has no choice.


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