Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #31 Mon 11/18/13 Take a chill pill, dude!

I'm looking at you, Ricardo Sanchez Breton

After a long struggle with my laptop this weekend, I managed to make it work enough time to get a recap ready. I only watched the episode once, but managed to take some notes; if I skipped/ forgot something, please help me out in the comments.

Channeling her best Rhoda Penmark impression EVER, Alina is staring somewhere outside the screen – she’s looking at her father, Jose Luis, who’s come to see her at school. She runs into his arms, screaming with joy, while Jorge, the driver, seems glued to the sidewalk.
Father and daughter have a happy reunion, filled with kisses and hugs. Alina wants her daddy to join her at abuela’s house, but he can’t come with her just yet – he did bring her back the teddy bear she’d left behind, in Colombia, though. With Jorge watching over (but, really, what can he do?) JL gets invited to Alina’s party on Saturday and tells his daughter that her mom already knows he’s in town. Then he takes her in his arms and wants to take her back to Jorge’s car – after a brief staring match, he reluctantly allows the driver to hold Alina, and leaves.
We can see how shaken up he is by the encounter, he has tears in his eyes; but then his face turns rigid and determined – dark thoughts are circling in his brain.

Paloma and Orines are at Aresti Breton. Orines is telling the older lady that her husband showed up (and yes, they were married, but Orines refuses to explain why Lina doesn’t have his last name).  Paloma tells the story of how she hated her husband for what he had done, but she never considered leaving him because they lived different times. So, what does Ines plan to do, does she still love him?
Orines doesn’t want to think about it just now, the whole situation is too much to handle.
As they chat, they leave the office in order to go shopping for Alina’s party, and they resume their talk on a park bench. But Paloma’s phone keeps ringing; it’s Ricardo who found out the ladies left alone and is in full stalker mode (insert recap's title here)

With JL, Antonio whines about how fed up he is with his job; he wants to quit, but JL needs him at the textile plant, so he better suck it up for the time being. Why is he so upset with Ricardo, anyway?
Antonio tells the 18 years old story of how a party turned into an orgy and Ricardo being a teenage father. The Sanchez Breton decided to raise the child that resulted as their own, but Ric’s mom only left Sebas a small part of her fortune upon her death. The kid was too young then to fight for his legitimate rights, but now he also has some shares at the plant. Antonio also explains how pissed he is because Ric wants a DNA test, as JL listens on, surely thinking about ways to use this information to his advantage later on.

Arriving home, Alina is a bundle of joy – she tells the lady servant she met her daddy, who will be coming to her party, too.
Her mom and abuela are shopping for princess dresses and crowns and a miniature castle for the party girl to enjoy.  Ricardo calls Orines, shaking in his boots that two grown women have decided to go shopping unsupervised. He can be with them asap! (insert recap's title here)
That’s the last think Orines wants, she’ll call Jorge to pick them up. This gives Ric an ounce of tranquility (the guy is laying it on really thick tonight), but he adds that he wants to talk to her about Francisco Castro, he has new information to share about the guy, but in private.
And with this, Orines’ shopping mood vanishes… Men can truly rain on our parade sometimes.

With Piero, Ric is talking about Antonio; he’s even considering firing him, it’s not like they were ever all that friendly, anyway. Piero managed to obtain Oriana and JL’s marriage certificate – as far as I understand, they need it to have Oriana’s signature and compare it with the supposed fake one that has to be on the documents JL tricked her into signing, but I could be wrong, because I forgot the details of this particular plot development.
Piero notices how much Ric still cares about her, even if they are apart; well, sure he does, he loves her and she loves him – a guy can tell these things; he’s sure of her feelings because she’s shared everything about her tormented past with him, without holding anything back (ahem, are you in for a big disappointment or what?). So he really needs to find out what happened that made her break it offwith him again, because she definitely still loves him, he’s no idiot.
No, an idiot you ain’t, Piero agrees, just very aferado (clingy, suffocating, a pain in the butt –I’ve taken some liberties with the translation here).
Ric doesn’t really have arguments to go against this assessment, but he asks Piero to investigate Francisco’s company, make sure that it’s legit. Also, Marilu told him that Francisco and Antonio left together after their last reunion, so they need to be careful with those two, maybe they’ll be plotting together against them.
Now I’m pleasantly impressed by our hero’s smarts – so refreshing to witness this in a telenovela.

At Casa Bonita, Raquel is chatting with the Canadian tourists about places to visit in Hermosillo. Then she approaches Fauxcisco at the bar. She finds out he’s doing some business with Aresti Breton right now and blabs her mouth about how she kind of know the owners – but she’s not their friend, precisely, she’s more close to Sebastian, Ric’s faux brother – the guy likes to party a lot, you can always find him at a certain bar in town and there is no love lost between he and Ric. But, please, don’t tell anyone I’ve told you any of this, Raquel asks a very interested Fauxcisco. Ufff, Raquel, these are the magic words one always uses when they know they spoke too much.

Ric gets a call from Berenice, the nurse, letting him know that Sebas came to visit Maria; she didn’t allow them to be left alone, but she did give them some "privacy", while eavesdropping on the conversation the best she could; all she could hear was Maria mention a party that she attended.

The servants at Mansion Paloma are in the kitchen, gossiping about Lina’s dad, when Ines calls Jorge to ask him to come pick them up. Just now I notice that in this tn servants are just background, they don’t have their own stories that drag on, stealing precious air time from the main characters. And they don’t plot, scheme, say nasty stuff about their employers, either.
Hmmm... new drinking game: take a sip of your favorite beverage whenever something realistic/ un-telenovela like happens - I'm sure this is a drinking game we won't get to play very often, so drink up!
Jorge meets Ric in the courtyard and, as he leaves, Alina comes running to let Ric know that her daddy came to see her at school and he’ll come to her party, too.
Ric does the best he can not to shake Alina for more information and takes a somewhat gentler approach, but she does tell him that her mom knew about her dad being in town. Ric asks what daddy’s name is, but Alina promptly remembers how she promised her mom never to reveal her father’s name. So she just doesn’t say anything and runs inside the house, but Ric looks royally pissed! (insert recap's title here)

Padre Properly Dressed for a change, is talking to the bishop about his feelings for Orines. He knows she has a tumultuous past and a boyfriend, so he expects nothing from her, but how can he make the feelings stop? As expected, the bishop thinks this is a test for Padre Properly, something that will make him reaffirm his faith. When deciding to become a priest, he let go of the world and its worldly habits in order to be of better service to those in need, so every time he looks at Orines he has to try to look at himself and remember his religious obligations (or something like that, it made more sense when the bishop said it).

Piero is at the plant, doing an Internet search, to find out information about Salsol Construction, Francisco’s company. He’s using Looking For(?!?) as a search engine, I guess the Google guys wasted all their ad money with that Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn idiocy.

JL is talking with Joaquin on the phone, he wants to invest in another company; but Joaqui won’t budge, since it was JL who made this choice in the first place. Besides, Aresti Breton is the only big enough company in town. JL once again says that since this is his last business, he wants to come out of it with his hands clean; also, the owners of the textile plant aren’t interested in an investment. Joaqui couldn’t care less about any of this, though, so the plan stands.

Oriana and Paloma arrive home. Ric is waiting for them in the garden, fuming, but he manages to pretend in front of la madrina. Oriana looks very worried, though, even if for now she has no clue why Ric is so pissed. Luckily for him, Paloma is a bit tired, so they decide to postpone their talk for the next day – in the meantime, he and Ines can comfortably talk – the face Ric makes upon hearing this is priceless.
I don’t know where they end up talking, because they have to cross the courtyard in order to do so, but Ric is furious and somewhat violent. He doesn’t actually hit Orines, but it does feel like he’d like nothing more than strangle her more than once. (insert recap's title here.... Maybe a Xanax from Maria's prescription would do?
Side note: I recapped one of their previous break-ups, too, the one when Ric explained how she owned him, body, soul and huesos and after that ardent speech, I was left a little bit smitten with him. But after seeing his reactions today, I advice Oriana to stay single for a long while.

Anyway, back to the show, Ric goes straight to the subject: why is she making a fool of him, why is she lying, when he shared every deep secret he had with her? Oriana is not yet sure why he’s so upset, but then she finds out Alina saw her dad at school. She gets worried for her daughter and wants to go check up on her, but Ric is raging, he doesn’t allow her to leave. He explains how Alina held back on saying her dad’s name, she played the fool – calling her daughter a fool upsets Oriana, but Ric is too furious to care. He goes on demanding to know if Francisco Castro is her husband and Oriana tells him that silly story about being married to another guy named Jose Luis (Alina’s dad), before divorcing him and marrying Jose Luis Falcon, the criminal. Ric doesn’t believe a word of this nonsense, even more so, after all these lies now he’s sure she killed his father, too!! Uh Oh!
He keeps getting in her face, barely able to keep from shaking her good, but Oriana asks him to go ahead and tell the truth to Paloma and everyone else – if she ends up in jail, at least she won’t have to lie anymore. She just asks for a little bit of time to call Lucina so she can take care of her daughter.
But of course Ric won’t turn her in, he loves her too much to do that – he cries and screams at the same time, hugs her and grabs her cheeks – he’s a mess!
Oriana reminds him how many times she told him their relationship won’t work out because she has too many problems, much more serious than his issues with Maria (Bingo!). Ric wants to know if she still loves JL and all that Oriana can answer is that Alina adores him and that’s all that matters to her. I don’t know if that means she considers the possibility of getting back with him for Alina, but yeah, I guess that’s where her mind is taking her.
Ric is not happy with the answer, he leaves fuming and Madhilde sees that something went on between them.

Running to her room, Oriana is crying when Alina shows up to tell her she met daddy at school, he’s alive and she invited him to her party. Also, she’d like to know why her mom said he was dead and didn’t let her know he was in town.
Trying to hide her tears, Oriana explains that for a while she did think her father was dead and she was planning to tell her he’s in town in the form of a surprise.

Madhilde runs to tell Paloma that Ines and Ric were probably in a new fight and also talk about the fact that Cesar went to the seminary. Paloma thinks kids should be allowed to live their own lives, but Maddy is sure kids need to be guided, which is exactly what she intends to do with Fabiola until the end of time (poor girl).
Before leaving, she asks Paloma if she doesn’t fancy an apple, and Paloma sets the record straight: she doesn’t even like apples!

JL is in his room, again playing with fire – I really think he’s trying to get rid of his finger prints, although I have no clue if that works in real life. What’s next, pulling out all his teeth, one by one?
Oriana calls him, she’s upset he went to see Alina. He explains that he missed her too much. Oriana reminds him all the shady activities he made not thinking about his daughter, he promises once again he wants to leave that life behind. They decide to meet, but NOT at Casa Bonita.

Ric is with Mariano, boxing, still furious. Mariano thinks Oriana might still be in love with her husband, but Ric thinks she only lied to protect Alina. Even so, the guy is a criminal and he’s sure he’s Francisco Castro, no matter what Oriana says. He doesn’t know what to do next, he asks Mariano for an advice, but as an intelligent man, not as a priest. What would he do if he were in Ric’s place?
Ouch, this hypothetical question strikes too close to home for Mariano, he refuses to give an answer, saying he can’t see himself in that position, because he’s a priest with priestly duties.

The servant is telling Paloma that Ines left in a taxi, not with Ric. Paloma assumes she went to see her husband, the servant tells him Alina met her father at school.

Piero is still at the plant, this time with the accountant, looking for information on the construction company. Apparently everything is in order, so the accountant wants to go home to sleep. But the fact that Francisco doesn’t show up as an associate on the company’s website and a few other investments were made with casas de apuestos – make Piero suspect. The accountant insists that he’s worrying over nothing and finally gets the permission to go home and sleep, but Piero is still not convinced – he keep investigating on his laptop. Good boy!

Oriana and JL meet in the bar where Sebas usually hangs out; she’s upset he dared to go see Alina, he insists that he started doing shady business against his will. Oriana won’t allow him to trick Paloma and Ric, so JL wonders if she’s in love with the guy. Oriana dodges the answer, by saying that she feels loyalty towards them – besides, Ric knows the entire truth - he didn’t believe her story about him not being JL Falcon, but her first husband, who just happens to have the same first name.
JL wants to leave the country as soon as his latest business deal is completed, but Oriana doesn’t get the chance to answer, because Sebas and Raquel (of course!) show up and decide to join their table.

Alina goes to see Paloma and happily tells her about seeing her daddy at school. She starts telling the abuela how much fun she used to have with her father when they lived together in Colombia.
COLOMBIA??? Paloma is shocked!
Poor Alina forgot the main secret she was supposed to keep. Ric would be so proud ...


Fabulous job, Adriana. You got everything. No rewatching needed.

Yes, it's amazing how often these characters react like normal people to situations, and everyone is so smart and catch on really quickly.

It was funny when Piero pointed out how intense Ricky can get. He does need to turn it down a bunch of notches with Ori, but I also understand his frustration.

Looks like the crap is about to hit the fan with Paloma figuring out the truth. And we've come to a new phase in the story, with new opening credits.

It seems that JL is planning to go around Paloma, Ricky, and Ori to get into the company. If Sebas manages to get more shares in the company, then combined with Lila's and Mati's shares, they may not need Paloma and Ricky to make the deal. At least it seemed to me that's what JL was thinking.

Can't wait for the next episode!

Lina reminds me of my nephew at that age. He was incapable of walking, he always ran, he was always filled with energy and joy, and found it really hard to use an inside voice, no matter how hard he tried, he gave great, big hugs too. Such a fun kid.

Oh, the signature thing...Now that they have a copy of Oriana's real signature on her marriage certificate, which was not hard since it's a public document, it's going to be harder for the detective to get his hands on the bank account docs for comparison, which I'm assuming the cops and the bank have. If it does turn out that Ori signed the bank docs without knowing what she was signing, then that will make things even more difficult.

Adriana Noel - Terrific storytelling. My favorites:

"Ricardo calls Orines, shaking in his boots that two grown women have decided to go shopping unsupervised."

"No, an idiot you ain’t, Piero agrees, just very aferado (clingy, suffocating, a pain in the butt –I’ve taken some liberties with the translation here)."

I understand Ricky's feelings, but he was still coming off like a spoiled brat to me. My guess is Oriana is not thinking about getting back with JL but instead about how not to hurt Lina. She doesn't want to probe what she feels for JL. Ricky has not only never been in love before, but he's never even had a relationship with a woman beyond just sex. He can't get all the layers that Oriana is dealing with.

This should be called “Mentir Para Nada” cause just about everybody now knows JL is Oriana's husband/boyfriend. This lying thing is not working very well.

Gracias, Adriana!

Take a chill pill, dude!"...damn right! The mood swings are wearing me out.

One of the things the bishop mentioned was that Padre Plaid seeing himself in the mirror, all dressed in black with the white clerical collar was supposed to remind him of his vows. I thought "Well, there you go...he always wears plaid. No wonder!"

"aferado (clingy, suffocating, a pain in the butt –I’ve taken some liberties with the translation here)." No, not really. Not at all!

WTF is with the new credits?! I HATE them! Too gimmicky. And way better suited to a comedic show than a drama.

JL's big boss man is a stubborn idiot, but hey...Luis Gatica was in his office! Did I just not notice him before?

If Ric wants to yell at Ines, fine, but I'm going to have to agree with her...don't call the kid names. She's just doing what she was told to do.

Vivi, I think they can still twist the story around, tell Paloma that Ines and Lina briefly lived in Colombia, but nobody is stupid in this tn, so I think the old lady won't be fooled by such an explanation (haha, nobody is stupid in this tn - I make myself crack up all on my own)

Niecie - "Mentir para nada" sounds about right - 30 episodes in and there are no more secrets to reveal, except when it comes to Paloma, who just got the Colombia tidbit of info.

Diva, yes, that's what the bishop was saying... I found Mariano wearing appropriate clothes so distracting, I couldn't get all the talk between them.

Great job Adriana, I wish I could just take notes and do such a thorough job like you did. I would never be able to do that.
I sort of liked Ric's intensity when he was talking to Oriana about her lying. His frustration was palpable. I would be just as frustrated when someone you love lies and won't trust to tell the truth. Even if it's to protect others.

I hope Piero doesn't give up his search. That accountant was annoying me so much.

Maybe Paloma will do some investigating of her own to find out who Ines really is, then keep it secret because she realizes why she did it in the first place.

I thought Sebastian sold all of his shares to Paloma. He wouldn't have any more business with the business.

I saw Luis Gatica too. Too bad he will probably have a very minor part.

Now Raquel is thinking that bitch is stealing my next man from me too.


Adriana, you retold the story beautifully. Thank you. I will be an alcoholic by the time this TN ends.
Ric is desperate. His methods may not be the best but he truly loves 2Ines. She on the other hand is not helping by continuously lying. Tell Ric the truth. It will not only ease her stress but also help with dealing with her non ex. Don't tell me Raq is still doing the little boy Sab. What a perv. Her problem is more serious than we first thought. Where is Dr Carlos when you need him. I believe grandma is quietly piecing together the truth. Alina is only a kid and shouldn't be expected to keep such a big lie. What surprises me is how long she held up. JL is like a bad stomachache, doesn't know when it's on medication. How is showing up at Alina's school going to endear him to Oriana? He claims he was forced to commit the crimes in Columbia, who is forcing him now? Oh, I get it. Nobody gave him the memo. The people on this show are smart and can reason. Antonio has to Sab's father. Their behavior is identical. Poor Ric to have carried someone else burden for 18yrs. Sucks to be him.


I squeed when I saw Luis Gatica. No way will his role be small. I think he will be paying JL a visit in Mexico soon, if the company doesn't think he's delivering on his promise. By the way, he should have NEVER suggested/gone after Aresti-Breton. He has done exactly the same thing to Ori as he did before-- put her right in the middle of his mess!

Sebas selling his shares to Paloma must have been in the earlier episodes that I didn't see. So what was Antonio babbling about then?

Sebas has Antonio's height, Piero's hair, and Ricky's coloring. He is intense like Ricky, but a shady jerk like Antonio. He seems to have a heart way deep down (his tears when he last spoke with Maria), which would make him like Ricky and Piero. I can see how they would be able to speculate about which one of them was the actually bio-dad.

Alina looked so relieved and happy to be able to speak some about her life before. Paloma finding out the truth will be rough at first, but Ori will feel SO much better after.

Even if all the good guys know who Ori really is, they still need to protect her from any of the bad guys finding out. Mati and Lila would have her thrown in jail in a NY minute, if they knew. Luckily, Berto can be bought and intimidated to keep quiet, for now. We don't know how long that will last. He's a danger to Ori. We don't know what Antonio or Sebas would do with the info, but it wouldn't be good. And if the mobsters who think that JL is dead find her, that would be horrible.

Even if all of Team Good knows Ori’s real identity, there are plenty of reasons to continue to keep that info from Team Bad/Shady.


Vivi, we can't really go by a person's looks with regard to who someone is related to in TNs. They are all actors hired to pretend to be related, many times never looking at all alike.

I agree with you about JL never having suggesting Aresti as a place for investment and reinvolving Oriana again in his dirty business. I think he really thought she would just forgive him and go back with him.


Cathyx- Oh, I know. But sometimes the casting folks really do pay attention to trying to match the looks of people playing family, espcially if it's going to play some role in the action. I have noticed Sebas' spikey hair and Piero's spikey hair, and it made me giggle.

No idea who's the daddy, but it would be most inconvenient for Antonio to be the one. If it's Piero, he and Ricky would work things out, trying to be co-dads or something. But Antonio resents Ricky and is liable to do anything that suits his selfish needs.

This is the second time they've showed Luis Gatica. The first time, he didn't have any lines.

Niecie- ITA that having Antonio for a bio-daddy would only make Sebas worse. While if it's Piero, he and Ricky could co-parent and attempt to make Sebas a better person.

What a great recap, Adriana. So very well done.

I dislike Ricky more and more with each episode. He's reminding me of Damián in Abismo de Pasión... a bit self-centered, whiny, possessive, demanding, entitled, petulant... hey wait... he is Damián from AdP. Plus this guy thinks that he should be able to request sex whenever and wherever.

Wow, that look that José Luís gave Jorge was downright ferocious. Alfa wolf anyone? And just enough crazy (toasting his finger?) to be especially scary. But at the same moment he was so loving with Alina... she never noticed that snarl he gave poor Jorge. A very complex and well-acted character. He sure has me confused, and apparently Oriana as well.

Hanna, I'm right here and enjoying every dissipated licentious moment with Raquel. She is what she is.


Terrific recap, Adriana. I agree with you one thousand percent about the title.

As much as I am enjoying this show, it does bother me a bit that David Zepeda seems exactly the same in every character he plays, give or take a few sneers and threats based on whether he's playing a bad or good guy. Whereas, say, Diego Olivera seems COMPLETELY different to me. I don't see Padre Hottie or Fernando Lobo at all in Jose Luis. And Ferdinando Valencia always seems totally transformed when he plays different characters.

It's been several days and Raquel still hasn't hit the sheets with Francisco? What has slowed her roll?

Julia and Carlos- I agree that DZ'z range isn't great, but I do think he's gotten better in this tn than in the last two tns where he was the galan. I still think his best non-villain was the gray character, Alonso, he played in STUD. And of course his villain, Bruno, in Sortilegio was great.

Julia, I'm wondering about Raquel, too. Maybe she needs to find out Francisco is JL, Ori's husband, to get interested in him.

Carlos, I enjoy Raquel very much, too, I don't get what she sees in Sebas, but if I were here I'd totally jump on Senor Castro ASAP.

I hope Sebas is Piero's son, because his character is not totally unredeemable at this point, so having a good influence in his life wouldn't hurt.

Sebas sold his shares to Paloma as soon as he got them, now they belong to Mathilde. But I think Antonio doesn't know this, although he is the plant's lawyer, he should know this stuff..
Or maybe Antonio just said that Sebas had inherited the shares and didn't specify what he did with them after... I can't remember the specific details.
Anyway, bottom line, JL is finding out more and more stuff about Aresti Breton and its people and you can tell that he's up to no good.
Although, he does have a weak spot, his love for Alina, which is enough for me to find him worthy of some sighing and gazing

Oh, Luis Gatica!
When I saw him in AB I kept waiting for him to turn evil, it was so strange seeing him as a good guy, and with a love story ! One particular episode, near the end of the tn annoyed me terribly because they kept showing Hipolito and Piedad, mid romance, mariachi and love scene included, when all I wanted to see was what was going to happen with Dionisio's damn briefcase!

I can totally see his character in this one show up in town as Joaquin's messenger or something, causing trouble for Ori&Ric, or maybe romancing Madhilde :))

Thanks for your recap Adriana. Your comments were very funny and poor Ricky does need to chill out.

Ricardo is a jealous, insecure, unhinged freak. I'm slightly beginning to feel sorry for bouncy flouncy Phoniana. That little girl playing her daughter is a scene stealer.

Loved that odd tableau of an intro. Hadn't seen that before.

Sebastian's fatherhood seems to be a non-issue. Thought it was going to build to an important climax but I guess not now.

They teased us with a glimpse of granny's face when she find out Pholiana is a phoney. Does she die?

I love the way Mitilde lurks. She's going to gloat when she finds out the truth and she has every right to do so.

When Ric went to hassle Sebastian and Sebas was hanging around in his skivvies, I thought, "At least they aren't bright yellow!" I agree, I liked DZ best as that bitter jerk in Sortilegio. Haven't liked his galán roles so much. He does frequently make me laugh, though, like last week or whenever when he was being angsty and started caressing the wall. Flashbacks!

Oriana's lie about Jose Luis Arismendi and JL Falcón was so so ridiculous and unbelievable and she thought seriously Ric will believe him. It was not too smart step.
Ricardo should confronted with the truth JL, because it seems Oriana is denying.
Would JL tell the truth or continue lies?

The reaction of Alina is totally understandable, she got a large emotion effect, and she wanted to share with her friends and relatives.

Last but not least, it was again a terrific recap. (After this episode I might need a chill pill, what do you recommend for me? :D )

Hate the new credits. LOVE the recap. Thanks, Adriana.

Alejo, they say a warm tea is best for calming the nerves, but that never works for me - all hot beverages make me very sleepy.
So I suggest you take a look at Maria's next subscription and choose something from there :)
The effect is NOT guaranteed, though...

Oh, the JL Falcon vs JL Arismendi was so incredibly stupid, no wonder Ric didn't even give it a second thought.
Alina has been really good at keeping secrets, she's gone above and beyond the call of duty. Seeing her daddy was obviously going to impress her - I remember how I worshiped my dad when I was her age (still do, but that's another story), she acted like any normal 6 year old would - and STILL, she had the smarts to lie to Ric about daddy's name.

Sara, teh new credits kind of give me the creeps, to be honest - I don't know what they were going for with them.

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