Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #135, Monday, November 18, 2013 Rescue, Food & Shelter – Octavio’s Recipe for Winning Back Maricruz……No Apologies Needed……WTH??!!!”

Written by LatinaInMD                                                                     

Rehash of JackAss and Simona meeting; Simona informs him that she is giving a hectare of land to HIS WIFE; in other words, not to you, Jackass.  (This is followed by a useless scene of Octavio and Migreedy – NEXT.)

As luggage is loaded into a car, a surprisingly lucid Simona bids farewell to her home and junior.  Simona makes Octavio promise never to separate from his son and to take him with him wherever he goes (as if Oblivio’s promises are worth anything).  Fortunately, Simona has the good sense to extract the same promise from Ofelia – if nothing else, Ofelia is loyal and more trustworthy than Oblivio.

JackAss visits Maricruz and informs her that Simona and Octavio are preparing to leave; Maricruz says she sincerely hopes Simona returns cured from her illness.  JackAss asks if Maricruz will see Octavio again if Simona returns cured.  Maricruz assures him that no matter what happens, she “will never see him again.”  (Mark those words, Viewerville.)  As much as we detest JackAss, we must agree when he tells her that he doesn’t believe her.

Now Simona assures Miguel that she holds him in high esteem too and asks that he too watch over her son.  (Excuse me while I laugh – the man can’t even take care of his own, nearly forgotten son, woman.)

An angry group of Realengueros stands in the way of a bulldozer preparing to raze all the little toy houses on which Maricruz blew her humongous (yeah, right) fortune.  JackAss just happens to be there, and they all want him to explain to them why “that woman” lied to them and “sold herself to those people for money”.  JackAss washes his hands of the problem, reminding them he doesn’t work there anymore.  Now the priest comes running to try to reason with the angry mob.

Maricruz starts bringing her belongings out to the ranch house’s veranda in little cardboard boxes tied with twine.  (Boxes and twine?!  Holy cow – now we know she is dead broke.)  JackAss comes running up to her and warns her that she is in grave danger.  She is incredulous and informs him (and Viewerville, of course) that she just barely received her compensation for the taken land, but it’s so little it will barely pay for her existing debts.  He warns her that the Realengo people think she betrayed them.

Octavio casually rides on his horse, without a care in the world it seems.  The poor priest has nothing but running scenes today.  Now he is running again, comes upon Octavio and tells him he thought he was in Mexico City with his wife.  Apparently, some time passed between Simona’s goodbyes and the mob gathering, as Octavio tells the priest he did indeed go with his wife and she already had a battery of tests done, but he returned to be with his child.  After taking their sweet old time discussing all this useless stuff, the priest calmly informs Octavio that he is going to go search for help because a mob is forming and he fears they will lynch Maricruz.  Without so much as a bye-bye, Octavio gallops away as the priest continues on his own trot.  Poor sap.

JackAss is still trying to convince Maricruz that they must all get out fast from the ranch house, but she still refuses to believe it.  He tries to grab her, and at that moment in rides the knight in shining armor Octavio, demanding that JackAss let go of her.  This is practically a replay of the scene in Episode One where he rode to Maricruz’s rescue and she instantly fell in love with him.  Except now, instead of looking at him all googly-eyed, she demands to know what he is doing there.

Simona meets with her two new doctors, who inform her that they have decided to perform surgery on her…..The doctors assure Simona that she has a very good chance of getting cured, otherwise they wouldn’t put her through such a risky operation.  They intend to operate on her that same week.  Simona thought bubbles that she wants to get well and return to her son and Octavio, “…so I can stay with them forever….With Octavio, my Octavio.”  (I don’t think she was referring to junior.)

Now we have some useless arguing between Oblivio and JackAss, with each one screaming to the other that he has no business being there.  Maricruz tells them both to shut up, only to start her own useless argument with Octavio about their respective rights to Lupita.  He insists he is only there to save her and his daughter…..More useless arguing between JackAss and Oblivio; Maricruz won’t budge, until JackAss finally informs her that the people are coming with torches.  Now she runs in and tells Santa that they all have to leave quickly, and Santa should inform any remaining employees to leave too.  Oblivio takes his horse, while Maricruz, Lupita and Juanita jump in the jeep with JackAss, leaving Santa to deal with the angry mob all by herself.  Yikes!!!

After countless episodes of seeing characters teleport from one ranch to another in seconds, I must point out that we had clear blue skies when they left El Abuelo and we got a very dark and potentially stormy night by the time they all arrived at La Simona.  (I guess Mrs. Mejia ran out of money for the teleportation machine.  Sigh.)  Maricruz is very uneasy about being there, but Octavio convinces her that the most important thing is to protect their daughter’s life.  Ofelia rushes to the living room and can’t hide her shock at the sight of the new visitors.  Octavio orders her to prepare a guest room for Maricruz, Lupita and Juanita.  Ofelia fumes and asks why they are there; he tells her it’s none of her business….Of course, instead of rushing to prepare the room, Ofelia rushes to inform Migreedy.

Back at El Abuelo, JackAss and the priest attempt to stop the angry mob, but to no avail.  Dozens run into the home and set fires everywhere.  Sad to say, el abuelo is toast….AGAIN.  (My condolences on the demise of your dream ranch house, gringo.)

Migreedy demands to know why Octavio brought “la salvaje” to Simona’s house.  Octavio says he is sure Migreedy is aware the mob wants to lynch her.  Migreedy responds that “she earned it, for going around like a Redeemer.”  (I’m guessing by now that the monkey writers are atheists of the Ayn Rand variety.)  Octavio reminds him that this is HIS home, so if Migreedy doesn’t like his guests, tough cookies.

Ofelia unleashes her anger on the bed pillows as she prepares the guest room.  Octavio comes in to check on her progress and demands that she treat all guests as members of that household, without any long faces.  He then orders her to inform the guests that their room is ready and to get bring them their dinner.  And, most importantly, he orders her to add an extra set at the breakfast table because Maricruz will be joining him for breakfast the following morning.

We now have a full-blown thunderstorm on our hands.  This makes Maricruz even more nervous.  She thought bubbles that she must leave that house as soon as day breaks, no matter how or where she goes….Meanwhile, Octavio stands outside, telling himself: “Maricruz, so close and yet so far….And all because of the promise you made to Simona.”  (Yeah, sure, not because of anything bad you may have done, Oblivio.)  Simona’s overseer arrives and informs him that the Realengueros burned a great part of Rancho Narvaez.

Octavio rejoins Maricruz in the living room and she informs him that she intends to leave as soon as day breaks.  She tells him she must go because that house has a “bad vibe” and makes her uncomfortable.  She thinks of returning to the ranch and confronting the Realengueros.  He tells her that’s not possible because it was set on fire.  We get a (very weak) cara impactada from Maricruz.

Ofelia informs Migreedy that Simona is on the phone; she asked for Octavio but Ofelia told her he was already asleep (isn’t he always, considering he only has one brain cell?)  She thought it best for Migreedy to speak with Simona, so she hands him the phone.

Delayed reaction from Maricruz, who is now agitated and anxious.  She insists she and Lupita have to leave that house too, because she has the feeling “that an even greater danger stalks us here.”  (Yes, Maricruz, the stalker is Octavio and the danger is that you will again fall for his wiles – don’t you see, he rides in to save the day, feeds you and puts a roof over your head.  That’s how he got you the first time.  Run away, Maricruz, run.)  He hangs his head in defeat…for now.

Simona breaks the news to Migreedy that the doctors decided to operate on her and gave her a good prognosis.  Migreedy is overjoyed…..NOT!!!

Maricruz is now getting over-the-top hysterical about the silly storm.  Octavio tells her it’s thanks to the storm that the entire house didn’t burn down.  Who cares, she says, the mining company was going to demolish it anyway.  (Exactly.  Frankly, she should have set fire to it herself.)  Octavio takes the opportunity to embrace her, but Migreedy ruins it for him when he rushes in to inform him that Simona is on the phone for him.

We return from commercials to a lovely bed scene.  NOT!!!  It’s just JackAss and his slave, er, Esther.  Neither can fall asleep, so they take the opportunity to show us yet again that there is no love lost between them, and during this time he also tells her about the mob setting fire to the house. 

Octavio takes the phone and Simona excitedly breaks the news to him that she expects to be fully healed.  (We can see the wheels turning in Oblivio’s empty head.  This boy is already planning his getaway.)

Another useless scene between JackAss and Esther, with the sole purpose being for Esther to find out that Octavio took Maricruz and Lupita to La Simona.  Yawn.  Next.

Octavio promises Simona that he will be at her side the very next day, so that he can be present at her operation.  After bidding her goodbye, he suggests that Maricruz go to bed, relax and rest.  She still doesn’t get what wrong she did them.  (Don’t you see, Maricruz!!!  According to the monkey writers, you were evil, pure evil.  How dare you feed, clothe and shelter homeless, starving peasants?  Doing that took away their initiative and self-sufficiency.)  Octavio now escorts her to her room and bids her goodnight at her door.  Migreedy shows up to throw in his two-cents worth.  The two spawns of Satan continue their little chat in Migreedy’s room, where Octavio informs him of his intent (again) to leave Simona and to run away with the woman he has “always loved”.  Migreedy is clearly freaking out at the thought of losing his meal-ticket.

The next morning, Maricruz braids Lupita’s wild locks and calmly tells her and Juanita to eat a good breakfast.  Juanita is glad that she is so calm; Maricruz says it’s because she can’t get more depressed, she will need strength for what awaits them.  (I’m guessing the monkey writers already gave her a preview of
Act Four of their “work of art”, hence her comment.)  (Massive yawn from Lupita – looks like all this dreary dialogue is putting her to sleep too.)  Ofelia comes in and informs them breakfast is ready, and “perhaps” Octavio is waiting for her to join him.  After Ofelia leaves, Maricruz tells Juanita she will have breakfast with Octavio, “as an opportunity to say goodbye before leaving.”

Octavio prepares the breakfast table for his “one true love”.  Maricruz greets him and the total gentleman helps her take her seat.  He reminds her he is leaving for Mexico but insists she and Lupita can stay as many days as they want while he is gone.  She refuses to expose her daughter to the bad influence of Ofelia and Migreedy.  Now back to Octavio the total gentleman, who pours coffee for her and then asks her to not leave yet, to go to the town and wait there for his return.  “Wait for you?”  “Yes, I will return for you, and we will go away together with Lupita.”  Just like that.  No sorry for putting you through all the crap I put you through, especially calling you a whore multiple times and kidnapping our own child, twice.  Nothing.  Zip. Nada.  She tells him he is crazy, but clearly is not putting up any resistance.  He tells her that Simona will be operated in just days and he fully trusts that she will recover.

Meanwhile, Ofelia is informing Migreedy that the two love birds are having breakfast together.  In return, Migreedy informs her that as soon as Simona returns all recovered, Octavio intends to divorce her and “run off with the other one.”  Cara impactada de Ofelia.

Back to the two love birds.  “What of the promise I made to Simona?”  asks Maricruz.  “You thought you were making that promise to a dying woman….It’s not worth the trouble tying oneself to a promise.  Two people who have loved each other SO MUCH have to live happily, and that is what you and I are going to do.”  “Are you sure of what you’re saying?” “One hundred percent, Maricruz.  I already told my brother.  This nightmare is over.”  (Oh, really, then why don’t we get “FIN” at the end of this very episode and truly put an end to “this nightmare”, huh?!  I know, I know.  The monkey writers are not yet done torturing us.)  “We are going to be together forever, with Lupita.  With hunger, in glory, but always, always loving each other, without separating, my love.”  (Ana Brenda is blinking like crazy; I’m sure she’s wondering why she still has to sit and listen to this drivel, after 135 mind-numbing episodes, and pretend she is in love with this brainless idiot.)

More useless gossiping between Migreedy and Ofelia.  Yawn.  Next.

Great.  Now we have Octavio and Maricruz’s love theme playing in the background, to get us all in the mood.  Maricruz sighs, takes Octavio’s hands and says, in a strangely resigned tone (no joy here):  “Yes, Octavio, yes.  I also surrender to this love that is greater for me than the world itself.” 

Octavio:  “My love.  We will live anyway we can, Maricruz.  In the country, in a palace.  I will work once again to support our home as I should.  And whatever we have, we will enjoy to the fullest.” 

Maricruz:  “Yes, yes my love, whatever you say.” 

(Que que?!!  Months and months of Venganza Monologues, and we get the submissive protagonista telling the worthless galan that it’s whatever he says.  If I didn’t like my curls so much, I would be pulling out my hair right now.  )  Anyway, now they are just hammering out details of their getaway.  Maricruz is concerned for his son; he says his son will be taken care of by Simona….and, as an afterthought, by him too.  He wants her to wait there a few years until Simona’s recovery is confirmed, though he promises he will join Maricruz whether or not Simona recovers.  Maricruz insists on going ahead to Mexico City; she will wait for him there. 

Octavio:  “Alright, it’s best that way.”  They embrace and he adds:  “Maricruz, mi Maricruz.” 

Maricruz:  “My love.” 

Octavio:  “My only love.” 

Maricruz:  “Yes, the only one.” 

The episode ends with them locked in a semi-passionate kiss. 

Now, why couldn’t the word “FIN” have appeared as they kissed?  No such luck.

Previews:  Migreedy intends to do what he can to keep Octavio from reuniting with Maricruz in Mexico City. 

Special Note:  Hopefully this will not be considered a spoiler, but I think it’s obvious that we are about to begin Act Four (the final stretch) of Corazon Indomable.  If I may say so, I suggest all patio peeps tighten those beenies.  Better yet, buy yourselves some brand new, sturdy beenies.  You are going to need them.  Or to paraphrase Bette Davis - fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy 27 final hours.


I don't know if a beanie can help at this point Adriana, but the recaps are such fun to read as this just gets stupider and stupider. Loved your snark!

I came in late to things last night and seeing the mob attacking the house, thought I had mistakenly turned on a Frankenstein remake. And the drivel at the end. We had a feeling that would happen...just suddenly everything all hunky dory, as they say. Lord, those two deserve each other. I can't even imagine how much worse this can get. But I guess we'll be finding out.

Best moment. Watching everyone all agonizing at Tav's and Lupita calmly twirling her locks and enjoying sitting on "daddy's" lap and pretty much ignoring mom's attempts at contact. I could hear her little brain thinking "Yeah.I get to sit with someone who won't be lamenting into the camera for the next 15 minutes."


Latina, thanks for the great recap.

I enjoyed the episode because we finally had some action. It took a mob with torches, pikes and pitchforks--lol-yes, Daisynjay, it was like Frankenstein-- for the plot to finally get moving but it happened. Too bad JA and Miguel can't just disapoear. Maricruz's initial inability to believe that the people of Realengo had it in for her was a little much. Maricruz and Octavio are still acting like two crazy kids. 27 episodes, eh? The end is in sight!


LatinaMD: Thank you for a funny rip on last night's episodio. My favorite line:

"(Que que?!! Months and months of Venganza Monologues, and we get the submissive protagonista telling the worthless galan that it’s whatever he says." ITA! I was LOL at that. Good thing I'd already finished my wheaties.

Great job, Latina. I loved the snark. That final "love" scene seemed a bit anemic, didn't it? As if even the actors have given up on this couple.

I'm trying to understand the message the writers are trying to send about this Realengo situation. If you help poor people, they will still resent and hate you, and turn on you the first opportunity they get. This has just proved Migreedy, JackAss, and Simona right.

Thanks for your kind comments, everyone. Busy day at work, so I won't be able to respond much, as usual. (I'll be busy trying to stay awake, since I only got five hours of sleep after this little recapping exercise last night.)


Thank you, Latina! I heard some chatter about this novela on the Tempestad board and thought I'd check it out. I started watching on hulu on October 12 and caught up to you guys on Friday and am now watching live. I was kinda enjoying it even with the coo coo inconsistensies in character. I loved the chemistry between Octavio and Maricruz but the last fiery/touching scene was episodes back when she climbed through his window when he was sick. I agree with whoever said Sickmona has become the leading lady and the passion was indeed killed by Octavio so totally swallowing the lie that MC slept with JC, Alvaro and who knows who else. As you so aptly exclaimed about their "reconciliation.": “Yes, I will return for you, and we will go away together with Lupita.” Just like that. No sorry for putting you through all the crap I put you through, especially calling you a whore multiple times and kidnapping our own child, twice. Nothing. Zip. Nada." Their declarations of love were so flaccid -- it seems the actors themselves are not feeling it either. Thanks for expressing my frustrations.

But. I'm going to keep watching! I have been luuving the recaps by the "recap pets" and the commenters are great. Thanks again.


Thanks Latina, I feel the pain you suffered while recapping this show. It sounds a lot like my recaps,lol. I'm almost glad it's going to get crazier because then at least it won't be boring.

So after fighting against rekindling the relationship for practically the entire TN, MC is now just going to start up again with him without another thought about it. And since every big moment in this show has been tragically minimized, this big event being a simple breakfast conversation and a peck does't surprise me in the least. Yawn.

Hi All,

I also meant to mention that late last night (around midnight eastern time), Ana Brenda's PR rep issued an official press release announcing that her church wedding to Alejandro Amaya, which was scheduled for this Satuday, Nov. 23rd, was postponed "due to personal circumstances". Sounds like there's more drama in real life than on C.I.

Oh, also, Ana Brenda developed a serious stomach illness (I forget what exactly) right around the time that these episodes and the upcoming ones were being filmed. That's also why she looks like all the spirit got sucked out of her. (No idea what excuse Daniel Arenas has, other than he isn't as good an actor as she is, and he clearly feeds off her acting, so when her acting is not quite there neither is his. JMHO.)

She's calling the wedding off? Uhoh.

It only said "postponed", but who knows. That "personal reasons" excuse is not a good sign, I think. If it were due to organizational issues, like some have suggested, she could have just said so, right?

Awesome recap!

Vivi: I was thinking the same thing about the Realengo people. Them torching the house just supports Simona and Migreedy's opinions of these people. Can the writers not give these people any dignity or smarts? Situation with the miners was pretty obvious.

I wish Migreedy and JackAss would shoot each other.

Hopefully MC returning to the capital will be more interesting than her time at Ranch Abuelo.

Wow, Latina, what a great recap. Very well done and super entertaining.

"Sad to say, el abuelo is toast….AGAIN."

Heh heh!

And you are right, this thing has clearly been divided into 4 parts so perhaps we should give part 4 a fair chance to appeal to our jaded tastes.

Wow, the Realengo folks are a rough bunch, aren't they? How in the world can they be blaming Maricruz for their misfortune... wild dogs are better behaved. I was pleased to see Clorinda trying to stop some of the madness.

Poor Ofelia. Different breakfasts for different folks in different places.

I'm really not looking forward to the double episodes.


Vivi in DC, the message of the story by far is great. You should be bad and evil, than good and touching. Noone from the isla story was punished. And here MC became poor only because she helped people. But it wasn't enough. Monkey writers made those Realengo people sooo unthankful. What a shame.
About Ana Brenda illness. She was ill not in this period. Later. But here they all was extremly tired. They filmed 6 days a week from the morning till deep night.

@Alegria - she was already showing signs of illness during this period. I follow her on Twitter, and she was complaining about feeling "not so well" long before they diagnosed her with the stomach problem that sent her to the hospital.

"Ofelia informs Migreedy that Simona is on the phone; she asked for Octavio but Ofelia told her he was already asleep (isn’t he always, considering he only has one brain cell?)"

There you have it, the indolent dunce that is Octavio. Really thinking Maricruz should give Alvaro another chance. Sigh.

Anyway, Latina, thanks for suffering through this so I don't have to. Between the stress of the construction on the house, the cold gray weather, and the current political drama, I just can't deal with C.I. But appreciate all of you keeping me up to date on the various disasters and head-scratching decisions.

Bravo Adriana. nice recap of a truly dying show. I can ask what went wrong all I want, won't change anything. This show started off beautifully, now the very people she made sacrifices for are burning down her house? where do they get off!!! I thought they were homeless before she offered them help. Simona's ranch head said it best. No good deed goes unpunished.
Awful, what a waste of artistic talent.

Thank you for taking on the mob last night Latina---much appreciated.

I was very perplexed with the mob and the torches. At one point I was sure that the beautiful ranch house was going up in flames [a prison offense I say] but a little while later, the ranch house was shown completely intact.
Was this a mistake by the director
or did the fast moving storm save it with minimal damage? I guess that I will have to wait and see.
Hopefully another miracle [the miners don't destroy it] will save it.

I knew--think that $imona will fully recover, she has to so that she can fight Maricruz until the bitter end. That's bitter for her,
not for me.

No yawns from me last night. I have an idea---I hope that it's not too late to take a few minutes
from this years TV Y Novela's upcoming awards presentation to add an award for yawns. They could have the biggest yawn, the longest yawn, the funniest yawn etc. Latina, you and Carlos could compete for the award---maybe added competitors could be Cathyx and Daisynjay along with a few others just to make it interesting. One of you guys could become famous overnight.

So the Realengo people think that Maricruz sold them out, took the money and ran. Well uneducated people just might think that way.
Even after all that she did for them, they don't understand. Education is most important, educated people would think differently.

I can't believe how lazy Migreedy has become. In almost every scene he is just laying around doing nothing. Maybe counting his future money in his mind. $imona and Migreedy deserve each other.

What's in store for us tonight? I can't wait---What kind of job will Maricruz find in the DF---if she goes there?
I won't miss a minute of it.
the gringo

Good idea Gringo, let's start a poll on MC's future job! I'm thinking club hostess. She is very pretty and could make some good tips. I don't think she would be too good as a waitress though.

What will MC's new job be? At first I was thinking some kind of office work, like a secretary, but I would rather see her doing something more hands on, like a maid.

Thanks , Latina, for this crackling good episode. If only you were on the writing team with your excellent storytelling skills.

attention : Awfelia...just a reminder...You are THE MAID...a servant...paid help. You are not part of the family. Step down.

And..once again, my plea to Mig...GET A JOB, you pathetic sycophant and stop living off the largesse of other people. At least, go pick some oranges or herd some cows on that rancho you are coveting so much.

Sorry to hear of Ana Brenda's health problems. I guess that we all know what it is like working when not feeling well.

As for the angry mob, I guess no kind act will go unpunished as they say. What a lovely lesson to,promote.

If MC had kept the same business smarts as she had on Isla Dorada, I would say a business or hotel manager should be her next job. But after her royal screw up of her father's entire estate, I don't think she's qualified anymore.

I really have been scratching my head about how she lost all that money. Last night brought it to me again when she said she barely had enough to pay off her debts from the money the mining company gave her. Seriously?! She was going under anyway, even before being kicked off (and paid for it). I have to attempt to break this down.

1) She sells her share of the Isla Dorada casino to Karim, and buys the ranch from Miguel. I call that breaking even.

2) She builds houses for the Realengo people on her land. Some loss of money, but those houses aren't fancy and the labor came partly from the Realengo people. Minimal hit to her vast wealth.

3) JA steals the money her tenant farmers should be paying her. Some loss of income, but shouldn't be anything major.

4) She sells the D.F. house/estate (which should be worth an absolute fortune, likely even more than the ranch). That should have been a huge gain in cash.

5) She sells all the other casinos and businesses her father left her. That should have been another HUGE infusion of cash.

6) She should have started out with a large sum of cash from her father's accounts and investments.

Are the writers trying to tell me that those small houses used up all that money, or that JA stole it ALL?! He should have been living in a mansion right now, on Isla Dorada, sitting back with his feet up. Since this is not the case, then all I can think is that MC is incompetent and an idiot with money. None of this adds up. Plus, how many people told her that JA was stealing from her? Even the man's wife told her! The writers made this once smart cookie, seem like she’s a few chips short.


Vivi, I'm going to send you a beanie made of steel fibers that will fit very snuggly on your head. You'll need it if you keep trying to figure these things out.

LOL! Cathyx, I know. It's just that when she said that last night, my old beanie exploded.

Carvivlie---club hostess? She sure would bring in a lot of tip money. But would it be worth several men hitting on her each and every night?

Vivi---I agree that she has lost a small fortune. It didn't all go to the realengo people. I guess that the writers just want to keep guessing. Maybe we won't ever learn where all of the money went.
the gringo

LatinaInMD, njt only Ana Brenda had problems with her health. Rene stricler also was ill, Yuliana Peniche (Ofelia) also had problems in the end. End of course they all were tired. I really cant understand why they hurry so much to end novela. End after all, they deleted so many scenes.

Vivi in DC, I can add that MC built school and church. Anyway. her fortune should be much MUCH bigger.
I want the grass which Romero smoke, when he wrote this.

And by the way, we'll have only one week with 2 episodes till the 2 of December.

Alegria- Yep. I count the church and the school among the constructions for the Realengo people. Not expensive at all (she didn't have a cathedral built). These are simple, country structures. I have built these kinds of things before in other countries. Indeed, the writer was smoking something. Once again, what was the message he was trying to send? That MC is stupid?

Thanks Adriana!

On the Realengo folks turning on MC - certainly does seem to vindicate JA, Simona, and McGreedy!

But all the writers had to do was make it clear that the mining company spread the rumor and incited the riot, thus getting MC off the land. So simple! Yet the writers couldn't be bothered. Just had the folks riot for no reason.

The storm showed up because lightening storms are called up be people approaching houses with torches and malicious intent, no?

Vivi in DC, I guess he simply forgot how much she had. And then he simply copypasted the plot from original. As far as I remember, the last part wasnt written by Ines Rodena. We all all saw how bad is Romero as a solo writer. Look at Solita. So I can only imagine how awful will be not the best part from original, that was adapted by Romero.
And once again. I want his job. And grass.

Carvivlie---I just thought that Maricruz would not be able to take a night club hostess job. Can you imagine all of comments that would come flying in on the Caray blog about what an "UNFIT" mother Maricruz is---why, she's working in a night club as a bar hostess.

I don't try to figure out every detail or lack of detail in a story---OK, Mari lost her money, she's now broke and has to start over. As Carlos would say, NEXT.

the gringo

As for the fortune - seemed like most of it went down because all the other profitable businesses MC owned want bankrupt while she wasn't paying attention.

The proceeds from the one casino and her Mexico City house were drained by Rancho Abuelo.

...and the morale of this story that is a few weeks of tutoring on using utensils to eat and how to walk in high heels does not equate to earning that MBA. Second lesson : Easy come, easy go. Third lesson : balance us an important part of life. Obsession never ends well.

Gringo- I hear what you're saying. We have to let some things go. But if I am going to forgive every single screw-up, misstep, or omission by bad writers, then I might was well say that all I want to watch are pretty people staring at a camera, doing nothing. Something(s) in the story HAS to stand up to scrutiny.

Susanlynn- Perhaps the 4th act of this tn could be MC working hard to build her own wealth, from scratch. That would actually be neat.

Ok---here's the deal. Mari played some unlucky numbers in the lotto.
It's no big deal how she lost it.
The fact is, she's broke. Time to move on---NEXT.
the gringo

Vivi---I love your comments. What I would REALLY like is for you to write the actual writer of this novela and receive a reply back. That would be interesting.
the gringo

Great recap and thanks, Vivi, for the rundown on where the money came from and what should be.

None of this makes any sense and this series was a hit??? That absolutely makes no sense.

Though I have very low expectations, I am looking forward with some hope to seeing how Maricruz moves on with her life. I'd prefer to see her go to work for the Exmir Karim or the Luv Guv. Or maybe she could team up with Doris and start an escort service. Arecely is probably bored with Eduardo by now so she could join them.

Unfinished business:

Kill Miguel and José Antonio. Murder's fine by me.


Thanks, LatinaInMD. You gave us an excellent summary of the puzzling events of last night.
1. Get MC off the land--add an angry unreasonable mob to hasten the action.
2. Fix Simona's health so Tav can leave her and pursue MC again.
3. Add the storm to make things dark and gloomy.
4. Make MC and Tav forget their earlier feud so they can have a "romance reboot."

My gratitude for this week--the Latin Grammys eliminate my usual Thursday recap.


Hmmm...how could Mig meet his end ? He is such a lazy layabout except for occasionally riding on his horse, so that means he could either be thrown by his horse who is probably also sick of him or he icould be pierced by a sofa spring. Cast your vote now...death by horse ??? Or sofa spring ???

Urban Anthropologist, it IS a big hit in USA. It's rating is much more better then LT and MPV had.
Mystery for me also. Subliminal stimuli?

Susanlynn, I vote for the sofa spring myself. Love the choices.


Susanlynn, Rene said, that the end of Miguel will be unpredictable. he said it during AB fiesta and it was long before this episodes were in air. I vote for monastery, because it's the only unpredictable future for him, that I can imagine.

Come on, Miguel, any antagonista worth his salt knows that what you need to do is travel to the DF on some pretext (it doesn't have to be that good, no one questions anything in this sorry excuse for a tn) and AFFECT the outcome of Simona's surgery (no one will be watching her in the ICU anyway). That way Octavio will inherit, he'll still be stupid enough to let you run the ranch and take off with MC and you and Ofelia can live happily ever after (her loyalty is true ... to whoever signs her checks)!

LOL Susanlynn - I vote for death by sofa spring!

how about this scenario : Mig falls off his horse. Then, the ranch hands carry him inside like a sack of...potatoes...yeah, let's say potatoes..but I don't mean potatoes..we are just saying potatoes. The guys unceremoniously dump him , as they did JackAss, on the sofa and...zing...he gets zapped by a spring. Adios. Live by the sword; die by the sword. Live on the sofa; die on the sofa.

Love your scenario, Susanlynn...I can just "see" it! Great picture. I'm on board.

Wow, Susanlynn, a combo!



Thank you Latina! I just laughed and laughed at your commentary (monkey writers, Just put a FIN on it.)

I won't bother watching this episode either, your recap covered it all and was more entertaining.

I haven't watched more than an hour's worth in a month, but I come here and read many of the recaps, and I'm more and more horrified every time.

Perhaps it's because Don Ale was my favorite character in the whole show, but I keep going back to how horrible it is that all of his efforts to build up a fortune to pass on to his daughter were completely in vain. Who knows? Perhaps even his loyal retainers, such as Tobias and the nice maid, were left adrift with no decent pensions. If he left it to Maricruz to provide for them, I'm sure that is what happened. The worst thing that ever happened to that household was the day that Maricruz turned up there.

Ay ay ay Dios mio!!!! What an episode. I am really as confused as anyone why in the world Octavio, just like that, no apologies, no dropping on his knees as (Rodrigo in Refugio) would just declare his undying love and plan of happily going to where the sun sets with his MC just like that. Why did he suddenly resurrect and finally had the balls to even tell off his greedy brod to go look for a job and to put Awfelia in her proper place.

Vivi, your detailed accounting of MC's wealth is really to the penny.

Gringo, you are right about the lack of education and ignorance of those Realengo people. In my country, (Philippines)there was a time the poor farmers of our provinces were always the constant prey of the communists who feed them propagandas and schisms which caused them great turmoil and agitation and oftened rebelled against the government as a result.

Carlos, by now I have watched quite a few telenovelas, but only now like you have I wished characters of CI to really wish them dead already such as Miggy and JA and oh, Simona.
And as for Awfelia, she can go to hell.

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