Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 11/12/13 (#176): Hugs, Kisses, Clues, and Dead Ends

After work, Ferni and Xochi visit Fernando's dad at the old folks' home. Dad is aquiver with tentative excitement and Parkinson's. He's been keeping up with his sons' lives through the newspapers; he read about Fernando's wedding and Rogelio's imprisonment. Maybe someone should tell him about these recaps.

Dad is remorseful and contrite about being such a lousy father; he doesn't blame Fernando for not having visited sooner. Fernando explains that Rogelio actually told him that their father was dead. Dad doesn't blame Rog for that, either. Fernando tells him not to dwell on the past - there's still the future, and five new grandchildren on the way!

Dad says it was worth the wait to finally see Fernando again. Fernando forgives him, and they hug.

It's Friday the 7th of June, by the way. Valentina is aghast that her father and Alma have to wait nearly a year and a half to get married in the cathedral of their choice. (It's where Alma's parents got married. Look how well that marriage turned out!) Then the phone rings. Guess who it is? Guess!

It's Father Sunday, and apparently his schedule opened up a bit. Would the Toasts of Monterrey like to get married on Sunday June 16th at 5 pm, instead of November 2014? Helz yes! Valentina and Chucho share an uber-cute thumbs-up fist-bump. Valentina fetches a calendar to help with the planning. The wedding is just ten days, including today which is almost over!

Marisela has a surprise for Ricardo: a candlelit gourmet dinner in the bodega. Their dinner table appears to be a pallet on a forklift. Ric and Mari have The Big Talk - you know, the one where they rehash all the bad moments in their relationship and decide it's all water under the bridge and they're a stronger couple for it. And now for dessert: a rose petal-strewn mattress on the floor, where Ric used to sleep when he was homeless. Hugs, kisses, and more.

Vero stabs at the Wall of Woe, the Collage of Calamity, and scolds herself because all her plans have been going wrong lately. She sits on the dirty, dirty floor (a sure sign that she's really lost her marbles) and tells herself to buck up and make a flawless plan to get rid of everyone. Well, duh Vero, why didn't try a flawless plan before? Sheesh!

Suarez asks for Delia's help with an out-of-state arrest to nab Jacinto. Delia arranges for them to go to the DF.

In other news, Xochi is only six weeks along and she's already having growing pains. In her boobs. She's probably carrying an embryo in each one. I figure it's got to be pretty crowded in there.

Paty joins the wedding-planning party. I think Chucho and Alma say something about seeing the judge on Monday, so maybe that's their civil ceremony. Or maybe I just hallucinated that. Anyway, Valentina has her visitation with Vero tomorrow, and Paty is looking forward to a conjugal visit with her pigeon. Valentina wants to know what a "conjugal visit" is; she gathers that Paty will be joining Rog on his "trip." When she presses for details, Chucho tells her they should mind their own business. What? In the "two years" since he first met his daughter, I believe this is the very first time he's said that.

Saturday in the Park. Well, the garden. Nine days to go.

Vero comes to pick up Valentina for her visit. Chucho says no no no, you're not taking off with Valentina alone. Vero scoffs but is obligated to tolerate not only Chucho, but Sansón II in her still-for-sale home.

Cantú visits Rogelio and solemnly promises never, ever to leave Rog's side. He's not kidding: he's about to join Rog as an inmate. At least he can look forward to a conjugal visit with Domitila later today. (Does this mean they got married?) He has her name tattooed on his arm.

Chatita comes over to help Alma with the wedding plans. She rattles off a list of things they'll need for the reception. Alma tries to write it all down, but can't keep up. (I'm sure there's no such ready-made checklist on the Internet or anything.) Alma begins to panic.

At Vero's house, Valentina and Sansón II play in the yard. Turns out the dog is psychic, because with a single whiff, Sansón the Second has a vision of Vero burying Cínthia in the garden. He and Valentina find her bracelet.

Chucho keeps getting whiny texts from Alma. She's in a panic about the wedding plans. Vero gets tired of watching Chucho fiddle with his phone and wanders off to another room, where she has a gun in a drawer. She considers doing away with Chucho right now, but Valentina is already coming back into the house with the Cínthia's bracelet. "Oh, I didn't realize I had lost that," Vero says. Heh.

Valentina brags that Daddy and Alma are getting married on Father's Day at the Monterrey Cathedral. The little wheels in Vero's head start a-cranking. Chucho says they have to leave now so he can help Alma with the plans. "I'm sure your wedding will be a barrel of laughs," Vero snorts. Neither she nor Vale complains about this "visitation" in which they spent no time together at all.

Back at prison: Rogelio turns out the lights in preparation for Paty's arrival. The guard sends Domitila in by mistake. The error is sorted out almost immediately, and no further hilarity is wasted, though we do get a look at Domi in lingerie. She is then shown to Cantú's room, and Paty pounces on her pigeon, cawing happily. Outside, the guards puzzle over why they can't get women like that. "Maybe we're just too guapo," one of them posits.

Lazy Sunday. Eight more days.

Delia and Suarez are just getting in to the DF today. What took them so long? They and their team burst into apartment #28. There's nobody home. Jacinto gave them the slip.

Chucho has asked a friend to help out with a venue for the wedding reception. It looks like a park in a big industrial yard. It's plenty big. Vero sends a nastygram with her phone: "Don't think I'll ever let you be happy." Alma is upset to hear that Vero already knows where and when their wedding will be.

Chucho's friend, Marco Garzo (?), can't attend the wedding, but offers to let them use the place for free. Valentina is very curious about his stuttering. (They all try to help him finish his sentences - something I've read that stutterers DON'T like, but Marco doesn't seem to mind.) Alma is still a nervous wreck about all the remaining plans they need to make in such a big hurry.

Manic Monday. Seven days, including today!

At Avon, everyone is wondering why Chucho has called them to a meeting at 8 in the morning. Yes, it's very important Avon business: he and Alma are getting married on Sunday. Everyone chatters excitedly.

Next time:
Vero sends Alma a surprise package. OR DOES SHE?
And what is this song that's been playing in the avances lately?


Thanks for the recap Julie! I missed this episode, by choice. I wanted to avoid seeing an encore of last night's creepy performance by the Quico, the Junior Lounge Lizard.

A couple of questions: If Xochi is only 6 weeks along how do they know she is pregnant with quints? I have seen ultrasounds and they aren't that clear, especially when taken at a very early stage in pregnancy. Xochi had her ultrasound done at what, 2 weeks or something? I know it was really, really early.

Why all of the sudden does Alma have her heart set on getting married in the cathedral? Her wedding to Rogelio wasn't at the cathedral, and her first - interrupted - wedding to Jesus wasn't there either. But now it's the cathedral or nothing? Weird.

Since we only have 6 episodes left isn't it time for loose ends to tie up? Whatever happened to Richardo being in charge of Disqua's church? Will Disqua return to find that Ricardo gambled all their money away? Or will she write saying she's joined an celestial band with the late Ravi Shankar? What about Disqua's fitness business? We've never seen Xochi even make a phone call to check on it, so I guess it's in the hands of the Light Beings?

What about Alejandra? Last time we saw her she had been beaten up by one of her "clients". Why hasn't she been hired by Avon yet? What happened to Saturnino? Will anyone adopt Rai? Like ET, will Elias phone home?

Think I saw Jessica on a Telemundo TN this evening--Santa Diabla.


Julie, Thanks for the late night laughs. I so enjoyed your recap. This was a somewhat better episode since there was actual movement and action. It looks like Vero will elude the police and plague this pitiful plot until the dreary end.

Funny how little Valentina is so much more effective in planning while Alma seems to have lost her executive brain in a taxi. I suppose Jesus will have to plan the wedding and solve the mystery of Veronica's dastardly murders, dig up the bodies and what else can this superman fix?

Julie, thank you for your wonderful recap!

There were 2 funny moments I enjoyed: Chatita's schtick telling Alma everything she needs to do for her wedding and Paty being her pichona self on the conjugal visit.


Thanks Julie. Usually I get somewhat interested in the Ultimates and Gran Final, but I have this nagging feeling this set of episodes will be lame, predictable and as Anon brilliantly pointed out, lots of loose ends left to dangle. Unless they'll just have everyone show up at the wedding and we're suppose to think they all lived happily ever after.

Worst visitation ever. Why does Virus even bother? And of course she's free another day to plan and botch up her revenge at the wedding. And we know Chucho will be the one to save the day, Meh! ( frankly, I would prefer Sanson II to do it. Though at the house, any self-respecting dog would have started digging when the sniff-o-meter kicked in. He lived with Virus too long, afraid to get dirty.)

I also agree with Anon about knowing there are five babies so early. They can't detect the heartbeats that early either....I had twins, I remember the checking and rechecking through those weeks just trying to make sure it was really two, how did they get to five so fast. Stupid monkeys.


I got home early last night and I got to watch this WHOLE EPISODE!!

Isn't that the song for Fernando and Xóchitl? The one that supposedly he sings? I paid no attention, but they have used that one very often before. Cosita Hermosa...

I liked the way Patricia addressed Verónica, calling her ''PERRONICA'', yes, like in female dog! It wouldn't make sense in english (B!tchonica)...

I am confused by some other things too, but I rather talk about them tomorrow, with a cold head...

Great recap Julie!

Much of this episode felt like filler to me, but I think the writers meant it to be a loose ends tie up episode. But the loose ends they tied up (Fer and his dad; Marcela and Rick getting romantic) were not the ones we were interested in. Anon 1:10, you mentioned all the important ones.

I did laugh during the whole Domi-Rogue-Pati conjugal visit scene. It was silly, but it was funny. And this is a comedy , after all. I should be laughing, right?

I think it's very inconsiderate and unprofessional for Alma and Jesus to make their staff come into work early just to tell them they're getting married and to enlist their help. If that's what they wanted, they should have said they all only have to work half the day, then invite them over to their home for a meal and wedding planning (if they want to help them).

And why is Alma all of a sudden in a panic over wedding planning? She has planned two wedings already. Can't she at least go back to the vendors she used for her first wedding with Jesus to see if they can help them with this one?

Yeah, well, Vivi, these are the same two people who expect the staff to also baby-sit their child at work too. I think we're suppose to take it as "one big happy family" instead of the HR nightmare it really is.

I agree on Alma--and this is a woman who has been tasked to be a regional director? Can't organize a simple wedding? Honestly, what they don't do with characters just to create a plot point.


Nanette- Yes, the actress who plays Jessica is one of the main characters in Santa Diabla. It was funny because while the storyline on PEAM was of Oliverio's mother loving her at first sight and Oliverio looking forward to their cafe au lait babies, her character on Santa Diabla was dealing with the hatred/prejudice of her boyfriend's mother, who was horrified at the thought of a black grandchild, and her boyfriend was too weak to stand up to his mother (he ends up marrying a white woman and impregnating her to make his mother happy).

Vivi: makes sense. The scene I saw was a bunch of people getting sick at a restaurant I assume was Jess' and some blond lady smirking as the patrons left the restaurant.

I loved the Perronica moniker for Veronica too, Pablo. It's better than the other names we have come up with but my beautiful Willa, poodle queen is NOT amused...

"Maybe someone should tell him about these recaps." HAHAHAHAHA. So true. We could save everyone a lot of time.


Anon, you raise some interesting questions, most of which I won't contemplate because I can't afford to have my head explode this early in the day.

However, regarding Ricardo being in charge of Disqua's church - he told Mari he handed that off to one of the acolytes shortly after he inherited Aunt Agatha's fortune. As for the fitness business, if it was EVER mentioned again, I must have missed it.

Cheryl: "Alma seems to have lost her executive brain in a taxi" YES, bingo. She doesn't need Chatita's help in making a checklist. She doesn't have to write any of those things down. She just needs to call (or have Paty call) the same people she used before.

Pablo, do you know what that place was where Alma and Chucho are having their reception? It's spacious, but it wouldn't have been my first choice!

I missed "Perronica." I like it. I'm jealous I didn't think of it first.

Vivi, here's hoping that the next thing Alma and Chucho tell their staff is exactly what you said. I would definitely be displeased to be summoned to such a meeting, myself. Anyway, this kind of announcement can be handled much more conveniently in an email. (With a dramatic reading from one of the characters so we don't miss out.)

Oh well. We've got our own jobs to do. We can't spend the whole day chasing Octavio with a pooper-scooper.

The place where Jesma'a wedding will take place is ''LA FUNDIDORA''.
Once a place to process metals like iron and steel, is now a huge touristic center with parks, theater, restaurants and many other things. I don't know how true is it that regular people can use it as a reception or a wedding, but alas, if someone can get married in the Cathedral -with the Archbishop- on the shortest of notices, why not?

Julie: Great recap, as always.

Loved the Rog/Domi mix-up scene and how Pato was "casual" about it.

I hope that the gran final doesn't have one of those villain interrupts the wedding scenarios. I always think that it's a shame that such a happy occasion's main memory is some gun-totin' mama (or dude) wreaking havoc.


Oooh, the Archbishop? Wait, why isn't it the Pope? This is Jesus we're talking about!!

Okay, La Fundidora. Thanks, Pablo. They've got a website and everything. Actually it looks a lot more enticing on the website than it did in the show last night. And you can indeed rent a portion of it for your Special Event, but I'm guessing Chucho and Alma will have ALL of it.

Nanette - good point about Vero ruining the wedding. I'm thinking back to some other finals, though, and I don't think the "real" bodas get interrupted very often. The villain usually is dispensed with beforehand so our pareja has a perfect wedding.

So Vero will probably get arrested on her way to the event, or blow herself up while trying to construct a bomb, or get whacked by Jacinto. Or maybe she will fall down the stairs while running away from Cinthia returned from the garden as a zombie. We can hope.

I liked how incredibly different (and cute) Domitila look without clothes. Wait! Did I say that? I meant, without the maid uniform!

What bring me to the next question: What is she doing with a guy like Cantú???

The song they've been playing for Rog and Paty lately is "No Volveras" by Diego Verdaguer. I like it.

Wikipedia also lists a song by Alejandro Avila (the actor who plays Fernando) called "Gracias a Ti."

Julie, I put this TN on for a bit before LT comes on. I've only been watching a little here and there the last two weeks but your title caught my eye.

"Dad is aquiver with tentative excitement and Parkinson's" and " Vero stabs at the Wall of Woe, the Collage of Calamity" were excellent.

As clever and witty as always.


Julie: that's good to know about the villain being stopped before actually interfering with the wedding. I'm still a newbie, so haven't seen that many TNs. I do remember, I think correctly, that Rosendo interrupted Jose Miguel's and Valentina's wedding in STuD--my second TN. So that was an exception, from what you say. Good.

Actually, now that I think back on it, of the four TNs I've seen, STuD was the only one with a wedding interruption.

Clever as usual, Julie. I, too, liked "Maybe someone should tell him about these recaps." Seriously. I haven't been able to watch for a couple of days and you guys have caught me up. I'm still hoping to find time to watch. I want to see Ury get his. This show is not tightly written, but I'm enjoying it nevertheless. It was the childish cruelty at the beginning that I had trouble with.

Also, Blue Lass, I saw your monkey pictures. Very funny.

Oh yeah. I have a photo I want to share with you guys. Is there a way to do that?

Make it your profile picture, Bill. :)

Julie, excellent as always. I loved your humorous bits, especially the ones Diana mentioned.

Thanks to Cheryl for Monday's, too. I was watched the show, but suddenly found more interesting things to do (playing with phone, looking for snacks) when that insufferable Quico the Lounge Lizard showed up, and I missed a bunch before I remembered that I had been watching.

I am zero interested in Jesus being worshipped or planning his wedding, and the same amount interested in the quintuplets. I want to know about Xochi's dad and Mari's mom, and what happened to Discua, and how Alex is doing, and then I want many long scenes filled with Elias.

Xochi's horror fantasy was doofy. Apparently she thinks she will be carrying two of those babies on her buttocks.

That giant cathedral is going to look pitifully empty with all of Alma and Jesus's only 15 or so friends/underlings/family members there for the wedding. And it's ridiculous that Chucho and Alma's characters and being disregarded for the sake of a not-very-interesting plotline. These two are super competent and specialize in pulling things together on short notice, plus, they have organized weddings and parties before, plus they are rich and can afford to hire whatever help they need. This should be a piece of cake for them.

Thanks, Julie, for another great recap! The only metaphor I can think of for the current assortment of plots we're seeing would be some one in the kitchen running a blender with the lid off. Quite a mess in all directions.

Cake? Did you have to mention CAKE?
They haven't ordered their cake yet!! OH NOES THE WEDDING IS DOOMED!!!!

Interesting observation about the number of guests to expect. Alma used to say her only friends were Paty and Chucho. She has more friends now, but they're all through Avon and Chucho So the guests would be Alma's dad, a bunch of Avon employees, and all of Chucho's peeps. Those probably number in the thousands, though.

I wonder if Jesus will invite any of his old buddies from Chicago. He seems to have forgotten all about them since the moment he left, even his best friend who told him about Val in the first place. Other than that, who would he invite. Delia, of course. Probably not any of those tools from Orion. Maybe that nice lady from the old neighborhood that he abandoned. I can't even think of anyone else who isn't an Avonite.

Why did Chatita put "Chucho's suit" on Alma's to-do list? Chucho has a closetful of appropriate clothes. Surely he can get something out and put it on all by himself, like a big boy. Or if he wants something new, HE can go buy it.

Chucho apparently has lots of friends we never heard of before; the guy we met last night was supposedly an old friend. This prepares us to accept that there are plenty more. Ten thousand people can show up at his wedding and we can't claim they aren't all close personal friends of his. :)

Julia, maybe Chucho's ego now requires a valet to dress him a la Downton Abbey.

Well, the florist and the checked sport coat salesperson are probably both HUGE fans of Chucho's. As well as the craft store owner. He probably supplies most of their business.

Well, I'm betting a few of us would volunteer to get him UN-dressed. Then Remigio(who else?) can be the "only valet in Monterrey" and get him all gussied up for the wedding.

Thank you! Julie for an entertaining recap. It was sooooo much beter tha the actual episode which was ho- hum.
I loved the reference to the Wall of Woe.
I'm surprised that Jesus didn't figure out that Cynthia was buried in the yard once the bracelet was unearthed.
On to the next episode.

EVERYBODY loves Chucho, even the cops and the inmates. The whole city ... que digo city ... the whole state will show up for His Highness' wedding! That's the reason for the wedding being held in the Cathedral.

If they do that thing where the stars of the show get paraded through town in their wedding attire and thousands of people show up to cheer them on, I will not be happy. I hate it when they do that. It takes the viewer out of the world of the show because it's Big TV Stars! hoopla instead of what would actually happen to the characters they are supposed to be.

You set my brain afire, Julia! So here's the deal: Padre Domingo has a pretty small part in all this, really, so let's have Christina come out of retirement and be Mistress of Ceremonies for the boda itself and Don Francisco can run the banquete.

It's like you're trying to make this as annoying to me as possible, Mike. I can't stand Don Francisco.

Jesus is so popular, they will probably get the real pope to do a cameo appearance for the wedding. Probably some real angels and cherubim will show up, too. And the reception will be like the Latin Grammys; every big star will be there performing and they will all coincidentally be besties with Chucho, like that guy he got to show up at his apartment for Nookie Night with Alma and the red bucket on her head, or Val's birthday party entertainment. And then for the wedding night, Alma and Chucho will be magically whisked off to some specially constructed SUPER ROMANTIC honeymoon suite at the south pole, or at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by reefs full of colorful fish, or in a really exotic mountaintop castle in Bhutan. They will travel there by hot air balloon, yet it will take no more than one hour. After they honeymoon, they will travel home in a camel caravan in a fancy gold and silk camel seat thing.

Well, Julia, I won't consider the show complete without Swami Shanti Ananda, formerly known as Walter Mercado, Now THAT would be a spectacle!

I hope the wedding cake looks like a giant red bucket.

Thanks, Julie, for creating this masterpiece. I rely on the recaps since my watching is hit and miss. Maybe I'll be glued to the TV this final week.

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