Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #148, 12/03/13 Promising painter dies in his prime.

His best work, "La dama desnuda", will surely become one of Mexico’s most glorious works of art.

Mad-Genius is at the gallery and notices that his painting is gone. He goes ballistic, starts to scream, goes to the police to announce the robbery. This would be the second stolen painting at the gallery and the police men think that Mad-Genius is completely crazy and that this is all probably just a publicity stunt to gather recognition for some mediocre works of art (heh, no arguments here).

Tav gets back to his hotel, just in time for Doris to call and ask him to have lunch together. Seeing him in his pilotonto outfit and playing his usual "bored out of his mind" game with Doris gives me a huge déjà-vu feeling… Are we back on Isla Dorada, with more than 100 episodes of this mess to endure?
No! (pfiu!) 
After noticing that Tav is being rather distant (but rolling her eyes when she says it – not even Doris can take her love fest for Tav serious anymore), she gives him the latest news: the gallery has been robbed AGAIN.
Tav couldn’t care less, but then Doris mentions La Dama Desnuda, who is none other than his lovely MariCruz. Ay Caray Tav has written all over his face.
He goes to the gallery and sees the two paintings or the ensemble or whatever they are. He’s shocked and heartbroken and whatnot; tears swelling in his eyes, he swears his love for MC dies today! This is so riveting, I can barely contain my yawns.
Playboy and Hustler (especially!) could learn a thing or two from Alfie about what real porn is (no, they really couldn’t!). THIS is what all the escandalo is about? Seriously???
Anyway, Tav must recognize MC’s naked body from that time, ages ago, when they used to actually make love, because he hasn’t gotten ANY from her in the last 130 episodes.
He thinks MC and Alfie made fun of him (granted, that wouldn’t be too hard) and he plans to kill Alfie (but he doesn’t say it out loud, so he might be smarter than MC, after all… which isn’t that much to begin with, but still!).

MC is back to every voyeur’s dream fantasy, her hotel room; she’s upset because she couldn’t find decent work. All that is left is a waitressing job in a shady bar – apparently she couldn’t even find work in a household because of her character (one would think that being on the verge of starvation is enough motivation to suck it up and play nice, but not for our temperamental MC - being groped and humiliated by disgusting drunks is the better solution).
Anyway, now that Tav and Alfie destroyed her life (ugh!), all she can do is fight for her daughter, the only thing that she has left; she even considers leaving the city, putting some space between her and all the troubles.

At Clem’s house, Celia comes to fight some more. Alfie bails on them, so Clem is the one who has to calm down the furious Celia, who's upset because Alfie took advantage of her innocent, pure and chaste daughter. Clem tries to defend Alfie, but Celia won’t hear any of it – Meche and Alfie need to get married fast and Alfie can forget about getting any money from her after the wedding.

While playing with Lupita in a very cute scene, MC is thinking that maybe her daughter will despise her down the line if she goes to work as a waitress, but what other solution does she have?

Alfie is at the police and tells the detective –captain-whatever that he knows nothing about no stolen painting. He thinks the painting might be good, but he has no idea about its value, he doesn’t think the police should waste their time investigating.

The next day Mad-Genius comes to confront Alfie about the painting. At first Alfie denies any involvement, but then Mad-Genius threatens him with a knife.
Alfie slowly spills the beans, says that he sold the painting to a German guy and offers to share the money. That’s not enough for Mad-Genius, he wants his painting back. They start to fight, throw some punches and Alfie ends up stabbed in the heart with the knife.
Mad-Genius runs, but leaves the knife behind.
Just behind him Tav shows up, sees that his long time friend is dead and all he has to say is that the scoundrel had it all deserved. He wants to leave, too, but meets Alfie’s other friend in the hallway – he simply says Alfie is dead, so the guy naturally thinks Tav is the killer.

In the meantime, at her hotel, MC wakes up after her first night of off screen work as a waitress. Lupita is at the kindergarten, which is for the best, since MC doesn’t feel too well. Juanita is worried for her, she thinks MC should give up on that job, but MC is determined to make things work for her daughter. Nobody will ever give her a better job because of that painting, so there is no other choice. Juanita wants to work as a waitress, too, but MC won’t allow her best friend (who still calls her senora) to ruin her reputation like that – Juanita deserves a better life, she should go and find her fortune elsewhere.

Tav is back in his hotel room, when the police come to arrest him for having killed Alfie. Doris is waiting for him to come pick her up, but when she calls his room, the receptionist tells her that Tav has been taken into custody for killing the painter. Ay, no puede ser, Doris is impactada.
Alfie’s parents find out about the murder, too. Clem faints and Francisco and Meche go to find out what happened. Celia comes by and finds Clem still unconscious; with Alfie dead her daughter will never recover her honor (oh, God!). Clem wakes up, cries, screams and I’ve never been less impressed or engaged in a mother crying for her dead son. Who are all these people and why am I wasting my time with them?

MC is still in bed and watching TV, when she sees the news about Alfie’s death and Tav’s guit! She can’t believe her ears, she’s sure Tav killed the guy because of her and the painting; Tav wasn’t as strong as she was upon seeing the nude (gag) and he snapped. Oh, why didn’t she do it first, God, why, oh why? How could she have been so blind, so smug, so harsh with Tav – she should have believed in his love and she should have forgiven him for everything … weahhh.
And then she gets the brilliant idea to say that she was the one who killed him; she’ll surrender, because she has the chance to defend herself, since she had a motive to kill – the painting. She loves Tav and he deserves her help and her appreciation (for ???). Juanita asks the obvious: what will happen with Lupita?
Well, Tav will take care of her, he loves her and together they’ll wait for MC to get out of jail and be together again. Her reasoning is so ridiculous… I have no words…

Tav is at the police, talking with the detective; he insists he’s innocent, but the police has proof (no, they don’t, they are just worse than the usual tn policia). Tav explains that he DID want to kill Alfie, but someone got there before him. And what was he supposed to do after finding the body? He just had to leave. The detective doesn’t believe a word and I wouldn’t either, but not because there is any actual hard evidence against Tav, but because he’s doing such an atrocious job defending himself.
He will remain in custody, so he asks to make a phone call, ask someone to take care of his nephew who is in his care.

Doris is sure Tav is innocent (unlike love of his life, MC – how about that!!). So she calls the Love Guv, asking him for money to help Tav. Her dad thinks she’s crazy and asks her to come back home, because there is so much proof against Tav (the Guv must have some inside information, because the murder just took place).

MC arrives at the police station and tells the detective that SHE is the killer and they need to let Tav go. She then explains how upset she was with Alfie because of the nude painting and they started to struggle; she is a woman, but she is strong and she managed to kill him with a knife (shouldn’t the police keep this type of information hidden from the press?). Also, she’s not sorry for what she’s done, he had it well deserved.

As the papers announce with big, bolded letters that La Dama Desnuda is an ASESINA, the detective tells Tav that the real criminal showed up and confessed. Tav is very happy, he understands why they thought he was guilty, but he’s relieved the true killer surrendered.

Clem, Meche, Francisco, Celia and a bunch of other people mourn for Alfie and the scene is hilariously bad.
At first they find out MC was the true killer and Celia doesn’t waste the opportunity to point out to the grieving mother that she was right about MC’s character. Then Clem whines that Meche is viuda and soltera at the same time, but Meche corrects her – she is only soltera, Alfie never laid a hand on her.
Oh, that sainted boy, Celia acknowledges, he was one of Mexico’s biggest accomplishments (poor Mexico), a glorious man. Clem wants the asesina to rot in jail, pay for what she’s done.

The detective thinks the lady killer was very brave to come forward and confess. But why is he calling her a lady, Tav inquires? Well, because she is the lady from the painting, of course.
Tav almost faints, he simply won’t believe this, she’s innocent, she’s only lying to protect him, because HE is the killer!

MC in jail, Meche visits her
Doris with Tav, she agrees to give him money for MC’s defense if Tav marries her
MC with a lawyer, she doesn’t want to cooperate, he says Tav sent him.


Just marvelous, Adriana! You had me laughing with your wry comments.

I was just watching this with one eye last night as I paid bills and wrote my yearly checks for various charities, but I see I missed none of the absurd developments. It was actually quite entertaining, in a comedy of errors kind of way.

Why can't the cops keep BOTH Tav and MC in jail if they both confess to the murder? Why can't the police assume they did it together? Then Juanita and the two kidlets can go live with Solita and Nilda and company. MC and Tav can have their happy ending in jail-- staring at each other through the bars of their opposing cells, spending the next 30 years yelling at each other that they love/hate each other, and having all kinds of monologues in their heads. THE END! :)

"Her reasoning is so ridiculous I have no words" said it all!
Abandon Lupita for Octavio??????? Until now I thought she was a decent mother . . . now not so much. This plot took a very bad turn last night. Thanks, Adriana, for your insightful recap.


Vivi, again I like your solution to ending this on a high note for the "kidlets"


@Adriana - brilliant recap. This line is a classic:

"This is so riveting, I can barely contain my yawns."

And I agree, MC is now officially a bad mother in my eyes too. May I add that when this was broadcast in Mexico, most women tore a new one on MC in their comments on FB fan pages. What loving mother puts a worthless man ahead of her one and only child? ugh.

@Vivi - I love your proposed alternative ending. It's much more creative than the snore-fest the monkey writers chose to give us instead.

Adriana, this is hilarious. Forgive me for misdirecting my praise for you fabulously funny recap of MPV yesterday... another gem.

I loved this:

"Who are all these people and why am I wasting my time with them?"

But you have to admit that Alfonso's instant beatification was absolutely hilarious.

Well, it's been suggested here before that Maricruz might not be the ideal mother.



Vivi, those cops are beyond ridiculous, even for tn standards.
Love your suggestion - happily ever after in jail. FIN

Jarifa, I thought MC was a decent mother, too, not the best, but good enough as long as crappy CI goes. After tonight, I'm just left speechless.

Latina, I was actually yawning when I wrote that part, that nude portrait is just a joke.

Carlos, Alfie's instant beautification was the best - not even the actors could pull it off in a convincing manner when normally they are brilliant with the nonsense they have to work with.

Thanks, Adriana. Such a senseless defense of Tav on MC' part. Guess we need another episode of "Wild TN Women in Jail."
So does Mechita gain fame for her broken connection with Alfie, the Great Painter? I missed the mourning scene due to actually dozing off.


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Awesome recap and too too on the nose with your comments!! Actually, I thought this episode was fun, just because of all of the action and drama!! Though Alfie was a scoundrel I didn't think he deserved to die, unlike maybe JA. I can't help but wonder if the crazy artist will save MC by confessing or will she end up in jail like what's her name in PEAM and have to suffer...for a couple of days!

Vivi: You are too funny with your alternate ending!

Also, is it possible that Tav could marry and divorce Doris before the end of this series and thus have been married and divorced three times, in what 4 years at most, by the time this ends?


Thank you, Adriana. Those of you who invested yourselves to watch this in real time have the fussing rights to this crazy story but damn! I watched this from the beginning too on Hulu and glad I saw it that way. It seemed promising but this latest development: Juanita needs to take Lupita and get the hell away from MC and Tav: what a couple of total idiots! This Mexico City artista phase seems to be made up each night on the spot: I don't know how they don't just crack up laughing as they move through these stoopid, unbelievable developments. Yeah, I think Vivi's ending is the best. . . .and let's have it by Friday.


Oh Adriana--you made a jewel out of pile of...well you know. I'm sorry, but I can't even think of words to say over this mess. Talk about slapping any old plot together to string out a TN. And they edit and shorten others--for the love of all that is holy, WHY WHY WHY was this one allowed to run it's course in every agonizing detail??

My wish for an alternate ending?? We cue to an added scene from Teresa where Daniel Arenas was so distraught over his mother's death and Teresa's betrayal, drunk himself into a stupor. upon awakening, he realizes this whole TN was a VERY BAD Dream and sees how it showed him the error of his ways, vows never to drink or womanize again, and goes in search of Louisa.

This catastrophe has to be good for something!


First, a thank you Adriana.

A note to all of the CI haters out in Caray Land. You guys must really be happy that not even the gringo has much to say after last night's episode. Mari must really be at a low ebb, a no good job and the man that she deeply loves is on his way to jail. Well she made her decision to take the fall for her beloved Oblivio and she did it without the help of any of Carlos's tequila. Lupita will be safe and cared for. the question now is---will the painter confess?

For a very long time I have heard
and read stories not only on how corrupt the Mexican Police are but also on their inefficiencies.
Fingerprints on the knife anyone?

Caravivlie---You made me laugh yesterday. "These characters go to such extremes with their decision making. I feel like I'm watching a telenovela. Oh wait, I am."
Caravivlie today---A three time looser? Well, he only has one brain cell.

Tonight Maricruz in the slammer. Must see TV.
the gringo

Two classic lines that belong on the sidebar, Adriana:

"This is so riveting I can barely contain my yawns." and

"Who are all these people and why am I wasting my time with them?"

Remember...Learning Spanish! Leaning Spanish! And honing English skills writing the recap. All good.

And very clever and funny too, Adriana. Thanks.

The ability to be clever and funny in another language is an incredible gift. Congratulations m'dear.

I'm with JudyB, I think "I could hardly contain my yawns" deserves to be on the sidebar! I have to recap this mess tonight and I'm not looking forward to it, it has been weeks since I've made myself watch this show and just the thought of having to watch tonight makes me want to cry.

For those, who complaining now. REMEMBER!!! Romero knows, how make things worse even if you think, that it's impossible. No spoiler, but it's true.

Everyone, thank you so much for your appreciation.
I noticed that my best zingers come out when I just let my brain doze off a bit... with CI this comes without the slightest effort.

Eli, every time I know I have a recap coming I brace myself and then I really struggle while writing, too, because nothing ever makes any sense. I seriously think we should all get some kind of prize once CI is over.

Judy, I think I already mentioned to you that I have a Spanish friend, but I can never say more than two straight sentences to him because I just don't speak normal Spanish, just the tn kind... So I either start planning a venganza on him or go all fatal attraction, which is so not my style.
Ay, ay, no puede ser!

Lila, I never really liked CI all that much, when the story was in Isla Dorada I complained A LOT, but now I realize those were the good old days. Go figure!

Daisy, I can go with your idea that it was all a dream... now if we could only wake up already!


now you're frightening me.


Adriana- I think we should all get new beanies at the end of this-I know someone who can make us some!

Adriana...I guess that at least these shows have made me "a very good listener in Spanish." I can murmur 'Que lastima, que pena, no me digas, noooo, cuentame! verdad? no puede ser, otra vez!?, que barbaridad!" while looking deeply sympathetic. Going like that, I can have conversations for hours! And I learned a useful new expression yesterday from my friend while helping her with an onerous official scholastic form...."la carga entre dos es menos pesada". Put all that in your Spanish kit bag and you're good to go!

Judy, you nailed the good listener part! :)) You should make sure they are saying something bad, though...
Be ready for stuff like: "Que maravilloso/ que felicidad tan grande", too, just in case.

Eli, XXXL beanies to go all around!

And let's not forget "Que padre!"

Carlos, oh yes!!! I was watching this novela only to find out how worse from bad it can be. It's perfect example.

JudyB, BARBARIDAD!!! It's the favourite word of my office. I use it so much, that everyone start to use it also. It sounds very funny, when you speak Russian or Ukrainian and then use this word. And no need to use bad words in native language.


@Alegria - so you are Russian or Ukrainian? All this time I thought you were a native Spanish speaker. And yes, I agree with you that Romero knows how to make things WORSE een when it seems impossible to do so. (That's why a couple of weeks ago I said everyone was in for a "bumpy ride" - I should have said boring and ridiculous - in this final Act 4 of C.I.)

There was a photographer who took pictures of masses of naked people, and a few years ago he did one in the zocalo of Mexico City. Apparently these people didn't read about that. If one naked painting in a city full of museums sends them into a tizzy, imagine a bunch of real live naked people! There'd be swooning all over the place. Art Appreciation must not have been part of MC's education. Or anyone else's.



"Fingerprints on the knife anyone?"

Well, yes there's that, but when you have two confessors to a crime do you really need to cloud the issue with a little detail like fingerprints on the knife?


LatinaInMD, I mentioned several times, that I'm from Ukraine. And I'm also simply learning spanish :)))


Gringo: I'm glad I made you laugh. And I admire the way you put up with the rest of us and that we do nothing to damper your enjoyment of the show!

Octavio still has his one brain cell! He didn't pick up the knife!


I think that Maricruz might have been wise to consult with a shot or two of Tequila before rashly confessing to murdering Alfonso. I wonder if horizontal stripes will make her butt look big?


Carlos, great question about prison fashion! That had me laughing. Stripes or an orange jumpsuit???? what will it be???


Carlos---You're bad. I don't want to see Maricruz in stripes.
the gringo

Prisoners in tns are always wearing those dull brown outfits. But I'm more worried about how Tav and MC would maintain their gorgeous hair behind bars.

Vivi, if I am not mistaken, in the preview they showed last night MC's hair looked like it did before her makeover.


Alegria, I had no idea you are from Ukraine. I'm from Romania :)) (living in France, though).
Small world, huh?

Adriana Noel, oh yes, very small. Even in today's episode of CI we will see this.
I liked CI because I could watch it live. With the time difference 4pm novelas are perfect for me. And for learning spanish it is good to watch live without cc. My brain starts to work harder. And I wrote recaps everyday because it helped me to understand more. I can't believe, that 2 years ago I knew only few words in spanish like amor-corazon.

@Alegria - I don't recall seeing your comments before today about you being Ukrainian. Or maybe I did but got infected with Octavio's obliviousness and completely forgot about it. Who knows. Either way, I'm glad to know that at least you are taking one positive thing - your improved Spanish - from your experience watching C.I.

Anyone notice during the conversation with the Doris, the Governor's telephone cord was tangled and then not tangled and then tangled again. Obvious scene cuts without attention to detail.

Vivi in DC...did you see how in City jail MC had long flowing black hair and now in the Women's Jail her hair is back to the "savage" style, shorter and mousey brown

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