Monday, December 02, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #147, Monday, December 2, 2013: La Dama Desnuda!!! Or Where the Heck is Oblivio?!!

Recap By LatinainMD

Note:  Some scenes are combined.

A crowd is gathered in front of Alfie’s new “nude” portrait of Maricruz.  His mad-genius friend comes closer and thought bubbles that it’s the best thing Alfie has ever painted.  That’s not saying much.

It’s another slow news day in Mexico City, so the new portrait is once again front-page news.  Clem reads the news and is shocked….not only at her son’s madness but also at the madness of the critics, who think the portrait has merit…..Alfie’s future mom-in-law Celia calls Clem and informs her of the social nuclear fallout caused by Alfie’s scandalous new portrait.  Naturally, the wedding is off.

Maricruz despairs as she searches in vain for a job in the newspaper’s want ads.  Juanita notes it is yesterday’s newspaper and offers to go buy a new one.  As she leaves, MC thought bubbles that she can’t continue sacrificing Juanita for her sake; it’s time for Juanita to find herself a new job too.

The German art collector visits Alfie and tells him how impressed he is with MC’s new portrait.  He offers to buy it too.  Alfie “doesn’t want to brag” but notes that he painted it in just 24 hours.  However, he is not interested in selling it.

Juanita runs back to their little viewing cage boutique hotel room and shows MC the front page.  Cara disgusted impactada de Maricruz….As Maricruz despairs, Lupita tries to console her mama, but MC prefers to bemoan her fate on her own and leaves the poor child on the bed with arms outstretched and a befuddled look on her face.  (Bad mama.)  “I knew it, Juanita.  I knew that man didn’t have good intentions.  I knew he would hurt me.”  (Then why pose for him, woman?  Geez.)  She declares:  “Alfonso Del Olmo deserves to be murdered.  And I’m going to do it…..He did it out of vengeance.  I swear I’m going to kill him.”  Maricruz asks Juanita to take Lupita to her father and to tell him what she is planning to do.  Juanita begs her to calm down, but impulsive Maricruz ignores her, kisses Lupita goodbye and runs out the door.

Celia informs Mechita of her decision to call off her wedding.  Mechita is not pleased and threatens to commit suicide.  She couldn’t care less if Alfie has his little harem on the side; after all, her daddy did too.  Lovely.

Alfie’s mad genius friend casually waits outside Alfie’s apartment when Maricruz (in salvaje mode) arrives and begins banging on his door.  She screams for him to open up and asks if he is afraid of a woman.  Mad-genius walks up to her and tells her not to insult Alfie, because she won’t accomplish anything that way.  Neighbors just happen to walk by as the crazy woman continues screaming and banging on the door, declaring loud and clear that she doesn’t care if the police show up and that she will kill him with her bare hands.

Lupita has found her voice.  Sweet.  She asks where her mommy is.  Juanita wonders what she should do now – call the police, call Alfie’s mom or call Oblivio himself?  “Someone has to save her.”  (All wrong choices if that’s the goal.)

Clem reprimands Alfie for what he did; sorry mommy, he says, but I couldn’t let Octavio get the best of me.  She informs him Celia broke off his engagement to Mechita.  We get a pretty lame cara impactada from Alfie…..He tells mommy he couldn’t care less.  She calls him a knucklehead for blowing all those millions.

Just to drive the point across in case it wasn’t clear, we get more of Maricruz declaring, several times, that she will kill Alfie.  Then she abruptly leaves and soon after the German art collector arrives.  Mad-genius informs him Alfie is not in….Before leaving, the art collector asks mad-genius to give Alfie a message – he must soon travel back to Germany, so he wants a definite answer about the painting “Liberation”, and he’ll even buy “La Dama Desnuda” too.  He asks that Alfie take “Liberation” to his hotel room so an “expert” can examine it.  (Why, are they afraid it’s a “forgery”?  Waaahhhh.  So ridiculous.)

Maricruz stomps through Mexico City streets in a mad rage, still declaring out loud that she “must kill him”.  Then she suddenly stops in her tracks and wonders why she has to kill him; after all, she has to be honest with herself, whose fault was all this?  Who caused her to have to place herself at Clem’s service?  None other than Octavio Narvaez himself.  (Seriously?!  I’m not defending Oblivio, but as I recall, she blew her daddy’s fortune all by herself, leaving her no choice but
to get that job.)

As she rides a cab home, Maricruz does a 180 (what else is new?) and thought bubbles that she shouldn’t be so upset.  After all, it will show Oblivio that she is now prettier than ever.  “I should feel proud…..I am envied and admired by the women of Mexico.  Why should I sully my hands with blood when it was another man’s fault?  How can I not think of my daughter?  I’m so dumb.”  She returns to her hotel and informs Juanita she didn’t find Alfie; Juanita is relieved.  Maricruz tells her not to worry.  “From now on I will be the nude woman in the painting…..I will let my destiny guide me.”  In other words, no more good intentions.  “That’s when everything goes wrong for me.  I’m getting with the times…..Now that my value has risen, I will try to impress men.”  Here we go again…..Maricruz is so despondent she is resigned to having to work “attending to clients.”  She will be whatever she has to be, she says.  Juanita begs her not to do anything degrading, but Maricruz believes there’s nothing more degrading that what already happened to her.  (Oh, yes there is.)

Doris returns to the gallery to witness the nude painting for herself.  She thought bubbles that Oblivio will have to “surrender to the evidence” that MC is a slut.  She is filled with glee at the thought that this will definitely put him in her hands.  (Oddly, though, she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from the portrait.  Strange.)

Alfie finally returns to the studio.  He asks mad-genius if he has seen “La Dama Desnuda” yet.  Oh yes, he says, and that lady was here looking for you to kill you…..Alfie is quite amused as mad-genius describes how he tried to dissuade Maricruz from killing him.  The mood changes quickly when mad-genius informs him that the German art collector was there too.

Mechita shows up at Clem’s house with a suitcase, runs to her, embraces her and cries like a little girl, telling her she ran away from home because her mom hit her…..Mechita later informs Clem that the reason for the slap is that she told her mama that she “had to” marry Alfie, because of “what he did to her.” Cara impactada de Clem…..Mechita swears she will not leave Clem’s house until she marries Alfie.  Then she starts acting like a little girl again, begging her to save her.  To top it off, we get several more scenes, including scenes of Celia trying to find out where Mechita ran off to, as if it weren’t obvious.  (Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.)

Well, this was overdue – NOT.  As she holds her child, Maricruz has sepia flashbacks of her life of deprivation and assures Lupita that she will not permit her to suffer the hunger she had to suffer.  (Should have thought of that before you blew that huge fortune on others.)  Juanita encourages her to go out and clear her mind.  It suddenly occurs to Maricruz that she can go visit “someone” whose “sole presence” livens up her day, besides her own daughter.

Mad-genius is now getting really mad, demanding to know why Alfie was planning to sell his painting Liberation.  He doesn’t buy Alfie’s lies that he told the collector he can’t sell it because it’s not his painting…..Sadly, mad-genius buys into Alfie’s lies, even thanking him for his help before leaving.  As soon as he is out the door, Alfie calls the German art collector…..Alfie thought bubbles that he can’t wait to close the deal with the collector:  “If the wedding pans out great.  If not, I’ll still go on a honeymoon WITH MYSELF.”  What a leech…..The collector ups the ante by raising his offer for “Liberacion” and a few other paintings.  Alfie promises to bring “Liberacion” to him shortly.

Doris arrives at her hotel room, and plops herself on her bed, while she gloats that Oblivio will never forgive Maricruz once he finds out about the painting.

Maricruz and Lupita pay a visit to Solita and her huge baby bump…..Turns out neither the parrot nor her mom are around, but somehow Solita managed to hear the doorbell and greeted them at the door.  She signs that No-Name is asleep.  Maricruz asks if she is happy; she nods yes and asks if Maricruz is happy too; Maricruz pretends she is happy and quickly changes the subject to the parrot; Solita gestures to Lupita, asking with her hands what’s up with Oblivio.  Maricruz refuses to speak about herself.  She tells Solita she is there to find out about her, how she is doing, if they treat her well.  (Better than YOU treated her, for sure.)  She asks Solita if she is going to school, and if she misses her.  Yes on both counts.  Maricruz assures her that she misses her very much too.  They give each other a tender embrace.  (Now, after months and months?  Now we get sisterly affection?  Ugh.)

Alfie delivers “Liberacion” to the German art collector, who is ecstatic and ready to sign the check.  (Oddly, all the paintings on the hotel room walls look WAY better than the “masterpiece”, IMHO.)

Meanwhile, Clem is declaring to Mechita that she NOW believes that her son is a libertine.  (Just now, Clem?  SMH.)  Mechita says yes, “a libertine…and the best,” wink, wink.  Clem does us a favor and tells her to shut up.  Then she tells her he “abused of her”.  Oh no, she says, I did my part too.  (Snort.)

Alfie greets his mama and asks what she hid from him when they spoke on the phone.  He wants to know who is supposed to be there.  “The girlfriend you kidnapped and seduced, you scoundrel.”  She demands that he “face up” to his responsibilities and marry Mechita immediately.

Looks like Maricruz managed to soak up some of Solita’s positive mojo.  She looks happier and more relaxed now that she is back at her hotel, chatting with Juanita about her visit with her sister, who is happy and finally receiving from her own mother all that she didn’t get in the past.  (Maricruz earns brownie points for personally feeding Lupita some yummy fruit while she chats with Juanita.)  Juanita asks if she still plans to go searching for a new job, any kind of job.  “Tomorrow a new life begins for me,” says Maricruz.  We get a quick succession of scenes showing Maricruz the next day getting rejected at one job place after another. 

Previews:  Suffice it to say, the anvil is coming down on someone who had it coming BIG TIME.  And guess who takes the blame for it?  Yup.  Univision left nothing to the imagination.  It showed EVERYTHING in the previews worth seeing from the next episode.  Yawn.


Great job LatinainMD! I haven't watched the episode yet, but I loved your retelling of the events. I did see the previews though, as I tuned in for the 8pm show, and I know what you mean. They basically showed the whole episode. Why, MC? Why?! Let the bastard suffer!

Looking forward to seeing Solita and her baby bump. So, Solita is close enough for MC to go visit within one afternoon? Remind me again why MC hasn't reached out to her sister in all this time, or why she doesn't go to Nilda if she is so desperate for work and shelter for her, her child, and the nanny? Uhm...I know where Juanita can get a new job. I hear there's a rich lady with a deaf daughter, and two grandkids, and a monkey to take care of...

Thank you for the recap, Latina.
I haven't seen the previews, so I guess I have something to look forward to for my recap today (not really, I'm just trying to think positive thoughts).
So, MC decides that she has to kill Alvie because he painted her in the nude? But she only wanted a regular venganza against the people who cause her abuelo's death?
How long before MC ends up in prison after half of Mexico heard her scream her murderous wishes all over the city??

Thanks, Latina, for the great recap and commentary. Mechita is more manipulative than I had thought. Interesting. In real contemporary life, who would care about a nude painting? I have to remind myself we are in telenovelalandia. Looks like Maricruz is going to have a hard 14 episodes to her happy ending.


Vivi, I loved your job possibility for Juanita.


Oh - I got a different impression from how MC gets into trouble from the previews. You know - yet another extreme wildly emotional self-sacrifice for our long-suffering heroine.

Thanks LatinaInMD!

I thought MC said something like - since everyone thought she was a "loose" woman anyway, she might as well accept it and look for "that kind of work". I assumed she was going to go look for a job as a stripper or something. Of course - that may have been just a temporary idea as usual.

So all those interviewers had read the paper and seen the painting and therefore didn't want to hire her?

Hmmm - so Mechita and Al really already "did it". I thought all they shared was a kiss. I loved seeing her manipulate Clem though - LOL!

This is hilarious, Latina. You absolutely captured the nonsense of this episode and... in fact... that of this entire novela.

I cracked up last night when Maricruz had that sudden moment of clarity:

"...after all, she has to be honest with herself, whose fault was all this?"

Well of course:

Octavio Narváez!"

If anyone still has any doubt how crazy and self-centered this lady is... well...


Latina---I must say thank you for the recap even though I disagree with much of what you said. Oh my,
did I say that? Just about everyone on this blog should be novela writers. I'm sure that with as much criticism that is dished out, you guys would all be A1 writers.

Jarifa---A BIG disagreement. I will TONE DOWN what I was going to say. No, not all women would "LOVE" to have a nude portrait of themselves out on display. Which leads me to a question-----

Latina, you might have an answer.
CI gave us a perfect scenario.
A painter wants to do a nude portrait, the "LADY" says no. So the painter paints one anyway. Is there any way under the law that
a woman can protect her dignity or honor in such a case? Yesterday
Carlos pointed out that if it went to court, the woman might have to disrobe to prove that the painting wasn't her. But---then the painter could just say that he did a poor job with the painting. Latina, how could a situation such as this be resolved
or would this be a case for Gloria Allred? There must be a way for a women to protect her herself in a civilized society.

Bad choice---Maricruz with public threats of murder.

I "WILL" be watching tonight and I can assure the Caray crowd that I won't be yawning. Sorry to disappoint.
the gringo


Funny, the one time my dvr shuts down before the previews and something big is shown!LOL

Thanks for the recap. At first I was like "where is Tav" but then remembered he was supposed to be going back to the ranch to see his kid.

Audrey: I thought the same thing, that MC was going to go out and look for a male escort job or some sort. But wouldn't that be grounds for Tav to get custody of Lupita?

Ok - so this was the first night I could watch at least part of this TN in over a week...oh, the horror!! Latina, this was majestic and you hit the nail on the head with your descriptions of some of these "people".

And I did get to see Solita, and yes, I wanted to throttle MC for suddenly being all caring and yes, I almost threw something at the TV during this scene. She's been nearby all this time and this is the first we see her? Breathe.....

And wonderful mother that goes into tirades about killing people right in front of her impressionable daughter. Just, NO!

Why do we even need that creepy woman/child Mechita in this anyway?

Tonight might be a night to tune in just to see someone get there's..but knowing we will also be getting a lot of bemoaning to the camera from She Who Will Not Be Named...don't think I'll panic if I don't get home from work in time.


@gringo - sorry, I'm not a litigator; I do strictly transactional work; so yes, your question about legal recourse is more appropriate for Gloria Allred. Also, if I may repeat what I've said before, I'm sure you will recall that during the entire first half of C.I. I was one of it's biggest fans, and esp. of MC/MariAle. I could handle all the plot nonsense and all the bad editing. But they lost me when they completely destroyed the essense of MC's character in the second half. She is nothing but a shell of her former self. Remember, I watched the first two versions. Even in La Venganza, where she did go on to lose her whole fortune (which didn't happen in Marimar), she was still likeable. She is not likeable anymore to me - not because of the self-centeredness pointed out by others, but because the monkey writers made her downright stupid. She was uneducated before, but not stupid. She is beyond idiotic now.

Thanks Latina. Sounds like this was painful to watch and even more painful to recap. I cherish the hard work of all you recappers. Generally it's more fun than this. What a shame. But you all are hanging in there. Muchas gracias.


Thanks Latina for the recap.

I spent last night yelling at MC ("No, Maricruz! No!") and laughing at Clem and Mechita (both of them are ridiculous).

So, Solita is being well cared for, has a nice home and is going to school. Yet, she still has pig tails!! It's petty but I am so irked about that! Where is her make over?

I am looking forward to the end of Alfie. I like the actor but he is playing the character so well that I totally am ready for Alfie to bite the dust.


Great recap!

I don't think they can make MC as stupid as Oblivo no mater how hard they try.

How many women would Oblivio have to marry if MC went to work in a strip club? Can see the local headline now: pilot goes berserk in jealous rage...weds 17 women. Doris swoons!

These two: MC and Oblivio just can't end up together. They cannot function as a married couple.

Murder??? I can understand that a lot of women would not want their nude portrait hanging up in public
"contemporary life" or not. Public threats of murder? Bad choice Maricruz. When our favorite
scumbag Alfie ends up dead, Mari,
you'll be suspect #1. And in Mexico, you are guilty until you can be proven innocent. Dark clouds ahead?

Solita---I guessed wrong. Maybe there is no miracle cure for her out there. I really thought that there would be a or maybe two miracle operations by now. I was hoping.
the gringo

It's amazing. A whole episode without a protagonist. I almost forget how lead couple look like together. Now i'm sure, that for Romero and natalie it wasn't a story about love or about a lead couple. They were needed only at the beginning of the story to attract the audience. natalie and Romero used this novela to show almost all free stars and new actors from Televisa. It's their story and not the story of MC and Octavio.
I feel, that I was deceived. I was charmed by the story of the wild girl and her pilot and more then 40 episodes I was watching on crazy Simona, Miguel and JA, then on Alfonso and his world. What next? I was promised, that it's a nice love story. Aga.
Sorry, but now I feel even more badly about all this then 2 months ago. So sad, so sad.

I thought that at the last interview that they showed, the guy seemed interested not in hiring Maricruz but maybe in getting to know her better at another level.

I imagine that Octavio will be arrested for Al's demise, Maricruz will believe that he did it, and offer herself in his place. One or the other will be convicted and spend a bit of time in the slammer. I wonder if they have those hi-lo outfits in Mexican prisons? Spike heels? If it's Maricruz, let's hope for her sake that the outfits aren't horizontal stripes.


thanks, Latina, for that excellent recap of "Tales from Another Planet."

my favorite line in the whole show was, "a libertine....and the best." I say , if you are going to be a libertine..Be the best. At least, Alfie excels at something. he is the biggest sleeze in town.

Great recap, Latina.
I consider myself a here and there Sunday artist painting whatnots. In my bathroom hung a copy of the famous "Olympia" nude painting of Edouard Manet, impressionist, and the original is in Musee the Orsay, Paris, France which I was very fortunate to have seen. So is the "La Maja Desnuda" by Francisco Goya which is on display in Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain. So, I hope that MC gets famous via this way if Alfonso sells the painting to that middleman (is it Von Klaus?)
In other words, there is nothing wrong having nude paintings or artists that paint nude models. Why the big fuss over it?
Oh, by the way there is a nude pregnant painting by Gustav klimt "Hope" which reminded me of the furor that Demi Moore created when she first posed nude with her big belly as a cover for a magazine.
You're right Jarifa, we need to "brace yourself; looks like we're in for a bumpy ride".


LatinaInMD, thanks for your excellent recap. Shaking my head at MC' efforts to manage her latest fiasco.
I'm ready for someone to make Alfonso go away--permanently. I don't want to cheat Mechita out of her wedding, though. She made me laugh with her newfound ability to manipulate her family and fiance. She could make Alfe tow the line as long as she had control of the money.
It was nice to see Solita and know her life is going well. Don't understand why MC doesn't just pay a visit there for a while. Nilda could probably help MC find a job and Lupita and Juanita would have a safe place to stay.

Carviville - I heard MC say to Juanita last night that she was going to "send Lupita to her father", so I think she's already thinking of giving up custody.

I started a new novela last night.
Por Siempre Mi Amor. The story is
[mostly] centered around rich, well off, upper class people in Mexico. As I was watching I started to laugh my head off thinking about the picky people who make up the list of members of CI's Complainers Club. The ones that point out every little flaw. During the new show last night, one of the rich households
was having a party. A photographer was there taking pictures of the happy celebration.
When the photographer left, someone met him outside and demanded the film from the camera.
Rich people in Mexico still using film in their cameras?
Susanlynn---Cathyx, were they on planet Bizarro?
the gringo


Gringo- Actually, the events that happened in Siempre last night are happening some years in the past. We are going to get a time jump soon when all the kids become adults. I'm sure by then everyone, even professional photogs, wil be using digital cameras. I am confident Siempre will not break my tn beanie like CI did.

Audrey: Wow, she must be feeling desperate to give Lupita to Tav, knowing Doris will be there too. These characters go to such extremes with their decision making I feel like I'm watching a telenovela. Oh wait, I am!

Alegria, the point for me when this show lost its charm was with the death of Lucia. She was the true focal point of Maricruz's vengeance and after her death that just seemed to fizzle and sputter out. Miguel, José Antonio, and Simona... none were energetic enough to warrant much in the way of vengeful attention.

There also were no worthy suitors lined up either. The closest to any chemistry was with the Ex-mir Karim. Although I was rooting for the Luv Guv, he never stood a chance. And did anyone ever take Al seriously?

The most interesting thing these days is that odd hotel room. I say that this show died with Lucia.


I don't think that whole brouhaha about the nude painting is about "a" nude painting. All the "escandalo" is because THIS particular artist, who everyone in the industry knows is NOT very good, has a reputation (which he loves and encourages) of sleeping with all his models, especially the ones he paints in the nude. Meche's mother knew about his rep, she just doesn't like the fact that with the theft of "The Dama" by the "jealous ex-husband" and the retaliation of Alf with the Dama Desnuda, the whole media circus has just caused HER family to be put on (vulgar) display. Alfonso's mother at first thought the same thing, but quickly tried to figure out how to get some advantage from it with her other rich friends by kissing up to them and telling them that they are more enlightened than old-fashioned what's-her-name (Meche's mother).

Carlos, yes, you are right. I never will understand why Romero copypasted twice this part even if he knew, that it wasn't planed. This part of the story even wasn't written by original author - Ines Rodena. The success of the show - actors. A can't understand how they could play sooo good with such a baaaad screenplay.

Ok, let add some positive. Fotos.
Mujer desnuda
Mujer con ropa :)))
This foto stood in Simona's and Octavio's bedroom. Fernando Moreno Guijarro? :)))))

I have seen the actress who pays Mechita's mother somewhere. Does anyone know what other novelas she gaze been in ?

I know I have been less than active, but again I want to thank the recappers for keeping up with this.

Alegria-I, too am very sad at what this has become. And I'm only keeping up with recaps.

Carlos-My interest died with Lucia as well.


Sorry...she has been in ?

Me too Carlos - after the death of Lucia it lost it for me. And I notice that coincided with the end of the remake and an extension with mainly new material/plot.

Carlos, you're right about Lucia, she was the only true villain, after they killed her they had to increase the badness level in otherwise bland characters.
Miguel was no saint but he was less than happy when he found out what Lucia had done to MC, so much that he distanced himself from her even if they had a happy marriage.
JA and Simona were both good, too, espcially JA, who had the thankless role of playing the good guy in love with the heroine who will never love him back.

When they tried to spin the story, change those characters so much, it obviously felt wrong for us. Add the fact that all the Isla Dorada characters just vanished and MC became an idiot who lost all her father's money in a few months and there you have it - a somewhat tolerable tn turned into a hot mess.

I want to correct my name, Vifa2 should have been Vida2. Hahaha.

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