Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó #21-12/18/13: Lots of Lying Liars Lying A Lot! or, as we used to say in Kentucky, "YOU A LIE, GIRL!"

A fews scenes have been combined to avoid some back and forth

Lo refrito:  Nada tonight 

Morning, Chez Padre Anselmo:  Ale has come for a visit with his wise and loving man-of-the-cloth friend.  Padre wants to know if Ale finally talked to Montse as he'd promised and if now the marriage situation is a little better for Ale and Montse.  Ale says they did finally talk, and he attempted to clear up some things, but it didn't help much because she's still cold, distant, and currently the only woman in Mexico (and definitely in Viewerville) who has no desire to sleep with him.  He disgusts her.  Father Anselmo in this scene proves that he is worthy of his own Dr. Phil-style talk show on Univison as he dispenses smart but honest love to Ale:  he (with kindness) tells Ale to grow up some and get over himself.  What does he (Ale) expect after all?  Given all the horrible things that have happened, does Ale expect Montse will welcome him with open arms just because of one decent, long over-due conversation?  What happened wasn't my fault, Ale protests--Father A. reminds him it wasn't Montse's fault, either.  Ale has got to be more patient with her.  If she still believes Ale is terrible, then he's got to summon sufficient intelligence to know it's his responsibility to show her with his actions that she's wrong about him. Ale says he's been thinking about it and has an idea of something to do to help things along.  Padre A. says he's confident things will work themselves out.  Have faith in God who won't abandon you.  

Padre A then switches the subject and asks about Rosario.  Ale says she's fine and that basically she's the only person Montse will talk to in the house.  This makes Father A happy--Ale has no idea how much--but Father A. wants to know if Ale talks to Rosario, too.   He says a little and that he asked her where she'd been the last 20 + years and that she only said it was in a place she'd rather forget.  Father A then tells Ale that Rosario was in prison.  Ale is impactado and wants to know why.  Father A assures him it that Rosario was wrongly accused and when Ale wants to know more Father A tells him to ask Rosario himself--to encourage Rosario to open her heart to him.  Ale again wants to know why, why, but Father A. takes his confessional vow of silence seriously and will only HINT BROADLY but not actually spill the frijoles. Ale looks curious, and, smart guy that he is, you think he'd figure it out, but I suppose this shoe won't be dropping for a good 20-30 epis or so, if that.   

Mansion de Josie:     An unsuspecting Josefina is talking to Dimmie Dimitrio about what is going to be the fake wedding he is planning for them.   He fake laments the fact that it will have to be in secret, but she claims there is no other way.  She wants to know if he still really wants to marry her in spite of his family's objections, and he says "Más que nada en este mundo!"  ("More than nothing in this world!" I love the way this can be translated!)  He says their wedding will be discreet, intimate, but pretty, and they'll go to an exclusive hotel for their honeymoon.  Getting excited, she throws herself at Dimmie clearly ready to start the fun now, but he manages to avoid having to follow through on the nookie by saying they have to wait since he's a gentleman and respects her.  Josie gives a bit of an eye-roll at this since she doesn't seem to care much about being respected, but basically agrees and backs off.  Dimmie then uses the breather to say once again that he hates bringing it up but the wedding is going to cost--but she pre-empts him since she already knows his favorite topic:  MONEY.  No worries, she says, all I have is yours.  She wants to let him in on a little secret and takes him to another room that looks like the study.  To add to the surprise, she's covered his eyes with her hands which she takes away to reveal a safe.  She quickly does the combo, telling him he'll have to remember it in case he ever needs it again and to take what he needs.  Sure enough, it's filled with dinero.  To his credit, Dimmie seems a little touched and dumbfounded at Josie's confidence in him.  Could it be that he's having some pangs of conscience?  She takes advantage of his gratitude to pucker up and plant a wet beso on him.  Turned on by the sight of all the money in the safe behind her, he is even able to reciprocate a bit and kind of sort of kisses her back.

Hacienda de Alejandro:  Fresh from his talk with the good padre, Ale exchanges some civil good mornings with Montse and asks if she wants to go into Agua Azul with him.  She turns him down to his surprise since he thought she would want to visit her family.  She says her father invited them to visit at the weekend and she'll wait.  Ale says he thought the family would come to visit them at the hacienda, but mindful that they will recognize the decidedly undead José-Luís, who is inconveniently lurking just behind Ale, she says no her mother doesn't like the countryside like she already told him.  They can just visit the fam in town.  J-L/Antonio to Ale then comes forward to speak with Ale who asks J-L/A if he knows his (Ale's) wife Montse.  And how--J-L as Antonio hopes she feels better.  In the study, Ale gives J-L some work to go over and also some advance wages to helped him pay to replace the things he had robbed on the way to the hacienda and excuses himself to head for Agua Azul.   Back in the living room, Ale is asking Montse again if she wants to go with him and she says no again, but just then Maria pops in and asks if SHE can accompany Ale to Agua Azul.  He says sure why not, leaving Montse obviously put out as she watches them head off together--so much so that she seems not to care that J-L is calling for her, urging her to come since they now have a free moment to talk together because Ale has left with his friend (as J-L calls her).  We get the sense that Montserrat is surprised to find herself bummed about Maria heading off with Ale, and is starting to wonder if she (Montse) might not prefer to go with Ale herself ather than stay to talk to hang-dog-looking J-L, the man she still claims is the love of her life.

Anyhoo, she and J-L share some private time in the hallway area.  She tells him to lower his voice since she doesn't want to have to explain why she's talking to him.  Once again, he asks her to leave with him and once again she turns him down.  She tells him that she wants him to leave forever,  but he keeps say no way, he's not going anywhere without her.  He keeps asking what's up and why won't she go--he'll take her away where no one can ever find them.  She is crying and says she's been thinking and then says what seems to be bothering her most:  that J-L's got to be prepared for the possibility that she might be expecting a baby of Ale's.  (Is this just a fear or is she possibly really pregnant already?)  J-L takes this in and in a very sweet and well-done moment from the actor that made me start liking him and the character he plays, says that's not important to him.  He would take the child and raise it as his own.  There is more crying and wondering why she won't leave with him when suddenly Rosario appears in the hallway and sees them both.  At this, Montse breaks away and runs off.  Rosario stares soft daggers at The Sweaty One.  

Ale's Other Casa in Agua Azul--a.k.a the object of my house envy in this TN:  Ale and Maria arrive and greet Victor.  What a surprise. Didn't know they were coming.  Maria yatters on about how she wants to take a walk on the beach with a significant and unrequited look to Ale hoping he'll catch up with her later and leaves to go outside.  Jealous, Victor immediately wants to know what's going on between Ale and Maria.  Ale says nothing which is true from his point of view, but Victor reminds him that Ale knows how Maria feels about his and wonders what he's playing at, taking consolation in her company.  Ale tells him to watch what he says; Victor counters with watch what you do.  They are both upset and puffing at each other, but clearly don't want things to come to a head just then so they back off and Victor asks Ale what he thinks of the new ranch foreman he hired (whom Victor does not know was killed by Juvie and his crew and is currently being impersonated by the Sweaty-One)  Ale says all is GREAT with that.  They then begin talking about the death of J-L which Victor has been investigating for Ale.  The car exploded but no body was found which really bothers Ale and makes him think J-L might just resurface again, even as Victor insists that the guy must be good and dead.  

Victor does have some information for Ale about it all which he hands to Ale in a sealed envelope--"I present to you José-Luís Álvarez."  The man who tried to steal your woman. Affected Ale asks to be alone to get acquainted with the image of his rival.  For some reason, the police sketch has been ripped up (did I miss something earlier? Did crazy Pedro tear it into near-perfect pieces?) forcing Ale to call forth some long under-utilized pre-school skills and carefully fit the FOUR pieces together--I think it was supposed to add to the drama since we were maybe expecting to see the well-lubricated face of José-Luís.  Luckily for J-L, the drawing was dictated to the police sketch artist by one of those women in the DOVE soap commercials (actually by Nadia trying to throw evil Pedro off J-L's trail) and looks nothing like J-L.  But even this bad pencil sketch of his wife's former lover enrages Ale, who says it would better for J-L if he were dead as he (Ale) will do no end of damage to him (J-L) if he isn't and tries get near Montse and run away with her again.  For good measure, he channels some voodoo energy and BURNS the drawing.  Victor re-enters and wonders why Ale burned it.  Ale says it was better and that he won't forget the face anyway.  Victor then gives him more of the low down about how J-L is a no good and still wanted by the police for the murder of Bruno Gamboa and other crimes.  Something in this sets Ale's brain a-turning a-new and gives him some suspicions, and he quickly says he's got to go and talk to his in-laws about something.   Good feeling restored between them, Ale thanks Victor who says he's always there for whatever Ale needs.

Meanwhile back at Hacienda de Alejandro:  Once more J-L is roaming the Hacienda looking for Montse and once again Rosario catches him.  She asks him if he wants something to which he says no, and she looks suspicious.  He goes out and Montse enters immediately, asking if the capataz, or ranch foreman, was just there.  Rosario says yes, but Montse doesn't seem interested and instead asks about who is in charge of the house?  Maria, of course.  Has it always been that way?  Montse asks.  Rosario doesn't know since she arrived only after the newly arrived Montse herself.  Montse then says that from now on she's going to be in charge.  Rosario says they need to ask Ale since he asked Maria to do it.  Montse doesn't really care about that and says that no one else is going to give orders in her house.  Rosario is happy to see her take charge and offers up an encouraging, "Sí, patrona!"  Montse exits, full of new energy for the house and commenting for the first time about how ugly the wall color is.  

While this scene was happening, DIM and Adolfo were in a café in Agua Azul, laughing about how stupid Josie is to fall for their plan--I guess DIM didn't have a slight flash of scruples in that last scene with her, after all.  DIM tells Alfie about the wads of dollars in the safe.  The discuss more about their plans for DIM's fake wedding with Josefina.  Adolfo wants DIM to convince Josie to sell everything, telling her its so they can live together in peace someplace far away.  Then DIM and Adolfo will take everything and fly off to Brazil.  They also argue about how to divide her money.   Dim DIM thinks he should get the most since he's taking one for the team and having to do the marrying and maybe even having to sleep with her.  But he agrees to go split it in half in the end since it was Adolfo's connection that made all the evil possible.  

Hacienda Mendoza:  Graciela is all ¡Qué Sorpresa¡  greeting Ale who has arrived suddenly at the house.  Where is my daughter?  she asks.  Didn't come.  Where is the Admiral? he asks.  Isn't home.  What a pity.  Ale says he'd like to invite them to visit him and Montse at the hacienda, and Gracie immediately gets prickly, asking what he's playing at.  He knows she can't come since everyone knows Gracie is the former lover of Benjamin Almonte.  Those niceties over, he moves on to the delicate point for which he's come:  Montse thinks that he Ale was involved in the death of Bruno Gamboa to which Gracie immediately chimes in that this seems fair, considering Bruno had been robbing from Ale.  Ale gets really angry says he didn't do and then she notes that she believes him, of course, and it doesn't matter since José-Luís was accused of the crime.  He tells her that Montse is convinced J-L was innocent.  What are you getting at?  Gracie eventually wants to know.  The truth, he says and then lets her know there is something fishy about the death of Bruno Gamboa that reeks of her loser of a son, DIM.  It seems strange that Bruno turned up dead just as Gracie and DIM were desperate to get back the deeds of the house.  He knows they had something to do with it, and he wants her to tell Montse the truth, so that Montse no longer thinks he Ale, is the killer.  He asks how can he win Montse's love when she thinks he's a monster?  Gracie tells him she's not doing anything to help, that it's HIS problem.  He says he can't let things stay as they are ad she's going to tell Montse the TRUTH whatever it is, otherwise he (Ale) will have a sad obligation ahead of him:  he will be forced to have to tell Admiral Mendoza that his devoted wife, Gracie, was actually the lover of Benjamin Almonte for many years.  Think about it carefully, he advises her, giving her a really great final "I-got-your-tacky-nalgas lady" SMIRK as he leaves.  Great job, Ale!

Ale Gives the Smirk to Gracie Good!

Maria by the Pool of My…er, Ale's Town House in Agua Azul:  Victor approaches Maria who immediately wants to know where Ale is.  With his in-laws, he answers and then tries to get her devote a single brain cell to something other than Alejandro and tells her he is happy to see her. Did she miss him?  She informs him she's angry with him for not telling her about Ale's marriage and not doing anything to stop it.  How says he tried but how could he stop Ale if he wanted to do something stupid.  She says that he should have called her so she could stop it.  He changes the subject, How is your Dad?  Dead, she says--Poor Victor, he just can't find a safe topic.  Victor says he's really sorry--he didn't know.  Ale didn't tell him--one more indication that Ale almost never thinks of Maria at all.  (I'd actually forgotten her father's death, too, since Maria seems to have gotten over it pretty quickly in her pursuit of Ale).  Maria says it was awful the way her father died suddenly and then Ale turned up with his fancy new wife.   Victor tells her he imagines Maria must be suffering and suggests she come to live in Agua Azul with him.  She can work in the factory.  He'll teach her.  And leave Ale alone with his wife?  delusional Maria asks.  NEVER.  Seemingly now as exasperated with her single-mindedness as Viewerville has long been, he finally tells her Te Quiero--the little "I love you" which is less than a full-on Te Amo but still a confession of true feeling, hoping she'll finally see the light.  She responds first with an "I know" and then with an "I don't."  and stalks off.  Victor watches, looking hurt and defeated and maybe even fed-up.

Later same day, Hallway/Living Room Hacienda de Alejandro:  Back from their road trip to Aqua Azul, Maria is chipper after being with Alejandro and asks if they can go on outing tomorrow, too, and have a picnic, but he blows her off.  Montse is reading in a chair (glad to see her finally doing something other than lounging around, crying, and staring out windows!) unseen by both of them and listens as Ale again starts in on his favorite subject WHO HELPED MONTSE ESCAPE?  Since she was the one, Maria has no interest in talking about this and tells him to forget about it already, but he can't and won't, and she keeps on saying nothing until finally Montse reveals herself and gets a chance for revenge at Maria saying, Why don't you answer him, Maria?  Why don't you tell him that you were the one?  You arranged it all--saddled the horse, told me about the shack by the river where a man would be waiting for me with a fast car to Aqua Azul. 

Ale wants to know if Montse is telling the truth, but Maria's not admitting anything.  She starts crying and turns it back on Montse, proclaiming some Spanish language version of what we used to say when I was growing up in Kentucky:  YOU A LIE, GIRL!   Maria goes on to explain to Ale that Montse is lying because she (Montse) hates her (Maria).  Montse gets all mad that Maria is addressing her with "tu" and normally this might seem snobby, but I was thrilled to see Montse pull rank here.  She tells Maria that they are not equals, that Maria is only a servant in the house and should treat Montse with respect.  Maria says it's because you hate me, but Montse says no it's because you try to act like the lady of the house and you're not.  It seems that Montse is winning this girl fight because lying liar that Maria is, she tries the begging Ale angle again, swearing on her father's grave that she wasn't the helper.  She is crying and pleading with Ale to believe her, but Ale's only says Calm down and leave us and then in Neanderthal-style to Montse--"You, come with me."  and power walks towards the study.  Montse is peeved, as she should be, but follows him.

Study de Estupidez, Hacienda de Alejandro:  Alone together, Ale wants to know why Montse said what she said about Maria.  She retorts, "Because it's the truth."    Ale stupidly, annoying, and stubbornly wants to believe in Maria's innocence in spite of Montse's revelation and asks what Montse has against Maria.  She says basically everything.  Maria is always hanging around and bothering her.  But she insists that she doesn't hate Maria she only doesn't like her and that also that she (Montse) doesn't enjoy the suffering of others.  Are you sure, he asks.  You tricked me and lied to me about many things, he points out.  Tell me why I should believe you now.  Montse says with quiet humility that this is correct, obviously feeling guilty about the past.  He says, So then it's not the truth that Maria helped you?  She says why should I answer if you won't believe me anyway and walks out angrily since he is being both stupid and awful in this scene.

Kitchen de Rencor, Hacienda de Alejandro.  Maria and Juvie are indulging in a combo hate-fest/pity-party for Maria and swigging some shots from his handy hip flask.  No surprise, Maria is going on about how much she hates Montse and how Ale can't trust Montse like he trusts Maria.  Are you sure?  Juvie prods.  He points out that Ale seems really crazy in love with Montse and how if Maria isn't careful she could get sent away.  What can we do, Tio, she asks.  He wonder her how her attempts to get to Ale are working, but she says Ale isn't responding.  He points out that a pretty girl like Maria should be able to think of something to get even closer.  They keep drinking, and there is more creepy, suggestive talk to Maria in her downer state.

Next day, Retreat de Razón de Padre Anselmo:  Rosario has come to visit the Padre with something that is no doubt incredibly delicious to eat--I couldn't catch what it was but Rosario says she helped Dominga prepare it in the big house for him.  He asks if she's going to eat with him, and she says yes because Ale and Montse left together.  Padre notes that she looks worried, and Rosario admits that she is worried about  Ale and Montse's marriage and wants to do more for them but can't as a servant in the house.  He points out that Rosario could do more if she would just tell them both already that she is Ale's real mother.  Needless to say she says no YET AGAIN but she does want to give Padre a taste of the medicine he usually dishes to Ale and tells Padre that he needs to talk to Montse.  Rosario urges the Padre to approach Montse, to counsel her.  She's a good person who has suffered a lot.  He says he asked Montse to visit him, but she hasn't yet.  Again, Rosario urges the Padre to go to Montse again, and he finally says okay because he wants to finish this conversation and EAT.  

At the same time, back in Hacienda de Alejandro, we get two different scenes with different sets of characters but on the same theme:  Both Maria and J-L are bumming because Ale and Montse had the nerve to go out somewhere together.  Juvie (with Maria in front of the house) and Refugio (with J-L in the ranch manager's cottage) listen and offer advice.  Juvie uses the occasion to prod Maria to more and crazier attempts of seduction of Ale.  Refugio basically tells J-L to calm down and what does he expect?  Ale and Montse are married after all and probably just went to visit her family.  This calms J-L down momentarily, but then he's off again saying he's going to look for them because he can't stand the thought of Montse being with a man she doesn't love and there is more manly arguing about this situation and subsequent manly comforting--I agree with NovelaMaven that it's time these two wake up and acknowledge their real feelings.  At one moment, J-L pulled Refugio's face close to his, and it looked like they were about to go all Brokeback Mountain with each other!

Dark but romantic shot of our boys

Same day, Hacienda Mendoza:  Gracie and Lauro are waiting in the living room of their house for the visit of Montse and Ale.  We haven't seem much of Lauro lately, but it seems the biggest thing about him as a character is still his bum heart because Gracie reminds him to be careful and not get too excited, as he clearly eager to see his daughter .  He tells her his heart is better than ever with his daughter on the way.  Tia Carlotta comes in to tell them all is in order with the food she has arranged for the homecoming.  Lauro wants to know where DIM is and Gracie insists that he's not there because he's working. Right. Lauro is sort of impressed but suspicious. The bell finally rings and in come Montse and Ale, the former overjoyed and overcome to see her Papa.  Hugs and kisses.  Tia is happy, too.  At this point, Gracie has to remind Montse to greet her dear mother, and Montse finally gives Gracie a cold, hard peck on the cheek and a non-heart-felt hello.  Seemingly not bothered much by the lack of affection, Gracie comments that it's great to see Montse look so happy and pretty.  Ale greets all and shakes hands with the Admiral.  Tia says she hopes they came hungry because she's got a great lunch waiting.  Vamos to the dining room!

Ale hangs back to remind Gracie of their conversation the day before.  Has she thought about what he said?  Is she ready to tell Montse the truth?   Gracie says that yes, of course, she's thought about everything he said very carefully and…. She's not saying NADA!!!!  Ale is pretty surprised that she's being so stubborn and crazy.  Does she really want him to have to tell the Admiral the truth about her and her long affair with Ale's father?  She seems to have something up her sleeve for the next episode because she shocks the hell out of him and says, Sure, go right on in there now and tell him.


Avances:  Tired of skulking downstairs, José-Luís bursts in through Montse's bedroom window while at nearly the same moment Alejandro walks in through the bedroom door.  J-L says he wants to explain what's going on between him and Montse.  She looks not thrilled about this.  



Dear Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Amigas/Amigos!

Thanks for reading! I know it's a long one yet again. Even so, please let me know if I missed anything important. My goal for next time is to try to figure out a way to condense things more.

Today is my last full teaching day before the end of the semester, so I may not be able to get back to your comments until later in the PM, but I look forward to reading them all.

Julia R.

Julia R:

Fabulously, detailed recap! So love all the detail and the phrase "You a lie, girl! It's almost like one of my Texisms ; )

I missed most of this last night and only got to see the last fifteen minutes of the show.

Ale does need to grow up. He can't be blaming Monse all the time and he needs to start winning her over. I can't stand the fact he thinks she lied to him about Maria. He needs to see through Maria and her lies, but I'm afraid it will be awhile for that. I hope Maria is never successful in seducing him.

That vibe with Juvie and Maria is all kinds of pervy. How she doesn't see that I'll never know.

I am really liking Ana Bertha Espin as Rosario. I've only seen this actress do really bad women. I am really liking Rosario, she is the voice of reason. I hope The Padre and Rosario do a tag team effort to reconcile Ale and Monse and also Rosario herself to Ale.

I'll have to look for the epi online to see when Monse accused Maria of helping her escape and also the scene of Monse taking control of the house.

I don't like the avances, which is going to stir up all kinds of crap. Poor Monse, she can't win for losing.

Julia R:

You'll get the hang of condensing. It took me awhile but I finally learned how to do it. No worries I always enjoy every word of your recaps : )

Julia R, I am so with you on that delectable beach house. It's the bomb. I thoroughly enjoyed your recap starting with the title. I can just hear you saying "You a lie, girl!" Thank you for the superbly detailed recap.

I loved your place descriptors, especially Kitchen de Rencor and Retreat de Razón. You nailed them.

How fun that Gracie is getting some push-back from her yerno. She's really trying to maintain power in her relationship with Ale, but he's a pretty good opponent.

Once again the scenes with Dim and Fina are the high points.

My favorite line of the night: "Rosario stares soft daggers at The Sweaty One." Brilliant!

(P.S. Regarding JL and Refugio, did you mean Brokeback Mountain?)

Thank you for your recap, Julia! I haven't read your work before, you are awesome! Excellent sense of snark, you REALLY fit in well here! :D

I'm becoming increasingly hooked on this show, even though I am fairly familiar with Amor Real and know there will be ups and downs in the future. I dread the downs, and hope that some of them will be re-written a bit. ;)

Sebastian Rulli is really interesting in this. I've seen him do Professor Hottie (Teresa) and Guzmancito aka the Little Ape (Amores Verdaderos) and in both of those he was a kind, gentle hottie. In this one he is far more flawed, quicker to anger, bossy . . . this is a new Sebastian Rulli! I'm deciding that he's doing a good job, though. But it's taking a while to get used to him playing this type of part.

I'm watching ahead online (just a few episodes ahead) and it's great to help my listening skills. I think they're moving the plot along at a pretty fast clip.

I agree, Madelaine, I really am loving Ana Bertha Espin in this. She's a darn fine actress and Rosario is a wonderful character. You go, Rosario!

Thanks for the recap. Don't worry about the length. I love to read all the details, just in case I missed something.

I loved all your titles, especially: "Study de Estupidez", "Kitchen de Rencor" & "Retreat de Razon de Padre Anselmo."

Good talk between Ale and the Padre. At least the Padre is trying to give Ale some sound advice about how to make things better between him and Montse. Hopefully Ale listens to the Padre's advice and tries to be more patient, and demonstrate his love for Montse.

I loved the way Fina was all over Dimibrow (even though he deserves no affection from her or any other woman). But they play so well off each other that it is entertaining to watch. But I can't believe she showed him the combination to the safe. NO!!!!!!Will the wedding (fake or not) still happen?

Wow, was Montse jealous of Maria going to town with Ale or what. ITA with you Julia that Montse seemed more concerned about Maria and Ale leaving together and talking with JL.

Way to go Victor. Thanks for telling Ale to watch out for Maria. He DOES need to set limits with her and draw the line somewhere.

Finally, Montse took her place at the hacienda as 'la senora' and put ShutUpMaria in her place. You go girl! And Maria still had the nerve to swear by her father that she did not lie. She will suffer the consequences. I was hoping Ale would totally believe Montse, but BOTH of them have lied so much it's hard to trust one another.

CREEPY scene with Maria and Juvie drinking in the kitchen. At least the fruit was spared.

Back to sleep...hasta pronto!

Hi Everyone--An early AM thanks to you all for reading last night.

Cap'n' Sylvia: Thanks so much--I did mean BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN! My brain was pretty tired last night when I wrote that! Will fix this in the recap now.

Loved the recap, Julia

"the only woman with no desire to sleep with Ale" - haha, indeed, all Viewerville is more than willing.

Dimmy was hilarious when he was trying to feign passion with Finita; she was rolling her eyes because he was saying that if he starts making out with her, he won't be able to stop himself... Perfect delivery of the line, these two are very fun to watch.

Montse definitely wanted to go with Ale in Agua Azul, especially after Maria said she'd go. Forget about great love of her life lurking in the office, too.
Right now I think she just despises Maria very much and is annoyed with her being so intrusive, but her resentiment is definitely turning to jealousy.

Ale, listen to Victor, put Maria in her place!!!

Rosario, the Defender of the Lady's Honour, is one of my favorite characters; the fact that Montse has always treated her so nice and they're even beginning to bond is a testament to her good natured character.
The scene where Montse noticed the ugly walls was very cute, imagine what she could turn the ranch into : pink throw pillows, fluffy rugs... and I'm sure Ale would allow it all just to see her happy and interested in his life.
There is not much that a man can refuse a woman he's very infatuated with.

Refu & JL - the Brokeback Rancho Edition - Do it already, guys, I'm rooting for you like crazy! :))

I think Graceless was pretty smart calling Ale's bluff about the possible reveal of her sexcapades. I don't see him capable of doing this, since he knows it would hurt Montse's dad very much.

Elvira, I'm hooked, too and I did see Amor Real back in the day.
I try to stay away from the online watching, because I can never stop at just one episode/ day. I always end up watching at least 3 and then I have to wait patiently for Viewerville to watch the shows, too.
But with the change in programming I think Mexico and USA will be on the same level, which will make it far easier to watch.


Julia R, well Cold Mountain was a good movie too and there are some definite comparisons with this telenovela, just not the best buds thing.

AuntyAnn, ITA totally gross scene where Uncle Creepy tries to get his niece drunk. Alberto Estrella keeps knocking it out of the park night after night. His character is an interesting equivalent to Damiana, the scheming woman in Amor Real.

I'm glad Monse is finally standing up to Maria, up to and including pulling the status card. Normally I shudder at that sort of thing, but Maria is an extreme opportunist and Monse needs to use every tool in her bag to get Maria to back off. (And Maria uses her new-found "status" all the time.) Of course, Monse doesn't know that Maria is bonkers and already tried to have her killed. Fun times ahead.

Exceptional Julia. This was detailed and full of interesting observations and a joy to read.

"currently the only woman in Mexico (and definitely in Viewerville) who has no desire to sleep with him", "but Father A. takes his confessional vow of silence seriously and will only HINT BROADLY but not actually spill the frijoles", "Rosario stares soft daggers at The Sweaty One", "giving her a really great final "I-got-your-tacky-nalgas lady" SMIRK" and finally "tries to get her devote a single brain cell to something other than Alejandro". Marvelous all.

Julia, I thought Dimwattage was having a moment of consciousness when he saw Josie trusts him in revealing her secret stash. I am sticking with this thought. While the sight of all the money may have momentarily made him revert to his grasping, greedy personna, I think a seed of rejuvination has been planted. We shall see.

Could Maria have been any icier in her dismissal of Victor? But, let's face it. Dude, you were dissed and dismissed. Time to look elsewhere.

Speaking of dismissiveness, I was cheering Monse at her obvious disdain for Graciela. Mother dearest indeed.

Julia, I also thought JL (the actor) did a marvelous job in his reaction to the news Monse may be pregnant. It was a gallant moment. Perhaps Ale will take notes.

Elvira, ITA that Rulli is great here. But, I have to comment that the acting is superb all the way around. I thought AB and SR were great in Teresa but this is exceeding their acting and chemistry here.

Adriana Noel, Rosario is my hero here. She and the good Padre are the two who may well put Ale and Monse back together again.

Julia, this was an exceptional read. Thank you!


I also liked JL in this episode, when he said he would raise Ale's baby as if it were his own. I agree, gallant is a good word for it. The guy is a dope but he's got a heart. When he's not an accessory to murder or burying unfortunate victims in the countryside.

Thank you Julia for this absolutely delightful and detailed recap! Great episode, too.

Ah Fina, poor Fina to have fallen into the trap of these two bastards. I hope she not only has a jaw dropping makeover for her fake wedding but that she finds out soon what these skunks are up to and loosens her fury on them. It's worse to be duped and robbed than scorned!

Loved this for JL: "well-lubricated face". I wonder if this thing for JL was a teen rebellion-inspired thing with Montse. When does this guy not sweat, whine, breath shallowly, and cast furtive glances as he scurries away from one threat or the other? What the hell did she see in that!

This is also great! "I-got-your-tacky-nalgas lady". Ale's out of his league with this chick, love to hear what others think about why she so boldly called his bluff. Among other things I think she knows blackmailing and back-stabbing is not Ale's true character. She's not worried he'll go and essentially kill Lauro with this information.

Another great line: "Poor Victor, he just can't find a safe topic." Victor, Victor, Victor can't you see Maria is not worth your time? Glad he warned Ale about seeking consolation in Maria but this was out of jealously not because he sees what a rank skank she is. She's stalking Ale (with his aid) and then falsely swore on her father's grave that she didn't help Montse! I'm beginning to think even if she knew Juve killed her dad he could assuage her anger with a few caresses and a swig of his backwash-filled liquor!

Great recap and by the way we in Arkansas also say "You a Lie!" and I've heard "Youze a Lie!" Very funny and very refreshing to see some down home colloquialisms!



Julia thanks for your detailed recap. As Mads said you get the hang of condensing them but I know I'm not the only one who love it when recappers give use rich descriptions. And while I'm with you on SR, not that down with Ale.

While the Josie/Dim scenes are fun, like AuntyAnn, I cringed about the safe. I hope those two louses don't fleece her out of all of her money.

Sylvia - yes Alberto Estrella has been fantastic. You would never think he was a good guy in "Pasion." Just like Ana Bertha Espin as Rosario is a revelation here (as Mads and Elvira mentioned). Though she may have played ok characters, my most vivid memories of her are her recent baddies. And you are so funny with your "fun times ahead" and the list of JL's blunders ;)

Adriana - Graceless is nothing if not shrewd. Calling Ale on is threat was smart b/c if he takes Padre's advise he won't want to make the Admiral upset and then Monse.

Diana - you said it about Victor, amiga. In tn logic, he may never look at Tia Lottie but I think they would be good for one another, kind of a tn version of Jane and Bingley with their sweet temperaments.

Awesome recap Julia! I loved the details, your style and particularly the subtitles like "Study de Estupidez" awesome LOL!

Shout out to Elvira - long time no see!

Excellent recap, Julia! I loved the title too. :)

This was a great episode. Loved Monse calling Maria out. Shame on Ale, who has heard nothing but insults about Monse out of Maria's mouth, for believing Monse is the liar.

Although it was rude, I laughed when Maria said I know, when Victor told her he loves her. Time to move on, dude.

I also think that Graceless thinks Ale is too kind to tell Lauro the truth about her dirty affair. Did anyone else ever think that it should have given Ale pause when he found out who Monse's mama is? Knowing that Graceless was his father's long-term mistress, he should have thought that he and Monse could possibly be siblings. Ick!

"he should have thought that he and Monse could possibly be siblings. Ick!" GAH!!!!

Julia R., thanks for the great recap. "Not going to spill the frijoles" had me laughing.

Loved when Montse ignored her mother and had to be reminded to greet her. Good episode. Looks like Montse is starting to figure it all out and getting her ducks in a row.


Vivi - I'm so glad you brought up Monse and Ale's possible sibling connection b/c I remember that thought crossed my mine when we first saw Graceless. It's an extreme EWW moment like Juvie's continued interactions w/his niece.

Great work!

The issue of whether Benjamin could be Monserrat's sperm donor would have probably made Graceless' hair stand on end. If there were any chance of that wouldn't she have insisted on a DNA test to prove it in order for Monserrat to inherit? I wonder how much she really cares about scandal or whether that is just the stick she uses to beat her children with.

We don't know how many years ago she first got involved with Benjamin. She could also be like Julia Augusta in I, Claudius who made sure that she only became pregnant by her husband, Marcus Agrippa. She was said to have "never taken a passenger unless the hold was full." Graceless could have been scrupulous about birth control; it would have been available to her.

As to the story's official perv, I first saw Alberto Estrella as the nasty prison guard in Amor Gitano. He does knock evil out of the park. I am also surprised that Maria doesn't recognize his pervy tendencies. As far as we've seen she has never seen him almost rape Dominga, which would be the best clue.

I thought about the sibling connection, too - it's kind of hard not to in tn land.
But not even Graceless can be that evil, so I guess we can be at ease with that.
Dim, on the other hand... he doesn't look very much like the Admiral, character wise, so who knows if he doesn't turn out to be Ale's half-bro?


Sylvia: "...The guy is a dope but he's got a heart. When he's not an accessory to murder or burying unfortunate victims in the countryside" still has me chuckling!


Oh, I'm sure Graceless is sure Monse and Ale are not related. But how does Ale know that. He doesn't know all of Ben's biz-- he didn't even know the guy was his father. All he knows is that he and Graceless were boinking for a long time, that she is a greedy, heartless shrew, and that she cares little for her own daughter. The thought should have crossed his mind that either of her kids might not be her husband's and that they might be Ben's (or someone else's). He should have at least asked Graceless the question when they first starting bargaining over Monse.

A gripping, funny, excellent recap Julia!
I'm so pleased to see Rosario showing the warm motherly character she only faked in her previous evil or annoying roles.
And speaking of cold mothers, do we know the back story on Graceless and Benjamin? How the affair started, how long, etc.
Looking forward to Montse taking over as lady-of-the-manor and showing Maria who's boss.

Hey All--Thanks for more thoughtful and funny comments!

Had a few minutes before my next class and experimented with adding a few screenshots towards the bottom--a first for me.

I think I'm now officially obsessed with recapping.

What a beautifully written recap! Thank you so much.

Rulli is rocking this. He continues to mature as an actor. I'm sure he will go down in TN history as one of the "big" ones. I am so happy for him!

Maria and Juvie are almost sickening to watch. I am sure they will be upping the ante very soon.


What a fabulous recap, Julia! In no way was it too long--you struck the perfect balance of detail!

Loved: "forcing Ale to call forth some long under-utilized pre-school skills ". That whole paragraph was hysterical!

And I also loved your explanation of "te quiero" and "te amo"! I love trying to figure out the nuance of the Spanish language and the way you explained that was really helpful.

What was Ale expecting Graceless to do? Tell Monsy that Dims a killer and they framed an innocent man? I, too, love Ale playing hardball but I think it was naive to expect his MIL to cave so easily.

Thanks Julia!

Thanks Julia, I just love this novella. I think that Monse has decided to sacrifice her life and her love to protect JL and her father from Ale. When she wailed that it was her fault that JL died (after Ale told her he was dead); when she decided that Alej had ordered JL's death, and when she told JL that only God knows how much she loves him, I think when she saw that JL still lived, she decided to stay in the marriage to protect the ones she loved, especially JL. That perhaps is the reason she's giving JL every reason to leave her, including a possible pregnancy. That being said, I guess since she has decided to stay, she's also going to claim her rightful place from Maria, hence her more assertive attitude. The only glitch seems to be that JL will not go quietly into the night with his wing man.
I love Dim and Fina together, the acting is so amusing. I think JL is made deliberately unlikeable, so that the viewers will not prefer him to Alej, (shades of Rogelio in LQNPA, who we all loved in spite of his whipping traits).


Yola that makes a lot of sense about Montse trying to protect JL and her whole family from the eeevil Ale. And yep, they're doing such a good job making JL unlikeable I hadn't seen that angle. Not an AR veteran but seems during this sacrificial act of protecting her loved ones she's going to discover Ale is not the devil (with the help of Rosario and padre Anselmo) and discover what real love is with Ale. Before that happens though sounds like they're going to whip us around a bit!


Yola, you're on the money here. Monserrat will do what it takes to protect her family, especially her father.

Speculation, not spoiler: All bets will be off if he dies. Monserrat knows what a conniving bitch her mother is and what a lazy sot her brother is. If things don't go right between her and Alejandro soon and her father dies, it would be completely logical for her to run off with Jose Luis and leave her worthless brother and their nasty mother to Alejandro's small mercies.

Unless she first finds out about the dead bodies.

As for whether she's already pregnant, that often happens in novelas from a first time.

Well, technically, it wasn't her first time-- just her first time with Ale.


I saw your comment from yesterday about the ratings. You are right, there are some nights that UNI is #1. It was just #4 over all for the week. I think Mentir is actually very good. Tight writing, no silliness, and am not surprised by the numbers. It's people's comments on other forums, and you know which ones I mean, that totally diss the TNS. It's rather annoying. When Amor Bravio was on, it also had decent numbers. I think viewership may be down slightly because of the holidays, not a lot of people watch TV at this time of year. I think this new schedule may work out okay once "Pobres/Ricos" starts. And come to think of it LT also had decent numbers. UNI should never have cut that TN to ribbons. It was actually very good.

Julia Rold:

This is just a marvelous recap. You write so well. It is a joy to have you on the recapping team.

Thank you very much for detailing the whole show. There will be plenty of filler shows in the bogged-down middle of the show. That is when you can really practice condensing. At this time, though, the plot is being set up, and, as I am sure you know, the action is pretty dense in the first 30++ episodes of a long TN. None of us want to miss a key plot point. I think you did the story and Caray Caray proud.

There were many things to love in both the episode and the recap. I adore Ale's house on the beach, for example. Grin. I do not know if the house is actually in Campecehe, but WOW! It is a stunner. Perhaps we could share? Hee hee hee.

Your description of Father Alselmo's talks with Alejandro and Rosario were my favorite parts of the recap.

This section was a favorite of mine:

'Ale again wants to know why, why, but Father A. takes his confessional vow of silence seriously and will only HINT BROADLY but not actually spill the frijoles. Ale looks curious, and, smart guy that he is, you think he'd figure it out, but I suppose this shoe won't be dropping for a good 20-30 epis or so, if that.'

Father Anselmo and Rosario are my favorite characters in the TN so far. Those two old pros have great chemistry.

Thanks again, Julia Rold, for a great job on the recap. I am delighted that you are enjoying our addictive little pastime.

Elna June


Julia R.--I admire your talent. The recap was stupendous and I haven't even seen the episode yet. As a fellow recapper, I know how hard it is to try to condense. Every little snippet of conversation seems important. Yet the details provide us with a wonderful mental picture. Those who haven't tried recapping have no idea that it takes as long to write a detailed recap as to try to interpret the action in a condensed version. My Emilia-made beanie's off to you.

I'm still a few episodes behind in reading and catching up. The Dimisms have Diminished somewhat.

As for the Me Robo Country Store (a most unfortunate name for an on-line shop)--here's my answer to EJ, Susanlynn and the Cap'n (from back in episode #15):

They said--

So far we have Crema de Agua Azul and Balaclavas and several of those off-shoulder cotton tops that Maria wears. Anita? Yes, definitely Maria's tops automatically droop suggestively every time she gets near Alejandro.

Hee, Juventino's Tiny Penknife. Anita, do you think they would sell? Maybe We carry two types—-One with a top, one without. You must specify before shipping and for health reasons cannot be returned for any reason.

Thank you, all you recappers and commenters. ITA with you on the personalities of the characters. You are fleshing them out beautifully as to motive and drive. It's also a nod to the writers not to have made these folks unbelievably stupid. Unfortunately, it's early in the game.


Thank you so much, Julia R, for this splendid recap. I loved it all but am particularly taken with your description of María and Victor's time together ("And leave Ale alone with his wife? delusional Maria asks. NEVER")

My favorite scene in the episode was the ssssssinuous, incesssssssstuous, insssssidious, inssssssinuating uncle-niece exchange of spit and hooch (by the end of it, María is swigging from his flask and Juventino is sipping from her mug).
[I have to say these two walked away with the Best Couple of the Night Award this time around.]

Did anyone else notice that last night JL also had a bandana wrapped around his wrist?

MN what does bandana on the wrist mean?



In Abismo de pasión, there was a lecherous villain who wore what seemed to be the same filthy handkerchief wrapped on his wrist and hand for the entire run of the series. (It was a place to look besides between his bare chest and his very low slung tight jeans.)

Seeing the same look on The Navy Boys elicits a reflex "eeeewwww" in some of us who labored together in the Passion Pits.

JuliaR: I, for one, like the detailed recaps since my Spanish is practically non-existent.

Few comments before reading everyone else's:

I’m loving the scenes between Dim and Fina.

Good for Vic pointing out that Maria has a thing for Ale and he’s just encouraging her.

Loved Mons claiming her lady of the house rights. Cute end of that scene from the “si, patrona” on.

I’m liking a Vic/Lottie hook-up. However, I’m also thinking Vic for Mons--since the two men who profess to love her make her utterly miserable!!!!!!

Another erotic scene between JL and Ref. They’re the sexiest couple in this TN.


Julia R, love the screenshots. Great job catching The Smirk!

Seeing the same look on The Navy Boys elicits a reflex...well...something(maybe not "ewwwwwww") those of us watching Abismo who thought Gabino was really hawt.

Our plain-spoken Cynderella used to refer to the vista of his low slung jeans as "the treasure trail" as I recall.

But...I digress. Excellent recap Julia. I hadn't seen this when I read it, but you gave every vital detail and it was much appreciated. As was your style of writing.

My soul sister Diana mentioned every quote I found delightful--you'll just have to get used to it. We're the Bobbsey Twins of favorite quotes.

Love the way Graciela is being played. She is one tough opponent. And while I wince at the Dim/Fina manipulations, I'm going to relax and hope for that inevitable karmageddon that Dim surely will receive! Surely!!!!

Wow. And you even managed screen shots during a break between classes. I did those for a while, and broke out in a cold sweat every time. So I admire all the more those who can do them...and do them quickly. "Chapeau!"

JuliaR...Thank you. I loved your detailed recap. I fell asleep; woke up; and fell back to sleep during this episode. It has been a little hectic around here. Do not apologize for the length. I loved every word, and I appreciated all the details.

I have always had a thing about houses ever since I was a little girl playing house. I especially appreciated your description of " ...Ale's house.,". Teehee. I have house envy , too.

in Amor real, Sixto (Viktor here) was not pining over the housekeeper at this point. Also, Manuel's townhouse was not near the sea, so there were no walks on the beach. However, I was amused to see that Ale's hacienda office furniture was arranged exactly like the furniture in Manuel's hacienda office. I thought that was an interesting nod to the earlier novela. Many important scenes in AR were in that office.

Anita...I do not expect the tiny penknives to be big sellers.

The scenes between Maria and Pervy Mcperverson are always quirky and weird. The greasy guy maneuvering that flask and finally Maria guzzling from the flask while Perv delicately sips from the mug was brilliant...swapping spit...the deal is in crime. What a tea party.

In Amor Real, Josefina shows the brother her huge coffer (originally I wrote chest, but felt that term could be misconstrued!!!) filled with gold coins and offers him the key which I believe that she wore on a chain around her neck.

I wonder if the hacienda is so dark so that Monymony can do a makeover and transform it into Barbie's Pink Palace. Matilde also stood up to the housekeeper and tried to take over as lady of the house. Sylvia, Damian, the nana, was a trip. Thanks for supplying her name. I had forgotten it. I believe that we eventually found out that before or after her stint as Antonia's babysitter, she must have been a madam in a bordella. She was always advising Antonia on ways to seduce Manuel. Those two were quite an awesome pair.

Julia – Terrific recap. My favorite snark: "the police sketch has been ripped up ... forcing Ale to call forth some long under-utilized pre-school skills and carefully fit the FOUR pieces together...For good measure, he channels some voodoo energy and BURNS the drawing."

I've got my fingers-crossed that Fina is not this dumb and has something up her sleeve.

ITA it was a sweet moment when JL said he'd raise the possible Ale baby as his own. But Montse's seen her true love several times now and not offered him a handkerchief, or even her blouse, to wipe his sweaty face. So while she thinks she’s staying with Ale to protect JL, she actually seems to have moved out of love with him.

Count me in with the praise for Graceless calling Ale's bluff. She thinks Ale is too good to do this and so do I. Ale just can't bring that level of menace; I wasn't feeling it. Even if he did tell Lauro, Graceless would be pleased about her husband's subsequent heart attack and add her own spicy details to finish off the poor man.

Susanlynn, the offices have a similar arrangement? How interesting.

The Damiana character in AR was very memorable to me. She was shrewd and sinister and I also have that recollection about her murky past. She didn't do Antonia any favors, just like Juvie isn't a big help to Maria. They both feed the fire of obsession, not a good thing.

If Monse's bedroom is any indication then the hacienda will likely have decor that includes wall hangings with wood-burned sayings about finding one's true heart's desire or some such similar drek.

Thanks NM! Hmmm. I'm gonna make good use of my hulu+ and check out some of these past novelas. the caps and comments will be very helpful. Haven't seen AR on h+ is it like so good they'd rather sell chopped up DVD versions of it?

Niecie in MD this cracks me up and I hope it's true: "But Montse's seen her true love several times now and not offered him a handkerchief, or even her blouse, to wipe his sweaty face. So while she thinks she’s staying with Ale to protect JL, she actually seems to have moved out of love with him."



Please check your email.

Niecie...I loved your phrase "moved out of love for him.,". I want to remember that one.

Sylvia...the hacienda office made a big impression on me for some reason. Manuel met with many people ( Sixto, Alfonso, Matilde, Antonia, Damiana, padre ) there, and some interesting scenes unfolded there. There was a large amoire just at the door. The desk was a large table that faced into the room with chairs opposite it.

During one of the first episodes, I noticed that in Monserrat's home the office seemed to have the same bank of glassdoored cabinets behind the desk as were in Manuel's townhouse office. There were also some important scenes in that office.

it is interesting that the character of Silvano has been eliminated in this version. He was an important character in Amor Real.

Lila..if you goggle Amor real on YouTube, you can see many if not all episodes. The period costumes and buildings were beautiful. There was a special about the making of Amor Real that might also be on YouTube.

Julia- I loved your recap! You are good! I love that montse is not a push over, and am really looking forward to her verbal beatings of Maria!

Hmmm...interesting. I just looked for AR online and found a good synopsis of the plot. In describing the controversial noche de boda , it states that afterwards Matilde was not sure if she liked it or not ! An explanation was also given for the title that made a lot of sense to me.

Thanks Susanlynn, will do. I skip comments when you guys talk about it to maintain some element of surprise. Is there an archived thread for AR on Caray?


If I were a character on this I would take Josefina to a beauty parlor, then a boutique, and tell her "Dimitrio? Girlfriend, you gotta dump his greedy ass!" She's naive, but she's too damned good for him.

Susanlynn, I do recall it being said that in Amor Real, Matilda not being sure if she liked that wedding night. I was expecting some expression of ambivalence in this show too, a least some little tidbit, but they just left it open.

I've already said (in a previous recap's comments) that I am using mental gymnastics and am hoping/assuming that Montserrat "submitted" to Ale, not cheerfully, but nonetheless.

Now, assuming that this isn't just a matter of crappy writing or a cultural thing (where marital rape is not treated as seriously as we would like), then it seems to me that she shouldn't be as "jealous" of Maria (and she is!) if Ale was literally her rapist. I too think she is warming to Ale or is not as indifferent to him as she wants to make everyone think.

I'm thinking more and more that whatever happened that night of the boda, that maybe Montserrat responded in some way, or that, like with Matilda, she's "not sure" if it was that bad after all.

I also think that, like with LQNPA, when Ana Paula was torn between Goostavito and Rohell, that her heart was with Rohell much earlier than she'd like to admit. But since Goose was her "first love," she felt like it would make her a bad person to not go with him. I wonder if this is what's going on with Montserrat as well. She was IN WUV with Mr. Sweaty, he was her dream boat, but now things are different. She can't quite let go of Mr. Sweaty yet, but things are no longer so cut and dried as they once were. Ale is in a far better position with her than he really knows.

Elvira, Matilde was a virgin , but Mony had already had sex with JL so she knew que love que..what the what was.She knew what was going to happen. Matilde and Alfonso shared a chaste love and never had sex, so the noche de Amor was a big surprise for her , and Manuel must have been doing something ...I am not sure what..l for her to question whether or not she liked it.

OK, this leads to the issue of satisfaction. Did our heroine achieve it with either of these guys? It usually doesn't happen the first time or two. And all she's had so far are two first times.

I'd really rather not debate the issue of marital rape but that was the trap the writers fell into in attempting to update this story. Having Monserrat get it on with JL first was appropriate. It would be more appropriate if Alejandro has the better moves (and possibly the better equipment). I would not think it right for him to have expected Monserrat to still be a virgin at 19 in 2013.

Susanlynn, maybe there will be a "Silvano" but he hasn't shown up yet. Didn't Silvano appear some way into Amor Real? Maybe the Silvano character will be the guy Dominga was mooning over (photograph) when Juvie attacked her. No spoiler, I just assume this character (Dominga's dude) will make an appearance.

Sylvia..Good point. This version has changed certain aspects of this story. I think in AR, the aunt was the mother'so sister, but in this version she is the fathers sister. Also, in AR, the overseer was the housekeeper's father, but he was not the brother of the bad hacienda worker.

I am still confused about why Pedro is so hot to get JL and Fugio.

I do not think Manuel was raised by his grandfather. Didn't he grow up on the hacienda with padre as the only adult who cared for him ? I remember that his father had him whipped for wanting to learn to read and write.

It is fun to see how some things are the same and others are differently

My first time commenting but I'm a long time lurker. I've always enjoying reading everyone's funny recaps on the shows even if I don't even watch them.

Yola, I don't think they are trying to make Jose Luis look bad so we would like/side with Alejandro. So far he's getting the more sympathy writing. Thrown/frame for a crime he didn't commit, have the love of his life force to marry someone else etc. We should feel bad for him but from what I seen/read in lot of places and including me I don't feel bad for him. The reason is because the actor is not very good. He's not making me feel for him at all and I don't see any chem with him and Angelique. I enjoy the majority of the people on this show except him. He's really the weak link.

Alejandro might be acting like a jerk, controlling ass etc but I still feel for him and like him because I think Sebastian is just a better actor. Also he & Angelique have smoking chem together whether they are being flirty or fighting.

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This comment has been removed by the author.

Third times a charm, I hope.

GG23: Welcome!!

I don't like JL because he seems a little desperate. He's keeps losing it. The avances were especially scary.

Susanlynn: I'm also wondering why Pedro wants them so badly unless he thinks they were guilty of murdering Bruno and that they are a bad lot and would work well with his gang.

Nanette, you are right. Pedro wants JL and Refugio because he thinks they are bona fide bad guys who would be handy additions to his gang.

If Pedro is smuggling anything who would know better how to do it than a Navy man on a coastline?

Who knows what Montse was thinking after having sex with JL, then Ale. She says she loves JL, so it was probably very emotional for her, plus it was her first time. On the other hand, with Ale, it was mostly all physical, with no emotion, but maybe deep down part of her liked it too.

Question is whether or not she will have sex again with JL at the hacienda. If she rejects JL is it because she is afraid of getting caught, or because she liked it better with Ale.

Like UA said: "It would be more appropriate if Alejandro has the better moves (and possibly the better equipment).

To quote Nanette: "Third times a charm. I hope."

**Interesting topic of conversation ladies!

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Julia, this was a great recap, loved the comment about the torn picture, and many other's; very enjoyable reading.
UA; so ITA about Josefina. She is really, well, cool, not a reject, and deserves a makeover. I am wondering what this character was like in earlier versions.
I am guessing that the Carlotta character walked around in a bustle and waving a fan constantly.
Still, am enjoying it, and the excellent recaps.

Urban Anthropologist, thanks for the response and information on the meddling mothers. I'm fairly new to novelas, so I appreciate all the insight you and the others provide. It greatly enhances my viewing pleasure - along with the shirtless scenes.

Sorry for the delay in my response, the holidays have me behind in almost everything. I look forward to the weekend feature.
Marea Primavera

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